[Q] Trying to flash TWRP, is this right? - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm following this guide to flash TWRP (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2788632), I've unlocked the bootloader successfully and flashed recovery.img downloaded and renamed from the TWRP download link.
I've flashed it and it said sending 'recovery' OKAY and writing 'recovery' OKAY.
When booting into recovery with Volume down+power it goes to "CyanogenMod Simple Recovery <3e>" - This is not TWRP? Please could someone help me as to what I have done wrong?

Never mind! It's because after unlocking the bootloader I forgot to re-enable USB debugging.


Trying to flash custom Rom ends up in clockworkmod to reboot...

Hi all,
I have the att one xl, carrier unlocked. I used it for a month now in my country with no problems, I had it rooted,bootloader unlocked etc.
I used clockworkMod to backup everything and to try to flash this ROM
I followed the instructions on this page
I got to the final step and rebboted phone. After that, problems began. It runs again the clockworkmod recovery and it says it cannot mount the sdcard. I read that i have to flash the stock ROM. I tried that getting the recovery.img from the clockworkmod backup folder nad now when phone reboots,it starts the clockworkmod but when i make i choice on this it goes for rebooting...
Any help please????
xtrg said:
Hi all,
I have the att one xl, carrier unlocked. I used it for a month now in my country with no problems, I had it rooted,bootloader unlocked etc.
I used clockworkMod to backup everything and to try to flash this ROM
I followed the instructions on this page
I got to the final step and rebboted phone. After that, problems began. It runs again the clockworkmod recovery and it says it cannot mount the sdcard. I read that i have to flash the stock ROM. I tried that getting the recovery.img from the clockworkmod backup folder nad now when phone reboots,it starts the clockworkmod but when i make i choice on this it goes for rebooting...
Any help please????
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First off, I'd use TWRP since it's compatible with all ROMs and CWM has very little compatibility with our phone.
To do that, download TWRP Check MD5
boot to bootloader/fastboot
then fastboot flash recovery twrpfilename.zip
then wipe cache, dalvik, system, factory reset in TWRP
Flash rom.
If you are on hboot 1.14, you then need to extrract the boot.img from the ROM's zip and fastboot flash boot boot.img
As for the not able to mount SDCard, did you factory reset in the bootloader?
Hey my friend thnks for the reply. I'll try all of these right now. If u can please follow the thread, I might have more questions...Thnks again!
I've reache the point where i mount again my sd card and making all thw wipe things...
I' ve installed the rom but after it says that is succesfully installed and rebooting it shows the htc logo and after that...nothing!
The device turns off(or at least i think it is)black screen, no charge little orange light...But when it comes to this mode, I can hear the soun of the pc like when u do connect a device!
What am I doing wrong?
And yes I have hboot 1.14. What is the correct sequence in the actions????
Did you extract the boot.img from the rom and then flash it using fastboot?
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
exad said:
First off, I'd use TWRP since it's compatible with all ROMs and CWM has very little compatibility with our phone.
To do that, download TWRP Check MD5
boot to bootloader/fastboot
then fastboot flash recovery twrpfilename.zip
then wipe cache, dalvik, system, factory reset in TWRP
Flash rom.
If you are on hboot 1.14, you then need to extrract the boot.img from the ROM's zip and fastboot flash boot boot.img
As for the not able to mount SDCard, did you factory reset in the bootloader?
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exad said:
Did you extract the boot.img from the rom and then flash it using fastboot?
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Yes I did.
Booting in bootloader
going to fastboot and it changes to fastboot usb
typing in command prompt
>fastboot flash boot boot.img
I get
sending 'boot' (6076 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.901s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 1.528s]
finished. total time: 2.430s
from the bootloader options i choose recovery
phone restarts on twrp
I swipe everything out
I go to install and choose the zip file from the sd card which contains the rom
installation starts ok and it finishes saying all ok
I choose reboot in system from the twrp
(In this point i get a question on fixing root permissions and i choose yes)
after rebboting, htc logo comes up and after that...nothing...
Please help...
xtrg said:
Yes I did.
Booting in bootloader
going to fastboot and it changes to fastboot usb
typing in command prompt
>fastboot flash boot boot.img
I get
sending 'boot' (6076 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.901s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 1.528s]
finished. total time: 2.430s
from the bootloader options i choose recovery
phone restarts on twrp
I swipe everything out
I go to install and choose the zip file from the sd card which contains the rom
installation starts ok and it finishes saying all ok
I choose reboot in system from the twrp
(In this point i get a question on fixing root permissions and i choose yes)
after rebboting, htc logo comes up and after that...nothing...
Please help...
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You're wiping after flashing the boot.img... so you need to reflash the boot.img don't wipe anything, just fastboot flash boot boot.img and then reboot the phone.

[Q] Flashed the LPX13D image and now my recovery is gone.

Hi Guys,
Hoping you can help me with this.
I was originally running Slimkat 4.4.4 and had the latest TWRP installed.
I downloaded the file for LPX13D and extracted all of the files right down to the Flash-all.bat and the images for bootloader, radio, and the system.
I ran the Flash-all.bat, and it installed everything successfully. The device booted, and voila, I am on 5.0 now.
The problem now, is that when I reboot into recovery, I am instead met with the little android guy laying on his back, with a red triange/exclamation point in his chest.
No problem, I say to myself. I'll just flash TWRP manually.
So I go to the bootloader, and try the command fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (renamed to make it faster to type.)
It goes through the motions, and says it was successful.
But when I go to recovery, it's the same red triange guy still.
I tried pressing volume up, power+volume up, etc. No dice. After about 30 seconds, it reboots on it's own back to system.
When I connect it to the Nexus Root Toolkit, and click on Flash recovery, and then choose TWRP latest, I get a window that pops up that tells me :
File Dependency Download
Status: Stock Kernel: Not Present - Need to download (this is in red)
Then a button that says "Download + Update All File Dependencies"
So what's my best option here? Should I let the NRT update the dependencies?
Try to flash cwm and tell me what happens
Isus <3 said:
Try to flash cwm and tell me what happens
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D:\DOWNLOADS>fastboot flash recovery cwm.img
target reported max download size of 1073741824 bytes
sending 'recovery' (11312 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.561s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.930s]
finished. total time: 1.491s
D:\DOWNLOADS>fastboot reboot-bootloader
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.001s]
finished. total time: 0.001s
I then selected recovery, and lo and behold, it worked! I'm in CWM.
So then i flashed TWRP again, and now it's working properly too.
I don't know why it refused to work the first time, but now it seems to be okay. How strange.
Thanks for your time and help. I appreciate it.
Stupendousman2012 said:
D:\DOWNLOADS>fastboot flash recovery cwm.img
target reported max download size of 1073741824 bytes
sending 'recovery' (11312 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.561s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.930s]
finished. total time: 1.491s
D:\DOWNLOADS>fastboot reboot-bootloader
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.001s]
finished. total time: 0.001s
I then selected recovery, and lo and behold, it worked! I'm in CWM.
So then i flashed TWRP again, and now it's working properly too.
I don't know why it refused to work the first time, but now it seems to be okay. How strange.
Thanks for your time and help. I appreciate it.
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Twrp is not optimized yet well like cwm is for andorid l
Recovery won't work AT ALL no matter what you do until you reflash a KK userdata.img, which also wipes all data in the process.
Lethargy said:
I flashed the new developer preview for 5 minutes or so then went to revert. Recovery wouldn't boot not matter what I flashed, until I flashed a KK userdata.img. So it seems like the new developer preview changes the internal storage/data partition more then the old one.
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Don't try getting around it. Nothing to do with anything else.
Isus <3 said:
Twrp is not optimized yet well like cwm is for andorid l
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What? CWM is outdated.
Lethargy said:
Recovery won't work AT ALL no matter what you do until you reflash a KK userdata.img, which also wipes all data in the process.
Don't try getting around it. Nothing to do with anything else.
What? CWM is outdated.
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Well, Twrp worked until I rebooted and then tried going back to it. Then bam! back to the error dude with the triangle.
So, I flashed cwm again, and that one seems to be persisting after a reboot, so I guess I'm stuck with cwm for now....
I also flashed the boot.img and the supersu update to get root working, and it seems to be going well now.
Cwm tells me that I may have lost root immediately after flashing the supersu update, but when I reboot, root is actually working. What a weird bunch of crap to go through.
Stupendousman2012 said:
Well, Twrp worked until I rebooted and then tried going back to it. Then bam! back to the error dude with the triangle.
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Flash userdata.img and your TWRP will work properly.
Stupendousman2012 said:
So, I flashed cwm again, and that one seems to be persisting after a reboot, so I guess I'm stuck with cwm for now....
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It isn't whether its persisting or not. TWRP just won't boot properly until you reflash a KK userdata.img. I don't know why CWM would even boot up, nor why anyone would want to really use it anyways.
Stupendousman2012 said:
Cwm tells me that I may have lost root immediately after flashing the supersu update, but when I reboot, root is actually working. What a weird bunch of crap to go through.
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It says that because CWM is outdated.
Lethargy said:
Flash userdata.img and your TWRP will work properly.
It isn't whether its persisting or not. TWRP just won't boot properly until you reflash a KK userdata.img. I don't know why CWM would even boot up, nor why anyone would want to really use it anyways.
It says that because CWM is outdated.
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So I extract the userdata from a 4.4.4 stock image, yes? If not, can you point me in the direction of the correct userdata.img
I assume the correct order and syntax is:
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastbook flash recovery twrp.img
Fastboot reboot-bootloader
Select recovery
Wipe data/Factory reset, and then and reboot system.
Set up phone as normal.
Have I overlooked anything?
Stupendousman2012 said:
So I extract the userdata from a 4.4.4 stock image, yes? If not, can you point me in the direction of the correct userdata.img
I assume the correct order and syntax is:
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastbook flash recovery twrp.img
Fastboot reboot-bootloader
Select recovery
Wipe data/Factory reset, and then and reboot system.
Set up phone as normal.
Have I overlooked anything?
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Yeah. Don't need to boot into recovery and wipe data since flashing a .img with fastboot while in bootloader erases it first then flashes. Just make sure you backup your stuff, including internal storage, off to a PC first if you have anything important.
Until L is officially released, we're using the below thread
Android "L" Developer Preview Help, Troubleshooting, Q&A
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Hi, everybody, I am having problems with my nvidia shield tablet, it seems that after I had updated to android 6.0 I lost my custom recovery, and the original recovery is not there. Therefore I cannot update to 6.0.1, i cannot root, and my computer does not recognize the tablet when i go into the bootloader. Please help!
Are you able to turn off the tablet and use the volume keys to get into bootloader/fastboot mode? You can fastboot flash recovery from there.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Are you able to turn off the tablet and use the volume keys to get into bootloader/fastboot mode? You can fastboot flash recovery from there.
Sorry it took so long to reply, yes, I can get into the boot loader. I can even fastboot, but my computer can't seem to communicate to my tablet once its in Fastboot/bootloader so every time I try to do as you said. My computer can't send the commands because it doesn't recognize the tablet.
Update drivers
I also lost twrp and root after the full OTA update. I tried to fastboot flash recovery back, but when I reboot into recovery it says "no command". How can I fix this? Its seems as if the recovery partition is gone? Thanks for any help.
That is stock recovery
lafester said:
That is stock recovery
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How can I get TWRP to flash then? I am getting this:
sudo ./fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
[sudo] password:
target reported max download size of 100663296 bytes
sending 'recovery' (7228 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.353s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.334s]
finished. total time: 0.687s
It finishes too fast to actually do anything. I have tried both 3.0.0 and 3.0.2 twrp for MM. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this. Thanks.
You renamed twrp to recovery? If so you did flash it. Do you reboot directly into recovery?
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using Tapatalk
Yes I renamed it to recovery.img and rebooted. When I reboot to recovery, it still just says no command.
Are you unlocked?
Yes boot loader shows unlocked
Latest twrp?

Twrp touchscreen not working.

First time trying to root, in order to install magisk and to get the full functionality of Edge sense +.
I was following this guide:
1. I have successfully unlocked bootloader
2. I have installed twrp
After some research, i think i made a mistake here, by installing twrp-3.1.1-0-ocn instead of the
When booting to recovery mode, TWRP shows up, it asks for a password or to swipe the screen, but the screen is not responsive.
So i tried to flash the newest version of TWRP on top of the old one and i get this error :
PS C:\Users\ilan\Desktop\unlock-bl> fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (39676 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.137s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: Not allowed on PRODUCTION device)
finished. total time: 1.145s
PS C:\Users\ilan\Desktop\unlock-bl>
How should i proceed?
I thought about going to stock recovery and then try to flash the new version of TWRP, but i didnt do a recovery. I have found that there is a way to recover to stock using something called RRU.
Help will b amazingly appreciated, tnx in advance
U may have already resolved..had same issue. Need to reboot directly to recovery and not via DL menu...then do Install Twrp Image file. Boot phone then if u can reboot directly to recovery go that route. If not try via Cmd Prompt...adb reboot recovery. Either way Twrp screen should be respnsive so u can flash Twrp img.
jelive said:
U may have already resolved..had same issue. Need to reboot directly to recovery and not via DL menu...then do Install Twrp Image file. Boot phone then if u can reboot directly to recovery go that route. If not try via Cmd Prompt...adb reboot recovery. Either way Twrp screen should be respnsive so u can flash Twrp img.
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This is partially true. If anyone expierience touch screen not working in TWRP after following this tutorial: "theandroidsoul.com htc-u11-root-twrp-recovery-and-bootloader-unlock" - problem is, that old version of TWRP is linked there. You HAVE to download version 3.2 not 3.1 ->eu.dl.twrp.me/ocn/twrp-3.2.1-2-ocn.img.html
when touch screen is not working, use "adb reboot" and then "fastboot flash recovery twrp3.2.img"
it works for me

Htc bootloader unlocked but Not Allowed on Production Device

I am currently running android 9.0 on htc dual sim model. i have unlocked my bootloader but whenever i tried to flash twrp or any other fastboot command after sending it says not allowed on production device.
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (46340 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.320s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: Not allowed on PRODUCTION device)
finished. total time: 1.355s
i have tried both commands
fastboot flash recovery
htc_fastboot flash recovery (through different folder heaving related files)
Help me Solve that issue.
hassanulhaq said:
I am currently running android 9.0 on htc dual sim model. i have unlocked my bootloader but whenever i tried to flash twrp or any other fastboot command after sending it says not allowed on production device.
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (46340 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.320s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: Not allowed on PRODUCTION device)
finished. total time: 1.355s
i have tried both commands
fastboot flash recovery
htc_fastboot flash recovery (through different folder heaving related files)
Help me Solve that issue.
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I recently unlocked bootloader to flash Magisk so I could have root access. I was getting the same error and found out that you must do the flashing in "download mode", not in fastboot or bootloader mode.
---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 AM ----------
hassanulhaq said:
I am currently running android 9.0 on htc dual sim model. i have unlocked my bootloader but whenever i tried to flash twrp or any other fastboot command after sending it says not allowed on production device.
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (46340 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.320s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: Not allowed on PRODUCTION device)
finished. total time: 1.355s
i have tried both commands
fastboot flash recovery
htc_fastboot flash recovery (through different folder heaving related files)
Help me Solve that issue.
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I recently unlocked bootloader on my HTC U11 to flash Magisk so I could have root access. I was getting the same error and found out that you must do the flashing in "download mode", not in fastboot or bootloader mode.
Download mode
CiroConsentino said:
I recently unlocked bootloader to flash Magisk so I could have root access. I was getting the same error and found out that you must do the flashing in "download mode", not in fastboot or bootloader mode.
---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 AM ----------
I recently unlocked bootloader on my HTC U11 to flash Magisk so I could have root access. I was getting the same error and found out that you must do the flashing in "download mode", not in fastboot or bootloader mode.
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How to do that in download mode?
hassanulhaq said:
How to do that in download mode?
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hi, sorry for the late reply, my brother "borrowed" my phone for a couple weeks and he did a factory reset. I don't have my phone yet, hopefully I won't have to unlock the phone again or flash Magisk into the bootloader again either...
To unlock the bootloader, I followed this nice and detailed tutorial here:
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Then I followed Magisk's official tutorial on how to flash it without a custom recovery... here
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... just go to the "How to install Magisk with ADB and Fastboot (without custom recovery)" section and read it carefully, but instead of rebooting the phone into fastboot mode, I had to do it all in download mode.
I I did not install TWRP custom recovery, I manually patched the stock "boot.img" file with Magisk and then flashed the patched boot with this command with the ADB tool in Windows (phone in download mode):
fastboot flash boot patched_boot.img. I wanted to keep HTC's stock recovery.
Then I rebooted the phone into Android, and opened "Magisk" app in Android to make sure the root was working...
I didn't have internet connection in my phone (data connection or wifi), I did it all offline.
If you don't have the locked "boot.img" you must check the exact version of your installed Android OS and download the correct RUU file. Then you can extract the boot.img from it, patch it with Magisk, then flash it into the phone.
I did it in download mode as it was failing in fastboot mode. Make sure to enter download mode when you restart your phone, not fastboot mode. I'm not responsible if you brick your phone. My phone is the "Global" version from India (6GB RAM, 128GB internal storage).
issue resolved
CiroConsentino said:
hi, sorry for the late reply, my brother "borrowed" my phone for a couple weeks and he did a factory reset. I don't have my phone yet, hopefully I won't have to unlock the phone again or flash Magisk into the bootloader again either...
To unlock the bootloader, I followed this nice and detailed tutorial here: .
Then I followed Magisk's official tutorial on how to flash it without a custom recovery... here
... just go to the "How to install Magisk with ADB and Fastboot (without custom recovery)" section and read it carefully, but instead of rebooting the phone into fastboot mode, I had to do it all in download mode.
I I did not install TWRP custom recovery, I manually patched the stock "boot.img" file with Magisk and then flashed the patched boot with this command with the ADB tool in Windows (phone in download mode):
fastboot flash boot patched_boot.img. I wanted to keep HTC's stock recovery.
Then I rebooted the phone into Android, and opened "Magisk" app in Android to make sure the root was working...
I didn't have internet connection in my phone (data connection or wifi), I did it all offline.
If you don't have the locked "boot.img" you must check the exact version of your installed Android OS and download the correct RUU file. Then you can extract the boot.img from it, patch it with Magisk, then flash it into the phone.
I did it in download mode as it was failing in fastboot mode. Make sure to enter download mode when you restart your phone, not fastboot mode. I'm not responsible if you brick your phone. My phone is the "Global" version from India (6GB RAM, 128GB internal storage).
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Issue was resolved. My phone's bootloader was unlocked and and top of all it got pie update on unlocked bootloader with rooted phone and updated to android pie, then it started creating random issues like phone booting time was around 10 to 15 mins and i was getting above mentioned error. whenever i was booting to download mode my system was not detecting my phone but in fastboot mode it was detecting (kind of strange issue)... which turns out to be a cable issue. Once i changed my cable my phone was detected in download mode. So i re-locked the bootloader and then again flashed the firmware everything came to normal. Phone is up and working fine and thanks for help again.

