[Q] No Lock Home (Xposed) - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does this Modul work with your OPO?
Can someone Test it?
Its not working here. I use SkipLock now but i would love to use the Module

I remember installing this and it did not work. I thought it was just me, but glad to know I am not alone.
I ended up using Tasker. Go figure.


Mapping "Search" button to notifications

I've got a problem with my Desire.
Few days ago, my digitizer got damaged. I've got about 5mm of inactive touchscreen on the top. This makes notification bar inoperable (i have to rotate phone to open it). I want to buy new phone anyway, but I will use Desire as long as it will work.
So here's my idea to map Search button to notifications. I'm not using this button anyway.
Is there any way to do this? My phone is rooted, running on custom rom based on Android 4.2.2
Help me please!
I think exposed addition has that option. Just get the installer and u can download the module from the app.
Another option is launchers with gestures, i used go and apex, they have such option, u can set slide down for notification or double tap.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Sounds interesting, gonna try this framework!
Also, I've got Apex onboard right now, but I'm afraid gestures will not work when I've got another application in foreground. Worth trying anyway.
Thanks for now!
Checked out both suggestions, and none worked well...
Apex - as I said before: Gestures aren't global - works only in main screen
Xposed Additions - there's such option in this module, but i can't see any notifications-related There's also paid version of Additions but I'm not into buying yet.
Any further ideas?
Sent from my Desire S using xda app-developers app
Yes, u are right, should have checked before suggesting xposed addition, they dont have such feature u wanted.
Since u have xposed, you can try Gravitybox. See if they have such funtion in their keyremap. They also have option to enable nav bar and pie.
Lmt, if i remember correctly, if i click on the clock on pie, the notification bar came down.
Sorry, currently on an old rom so cant test but only able to give blind suggestions.
Thank You again. I've installed GravityBox, and partly achieved my goal - I mapped notifications to menu button. There's no option to map anything to "Search" button, but I'll try to do it another way though.

Gravitybox screwing up ringtones

when gravitybox installed and activated, ringtones of all sorts will nnot play, its as if phone is always in silent mode. any ideas????
are you sure this is happening by gravity box? does ringtone working well if you disable gravitybox?
mohinu2 said:
are you sure this is happening by gravity box? does ringtone working well if you disable gravitybox?
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its gravitybox, as soon as i uninstaled it it started working again, i looked around in th GB settings couldnt find a reason.
Kobro said:
its gravitybox, as soon as i uninstaled it it started working again, i looked around in th GB settings couldnt find a reason.
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don't enable all functions of gravity box try on by one and figure it out which function making problem
This is why rom developers advise not to use xposed at all. The modules are unstable at best and can mess things up randomly
mohinu2 said:
don't enable all functions of gravity box try on by one and figure it out which function making problem
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did that, seems to be be the app itself causing it.
anyway which model do you own? it seems to me gravity box is not compatible for your phone's version

Favorite Xposed Plug-ins

Hi All,
I am very new to Xposed and I just finished installing V85. Thanks for the TuT!
If you could, would you list your favorite Plug-ins and why you like them? I would like very much to have a review'ish type list to measure a particular plug-in's popularity.
I figure if someone posts their favorite and we get a lot of likes or re-posts of the same plug-in then I can make a more informed decision on what I would like to use.
Thanks in advance!
I use Boot Manager, Gravity Box, G4 Tweaksbox and GEL Settings. Be careful for conflicting tweaks, enable one at a time between reboots.
My go-to Xposed plugins are:
G4 Tweaksbox - so I can skip tracks by long-pressing the volume keys; also various theme tweaks, disabling low battery warnings, etc.
NotifyClean - originally so I could hide the WiFi Calling persistent notification (IPService), but now I no longer use it.
Secure Settings - I rely on Tasker for a lot of things, and this is required for special functions (like waking the screen).
Youtube AdAway - what ads?
Youtube Background Playback - I disable auto-update of the Youtube app so it stays in sync with this plugin
App Settings is nice if you like changing the DPI for certain apps. Amplify + Greenify is a nice battery saving combo that feature xposed modules.
App settings, One Tap YouTube module, YouTube background playback, YouTube adAway
Youtube AdAway and Youtube Background seems popular
Could anyone give me a link to the most recent xposed framework?
Bildo41383 said:
Could anyone give me a link to the most recent xposed framework?
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njdevils28 said:
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thank you kind sir or madam :angel:
wwwwwaitwhat said:
My go-to Xposed plugins are:
G4 Tweaksbox - so I can skip tracks by long-pressing the volume keys; also various theme tweaks, disabling low battery warnings, etc.
NotifyClean - originally so I could hide the WiFi Calling persistent notification (IPService), but now I no longer use it.
Secure Settings - I rely on Tasker for a lot of things, and this is required for special functions (like waking the screen).
Youtube AdAway - what ads?
Youtube Background Playback - I disable auto-update of the Youtube app so it stays in sync with this plugin
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did you stop using NotifyClean because you no longer needed it or because it was causing issues? for me, I need this module, but it seems to be causing SystemUI crashes on MM and Xposed 85... contacted author in thread, but no response =(
Can anyone please recommend an xposed module for immersive mode on V10?
daized said:
Can anyone please recommend an xposed module for immersive mode on V10?
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G4 tweaksbox will work to get rid of nav bar but will not help with status bar. Don't use gravity box, it won't work for immersive.
Sent from my LG-H901 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Lockscreen Album Art Remover.
dimm0k said:
did you stop using NotifyClean because you no longer needed it or because it was causing issues? for me, I need this module, but it seems to be causing SystemUI crashes on MM and Xposed 85... contacted author in thread, but no response =(
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I am trying Xnotifications, seems to work good but it's only a 10 day trial.
TheFuzz said:
G4 tweaksbox will work to get rid of nav bar but will not help with status bar. Don't use gravity box, it won't work for immersive.
Sent from my LG-H901 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Thank you for your suggestion. I tried a few other things also and discovered that "immerse me" works fine on my phone. It was a surprise for me because the description says the module is for kitkat. Others can try it if they are looking for immersive mode (all apps) for marshmallow on V10.
dimm0k said:
did you stop using NotifyClean because you no longer needed it or because it was causing issues? for me, I need this module, but it seems to be causing SystemUI crashes on MM and Xposed 85... contacted author in thread, but no response =(
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I stopped using wifi calling, so I stopped needing NotifyClean. However, it appears I still have it installed while running MM and it hasn't caused any issues. I just re-enabled wifi calling and it hid the notification immediately without causing any problems. I'm running Xposed framework version 83 and one of the earlier versions of Eliminater74's MM rom.
ReelFiles said:
I am trying Xnotifications, seems to work good but it's only a 10 day trial.
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I was thinking of checking that module out as well, but I paid for NotifyClean and hopefully it's still being developed on by @defim... unfortunately I have not heard anything as of yet.
wwwwwaitwhat said:
I stopped using wifi calling, so I stopped needing NotifyClean. However, it appears I still have it installed while running MM and it hasn't caused any issues. I just re-enabled wifi calling and it hid the notification immediately without causing any problems. I'm running Xposed framework version 83 and one of the earlier versions of Eliminater74's MM rom.
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thanks for the info! do you have fingerprint unlock enabled by any chance? that's my issue with NotifyClean... it keeps restarting SystemUI and I'd be alright with it if it didn't break fingerprint unlock.
dimm0k said:
thanks for the info! do you have fingerprint unlock enabled by any chance? that's my issue with NotifyClean... it keeps restarting SystemUI and I'd be alright with it if it didn't break fingerprint unlock.
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I just set up a fingerprint, enabled a PIN lockscreen, and was able to unlock the screen with my fingerprint. Confirmed that it worked after a reboot. (Though the first time unlocking after rebooting gives me "Unable to use fingerprint," but is fine after that.)
wwwwwaitwhat said:
I just set up a fingerprint, enabled a PIN lockscreen, and was able to unlock the screen with my fingerprint. Confirmed that it worked after a reboot. (Though the first time unlocking after rebooting gives me "Unable to use fingerprint," but is fine after that.)
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if you're able to keep an eye on things and report back to let me know, that would be appreciated. for me NotifyClean and fingerprint unlock do work, however after some time without any reboots or anything out of the ordinary that I'm aware of my device locks the screen and won't accept fingerprint unlock. I know the phone hasn't rebooted on its own to cause this because I've literally put the phone down for less than 2 minutes only to have to enter the password to unlock. my phone is set to lock after 10 minutes... I've checked the Xposed logs to find nothing in there and only after I disable this module does this issue not happen again.

Galaxy S7 navigation keys qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 doesn't work

Hey guys I've seen on many form people complaining about Samsung not allowing devices to use the qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 due to marshmallow. I know you can install gravity box through xposed and use the lockscreen method. I do not want to flash xposed due to the chance of bricking my phone lol, and was wondering if someone know of another way to enable the softkeys without gravity box. Thank you in advance for your help!
Good day.
If you want to enable or disable hardware keys, you could try this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kunkunsoft.hardwaredisabler
If you want softkeys, you could try this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jun.ace.piecontrol&hl=pt_PT
Hope it helps.
Thanks, but I've tried activating it through the app but it seems in Marshmallow Samsung disabled the softkeys. So I was wondering if there was a work around without having to install xposed module.

Question New Z Flip 3 Owner - Little things I can't get to work

I had given up on trying to make all of Androids little features work as they should. Now that I have picked up the Z Flip 3 I have a new found desire to figure out how to use the phone and the features that are giving me issues.
Issue 1 - The screen saver when charging is not working. I've tried my dock, and direct power plug in. No go on any of the screen savers- they simply do not show up. How can I fix or trouble shoot?
2- Please tell me it's possible to re-map the side power button to open the Google assistant. I spend a couple hours on this today and had no success. I tried downloading the assistant app so I could open it, but Samsung has hidden it in the pop up list of apps that can substitute the Bixby option. Same question - how to make it work.
3- I really want nothing to do with the Samsung apps. Is there any way to disable or otherwise get rid of them? Without rooting. Is rooting even possible? I don't really want to start with that again, but will if it comes to it I suppose.
I am trying not to waste days figuring out how to make the phone mine. It seems like everything I want, I can't make happen. So frustrating. Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for any help/guidance/resources etc.
Edited to add - this is a Google FI Samsung phone. I purchased it from Google.
2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamworks.sidekeybuttonremap
3. https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...mate-app-manager-debloat-tool-tweaks.4147837/
Thanks! I tried it out, then purchased the button remapper app. It's working great!
I'll sit down and do the other suggestion also. Wish I didn't have to remove things and hope it doesn't break others in the process.
Thx again
pdxrealtor said:
Thanks! I tried it out, then purchased the button remapper app. It's working great!
I'll sit down and do the other suggestion also. Wish I didn't have to remove things and hope it doesn't break others in the process.
Thx again
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Only disable the apps you can see an icon for in the launcher and those you are absolutely sure accompany them (ie. Stuff plainly named Bixby) and you'll be fine.
Got it! Thank you!! Will update when I've had the time to mess with it.
On another note- I can't for the life of me get the screen saver when charging to work. It's not that I'm dying to use that feature out of necessity, but it's driving me nuts that such a simple task is, simply not working. lol. I need to let it go.
[email protected] said:
2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamworks.sidekeybuttonremap
3. https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...mate-app-manager-debloat-tool-tweaks.4147837/
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How's number 3 compare to package disabler pro?
pdxrealtor said:
How's number 3 compare to package disabler pro?
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it's free, and for me better.

