[Q] Latest colorOS beta ? - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has anyone tried the beta on the following link?
For me it installs fine but loads of force closes and signal doesnt work. I'm using Chinese OPO 16 gb with philz touch

ColorOS is a major factor in many people leaving their Oppo devices behind, it's still a mess on the Find 5 yet resources are being used to officially port it.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Nxpx said:
For me it installs fine but loads of force closes and signal doesnt work.
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Thanks for info, but is it touchscreen working fine with this beta? Have you done full wipe before flashing? There was feedback at another forum, that flashing this beta over cm11s breaks network and touch. Thank you

I went from color OS (officially came with my chinese version of OPO ) to cm11s but it kept dropping signal ( other users have reported that as well). I installed color Os again but it was full of force closes so CM11 now from get.cm, the nightlies work perfectly and phone is working beautifully. Touch screen did work on color os


4.3 PAC-man ROM feedback~!!!

cus i can not post in the "development " so I'd like to feedback here and hope someone can feedback for me
1st, It's strange, if you set ur language to english the rom's system ui will be fine , but if you set it as chinese or others, it will be system ui FC
2nd, is it possible to add an option to show the carrier label in the status bar ? some one may keen on it ~
PAC-man ROM q&a thread:
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i tried the rom by ravikirancg. kudos for his efforts.
this is not much asked here(not allowed to ask!). but if there are really techy ppl who try new roms. which is the most stable rom for atrix 2 in jelly bean series preferably 4.3
deepakanto said:
i tried the rom by ravikirancg. kudos for his efforts.
this is not much asked here(not allowed to ask!). but if there are really techy ppl who try new roms. which is the most stable rom for atrix 2 in jelly bean series preferably 4.3
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CyanogenMod will be, by far, the most stable.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
Ravikirancg said:
CyanogenMod will be, by far, the most stable.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
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can you work on increasing the battery life of the 4.3 pac im running the new 1.0 kernel jbx but still the roms using up a lot of battery
underclocking and tweaking the governors seem to help a little but i think the kexec drawing a lot of power.
btw gr8 work on the rom integration of cm pa and aokp
saw ur github nice wrk.........:good:
---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------
Ravikirancg said:
CyanogenMod will be, by far, the most stable.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
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i second tht opinion but pa seems to have less battery consumption and with the gapps included into the rom it seems to be quite stable.
but if you want to tweak around with your cpu cm should do the trick.
Ravikirancg said:
CyanogenMod will be, by far, the most stable.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
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Me too. But i found that 4.3 pacman has less battery drain. The cm 4.3 is a real toaster. the devices heats up for no reason sometimes. Ravi bhai kabhi milo to sahi. Personally dhanyavad karna chahenge aapko currently on pacman 4.3 . Also curious what MIUI v6 might bring....!!
hey, so I just noticed a few things, any fixes?
- the lock screen doesnt work (doesnt show up), even after setting up a pin or pattern, locking the phone via power button doesnt work, and its set to immediately lock as well. any idea?
- got the gapps for 4.3 installed..but it didnt come with a play store.. so i figure i install my own.. tried multiple versions just in case, even the latest for 4.3 and it just says no connection, I am connected to wifi and there is internet via firefox and gmail recieves emails as well, the stock browser just fc's but dont matter. any idea?
just need these two and its a perfect build for me, great workk!!
kk so running the 4.3 pacman by Ravikirancg on att atrix 2 with bmm on system 3..tried multiple reboots,tried clearing cache and dalvikca already to no avail.
dcutz said:
hey, so I just noticed a few things, any fixes?
- the lock screen doesnt work (doesnt show up), even after setting up a pin or pattern, locking the phone via power button doesnt work, and its set to immediately lock as well. any idea?
- got the gapps for 4.3 installed..but it didnt come with a play store.. so i figure i install my own.. tried multiple versions just in case, even the latest for 4.3 and it just says no connection, I am connected to wifi and there is internet via firefox and gmail recieves emails as well, the stock browser just fc's but dont matter. any idea?
just need these two and its a perfect build for me, great workk!!
kk so running the 4.3 pacman by Ravikirancg on att atrix 2 with bmm on system 3..tried multiple reboots,tried clearing cache and dalvikca already to no avail.
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the ROM works perfectly for me. i install the ROM in system 1 is my daily use now and is amazing
rivas1981 said:
the ROM works perfectly for me. i install the ROM in system 1 is my daily use now and is amazing
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Play store and all?? Hmm.. Maybe I need to do a bigger system folder, possible reason for the features being left out? Gonna try on system 4, nd See if that helps.
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
Giving a bigger system partition made everything work.. But now continuous system ui has stopped working :/ really??
dcutz said:
Play store and all?? Hmm.. Maybe I need to do a bigger system folder, possible reason for the features being left out? Gonna try on system 4, nd See if that helps.
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
Giving a bigger system partition made everything work.. But now continuous system ui has stopped working :/ really??
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Maybe a bad download and/or a bad flash.(?) I haven't had any of the issues you're reporting, and haven't seen others reporting the same so it is likely something on your end. Just redownload and reflash and see if that helps.:thumbup:
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1BadWolf said:
Maybe a bad download and/or a bad flash.(?) I haven't had any of the issues you're reporting, and haven't seen others reporting the same so it is likely something on your end. Just redownload and reflash and see if that helps.:thumbup:
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kk got the latest nightly..works like a charm! perfect build now!
Lastess nigthly builds
Hi, the pac rom is very stable and fast, i use the nightly 23.
But, i have a bug to repport wen usb headset is connected, and recive or do a call if you don't hang before the other person hangs the phone is blocked and restart a little secs after.
Second with the lastes builds 26, 25 or 24 the wifi is not working. I test restarting, with wifical.sh, a fresh install (4.0.4 or 4.1.2) motorola roms flashed with rsd, i tried to install the 23 over 26 rom and wifi didin't start.

cyanogenmod 10.2 bluetooth keyboard not found

I just installed cyanogenmod 10.2 on my tab 2 7.0 and i turned on bluetooth however my bluetooth keyboard which worked in stock doesn't show up when scanning. I'm not sure if bluetooth is even working at all.
Jxt. said:
does it scan other nearby devices?
Is your tablet visible to other devices?
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Ok the keyboard connected after a while. It was actually the keyboard that was having issues since after a while I was able to see my neighbors in the dorm next to me s mac book showing up on bluetooth. The only issue I have still is that the delete key doesn't really function as backspace I have to highlight a chunk of text then hit it to delete. I downloaded an app called delete key as backspace but I can't figure out how to set that up. I looked in the screenshot instructions but cannot find a section for physical keyboard.
Jxt. said:
did you check the keyboard layouts?
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where is that exactly I looked and all I can seem to fine are languages but I looked and theres nothing in there about delete as backspace
I have a P5113 running cm 10.2 nightly. It seems to be finicky with bluetooth. I use sixaxis to connect my PS3 controller, but sometimes it just won't connect. Have to manually turn on/off bluetooth a few times, wait a few seconds, try again. It eventually will work though.
Jxt. said:
Did you see this in your language input settings?
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No when the keyboard is connected I still don't see physical keyboard options
Jxt. said:
Nightlys are always buggy, i also use the ps3 sixaxis but i never have trouble getting the bluetooth to stay on.
You should check out Pacman ROMs. :laugh:
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I'm using a version called cm-10.2-20130919-UNOFFICIAL-p3110 It's not a nightly or even an official cyanogenmod supported version I think. I just ended up with it by following a youtube tutorial. This makes me think that when cyanogenmod for the tab 2 7.0 progresses I won't be able to update through cyanogenmod update.
If this is the case will I be able to just flash a rc version of 10.2 when it becomes available without having to wipe data factory reset? I really hate having to reinstall everything
please tell my you can put the home back and multitasking buttons back to normal in that rom. I really don't like what they have done with hiding them and having you drag your finger up from the bottom to get at them.
Really I just want the lightest rom possible using the least amount of resources on my tablet
Jxt. said:
I don't understand how yours look.. screenshot please
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the home button and back and task switch buttons are normal in mine but they r in that annoying circle you have to swipe up to get in pac rom. I looked at a few roms before jumping on the cyanogenmod bandwagon
Jxt. said:
I don't see a circle...
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no i am running cm 10.2 and pac rom has a half wheel thing. Look at the screenshots in this thread suggested earlier. I was just stating that I don't really like the way the buttons are in that rom as I looked into it earlier
mikee286 said:
No when the keyboard is connected I still don't see physical keyboard options
I'm using a version called cm-10.2-20130919-UNOFFICIAL-p3110 It's not a nightly or even an official cyanogenmod supported version I think. I just ended up with it by following a youtube tutorial. This makes me think that when cyanogenmod for the tab 2 7.0 progresses I won't be able to update through cyanogenmod update.
If this is the case will I be able to just flash a rc version of 10.2 when it becomes available without having to wipe data factory reset? I really hate having to reinstall everything
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I see you switched to PAC Rom already but back to your original question.
There was a Bluetooth keyboard problem with CM 10.2 early versions.
I think you were using Cody's version of CM 10.2 in the latest versions of CM 10.2 they fixed the "Bluetooth Keyboard Bug" so if you want to use CM 10.2 you just need the latest versions or you can install an app to fix the Keyboard problem and keep using the older versions.
hcfte said:
I see you switched to PAC Rom already but back to your original question.
There was a Bluetooth keyboard problem with CM 10.2 early versions.
I think you were using Cody's version of CM 10.2 in the latest versions of CM 10.2 they fixed the "Bluetooth Keyboard Bug" so if you want to use CM 10.2 you just need the latest versions or you can install an app to fix the Keyboard problem and keep using the older versions.
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thank you I am downloading the app. I have not switched to pac rom I was debating it but I ended up going with cm because its not bloated.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I think I am using an unofficial build of cm 10.2 built sometime in september. Would I be able to flash an official nightly build without having to wipe data factory reset Again the file I have currently flashed is cm-10.2-20130919-UNOFFICIAL-p3110
mikee286 said:
thank you I am downloading the app. I have not switched to pac rom I was debating it but I ended up going with cm because its not bloated.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I think I am using an unofficial build of cm 10.2 built sometime in september. Would I be able to flash an official nightly build without having to wipe data factory reset Again the file I have currently flashed is cm-10.2-20130919-UNOFFICIAL-p3110
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I think this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2391355 is the Rom you are using it's the same one I use on my P3113. When CM 10.2 first came out they had a BT problem and that app worked for me.
I believe CM fixed the problem before Cody's last release and my keyboard has been working again without needing the App to fix it.
I just checked my Backspace button and it works fine on my BT 3.0 keyboard.
I did switch the Kernel to Next 2.1.2 so I don't know if that makes any difference.
I would ask in Cody's thread about being able to flash the latest CM 10.2 over Cody's without doing a clean install.

[Rom] [alpha] [Unofficial] Omni 5.0/Cyanogenmod 5.0.2

Alpha Omnirom 5.0 (Trying to get calls to work properly on CM first before doing more omni builds))
baseband is still unknown. So no phone calls or data.
Alpha Cyanogenmod 5.02 with working baseband
Build 5.0.1:
Calls should now work without lockups. Data seems flakey? Let me know your finding
(This is now working due to rolling back to old RIL blobs (pre 4.3). This means that the connection process takes longer on initial start-up and switching to air-plane mode as well. )
Leave wifi on to avoid reboots.
Also this doesnt have the camera bug fix yet that Derteufel made.
Nice.. Never been a fan of omni.. I'm more a cm or aosp person
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Free mobile app
Thank you very much for this build for the i9305
I have been waiting for the first lollipop build
I installed this rom and this is a written review after one hour of usage
1 the phone boots without any problem
2 lollipop gapps are working
3 Sometimes wifi works and sometimes no
4 Bluetooth works
5 some random reboots and sometimes it stuck so I need to remove the battery to get it working again
6 no FCs at all
7 seems fast
8 when I open an app installe from play store the phone stucks and I remove the battery
Thanks again and I wish u improve this rom in the coming days
Good job mate but I think it'll be better to edit your thread to make something more attractive, Flash Guide for noobs , links to gapps, alternative dl links , what works, what doesn't , credits , shiet like this would be better for everyone.
The main problem of your rom seems to be the kernel (random reboots , wifi issues , random freezes)
Anyways , good luck and thank you for the rom
aaz03 said:
Good job mate but I think it'll be better to edit your thread to make something more attractive, Flash Guide for noobs , links to gapps, alternative dl links , what works, what doesn't , credits , shiet like this would be better for everyone.
The main problem of your rom seems to be the kernel (random reboots , wifi issues , random freezes)
Anyways , good luck and thank you for the rom
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Thanks for the feedback.
This isnt meant for n00bs to flash yet. This is an alpha.
In Alphas you expect to get problems! This is only meant for testing and for trying out 5.0 on your device...
can we flash this normally?
CM 5.0.1 build added to OP. Please read notes about what isnt working before flashing!
So the latest build is the most stable one (CM12)? Can I help you in any way, testing, logs or something?
limnaln said:
So the latest build is the most stable one (CM12)? Can I help you in any way, testing, logs or something?
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Well at this point in time no. I've just got to try to figure out whats going wrong still and then people can test to see if it works for them and if there is any long term problems with it. Until then its just make a change, compile and flash and I'll let people know if I get anywhere.
for me it is stuck on bootloop... first flashed wih wipe full/dalvik/cache then flashed gapps - bootloop. second dirty flashed again, booted, android is upgrading, optimizing apps, then rebooted and again bootloop... how to get past this ?
Tested. Boots okay. Data baseband ok. Incoming calls ok. Outgoing calls impossible. Tested with 2g
laurent.siku said:
for me it is stuck on bootloop... first flashed wih wipe full/dalvik/cache then flashed gapps - bootloop. second dirty flashed again, booted, android is upgrading, optimizing apps, then rebooted and again bootloop... how to get past this ?
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As I said this doesnt have the camera firmware patch added so some people might get bootloops... I'll add this in the next day or two from Derteufel
infrag said:
As I said this doesnt have the camera firmware patch added so some people might get bootloops... I'll add this in the next day or two from Derteufel
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So, we are at the final step - outgoing calls, huh?
There also appeared some new commits on nameless gerit, just informing
Outgoing calls can be made now. But it seems to lockup when hanging up. New link in OP for 'new' build.
Calls should now work!
This is using old ril blobs so initial connection from boot will take longer. Also I think data is stuffed a bit. Seems to take a long time to get connected. Seems to work for me after that though. Post your finding please!
Hopefully Derteufel can figure out the problem with the newer blobs but till then this is working if anyone is interested.
Edit: only got one question. Can wifi be turned off. Will disabling it cause bootloops?
infrag said:
Calls should now work!
This is using old ril blobs so initial connection from boot will take longer. Also I think data is stuffed a bit. Seems to take a long time to get connected. Seems to work for me after that though. Post your finding please!
Hopefully Derteufel can figure out the problem with the newer blobs but till then this is working if anyone is interested.
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Yes, it does work indees! In and out! Really great, the whole system is smooth.
Great work. Will be swapping back to the i9305 from the note 2.. All we need now is for someone to work on the stock cm kernel to make it smoother.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Free mobile app
Great work on calls! Please let us know when you include the camera firmware fix so I can download again and flash, this is the only thing causing me bootloops and preventing me for further testing. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Free mobile app
winxuser said:
Great work. Will be swapping back to the i9305 from the note 2.. All we need now is for someone to work on the stock cm kernel to make it smoother.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Free mobile app
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Stock kernel? We are only using that to get data working... I'm sure Derteufel will switch to his own kernel as soon as he irons out the problems with phone calls locking up etc. (Or he switches to old RIL blobs for now)
Then there will be the challenge of getting R4P0 drivers to work properly.
After that who knows? Fix opensource compass?
Then Nameless may have other upgrades to implement for HWC.

[Q] What is the most stable ROM?

What is the most stable ROM for C2104 ?
I just want something that works :crying:
Not even the stock 4.2.2 works well. I get bootloops and wifi issues on every ROM I try.
First - Do not cry because of phone .
Second - Re-Flash newest stock (I recommend you to do that by Flashtool)
Third - BL Unlock , Root , Install Philz
4th - Make compresses backup of stock (Nandroid settings like compression available only in philz)
5th - Then feel free to flash CM 12 and ThunderZap .
jakubekw1997 said:
First - Do not cry because of phone .
Second - Re-Flash newest stock (I recommend you to do that by Flashtool)
Third - BL Unlock , Root , Install Philz
4th - Make compresses backup of stock (Nandroid settings like compression available only in philz)
5th - Then feel free to flash CM 12 and ThunderZap .
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I've done all that, except for the Philz Touch. I'm running CWM with CM 12.
Is there ThunderZap available for CM 12 beta 3 already?
Everything still unstable, though. It's beta as it says in the name.
I'm looking for something, solid. Rock solid. Everything working ,no problems, no crashes.
Yes . 4.10
Well , don't use CM 12 , cuz it's unstable in web browsing and video playing .
jakubekw1997 said:
Yes . 4.10
Well , don't use CM 12 , cuz it's unstable in web browsing and video playing .
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No.. I usually get crashes doing simple stuff.
Wifi stops working very often.
Many functions are still being developed.
Even when choosing ringtones I've noticed that some names do not belong to the respective ringtone.
I understand that it's beta and I'm not complaining. It's just not what I want for now.
I've used beta ROMs many times. I've even developed some stuff for PSP years ago. But now I don't have the time for crashes and bug reports.
Even the stock ROMs give me often crashes.
i test ALL roms. but finally i undestand the stock rom is better for us. All KK roms have BIG BUG
mohsen8710 said:
i test ALL roms. but finally i undestand the stock rom is better for us. All KK roms have BIG BUG
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You mean 4.1, right? Because I got many crashes from stock 4.2
gmsalomao2 said:
You mean 4.1, right? Because I got many crashes from stock 4.2
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no i mean the last one. and there is no crashes
mohsen8710 said:
no i mean the last one. and there is no crashes
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I was using version 15.3.A.1.17. Customized from India, from Brazil and I've also tried 15.3.A.1.14 from Vivo_BR.
They all gave me sudden reboots.
Do you know how to fix that or which ROM works?
gmsalomao2 said:
What is the most stable ROM for C2104 ?
I just want something that works :crying:
Not even the stock 4.2.2 works well. I get bootloops and wifi issues on every ROM I try.
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I've been using SlimKat for almost 3 months and I have no major bugs at all. Wifi and GPS work fine, I have no random freezes or reboots, no low volume bug...
There are only two problems that I can remember now: unable to move apps to SD card and error trying to search for networks manually.
gmsalomao2 said:
I was using version 15.3.A.1.17. Customized from India, from Brazil and I've also tried 15.3.A.1.14 from Vivo_BR.
They all gave me sudden reboots.
Do you know how to fix that or which ROM works?
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i have never seen reboots on my divice
I think last update of 4.2 was most stable..... Proximity sensor was major bug in that
mohsen8710 said:
i have never seen reboots on my divice
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What ROM do you use?
gmsalomao2 said:
What ROM do you use?
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till week ago Stock 17.
and for one week cm11

Front facing camera issue

So I got my Oneplus One few days ago. It was running Cyanogenmod 11s front facing camera was working fine by then. Then i figured to switch to resurection remix did that, and when i tried to access the front facing camera the program just froze and crashed. Then I went for AK Kernel, still crashing, went for Paranoid Android now with default kernel still nothing, tried multiple camera programs, nothing seemed to solve this problem.
So does anyone know what's up ? Why it doesnt work ?
Any help is highly apreciated.
Sprint3er said:
So I got my Oneplus One few days ago. It was running Cyanogenmod 11s front facing camera was working fine by then. Then i figured to switch to resurection remix did that, and when i tried to access the front facing camera the program just froze and crashed. Then I went for AK Kernel, still crashing, went for Paranoid Android now with default kernel still nothing, tried multiple camera programs, nothing seemed to solve this problem.
So does anyone know what's up ? Why it doesnt work ?
Any help is highly apreciated.
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Try to factory reset
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thedao said:
Try to factory reset
Sent from my Oneplus One using XDA Free mobile app
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What ?
I mean i do it everytime i reinstall/install new rom.
I even installed Oxygen OS Same problem, nothing fixed i did it as cleanely as posible Formated every possible section i could. Anyone to help ?
Did you updated also the firmware? Or just ROM?
Nah just the rom, dont know what you mean by firmware
I mean i installed the cm12.1 newest nightly first, then went for Resurection Remix and so on
And you left the firmware on cm11s? How did you manage to install 12.1? Did you read the installation instructions, cause every Rom I tried states update your firmware. You'll find a link to the latest one somewhere near the ROM download.
**** maybe i dont understand something what do you mean by firmware, can you explain more in depth ? Because i did everything that paranoid android tutorial shows and see nothing changed, I tried instaling a rom it came with it was cm 11s 44r still same stuff nothing changed.
Do you mean i should flash CM 12S first, then go for other roms ?
Edit : So newest 12.1 Nightlies dont have newest firmware itself ?
Sprint3er said:
Do you mean i should flash CM 12S first, then go for other roms ?
Edit : So newest 12.1 Nightlies dont have newest firmware itself ?
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Firmware is included in the nightly

