Hi All,
I'm having issues with audio on the stock rom (XNPH25R).
BlueTooth: (similar issue http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/help/bluetooth-issues-stuttering-skipping-t2812991)
- Micro pauses (pauses for a fraction of a second every few seconds) - Known bug with CM https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/CYAN-4147
- Bad audio quality (Very distorted) [FIXED] - Flashed M8 Stable this issue was resolved.
Headphones: [FIXED] - Flashed M8 Stable and this issue went away
- When the headphone jack is plugged in no music is played for 30 seconds - 1 minute, once it starts playing the audio is fine though.
<del>Are these known bugs (I did search couldn't find anything)? Is there a fix?</del>
See above for solutions/ details.
I am a proud owner of a couple Android Phones since the HTC G1, the HTC Magic and so goes on.
Now I was very excited to get the Nexus S, but on the first day of use, after making all the updates to 2.3.2 and installing all my usual apps, I noticed a crackling sound when hearing music from the speakers.
I can not find the reason of this but would like to know if someone had a problem similar to mine, and if yes, if it was possible to solve it.
There are some facts about this crackling noise that I point as follow:
- The crackling sound is not present all the times. The phone works well when playing shorts sounds like ringtones and notifications. I can hear everything crystal clear;
- When I start to hear a song (tried many different players, all the same problem), or when I am playing a game that uses constant music or sound effects, the crackling sound starts after some minutes of perfect sound (usually between 01:00 and 01:30 of good playing);
- It seems like a irregular white noise, like playing a corrupted MP3 file, that gets in the middle of the media;
- It beguns with a low volume compared to the media and gets louder as time passes, until it gets more frequent and as louder as the music playing;
- At first I thought of a broken speaker, and checked the headphones, but the crackling sound appears when listening music on both headphones and external speakers;
- Then I noticed the crackling sound appears on long voice calls too.
Well... I thought it could be something related to the software, so tried the OEM recovery process (Settings > Privacy > Factory data reset), but it was not sucessfull.
[Q] Does anyone had a problem like mine?
[Q] Could someone point what could be the cause of it or a possible solutions?
Thanks in advance.
I noticed the same thing while listening to Pandora. Not sure what's going on. I'm on Modaco and don't know if its something in there or not.
I hear the noise after about 30 minutes of pandora.
I'm having the same issue running Modaco while listening to music via Spotify.
Just got back to the stock ROM, I'll see if it's any better and keep you guys posted.
I can now confirm that stock ROM is not affected by this issue.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
as the title implies the speaker of my Asus TF700 (WW version) has some sort of issue. In fact it appears to be broken.
I left the tablet in the keyboard dock with the charger plugged in overnight. After I woke up I wanted to listen to some music and started Poweramp (over the built in speaker). After 5 seconds of playback the music suddenly stopped.
- I muted and unmuted the tablet and still no sound
- Reboot didn't help either
- Changed sound effects in android settings; enabled/disabled Volume+, changed speaker volume increase setting; no luck
- After factory reset + re-flashing CROMI 3.0.3 + 3.0.4 patch stock kernel, fsync enabled I could enjoy... pure silence
The speaker seems to be dead out of the sudden.
However I noticed when I tap gently against the right side of my tablet or against the speaker the sound will eventually appears for 1-2 seconds and vanishes again. The same symptom appears when I plugged in my headphone or whatever external audio system (no problems through headphone jack) for at least 20 minutes and plug it out the sound appears from the speaker for 1-2 seconds and remain silent afterwards.
A short list of the installed things at the time the problem occured:
- unlocked (i got a .30 bootloader, from my understandings it's not possible to create a nvflash backup on that, so there is none...)
- CROMI 3.0.3 + 3.0.4 patch, fysnc disabled
- TF700: Clemsyn 1.5 - 1.8ghz 650GPU Kernel in performance mode
- Volume+: sound effects in android settings were set to Volume+ with speaker volume increase of 15 (other settings in Volume+ were left untouched);
it has been installed about 5 days before the issue occured
- MicroSD card and SD card were plugged in (no Data2SD)
Additional notes:
Bought it 7. Dec on amazon.de, got it 8. Dec and issue occured 29. Dec. Tablet has been traveled at least 2000km during that time and I carried it to almost everywhere I went with very heavy use every day.
It never fell from a high surface.
I also noticed I left my Samsung Galaxy Note on top of the Asus tablet during that night... I must have put that on it while I was half asleep...
Before I sent it in for RMA or to the vendor (dunno which I should prefer...) I want to make sure there isn't anything I can do software wise (I don't plan to open the tablet).
So if you have suggestions what I could do to fix this I'd be quite grateful. If nothing helps I guess it leaves me no choice but to live a while without the Asus TF700.
The fact that tapping the back brings it back means you have a hardware fault.
Personally I'm the kind of person that would pop open the back and try to fix with a soldering iron probably a lose connection or bad solder joint.
Alright so it is a hardware issue...
Well I replaced the headphone jack on the Galaxy Note myself however on this device I'm not brave enough to fix the problem myself.
Will report back once I got it back.
I'm on the final CM10.2.0 build (Dec 2 2013), MF1 firmware + ML1 modem, and I'm having a new audio problem that wasn't there on CM 10.1.2 before...
When I reboot the phone it pairs correctly with my car radio over Bluetooth, and Google Play Music plays my playlist just fine that way. Then when I leave the car, that becomes the only app that can do audio - Youtube, for example, is silent and in fact playback gets stuck 15 seconds into each video, then advances one frame every 20 seconds or so. Other apps like the alarm clock or phone ringer have no audio either. When I got a call, I had no call audio for the first 10 seconds, then suddenly it kicked in.
This persists until I reboot. Then all apps play audio correctly until the next time I get in the car and it plays over Bluetooth. Yes, I've checked my speaker volume levels
Also oddly, the first time post-reboot that I get in the car, it auto-plays like it used to. But subsequent times, I have to go to Google Play Music and hit Play manually.
Has anyone seen something like this? Searching hasn't turned up any similar problems.
Just to wrap up my own question in case others see this too -
The problem seems to be Google Play Music. After my OP, I flashed back to stock and back to CM 10.2.1, a newer build than I had before. With this clean state, I didn't do much except set up the car pairing, and within a few tries it was back to the problem. I started using Apollo and uninstalled GPM, and have been running for a few weeks without any problems.
Hi all,
I have spent all day trying to rig up my Honor 6x with a Saramonic Smartrig II to input a powered XLR mic feed through the headphone jack for live streaming.
It works, and the phone uses the microphone, but there are persistent rhythmic sound artefacts, a sort of rhythmic clicking noise with every 3rd a bit of static, about 2 a second.
They fade when other sounds are playing loudly (tested with trumpet and voice) but ultimately make the audio - and therefore the whole setup - unusable.
I have been testing and trying to isolate the problem for about 7 hours. When I tried on iPad and iPhone the problem is gone, so I'm 99% sure it's to do with interaction between the mic pre-amp (smartrig) and the phones internal audio.
Any help would be hugely appreciated, I want to live stream a rehearsal and gig tomorrow on twitch.tv/edplaysjazz but this is a major problem.
I can link an audio example of the bug - forum for won't let me link until 10 posts and there doesn't seem to be a button to upload audio on this forum.
Thanks in advance!
I have a problem that when I'm listening to spotify and pause music from headphone's control, when I'm try to resume, sound is not working. The bar is moving but I hear no sound. I though that it's some sort of spotify issue but when this happens, I have no sound when using youtube either. After rebooting the device, problem gets resolved. Sometimes when pausing and resuming, everything is working fine, sometimes after couple of seconds everything comes back to normal but mostly music stops and cannot be resumed without restarting the device.
I'm using headphones with built-in mic and remote control together with usb-c -> jack 3.5mm adapter.
I have no idea what might be the cause (I guess that it is something with software).
And I'm completely stock, not rooted, bootloader locked, OOS 9.5.8