I have used this guide to setup my build enviroment on hackintosh http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2510898
but whenever i make a new repo folder by using "mkdir -p ~/.bin"
and following it "curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo"
i get a error that bin/repo folder is not found please help me i'm a noob i this
You've created a directory called ".bin" (hidden) yet you're curling in "bin" which you didn't create in the previous step.
I wouldn't have expected you to create ".bin" in the first step
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
yto5 said:
I have used this guide to setup my build enviroment on hackintosh http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2510898
but whenever i make a new repo folder by using "mkdir -p ~/.bin"
and following it "curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo"
i get a error that bin/repo folder is not found please help me i'm a noob i this
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rootSU said:
You've created a directory called ".bin" (hidden) yet you're curling in "bin" which you didn't create in the previous step.
I wouldn't have expected you to create ".bin" in the first step
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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In other words, what rootSU is saying is that you need to download (what you are "curling") the 'repo' binary into an existing folder.
This is basic GNU, actually.
On the first command, you're creating ~/.bin, but on the second, repo gets downloaded into ~/bin/, which doesn't exist.
beekay201 said:
In other words, what rootSU is saying is that you need to download (what you are "curling") the 'repo' binary into an existing folder.
This is basic GNU, actually.
On the first command, you're creating ~/.bin, but on the second, repo gets downloaded into ~/bin/, which doesn't exist.
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Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. Thanks.
".bin" is not "bin"
sign files with a right click (Ubuntu) (Thanks Amon_RA)
This little novice, 2-line script will help you sign update.zip files directly from any terminal window if you have the Android SDK set up on your machine. It might be pointless to some, but I thought it would be a nice idea to share.
Navigate to your Android SDK directory.
Create a folder and name it "sign".This is where you will put the update.zip that you want to sign.
Download the attached testsign.jar file [extract from zip] and move it to the new /sign directory in your Android SDK.
Navigate to your /tools directory and Right-Click > Create Document > Empty File.
Give it a name without extension.example: sign
Right-Click > Open with "Text Editor" and add the following:Change the directories according to your setup.
java -classpath /AndroidSDK/sign/testsign.jar testsign /AndroidSDK/sign/update.zip /AndroidSDK/sign/update-signed.zip
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Give it executable permissions with the terminal -
chmod a+x sign
Now you can simply drop the update.zip to your /sign directory and from the terminal type:
and it will sign it without having to add the long command yourself.
Of course you can edit the script to fit your needs.
---- Optional ----
By making a link (right-click > Make Link) of your /sign directory and adding it to your Desktop, you can drag and drop update.zip directly to this link and sign. This save you some time in the signing process and you have access to it from your Desktop.
---- Optional ----
Thank you Cyanogen for this reply.
mods, please sticky this as i'm sure many will find this very informative
Perfect howto, just works like a charm Thanks to the author!
Thank you so much! Just started using ubuntu in a VM. Think you could write up a guide on setting up eclipse? That'd be absolutely super. Thanks again lol. Helped me sign files + set up the sdk. Great work.
alritewhadeva said:
Thank you so much! Just started using ubuntu in a VM. Think you could write up a guide on setting up eclipse? That'd be absolutely super. Thanks again lol. Helped me sign files + set up the sdk. Great work.
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Well, setting up eclipse is fairly simple!
download Eclipse
unzip it any directory/AndroidSDK/Eclipse | /home/wddglr/Apps/Eclipse
set up the ADT following the information in this page: [http://developer.android.com/sdk/1.5_r3/installing.html]
wddglr said:
Well, setting up eclipse is fairly simple!
download Eclipse
unzip it any directory/AndroidSDK/Eclipse | /home/wddglr/Apps/Eclipse
set up the ADT following the information in this page: [http://developer.android.com/sdk/1.5_r3/installing.html]
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Ah thank-you. I'll PM you if i run into any problems if thats okay. I'm a noob with ubuntu just set it up yesterday.
i love you man j/k
if you use lots of different named update zips.
This is step 6
echo -n "Source Zip Filename : "
read input
echo -n "Output Zip Filename : "
read output
java -classpath /androidsdk/sign/testsign.jar testsign /androidsdk/sign/"$input" /androidsdk/sign/"$output"
echo "Finished signing $input as $output"
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Just input the source file and the output and it does the rest.
Was useful for me as I sign different zips.
Use as you wish, thanks to wddglr.
I don't know why I can never get this to work.
This is exactly what I see when I ls /AndroidSDK/sign:
[email protected]:~$ ls /AndroidSDK/sign
testsign.jar update.zip
[email protected]:~$ sign
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: testsign
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.90)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: testsign not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.90)
at gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.90)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.90)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.90)
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.90)
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Binary100100 said:
I don't know why I can never get this to work.
This is exactly what I see when I ls /AndroidSDK/sign:
[email protected]:~$ ls /AndroidSDK/sign
testsign.jar update.zip
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I was wondering if you were you able to solve this? Becouse I'm getting the same.. I'm thinking it has something to do with jave. But not sure what I need to do to fix it.. thanks for any info ....
yea me toooo
edit i figured it out
# Right-Click > Open with "Text Editor" and add the following:
Change the directories according to your setup.
java -classpath [B]/AndroidSDK[/B]/sign/testsign.jar testsign /[B]AndroidSDK[/B]/sign/update.zip /AndroidSDK/sign/update-signed.zip
yeah that is not where my tools are lol
wddglr said:
sign files with a right click (Ubuntu) (Thanks Amon_RA)
This little novice, 2-line script will help you sign update.zip files directly from any terminal window if you have the Android SDK set up on your machine. It might be pointless to some, but I thought it would be a nice idea to share.
Navigate to your Android SDK directory.
Create a folder and name it "sign".This is where you will put the update.zip that you want to sign.
Download the attached testsign.jar file [extract from zip] and move it to the new /sign directory in your Android SDK.
Navigate to your /tools directory and Right-Click > Create Document > Empty File.
Give it a name without extension.example: sign
Right-Click > Open with "Text Editor" and add the following:Change the directories according to your setup.
Give it executable permissions with the terminal -
chmod a+x sign
Now you can simply drop the update.zip to your /sign directory and from the terminal type:
and it will sign it without having to add the long command yourself.
Of course you can edit the script to fit your needs.
---- Optional ----
By making a link (right-click > Make Link) of your /sign directory and adding it to your Desktop, you can drag and drop update.zip directly to this link and sign. This save you some time in the signing process and you have access to it from your Desktop.
---- Optional ----
Thank you Cyanogen for this reply.
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I tried every way I could, and as stupid as I am, I could not get it to work!!!
[email protected]:~$ sign
bash: sign: command not found
[email protected]:~$ cd /home/ccriffman/android/tools
[email protected]:~/android/tools$ sign
bash: sign: command not found
[email protected]:~/android/tools$ cd /home/ccriffman/android
[email protected]:~/android$ sign
bash: sign: command not found
[email protected]:~/android$ cd /sign
bash: cd: /sign: No such file or directory
[email protected]:~/android$ cd /home/ccriffman/android/sign
bash: cd: /home/ccriffman/android/sign: No such file or directory
[email protected]:~/android$ cd /tools
bash: cd: /tools: No such file or directory
[email protected]:~/android$ cd tools
[email protected]:~/android/tools$ sign
bash: sign: command not found
[email protected]:~/android/tools$ cd sign
bash: cd: sign: Not a directory
[email protected]:~/android/tools$ sign
bash: sign: command not found
[email protected]:~/android/tools$
joe v said:
I was wondering if you were you able to solve this? Becouse I'm getting the same.. I'm thinking it has something to do with jave. But not sure what I need to do to fix it.. thanks for any info ....
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Yeah, I got it to work. The problem was with my Java.
testsign.jar in wrong spot
I got mine fixed. I had testsign.jar inside of the testsign folder inside the sign folder.
testsign.jar needs to be in the 'root' of the sign folder, or you need to modify the sign script to point to the correct location.
pconwell said:
I got mine fixed. I had testsign.jar inside of the testsign folder inside the sign folder.
testsign.jar needs to be in the 'root' of the sign folder, or you need to modify the sign script to point to the correct location.
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..... damnit.
I did the same thing
Now I am getting this error:
No command 'sign' found, did you mean:
Command 'bsign' from package 'bsign' (universe)
Command 'psign' from package 'radiance' (universe)
sign: command not found
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I guess it means I've failed???
This script worked great, I really appreciate it. I did modify it a bit so that I don't have to necessarily sign update.zip every time. It is similar to the script posted on the first page, but rather than it asking for the input and output, you simply add parameters to the sign command. For example:
sign <input> <output>
See the code below, make sure you change the directory to where you have the sign folder located.
java -classpath /opt/android/sign/testsign.jar testsign /opt/android/sign/$1 /opt/android/sign/$2
echo "Finished signing $1 as $2"
Hope this helps anyone.
An even better modification is to make it only take ONE parameter:
mv $1 /tmp/$$-$1
java -classpath /opt/android/sign/testsign.jar testsign /tmp/$$-$1 $1
rm /tmp/$$-$1
Note that this form is also independent of the location of the archive to sign -- it is nicer to enter that particular directory and just run "sign file.zip".
You should really mention that the tools directory has to be added to $PATH..
Not everyone has this, if you don't then simply typing sign will not work
wedsxcrfv said:
You should really mention that the tools directory has to be added to $PATH..
Not everyone has this, if you don't then simply typing sign will not work
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Well it should be correctly assumed that $PATH was correctly set when they installed the Android SDK, because if they followed the instructions provided by the SDK's documentation then it says to set the $PATH var in "~/.bashrc" or "~/.bash_profile".
From: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html
On Linux, edit your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file. Look for a line that sets the PATH environment variable and add the full path to the tools/ directory to it. If you don't see a line setting the path, you can add one:
export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/tools
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I am really new at this. So how to you do this step?
4. A folder called recovery with a file in it called COMMAND inside it with the following line of text:
What is the step-by-step process for this? I know how to create a folder, but I dont know how to create the file with the code. Can someone help me with this. Thanks I have Windows 7 if that matters.
I don't have windows 7, so my instructions may be outdated for you.
It's basically a notepad file, but you can't have the ".txt" extension.
I downlaoded Notepad++ and used it to create my file. Just open the program, copy and paste the text line you need, then save it as "COMMAND" (remember, no extension. save it in the recovery folder and you're good to go.
novicexda said:
I am really new at this. So how to you do this step?
4. A folder called recovery with a file in it called COMMAND inside it with the following line of text:
What is the step-by-step process for this? I know how to create a folder, but I dont know how to create the file with the code. Can someone help me with this. Thanks I have Windows 7 if that matters.
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On the gTablet, run a Terminal Emulator app, then type:
cd /mnt/sdcard
mkdir recovery
echo '--update_package=SDCARD:/update.zip' > recovery/command
I'm having trouble with step 4 of the rooting guide. The command prompt says:
data/local/gingerbreakBB: not found
Where should I place the files from the zip? Inside the platform-tools folder? Or inside a different folder?
Thanks in advance for helping a noob.
You need to put all of those files in the platform-tools folder or wherever advanced is located
Sent from my HTC Eva 4G using Tapatalk
Jocelyn said:
You need to put all of those files in the platform-tools folder or wherever advanced is located
Sent from my HTC Eva 4G using Tapatalk
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All the files were in the platform-tools folder originally. Just making sure because it isn't working.
Cory1234 said:
All the files were in the platform-tools folder originally. Just making sure because it isn't working.
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Did you change directories in Cprompt/terminal?
PS advanced above = adb silly spellchecker
Sent from my HTC Eva 4G using Tapatalk
Jocelyn said:
Did you change directories in Cprompt/terminal?
PS advanced above = adb silly spellchecker
Sent from my HTC Eva 4G using Tapatalk
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Do you mean like to: C:\program files (x86)\android\android-sdk\platform-tools
I'm going to reinstall everything one more time.
Ok I got step 4 to go through, but I didn't get a number. When I try to redo step 4 it gives me this error: "cannot copy boomsh.: Permission denied.
What should I be looking for after step 4?
Cory1234 said:
Ok I got step 4 to go through, but I didn't get a number. When I try to redo step 4 it gives me this error: "cannot copy boomsh.: Permission denied.
What should I be looking for after step 4?
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You need to remove them and start over
run these two lines then start from step 1
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/sh
after step 4 if it successfully install you'll see a
[!] dance forever my only one
Also remember step 4 is actually a two lines process
run adb shell {Enter}
/data/local/gingerbreakBB {Enter}
Don't forget to open a DIFFERENT terminal window for steps 7-9
baseballfanz said:
You need to remove them and start over
run these two lines then start from step 1
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/sh
after step 4 if it successfully install you'll see a
[!] dance forever my only one
Also remember step 4 is actually a two lines process
run adb shell {Enter}
/data/local/gingerbreakBB {Enter}
Don't forget to open a DIFFERENT terminal window for steps 7-9
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Thanks. I got that info earlier by using google . Now I'm stuck on step 9. I am in a new terminal window. The output I receive after entering "md5sum cwm_blob_retransfer" is "md5sum is not recognized as an internal or external command, etc.
I also tried md5sums as another member commented on. Still no go.
This is starting to get frustrating..Jailbreaking was simple compared to this.
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Dur, Finally got it. Apparently, some of the files had write protection on them for some reason, which was causing all the problems. Thanks everyone for the help.
This will setup ADB to work on Ubuntu with your Transformer Tablet.
Step 1: Download the Android SDK.
Step 2: Unzip the Android SDK to /home.
Step 3: Next we will add the SDK to your path, substitue the example will the path to the tools folder of your SDK.
Example Path:
export PATH=/home/USER/android-sdk/tools/:$PATH
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Step 4: To make 99-android.rules, run the following command.
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
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Step 5: Add the following lines:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0b05", MODE="0666", OWNER="USER"
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Step 6: Save the file.
Step 7: To restart udev, run the following command.
sudo restart udev
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Step 8: Run the following commands:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
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If device is saying 'no permissions', go to step 5 and add those lines to the other .rules files in /etc/udev/rules.d.
Great guide! You could add step three to ~/.profile or /etc/profile (no dot) to make it permanent at each login. You don't need to add it to both profiles. The /etc/profile is for every one that logs on, ~/.profile is just for your ID.
Also, if you are editing the rules files, you might as well add support for APX mode.
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0955", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7820", MODE="0666"
You probably don't need the product ID.
EDIT: Not sure why the "no permissions" problem would come up, but I suspect it is because of conflicts with other rules in /lib/udev/rules.d/ You want to make changes in /etc/udev/... The rule with the highest number takes precedence. I think specifying the product ID will prevent conflicts too.
Hi thanks for the help, finally I get my adb working with my Transformer thanks to your .rules file (alwways kept me telling i had no permissions).
Perhaps, there is something I think you should specify for newbies:
Step 3: Open terminal and run the following commands.
export PATH=/home/USER/android-sdk/tools/:$PATH
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Its important to exactly tell ubuntu where adb is.
In my case its not at TOOLS folder, its been move reciently to /android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/
sylar666 said:
Hi thanks for the help, finally I get my adb working with my Transformer thanks to your .rules file (alwways kept me telling i had no permissions).
Perhaps, there is something I think you should specify for newbies:
Its important to exactly tell ubuntu where adb is.
In my case its not at TOOLS folder, its been move reciently to /android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools/
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It was an example path, you have to give the actual location of your sdk because it may vary.
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but doesn't the SDK download off the Google site (linked above) not include adb by default?
I've had to go into the actual program:
cd /home/USER/[B]Android-SDK[/B]/tools/
(substitute the bold for whatever your SDK directory is called)
Then via the GUI:
- click the Available packages menu option
- click the arrow on Android Repository
- choose to install Android SDK Platform-tools, revision X package
Then once the platform-tools package is installed, you can make sure it's in your path as well as "Tools" (shown in original post). I do this in my .bashrc file (in your home directory):
export PATH=/home/USER/[B]Android-SDK[/B]/platform-tools/:$PATH
(again, the replace the bold with your SDK directory)
Depending on how you do this, the adb command should now work in a terminal by typing 'adb'. If you put the path in your .bashrc or profile, you might like to run the command 'exec bash' first then try.
Confirmed to work on Arch (get it from the AUR) and just did it tonight on Ubuntu 11.04 x86-64. And thanks for the guide, OP Took me ages to work the udev rules out when I first got my TF. Hopefully this helps someone in the same position in the future.
This tutorial is about how to export your /system partition or your own ROM.
- ADB Shell for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX or Android Terminal Emulator installed on your GT-S5660
- If you are using Windows use cygwin else use Terminal in Linux.
1. Install Cygwin from here, skip this step if you use Linux
2. Connect the Gio to the computer.
3. a) Open windows command prompt and type:
adb shell
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3. b) If you use Android Terminal, open it
4. Whether you use option a or b from the previous step type this
dd if=/dev/block/stl12 of=/sdcard/system.rfs bs=4096
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Click to collapse
5. Now you have a system.rfs file on your sdcard.
6. If you use cygwin place the system.rfs in this folder (where you installed it):
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you use Linux I assume you have the skill to set the correct paths yourself...
7. Now we are going to pack it into a tarball:
tar -H ustar -c system.rfs > thisismyrom.tar
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if you have an additional moddified boot.img for example you could have typed this as well:
tar -H ustar -c boot.img system.rfs > thisismyrom.tar
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Click to collapse
8. Add md5 hash to our tarball for security and integrity checks
md5sum -t thisismyrom.tar >> thisismyrom.tar
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
9. Renaming our tarball with md5 extension:
mv thisismyrom.tar thisismyrom.tar.md5
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
10. Happy flashing with odin!
Shouldn't stl12 be system? And stl14 cache?
Also, you could make a shell script to automate part of your process. Scripts can be run from Cygwin and Linux.
Sorry! Made a typing mistake. Corrected it!
No need of cygwin, adb in windows cmd will do fine, and use total commander to tarball it on windows, other tools mess it up n can brick your device
How can i export the CSC (or all the ROM) from Android 2.2.1?
I may have got the wrong end of the stick here and this could be the wrong thread, but it does seem to be the most specific to my interest.
I'd like to be of service by exporting my own ROM (Stock Firmware) so others can use it themselves in case of disaster. I started a thread at Samfirmware.com here http://www.sammobile.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3420 because they don't have it on their list for Samsung Galaxy Ace, and I was surprised to see it got 64 views, so I presume there would be some modicum of interest in it.
I really don't have any experience with this but I am fascinated and keen to learn. I had assumed (and I know assumption is the mother of all f*** ups) that I could simply create a CWMrecovery backup and it could be zipped up and exported to other phones. But I read somewhere that this would include my google account details.
Anyway. If you can tell me a) how to be of some use regarding this b) tell me its not worth it but point me in the direction of a place where I can start to learn what to do or c) politely show me the exit sign and tell me not to darken your door again...I'd be most grateful