I installed Sabsa Prime V15.0 on my Inspire 4G/Desire HD phone. I can set menus to Persian language, but there is no Persian keyboard. Please help
Where can i find russian language for miui keyboard?
I have HTC Desire HD with Android Revolution ROM. I have installed there Minimalistic fonts for Android Revolution HD - http://tinyurl.com/6h96xem
But after install i have got this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=699522&stc=1&d=1314226007 Only latin letter have become to the installed font. What can i do with cyrillic letters?
Nobody can help me?
Ive got a custom ROM for my XPERIA ARC that it name is : "Xperia Ice Cream Pureness", but it doesn't have Farsi Keyboard(It support Farsi, but there's no Farsi Language in Keyboard) for type, what I suppose to do guys?
Please Help!!!!!
How can i install Hebrew support for my custom rom (CM10.1) on HTC sensation XL??
Does anyone have Hebrew HTC Sense 4 , 4.X Keyboard ?