[Q] Bypassing Apt Complex WiFi Splash Page - General Questions and Answers

Hello all,
I've recently moved to an apartment complex with very good community wifi. However, upon connecting to the wifi, I am redirected to a splash page where I input my apartment username/password. This is okay for my PC and android devices but not so good for my PS3, dvd player, and Google Chromecast. I've been looking for a way to bypass this splash page. I have a Linksys E1500 with DD-WRT installed that I think will be helpful in this endeavor. I've found a couple of options online such as:
1) Connect to wifi on PC, then connect PC to router, and activate internet connection sharing -> I tried this but it wasn't working. I wasn't sure what mode my router should be in (AP, client, bridge?) or what local connection to set it to; The instructions weren't clear. Also, I would like to have my own private network fed from the public network.
2) Use router as repeater -> I tried this as well but it didn't really work. I could get Google home page to load but then everything else would say "SSL connection error". I wasn't sure what to do at that point. Instructions were:
"Hard reset the router, then configure the router to and mask Next go to status/wireless and find the AP you want...and click join. When the screen changes to the wireless page, change the dropdown to 'repeater', add virtual interface with new SSID, hit save. Go to Security tab and uncheck everything under Block WAN, save, apply changes. Power cycle then go to basic router setup, assign WAN port to switch, enter opendns for your static DNS as follows
static dns 1
static dns 2
Then in services tab for dnsmasq put this line:
hit save, apply settings again."
3) Use router with DD-WRT to create a tunnel through openVPN -> I didn't know how to configure this and couldn't find instructions.
4) Buy a travel router -> I want to save money so I would like to avoid this option if I can... People claim it works for their hotel splash pages but I don't know if it'll work with mine.
I might have done something wrong during my setup procedures; I can't say for sure. I would gladly try again if someone wants to walk me through the process/troubleshoot. My overall goal is to get my own network set up from the community network without having to deal with the splash page. I hope this is possible. If anyone knows another method I could try, let me know.
My apt complex specs are:
SSID: apartmentcomplex
Security type: none
Default Gateway:
DHCP Server:
Subnet Mask:
Splash page is:
I appreciate the help.


[Q] How to set a fixed IP address

How to set a fixed IP address
Go to your WiFi settings. Where you have your list of WiFi networks, push and hold the network you want to have static IP on. After a second or two, a dialogue comes up where you can Forget network or Modify network. Select Modify Network. In the settings you have one that is called "IP settings", currently configured to DHCP. Select static in that menu and then you will be able to fill in all the details for your static address (IP, Netmask, Gateway, DNS servers, Netmask). Note, the netmask is called Network prefix length and you specify how many bits that are locked rather than the normal "" syntax.
thanks, man
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
bithir said:
Go to your WiFi settings. Where you have your list of WiFi networks, push and hold the network you want to have static IP on. After a second or two, a dialogue comes up where you can Forget network or Modify network. Select Modify Network. In the settings you have one that is called "IP settings", currently configured to DHCP. Select static in that menu and then you will be able to fill in all the details for your static address (IP, Netmask, Gateway, DNS servers, Netmask). Note, the netmask is called Network prefix length and you specify how many bits that are locked rather than the normal "" syntax.
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I have a vibrant T959 and was wondering if I set it to have a static IP address, what else does it affect on the workings of the phone. I am using the phone to give me a wifi hotspot and then I am using the signal to send to my MoFi wireless router to give my FTA satellite reciever the internet but I don't want my IP to change evey time I turn off my wifi hotspot. My FTA reciever needs a constant IP address. Thanks for any help you can give me. I am new to a lot of this.
Thanks a lot, I just bought the eee Pad and in my way setting things..

Tethering with OpenVPN: How to avoid ATT's prying eyes and possibly tether undetected

The purpose of this post is to explain how to tether with openvpn, which will hopefully avoid ATT's all seeing eyes, as well as prevent any detection during tethering.
All ATT will ever see is encrypted traffic between a connection that is initiated from my phone and ends at my vpn server. So the only way they would be able to determine if you are tethering, is if they are spying on you ala CIQ directly on your device, or your device phones home and tattles on you. That would open up a different can of worms and a **** storm would ensue.
This method requires a number of things.
* Openvpn server (preferably running on a static address, but will work with dynamic DNS services) with a reliable connection. I use a VPS server for $25 a month, but it is fast and reliable.
* Openvpn on your phone (any will work as long as it has the tun driver or tun built into the kernel(
* Some sort of gateway (your openvpn server can be running on it as well, or a seperate host), I use Freebsd/Openbsd. For linux, your on your own to figure out NAT and gateway functions.
Really, that is about it.
My Openvpn server config, you can set it up any way you like, but certain statements are required, specifically those in the hashed out box if you want your subnets to talk to each other, and route the traffic
port ****
proto tcp
dev tun
ca /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt
cert /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/vps.server.crt
key /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/vps.server.key
dh /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/dh2048.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
mode server
client-config-dir ccd
# my phone and home subnets, can be any RFC1918 address space
# Advertise and note your home subnets in this section, unless you
# do not want the various subnets to talk to each other, then you
# can also remove the client-to-client statements
push "route"
push "route"
keepalive 10 120
status /var/log/openvpn/openvpn-status.log
log /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log
log-append /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log
verb 4
My client config on my phone (change the remote statement to match your openvpn server host and port)
proto tcp
dev tun
remote vpn.example.com 1234
ca ca.crt
cert client.crt
key client.key
/usr/local/etc/openvpn/ccd is where I have my client specific configs (match the location to that identified in the server.conf file for your vpn server). I also use certificates unique to each host that connects to my vpn, the names of the files in the "ccd" directory must match the name you gave the device when you created your certificates. I use easy-ssl to manage my certs.
for my phone, which I named "galaxy_s" I have the following (note the DNS option is optional, I was having problems with it so I just hardcoded, googles dns server into my network settings on my laptop)
The iroute statement just tells the openvpn server what subnets you have behind your device, in this case the phone. I am guessing all of the android phones use 192.168.43.x as the NAT'd subnet, otherwise change it to whatever your phone is assigning.
push "redirect-gateway"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
The rest of the configurations are related to your primary gateway, which in my case also runs the openvpn server. I am using freebsd and pf, the configs needed for that are essentially natting statements, and firewall rules.
for pf, the following rules are what I use
I also trust all the traffic on my tun0 device, so I told pf to ignore it and pass all traffic
nat on $int from to any -> $int/32
nat on $int from to any -> $int/32
set skip on tun0
Hopefully this is useful to other folks, if not, let it be buried
THanks for an EXCELLENT guide!
Quick question. When I use this server conf file, my ssh on my local network hangs up and goes down.
In other words:
I am running openvpn on a home linux server. It is connected through a home router to the internet and has a network set up at
Router is,
vpn server is on
If I start openvpn, I cannot ssh from a local network ( laptop. If I turn off openvpn I can. I changed your addresses in server conf file to I have a feeling it has to do with that.
Well, yes, you will need to modify the configs to suit your own address scheme. As for why you cannot ssh, I am not sure, is that .81 device on the same network as the openvpn server, or are you coming from a different network.
My setup has the gateway the same as the openvpn server simply due to the fact that I am using a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and I only have that as the 1 external static system.
I would check the route statements, I'm not sure, but you might have a routing loop that would be causing the problem, can you traceroute or ping, or use any other protocol/application to see if you can connect). If you set the default gateway of the openvpn server as the .1 address, and then you are trying to connect to another internal address, the .81, when you ssh from whatever device is connected to the openvpn server, it may attempt to connect to the gateway at .1 and then return back into your network to .81.
I could be wrong, it is hard to tell when you are not sitting at the actual systems.
Got it to work! Here's some tips for others
Thanks again for your help jvanbrecht. Last night I was able to sit down, get a better understanding of how it worked via openvpn's HOWTO, and get it running.
I did need to make a few mods for it to work in my configuration (as is expected since very few network configs are the same).
My configuration:
Single home network, say on
Single router, at
Home server hosting VPN on It is running Ubuntu Maverick.
Skyrocket on subnet
My modifications:
Since I don't need direct access between VPN clients and my home subnetwork, in the server config I commented out:
#push "route"
It was giving me some problems SSHing into my home server from a local network machine so this was the quick fix.
Initially it wasn't routing ALL traffic, just that directed from VPN client to the VPN server. So I added this to the server conf:
push "redirect-gateway def1"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
In my home (tomato) router, I just port forwarded any TCP traffic on 1194 to the home server (
I think openvpn does this already. But just in case, I added an iptable nat entry to forward packet from VPN network to eth0 (my NIC). As root:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
And I added the following entry to /etc/rc.local so it persists on restart.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Some debugging tips for others
Simplest way to verify HTTP traffic is being forwarded is, after connecting to vpn from phone, go to www.whatismyip.com. Make sure it matches your phone.
If you are having trouble connecting to the VPN, watch the openvpn log for errors. "tail -f /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.conf"
After connecting, make sure you can ping from your home server to the phone.
From Server: "ping"
From Phone: Open Terminal Emulator and type "ping"
You can also validate the traffic is forwarding through VPN by using traceroute. You can test both forwarding and DNS
From Phone: Open Terminal Emulator, type
For no-DNS test first:
For DNS test:
traceroute www.google.com
For each, do your tests on the cell network (NOT home wifi) and verify that the route passes through your vpn server and doesn't bypass it completely.
Lastly to make sure traffic is being piped, you can monitor VPN traffic from your openvpn server by typing:
tcpdump -i tun0
Do you have any recommendations about dropped connections? I noticed while testing that sometimes my openvpn connection would drop and my phone browsing would immediately default to the direct default cell provider connection.
Of course if tethering, this could be very bad.
Any tips on ensuring that if VPN is enabled, but no connection, that it won't ever try and route around it?
would using any vpn do the same thing? or something making this special ? any one tested this ?
It's been a few weeks since I tried the openvpn app. Back then everything seemed to be working well. But I tried again today and am having problems.
- I can access everything fine via vpn if my phone is connected to my local wifi where the vpn server resides.
- I can access IP addresses (e.g. the ip address of google.com) if connected to vpn via AT&T's 3G network
- I CANNOT access websites by their name (e.g. www.google.com) anymore.
It seems the DNS forwarding over VNC is messed up. Any tips on what the problem could be?
I still have the same settings as above, e.g. push "dhcp-option DNS"
Is it possible I need to do any additional configuration on my phone?
Is it possible to replace my router DNS address with a public one like google's "" or ""?
Any tips greatly appreciated!
Deleted. Please ignore. Still having issues.
So I had the opportunity to play around with my config (listed above) a bit more this evening. I was at a location where I had good external WiFi (Panera) along with 3G.
If I connect from my phone to my home VPN server over EXTERNAL WIFI (Panera), I have no problems with VPN. everything works flawlessly.
If I connect from my phone to my home VPN server over AT&T 3G network, it fails. Essentially it can't resolve any DNS queries. I can type in a website's IP address and surf that way, but I can't say type in "www.cnn.com" and get a page to load.
For the latter, when I watch the web queries using "tcpdump -i tun0", I see the requests go out from my phone to the websites, but they don't come back. For example, I see:
" > a.b.c.d (www.cnn.com)",
but I don't see:
"a.b.c.d (www.cnn.com) >"
Is it possible that AT&T is somehow blocking VPN via DNS? At first I thought my openvpn dns settings were messed up ... but it works across external wifi no problem.
---------- Post added at 01:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------
For those that are interested in the future, I think I narrowed down the issue:
It seems VPN connectivity is dependent on the AT&T Access Point Network (APN)
By default for my Skyrocket I was on the AT&T PTA APN wit settings:
APN: pta
MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
MMS proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
MMS Port: 80
I then switched to what is called the "AT&T Expanded" APN with settings:
APN: wap.cingular
User Name: [email protected]
(rest of settings somewhere here on xda ...)
... and that one worked perfectly.
I switched back and forth a few tiimes to confirm. It seems on pta, I can't resolve DNS over VPN. For the wap.cingular, I have no problems.
Anyone else can confirm this is most likely the issue I am seeing and that it can possibly make sense?

Help! Android tethering! Double nat! 100% packet loss

I'm having issues with my internet and am unable to do certain things that are sensitive to the NAT type. I have an LG Stylo 2 (Sprint), Windows 7 PC, Linksys router, Xbox One. Here's the order things are connected in
LGLS775>USB Tethered via PDANet>Windows 7 PC>Ethernet wire>Linksys router>Ethernet wire>Xbox One
I'm not sure how to set things up to fix the NAT type. Connection details: 60ms ping. 28 download. 7 upload. 100% packet loss.
I can still play certain games and access certain websites. But not everything. PLEASE DO NO TELL ME TO GO TO A DIFFERENT FORUM! ONLY POST HELPFUL ANSWERS
3 years later.
This is almost the same setup I'm working with but im using the wifi instead of usb on those parts.
For anyone having these issues I've got a couple things to try.
You can connect directly to pdanet via WiFi with pretty much any device (that I've seen so far) if you're able to set the proxy setting to manual using the ip given in pdanet with the port 8000. For me it would be
Or if you have to or just prefer to use a PDANet -> PC -> Router -> Device setup.
I used to have a much worse time with disconnects and error codes playing Destiny 2 on Steam, I still have problems here and there, sometimes often still. Ive got a good feeling though that what i did, actually improved my situation at least a bit.
In pdanet top right little menu with "Help" and "Dev Code", select IPv6 Support, then Prioritize IPv4.
Then in Windows, head to Network and Sharing, Change adapter settings, right click > properties on the adapter doing ICS then (what i did) uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)", "QoS Packet Scheduler", and anything else that isn't default, in my case, Npcap Packet Drivers.
I actually can't be sure that any of these really did anything but im much less frustrated than i used to be.
Also in my case im using a Netgear in AP mode, which ends up with a different local ip than ones that pdanet give. For me, after pdanet is adequately connected to the router, it seems that most of my Android devices work without further setup but some devices require setting a static ip, which should be easy to find using "arp -a" or "ipconfig" in cmd.
-In My Case-
The gateway was so i choose any 2 digit number after 137. for the main (connecting device's) ip. Example.
So when connecting device to router via WiFi you will choose to set Manual/Static IP then after that the settings should look something like...
Secondary DNS:
If v these v are set automatically or not required then you should be able to ignore them
Network prefix length: 24
Subnet mask:
I'm still trying to find other ways to set things that may be better but so far these are working okay for me. Don't hesitate to ask any question if clarification is needed, i understand a lot of things i post can be confusing. I hope at least some of this was helpful in any way!
CornholeOS_x86 said:
3 years later.
This is almost the same setup I'm working with but im using the wifi instead of usb on those parts.
For anyone having these issues I've got a couple things to try.
You can connect directly to pdanet via WiFi with pretty much any device (that I've seen so far) if you're able to set the proxy setting to manual using the ip given in pdanet with the port 8000. For me it would be
Or if you have to or just prefer to use a PDANet -> PC -> Router -> Device setup.
I used to have a much worse time with disconnects and error codes playing Destiny 2 on Steam, I still have problems here and there, sometimes often still. Ive got a good feeling though that what i did, actually improved my situation at least a bit.
In pdanet top right little menu with "Help" and "Dev Code", select IPv6 Support, then Prioritize IPv4.
Then in Windows, head to Network and Sharing, Change adapter settings, right click > properties on the adapter doing ICS then (what i did) uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)", "QoS Packet Scheduler", and anything else that isn't default, in my case, Npcap Packet Drivers.
I actually can't be sure that any of these really did anything but im much less frustrated than i used to be.
Also in my case im using a Netgear in AP mode, which ends up with a different local ip than ones that pdanet give. For me, after pdanet is adequately connected to the router, it seems that most of my Android devices work without further setup but some devices require setting a static ip, which should be easy to find using "arp -a" or "ipconfig" in cmd.
-In My Case-
The gateway was so i choose any 2 digit number after 137. for the main (connecting device's) ip. Example.
So when connecting device to router via WiFi you will choose to set Manual/Static IP then after that the settings should look something like...
Secondary DNS:
If v these v are set automatically or not required then you should be able to ignore them
Network prefix length: 24
Subnet mask:
I'm still trying to find other ways to set things that may be better but so far these are working okay for me. Don't hesitate to ask any question if clarification is needed, i understand a lot of things i post can be confusing. I hope at least some of this was helpful in any way!
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So I actually figured it out a while back but now I'm in the same boat since I've moved to a place with no highspeed again. Same basis except I'm now T-Mobile, using a VPN and the Hotspot VPN APK. Same connection route. If I remember correctly there was an IP address error with the 137.anything. I'll post an update soon.
Anything better then pdanet ? That bypass data speed throttle after using so much???

A weird restriction to access internet from wifi

Ask Question
I had a small quarrel with my stepfather, and then he didn’t let me access the home internet. When I try to connect to our home wifi normally, it says "obtaining ip address" and loops for minutes until it says "failed to obtain ip address." But when I try to connect by setting static ip from my phone, it connects immediately but says " no internet." I assumed he might have blacklisted me, but I am unable to connect even my laptop and other phones. Suspecting that my stepfather had enabled whitelist or MAC filtering, I tried to spoof MAC address using kali linux, but I couldn't connect to the wifi with spoofed MAC. I need internet but my stepfather won't listen to me. Since he is not in home right now and won't return for a month, I don't have a connected device to access the setup page and see the settings of our Digicom ( DG-M342T) router. I am also unable to physically access the router but I have the password( Authentication type - WEP). How do I fix this? I would really appreciate your help.
You could download the router's management app and then view the connected devices list on your phone. Check your router's setup guide to see which app you need to download.
jwoegerbauer said:
You could download the router's management app and then view the connected devices list on your phone. Check your router's setup guide to see which app you need to download.
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I can't access the setup page by typing in the url or from other Router management apps on the play store. It says " Can't reach the page." I also checked the guide where it says to open admin page by typing on the browser , but there is no mention of any management apps.
Making changes to your router you’d need to know the IP address of the router. A list of wellknown router IPs here:
How to Find Your Router IP Address in 3 Steps | ExpressVPN
Learn what an IP address is, the differences between a local and public IP address, and how to find your router’s IP on Windows and Mac.
jwoegerbauer said:
Making changes to your router you’d need to know the IP address of the router. A list of wellknown router IPs here:
How to Find Your Router IP Address in 3 Steps | ExpressVPN
Learn what an IP address is, the differences between a local and public IP address, and how to find your router’s IP on Windows and Mac.
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Thanks for your reply jwoegerbauer. As I mentioned earlier in my post, if I connect to wifi just by typing password, it loops "obtaining ip address" for long period, and therefore I have to set static ip address through the advance setting of wifi just to connect to it. My router's local ip address is . I used to access the admin page before the restriction through this ip address. But now it says "Can't reach the page." The problem is about not being able to access internet and admin page after connecting to the router.
Clear your local DNS cache to make sure you have the recent version from your ISP for For Windows machine, you can do this by going to Start > Command Prompt > Type ipconfig /flushdns and then hit Enter.
Assumed that router's IP really is and it still doesn't work then maybe ISP is blocking it. You may try to use an alternate DNS service such as Cloudflare for example.
I flushed the dns in windows. Now I can connect to the wifi without setting statip ip (in windows), but I still can't access internet. If I try to open any website, it says "
Hmmm… can't reach this page" and then says "You are not connected." I installed cloudflare WARP in windows but it was no use , since it requires internet access to function.
These are the screenshots of my android to explain what exactly happens:
1. When I try to connect to wifi just by typing it's password (loops at "obtaining ip address")
2. Setting the static ip manually
3. Instantly connected after setting static ip
4. Connected but No internet
5. Can't access router setup page
Cloudflare Warp? Confused.
How to change DNS Server to Cloudflare is explained in detail here:
How To Change DNS To [ CloudFlare ] In Windows 10 Laptop And PC Full Tutorial - TECHWIBE
Are you having a slow Internet speed and websites are taking too long to load with your Window 10 OS (laptop or PC). Then this guide will definitely help you
I downloaded an application( Cloudflare WARP) form the cloudflare website linked below. I checked the website you linked and changed the DNS accordingly, but I still can't access internet. My android phone is not even connecting without static ip and I am tired of manually setting it and not being able to use internet.
Windows · Cloudflare WARP client docs
The Cloudflare WARP client allows individuals or organizations to have a faster, more secure and private experience online.
No further ideas on my part.
jwoegerbauer said:
No further ideas on my part.
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Well thanks for your help jwoegerbauer. Below is the screenshot of ipconfig command after flushing dns. It looks like I haven't been assigned an ip address, the subnet is different, and the gateway is blank. Do you have any idea what this means? What could be a valid ip adress to connect manually with static ip?

Assigning a static IP address to a phones hotspot

How can I assign a static IP address to my phones hotspot?
I use the hotspot on my Samsung M31 to connect my laptop running Windows 10 to the internet.
I also have Oracle's Virtual Box VM running a few test websites on the laptop on Ubuntu Server 22.04, which need a static IP address to access.
A few days back when I ran ipconfig at the Windows command prompt, it showed my wireless IP address as Today, it show as Meaning, all my sites are now broken. Is there a way to stop the hotspot from changing IP addresses?
Can someone please help?
normanscr said:
How can I assign a static IP address to my phones hotspot?
I use the hotspot on my Samsung M31 to connect my laptop running Windows 10 to the internet.
I also have Oracle's Virtual Box VM running a few test websites on the laptop on Ubuntu Server 22.04, which need a static IP address to access.
A few days back when I ran ipconfig at the Windows command prompt, it showed my wireless IP address as Today, it show as Meaning, all my sites are now broken. Is there a way to stop the hotspot from changing IP addresses?
Can someone please help?
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I don't know the answer to your question directly as your situation is more complicated than is mine but I will try to help in so much as you can at least check what your current settings are.
My setup is only similar to yours in that I have apps (such as vysor & scrcpy) on Windows which are expecting a static IP address from my phone. However, where my setup differs from yours is I'm not using my phone as a hotspot - the router is assigning the IP addresses.
However, maybe what I've learned by randomizing my MAC address on each connection can help you - where I say maybe - as I your situation is using the phone as a hotspot and mine is passively accepting the IP address handed to the phone by the router.
In Android 11, the phone's Wi-Fi radio MAC address can be randomized per SSID, in which case the "address reservation" feature of most routers (often incorrectly called "static" IP addresses) won't work as intended. Worse, in Android 12, in Developer options, you can set a switch to randomize the Wi-Fi radio MAC address of the phone on every connection, regardless of the SSID.
Hence, you have to set the "static" IP address request in the phone itself, so that the router will respect that request for a static IP address.
(As an extra complexity, my SSID broadcast is hidden for privacy reasons (not for security - but privacy), which complicates things only a tiny bit as you have to turn off auto-reconnect for privacy.)
See the images below where maybe (but maybe not!) this information will help you track down why in your (hotspot) case, this static IP address requrest isn't being honored in your hotstpot setup.
normanscr said:
How can I assign a static IP address to my phones hotspot?
I use the hotspot on my Samsung M31 to connect my laptop running Windows 10 to the internet.
I also have Oracle's Virtual Box VM running a few test websites on the laptop on Ubuntu Server 22.04, which need a static IP address to access.
A few days back when I ran ipconfig at the Windows command prompt, it showed my wireless IP address as Today, it show as Meaning, all my sites are now broken. Is there a way to stop the hotspot from changing IP addresses?
Can someone please help?
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Hi ,
if You are the lucky owner of a rooted phone you can try this:
How do I assign a permanent static IP address to hotspot in Android 10
I would like to assign a permanent static IP address to hotspot in Android 10 (Unofficial LineageOS 17.1 for Natrium by LuK1337, rooted with Magisk v20.3 and updated to Jan 11, 2020 build). Now whenever I turn on the hotspot, it assigns a...
To assign a static IP address to your phone's hotspot:
Go to your phone's settings and find the hotspot or tethering settings.
Look for the option to set the IP address as "Static" or "Manual."
Enter the desired IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server information.
Save the settings and restart the hotspot.
For more details, you can check out https://1921681.mobi/192-168-100-1/. Hope this helps.

