Xiaomi firmware has multiple backdoors - Security Discussion

So I've basically got myself in this sh*t because lack of care.. Until it pop'd and hit the highlights.
And now straight to the point. It doesn't f*ckin matters if you had a fw or not. As the backdoors are embedded in ROOT system processes.
And those where obviously white-listed as i didn't think of a nasty Chinese guy sitting in it calling back home. My friend who got the same phone found the article as i was having my vacation for a bit, so when i found out i did a bit a research of course on my device. After finding all this i e-mail'd him it and he posted it on the Xiaomi European forums. Guess what happened, it got deleted. So they know damn good what they're doing.
When you purchase Xiaomi products or services, we’ll collect relevant personal information, including but not limited: delivery information, bank account, credit card information, bill address, credit check and other financial information, contact or communication records.
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OP said:
XMPP connection (always connected when network available)
hostname: ec2-54-255-185-236.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
(Seems not to have a domain) The IP address was also not found in any system modules in plain or unicode text. Assuming it is encoded / encrypted somewhere in a native application, system module, or not in a native app but in a dalvik compiled image.
Other connections
Hostname: ec2-54-254-212-222.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
www . miui.cn
www . miui.com
www . inewsgr.com
(Seems to be a adsl connection with no domain)
Hostname: out68-93.mxzwb3.hichina.com
Music app(?) connects to:
2012-12-01 lrc.aspxp.net
2012-12-01 lrc.feiyes.net
2012-12-01 w.w.w.616hk.com
2012-12-01 w.w.w.hk238.com
2012-12-01 w.w.w.lrc123.com
2013-11-27 tinglog.baidu.com
1/53 2014-07-02 12:51:01 hxxp://tinglog.baidu.com
Latest detected files that communicate with this IP address
Latest files submitted to VirusTotal that are detected by one or more antivirus solutions and communicate with the IP address provided when executed in a sandboxed environment.
3/43 2014-07-08 07:39:24 facb146de47229b56bdc4481ce22fb5ec9e702dfbd7e70e82e4e4316ac1e7cbd
47/51 2014-04-28 09:25:27 091457f59fc87f5ca230c6d955407303fb5f5ba364508401a7564fb32d9a24fa
24/47 2014-01-08 08:19:43 3cf0a98570e522af692cb5f19b43085c706aa7d2f63d05469b6ac8db5c20cdcd
21/48 2013-12-02 15:15:45 7e34cb88fc82b69322f7935157922cdb17cb6c69d868a889468e297257ee9072
19/48 2013-12-01 20:02:32 bce4bd44d3373b2670a7d68e058c7ce0fa510912275d452d363777f640aa4c70
Latest URLs hosted in this IP address detected by at least one URL scanner or malicious URL dataset.
1/53 2014-07-02 12:47:57 hxxp://dev.baidu.com/
Android-system ANT HAL Service(Framework_ext.apk/jar) connect to:
VirusTotal's passive DNS only stores address records. The following domains resolved to the given IP address.
2014-04-28 app.migc.wali.com
2014-07-12 app.migc.xiaomi.com
2014-05-30 gamevip.wali.com
2014-05-30 log.wlimg.cn
2014-04-21 mitunes.game.xiaomi.com
2014-04-30 oss.wali.com
2014-05-17 p.tongji.wali.com
2014-07-13 policy.app.xiaomi.com
Latest detected URLs
Latest URLs hosted in this IP address detected by at least one URL scanner or malicious URL dataset.
1/58 2014-08-13 07:10:49 hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php
1/58 2014-08-10 00:46:35 hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com/
1/53 2014-07-02 12:49:59 hxxtp://oss.wali.com
Messages(Mms.apk) connect to (it literary calls back home)
2014-08-12 api.account.xiaomi.com
2014-07-26 w.w.w.asani.com.pk
What it does? It sends phone numbers you call to, send messages to, add etc to a Resin/4.0.13 java application running on a nginx webserver to collect data. Checkpackages, embedded system process/app posts all installed apps to a Tengine a/k/a nginx webserver cms.
URL: hxxtp://api.account.xiaomi.com:81/pass/v3
Server: sgpaws-ac-web01.mias
Software: Tengine/2.0.1 | Resin/4.0.13
URL: hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com:8080/cms/interface/v1/
Server: lg-g-com-ngx02.bj
Software: Tengine | Resin
Bottom line
They don't give a single damn about your data.. All sent in plain text.
For messages APK (Mms.apk)
I don't believe it needs those permissions for normal functionalities, this is only for the extra feature let's call it bug.
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Some code ... i also attached java classes and smali dalvik jvm bytecode..
#<externalId = outgoing callerid>#
package com.xiaomi.mms.net;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.net.Uri.Builder;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.xiaomi.mms.utils.EasyMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import miui.net.CloudManager;
public class b
public static final String qa = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_BASE;
public static final String qb = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_API_V2_BASE;
public static final String qc = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_API_V3_BASE;
public static final String qd = qa + "/serviceLogin";
public static final String qe = qc + "/[email protected]";
protected static String a(String paramString, Map paramMap)
if ((paramMap != null) && (!paramMap.isEmpty()))
Uri.Builder localBuilder = Uri.parse(paramString).buildUpon();
Iterator localIterator = paramMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (localIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry localEntry = (Map.Entry)localIterator.next();
localBuilder.appendQueryParameter((String)localEntry.getKey(), (String)localEntry.getValue());
paramString = localBuilder.build().toString();
return paramString;
public static c al(String paramString)
EasyMap localEasyMap = new EasyMap("type", "MXPH").a("externalId", paramString);
d locald = new d(a(qe, localEasyMap));
String str = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getDeviceId();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str))
locald.l("deviceId", str);
return locald;
public static Header a(Account paramAccount, ExtendedAuthToken paramExtendedAuthToken)
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
localStringBuilder.append("; userId=");
return new BasicHeader("Cookie", localStringBuilder.toString());
public void gT()
if (ai("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/version").getLong("data") == PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this.mContext).getLong("festival_message_version", 0L))
Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1];
arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(this.mScreenWidth);
a(ai(String.format("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/categories?width=%s", arrayOfObject)).getJSONArray("data"));
public void m(long paramLong)
Cursor localCursor = this.mq.rawQuery("SELECT MIN(message_id) FROM messages WHERE category_id=" + paramLong, null);
if (localCursor == null)
throw new FestivalUpdater.DatabaseContentException(null);
if (localCursor.moveToFirst())
long l = localCursor.getLong(0);
Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[3];
arrayOfObject[0] = Long.valueOf(paramLong);
arrayOfObject[1] = Long.valueOf(l);
arrayOfObject[2] = Integer.valueOf(pd);
a(ai(String.format("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/messages?cat=%s&marker=%s&count=%s", arrayOfObject)).getJSONObject("data").getJSONArray("entries"), paramLong);
package miui.util;
import android.content.Context;
import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
import android.util.Log;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
final class BaseNotificationFilterHelper$2
implements Runnable
BaseNotificationFilterHelper$2(Context paramContext)
public void run()
JSONObject localJSONObject1 = Network.doHttpPostWithResponseStatus(this.val$context, "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php", BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$000(this.val$context));
if ((localJSONObject1.has("RESPONSE_CODE")) && (localJSONObject1.getInt("RESPONSE_CODE") == 200))
JSONObject localJSONObject2 = new JSONObject(localJSONObject1.getString("RESPONSE_BODY"));
int i = localJSONObject2.getInt("errCode");
if (i == 200)
JSONArray localJSONArray = localJSONObject2.getJSONArray("packages");
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < localJSONArray.length(); j++)
localStringBuilder.append(" ");
Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", localStringBuilder.toString());
if (i == 202)
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "blacklist is empty ");
Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", "");
if (i == 201)
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "request param empty");
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "access network anomalies");
catch (Exception localException)
package miui.util;
import android.app.INotificationManager;
import android.app.INotificationManager.Stub;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
import android.provider.Settings.System;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import miui.os.Build;
import miui.provider.CloudAppControll;
import miui.provider.CloudAppControll.TAG;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class BaseNotificationFilterHelper
protected static final String APP_NOTIFICATION = "app_notification";
protected static final int CODE_REQUEST_PARAM_EMPTY = 201;
protected static final int CODE_RESPONSE_EMPTY = 202;
protected static final int CODE_SUCCESS = 200;
public static final int DEFAULT = 0;
public static final int DISABLE_ALL = 3;
public static final int DISABLE_ICON = 1;
public static final int ENABLE = 2;
protected static final String EXPANDED_BLACK_LIST_CODE = "errCode";
protected static final String EXPANDED_BLACK_LIST_PACKAGES = "packages";
public static final int NONE = 0;
protected static final String SYSTEMUI_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.systemui";
protected static final String TAG = "NotificationFilterHelper";
protected static final String URL = "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php";
private static HashSet<String> mBlacklist;
protected static INotificationManager nm;
protected static HashSet<String> sFilterList = new HashSet();
protected static HashMap<String, Integer> sFilterMap = new HashMap();
private static HashMap<String, Boolean> sIsSystemApp;
protected static HashMap<String, Integer> sUidMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 2; ; i = 1)
nm = INotificationManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("notification"));
mBlacklist = null;
sIsSystemApp = new HashMap();
protected static void enableStatusIcon(Context paramContext, String paramString, int paramInt)
getSharedPreferences(paramContext).edit().putInt(paramString, paramInt).commit();
public static void enableStatusIcon(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
if (paramBoolean);
for (int i = 2; ; i = 1)
enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, i);
public static String getAppNotificationText(Context paramContext, String paramString)
int i = 101450315;
switch (NotificationFilterHelper.getInstance().getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, true))
case 3:
case 1:
case 2:
while (true)
return paramContext.getResources().getString(i);
i = 101450314;
i = 101450315;
i = 101450313;
public static int getAppUid(Context paramContext, String paramString)
int i = 0;
if (sUidMap.containsKey(paramString))
return ((Integer)sUidMap.get(paramString)).intValue();
i = paramContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(paramString, 0).uid;
sUidMap.put(paramString, Integer.valueOf(i));
return i;
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException)
return i;
protected static int getDefaultFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString)
if (sFilterList.contains(paramString))
return 2;
return 0;
protected static int getGameCenterFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString)
if (mBlacklist.contains(paramString))
return 3;
return 0;
private static String getInstalledAppsJson(Context paramContext)
JSONObject localJSONObject = new JSONObject();
JSONArray localJSONArray = new JSONArray();
Iterator localIterator = paramContext.getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0).iterator();
while (localIterator.hasNext())
PackageInfo localPackageInfo = (PackageInfo)localIterator.next();
if ((0x1 & localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.flags) == 0)
localJSONArray.put(localPackageInfo.packageName + "/" + localPackageInfo.versionCode);
localJSONObject.put("packages", localJSONArray);
return localJSONObject.toString();
catch (JSONException localJSONException)
return "";
protected static int getNetDefaultFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString)
if (sFilterMap.containsKey(paramString))
return ((Integer)sFilterMap.get(paramString)).intValue();
return loadAppNetFlagByPkg(paramContext, paramString);
public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(Context paramContext)
if (!paramContext.getPackageName().equals("com.android.systemui"));
Context localContext = paramContext.createPackageContext("com.android.systemui", 2);
paramContext = localContext;
return paramContext.getSharedPreferences("app_notification", 4);
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException)
while (true)
protected static void initFilterList(Context paramContext)
if (sFilterList.size() == 0)
String str = Settings.System.getString(paramContext.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_notification_filter_white_list");
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str))
String[] arrayOfString = str.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString.length; i++)
public static boolean isNotificationForcedFor(Context paramContext, String paramString)
int i = getAppUid(paramContext, paramString);
return ("android".equals(paramString)) || (i == 1000) || (i == 1001) || (i == 0);
public static boolean isSystemApp(String paramString, PackageManager paramPackageManager)
Boolean localBoolean = (Boolean)sIsSystemApp.get(paramString);
if (localBoolean == null);
ApplicationInfo localApplicationInfo2 = paramPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(paramString, 0);
localApplicationInfo1 = localApplicationInfo2;
boolean bool = false;
if (localApplicationInfo1 != null)
int i = 0x1 & localApplicationInfo1.flags;
bool = false;
if (i != 0)
bool = true;
localBoolean = Boolean.valueOf(bool);
sIsSystemApp.put(paramString, localBoolean);
return localBoolean.booleanValue();
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException)
while (true)
ApplicationInfo localApplicationInfo1 = null;
protected static boolean isUserSetttingInited(Context paramContext, String paramString)
int i = getSharedPreferences(paramContext).getInt(paramString, 0);
boolean bool = false;
if (i != 0)
bool = true;
return bool;
public static void loadAppNetFlag(Context paramContext)
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
Iterator localIterator = this.val$context.getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0).iterator();
while (localIterator.hasNext())
PackageInfo localPackageInfo = (PackageInfo)localIterator.next();
if ((0x1 & localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.flags) == 0)
String str = localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.packageName;
BaseNotificationFilterHelper.loadAppNetFlagByPkg(this.val$context, str);
public static int loadAppNetFlagByPkg(Context paramContext, String paramString)
int i = CloudAppControll.get(paramContext, CloudAppControll.TAG.TAG_NOTIFICATION_BLACKLIST, paramString);
if (i == -1)
return 0;
sFilterMap.put(paramString, Integer.valueOf(i));
return i;
public static void observeSettingChanged(ContentResolver paramContentResolver, ContentObserver paramContentObserver)
paramContentResolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor("status_bar_notification_filter_white_list"), false, paramContentObserver);
private static void readBlacklist(Context paramContext)
if (mBlacklist == null)
mBlacklist = new HashSet();
String str = Settings.Secure.getString(paramContext.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list");
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str))
String[] arrayOfString = str.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString.length; i++)
public static void requestBlacklist(Context paramContext)
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
JSONObject localJSONObject1 = Network.doHttpPostWithResponseStatus(this.val$context, "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php", BaseNotificationFilterHelper.getInstalledAppsJson(this.val$context));
if ((localJSONObject1.has("RESPONSE_CODE")) && (localJSONObject1.getInt("RESPONSE_CODE") == 200))
JSONObject localJSONObject2 = new JSONObject(localJSONObject1.getString("RESPONSE_BODY"));
int i = localJSONObject2.getInt("errCode");
if (i == 200)
JSONArray localJSONArray = localJSONObject2.getJSONArray("packages");
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < localJSONArray.length(); j++)
localStringBuilder.append(" ");
Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", localStringBuilder.toString());
if (i == 202)
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "blacklist is empty ");
Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", "");
if (i == 201)
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "request param empty");
Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "access network anomalies");
catch (Exception localException)
protected boolean areNotificationsEnabled(Context paramContext, String paramString)
return false;
public boolean canSendNotifications(Context paramContext, String paramString)
return getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, true) != 3;
public void enableAppNotification(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
public void enableNotifications(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
enableAppNotification(paramContext, paramString, paramBoolean);
public int getAppFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
if (paramBoolean);
for (boolean bool = areNotificationsEnabled(paramContext, paramString); bool; bool = true)
int i = getSharedPreferences(paramContext).getInt(paramString, 0);
if ((i == 0) && (isSystemApp(paramString, paramContext.getPackageManager())))
i = 2;
if (i == 0)
i = getNetDefaultFlag(paramContext, paramString);
if (i == 0)
i = getDefaultFlag(paramContext, paramString);
if (i == 0)
i = getGameCenterFlag(paramContext, paramString);
if (i == 0)
return i;
return 3;
public void initUserSetting(Context paramContext, String paramString)
if (!isUserSetttingInited(paramContext, paramString))
if (isSystemApp(paramString, paramContext.getPackageManager()))
enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, true);
int i = getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, false);
if (i == 3)
enableAppNotification(paramContext, paramString, false);
enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, false);
enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, i);

Removing the backdoors.
Root your device & install
- System app remover (ROOT)
- Root browser
- Android terminal emulator
- Droidwall
Remove apps using System app remover:
* AntHalService
* XiaomiServiceFramework
* Cleanmaster
* com.xiaomi.gamecenter.adk.service
* com.duokan.airkan.phone
Download XVI32 or use your favorite hex editor.
Copy framework_ext.odex from /system/framework/ to your sd card with root browser and then connect your phone to your pc and copy the file to you pc.
Open it in XVI32 or another hex editor and search for "http://" (without quotes) now replace all "http://www.example.com" or "http://example.com" with "http://localhost/leavealltheotherstuff.here.com" Don't removed lines or other stuff or it will f*ck up the dalvik bytecode.
Save the file as "framework_ext_.odex" and place it on your phone's internal memory.
Now open Root browser copy the patched file to /system/framework/ rename it to "framework_ext.odex" and overwrite the old system file with the patch (make sure you have a backup of your phone just in case!). Now open Terminal emulator on your phone and do the following,
now give the emulator root access
cd /system/framework
chmod 644 framework_ext.odex
chown root:root framework_ext.odex
ls -la framework_ext.odex
Verify this, if it looks fine
Now open Droidwall enable it and only select apps you trust, don't select any from Xiaomi. Even the music app sends data. So simply drop all of them.
No worries bro.
Get system.img for your version of miui and start the phone in fastboot (vol- + pwr)
@echo off
title Recovery
echo flashing system.img on device... please wait !
fastboot fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot
echo Done, rebooting
pause >nul
Use Droidwall to block ID 0(root system processes) and ID kernel. If you don't do this it will sent info about the apps you open to umeng.com.
Anyways that's it for so far. I hope this helps you.

That is seriously messed up and illegal in most European Countries! It seem that they are begging for a Class Action Lawsuit! Let them have it!
Thank you for your important and detailed work!
Perhaps @BSDgeek_Jake would consider to add all those servers to his MoaAB hosts file?

E:V:A said:
That is seriously messed up and illegal in most European Countries! It seem that they are begging for a Class Action Lawsuit! Let them have it!
Thank you for your important and detailed work!
Perhaps @BSDgeek_Jake would consider to add all those servers to his MoaAB hosts file?
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They deserve a lawsuit, not only for cloning Apple's iOS but also for the backdoors and crapware that connects to the internet and does stuff. Such a big company as this can't just walk away if nothing has ever happaned. They have sold over 14 million phones. 14 MILLION!
Host file doesn't work as the other spyware is in system processes that runs as ID0 simply ignores the host file somehow. I tested it several times and it just ignores the host file?
A rom update/fix has pop'd up.
It's MIUI v5 with nova in the pics you see (the rom appears to come just like stock but with no backdoor etc) thanks to whoever made it.

Can you give way to clean rom for Mi2S because applications are not the same as in your description

I have posted this and a link to this thread in the proper forums. Thanks for the info. I have also copied this thread link to google plus asking Hugo to explain it. Of course he never will but I wanted to give him a chance.

Wait so... this means XDA discovered that MIUI OS connects to the internet?
And you want to send Hugo a small fragment of mms app code with Cloud messaging - which is standard and optional MIUI feature?
Is that your proof? Congrats. Much ado about nothing...
GameSDKService? Of course because this is the stock chinese app with games (usually pirated), but the app is only in chinese original roms.
Every port, every multilang rom doesnt have those apps.
Also Duokan service provide online content to Music and Video apps. This is standard MIUI feature from beginning.
Please note that Global versions of the MIUI roms (so outside china mainland) doesnt have online features.
All stuff presented above IS not a proof!
If I were Hugo I would lough down this after reading.

Accidd said:
Wait so... this means XDA discovered that MIUI OS connects to the internet?
And you want to send Hugo a small fragment of mms app code with Cloud messaging - which is standard and optional MIUI feature?
Is that your proof? Congrats. Much ado about nothing...
GameSDKService? Of course because this is the stock chinese app with games (usually pirated), but the app is only in chinese original roms.
Every port, every multilang rom doesnt have those apps.
Also Duokan service provide online content to Music and Video apps. This is standard MIUI feature from beginning.
Please note that Global versions of the MIUI roms (so outside china mainland) doesnt have online features.
All stuff presented above IS not a proof!
If I were Hugo I would lough down this after reading.
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First off XDA didn't find it a user did. It was just posted and asked for clarification.
Second off after the last privacy issue this OEM had you can expect people to be Leary of them.
Third. If a OEM is going to blatantly disregard copyright laws as well as the gpl you have to understand why people will not trust them. They need to very transparent with things like this. Mainly if they plain to ever make a world wide release.

I agree. But also take into account that not every piece of code presented by some user containing words "online", "sync" or ip tracing to chinese server is already a backdoor as the op presented to us. Which without proof is just a normal accusations.
As I said. In global versions of MIUI most of online Xiaomi services are disabled.
Wysłane z MI4 W

Accidd said:
I agree. But also take into account that not every piece of code presented by some user containing words "online", "sync" or ip tracing to chinese server is already a backdoor as the op presented to us. Which without proof is just a normal accusations.
As I said. In global versions of MIUI most of online Xiaomi services are disabled.
Wysłane z MI4 W
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Are you are working for Xiaomi? Marketing maybe?

I'm working with MIUI roms for 4 years now. And also been using MI2, MI3, Redmi, MiPad and now MI4 devices.
I also translate MIUI to my own language and run Xiaomi.eu multilang project.
We do multilang roms there every week for many devices.
I do not have access to MIUI source code - as only xiaomi does that, but I'm digging in MIUI apps all the time.
Decoding, fixing MIUI bugs, recompile, build. Everything.
Take a look into this thread:
where I explained some facts.

Accidd said:
I'm working with MIUI roms for 4 years now. And also been using MI2, MI3, Redmi, MiPad and now MI4 devices.
I also translate MIUI to my own language and run Xiaomi.eu multilang project.
We do multilang roms there every week for many devices.
I do not have access to MIUI source code - as only xiaomi does that, but I'm digging in MIUI apps all the time.
Decoding, fixing MIUI bugs, recompile, build. Everything.
Take a look into this thread:
where I explained some facts.
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I can understand your point, and frankly, I have not a Xiaomi phone, but I am using a MIUI Rom on my Lenovo. I love the rom, quick, smooth, great performance and fully of features and themes, simply beautiful, but I can also understand the concern raised in this thread. In these days, people (most of) accept things as they are, not as they should be. That way the "agencies" and all the other "followers" (software devs, manufacturers, and so on) are using their chances to mislead the masses, with the intent to control every single bit of information about our lives (from sensitive, to marketing purposes infos)! That said, I think that no one manufacturer is not misusing their power, and hope that one day, a solution will be found (even if I doubt it) to let us have our privacy as human being! I fully support this thread and would love to see more thread like this one, exactly because the aforementioned.

Well sometimes I don't get one thing. People are worried about using Chinese brands but they use Apple, or Google phones in USA that can give all your stuff to NSA in 5 minutes if they want so. If you prefere not to share your emails or photos with governments (USA or China) then don't use your smartphone. Use Nokia 3210.
Wysłane z MI4 W

Accidd said:
Well sometimes I don't get one thing. People are worried about using Chinese brands but they use Apple, or Google phones in USA that can give all your stuff to NSA in 5 minutes if they want so. If you prefere not to share your emails or photos with governments (USA or China) then don't use your smartphone. Use Nokia 3210.
Wysłane z MI4 W
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There are laws here that protect people. The laws in China are very different. And China's own actions are the cause people dont trust them. I mean come on. They respect no ones rights at all. The are known for pirating apps, breaking copyright laws and flat out ignoring the laws that dictate what they need to do. Not to mention ripping off the work of others and claiming it as their own.

zelendel said:
There are laws here that protect people. The laws in China are very different. And China's own actions are the cause people dont trust them. I mean come on. They respect no ones rights at all. The are known for pirating apps, breaking copyright laws and flat out ignoring the laws that dictate what they need to do. Not to mention ripping off the work of others and claiming it as their own.
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Thats true and I agree. But Chinese also protect their identities. All syncing services in MIUI seems to be encrypted.
If some random guy claims different they let him prove it if his SMS is sent plain text and then other can read them.
And also users have choice. Again. You can use MIUI OS without syncing with Mi Cloud if you dont want to.
Pirating apps, breaking copyright laws is true for China. And you are right.
But the privacy, for some brands (maybe not all) can still be protected.
Thats why I make multilang roms over xiaomi.eu. We tend to cut lot of chinese apps that EU user wont need or it will not work for them. Mentioned GameServiceSDK or some Duokan services are just app features, that give users chinese content but not steal any data (as presented in first post). This can also be removed from rom as we do that.
So also this is not that we or I accept all chinese stuff in stock rom and use it. We try to minimase the chinese influence in rom to end user.

Not to say I support china or what, but privacy issue? Apple cloud server got hacked and all the celeb personal picture got expose (tot apple claim it was not from them). Nobody was complaining this much when apple and google sync every little personal data into their server but complain about xiomi taking user data secretly? So it should be done openly? lol

Accidd said:
Well sometimes I don't get one thing. People are worried about using Chinese brands but they use Apple, or Google phones in USA that can give all your stuff to NSA in 5 minutes if they want so. If you prefere not to share your emails or photos with governments (USA or China) then don't use your smartphone. Use Nokia 3210.
Wysłane z MI4 W
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Yes you are right about that, but would be nice if there would be some way to protect ourselves.
zelendel said:
There are laws here that protect people. The laws in China are very different. And China's own actions are the cause people dont trust them. I mean come on. They respect no ones rights at all. The are known for pirating apps, breaking copyright laws and flat out ignoring the laws that dictate what they need to do. Not to mention ripping off the work of others and claiming it as their own.
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You are right about piracy and copyright, but it seems only things related to copyright concerns us (eg. multi million law suits). The strongest privacy laws are in Europe, not USA. In the USA we have no rights, since we are living in a drive-by-money country, not drive-by-laws! Sad thing is the fact that our "best" companies exploit Chinese people (eg. Apple pays $1,36 per iPhone for the labor force to the little Chinese people - and they sell them to us for $600), and we are concerned about our privacy, but actually we use a Chinese man made product (fact!!!). The point here is not to blame the manufacturer, or the retailer, but to find a way, by ourselves (because no "big guys" is gonna help you) to protect our privacy, both online or offline!
adkz said:
Not to say I support china or what, but privacy issue? Apple cloud server got hacked and all the celeb personal picture got expose (tot apple claim it was not from them). Nobody was complaining this much when apple and google sync every little personal data into their server but complain about xiomi taking user data secretly? So it should be done openly? lol
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You are 100% right!

setmov said:
Yes you are right about that, but would be nice if there would be some way to protect ourselves.
You are right about piracy and copyright, but it seems only things related to copyright concerns us (eg. multi million law suits). The strongest privacy laws are in Europe, not USA. In the USA we have no rights, since we are living in a drive-by-money country, not drive-by-laws! Sad thing is the fact that our "best" companies exploit Chinese people (eg. Apple pays $1,36 per iPhone for the labor force to the little Chinese people - and they sell them to us for $600), and we are concerned about our privacy, but actually we use a Chinese man made product (fact!!!). The point here is not to blame the manufacturer, or the retailer, but to find a way, by ourselves (because no "big guys" is gonna help you) to protect our privacy, both online or offline!
You are 100% right!
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What Apple does in China is one of the reasons Ill never touch an apple product. The companies you stated tell you what they collect. The main issue here is they are not disclosing what they are collecting.
No if you think it is right or wrong is not important. What is important is finding a way to make them be very clear about what they are doing and how to stop it.
Now one user posted how to shut it off. IF it works good. IF not then we need to start ripping apart the system and remove the coding and all access to their services.
Might not be a matter here soon as there are teams already working on ripping MIUI apart and making it open source. It will take time but I am sure it will happen.

zelendel said:
Might not be a matter here soon as there are teams already working on ripping MIUI apart and making it open source. It will take time but I am sure it will happen.
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That's a wonderful News you have given... :good:

are those backdoors the same thing that Xiaomi was saying that data was sent only because of their cloud messaging app?; they said they will provide option to disable in the next release?


Capturing Screenshots using background agent WP7.1

Hi, i am trying to write a application that can be used for streaming my phone to my windows desktop running a Java client to receive the images. However when i tried to create a background task following a tutorial by microsoft i am unable to access the UIElement. Does anyone know how to work around this?
the below code in the OnInvoke is able to run in a application however if i were to create it under a Task Agent project , i cant because i cant get the FrameElement.
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler;
using Microsoft.Phone.Shell;
using System;
namespace ScheduledTaskAgent1
public class ScheduledAgent : ScheduledTaskAgent
private static volatile bool _classInitialized;
/// <remarks>
/// ScheduledAgent constructor, initializes the UnhandledException handler
/// </remarks>
public ScheduledAgent()
if (!_classInitialized)
_classInitialized = true;
// Subscribe to the managed exception handler
Application.Current.UnhandledException += ScheduledAgent_UnhandledException;
/// Code to execute on Unhandled Exceptions
private void ScheduledAgent_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
protected override void OnInvoke(ScheduledTask task)
var timer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
Interval = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)
timer.Tick += (sender, args) =>
var bitmap = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap(this.Parent, null);
var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
System.Windows.Media.Imaging.Extensions.SaveJpeg(bitmap, stream,
bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
stream.Position = 0;
var mediaLib = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaLibrary();
var datetime = System.DateTime.Now;
var filename =
datetime.Year % 100, datetime.Month, datetime.Day,
datetime.Hour, datetime.Minute, datetime.Second);
mediaLib.SavePicture(filename, stream);
// Call NotifyComplete to let the system know the agent is done working.
kyrogue said:
i am unable to access the UIElement
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Hmm... Background agents don't have UIElements at all (and by the sandbox concept you can't access anything not belong to your app).
To capture WP7 screen, you should have an interop-unlock phone and use DllImport library.
Interop-unlock is *not* required to use anything in DllImport, actually - normal dev-unlock works fine.
There actually used to be an app that did what you described (stream the screen contents to a PC in real-time) but I don't think it ever got updated to work on Mango.

[R&D|WIP] Reversing the Samsung OEM App/Bins

This is a dumper thread for collecting research and development information on reversing some (or all) of the various Samsung proprietary Applications and binaries found in their later top models running at least 4.2.2, and preferably also SELinux enabled as Enforcing.
In these devices there is an extensive amount of hidden functions, applications and behind the scenes modifications that is completely outside anything that we will ever be able to find in the AOSP repositories. In addition Samsung is spending more energy into obfuscating many of these functions and applications, which makes security vulnerability research much harder. Why? What is it that they try to hide from public scrutiny?
So if you have any insights or are particularly good at reading obtuse OEM Java code. Please join the discussion and help us out.
One of the first Apps to look at is the Samsung ServiceMode apps. There are at least three of them.
1) serviceModeApp_FB.apk
2) serviceModeApp_RIL.apk
3) Samsungservice.apk
Let's have a look at the first one: serviceModeApp_FB.apk
The first thing that hits you in the face is the LibOTPSecurity. This class is using the time zone as a mechanism for obfuscating some security mechanism using OTP (One Time Password) as a means of temporary authorization for access. (Thanks @ryanbg) The code look like this:
[SIZE=2]package LibOTPSecurity;
import ibOTPSecurity.OTPSecurit;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class OTPSecurity
private String GetDateString(int paramInt)
Calendar localCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
localCalendar.add(12, paramInt * -1);
return new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new DecimalFormat("00").format(-2000 + localCalendar.get(1)))).append(new DecimalFormat("00").format(1 + localCalendar.get(2))).toString())).append(new DecimalFormat("00").format(localCalendar.get(12))).toString())).append(new DecimalFormat("00").format(localCalendar.get(5))).toString() + new DecimalFormat("00").format(localCalendar.get(11));
private int MakeHashCode(String paramString)
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; ; j++)
if (j >= paramString.length())
if (i < 0)
i *= -1;
return i;
i = i + (i << 5) + paramString.charAt(j);
public boolean CheckOTP(String paramString1, String paramString2)
int j;
for (int i = 5; ; i = j)
j = i - 1;
if (i <= -1)
return false;
if (paramString1.equalsIgnoreCase(Integer.toString(MakeHashCode(paramString2 + GetDateString(j)))))
return true;
This is making a "hash" out of some date strings for comparison. hopefully we'll see later what exactly these strings come from.
The GetDateString function can be reformatted as:
[SIZE=2] private String GetDateString(int paramInt) {
Calendar localCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
localCalendar.add(12, paramInt * -1);
return new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(new DecimalFormat("00")
.format(-2000 + localCalendar.get(1))))
.append(new DecimalFormat("00")
.format(1 + localCalendar.get(2)))
.append(new DecimalFormat("00")
.append(new DecimalFormat("00")
.toString() + new DecimalFormat("00")
I'd have been much happier if this was simplified to readable pseudo-code.
Another interesting part is the SysDump.class:
[SIZE=2] private boolean checkForNoAuthorityAndNotEngBuild()
this.settings = getSharedPreferences("SYSDUMPOTP", 0);
boolean bool = this.settings.getBoolean("ril.OTPAuth", false);
String str = String.valueOf(SystemProperties.get("ro.build.type"));
if ((!bool) && (str.compareToIgnoreCase("eng") != 0))
Log.e("SysDump", "It's user binary");
return true;
Log.e("SysDump", "It's eng binary");
return false;
This clearly (!) determines whether or not your phone is currently set as an Engineering model or User model. To allow this you probably need to set these properties:
It's possible that OTP = One Time Password as a means of temporary authorization for accessing service/engineering features. It could be similar to the Blackberry engineering menu that is accessed by a code generated from the Date/Time and device specific information. I'm also doing some significant work on disassembling these applications. Major developments will be posted here.
is this [fusedlocation.apk] a samsung thing?
disabling/removing/dummyfile all cause reboot like failing critical service.
this has been bothering me for sometime. there is literally no intelligent information
i've been able to find on this. that killing it skunks the os suggest that it's not so simple
as "oh yeah derrr that's for gps or sumthin.."
i could go on but, that's the basics of it.
do you have a list of suspect or confirmed scummy files/bin/apks?

Xiaomi Security issues.

Xiaomi firmware has multiple backdoors So I've basically got myself in this sh*t because lack of care.. Until it pop'd and hit the highlights.
And now straight to the point. It doesn't f*ckin matters if you had a fw or not. As the backdoors are embedded in ROOT system processes.
And those where obviously white-listed as i didn't think of a nasty Chinese guy sitting in it calling back home. My friend who got the same phone found the article as i was having my vacation for a bit, so when i found out i did a bit a research of course on my device. After finding all this i e-mail'd him it and he posted it on the Xiaomi European forums. Guess what happened, it got deleted. So they know damn good what they're doing.
When you purchase Xiaomi products or services, we’ll collect relevant personal information, including but not limited: delivery information, bank account, credit card information, bill address, credit check and other financial information, contact or communication records.
Originally Posted by OP
Music app(?) connects to:
2012-12-01 lrc.aspxp.net
2012-12-01 lrc.feiyes.net
2012-12-01 w.w.w.616hk.com
2012-12-01 w.w.w.hk238.com
2012-12-01 w.w.w.lrc123.com
2013-11-27 tinglog.baidu.com
1/53 2014-07-02 12:51:01 hxxp://tinglog.baidu.com
Latest detected files that communicate with this IP address
Latest files submitted to VirusTotal that are detected by one or more antivirus solutions and communicate with the IP address provided when executed in a sandboxed environment.
3/43 2014-07-08 07:39:24 facb146de47229b56bdc4481ce22fb5ec9e702dfbd7e70e82e 4e4316ac1e7cbd
47/51 2014-04-28 09:25:27 091457f59fc87f5ca230c6d955407303fb5f5ba364508401a7 564fb32d9a24fa
24/47 2014-01-08 08:19:43 3cf0a98570e522af692cb5f19b43085c706aa7d2f63d05469b 6ac8db5c20cdcd
21/48 2013-12-02 15:15:45 7e34cb88fc82b69322f7935157922cdb17cb6c69d868a88946 8e297257ee9072
19/48 2013-12-01 20:02:32 bce4bd44d3373b2670a7d68e058c7ce0fa510912275d452d36 3777f640aa4c70
Latest URLs hosted in this IP address detected by at least one URL scanner or malicious URL dataset.
1/53 2014-07-02 12:47:57 hxxp://dev.baidu.com/
Android-system ANT HAL Service(Framework_ext.apk/jar) connect to:
VirusTotal's passive DNS only stores address records. The following domains resolved to the given IP address.
2014-04-28 app.migc.wali.com
2014-07-12 app.migc.xiaomi.com
2014-05-30 gamevip.wali.com
2014-05-30 log.wlimg.cn
2014-04-21 mitunes.game.xiaomi.com
2014-04-30 oss.wali.com
2014-05-17 p.tongji.wali.com
2014-07-13 policy.app.xiaomi.com
Latest detected URLs
Latest URLs hosted in this IP address detected by at least one URL scanner or malicious URL dataset.
1/58 2014-08-13 07:10:49 hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php
1/58 2014-08-10 00:46:35 hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com/
1/53 2014-07-02 12:49:59 hxxtp://oss.wali.com
Messages(Mms.apk) connect to (it literary calls back home)
2014-08-12 api.account.xiaomi.com
2014-07-26 w.w.w.asani.com.pk
What it does? It sends phone numbers you call to, send messages to, add etc to a Resin/4.0.13 java application running on a nginx webserver to collect data. Checkpackages, embedded system process/app posts all installed apps to a Tengine a/k/a nginx webserver cms.
URL: hxxtp://api.account.xiaomi.com:81/pass/v3
Server: sgpaws-ac-web01.mias
Software: Tengine/2.0.1 | Resin/4.0.13
URL: hxxp://policy.app.xiaomi.com:8080/cms/interface/v1/
Server: lg-g-com-ngx02.bj
Software: Tengine | Resin
Bottom line
They don't give a single damn about your data.. All sent in plain text.
For messages APK (Mms.apk)
I don't believe it needs those permissions for normal functionalities, this is only for the extra feature let's call it bug.
Some code ... i also attached java classes and smali dalvik jvm bytecode..
#<externalId = outgoing callerid># package com.xiaomi.mms.net; import android.net.Uri; import android.net.Uri.Builder; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.xiaomi.mms.utils.EasyMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import miui.net.CloudManager; public class b { public static final String qa = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_BASE; public static final String qb = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_API_V2_BASE; public static final String qc = CloudManager.URL_ACCOUNT_API_V3_BASE; public static final String qd = qa + "/serviceLogin"; public static final String qe = qc + "/[email protected]"; protected static String a(String paramString, Map paramMap) { if ((paramMap != null) && (!paramMap.isEmpty())) { Uri.Builder localBuilder = Uri.parse(paramString).buildUpon(); Iterator localIterator = paramMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry localEntry = (Map.Entry)localIterator.next(); localBuilder.appendQueryParameter((String)localEntry.getKey(), (String)localEntry.getValue()); } paramString = localBuilder.build().toString(); } return paramString; } public static c al(String paramString) { EasyMap localEasyMap = new EasyMap("type", "MXPH").a("externalId", paramString); d locald = new d(a(qe, localEasyMap)); String str = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getDeviceId(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) locald.l("deviceId", str); return locald; } } =========================================================== public static Header a(Account paramAccount, ExtendedAuthToken paramExtendedAuthToken) { StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); localStringBuilder.append("serviceToken="); localStringBuilder.append(paramExtendedAuthToken.authToken); localStringBuilder.append("; userId="); localStringBuilder.append(paramAccount.name); return new BasicHeader("Cookie", localStringBuilder.toString()); } =========================================================== public void gT() { if (ai("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/version").getLong("data") == PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this.mContext).getLong("festival_message_version", 0L)) return; Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(this.mScreenWidth); a(ai(String.format("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/categories?width=%s", arrayOfObject)).getJSONArray("data")); } public void m(long paramLong) { Cursor localCursor = this.mq.rawQuery("SELECT MIN(message_id) FROM messages WHERE category_id=" + paramLong, null); if (localCursor == null) throw new FestivalUpdater.DatabaseContentException(null); try { if (localCursor.moveToFirst()) { long l = localCursor.getLong(0); Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[3]; arrayOfObject[0] = Long.valueOf(paramLong); arrayOfObject[1] = Long.valueOf(l); arrayOfObject[2] = Integer.valueOf(pd); a(ai(String.format("http://api.comm.miui.com/miuisms/res/messages?cat=%s&marker=%s&count=%s", arrayOfObject)).getJSONObject("data").getJSONArray("entries"), paramLong); } return; } finally { localCursor.close(); } } =========================================================== package miui.util; import android.content.Context; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; final class BaseNotificationFilterHelper$2 implements Runnable { BaseNotificationFilterHelper$2(Context paramContext) { } public void run() { try { JSONObject localJSONObject1 = Network.doHttpPostWithResponseStatus(this.val$context, "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php", BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$000(this.val$context)); if ((localJSONObject1.has("RESPONSE_CODE")) && (localJSONObject1.getInt("RESPONSE_CODE") == 200)) { JSONObject localJSONObject2 = new JSONObject(localJSONObject1.getString("RESPONSE_BODY")); int i = localJSONObject2.getInt("errCode"); if (i == 200) { JSONArray localJSONArray = localJSONObject2.getJSONArray("packages"); StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < localJSONArray.length(); j++) { localStringBuilder.append(localJSONArray.get(j).toString().trim()); localStringBuilder.append(" "); } Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", localStringBuilder.toString()); BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$102(null); return; } if (i == 202) { Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "blacklist is empty "); Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", ""); BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$102(null); return; } if (i == 201) Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "request param empty"); } else { Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "access network anomalies"); } return; } catch (Exception localException) { } } } =========================================================== package miui.util; import android.app.INotificationManager; import android.app.INotificationManager.Stub; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageItemInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import android.provider.Settings.System; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import miui.os.Build; import miui.provider.CloudAppControll; import miui.provider.CloudAppControll.TAG; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class BaseNotificationFilterHelper { protected static final String APP_NOTIFICATION = "app_notification"; protected static final int CODE_REQUEST_PARAM_EMPTY = 201; protected static final int CODE_RESPONSE_EMPTY = 202; protected static final int CODE_SUCCESS = 200; public static final int DEFAULT = 0; public static final int DISABLE_ALL = 3; public static final int DISABLE_ICON = 1; public static final int ENABLE = 2; protected static final String EXPANDED_BLACK_LIST_CODE = "errCode"; protected static final String EXPANDED_BLACK_LIST_PACKAGES = "packages"; public static final int NONE = 0; protected static final String SYSTEMUI_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.android.systemui"; protected static final String TAG = "NotificationFilterHelper"; protected static final String URL = "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php"; private static HashSet<String> mBlacklist; protected static INotificationManager nm; protected static HashSet<String> sFilterList = new HashSet(); protected static HashMap<String, Integer> sFilterMap = new HashMap(); private static HashMap<String, Boolean> sIsSystemApp; protected static HashMap<String, Integer> sUidMap = new HashMap(); static { if (Build.IS_INTERNATIONAL_BUILD); for (int i = 2; ; i = 1) { DEFAULT = i; nm = INotificationManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("notification")); mBlacklist = null; sIsSystemApp = new HashMap(); return; } } protected static void enableStatusIcon(Context paramContext, String paramString, int paramInt) { getSharedPreferences(paramContext).edit().putInt(paramString, paramInt).commit(); } public static void enableStatusIcon(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean) { if (paramBoolean); for (int i = 2; ; i = 1) { enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, i); return; } } public static String getAppNotificationText(Context paramContext, String paramString) { int i = 101450315; switch (NotificationFilterHelper.getInstance().getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, true)) { default: case 3: case 1: case 2: } while (true) { return paramContext.getResources().getString(i); i = 101450314; continue; i = 101450315; continue; i = 101450313; } } public static int getAppUid(Context paramContext, String paramString) { int i = 0; if (sUidMap.containsKey(paramString)) return ((Integer)sUidMap.get(paramString)).intValue(); try { i = paramContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(paramString, 0).uid; sUidMap.put(paramString, Integer.valueOf(i)); return i; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException) { } return i; } protected static int getDefaultFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString) { initFilterList(paramContext); if (sFilterList.contains(paramString)) return 2; return 0; } protected static int getGameCenterFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString) { readBlacklist(paramContext); if (mBlacklist.contains(paramString)) return 3; return 0; } private static String getInstalledAppsJson(Context paramContext) { JSONObject localJSONObject = new JSONObject(); JSONArray localJSONArray = new JSONArray(); Iterator localIterator = paramContext.getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0).iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { PackageInfo localPackageInfo = (PackageInfo)localIterator.next(); if ((0x1 & localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.flags) == 0) localJSONArray.put(localPackageInfo.packageName + "/" + localPackageInfo.versionCode); } try { localJSONObject.put("packages", localJSONArray); return localJSONObject.toString(); } catch (JSONException localJSONException) { } return ""; } protected static int getNetDefaultFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString) { if (sFilterMap.containsKey(paramString)) return ((Integer)sFilterMap.get(paramString)).intValue(); return loadAppNetFlagByPkg(paramContext, paramString); } public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(Context paramContext) { if (!paramContext.getPackageName().equals("com.android.systemui")); try { Context localContext = paramContext.createPackageContext("com.android.systemui", 2); paramContext = localContext; return paramContext.getSharedPreferences("app_notification", 4); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException) { while (true) localNameNotFoundException.printStackTrace(); } } protected static void initFilterList(Context paramContext) { if (sFilterList.size() == 0) { String str = Settings.System.getString(paramContext.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_notification_filter_white_list"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { String[] arrayOfString = str.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString.length; i++) sFilterList.add(arrayOfString[i]); } sFilterList.add("cn.com.fetion"); sFilterList.add("com.google.android.talk"); sFilterList.add("com.tencent.mm"); sFilterList.add("com.tencent.qq"); sFilterList.add("com.tencent.mobileqq"); sFilterList.add("com.xiaomi.channel"); } } public static boolean isNotificationForcedFor(Context paramContext, String paramString) { int i = getAppUid(paramContext, paramString); return ("android".equals(paramString)) || (i == 1000) || (i == 1001) || (i == 0); } public static boolean isSystemApp(String paramString, PackageManager paramPackageManager) { Boolean localBoolean = (Boolean)sIsSystemApp.get(paramString); if (localBoolean == null); try { ApplicationInfo localApplicationInfo2 = paramPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(paramString, 0); localApplicationInfo1 = localApplicationInfo2; boolean bool = false; if (localApplicationInfo1 != null) { int i = 0x1 & localApplicationInfo1.flags; bool = false; if (i != 0) bool = true; } localBoolean = Boolean.valueOf(bool); sIsSystemApp.put(paramString, localBoolean); return localBoolean.booleanValue(); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException) { while (true) ApplicationInfo localApplicationInfo1 = null; } } protected static boolean isUserSetttingInited(Context paramContext, String paramString) { int i = getSharedPreferences(paramContext).getInt(paramString, 0); boolean bool = false; if (i != 0) bool = true; return bool; } public static void loadAppNetFlag(Context paramContext) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { BaseNotificationFilterHelper.sFilterMap.clear(); Iterator localIterator = this.val$context.getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(0).iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { PackageInfo localPackageInfo = (PackageInfo)localIterator.next(); if ((0x1 & localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.flags) == 0) { String str = localPackageInfo.applicationInfo.packageName; BaseNotificationFilterHelper.loadAppNetFlagByPkg(this.val$context, str); } } } }).start(); } public static int loadAppNetFlagByPkg(Context paramContext, String paramString) { int i = CloudAppControll.get(paramContext, CloudAppControll.TAG.TAG_NOTIFICATION_BLACKLIST, paramString); if (i == -1) return 0; sFilterMap.put(paramString, Integer.valueOf(i)); return i; } public static void observeSettingChanged(ContentResolver paramContentResolver, ContentObserver paramContentObserver) { paramContentResolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor("status_bar_notification_filter_white_list"), false, paramContentObserver); } private static void readBlacklist(Context paramContext) { if (mBlacklist == null) { mBlacklist = new HashSet(); String str = Settings.Secure.getString(paramContext.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { String[] arrayOfString = str.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString.length; i++) mBlacklist.add(arrayOfString[i]); } } } public static void requestBlacklist(Context paramContext) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JSONObject localJSONObject1 = Network.doHttpPostWithResponseStatus(this.val$context, "http://policy.app.xiaomi.com/cms/interface/v1/checkpackages.php", BaseNotificationFilterHelper.getInstalledAppsJson(this.val$context)); if ((localJSONObject1.has("RESPONSE_CODE")) && (localJSONObject1.getInt("RESPONSE_CODE") == 200)) { JSONObject localJSONObject2 = new JSONObject(localJSONObject1.getString("RESPONSE_BODY")); int i = localJSONObject2.getInt("errCode"); if (i == 200) { JSONArray localJSONArray = localJSONObject2.getJSONArray("packages"); StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < localJSONArray.length(); j++) { localStringBuilder.append(localJSONArray.get(j).toString().trim()); localStringBuilder.append(" "); } Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", localStringBuilder.toString()); BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$102(null); return; } if (i == 202) { Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "blacklist is empty "); Settings.Secure.putString(this.val$context.getContentResolver(), "status_bar_expanded_notification_black_list", ""); BaseNotificationFilterHelper.access$102(null); return; } if (i == 201) Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "request param empty"); } else { Log.d("NotificationFilterHelper", "access network anomalies"); } return; } catch (Exception localException) { } } }).start(); } protected boolean areNotificationsEnabled(Context paramContext, String paramString) { return false; } public boolean canSendNotifications(Context paramContext, String paramString) { return getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, true) != 3; } public void enableAppNotification(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean) { } public void enableNotifications(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean) { enableAppNotification(paramContext, paramString, paramBoolean); } public int getAppFlag(Context paramContext, String paramString, boolean paramBoolean) { if (paramBoolean); for (boolean bool = areNotificationsEnabled(paramContext, paramString); bool; bool = true) { int i = getSharedPreferences(paramContext).getInt(paramString, 0); if ((i == 0) && (isSystemApp(paramString, paramContext.getPackageManager()))) i = 2; if (i == 0) i = getNetDefaultFlag(paramContext, paramString); if (i == 0) i = getDefaultFlag(paramContext, paramString); if (i == 0) i = getGameCenterFlag(paramContext, paramString); if (i == 0) i = DEFAULT; return i; } return 3; } public void initUserSetting(Context paramContext, String paramString) { if (!isUserSetttingInited(paramContext, paramString)) { if (isSystemApp(paramString, paramContext.getPackageManager())) enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, true); } else return; int i = getAppFlag(paramContext, paramString, false); if (i == 3) { enableAppNotification(paramContext, paramString, false); enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, false); return; } enableStatusIcon(paramContext, paramString, i); } }
Main post and more info. All credits go to the OP
Is there anything that can be done about this ?
I wanted to buy this phone in a few months when proper LTE version for Europe comes out, in order to replace my SGS1, because the HW and dimensions fit my needs the best of all today's smartphones at reasonable price. But after reading about security issues I'm not sure now. I know Samsung, Google, Apple, etc. do it as well, but when I see that Xiaomi doesn't even try to use HTTPS, blah. I call it epic fail.
I guess my SGS1 must keep working far overtime
lpguy said:
Is there anything that can be done about this ?
I wanted to buy this phone in a few months when proper LTE version for Europe comes out, in order to replace my SGS1, because the HW and dimensions fit my needs the best of all today's smartphones at reasonable price. But after reading about security issues I'm not sure now. I know Samsung, Google, Apple, etc. do it as well, but when I see that Xiaomi doesn't even try to use HTTPS, blah. I call it epic fail.
I guess my SGS1 must keep working far overtime
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The other companies don't do this on that level. Did you see the bit about bank account info?
Can it be blocked? No idea. I would never run this device or the ROM. Just posting it for others. Check the link at the bottom for the OG post
zelendel said:
The other companies don't do this on that level. Did you see the bit about bank account info?
Can it be blocked? No idea. I would never run this device or the ROM. Just posting it for others. Check the link at the bottom for the OG post
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Thanks for the information. I saw the news when it first broke about all this info leaking stuff and i would have thought xiaomi would have learned there lesson but they didn't. I too want this device when the Europe LTE comes out but this is making me think.
Anyway, since you mention smali and a few other things, can't you just decompile the necessary apks and edit it all out. I know it would be a large task but its food for thought.......
Sent from my Note 10.1 2014
22sl22 said:
Thanks for the information. I saw the news when it first broke about all this info leaking stuff and i would have thought xiaomi would have learned there lesson but they didn't. I too want this device when the Europe LTE comes out but this is making me think.
Anyway, since you mention smali and a few other things, can't you just decompile the necessary apks and edit it all out. I know it would be a large task but its food for thought.......
Sent from my Note 10.1 2014
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Could someone decompile it and remove it? Maybe. I really can't be sure myself. There are a few devs for this device and it would be better suited for them, as I stated I would not own the device nor would I ever run the software. (I have my reasons)
zelendel said:
Could someone decompile it and remove it? Maybe. I really can't be sure myself. There are a few devs for this device and it would be better suited for them, as I stated I would not own the device nor would I ever run the software. (I have my reasons)
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Yes I can understand, security and privacy is not a light topic, especially on this scale.
Anyway, just had a read of the original post and it seems like its under control. In my opinion, decompile all apks, get a list of all the Chinese links and add it manually to some adblock host files. That way you wouldn't have to decompile apks for every weekly Miui update :good:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
zelendel said:
Could someone decompile it and remove it? Maybe. I really can't be sure myself. There are a few devs for this device and it would be better suited for them, as I stated I would not own the device nor would I ever run the software. (I have my reasons)
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@zelendel This Issue is in Official Miui right? and those apps which are in miui is affected by this crap but if they are on Custom Rom's i dont think so it will effect if these issue lies in miui apps since custom rom's use their own/Cm based apps
Strange is that most of you have no idea how this works and you already have made your opinion about MI4 and MIUI rom from single post that doesnt show true.
To make things clear... again:
MIUI rom does have online services like Music or Video online content and it connects to chinese servers to download this content e.g album covers or music lyrics
MIUI rom has SMS could messaging which is optional - and again this has connections to international and chinese gateways
MIUI uses Cloud sync to sync contacts, mms, call logs, and many more - so again connections to chinese servers are required. But this is also optional to users
MIUI has other services that will connect to chinese servers like Clean master, Virus scanner or Data monitor traffic saver feature - again optional to users
MIUI rom has Themes services, so there is automatic checks for new or updated themes - again optional for users
MIUI rom has payments services to buy themes online. Yes, it requires bank cards information to fill BUT only for chinese users.
Nothing from First POST has been proven with any example. Nothing has been shown to us which particular data has been sent to chinese servers.
And answering to user questions if this can be removed from app?
- Yes. Most apps have on/off switches in bools.xml that will remove e.g: online content in Music or Video. So this depends on developer choice.
Also setting parameter:
in build.prop will convert rom to Global Version (used in east Asia countries) where most of online content or chinese services will be disabled.
Thats all.
Accidd said:
Also setting parameter:
in build.prop will convert rom to Global Version (used in east Asia countries) where most of online content or chinese services will be disabled.
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As Mi4 is not yet released outside China (I think) is this choice feasible?
Accidd said:
Strange is that most of you have no idea how this works and you already have made your opinion about MI4 and MIUI rom from single post that doesnt show true.
To make things clear... again:
MIUI rom does have online services like Music or Video online content and it connects to chinese servers to download this content e.g album covers or music lyrics
MIUI rom has SMS could messaging which is optional - and again this has connections to international and chinese gateways
MIUI uses Cloud sync to sync contacts, mms, call logs, and many more - so again connections to chinese servers are required. But this is also optional to users
MIUI has other services that will connect to chinese servers like Clean master, Virus scanner or Data monitor traffic saver feature - again optional to users
MIUI rom has Themes services, so there is automatic checks for new or updated themes - again optional for users
MIUI rom has payments services to buy themes online. Yes, it requires bank cards information to fill BUT only for chinese users.
Nothing from First POST has been proven with any example. Nothing has been shown to us which particular data has been sent to chinese servers.
And answering to user questions if this can be removed from app?
- Yes. Most apps have on/off switches in bools.xml that will remove e.g: online content in Music or Video. So this depends on developer choice.
Also setting parameter:
in build.prop will convert rom to Global Version (used in east Asia countries) where most of online content or chinese services will be disabled.
Thats all.
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First off my thoughts about this OEM and MIUI were made long before this came about. Now you seem to be more about trying to convince people that they are trust worthy instead of finding out whats going. This would not be the first time they have been found out to be doing something shady.
I am sorry, there is no way I can trust anyone that makes their name off of breaking the law and copying someone else. I really dont have to worry about them much as their device will never be sold outside of the few minor countries that they have released it in.
deetailed said:
As Mi4 is not yet released outside China (I think) is this choice feasible?
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Yes! And this doesn't matter!
The global version is build in in every MIUI rom. It doesn't matter if device is sold in China only or not. Even If you use dev weekly releases then you can still convert MIUI to global version.
From my research MIUI v5 can be converted, but MIUI v6 is not yet fully supported, altough apps have global support but some functions couldn't be disabled this way.
And the best part is that you can install global rom for Mi4 from en.miui.com.
Mi4 shares the same rom (cancro) as Mi3, and Mi3 is already sold in global countries like India or Singapore.
Wysłane z MI4 W
---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------
zelendel said:
First off my thoughts about this OEM and MIUI were made long before this came about. Now you seem to be more about trying to convince people that they are trust worthy instead of finding out whats going. This would not be the first time they have been found out to be doing something shady.
I am sorry, there is no way I can trust anyone that makes their name off of breaking the law and copying someone else. I really dont have to worry about them much as their device will never be sold outside of the few minor countries that they have released it in.
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Wait. I do that? What about the guy you quoted and made thread? Iv explained the reasons why MIUI connects to Xiaomi servers with many services.
Now ask that guy how he can prove his accusations.
Let him prove that my sms is read by Chinese government without my permissions. Because syncing sms or call logs or call recordings are optional to users. I can turn sync or not and this is MIUI feature.
Why not you ask that guy who never responded in this thread. He attached some smali files and classes that is not readable for most people.
The code fragment, the ip traces doesn't make sense to each other. Just take a look into the post you quoted. He never told which version of MIUI he used. From where. Etc. For me its just false accusations.
Wysłane z MI4 W
Accidd said:
Yes! And this doesn't matter!
The global version is build in in every MIUI rom. It doesn't matter if device is sold in China only or not. Even If you use dev weekly releases then you can still convert MIUI to global version.
From my research MIUI v5 can be converted, but MIUI v6 is not yet fully supported, altough apps have global support but some functions couldn't be disabled this way.
And the best part is that you can install global rom for Mi4 from en.miui.com.
Mi4 shares the same rom (cancro) as Mi3, and Mi3 is already sold in global countries like India or Singapore.
Wysłane z MI4 W
---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------
Wait. I do that? What about the guy you quoted and made thread? Iv explained the reasons why MIUI connects to Xiaomi servers with many services.
Now ask that guy how he can prove his accusations.
Let him prove that my sms is read by Chinese government without my permissions. Because syncing sms or call logs or call recordings are optional to users. I can turn sync or not and this is MIUI feature.
Why not you ask that guy who never responded in this thread. He attached some smali files and classes that is not readable for most people.
The code fragment, the ip traces doesn't make sense to each other. Just take a look into the post you quoted. He never told which version of MIUI he used. From where. Etc. For me its just false accusations.
Wysłane z MI4 W
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You may have explained why, that doesnt make it right. Personally I dont really care. They are a fly by night OEM that unless they change their OS completely and start following the laws then they will end up being just another OEM like ZTE or other device only sold in a few countries. There are a few threads around that are questioning how these roms are doing things. Even one that shows the rom uploading all attachments from email and anything else to their servers. Then mix in the last Mimessage issues and them being known for shady dealings and you cant blame people for not trusting them.
The way its going these forums for this OEM are gonna end up being removed from the site. They need to come clean and tread very carefully.
I do not have this lin, maybe because I am using Miuiv6. That's what I can see in the build.prop file:
ro.build.date=Fri Sep 26 06:27:25 CST 2014
ro.product.model=MI 3W
Should I modify anything to "globalize" the device? It's Mi3.
Dzięki z góry za pomoc krajan
Install latest MIUIPolska rom. It's already made almost global.
Wysłane z MI4 W
Couldn't most potential security threats be eliminated by:
1. Encrypting
2. Installing another rom, not MIUI based (if possible)
3. Uninstalling the apps of concern
4. Setting specific permissions within each app
As for the personal information issue, couldn't that also be avoided by purchasing through a third party vendor? If they handle the information, all Xiaomi provides is the hardware and nothing else. Of course, I suppose if your options are limited in that area, it could be worrying.
kibmikey1 said:
Couldn't most potential security threats be eliminated by:
1. Encrypting
2. Installing another rom, not MIUI based (if possible)
3. Uninstalling the apps of concern
4. Setting specific permissions within each app
As for the personal information issue, couldn't that also be avoided by purchasing through a third party vendor? If they handle the information, all Xiaomi provides is the hardware and nothing else. Of course, I suppose if your options are limited in that area, it could be worrying.
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To be honest I would t know. This device is not available here and as long as it is only paypal I'll never get it.
Hey, should xiaomi owners (typical consumers) should be worried about these secutiy concerns? I know this is a serious matter of privacy but is it enough to stay away from it?
feb289 said:
Hey, should xiaomi owners (typical consumers) should be worried about these secutiy concerns? I know this is a serious matter of privacy but is it enough to stay away from it?
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Hi. This is a very old topic and concern. Security concerns were raised as MIUI v5 used to directly sync data to their cloud storage, MI cloud. So it looked like all data was secretly being sent to China. However this has been resolved as soon as the matter was brought to notice. Now you have control over what gets synced. So there is no reason to be scared
Sent from my MI 4W using XDA Free mobile app
Are you sure it isn't Xiaomi Cloud Service just like iCloud?
Sent from my MI 4LTE using XDA Free mobile app
I read an article regarding a stock app named AnalyticsCore.apk

Editing the stock MTC Manager

Hey guys, I have a xtrons px5 mtcd head unit and I am trying to figure out without flashing to a custom ROM, how to edit what apps launch at wake, or do not turn off with the unit when it goes to sleep.
I believe it is the MTCManager that is doing these actions, and I have found two interesting parts of the decomplied code.
The first file is android/microntek/a.java
package android.microntek;
import android.app.ActivityManager;
import android.app.ActivityManager.MemoryInfo;
import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo;
import android.app.ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.microntek.service.R;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.format.Formatter;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.Toast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class a {
static String cp;
private static boolean cq = false;
static Context cr;
private static int cs = -1;
static Toast ct;
private static final String[] cu = new String[]{"android.microntek.", "com.murtas.", "com.microntek.", "com.goodocom.gocsdk", "android.rockchip.update.service", "com.android.systemui", "com.hct.obd.OBDActivity", "com.unisound", "com.dpadnavi.assist", "com.intel.thermal", "cn.manstep.phonemirror", "com.hiworld.", "com.carboy.launch", "com.android.bluetooth", "net.easyconn", "com.android.launcher", "com.google.android", "com.vayosoft.carsystem"};
static Object cv = new Object();
static a cw;
private static final String[] cx = new String[]{"android.microntek.", "com.murtas.", "com.microntek.", "com.goodocom.gocsdk", "android.rockchip.update.service", "com.android.systemui", "com.hct.obdservice.OBDService", "com.unisound", "com.intel.thermal", "com.dpadnavi.assist", "cn.manstep.phonemirror", "com.android.bluetooth", "com.hiworld.", "net.easyconn", "android.cn.ecar.cds.process.CoreService", "com.google.android", "com.vayosoft.carsystem"};
private a(Context context) {
cr = context;
private int ex(Context context) {
int i = 0;
Iterable<e> arrayList = new ArrayList();
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity");
for (RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo : activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses()) {
int i2 = runningAppProcessInfo.pid;
int i3 = runningAppProcessInfo.uid;
String str = runningAppProcessInfo.processName;
int i4 = activityManager.getProcessMemoryInfo(new int[]{i2})[0].dalvikPrivateDirty;
e eVar = new e();
eVar.dk = runningAppProcessInfo.pkgList;
String[] strArr = runningAppProcessInfo.pkgList;
for (e eVar2 : arrayList) {
int i5;
if (eVar2.gc() < 10000) {
i5 = i;
} else {
String gd = eVar2.gd();
if (gd.indexOf(".") == -1) {
i5 = i;
} else if (fe(gd) || ff(context, gd) || fg(context, gd)) {
i5 = i;
} else if (cs != 0 || fd(gd)) {
try {
i5 = i + 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(" deny the permission");
i5 = i;
} else {
i5 = i + 1;
i = i5;
return i;
private void ey(Context context) {
Iterable<RunningServiceInfo> runningServices = ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity")).getRunningServices(100);
Iterable<b> arrayList = new ArrayList();
for (RunningServiceInfo runningServiceInfo : runningServices) {
int i = runningServiceInfo.pid;
int i2 = runningServiceInfo.uid;
String str = runningServiceInfo.process;
long j = runningServiceInfo.activeSince;
int i3 = runningServiceInfo.clientCount;
ComponentName componentName = runningServiceInfo.service;
String shortClassName = componentName.getShortClassName();
String packageName = componentName.getPackageName();
PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
try {
ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0);
b bVar = new b();
Intent intent = new Intent();
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
for (b bVar2 : arrayList) {
if (bVar2.fp() >= 10000) {
String fq = bVar2.fq();
if (!(fd(fq) || ff(context, fq) || fg(context, fq))) {
if (cs != 0 || fe(fq)) {
try {
} catch (SecurityException e2) {
System.out.println(" deny the permission");
} else {
private long fa(Context context) {
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService("activity");
MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new MemoryInfo();
return memoryInfo.availMem;
public static a fc(Context context) {
a aVar;
synchronized (cv) {
if (cw == null) {
cw = new a(context);
cs = -1;
aVar = cw;
return aVar;
private boolean fd(String str) {
for (String startsWith : cx) {
if (str.startsWith(startsWith)) {
return true;
return cp != null && str.equals(cp);
private boolean fe(String str) {
for (String startsWith : cu) {
if (str.startsWith(startsWith)) {
return true;
return cp != null && str.equals(cp);
private boolean ff(Context context, String str) {
if (context == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
return false;
for (InputMethodInfo packageName : ((InputMethodManager) context.getSystemService("input_method")).getInputMethodList()) {
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(packageName.getPackageName())) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean fg(Context context, String str) {
try {
for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : context.getPackageManager().queryIntentServices(new Intent("android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService"), 128)) {
if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(resolveInfo.serviceInfo.packageName)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public void ew(int i, String str) {
cs = i;
cq = true;
cp = str;
long fa = fa(cr);
int ex = ex(cr);
long fa2 = fa(cr);
if (i == 1) {
fa = Math.abs(fa2 - fa);
CharSequence string = cr.getString(R.string.clear_message, new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(ex), Formatter.formatFileSize(cr, fa)});
if (ct == null) {
ct = Toast.makeText(cr, string, 0);
} else {
ct = Toast.makeText(cr, string, 1);
cq = false;
public void ez(String str) {
if (str != null && str.length() != 0) {
try {
((ActivityManager) cr.getSystemService("activity")).forceStopPackage(str);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
System.out.println(" deny the permission");
public boolean fb() {
return cq;
it appears as though it is listing which apps either stay awake on sleep, or launch at boot. Can anybody confirm this?
And in this file, it looks like it might be controlling the apps in the apploop, maybe...
file is android/microntek/c.java
package android.microntek;
import android.microntek.service.R;
public class c {
public static final String[] dg = new String[]{"com.microntek.avin", "com.microntek.dvr", "com.microntek.dvd", "com.microntek.tv", "com.microntek.media", "com.microntek.music", "com.microntek.radio", "com.microntek.ipod", "com.microntek.btMusic", "com.microntek.bluetooth", "com.microntek.civxusb", "com.microntek.tv", "com.microntek.dvr"};
public static final String[] dh = new String[]{"com.microntek.avin", "com.microntek.dvr", "com.microntek.dvd", "com.microntek.tv", "com.microntek.media", "com.microntek.music", "com.microntek.radio", "com.microntek.ipod", "com.microntek.btMusic", "com.microntek.dvr"};
public static final String[] di = new String[]{"com.microntek.radio", "com.microntek.dvd", "com.microntek.music", "com.microntek.media", "com.microntek.ipod", "com.microntek.avin"};
public static final int[] dj = new int[]{R.string.music_style0, R.string.music_style1, R.string.music_style2, R.string.music_style3, R.string.music_style4, R.string.music_style5, R.string.music_style6};
Let me know what you guys think.
You are absolutely correct. Check out the thread on the Malaysk ROM for the PX5. A member, Nico84, is working with the same files. You guys may want to join forces on this.
Thanks for that, does that work on the Stock firmware, or only on Malaysk's Custom ROM?
Not sure, but I believe it will work on stock. Needs to be rooted I suppose. Contact Nico84 for details, I am not an experienced Android developer.
I did, thanks for the lead on that, exactly what I was looking for. It looks like it should work on stock firmware so ill probably give it a try
So I took Nico84's MTCManager and tried to decompile and add spotify and accuweather to it, and recompile it. But then the actualy MTCManager did not work, so not sure what I did wrong.
semaj4712 said:
So I took Nico84's MTCManager and tried to decompile and add spotify and accuweather to it, and recompile it. But then the actualy MTCManager did not work, so not sure what I did wrong.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You have to compile it with original signature, not testkeys. You can use "tickle my android"
Bummer, tickle my android does not seem to work on mac which is all I have, is there any other way to compile with original signature with apktools? Or would it be possible to make me a version that allows spotify and accuweather to remain open, that would be great.
Ok so I found the documentation on signatures for the APKtool, but it still didnt work. Just to be clear I started this command
apktool d MTCManager.apk
then I made the changes to the smali.d file, and then recompiled with this command
apktool b MTCManager/ -c
Is there something I am doing wrong? (The location of files is not exact, bare in mind I am doing this on a mac via terminal so I simply drag and drop the file which returns the path it needs.)
On second try I was able to get this to work. The above commands worked perfectly, my guess is I messed something up the first time around.
For PX3:
when the unit comes back from sleep it sends Intent com.cayboy.action.ACC_ON
when it goes to sleep it sends com.cayboy.action.ACC_OFF

Decompiling EufyHome app to control hardware directly

I'm pretty new to all this and was hoping to find some help. Eufy has some smart home products like light bulbs, smart plugs, etc that can be controlled directly over the LAN instead of a third party API.
I downloaded the APK for the EufyHome App and decompiled it at javadecompilers.com
That produced some promising results, like exposing that their app makes a socket connection to the devices on port 55556 when on the local network. Outside the local network it uses their API.
Here's some example code:
public boolean m4560a(String str, byte[] bArr) {
if (bArr == null || bArr.length == 0) {
return false;
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return false;
try {
Socket socket = new Socket();
socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(str, 55556), 1000);
OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();
InputStream inputStream = socket.getInputStream();
byte[] a = m4561a(outputStream, inputStream, bArr, C1178b.sendUsrDataToDev);
if (a == null || a.length == 0) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (IOException e2) {
Log.v("DeviceInterfaceClass", e2.toString());
return false;
} catch (IOException e22) {
return false;
byte[] m4561a(OutputStream outputStream, InputStream inputStream, byte[] bArr, C1178b c1178b) {
C1176a d = C1179k.m3096d();
if (bArr != null) {
Log.v("DeviceInterfaceClass", "set data");
C1157a o = C1159c.m3011o();
int a = m4555a(outputStream, inputStream);
if (a < 0) {
return null;
o.m2994a(a + 1);
C1159c c1159c = (C1159c) o.m2793e();
Log.d("config", "msg.toString = " + c1159c.toString());
return C1937a.m4554a(c1159c.m2804s());
I know enough about programming to know basically what's happening here, but the additional obfuscated function names are tough to work through. In addition to the APK source, I also ran a packet capture on my device when controlling the bulb. I didn't really understand the output well enough and didn't get very far other than confirming the fact that it's sending short messages to that device and port.
I confirmed via nmap that the only open port is 55556 and I can also open a socket connection to the device and send messages, but that's not really giving me any additional info.
Would love some help or pointers in the right direction here. I can sit down and do the leg work but any resources that would help me better understand what to expect would be really helpful. I don't know if I should be sending simple commands like "enable" or a JSON string or if I need to encode/encrypt it somehow.
I came across your post while googling for strings from decompiling the app myself .
I don't fully understand the communication between the app and the smart-thing, but I'm getting there. In my case, its a smart plug (product code T1201). The communication with all the supported devices is similar.
They are encrypting the command such as "sendUsrDataToDev" and "getDevStatusData" with a fixed AES key and IV. Then connect to the smartThing on tcp port 55556 an write their encrypted command and read data back from the socket. There's another layer of encrypting and decrypting on top of this thats not any sort of standard and just some ghetto homebrew crap the app developers invented.
On my device, and smartplug, the AES uses 244E6D8A56AC879124432D8B6CBCA2C4 for the key and 772456F2A7664CF3392C3597E93E5747 for the IV. I'm not sure yet if those are unique to each user, generated from the username, or used for every user. Your message is padded to a multiple of 16 bytes before encryption. I found those parameters hardcoded directly above the AES encrypt/decrypt code. They'll be the same for everybody using the same app.
As far as the other ghetto encryption/key, I've only seen that code used when talking to product t2103, which I think is a vacuum.
After you get past those, the actual data thats sent back and forth to the smart thing is a protobuf.

