[Completed] (fast) otg support - XDA Assist

can I connet my phone to tv to view videos,playing games with otg support.
thank you

nobody knows the use of usb on the go features
any moderator.......

You've been shown the general questions area multiple times my friend. XDA Assist has served its purpose for you.
Please refresh yourself on what XDA Assist it for....
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[Completed] [Q] Sense 6 modifications

Was curious on what edits i'd need to do for a few items, specifically adding screen on time to the settings under history, as well as adding 5x6 into the launcher included with the 3x4 and 4x5
I need to know your device make and model to point you in the right direction for help. Thanks!
the main purpose was to do so without and there aren't any mods i've seen for adding screen on time into the settings
I see you are very familiar with your device section.
As a senior member you should know reading the stickies is always a good idea, like this one...
> General discussion > XDA Assist > The Purpose of XDA Assist [Please Read]
XDA Assist is here to help members navigate the site, not for support.
Thank you for understanding. Thread closed.

[Completed] screen recoder

you can record your screen for free
i hope you like it
Please read the aim of this forum: The Purpose of XDA Assist
Thread closed.

[Completed] How to keep some apps from accessing specific wi-if?

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but I'd like to know if there is any app to block other apps from connecting to a specific wi-fi, and here is why, I have a limited 3G wifi connection that I share with my wife and kids, and I have no problem when they use it for facebook, whatsapp and the whatever else, but there are one or two apps that are killing my bandwith and I don't want to just block said apps from accessing any wi-fi, just mine.
Is there a way to do so?
Many thanks in advance and also sorry if this is the wrong place for this question.
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Kind regards and good luck
Trafalgar Square
XDA Assist

[Completed] Emoticons in ssid

Anyone tell me, how I put the emoticons on Wi-Fi router
Windows 7
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Trafalgar Square
XDA Assist

[Completed] Need suggestions for an Auto touch app

I've been using Hiro Macro for a while, but since the support has stopped for android 6+, I need an app that can do the same thing. I'm currently using Repeatitouch PRO, but the one feature I really want is the ability to edit the recording (in text mode) to exactly decide when the touches happen.. Any suggestion for an app ?
XDA Assist is for newbies finding their path around the forum.
You are a senior member and you know your way around XDA.
Please post in the right sections.
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Forum Moderator.

