Twrp recovery nor working on encrypted cm11 m9 - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a Chinese version of oneplus one with cm11 M9 installed. Everything worked fine. A week ago, I had the phone encrypted. Again things worked fine, except today when I tried to use twrp recovery to do a full backup. Twrp booted into recovery. But twrp did not ask for password to decrypt the phone's storage. Naturally, twrp complained that it could not mount /data, etc.
I searched online. It seemed that twrp is supposed to ask for password when booting into recovery.
Twrp could not do the backup since my internal storage was not accessible to it.
I thought that maybe if I update twrp recovery to the problem might be solved. Nope.
Please help.
If I cannot do backups, I may have to give up encryption.
Thanks in advance.

No longer a problem. I now use online nandroid backup app, which worked flawlessly.


switched recoveries and now no backup or os!? HELP!!!

So I had my phone rooted running fine with the latest cwm recovery and did a nandroid backup, then I flashed the twrp img for a new recovery and that went fine. Where i messed up is i tried to flash a lockscreen handle mod and it got stuck in no biggie i thought...well then i wiped everything and proceeded to restore my backup i made except apparently twrp wont restore cwm backups and i have no rom or gapps on my internal storage so i have no OS? Please someone assist me on how to fix. I have connected the phone to try and adb push a rom to it but it will not connect with latest sdk. it show's it's connected on bootloader but no luck in adb it says device not found. Thank you so much for any input!!!

TWRP can't mount any partition. Says storage is 0mb. PhilZ works perfectly.

Hello. I am having a problem with TWRP recovery and my phone. It appears that TWRP will not recognize any of the partitions that are on my phone. It says that all of my storage devices are 0mb as well. Whenever I try to do anything with TWRP I get errors saying it can't mount so and so partition. The weird thing is that PhilZ recovery works perfectly for me. I have used ODIN to go back to stock, and used a PIT file to repartition, but when I unlock the bootloader and flash TWRP again, the same problem persists. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
UPDATE: I believe it has something to do with this. Is there any way that I can merge this fix into the latest TWRP recovery for d2vzw?
I am having the exact same problem with TWRP on my SPH-l710 s3. But After reading this I am about to give Philz a try, cause I am running out of options/solutions. SkipSoft kit.... ehuh~!
I am having the exact same problem with TWRP on my SPH-l710 s3. But After reading this I am about to give Philz a try, cause I am running out of options/solutions.
Same problem here
This is just strange. I use twrp on 3 of my devices and I've never had an issue, except having to update it of course
Sent from my N5
Having the same problem with my sch535. I found a modified at&t twrp version that worked but I couldn't get it to flash anything without having to modify the scripts and removing the device check. I ended up having to cwm which i hate.

D6633 TWRP cannot decrypt/mount encrypted volume

hello there,
Z3 D6633 here running 5.0.2 (HK) with TWRP rooted with superSU. Trying to upgrade to the newly released 5.1.1.
The phone had been be Encrypted some months ago and everything is fine. However, when I booted into TWRP to try to patch in 5.1.1, TWRP popped up with a password prompt. I entered the decrypt password (and other passwords I can think of) but TWRP replied with:
Unable to mount storage, and
Failed to decrypt data.
Google tells me there had been some issues with TWRP to unable to decrypt encrypted volumes so I went and grabbed the latest XZdualrecovery 2.8.21 and ran that in. All seemed fine and TWRP was updated to Unfortunately, upon booting into recovery, TWRP still count not decrypt the volumes no matter what passwords I enter.
Does anyone have any ideas to get around this, short of a factory reset..? The SD card is also encrypted so I am trying to avoid factory reset if possible..
Thanks in advance
No. I find it ridiculous that it is simple and easy to encrypt, but to decrypt one needs a full reset losing all data? Android is fing lame. Can't wait to buy a tablet so I CAN encrypt both phone and tablet. At least with a win7 tablet decrypting will never be an issue. Android is more of a toy that destroys eyesight imo.

Twrp won´t read partitions on oppo r7 plusf.

Hello everyone, i have a problem installing twrp officiall from and could not find any thread on my problem. None of the img. files will work when i boot from fatstboot, they boot up allright but i can´t do anything, twrp can´t read partitions. View attachment 3638514
From what i can understand my phone is a r7plusf and not r7plusm. And i got the unoficiall twrp from link in post 2 to work so that i was able to backup but it can´t mount cache so i can´t wipe or flash anyway.
So i decided to try to flash cm13 latest nightly with cm recovery 13, but it failed. I made backups of stock recovery via flashfy. Then i made nandroid bakup via twrp unofficial. I then rebooted and Flashed cm recovery With flashify and that worked. I then booted to cm recovery and wiped data/factory reset and it failed and got stuck. I waited for ca 10 min then was able to reboot system and phone was reset and wiped. I rebooted to cm recovery and tried to flash, failing again and bootloop.
Luckily fastboot still worked. I then booted unofficial twrp via fastboot and flashed latest cm nightly, and it failed, it could not find cache, bootloop still. As nothing else worked i thought it was best to restore nandroid, and gues what? Twrp unofficiall got stuck. By now i got a bit nervous. I was able to reboot twrp again via fastboot and this time restore worked, though it took quite some time before restoring actually began. All worked out well and i was able to restore stock recovery agin with flashify. I wonder if i have some odd batch phone???
Thankful for any input...
tommie.r said:
Hello everyone, i have a problem installing twrp officiall from and could not find any thread on my problem. None of the img. files will work when i boot from fatstboot, they boot up allright but i can´t do anything, twrp can´t read partitions. View attachment 3638514
From what i can understand my phone is a r7plusf and not r7plusm. And i got the unoficiall twrp from link in post 2 to work so that i was able to backup but it can´t mount cache so i can´t wipe or flash anyway.
So i decided to try to flash cm13 latest nightly with cm recovery 13, but it failed. I made backups of stock recovery via flashfy. Then i made nandroid bakup via twrp unofficial. I then rebooted and Flashed cm recovery With flashify and that worked. I then booted to cm recovery and wiped data/factory reset and it failed and got stuck. I waited for ca 10 min then was able to reboot system and phone was reset and wiped. I rebooted to cm recovery and tried to flash, failing again and bootloop.
Luckily fastboot still worked. I then booted unofficial twrp via fastboot and flashed latest cm nightly, and it failed, it could not find cache, bootloop still. As nothing else worked i thought it was best to restore nandroid, and gues what? Twrp unofficiall got stuck. By now i got a bit nervous. I was able to reboot twrp again via fastboot and this time restore worked, though it took quite some time before restoring actually began. All worked out well and i was able to restore stock recovery agin with flashify. I wonder if i have some odd batch phone???
Thankful for any input...
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Got this info from app, it says oppo r7 plusm and oppo r7 plusf. confusing...
no sure if you already figured it out but I think u have an R7PlusF with the bootloader of an R7PlusM. go into the development thread of R7Plus and flash the recovery I posted there. Flash my English translation one via Fastboot. I'm 100% sure TWRP will work flawless for you with that version.
oh and edit that screenshot to hide your IMEI! you don't want to give out that information to the Internet ever!
celoxocis said:
no sure if you already figured it out but I think u have an R7PlusF with the bootloader of an R7PlusM. go into the development thread of R7Plus and flash the recovery I posted there. Flash my English translation one via Fastboot. I'm 100% sure TWRP will work flawless for you with that version.
oh and edit that screenshot to hide your IMEI! you don't want to give out that information to the Internet ever!
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Yes i have thanks to you, and all my problems with twrp has been resolved, and yes it was very clumsy of me to miss emei...
Thanks for the reminder.

Can't boot after TWRP restore

Hi all,
A couple of days ago I flashed the OTA image for 8.1. Realising I don't have root and not finding a way to root 8.1 yet, I figured, hey, I'll go back to 8.0. Luckily I did a full backup using TWRP before upgrading.
TWRP 3.1.1 was unable to decrypt the filesystem and therefore restore anything (which I've read is a known issue). Neither could 3.2.1, and 3.2.1 couldn't see the OTG drive I have the backup on, either.
At this point I'd already wrecked the OS by trying to restore without first decrypting the filesystem (figured it'd just overwrite it so who cares). So I flashed the latest 8.0 factory image, started it up to make sure it boots, went back into TWRP and restored the full backup from the OTG drive.
This succeeds - but when rebooting all I get is the initial Google logo. Nothing else. No loop, no progress meter, nothing.
Am I missing a step? Anyone?
jethro1138 said:
Hi all,
A couple of days ago I flashed the OTA image for 8.1. Realising I don't have root and not finding a way to root 8.1 yet, I figured, hey, I'll go back to 8.0. Luckily I did a full backup using TWRP before upgrading.
TWRP 3.1.1 was unable to decrypt the filesystem and therefore restore anything (which I've read is a known issue). Neither could 3.2.1, and 3.2.1 couldn't see the OTG drive I have the backup on, either.
At this point I'd already wrecked the OS by trying to restore without first decrypting the filesystem (figured it'd just overwrite it so who cares). So I flashed the latest 8.0 factory image, started it up to make sure it boots, went back into TWRP and restored the full backup from the OTG drive.
This succeeds - but when rebooting all I get is the initial Google logo. Nothing else. No loop, no progress meter, nothing.
Am I missing a step? Anyone?
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Had you ever tried restoring the backup before to verify it was stable? Perhaps there was some corruption in the backup file?
Well, it is able to restore the whole thing without an error. I think that counts as verifying that it's not corrupt...
I'm facing the same exact issue. I've got several previous backups of my Pixel, all of 8.1, and if I try restoring any partition except /data they restore successfully and boot as a fresh phone.
Now of course I need my data, but when I try to restore any of my previously backed up /data partitions, they either freeze during restoration or restore successfully. However if they do restore successfully, my phone won't boot anymore. After showing the Google logo, then animated G, it reboots back to recovery.
I tried most things as of now but to no avail. This really sucks!

