[Q] More Gesture Shortcuts - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Why does the OPO only have 3 gesture shortcuts? Is it possible to have more custom ones, perhaps with xposed framwork?

Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

yes that would be awsm!
increase volume (slash from left buttom to right top)
decrease volume (backslash from left top to right buttom)
mute all + red LED (drawing X)
I am not a developer but i guess that's easy for people who understand the rom code.

This feature is already possible in Custom Roms such as Mahdi, Slim and more.
So yes it is possible, is there a Xposed module? Not sure.
Read more http://www.cultofandroid.com/66815/...-one-owners-customize-screen-gestures-action/

Thanks, I switched from color rom to CM stock because I thought it was phenomenal already, but I'm willing to mod again!
zephiK said:
This feature is already possible in Custom Roms such as Mahdi, Slim and more.
So yes it is possible, is there a Xposed module? Not sure.
Read more http://www.cultofandroid.com/66815/...-one-owners-customize-screen-gestures-action/
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[ModRequest] navigation bar with softkeys for TouchWiz roms

Here is my idea, but i'm not a dev...
I'd like to have a navigation bar with softkeys (back, home, menu n last apps...) But i am on TW rom
Would some dev be able to make this kind of mod?
ludskyrider said:
Here is my idea, but i'm not a dev...
I'd like to have a navigation bar with softkeys (back, home, menu n last apps...) But i am on TW rom
Would some dev be able to make this kind of mod?
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Sent from another Galaxy...
iBuzman said:
Sent from another Galaxy...
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Nice mod running perfect in my note on JB
iBuzman said:
Sent from another Galaxy...
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That's a solution but unfortunately that's not cutsomisable as we can found in ICS or JB custom roms.
As for me, I'm very interested with one navbar with search and power buttons, plus the possibility to change the bar height.
iBuzman said:
Sent from another Galaxy...
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thx mister
there is no need to do so many changes in build.prop and what not. simply Install gravitybox in xposed framework(and ofcourse reboot your phone after enabling it). goto navigation bar tweaks, enable master settings. all other settings are pretty straightforward.
For aligning it, goto ''gravitybox ->navigation bar tweaks->custom settings'' and enable softkeys. play with these settings for a while till you end up with what you want, Bcoz i did .
And yes, before you ask, disabling hardware buttons is still not supported in gravitybox, so you'll have to do it the hard way. personally, i feel more is good.

[Poll] CM features you would like to see

Hi all,
what CM features do you miss in our RAZRi? Maybe we can develop some of them.
My most missed feature at this time is
- long press Back Button to kill app
Tried it to get this work, but got stuck unfortunately.
Any wishes or ideas? Or help?
Maybe the lockscreen features
I miss it
The back kill button too
Status bar mods without flashing mods?
Ooo yes i forgot, themes
Enviado desde mi XT890 usando Tapatalk 2
I miss the menue when hitting the power button where i can chose: power off, reboot, boot in recovery
And i miss that the homescreen does not have a landscape mode.
And the longpress-backbutton, too.
I miss the Theme Chooser and the Kill button aswell. I also miss DSP Settings from CM10, Lockscreen shortcut customization, Kernel Settings and DPI settings.
Sent from my XT890 using xda premium
+1 to the power menu.
It's a pain in the * to get this phone in recovery by holding the button.
I miss the editable lockscreen shortcuts and weather too...
Well for the power menu extended use Power toggles, it has the menu
All the options work good
Intel device - Razr i Owner
Hit thanks if i help you or you like my style
kelvinmorcillo said:
+1 to the power menu.
It's a pain in the * to get this phone in recovery by holding the button.
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you can use power toggles from the store for this menu.
Just another thing, that i miss: cpu-settings...
And funny bootanimations and a nice bootlogo. I don`t need a reminder everytime i boot my phone, that bl is unlocked. I just know, what i have done
Lock screen weather and calendar display
One I miss most
Sent from my XT890 using xda premium
Would be really nice to see some CM features working on Razr i even without CM itself (personally I don't believe it will ever come...). I somehow hate to have installed many apps to personalise simple things as:
LED color and flashing speed
quiet hours
display brightness levels
and others like:
move apps to sd
and definitely power menu and back button > kill app
Please no fantasy features. Apps2SD is not possible since ICS
Also, +1 for "Power toggles" - move it to /system/app and you have even a GPS toggle. Use it since day one.
In addition to OP, I miss "slide2wake". This must be compiled in the kernel.
More input please
shaftenberg said:
Please no fantasy features. Apps2SD is not possible since ICS
Also, +1 for "Power toggles" - move it to /system/app and you have even a GPS toggle. Use it since day one.
In addition to OP, I miss "slide2wake". This must be compiled in the kernel.
More input please
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Hey shaft, an idea, what about look the Xposed framework? To compile it for our device . This gonna gave us a lot of themes for stock
Just an idea
Intel device - Razr i Owner
Hit thanks if i help you or you like my style
Marco Lomas said:
Hey shaft, an idea, what about look the Xposed framework?
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I asked the dev (rovo89) already.
BTW, you are the first person who called me "shaft"... I'm feeling home right now
Well, I think some things from CM are possible to implement. Surely we can't mimic a CM and most of the features are possible via 3rd party apps - just use them. For example the dealbraker "power toggles": I would never start to implement CM toggles because PT is much more powerful and easy to use.
LED control? Use Light Flow.
Quiet hours? Use Llama.
In general, don't be afraid of installing 3rd party apps, because the features in CM are "3rd party" too. If an app is extra installed or in the framework doesn't make a difference - they need RAM and CPU power also, moreover some "features" are extra apps also (DSP settings).
Let's focus on small things which aren't easily possible to install:
- back button kill app -> I'm working on that, need help eventually, someone interested?
- Lockscreen shortcuts/weather -> Maybe we can implement the 4.2 lockscreen?
- slide2wake -> Omar/arman68? Kernel masters?
- Power menu -> this should be easy, will take a look
- Display brightness -> arman68, can you do that?
shaftenberg said:
I asked the dev (rovo89) already.
BTW, you are the first person who called me "shaft"... I'm feeling home right now
Well, I think some things from CM are possible to implement. Surely we can't mimic a CM and most of the features are possible via 3rd party apps - just use them. For example the dealbraker "power toggles": I would never start to implement CM toggles because PT is much more powerful and easy to use.
LED control? Use Light Flow.
Quiet hours? Use Llama.
In general, don't be afraid of installing 3rd party apps, because the features in CM are "3rd party" too. If an app is extra installed or in the framework doesn't make a difference - they need RAM and CPU power also, moreover some "features" are extra apps also (DSP settings).
Let's focus on small things which aren't easily possible to install:
- back button kill app -> I'm working on that, need help eventually, someone interested?
- Lockscreen shortcuts/weather -> Maybe we can implement the 4.2 lockscreen?
- slide2wake -> Omar/arman68? Kernel masters?
- Power menu -> this should be easy, will take a look
- Display brightness -> arman68, can you do that?
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does someone seriously asked the cm dev's for help with the x86 architecture?
i cant belive they dont want support x86 ..dunno why
but maybe we have to wait till more x86 phones are available..
well, shaft you could contact me with a pm and send me some technical things you found yet for the "back button kill app".
I miss DVC (Direct Volume Control) support from the CM, for any music player (e.g. PowerAmp) :cyclops:
And what I really miss are processor adjustment. (vsel undervolting)
Marco Lomas said:
Well for the power menu extended use Power toggles, it has the menu
All the options work good
Intel device - Razr i Owner
Hit thanks if i help you or you like my style
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How did you get that softkeys?
nestori said:
How did you get that softkeys?
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With an app called Softkeyz
Its paid on play store and you can import your own customs icons
Intel device - Razr i Owner
Hit thanks if i help you or you like my style
I really miss:
-Power menu
-Wheater in lockscreen
I really want:
-4.2.2 toggles
-4.2.2 lockscreen
I miss AOSP apps, like browser and launcher.
Help needed!
I tried several hours now to implement the Extended Power Menu.
Here is a very good diff/instruction - this is easy!
Original Thread here:
But my f***ing RAZR instantly vibrates and reboots as soon as I long press power and I can't find the reason. In another thread here at XDA someone implemented this in his XT910 and this works, these are the same code lines...
I double/triple checked everything and I will throw the phone out of the window if I spend more time with it now
Anyone an idea? This is really a simple mod, my god!
shaftenberg said:
Help needed!
I tried several hours now to implement the Extended Power Menu.
Here is a very good diff/instruction - this is easy!
Original Thread here:
But my f***ing RAZR instantly vibrates and reboots as soon as I long press power and I can't find the reason. In another thread here at XDA someone implemented this in his XT910 and this works, these are the same code lines...
I double/triple checked everything and I will throw the phone out of the window if I spend more time with it now
Anyone an idea? This is really a simple mod, my god!
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Check this for your phone http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2184877

Volume buttons to skip track (while screen off)

Hi guys
I thought I would start this thread to discuss any tips to getting the volume keys to skip music tracks, while screen is off (eg, in your pocket).
This seems to be in place in a few custom roms, but wondered whether anyone knew of a way to get this working on stock 4.4?
Stal said:
Hi guys
I thought I would start this thread to discuss any tips to getting the volume keys to skip music tracks, while screen is off (eg, in your pocket).
This seems to be in place in a few custom roms, but wondered whether anyone knew of a way to get this working on stock 4.4?
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You could achieve root, install Xposed Installer, and then install a module that will contain this feature.
Unfortunately, 4.4 is not supported by Xposed Installer yet.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Interesting. I've heard about the xposed framework, but not read much about it.
Looks like it might be worth looking into, when 4.4 support is added.
338lm said:
Unfortunately, 4.4 is not supported by Xposed Installer yet.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Dang. Hopefully soon though.
jetAudio basic has the option to select long press actions in misc settings. Whether it works on KK yet is another story. Give it a try.
Crossing my fingers for 4.4 version of CM

[Q] Moto G Quick settings - 2 fingers only?

Hi Guys, I searched a lot in the Moto G forum looking for the answer to my question, but sadly I couldn't find it. What I want to know is why the Quick Settings menu in the Moto G (the tiles menu, the one with the owner picture, wi-fi, data, bluetooth toggles...) can only be accessed using two fingers? I ask that because I come from a Samsung Galaxy Mini and a Galaxy Wonder, both running CM10, and in them I can access the quick settings by both pulling the status bar with two fingers or simply pulling it from the right corner, what I think to be a faster and more natural option.
Can anyone confirm that in KitKat this annoyance has been fixed? Isn't it a standard jellybean feature? If it is, why would Motorola disable it?
Thanks in advance for anyone that can answer.
My Moto G is still on 4.3, but my Nexus 5 with KitKat needs 2 fingers aswell.
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Mrkblo said:
Hi Guys, I searched a lot in the Moto G forum looking for the answer to my question, but sadly I couldn't find it. What I want to know is why the Quick Settings menu in the Moto G (the tiles menu, the one with the owner picture, wi-fi, data, bluetooth toggles...) can only be accessed using two fingers? I ask that because I come from a Samsung Galaxy Mini and a Galaxy Wonder, both running CM10, and in them I can access the quick settings by both pulling the status bar with two fingers or simply pulling it from the right corner, what I think to be a faster and more natural option.
Can anyone confirm that in KitKat this annoyance has been fixed? Isn't it a standard jellybean feature? If it is, why would Motorola disable it?
Thanks in advance for anyone that can answer.
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AOSP's quick settings menu doesn't support opening from the right corner in phone UI mode. It's weird. CM10 added that functionality.
Lyokacanthrope said:
AOSP's quick settings menu doesn't support opening from the right corner in phone UI mode. It's weird. CM10 added that functionality.
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That is just too bad then... will take sometime to get used to not having this feature and that button to close all recent apps. Hopefully we'll have CM on the G soon.... Thanks for answering.
It's an added feature that Cyanogen added in.
Sent from my XT1034 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
You just need to install Xposed framework and GravityBox (JB or KK depending on your MotoG rom) for this to work. It's one of the best plugin for xposed.
1st install Xposed, then GravityBox then reboot.
Go back to Xposed, select GravityBox module and then enable all the options you want (in that case your quick settings)
Agreed that Gravity Box, as usual, holds the solution to most "must be a better way while remaining stock" questions and I personally use the quick settings from the right option, along with resizing, ordering and adding more settings, BUT they're still available with one finger as standard via the settings/notifications toggle in the top right corner, just needs a swipe and then a press so not a great hardship if you don't want to root.
If you're going to root a virtually vanilla Android phone like this though, Xposed is the way to go nowadays as you effectively build a custom ROM to your exact spec, not a lot of reasons to install someone elses ROM that has as much bloat as Samsung put in theirs as nearly all the good bits are available as modules for Xposed.
Now I see how low is knowledge about pure Android system
szymgio said:
Now I see how low is knowledge about pure Android system
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When I don't know, I come here to learn. When I do know, I come here to share.
PatC11 said:
When I don't know, I come here to learn. When I do know, I come here to share.
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user guides are helpful too
Motorola Moto G (XT1032), Android 4.4.2
szymgio said:
user guides are helpful too
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So true. But Motorola left the part about Xposed out of the user guide that came with my phone.
PatC11 said:
So true. But Motorola left the part about Xposed out of the user guide that came with my phone.
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I mean main question in this topic about accessibility to quick toggles.
Motorola Moto G (XT1032), Android 4.4.2
szymgio said:
I mean main question in this topic about accessibility to quick toggles.
Motorola Moto G (XT1032), Android 4.4.2
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Any idea why the toggles don't work on the quick settings panel? It seems to just take me to the settings page. How pointless is that?
inzimam said:
Any idea why the toggles don't work on the quick settings panel? It seems to just take me to the settings page. How pointless is that?
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Are you using stock software?
I like using the phone with just one hand (moto g) and defined a Nova action to access that menu. This is my screen now. The little hand scrolls down the notification bar and the home button opens the quick settings.
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
inzimam said:
Any idea why the toggles don't work on the quick settings panel? It seems to just take me to the settings page. How pointless is that?
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don't just push the toggle you want, push and hold it for a whιle
pandorious said:
don't just push the toggle you want, push and hold it for a whιle
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I am on stock rom and I tried that but it doesn't seem to work. I'll have another go when I'm at home, it's my mum's phone. That's also why I don't want to mess with rooting etc if I can avoid it.

[REQUEST] Smaller nav bar with nav buttons

Good day!
Guys, could someone, please, make a mod for LOLLIPOP - 50% smaller nav bar with smaller buttons and, if it possible, to change position of "Back" and "Recent" buttons ? I will provide all necessary files fast!
Thank you.
DennisDD78 said:
Good day!
Guys, could someone, please, make a mod for LOLLIPOP - 50% smaller nav bar with smaller buttons and, if it possible, to change position of "Back" and "Recent" buttons ? I will provide all necessary files fast!
Thank you.
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why don't you use Xstana (for changing) and Xposed (For make it smaller)?
DennisDD78 said:
Good day!
Guys, could someone, please, make a mod for LOLLIPOP - 50% smaller nav bar with smaller buttons and, if it possible, to change position of "Back" and "Recent" buttons ? I will provide all necessary files fast!
Thank you.
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Gravitybox does both. That's the setup I use
Guys, i`d love to, but i can`t install Xposed on Lollipop, because it needs install through recovery, and recovery doesn`t work for now
DennisDD78 said:
Good day!
Guys, could someone, please, make a mod for LOLLIPOP - 50% smaller nav bar with smaller buttons and, if it possible, to change position of "Back" and "Recent" buttons ? I will provide all necessary files fast!
Thank you.
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Xposed isn't working on 5.0.2, at least, it cannot be installed without recovery.
I'll do one mod today...
I won't build mod that will replace icons position but will reduce size of nav bar icons.
Size is few mins job but replacing icon position is something else.
I just don't have time to do something like that (you want something similar we have on Samsung (Note 4, for example), right?)
The other problem is : I'm not sure it would even work without patched services.jar so I won't do that today...
As I said...
I'll release smaller navigation bar MOD today (stock icons)
That should work on stock services.jar
And if I find time (and testing shows it could work in odexed, stock firmware, without superuser MOD), I'll build few custom MODs.
(with KK icons, maybe even "Xperia" icons (if I find one of my old themes for Z2)
This isn't right place to post requests, Mike could you move this thread to Q&A
@MikeChannon (Mike Edit... moved to Q&A)
Z3 powered by Tapatalk
Hi everyone, I have same problem, I dont have recovery on lollipop but I have root, so it is possible change navi button for smaller? Thanks
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app sorry for my english
funky0308 said:
Xposed isn't working on 5.0.2, at least, it cannot be installed without recovery.
I'll do one mod today...
I won't build mod that will replace icons position but will reduce size of nav bar icons.
Size is few mins job but replacing icon position is something else.
I just don't have time to do something like that (you want something similar we have on Samsung (Note 4, for example), right?)
The other problem is : I'm not sure it would even work without patched services.jar so I won't do that today...
As I said...
I'll release smaller navigation bar MOD today (stock icons)
That should work on stock services.jar
And if I find time (and testing shows it could work in odexed, stock firmware, without superuser MOD), I'll build few custom MODs.
(with KK icons, maybe even "Xperia" icons (if I find one of my old themes for Z2)
This isn't right place to post requests, Mike could you move this thread to Q&A
@MikeChannon (Mike Edit... moved to Q&A)
Z3 powered by Tapatalk
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OK, thank you so much!
Which files do you need ?
PS And, by the way, the rom is odexed!
DennisDD78 said:
Good day!
Guys, could someone, please, make a mod for LOLLIPOP - 50% smaller nav bar with smaller buttons and, if it possible, to change position of "Back" and "Recent" buttons ? I will provide all necessary files fast!
Thank you.
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Is it enough for you this one?
eskamhl said:
Is it enough for you this one?
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Well ,i`d prefer a little bit more smaller, if you asking
DennisDD78 said:
Well ,i`d prefer a little bit more smaller, if you asking
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Do you know the height in dip or I have to guess? [emoji14] The default is 48dip and that one was 42dip, let me know and I'll make it in a minute...
Then I'll ask you about the navbar which I already modified in different ways using the work of Rajeev [emoji6]
eskamhl said:
Do you know the height in dip or I have to guess? [emoji14] The default is 48dip and that one was 42dip, let me know and I'll make it in a minute...
Then I'll ask you about the navbar which I already modified in different ways using the work of Rajeev [emoji6]
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Make it 36 dpi, please.
DennisDD78 said:
Make it 36 dpi, please.
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Here it is
eskamhl said:
Here it is
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Everything seems to be fine, but the "back" button is bigger then the other buttons.
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
DennisDD78 said:
Everything seems to be fine, but the "back" button is bigger then the other buttons.
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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This is a problem in the SystemUI have you modified it or it's still stock?
Wich configuration do you prefer for the buttons? I made also a systemui like this one ( in this case i should fix the size of the power button with your very small navbar )
eskamhl said:
This is a problem in the SystemUI have you modified it or it's still stock?
Wich configuration do you prefer for the buttons? I made also a systemui like this one ( in this case i should fix the size of the power button with your very small navbar )
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The only modification i made is the button "close all" in recent apps.
And i prefer stock 3 buttons style. The only wish is the smaller size and change position of "back" and "recent apps" buttons
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
DennisDD78 said:
The only modification i made is the button "close all" in recent apps.
And i prefer stock 3 buttons style. The only wish is the smaller size and change position of "back" and "recent apps" buttons
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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You mean swap back with recents button, right?
Send me your SystemUI so i can modify it directly in order to keep your configuration
eskamhl said:
You mean swap back with recents button, right?
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Yes, right!
DennisDD78 said:
Yes, right!
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This should be ok
eskamhl said:
This should be ok
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Could you share it with 42 dpi ??
Thanks in advance...
eskamhl said:
This should be ok
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can you help me fix "back" button bigger ? thank you

