One review to rule them all - incl. tons of app reviews. - Sony Smartwatch

Check out this review (and hit the Thanks button once you've read it and realized how awesome it is):
Mind you, it's in Danish, but just read it using Chrome auto-translate, which doesn't screw too much with the comprehension as far as I can tell.
World's longest and most thorough review of our beloved wrist genie (Top 10 most read article of the year on the biggest Android website in Denmark which has 80-100,000 readers a month and 6-8 articles per day and it wasn't even posted till October 7). There's also reviews of screen protectors incl. links to purchase and links to all apps reviewed, so you can just open them and add them to your Google Play Wishlist, so you can easily find them on your phone later. There are lots of pictures for those considering the outdoor visibility and comparison shots with a normal sized man's watch. Photos display the metal band version incl. links to a great to-do video of how to shorten the metal strap. Also links to Sony support and feedback from the very responsive support. Sony themselves even said thanks for a great review, so I'm not just pulling this out of my ass, so to speak
Chrome got a lot better at translating in recent years and also Danish is very similar to English in sentence structure which makes any translation much more accurate than German with its odd sentence structure with the verb at the end, which always trips up Google Translate (so badly so that I mostly end up using my crappy 9th grade level German from 20 years ago when shopping through the German version of Amazon in order to not get the opposite meaning of the original text).
I apologize for not posting this back in October. Well, better late than never, right?

Also here's a couple of useful posts. Those hatin' on Google+ must be those who don't actually use it for what it's great for, namely the free-wheelin' exchange of ideas, helpful hints and recommendations. Pay it forward and all that :angel: (main Smartwatch 2 community page)
We're at 997 members so far, come on and join in so we can get to a clean one thousand


[Q] I'm looking for a large touchscreen android device..does it exist?

I'm working on a project for work, and I'm not sure if the product I'm looking exists, at least yet anyways. I'll tell you what I'm looking to do, and hopefully the community can let me know if this kind of device is out yet, or if it will be released soon.
I work at a hospital and I primarily provide training and support to Physicians for our Electronic Medical Record. One of our challenges has been getting physicians engaged and interested in learning about upgrades/changes/optimization and such pertaining to our medical record. We may fix a problem that they've been complaining about for a year...but then it's very difficult to let them all know that it's been fixed without tracking each of them down to tell them. We're not talking about a dozen physicians either, it's probably closer to 400 or so.
I spoke with a few other people and we came up with the idea of basically creating an electronic bulletin board that can be wall mounted in the doctors lounge, and they can use it to look at recent tip sheets, patch notes, lesson plans, etc, that we post about our EMR. I'd also like to add some links to the more reputable medical journals, so they can use it for something more than just reading our tip sheets.
I feel that Android would be the best platform for what we're trying to do, especially since it makes it easy to share and email items to accounts, that way if a Doc doesn't have time to review it in the lounge, they can at least email the document to themselves for later review.
I'm looking for an All-in-one device, a flat panel touchscreen display running android, and the display needs to be between 32 and 50 inches.
If I could get it done for 1500 or less, that would be great, although I pretty much have the approval to use up to 5000 in capital. I know there are several devices coming out that are integrated with Google TV, but few if any of the ones I've seen have a capacitive touch screen.
Does anyone know of a current or upcoming device that could meet my needs?
Being a big fan of Android, I really do hate to say this, but I don't know you're going to find what you're looking for. From what I've seen lately, there have been fairly successful pilot deployments of iPads + AppleTV touchscreen bulletin boards in the medical sector, but without some serious serious hacking, I don't think you're going to see this in the Android arena. I don't think I've even seen any android device larger than 11" screens... On the plus side, that does sound like a new break-in type of market if any of the major product ODMs are paying attention
What about this!?

[Poll] Micro Arc Oxidation failure

This is just a poll thread to gather some statistics about the HTC One S body issue.
Please, vote only if you are using the device for some days (3 and more) and do not vote if you have a brand new phone out from the box.
And, if you would have this issue after your "Not issued" vote, please, leave a comment.
Thank you.
Discussion thread is here:
P.S Moderators, please, merge this thread with the disscusion one.
SH23, 5 days, no issue YET
I've been using my black One S during 5 days.
SH23 with no real issue yet, except that the USB port edges have some "micro" clear spots
I still voted "no issue" because its much smaller than what is shown on the pictures.
Hopefully this pole will be merged with the other thread
We've started a poll yesterday in a german thread. Results are:
Black issued: 40
Black not issued: 27
Silver issues: 2
Silver not issued: 10
Total number: 79
The two cases with "silver issued" hab no problem with the unibody, but the plastic sim-cover. As far as I know all devices have HT23 or SH23 SN.
Good initiative. Hope it gets merged
I do not want to piss in the pool here, but over in the MAO failure discussion thread it was recently mentioned that the first 4 digits do not tell us anything but year and month of manufacture. It takes the first 5 to really peg it down to the exactly to the day of manufacturing.
Also I am not sure if it makes sense to throw both of the sites of manufacture into one put. HT stands for a Taiwan factory and SH for... I forgot - Shenzhen or Shanghai I think.
I think for this to be useful it should take into account the first 5 digits AND separate the locations. My reasoning: the SH facility might have had a "good" (non issued batch) during three days of March, while the HT facility produced issued phones on those dates. Then, later on, the HT facility may have had a few good days, while the SH facility put out crap. With the current setup this is meddled up and there is not really much info to be gathered, except the overall percentage of ppl who have issues with the devices made in March in both locations. It does not indicate whether SH or HT is better or worse.
Of course this would make for a complete overkill of poll options. (Assuming the first were made on the first of March it would take 30 options for each facility).
Suggestion: Change or close this thread and create a new one with the poll options "No issues (yet)" - "Major issues" - "Minor issues" and maybe a second poll asking when the first issues were noticed ("First day", "within 3 days", "within 5 days" etc.)
And then request users the users to post a picture or at least a description of the issues (at top edge, around all edges, around sim cover, around USB Port) and the first 5 digits. Then the entire thing would be much easier to follow and notice trends.
Of course that would require moderator or someone with permanent editing rights to take in all the new posts and add them to some sort of list / table in the First Post for easy reference.
But if done this way it would probably make for a useful source of info even for HTC engineers, becaue from what I gather a lot of ppl who have this problem and post in the debate thread are not ready or willing or able to send in their phones just yet for inspection by HTC.
Just my 2 cents
Just my two cents.
I'm quite short on time but wanted to quickly provide the recent numbers:
Black issued: 46
Black not issued: 32
Silver issues: 2
Silver not issued: 10
Total number: 90
But: I agree absolutely on the fact that SNs are not helping much right here!
psych0t1c, I think you are right about the S/N. It`s just the first batches. But the poll options with "days used" is not so good, cause some users are more careful than others
All we can do, is just collect the stats "Issued / Not issued". And ofcourse it`ll be very good if people post the photos and comment on if these scratches appeared after they had already voted.
psych0t1c said:
I do not want to piss in the pool here, but over in the MAO failure discussion thread it was recently mentioned that the first 4 digits do not tell us anything but year and month of manufacture. It takes the first 5 to really peg it down to the exactly to the day of manufacturing.
Also I am not sure if it makes sense to throw both of the sites of manufacture into one put. HT stands for a Taiwan factory and SH for... I forgot - Shenzhen or Shanghai I think.
I think for this to be useful it should take into account the first 5 digits AND separate the locations. My reasoning: the SH facility might have had a "good" (non issued batch) during three days of March, while the HT facility produced issued phones on those dates. Then, later on, the HT facility may have had a few good days, while the SH facility put out crap. With the current setup this is meddled up and there is not really much info to be gathered, except the overall percentage of ppl who have issues with the devices made in March in both locations. It does not indicate whether SH or HT is better or worse.
Of course this would make for a complete overkill of poll options. (Assuming the first were made on the first of March it would take 30 options for each facility).
Suggestion: Change or close this thread and create a new one with the poll options "No issues (yet)" - "Major issues" - "Minor issues" and maybe a second poll asking when the first issues were noticed ("First day", "within 3 days", "within 5 days" etc.)
And then request users the users to post a picture or at least a description of the issues (at top edge, around all edges, around sim cover, around USB Port) and the first 5 digits. Then the entire thing would be much easier to follow and notice trends.
Of course that would require moderator or someone with permanent editing rights to take in all the new posts and add them to some sort of list / table in the First Post for easy reference.
But if done this way it would probably make for a useful source of info even for HTC engineers, becaue from what I gather a lot of ppl who have this problem and post in the debate thread are not ready or willing or able to send in their phones just yet for inspection by HTC.
Just my 2 cents
Just my two cents.
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You make a very valid point, but it could very well be for nothing as well. For example the phones prone to this error could be within each batch much like processors, where the ones of lesser quality are sold as lower-end models.
My point being, we could put a lot of effort in this but the best thing is to just make a huge deal out of it so HTC will solve it for us. Of course feel free to go along, the data should be interesting anyhow
OldЕr said:
This is just a poll thread to gather some statistics about the HTC One S body issue.
Please, vote only if you are using the device for some days (3 and more) and do not vote if you have a brand new phone out from the box.
And, if you would have this issue after your "Not issued" vote, please, leave a comment.
Thank you.
Discussion thread is here:
P.S Moderators, please, merge this thread with the disscusion one.
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Decided not to merge. I see you have already provided a link to the other thread and this one is closed. That should suffice

Quite possibly the most feminine mobile cases (whipped cream) review + pictures

I understand that these forums are most likely largely male dominated and some of my male friends were disgusted when seeing what I recieved today (and females)... but there are so many viewers there's got to be some girls out there alike myself who would go for this sort of thing~
I received this today:
I found it while contemplating getting one of these:
But since they were too expensive I went for a cheap asian alternative.
Very cute, ridiculous etc.
Your phone looks edible.
Good build quality - these bits of candy won't be coming off any time soon
Makes your phone a lot heavier (1.5x?)
Because it's so fat and heavy, it's a lot more difficult to handle the phone than not having it
Difficult to press the power button
The material they made the cream out of and a few other things is a bit sticky, so lint and dust will easily cling to it
Just looking at it will make you crave candy
I'm definitely going to use this for a few days to see how it goes.
It was roughly $20, took 2 weeks to get to me (1 week before I was expecting it). It came in a delicate white bag was well packaged. It had a nauseating plasticy smell.
Anyway, for those who are interested, here are all the cases in the store for SGS.
If anyone has found them cheaper, please tell me!
hicough said:
I understand that these forums are most likely largely male dominated and some of my male friends were disgusted when seeing what I recieved today (and females)... but there are so many viewers there's got to be some girls out there alike myself who would go for this sort of thing~
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You've got a very frilly sense of feminity, sister. Anyway, you can buy cases like this in FocalPrice (cheap, no shipping fees) or DealExtreme. Like this one:
For reference, something like this:
is the girliest I'd put on my phone.
it looks nice but i dont think it will be suitable for daily use does it? it would make the phone more bulky and it wont be comfortable on hand (for me at least)
It's funny I actually like most feminin accessoires like this case, however from a professional point of view it's pretty much frowned upon if you have your "own style". It's different if you are in an artistic field of work, but choice is pretty limited for men in usual life.
Like this pink case for example;
http and the : and the // and then the link: and then add .jpg
really liked it for it's colour. I'm just a straight male guy, and I bought the black version for above reasons, but I actually like the pink one more, just for its colour . It's easy to say "to do as you like and don't mind what others think", which may be true if you are in high school, but it has its consequences in life for 18 and up.
ADD: you can't post links if you have less then 10 posts , and I do not like I need to spam before I can just USE the forums
The 10 post rules is there to stop the annoying spam bots. Don't worry, you will exceed 10 posts in no time
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Reading on the Note Pro

Hi guys,
Really interested in the Note Pro, so have been reading up on it a lot. For the sheer size and editting capabilities with the S-Pen, I'm thinking of getting this tablet for studying, reading and working through textbooks, and comicbooks (I have a Kindle for normal books). I was wondering what the screen's like for that? I have a fairly cheap tablet which gives me a bit of eyestrain after reading that for a bit, so was wondering if that's an issue at all after looking at the Note Pro for an hour or two?
I'm really tempted by the specs, and also the possibility of just working through questions on pdfs and stuff, which can be a pain sometimes having to write things on paper and not editting as I like digitally. I suppose using either Hancom or the full Adobe will be useful for this purpose? Making mindmaps, syncing notes (I also have a Note 2 phone, and the Evernote premium subscription included sounds tasty), and not having to carry so many books around would be great.
Another question if you don't mind - CHM files - can anyone recommend an app for those? I've tried a fair few of them and punctuation and page formats never comes across well...
Thanks so much! I just need to convince myself to indulge really, hopefully there'll be a price drop soon ha. It's the last big comfort shop of any sort before medical school finals :/
You can get this for tablet for $449 refurbished by Samsung on eBay, cheaper than a new iPad, and since they are Samsung refurbished the quality should be excellent...
And if you digging on eBay, you can find them "refurbished" (ie. cleaned and tested by the vendor) for around $400... Can't vouch for the quality of those, but the price is decent.
As for your other questions, give me a few days, mine should be here tomorrow... I ordered the one from BuyDig on eBay for $449.
I use this tablet few hours a day, great screen, no eyestrain. I use for push email, planner, taking notes, reading and annotating papers and books. I use dropsync for synchronizing everything between tablets. And multi-window is great (watching baseball, or world cup or Wimbledon while working, very productive ).
If you can find one within your budget, you won't regret and won't go back.
ddavtian said:
I use this tablet few hours a day, great screen, no eyestrain. I use for push email, planner, taking notes, reading and annotating papers and books. I use dropsync for synchronizing everything between tablets. And multi-window is great (watching baseball, or world cup or Wimbledon while working, very productive ).
If you can find one within your budget, you won't regret and won't go back.
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Yep, that's what I've been telling others. But of course to each his own. But for my purposes this tablet fits the bill exactly and I haven't even rooted it yet (which most likely i will do).
Go for it. I read and highlight in textbooks and add notes with ezpdf reader. I do my math and biochem work on it in snote and lecture notes. I read comics on it. I read for fun books on it. Easily 3-5 hours most days. Hancom office works fine. I keep my stuff synced across all devices comp, phone, tablet with dropsync. When I read and highlight at home it updates my tablet file with my new work and the same when I do it on my tablet, my computer copy updates with my highlights and work.
When I was teaching I made some mind maps on it using snote and shapes or you could use hancom and I think you can with google office apps too.
Any other questions?
Hi guys, thanks for the responses!
I just bought one off ebay for £370, which is around $640. Having just checked on US ebay it could have been cheaper, but it seems more expensive to buy in the UK, so can't complain. Saved around £80 from the cheapest Amazon, but I wish I didn't get carried away bidding now because the Tab S series gets released here today so may have driven prices down just a bit as well... Anyway I suppose I should be excited for it!
Just hoping I'll actually use it for studying now ha... XD
I use it a lot for reading magazines and comics (PerfectViewer is brilliant for comic files, and the pdf extension of it handles magazines really well). The big screen is wonderful.
I haven't used it for educational purposes other than as a pictureframe for my graduation presentation, but its size is excellent for notetaking and sketching.
And Blurays in QHD on 12.2" are an excellent method of making everyone very jealous of your tablet

Slick Wrap test

I'm not really impressed with some of the design choices, but the material is quality, the glue works well (allows you to peel and reposition numerous times, but still holds tight) The carbon fiber pattern doesn't look too fake (it has some texture and reflects the light at different angles)
I have since removed all of the side pieces and put it back in a case.
The front and back pieces are nice and I like them. I wish the piece for the back covered the whole piece of plastic, but as you can see it comes up short. and the ring for the camera is dumb... wish it would've been a clear screen protector instead.
screwyluie said:
I'm not really impressed with some of the design choices, but the material is quality, the glue works well (allows you to peel and reposition numerous times, but still holds tight) The carbon fiber pattern doesn't look too fake (it has some texture and reflects the light at different angles)
I have since removed all of the side pieces and put it back in a case.
The front and back pieces are nice and I like them. I wish the piece for the back covered the whole piece of plastic, but as you can see it comes up short. and the ring for the camera is dumb... wish it would've been a clear screen protector instead.
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Hello Screwyluie-
In response to your post, we are disappointed to hear that you did not enjoy your wrap. We distributed the Beta testers with the intention of gaining constructive and polite criticism, however, your critique of our product fell a bit short of the intended goal. Rather than destructive comments such as your opinion that the camera ring is "dumb", we were looking for more useful commentary that focused on what could be done to improve the wrap. We ask that you go ahead and remove the post from XDA and Reddit. At this time, your feedback is not needed for our Beta Tester Program. We prefer feedback that is delivered in a professional manner and with good etiquette.
slickwraps said:
Hello Screwyluie-
In response to your post, we are disappointed to hear that you did not enjoy your wrap. We distributed the Beta testers with the intention of gaining constructive and polite criticism, however, your critique of our product fell a bit short of the intended goal. Rather than destructive comments such as your opinion that the camera ring is "dumb", we were looking for more useful commentary that focused on what could be done to improve the wrap. We ask that you go ahead and remove the post from XDA and Reddit. At this time, your feedback is not needed for our Beta Tester Program. We prefer feedback that is delivered in a professional manner and with good etiquette.
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apparently you didn't read the whole thing, but thanks to jumping the conclusion that I assumed you would, which is 'this guy doesn't like our product, so his opinions don't count, he should remove the post"
I gave constructive feedback if you'll notice I said the camera ring should've been a clear screen protector instead.
Here's some more:
the thin side pieces are useless and a poor design choice. They don't do anything, they look bad, and come off very easily.
the 'broken' design of the headphone jack hole is bad.
the bottom piece overlaps the battery case and makes removing the back cover difficult
Even with a hair dryer the top and bottom pieces peel off because of the angled edges they have to apply to
the back piece, battery cover, doesn't cover the whole piece of plastic and as such looks bad and poorly designed.
I wasn't going to rag on your product since it is a beta test, I gave an overall neutral post, some good, some bad, and pictures so people could make up their own minds rather than me doing to for them. I also emailed you a much more thorough test result, and you never replied so after a week I posted my result to the internet in a manner that I saw fit.
this is constructive feedback whether you choose to see it or not. I'm sorry you don't like my post, but with no response from your company to the email I sent, I feel I have the right to post whatever I want, however I want it.
edit: I will also note that no instructions were sent with the skin, not how to apply, not who to contact with questions, no guidelines for testing/feedback. it is my estimation that you were giving out free skins in hopes of free positive press, and the intention of taking down the negative feedback. Either that or I'm forced to believe you have no idea how beta testing works, and you botched this whole thing.
screwyluie said:
apparently you didn't read the whole thing, but thanks to jumping the conclusion that I assumed you would, which is 'this guy doesn't like our product, so his opinions don't count, he should remove the post"
I gave constructive feedback if you'll notice I said the camera ring should've been a clear screen protector instead.
Here's some more:
the thin side pieces are useless and a poor design choice. They don't do anything, they look bad, and come off very easily.
the 'broken' design of the headphone jack hole is bad.
the bottom piece overlaps the battery case and makes removing the back cover difficult
Even with a hair dryer the top and bottom pieces peel off because of the angled edges they have to apply to
the back piece, battery cover, doesn't cover the whole piece of plastic and as such looks bad and poorly designed.
I wasn't going to rag on your product since it is a beta test, I gave an overall neutral post, some good, some bad, and pictures so people could make up their own minds rather than me doing to for them. I also emailed you a much more thorough test result, and you never replied so after a week I posted my result to the internet in a manner that I saw fit.
this is constructive feedback whether you choose to see it or not. I'm sorry you don't like my post, but with no response from your company to the email I sent, I feel I have the right to post whatever I want, however I want it.
edit: I will also note that no instructions were sent with the skin, not how to apply, not who to contact with questions, no guidelines for testing/feedback. it is my estimation that you were giving out free skins in hopes of free positive press, and the intention of taking down the negative feedback. Either that or I'm forced to believe you have no idea how beta testing works, and you botched this whole thing.
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The post was read in its entirety. We absolutely do not operate as you described, rejecting opinions that aren't positive. This could certainly be evidenced by the dozens of negative reviews our company has received over its lifetime on purchased products, wherein the customer posted their experience in a professional manner, eliciting a swift response on our part to correct the issues. However, when a free beta tester product is mailed out, we expect the trusted few to behave in a manner of respect towards our company's desire to improve on the product, rather than publicly blasting the work-in-progress with disrespectful comments using derogatory terms like the aforementioned use of the word "dumb". Use of destructive language generally deems all additional feedback from the user to be invalid, in our eyes. If anything, it paints the reviewer as aggressive and, likely biased.
Your "more" section that you added, was actually of more help to our program than your original post, because rather than underhandedly insulting the product, it points out specific issues which can be addressed or at least explored.
As for the e-mail, we sent out many beta test units. That means that we have recorded the data we received relating to flaws in the design, but that we have not necessarily replied to every single e-mail, even though we certainly took each and every one in to account. Beta testing is something that a company designs to fit its needs, so it is not actually possible for us to have "botched this whole thing" just because we had different expectations for our testers than you saw fit from your own personal expertise on the subject. Luckily, it is up to us to establish the criteria we wish to see met.
If we wanted to give out free wraps for free positive press, I assure you it wouldn't have been difficult for us to do without disguising it as a beta test. Putting such excessive effort in to such a ruse would be ridiculous, since it would be much easier for us to just ask for people to sign up for free wraps. The instructions for application are readily available in the form of videos on our YouTube channel, and our customer support live-chat and [email protected] are always available to help with installation issues. In the future, please feel free to direct questions to them at any time and I am sure they will happily assist you. Despite your less than desirable method of delivery, we thank you for your participation and feedback.
Perhaps in the future you should require a bachelor degree in english if you want someone to use a specific set of words. It is my opinion that the ring for the camera is DUMB (ie: unintelligent, foolish, or half-baked) That is exactly how I feel about it. I'm sorry you're not happy with my assessment of the part, but you wanted feedback and that is what I'm giving you.
If you're going to negate everything someone says because they spoke one word you disagree with, well my friend, that is ignorance to a degree only the internet could harbor.
I will counter, again. I said dumb (which seems to be your one and only focus) and I meant it, but I also told you how to fix it.
and again this whole thing stems from your inability to acknowledge my email. This post wasn't made for you. This post and the one on reddit were made for the people. I gave you a reply. Just in case you missed it here you go:
I received my test wrap. There were no instructions so hopefully this email is a good one to reply to.
I took some pictures:
opinions... the thin side strips are silly, pointless, and look bad.
The top and bottom edge pieces aren't much better, plus with the curve of the phone edge they don't stick very well. The bottom one overlaps the back cover making it difficult to take off. Also on the bottom one the hole for the headphone jack is 'broken' in design which just looks bad/shabby/low quality
The front two pieces look good although they do have a tendency to collect lint/fuzz/etc at the very edge of the sticker.
The large back piece is very nice. it adds grips and looks good. My only complaint here is it doesn't go to the edges of the back cover. It would look better if it wrapped the entire back cover. However if you remove those silly side strips it's not as noticeable.
The piece that goes over the buttons is fine. I don't care for the circle piece for the camera lense, seems out of place and pointless. What I can't figure out is why you didn't do the inverse. Why isn't there a piece to cover the plastic around the buttons and camera lense, instead of pieces to go over them. Also the camera lense on these phones scratches very easily, I would like to see a screen protector, clear, to cover it just like the main screen.
I will continue to use it for a few days before concluding my findings.
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That was meant for you. That had all my feedback and suggestions. This post was not for you. This post was to let people know about the product as I see it, 'dumb' and all. I intentionally kept it neutral with positive and negative remarks, and allowed the pictures to speak for themselves. Overall I'm not the least bit impressed with your product and I could've come on here and bashed it out right for the poor product I believe it to be. But I didn't and in return you seek demean me so that my opinion counts for less when others read it.
I'm disappointed with your company and it's response. Oh, and I saw your first post before you changed it... To prove I'm not being a jerk about this I'll not comment or repeat it. I emailed you your polite constructive criticism. I posted here my opinion in a deliberately neutral way to give you the benefit of the doubt. Let the people decide.
Have a nice day.
It's not right for a company to criticize you for your opinion which they solicited from you in the first place.
I have had similar problems with slick wraps in the past. In fact I refuse to use or review any of their poorly made products.
I was fortunate enough to find a company called stickerboy that makes some of the best skins I've ever seen. Their cut outs are very precise and cover almost 100% of the device.
slickwraps said:
The post was read in its entirety. We absolutely do not operate as you described, rejecting opinions that aren't positive. This could certainly be evidenced by the dozens of negative reviews our company has received over its lifetime on purchased products, wherein the customer posted their experience in a professional manner, eliciting a swift response on our part to correct the issues. However, when a free beta tester product is mailed out, we expect the trusted few to behave in a manner of respect towards our company's desire to improve on the product, rather than publicly blasting the work-in-progress with disrespectful comments using derogatory terms like the aforementioned use of the word "dumb". Use of destructive language generally deems all additional feedback from the user to be invalid, in our eyes. If anything, it paints the reviewer as aggressive and, likely biased.
Your "more" section that you added, was actually of more help to our program than your original post, because rather than underhandedly insulting the product, it points out specific issues which can be addressed or at least explored.
As for the e-mail, we sent out many beta test units. That means that we have recorded the data we received relating to flaws in the design, but that we have not necessarily replied to every single e-mail, even though we certainly took each and every one in to account. Beta testing is something that a company designs to fit its needs, so it is not actually possible for us to have "botched this whole thing" just because we had different expectations for our testers than you saw fit from your own personal expertise on the subject. Luckily, it is up to us to establish the criteria we wish to see met.
If we wanted to give out free wraps for free positive press, I assure you it wouldn't have been difficult for us to do without disguising it as a beta test. Putting such excessive effort in to such a ruse would be ridiculous, since it would be much easier for us to just ask for people to sign up for free wraps. The instructions for application are readily available in the form of videos on our YouTube channel, and our customer support live-chat and [email protected] are always available to help with installation issues. In the future, please feel free to direct questions to them at any time and I am sure they will happily assist you. Despite your less than desirable method of delivery, we thank you for your participation and feedback.
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Katie, you should know that your personal opinion on the wording chosen by a beta tester, has cost you future customers. Sad that you handled this situation the way you did. Your reasoning in the replies were just to make yourself and the company look/feel better about themselves instead of addressing the individual critiques. I'll stick with dbrand any day over your company
After reading SlickWraps responses I would never use one of their products.
There is always Dbrand and they've always been upbeat while maintaining professionalism. They have LG G3 skins and their skins aren't even in beta. They've done wonders for phones and other devices and are recommended by tech bloggers a lot.
You certainly have not helped your case. Hopefully many people will see what you're about.
slickwraps said:
Thank You!
Trolls be Trolling
---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 AM ----------
Professionalism? LOL
Do some research.. Oh, and see the OP unedited posts floating around regarding his "review". Nice.
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You do realize the more you continue this thread, the more people will see you behaving like a child throwing a tantrum in the name of your ummm company?
My thanks to the OP!
slickwraps said:
Same to you.
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Storm T said:
You do realize the more you continue this thread, the more people will see you behaving like a child throwing a tantrum in the name of your ummm company?
My thanks to the OP!
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OH, SNAP! Lmao......
Storm T said:
You certainly have not helped your case. Hopefully many people will see what you're about.
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I certainly never expected this. I had never used a skin on a phone before and thought this beta testing would be a good opportunity to try one and give a generally unbiased opinion. Now I'm just glad people have a chance to see the company for what it is.
screwyluie said:
I certainly never expected this. I had never used a skin on a phone before and thought this beta testing would be a good opportunity to try one and give a generally unbiased opinion. Now I'm just glad people have a chance to see the company for what it is.
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For anyone who wants the real truth about this guy ^ contact me directly. He's honestly nothing but a troll who was set on never truly testing the product. Would love to show you DM from him which show his true nature.
Sad world we live in.
slickwraps said:
For anyone who wants the real truth about this guy ^ contact me directly. He's honestly nothing but a troll who was set on never truly testing the product. Would love to show you DM from him which show his true nature.
Sad world we live in.
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Post it in here, please, I've nothing to hide.
I find this not very professional. Kind of embarrassing to say the least.
I to had similar issues with the product
Having come from a vinyl wrap and sign shop i tried the slickwrap glow in the dark. The material is not true wrap material in a sense as it didnt have air channels . this might be true for just the glow in the dark. the camera ring and side pieces to be honest are pointless in the fact that the have very little surface area . which equals hardly any adhesive makes it to the phone . i had a coupon code i used to purchase it . and to be honest i didnt feel it was the money as most of the pieces you dont use . just my 2 cents

