emu-ex-plus-alpha emulators cause KatKernel-based TF101 to reboot - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am having a very irritating issue with my TF101. I can't run any of the emu.ex.plus.alpha suite of emulators on any OS based on the KatKernel—attempting to open the emulators simply causes the device to reboot.
The emulators worked on stock, they worked on the last official version of CyanogenMod for the TF101, but they will not work on KatKiss, Omni, or any other OS based on KatKernel.

Sorry to double-post
Found a potential lead in an lc dump:
09-08 10:18:07.025 I/ActivityManager( 416): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.explusalpha.Snes9xPlus/com.imagine.BaseActivity bnds=[798,85][956,193]} from pid 634
09-08 10:18:07.034 D/PermissionCache( 107): checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (149 us)
09-08 10:18:07.065 W/BroadcastQueue( 416): Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.search.core.summons.icing.InternalIcingCorporaProvider$ApplicationLaunchReceiver requires com.android.launcher3.permission.RECEIVE_LAUNCH_BROADCASTS due to sender com.android.launcher3 (uid 10008)
09-08 10:18:07.135 I/ActivityManager( 416): Start proc com.explusalpha.Snes9xPlus for activity com.explusalpha.Snes9xPlus/com.imagine.BaseActivity: pid=1420 uid=10063 gids={50063, 1028, 1015, 1023, 3002, 3001}
09-08 10:18:07.185 I/qtaguid ( 1101): Failed write_ctrl(u 59) res=-1 errno=22
09-08 10:18:07.185 I/qtaguid ( 1101): Untagging socket 59 failed errno=-22
09-08 10:18:07.185 W/NetworkManagementSocketTagger( 1101): untagSocket(59) failed with errno -22
09-08 10:18:07.225 E/cutils ( 104): Failed to mkdirat(/storage/sdcard2/Android): Read-only file system
09-08 10:18:07.225 W/ContextI
It is at this point that the device reboots.


/data mounted as Read Only at boot

My Nexus S goes on bootloop because he can't write on /data, that results to be mounted as read-only.
This problem remains for each rom I tried to flash (I tried MIUI, AOKP, Cm9, Cm10, JB OTA from CWM)
On recovery the partition is writable and works fine
Hope you can help me, thanks.
"mount" output from Recovery with everything mounted:
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock4 on /cache type yaffs2 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/userdata on /data type ext4 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system on /system type ext4 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/media on /sdcard type vfat (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=cp437,ioch****t=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
"mount" output from Rom:
rootfs / rootfs ro,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,mode=600 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
none /acct cgroup rw,relatime,cpuacct 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/obb tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
none /dev/cpuctl cgroup rw,relatime,cpu 0 0
/dev/block/mtdblock4 /cache yaffs2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/block/mtdblock6 /efs yaffs2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=0,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/userdata /data ext4 ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=0,nomblk_io_submit,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/DEBUG ( 77): debuggerd: May 14 2012 19:13:44
E/installd( 84): Could not create directories; exiting.
E/keystore( 85): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 73): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
I/Netd ( 76): Netd 1.0 starting
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
I/ ( 81): ServiceManager: 0x1307910
D/AndroidRuntime( 80):
D/AndroidRuntime( 80): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 80): CheckJNI is OFF
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core.jar'
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core-junit.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core-junit.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/ext.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/framework.jar'
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/android.policy.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/services.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/apache-xml.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/apache-xml.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/filterfw.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): No valid entries found in bootclasspath '/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): VM aborting
F/libc ( 80): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1)
I/ ( 82): ServiceManager: 0x2eb958
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 82): setMode(NORMAL)
I/CameraService( 82): CameraService started (pid=82)
I/AudioFlinger( 82): AudioFlinger's thread 0x2ec958 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 82): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
D/AudioHardware( 82): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=2
D/AudioHardware( 82): ### setVoiceVolume_l
I/AudioPolicyService( 82): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): EGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): # of configs : 30
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): vendor : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): Client API: OpenGL ES
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): OpenGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): vendor : Imagination Technologies
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): renderer : PowerVR SGX 540
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): version : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): extensions: GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_egl_sync GL_IMG_vertex_array_object
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 2048 x 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): flags = 00010000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[0] 4da5a000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[1] 4dbd1000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[2] 4dd48000
D/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**):: success
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Netd ( 186): Netd 1.0 starting
I/ServiceManager( 164): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ ( 185): ServiceManager: 0x1d958
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 185): setMode(NORMAL)
I/CameraService( 185): CameraService started (pid=185)
I/AudioFlinger( 185): AudioFlinger's thread 0x1e958 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 185): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
D/AudioHardware( 185): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=2
D/AudioHardware( 185): ### setVoiceVolume_l
I/AudioPolicyService( 185): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
W/AudioFlinger( 185): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
I/AwesomePlayer( 185): setDataSource_l('/system/media/boot_audio.mp3')
E/MediaPlayer( 164): error (1, -2147483648)
E/MediaPlayer( 164): start called in state 0
E/installd( 703): Could not create directories; exiting.
E/keystore( 704): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
D/AndroidRuntime( 702):
D/AndroidRuntime( 702): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 702): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core-junit.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core-junit.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/ext.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/framework.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/android.policy.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/services.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/apache-xml.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/apache-xml.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/filterfw.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): No valid entries found in bootclasspath '/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): VM aborting
I've tried to restore my phone to stock through fastboot.
Result: Phone not booting and from CWM I am getting "Unable to mount system (invalid argument)"
M4iden_Rul3z said:
My Nexus S goes on bootloop because he can't write on /data, that results to be mounted as read-only.
This problem remains for each rom I tried to flash (I tried MIUI, AOKP, Cm9, Cm10, JB OTA from CWM)
On recovery the partition is writable and works fine
Hope you can help me, thanks.
"mount" output from Recovery with everything mounted:
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock4 on /cache type yaffs2 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/userdata on /data type ext4 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system on /system type ext4 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/media on /sdcard type vfat (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=cp437,ioch****t=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
"mount" output from Rom:
rootfs / rootfs ro,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,mode=600 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
none /acct cgroup rw,relatime,cpuacct 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/obb tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
none /dev/cpuctl cgroup rw,relatime,cpu 0 0
/dev/block/mtdblock4 /cache yaffs2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/block/mtdblock6 /efs yaffs2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime 0 0
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=0,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
/dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/userdata /data ext4 ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=0,nomblk_io_submit,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
I/DEBUG ( 77): debuggerd: May 14 2012 19:13:44
E/installd( 84): Could not create directories; exiting.
E/keystore( 85): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/Vold ( 73): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
I/Netd ( 76): Netd 1.0 starting
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 2, PARTN 2
D/DirectVolume( 73): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 3, PARTN 3
D/Vold ( 73): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
W/Vold ( 73): Duplicate state (1)
I/ ( 81): ServiceManager: 0x1307910
D/AndroidRuntime( 80):
D/AndroidRuntime( 80): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 80): CheckJNI is OFF
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core.jar'
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core-junit.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core-junit.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/ext.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/framework.jar'
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/android.policy.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/services.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/apache-xml.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/apache-xml.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/filterfw.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 80): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): No valid entries found in bootclasspath '/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 80): VM aborting
F/libc ( 80): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1)
I/ ( 82): ServiceManager: 0x2eb958
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 79): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 82): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 82): setMode(NORMAL)
I/CameraService( 82): CameraService started (pid=82)
I/AudioFlinger( 82): AudioFlinger's thread 0x2ec958 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 82): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
D/AudioHardware( 82): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=2
D/AudioHardware( 82): ### setVoiceVolume_l
I/AudioPolicyService( 82): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): EGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): # of configs : 30
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): vendor : Android
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): Client API: OpenGL ES
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): OpenGL informations:
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): vendor : Imagination Technologies
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): renderer : PowerVR SGX 540
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): version : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): extensions: GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_egl_sync GL_IMG_vertex_array_object
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 2048 x 2048
I/SurfaceFlinger( 79): flags = 00010000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[0] 4da5a000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[1] 4dbd1000
I/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**)::win-0 add[2] 4dd48000
D/hwcomposer( 79): int hwc_device_open(const hw_module_t*, const char*, hw_device_t**):: success
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL ( 164): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 72): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Netd ( 186): Netd 1.0 starting
I/ServiceManager( 164): Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
I/ ( 185): ServiceManager: 0x1d958
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 185): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 185): setMode(NORMAL)
I/CameraService( 185): CameraService started (pid=185)
I/AudioFlinger( 185): AudioFlinger's thread 0x1e958 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 185): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
D/AudioHardware( 185): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=2
D/AudioHardware( 185): ### setVoiceVolume_l
I/AudioPolicyService( 185): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
W/AudioFlinger( 185): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service
I/AwesomePlayer( 185): setDataSource_l('/system/media/boot_audio.mp3')
E/MediaPlayer( 164): error (1, -2147483648)
E/MediaPlayer( 164): start called in state 0
E/installd( 703): Could not create directories; exiting.
E/keystore( 704): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
D/AndroidRuntime( 702):
D/AndroidRuntime( 702): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 702): CheckJNI is OFF
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/core-junit.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/core-junit.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/bouncycastle.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/ext.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/framework.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/android.policy.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/services.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/apache-xml.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/apache-xml.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): Could not stat dex cache directory '/data/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
I/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to open or create cache for /system/framework/filterfw.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm( 702): Unable to process classpath element '/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): No valid entries found in bootclasspath '/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar'
E/dalvikvm( 702): VM aborting
I've tried to restore my phone to stock through fastboot.
Result: Phone not booting and from CWM I am getting "Unable to mount system (invalid argument)"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Recently this happened to Many users... to myself was it that /sdcard/ or internal storage didn't mount. i think its the same issue...
After all my device ended getting bricked by force since it made me so mad, there ain't a way to fix this as i tried, yet i wish You luck finding a solution!
same problem
Sorry for bumping an old thread but recently I have been experiencing the same problem on my SGS2, after some time after startup, the data partition gets mounted as ro and I am forced to reboot.
I am running CM9 stable for SGS2
Has anyone found a fix for this? This is really crucial.
I believe this may have to do with the linux kernel as someone on the ubuntu forums mentions this happens similarly on his desktop computer and formatting the partition seems to fix it.

"Unfortunately, Terminal Emulator has stopped." -- Missing library?

It's been a while since I've used Terminal Emulator on the phone, but this is a new failure for me. As far as I know, I'm still running the same CM9 build from months ago and shouldn't have changed much. As best as I can tell it is an unsatisfied library linkage.
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load jackpal-androidterm4: findLibrary returned null
but no indications as to what might be missing. I've re-installed a fresh APK from both Market/Play, as well as deleting and side-loading from the source distribution site, without much change in behavior. APK is installed in /system/app/ and is ODEX-ed when installed by Market/Play over the original. Installing from Market/Play or side-loading as a user app
Has anyone else run into this?
More logcat:
I/ActivityManager( 224): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=jackpal.androidterm/.Term bnds=[240,170][360,302]} from pid 14011
I/ActivityManager( 224): Start proc jackpal.androidterm for activity jackpal.androidterm/.Term: pid=20860 uid=10081 gids={3003, 1015}
I/dalvikvm(20860): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 11...
E/Term (20860): onCreate
D/OpenGLRenderer(14011): Flushing caches (mode 1)
D/Term (20860): TermService started
I/TermService(20860): Activity called onBind()
I/Term (20860): Bound to TermService
I/TermService(20860): Activity binding to service
W/dalvikvm(20860): Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Ljackpal/androidterm/Exec;
D/AndroidRuntime(20860): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(20860): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a2b1f8)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.ShellTermSession.createSubprocess(ShellTermSession.java:198)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.ShellTermSession.initializeSession(ShellTermSession.java:135)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.ShellTermSession.<init>(ShellTermSession.java:88)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Term.createTermSession(Term.java:430)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Term.createTermSession(Term.java:439)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Term.populateViewFlipper(Term.java:352)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Term.access$400(Term.java:78)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Term$2.onServiceConnected(Term.java:148)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(LoadedApk.java:1068)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1085)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:605)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4575)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:789)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:556)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load jackpal-androidterm4: findLibrary returned null
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(Runtime.java:365)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:535)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): at jackpal.androidterm.Exec.<clinit>(Exec.java:33)
E/AndroidRuntime(20860): ... 19 more
W/ActivityManager( 224): Force finishing activity jackpal.androidterm/.Term

[Q] Debugging userland reboots

I've been running Cyanogenmod 10.2 on my 2012 Nexus 7, and I've been having trouble with random reboots every few days. I have no idea if this is hardware, ROM, or app related, and debugging it has been tough because it seems to only happen when I'm not actively using the tablet.
I installed RebootLogger along with catlog, and luckily it captured something during a reboot. What's interesting is that it's not a full reboot to the bootloader, but just seems to reload the UI / app layers. So far, these are the only logs I've been able to capture. I've got more, but I think this is the relevant subset:
02-27 15:18:44.060 I/ActivityManager(20034): Process com.levelup.touiteur (pid 2793) has died.
02-27 15:18:44.150 I/ActivityManager(20034): Process com.google.android.partnersetup (pid 1768) has died.
02-27 15:18:59.514 I/ActivityManager(20034): Process com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search (pid 1750) has died.
02-27 15:19:45.146 I/ActivityManager(20034): Start proc com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search for broadcast com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.sidekick.main.calendar.CalendarIntentService$CalendarReceiver: pid=3429 uid=10037 gids={50037, 3003, 1028, 3002, 1015}
02-27 15:19:46.146 I/ActivityManager(20034): Start proc com.google.android.partnersetup for content provider com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzAppProvider: pid=3446 uid=10058 gids={50058, 3003, 1028}
02-27 15:22:28.584 W/Watchdog(20034): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): java.lang.NullPointerException
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at android.app.ActivityThread.attach(ActivityThread.java:5156)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5276)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:525)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:739)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:555)
02-27 15:22:28.984 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): Error reporting crash
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): java.lang.NullPointerException
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(RuntimeInit.java:76)
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:693)
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGroup.java:690)
02-27 15:22:29.024 E/AndroidRuntime(3489): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
02-27 15:22:29.054 E/ActivityThread(3429): Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar
02-27 15:22:29.054 E/ActivityThread(3429): Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar
02-27 15:22:31.834 W/dalvikvm(3526): PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed. Is your kernel compiled correctly?: Invalid argument
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/SystemServer(3740): Entered the Android system server!
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/SystemServer(3740): Waiting for installd to be ready.
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/SystemServer(3740): Enabled StrictMode logging for UI Looper
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/SystemServer(3740): Enabled StrictMode logging for WM Looper
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/Installer(3740): connecting...
02-27 15:22:34.384 I/SystemServer(3740): Power Manager
So far, my best guess is that it might be an app or service causing the crash, but that the actual bug might be in the ROM since I would assume that logging "null" as the failed process is not correct. To end this with some actual questions:
Are there any other, better methods for debugging this? Since it only happens every few days leaving it wired up isn't really an option.
Anything I'm missing in the above that points to where I should start looking next?
Is there a way I can get it to wait for a debugger on the exception, even if I'm unplugged at the moment? Just some way so I can inspect the system at the moment of the exception without constantly being on USB.
hi deviantintegral, did you ever get an answer to this? I'm having similar problems with my GS4. I had official rom on it and had random restarts which only seemed to occur when I wasn't looking at the phone (about 1 a day). I'm now using the latest CM and it still reboots. I too am wondering if there is some method to debug to a log which would indicate if it was an app or hardware that cause a reboot.
Sniipe said:
hi deviantintegral, did you ever get an answer to this? I'm having similar problems with my GS4.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not really. I did manage to get logs during a crash, but the exception was very generic and didn't indicate anything specific. I've since upgraded to CM11 and haven't noticed any more reboots.

[Q] "Data usage" not working

Whenever i tap on "Settings"->"Data usage" I get "Unfortunately, Settings has stopped" message and Settings closes. Apparently I'm not only unable to view data, but also unable to switch mobile data. Apps from Market, like Data Monitor or My Data Manager works fine. Already tried to clear cache, clear dalvik cache, delete /data/system/usagestats/*, reflash - from early nigtlies of CM11 to M12 same bug present.
Motorola Photon Q, CyanogenMod 11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-moto_msm8960_jbbl
04-05 22:55:23.927 V/Zygote (4826): Switching descriptor 70 to /dev/null
04-05 22:55:23.927 V/Zygote (4826): Switching descriptor 10 to /dev/null
04-05 22:55:23.937 I/ActivityManager(849): Start proc com.android.settings for activity com.android.settings/.Settings: pid=4826 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1028, 1015, 1023, 3002, 3001, 3003}
04-05 22:55:24.067 D/ActivityThread(4826): handleBindApplication:com.android.settings
04-05 22:55:24.067 D/ActivityThread(4826): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
04-05 22:55:24.067 D/ActivityThread(4826): setTargetHeapMinFree:2097152
04-05 22:55:24.157 I/dalvikvm(4826): DexOpt: illegal method access (call Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.<init> (Landroid/content/res/Resources;[I[II)V from Landroid/content/res/XResources$XTypedArray;)
04-05 22:55:24.157 I/dalvikvm(4826): Could not find method android.content.res.TypedArray.<init>, referenced from method android.content.res.XResources$XTypedArray.<init>
04-05 22:55:24.157 W/dalvikvm(4826): VFY: unable to resolve direct method 82: Landroid/content/res/TypedArray;.<init> (Landroid/content/res/Resources;[I[II)V
04-05 22:55:24.157 D/dalvikvm(4826): VFY: replacing opcode 0x70 at 0x0002
04-05 22:55:24.487 D/BluetoothAdapter(4826): 1110093784: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
04-05 22:55:24.497 W/ContextImpl(4826): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1607 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.doBind:256 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:249 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1375
04-05 22:55:24.497 W/ContextImpl(4826): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1607 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:148 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1378
04-05 22:55:24.507 D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(4826): Adding local MAP profile
04-05 22:55:24.507 D/BluetoothMap(4826): Create BluetoothMap proxy object
04-05 22:55:24.507 W/ContextImpl(4826): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1607 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.doBind:109 android.bluetooth.BluetoothMap.<init>:102 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1390
04-05 22:55:24.517 D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(4826): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
04-05 22:55:24.517 W/ContextImpl(4826): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1607 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.doBind:164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:157 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68
04-05 22:55:24.527 D/BluetoothAdapter(4826): 1110093784: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
04-05 22:55:24.527 D/BluetoothAdapter(4826): 1110093784: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. (CL3374520)
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): Build Date: 08/02/13 Fri
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): Local Branch:
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): Remote Branch: quic/jb_2.5.2
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): Local Patches: NONE
04-05 22:55:24.928 I/Adreno200-EGL(4826): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. + 109d3c2 + 0f798a2 + NOTHING
04-05 22:55:24.968 D/OpenGLRenderer(4826): Enabling debug mode 0
04-05 22:55:25.048 D/BluetoothAdapter(4826): 1110093784: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
04-05 22:55:25.108 W/ContextImpl(4826): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1543 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 com.android.settings.search.SettingsSearchFilterAdapter.<init>:159 com.android.settings.Settings.onCreateOptionsMenu:289 android.app.Activity.onCreatePanelMenu:2538
04-05 22:55:25.238 I/Timeline(4826): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:305467
04-05 22:55:26.359 I/Timeline(4826): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.android.settings time:306587
04-05 22:55:26.359 I/ActivityManager(849): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 4826
04-05 22:55:26.459 D/SubSettings(4826): Launching fragment com.android.settings.DataUsageSummary
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/JavaBinder(4826): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
04-05 22:55:26.770 D/AndroidRuntime(4826): Shutting down VM
04-05 22:55:26.770 W/dalvikvm(4826): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x418a2ce0)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): Process: com.android.settings, PID: 4826
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings}: java.lang.NullPointerException
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2212)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2271)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:144)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1205)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5146)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:732)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:566)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main(XposedBridge.java:132)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at com.android.settings.net.NetworkPolicyEditor.read(NetworkPolicyEditor.java:70)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at com.android.settings.DataUsageSummary.onCreate(DataUsageSummary.java:287)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.Fragment.performCreate(Fragment.java:1678)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:859)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1062)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.BackStackRecord.run(BackStackRecord.java:684)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:1447)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.Activity.performStart(Activity.java:5240)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2178)
04-05 22:55:26.770 E/AndroidRuntime(4826): ... 12 more
04-05 22:55:28.542 I/Process (4826): Sending signal. PID: 4826 SIG: 9
04-05 22:55:28.562 I/ActivityManager(849): Process com.android.settings (pid 4826) has died.
Any suggestions please?

[HELP NEEDED] - wrong permissions set on com.android.vending

My App Store is crashing for a few days. Did an update, after that there is no way I can start my App Store. Did a security update (just a coincidence it came the same day), did the clean cache, revert and stuff blablabla...
Decided to dig into it myself and logcat shows some funny stuff:
07-03 09:36:28.781 2204 25544 I BroadcastQueue: am_broadcast_finished: [background,1,Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (has extras) }]
07-03 09:36:28.801 2204 3566 I BroadcastQueue: am_broadcast_finished: [background,1,Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.action.LAUNCH flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms (has extras) }]
07-03 09:36:28.822 9045 9045 I art : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
07-03 09:36:28.825 9045 9045 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Phonesky/lib/arm64
07-03 09:36:28.833 9045 9045 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package alias:dummy.dummy
07-03 09:36:28.846 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Read crash info cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.847 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Cleanup cache cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.847 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Failed to delete file: /data/user/0/com.android.vending/cache/cache_and_sync_images cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.847 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Failed to delete file: /data/user/0/com.android.vending/cache/hipri cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.847 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Cleanup data stores cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.848 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Cleanup restore data store cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.848 9045 9045 W Finsky.CrashDetector: Cleanup installer data store cnt=7 ts=1499066092355 cause=NullPointerException.
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: PackageInstallerImpl
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.vending, PID: 9045
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.app.AppOpsManager.checkPackage(int, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1698)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1641)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.pm.IPackageInstaller$Stub$Proxy.getMySessions(IPackageInstaller.java:385)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.pm.PackageInstaller.getMySessions(PackageInstaller.java:406)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.finsky.installer.am.run(SourceFile:102)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:241)
07-03 09:36:28.901 9045 9073 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
07-03 09:36:28.901 2204 25543 D ActivityManager: New dropbox entry: com.android.vending, system_app_crash, 530d052a-fae7-42a9-8de9-68f990e4ada1
07-03 09:36:28.902 2204 25543 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.android.vending/.AssetBrowserActivity
07-03 09:36:28.904 2204 25543 I InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: Window{c145681 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.launcher.GEL}
07-03 09:36:28.906 2204 3589 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected] attribute=null, token = [email protected]
07-03 09:36:28.907 2204 25543 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
07-03 09:36:28.909 9045 9045 I Finsky : [1] com.google.android.finsky.dailyhygiene.DailyHygiene.a(323): No need to run daily hygiene.
07-03 09:36:28.912 691 691 D clmlib : Got activities:0x00000008
07-03 09:36:28.912 691 691 I JavaDumper:JavaDumperThread: addEvent: [email protected] processName: com.android.vending
07-03 09:36:28.912 2204 2204 I BroadcastQueue: am_broadcast_enqueue: [background,1,Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) },3]
07-03 09:36:28.913 691 817 I JavaDumper:JavaDumperThread: Event: [email protected] TimeStamp: 1499067388
Instead of googling the crash stack trace I noticed the Failed to delete file thing. And because I know this has been an issue before, I just checked on other phone. I do not have two equal phones so... Maybe this is just a thing that changed between L and N, but maybe someone has a clue how to fix these permissions on a nonrooted device?
Because on a working phone the /data/user/0/com.android.vending is accessible:
1|[email protected]:/data/user/0 $ ls -ld com.android.vending
drwxr-x--x u0_a101 u0_a101 2017-06-28 10:14 com.android.vending
And on the not working phone the same directory is not accessible.
1|E6653:/data/user/0 $ ls -ld com.android.vending
drwx------ 11 u0_a62 u0_a62 4096 2017-07-01 20:20 com.android.vending
Please someone with not rooted phone can confirm how are the permission on this directory set up?
Device: Sony E6653 (xperia Z5), Android 7.1.1 (a.k.a. N) build number 32.4.A.0.160, security patch june 1. 2017. Not rooted, stock.
Okay, so as far as I understand this, reverting an app to default state (that is disabling a system app, like google play store) does not reset its folder permission, just replaces the content. The only way to fix permissions seems to be the factory reset which will reformat the whole system partition (more or less...). Unless I find a way how to temporary gain root to my phone I will go the long way, which is a factory reset.

