others.xml - Galaxy Grand 2 Themes and Apps

others.xml the call to the contact's + sound in the camera off
1) system/csc/others.xml
2) others.xml copy to PC
3) open others.xml a text editor and add three lines and save
4) move to the phone with the replacement and issue resolution
5) to restart the phone


Solution: How to keep "Lock" from activating while

I finally figured out a solution that will work for any GPS Application (actually, ANY Application) that you want to "Keep Alive". The long and the short of it is this:
When you upgrade your WM5 ROM with the MSFP addition, the “Password” application (under START -> SETTING -> PERSONAL -> PASSWORD”) has been replaced by “LOCK”. This new application is part of the MSFP and is designed to give you greater protection for your data stored on your device. If enabled, this will “LOCK” your device if it doesn’t receive any input from the user. The real problem lies if you have your device set up to receive “Push Email” from an Exchange Server. The “Lock Settings” (i.e. how long your device will wait for user input until it “locks” the device) is established by your Exchange Server Administrator. If he/she has enabled the “Lock” feature to activate in 5 minutes, then your device will lock after 5 minutes of no user input. What’s worse is, as a user, YOU CANNOT CHANGE this setting. It has to be done on the Exchange Server side (i.e. your Exchange Server Administrator must change it).
There is good news and bad news.
First the bad news:
You must own or purchase a copy of SKScheMa (by SKTools (http://s-k-tools.com)). Cost is $9.60 at www.pocketgear.com
Now the good news: There’s a fix!
This is a three step process:
1) Install the software and configure it properly.
2) Add a script
3) Add a “Watch” Function
Step 1:
a) Download and install SKScheMa. I would recommend installing it to Main Memory (this is what I did and it works). NOTE: I got an email from the developer that THE INSTALL PROCESS MAY NOT COMPLETE ALL THE WAY. Once you install the program from AS, you need to go into "File Explorer" and double-click on the following icon: sksw.exe (under the \windows directory). This will finish the install. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACTIVATE THE "WATCH FUNCTION". THE WATCH FUNCTION MUST BE ACTIVATED IN ORDER TO PREVENT THE SCREEN FROM LOOKING UP.
b) Open the software.
c) The first thing we need to do is to enable “Watch Mode”. Click on “Tools -> Settings-> General” and look for “Watch Mode”. By default, it is turned off. To turn it on, just click on the box “Watch Mode” to highlight it, and in the top box (above where you clicked), use the pull down menu to select “On”.
d) Now click on the box just below the “Watch Mode” (it’s titled “Make a shortcut for any saved script in …”). We want to turn this off, so once you’ve click on the box, use the pull down menu in the upper most box to select “No”.
We’re done with Step 1! Click “OK” using the left soft key and we’re moving onto Step #2
Note: To make sure you’ve successfully turned on “Watch Mode”, use the right soft key and select “Tools -> Queue”. In the “tool bar” on the main screen, you should see:
“Queue | Watch On”.
If you don’t, you didn’t enable “Watch Mode”. Head back to the beginning of step one and make sure you enable “Watch Mode”.
Step #2
a) Copy the following into Notepad (on your computer):
#r(#label) #p(whilerunning)
#r(#sendkey) #p(#H)
#r(#0) #sleep(58000)
#r(#chkprocess) #p(TomTom Navigator.exe)
#r(#iftrue) #p(whilerunning)
#r(#label) #p(end)
b) On notepad, select “File -> Save As”. THIS FILE MUST BE SAVED WITH A “.sksc” EXTENTION (i.e. TOMTOM.sksc). To do this from the “Save As” window, use the “Save As Type” pull down menu and select “All Files” (NOT .TXT!!!!). Once you’ve selected “Save As Type”, type the name of the file AND THE EXTENTION next to “File Name:” (i.e. type in TomTom.sksc). Now just click “Save”.
d) Copy this file to the following directory on your PPC:
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\sScripts
e) Proceed to Step 3.
Step #3
Method 1 (Longer):
a) Using the right soft key, select “Tools –> Watch”.
b) Using the left soft key, select “New”.
c) Scroll through the various fields and enter in the following information:
“Watch for” : Select from the pull down menu “Windows”
“Window title” : Type in “TomTom Navigator.exe” (without the quotes)
“To execute If the Window is Activated” : Type in “:SKSCHM” (without the quotes)
“with parameters” :
#r(#script) #p(\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\sScripts\TomTom.sksc) #onlyrun
(The above should all be on one line)
d) When done, use the “Left Soft Key” to select “OK”. You should see your “Watch Function” listed. Use your stylus to click “OK” in the upper right hand corner. Now whenever TomTom is launched, it will be “kept alive” with this program.
Method 2 (shorter):
a) Copy the following into Notepad (on your computer):
#c[TomTom Navigator.exe] #a[:SKSCHM] #ap[#r(#script) #p(\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\sScripts\TomTom.sksc) #onlyrun]
(This should be one long line)
b) On notepad, select “File -> Save As”. THIS FILE MUST BE SAVED WITH A “.sksw” EXTENTION (i.e. TOMTOM.sksw). NOTE: THIS IS A DIFFERENT FILE EXTENTION THAN THE SCRIPT FILE WE JUST CREATED. To do this from the “Save As” window, use the “Save As Type” pull down menu and select “All Files” (NOT .TXT!!!!). Once you’ve selected “Save As Type”, type the name of the file AND THE EXTENTION next to “File Name:” (i.e. type in TomTom.sksw). Now just click “Save”.
c) Copy this file to the following directory on your PPC:
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\sScripts
d) On your PPC and using the right soft key, select “Tools –> Watch”.
e) Now select “Tools -> Context menu -> Load from File…”
f) Select the directory you just copied our “Watch Function” to (i.e. (\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\sScripts\) and select the file you just copied over (i.e. TOMTOM.sksw) by highlighting and clicking “OK” with the left soft key.
g) You should see your “Watch Function” listed. Use your stylus to click “OK” in the upper right hand corner. Now whenever TomTom is launched, it will be “kept alive” with this program.
It sounds more complicated than it really is. Let me know if you some questions.
A few comments on the script file:
#r(#label) #p(whilerunning)
% Creates a label for your "While Loop"; "whilerunning" Label
#r(#sendkey) #p(#H)
% Simulates the depression of the "Home Key"
#r(#0) #sleep(15000)
% This is a counter for 15 seconds (i.e. 15000 ms). You can increase this as necessary.
#r(#chkprocess) #p(TomTom Navigator.exe)
% Checks to see if the following process is running (i.e. TomTom Navigator.exe) You can modify this line for any application you want to keep alive.
#r(#iftrue) #p(whilerunning)
% If the process is running, return to label above marked as "whilerunning" (This is your "while loop")
#r(#label) #p(end) % end of "While Loop"
Hope this helps!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: For this to work properly, you must be using an English ROM. Thanks Rogier for the tip!
Ooooooo YES!!!!!
I am a Happy Man. This works now.
Seems the German Version of the Utility does not liked the script or so.
On an Englisch ROM all seems to work fine.
Thanks a lot for your help.ö
Admins: this should be stickied!
"Chapeau weatheryoko!"

Cannot Copy/Paste/TextSelect in Messages

Hello I have TD2 with stock rom and I suddenly lost option in Messaging menu (right soft key) to select text. Also copy and paste are missing now.
Is there any registry key to fix that or any other solution?
BTW when I long tap on a text there is Copy Paste, but Select Text is missing.
Yep same problem here, very annoying!
go with stylus on the text and hold to have the menu"make selection"

Rotate Screen

I am looking for something to rotate the screen. This might be especially useful for some application like Opera or SMS writing, which would make the keyboard wider.
I have tried BsB tweaks and Gyrator, but booth seems not to work on Touch2.
It's very simple:
Download PHM Registry Editor
1. Use a regedit and head to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Rotation\" and open "HideOrientationUI".
2. Change "Value Data" to "0" from "1".
3. PowerOff and PowerOn again your Phone.
Set Landscape to "Answer" button:
1. Go to "Start/Settings/Personal Folder" and run "Buttons".
2. In "Program Buttons" tab at "2. Assign a program" select "<Rotate Screen>" and you are done.
After these, every time that you hold the "answer" button screen will rotate from portrait to Landscape and vice versa…
Additional Parameter for Landscape (thnx to "alex_lynx (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5425428&postcount=20)"):
1. Head to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Rotation\" and open "LandscapeMode".
2. Change "Value Data" to "1". Turn screen to left (Default is "4" = Turn screen to right).

[Guide] Change Wifi Sleep Policy delay after Screen Off

Inspired by the guide from this thread, I made a small (tiny) guide that might be helpful to others. The purpose is to change the delay in time after which WiFi will be turned off after the screen turns off, which is by default 15 minutes, that is if the Wifi sleep policy is set to "After 15 Min".
1- Get the file "settings.db" from /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/ using any approriate method, I used ES Explorer & copied to SD card.
2- On the PC, using Sqlite3Explorer open the "settings.db" file. (make sure you also have the dll file).
3- Right click on secure folders & choose 'Show Data'
4- Click on the green plus icon "Insert Record"
5- On the new (empty) column, Double click on name column & insert "wifi_idle_ms", then click update - and Double click on value column and insert the time for wifi to turn off in miliseconds. (60000 for 60 seconds, etc.) (click update on the screen were data was entered)
6- Click on the "Update" button to save changes.
7- Right click on the secure folder again & choose 'show data', to ensure that the new column has been added at the bottom.
8- Go to File and select "Close Database"
9- Take the modified "settings.db" file & copy it back to your SD card then to the same original forder, overwriting the original one.
*** Always backup***

[GUIDE] Silence camera sound - easily reversed, silence Power Off sound

Guide to silencing your camera “clock” sound; changing your power on sound; power off sound; and/or changing your TouchWiz or other interface sounds for Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3 ROOTED only.
There have been questions posted on how to silence your camera app on the SGS3 and to modify other user interface sounds. Verizon does not easily allow this change, while some other providers do provide an option for this in their sound settings.
NEW EDIT: After several days of using my original post, I have come to the conclusion that one should set up two different ways of silencing.
1 – My way posted below provides a great and easy way to silence the power off and the power on sounds. It also will silence the shutter, but does NOT seem to silence the autofocus sounds. So I am now using my original METHOD ONE posted below for silencing the power sounds. The “Power Off” can be muted here and has been confirmed. I like to mute this, because often if I need to power down in a theater or quiet area and it is annoying to get the powering down sound that I am trying to avoid in the first place.
2 – BUT, another METHOD TWO (which is not all my work) does work better for total camera silence as it stops sound from the shutter and the autofocus when you want no sounds associated with your taking pictures (museums, concerts, churches).
Of course, you are solely responsible for your own phone actions, but this method is pretty straight forward and reversible!
METHOD ONE: (best for power on and power off silence)
1 – Install ES File Explorer Manager (ESFEM) from the app store.
2 – Open ESFEM and press the Menu key (capacitive button to the left of the home key) and press Settings.
3 – Check ON the following:
a) Up To Root
b) Root Explorer
c) Mount File System
d) Backup System App
4 – Go back to the app and click UP until you are at the root (it will show “/” in the top bar).
5 – Navigate to system/media/audio/ui
6 – Press and hold the folder name until the Operations screen comes us and you can scroll down to (and select) Bookmark/Favorites so you can quickly get back to this in the future.
7 – Scroll down to the file PowerOn.ogg, PowerOff.ogg or Shutter.ogg and press and hold to bring up an edit menu.
8 – Rename file extension to .og and then click “OK”.
9 – Exit the program
10 – To resume the sound, just open ESFEM, go to your favorites, select this same folder and rename extensionback to .ogg. This takes about 10 seconds to complete and you are back to factory sound.
Other sound files in this folder:
Auto_focus.ogg (cannot be silenced this method)
Auto_focus.error.ogg (cannot be silenced this method)
Plus various Touchwiz (TW) and other user interface sounds.
METHOD TWO: (best for camera silence; not all my new work, but a comprehensive guide to the steps to complete this task)
1 - in Word, Notepad or Wordpad create a file named local.prop.txt
2 – put the following text in the file: ro.camera.sound.forced=0
3 – save file, then go to file explorer and change name to local.prop
4 – send this file to camera memory or memory card through Dropbox, direct hookup of phone to computer, or any other method that works for you.
5 – Install ES File Explorer Manager (ESFEM) from the app store.
6 – Open ESFEM and press the Menu key (capacitive button to the left of the home key) and press Settings.
7 – Check ON the following:
a) Up To Root
b) Root Explorer
c) Mount File System
d) Backup System App
8 – Go back to the app and click UP until you are at the root (it will show “/” in the top bar).
9 – Navigate to /Data
10 – Press and hold the folder name until the Operations screen comes us and you can scroll down to (and select) Bookmark/Favorites so you can quickly get back to this in the future.
11 – Navigate to your location where you saved the local.prop file
12 – Click and hold on the file name until the selection box comes up and you can choose Copy
13 – Then hit Favorites, or otherwise navigate back to /Data, and press the menu key until the selection box comes up and you choose Paste
14 – Check to make sure the file has been properly copied
15 – Reboot your phone
16 – Now, when you put your phone in mute mode, the camera will not make any sounds.
Thanks for the info, I HATE the sounds when turning the phone on or off, it should be an option in my opinion. Nothing like having to hear the sigh from your girlfriend when it wakes her up because I turned the phone on in the morning.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
There's a button on the side that does this too seriously, though thanks for this. It seems helpful. I work in a quiet office and love flashing roms but it sucks when you suddenly get a loud boot sound out of a new rom
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Please note changes in my OP that I have come to find are improvements over my original thoughts.

