[Q] Z2 systemUI for AVD - Sony Xperia Miro, Tipo (Dual), J, E
Is there a working Z2 systemUI for AVD ROM? Thanks
[REQ]Port honami framework to xperia j
Hello.Can anyone port colored honami framework to xperia j?
[q&h] honami framework port
Anyone please port honami frame work for xperia l stocked rom thanks
[Req] SystemUI
Could Someone upoad SystemUI.apk ecent.pk from xperia M2 dual? Thanks in advance
[Q] need Xperia Z3 SystemUI and lockscreen PORT for xperia E C1504.
[REQUEST] need Xperia Z3 SystemUI and lockscreen PORT for xperia E C1504. hey ,... can someone PORT the SystemUI and Lockscreen Of Xperia Z3 for Our xperia E c1504 ???
[Request] Xperia Z5 5.0 and 5.1 Deodex Framework & Telephony
Need Stock Xperia Z5 5.0 and 5.1 Deodex Framework & Telephony apk Guys please help development ....