Advice from experts, for an aspiring IT professional - General Questions and Answers

Hi everyone.
My name is Matthew and I was wondering if I could get some advice from professionals in the IT field. I want to go into the IT field, specifically mobile technology, and I was hoping for some sage advice from real experts like you guys.
First, I want to start off with a quick background for me so you know why I'm asking these questions. One thing I was interested in, in addition to tech, was the Japanese language when I was growing up (no I'm not an anime nerd, I just like the culture and language). Because of that interest I pursued the Japanese language at college trying my best to learn it. Long story short, I went to Japan, learned the language, and came back and got my bachelors in Linguistics thinking that I would be a translator/teacher in the long run. After graduating I went back to Japan, taught English and did some translation on the side. I enjoyed it somewhat but not a whole lot. My free time was always taken up by tinkering with mobile devices and computers and listening to tech shows such as TwiT, TwiG, etc. Then I would go to work, teach English and come home again and repeat. This lasted for about a year. I got a job offer in another city in Japan but could see the writing on the wall. Tech has been getting better and better and it won't be long before computers can teach languages much better than I can, and computers can translate much better than I can (look at google translate, while not perfect, it knows words that I have never heard of, and syntax and semantics get better every day) Because of this, I decided to return to America because my father wanted to start a business and really needed my help. He didn't know how to do any of the tech, governmental, and business side of the business and I did. It has been almost a year and we are now a successful business that I have automated so I can run things from afar to help him. I told him I would give him a year and it's about time for me to move on and start my next chapter.
Now I'm 28, feel like I have traveled the world and did my young live there live here thing while still getting a college degree, and I'm ready to jump into my REAL career. I have always heard that people who find a career in their hobby are happiest, and that's what I want to do. Obviously I love tech because that was my go to thing in my relax time, especially mobile.
That being said, where do you think I should start? I REALLY don't want to go back to college as I feel that another degree would be a waste of time and money (took SOOOO many classes in college that I do not remember to this day and feel like it was a total waste, and I honestly don't think college is useful anymore as far as the stuff you learn relative to the time and money spent). I am currently studying online with the videos Professor Messer has put on youtube and to get my A+, Networking+, and Security+ certifications. Very informative videos that reminds me of good college classes that I used to take where I felt like I was actually learning. Most of this content I already know so this shouldn't take too much time. After that I was thinking of going for a few more certs from CompTIA as well but not sure which ones yet. I figured I would at least keep those 3 major ones up to date.
I'm great with people and actually like working with them and wouldn't mind doing a troubleshooting job such as at a cell phone store (like I said, I really enjoy mobile tech the most but desktops and laptops are still very interesting to me). I am also great at sales because of my people skills but boy do I hate it. The pressure is too much and I end up getting angry if someone beats me in sales because of luck. I really don't want to deal with that.
Do you, my esteemed professionals in the field with experience I can really benefit from, have any more advice as far as where else I should go or what I should do to increase my tech career?
Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you guys soon!


Cell Phone Programming Classes

hey guys,
i've been looking online this morning for classes where i can learn how to do cell phone programming and modification. i haven't had much luck though. most of the results either bring me back to XDA or a similar website, or they take me to a site that is just trying to sell me something that is cell phone or computer related. so i guess my question is: what exactly is this field or line of work called? i've been looking under computer programming, cell phone programming, cell phone modification, smart phone programming, and smart phone modification, all with "classes" at the end, of course. can someone help me out with this? i know it probably sounds like a dumb question, but i'm just having no luck bring back any "course related" results in my search. like i said, it just produces results for websites like this one, o retail websites. i'd love to get into this field of work. i have been customizing my phone (HTC Tilt/Kaiser/Tytn, etc) which i have an extra one of to test on thanks to my lovely wife, and i have been enjoying it very much. trying new ROMs, making some feeble attempts at cooking ROMs, and checking out all the software that is available for my phone. i have been enjoying it so much that i would like to take some courses on the subject and start a carreer in this field! my wife can't seem to drag me away from the computer, and when she does, i've got my phone. we figure that if i like it this much, i should take some courses and get paid to do this kind of stuff 8 hours a day. then it wouldn't take up quite so much time at home. anyway, i'm rambling now, so if anyone could give me some more ideas on what exactly to search for or what this line of work is called, it would aid me in trying to find a place locally that offers some classes on the subject. thank you in advance for any help that you folks can provide me with. by the way, i'm in the DFW (TX, US) area, if any local folks happen to be reading and could point me in the right direction. for the moment, i'm interested in campus classes or online classes, doesn't make much difference at the moment. i would like to see what each has to offer for the time being, and money will be an issue, as things are pretty tight right now financially. Thanks again!
I think you will need to learn by searching and looking. These videos will help you
Classes for small electronics / cellphone programming
Hi my name is Mark and I am a technical manager at SuperRey's Exotics and my team and myself inlcuded have studied at Stevens Tech in Hoboken, N.J. not sure how serious and how far away you are but Stevens has an extensive technology program, really indepth in fact many large corporations like Sharp, Apple, HTC, Exxon, Motorola and many others hire techs directly from Stevens Tech. However at Stevens it is really indepth stuff and they work on, not only new invetions but many patents actually come from the technology that Stevens does. I hope this helped you a little. And at SuperRey's we apply that knowledge for new inventions, cell phone repair and reprogramming and all kind of crazy stuff that we do, if your into it you will have alot of fun with that kind of technology. Good luck.

Any advice at all for an aspiring Software Engineer?

First a little background on me:
- Hey I am currently a college student (hopefully I will get my A.S. & A.A. in computer science in the summer of 2011 -yes, I am eligible for both due to the fact there was no A.S. in Computer Science when I started attending college consecutively in 2007, so why not?...haha)...
- I would really love to be a Software Engineer some day (I was originally thinking Systems Software Engineer, but Applications Software Engineer will still be great for me)...
- I have a lot of experience troubleshooting and fixing /repairing / building computers starting from when I was about 12 years old when I set up my first PC (not build, mind you) and I used to always mess with the computers in Elementary (figuring out how to exit the schools provided screen and getting to a regular desktop etc...)
-Now I do not have any of what you may call formal experience (I never had an actual job with computers)...I have a lot of warehouse job experience though...and lately I was getting worried that it will hold me back, because I do not know how to get into the job field....
- I would like to get a masters degree (in Computer Science), hopefully with honors if everything continues as it is. (currently a 3.4 Cumulative GPA...)
Some of my thoughts / ideas / questions:
+I was thinking of trying to get some kind of IT Tech or support job to start off in the field (though jobs are scarce right now, so that may have to wait at least until I get my degree)...Is that a good thought?
+I currently have some experience with Visual Basic .net, C, C++, IA32 Assembly and now have developed my first Android app in Java.
Now I really would like to be a Software Engineer one day, so how would you suggest I go about doing so? Do you have any advice / ideas / comments @ all for me? Could you in the field give me some tips or even tell me your story (short OR long, I would love to hear it either way) about how you got to where you are & your current thoughts about it (do you like it?, what would you have done different? How and Why ?)
-in advance: Thanks A LOT! I am sort-of worried about my situation because sometimes it gets a little discouraging and/or confusing on what to do to get where I want to be....
how come no one has responded? there seems to be many educated people here and I am sure someone has something to say... also I am sure there are many of you who happen to be in some type of IT field, I would like to hear from you all...
Please advise me, I am in need of a little advice and guidance...
Just one possibility:
Do a computer science degree and make sure you get a 2:1 or more. Work for a recognized (so your CV looks good) large IT consultancy for a couple+ of years working for lots of their clients so you get varied experience. If you can, get some Finance (in combination with your IT experience) experience there. Learn a language that's particularly commercial (I recommend C# combined with your C++ - plus other areas of Microsoft .Net -, win forms, smart clients, full n-tier development, full life cycle development). Then go IT contacting where the real money is - with C++ and C# and Finance you'll be able to get the best paid contracts - assuming you're personable and committed too.
Does that help?
My advice, get a real job.....Software Engineers are a dime a dozen.
corrie said:
My advice, get a real job.....Software Engineers are a dime a dozen.
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+1, i've met too many software engineers in college, and that is the main reason why i stay away from the computer field (i'm a biomechanical undergradate student, specializing in auto design or biomedical engineering)
1.) you need to go higher than an associate's degree, i suggest going for a bachelores in computer science than maybe some experience before going to get your masters, if you're lucky maybe your company will pay for your tuition
2.) specialize, as said theres too many software engineers in this world, therefore you have to specialize.
3.) engineering is the combination of art and science remember that
4.) for a tech job, since you're still a student with no real work experience in the computer field, i suggest getting certification such as A+ certification
5.) always have a backup plan, i was thinking network security personally since i like tinkering with things lol
d k of the new add for breaking its still up no more, whaaaatttt?
Danni3 said:
+1, i've met too many software engineers in college, and that is the main reason why i stay away from the computer field (i'm a biomechanical undergradate student, specializing in auto design or biomedical engineering)
1.) you need to go higher than an associate's degree, i suggest going for a bachelores in computer science than maybe some experience before going to get your masters, if you're lucky maybe your company will pay for your tuition
2.) specialize, as said theres too many software engineers in this world, therefore you have to specialize.
3.) engineering is the combination of art and science remember that
4.) for a tech job, since you're still a student with no real work experience in the computer field, i suggest getting certification such as A+ certification
5.) always have a backup plan, i was thinking network security personally since i like tinkering with things lol
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wow that is discouraging...
I am actually planning on going higher than an Associates degree for sure, hopefully a masters, but if not then a bachelors at the least...
hmm, now you have me thinking... should I really try to go for something else? I was excited thinking about being a software engineer ...
erebusting said:
wow that is discouraging...
I am actually planning on going higher than an Associates degree for sure, hopefully a masters, but if not then a bachelors at the least...
hmm, now you have me thinking... should I really try to go for something else? I was excited thinking about being a software engineer ...
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I'm not saying that you shouldn't become a software engineer, but i'm just implying that they're not in high demand currently. But that could be said about any job, you just have to be very good at what you do and you'll find a job in no time =P
I'm suggesting that you specialize in something a bit more specific than software engineer, just like there are specializations of mechanical engineering (auto,aerospace,bioengineering,energy systems... etc) that way you can still do what you love (programming i assume) but to a more specific goal.
The reason i tell you to get higher than an associates (2 years) is because the average job now a days require atleast a bachelors degree. My Mom, a tiny little asian women, has a computer science degree and works for the government, its about 60k starting and shes been there for a few years so now she makes just under 80k ;] but you need atleast a 3.0 gpa and a bachelor degree
just look at the difference in salary!
don't worry about what degree to get either, you can complete all of your undergraduate studies before you have to choose a major, thats about two years of undergrad study
thanks for that advice...
I currently have over a 3.0 which I am trying to maintain...
I am in California, where seems to be a dense pack of tech jobs around (am I wrong though?)...
Also, I have not looked at many colleges around and what specific section of computer science they specialize in, after I do that though- I will have an Idea of what programming I want to specialize in (any ideas of what may be popular?)...
I know theres like robotics programming, gaming programming, and there are others I am not too aware of which I will have to look into....
Hey I just want to say I appreciate each and every comment here, it really helps chatting about it with you all...
I do look forward to more comments also from different people, I know things aren't the same for everyone and maybe some others have views on a different side of the story...idk, but thanks so far!!

G-Tab and Developers and Responders ALL

It needs to be said. I'm in my late seventies and had lost a lot of my interest in computer technology and was a bit lazy and lax about it all and then I got the ViewSonic G-Tablet.
Thanks to all the information and step by step procedures shown here on xda-developers (and the terrific videos available on YouTube), it never even entered my thoughts that I was tossing my warranty away on this unknown territory that was the G-Tablet, and still I made change after change and went through the pain of learning this totally new Android way of looking at things. I've finally settled in for the moment with VEGAn-TAB 7.0. But I really enjoyed the process in getting there.
What a fun and marvelous journey. I've read all kinds of complaints and a few accolades about the G-Tab and the journey, but for me it has been a real jolt (a joyful one) into this new computer technology ahead for us and it has been a joy to see an Operating System out there other than Windows making an impact. And I especially appreciate the opportunity to experiment and create the platform I want, rather than being stuck with something handed to me.
I'm having a great time and THANKS TO YOU ALL for making it possible. And thanks as well for letting me toss my few cents in every so often about things I'm learning. Getting old is becoming rather a pleasure nowadays.
When I was a kid my old man gave me crap about "wasting so much time on computers" now that he's been retired for a while he realizes there are so many things to learn about technology and computing he's been spending more time online than I do.
It all comes down to time really, the devices themselves aren't really that expensive it's the time to read, research, experiment and implement that takes time, being retired or having free time means you have an advantage.

Advice Needed

Hi forum, how's everyone doing!
I have just joined this forum today in hope that you would be able to give me some advice.
My name is Leo Santoro I am from Greater London England 24, and I am electric wheelchair bound as I have a muscle weakness disability called SMA. I have 24/7 care assistants.
Unfortunately over the past three years my disability has become worse and therefore I am unable to type apart from one hand via the iphone.
My father comes from a computer software background he learnt parts of programming language C because of the system he was using for his job was very bespoke.
He never taught me programming as a kid because my mother and father encouraged me to go out and play and not be stuck on the computer as with my disability going back 20 years doctors were not sure how long I would live.
Although growing up through school and college I aced my computer and media courses, where 2 years ago I graduated with a masters degree in digital marketing.
in this course although we learnt about marketing Apps, websites, and social media we never worked on the development of program's/apps.
Currently I find life very hard as I have been ill for a while and quite house-bound. I have all these amazing ideas for apps but do not know where I can start as having a disability makes me unable to work, therefore I have limited funding.
Sorry for the long spray of my life but I think it might help you answer my questions.
1. Is it to late to start learning an app development programming language to produce my own apps?
2. Based on the previous Q if yes … how do I start ? if no where can I put my ideas into action?
3. if everything is a no no no.. what do you all think is the best place to use my skills of digital marketing in a home-based potential job?
Cheers Leo,
leodigi said:
Hi forum, how's everyone doing!
I have just joined this forum today in hope that you would be able to give me some advice.
My name is Leo Santoro I am from Greater London England 24, and I am electric wheelchair bound as I have a muscle weakness disability called SMA. I have 24/7 care assistants.
Unfortunately over the past three years my disability has become worse and therefore I am unable to type apart from one hand via the iphone.
My father comes from a computer software background he learnt parts of programming language C because of the system he was using for his job was very bespoke.
He never taught me programming as a kid because my mother and father encouraged me to go out and play and not be stuck on the computer as with my disability going back 20 years doctors were not sure how long I would live.
Although growing up through school and college I aced my computer and media courses, where 2 years ago I graduated with a masters degree in digital marketing.
in this course although we learnt about marketing Apps, websites, and social media we never worked on the development of program's/apps.
Currently I find life very hard as I have been ill for a while and quite house-bound. I have all these amazing ideas for apps but do not know where I can start as having a disability makes me unable to work, therefore I have limited funding.
Sorry for the long spray of my life but I think it might help you answer my questions.
1. Is it to late to start learning an app development programming language to produce my own apps?
2. Based on the previous Q if yes … how do I start ? if no where can I put my ideas into action?
3. if everything is a no no no.. what do you all think is the best place to use my skills of digital marketing in a home-based potential job?
Cheers Leo,
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Welcome to XDA leo! Honestly, making apps can be pretty easy once you have learned a little java (a little html does not hurt) here and there, i would recommend starting here once you get a little used to some of that just browse around here for some of the magnificent guides XDA has to offer!

Education Advice -

Recently I decided to start online school this coming January . With my work schedule, ( 12 hour swing shifts ) it's pretty much the only way possible. I wanted to go into computer programming. It was brought to my attention recently that, that is a skill better self taught. And that there are more lucrative diplomas in college to peruse. So my question is, what are yaw opinions on what is best ? More financially promising, or get my foot in the door to self teach more to do with software. Im new to this site and am not trying to cross the boundary between what is allowed and personal gain. I've talked to alot of people I consider intelligent, and am basically seeking a last turn of advice. Feel free to p.m me and discuss anything. From internet security to software development, all the way to another door I met not have considered . Any advice is appreciated.
Whyaintyoudeadyet said:
Recently I decided to start online school this coming January . With my work schedule, ( 12 hour swing shifts ) it's pretty much the only way possible. I wanted to go into computer programming. It was brought to my attention recently that, that is a skill better self taught. And that there are more lucrative diplomas in college to peruse. So my question is, what are yaw opinions on what is best ? More financially promising, or get my foot in the door to self teach more to do with software. Im new to this site and am not trying to cross the boundary between what is allowed and personal gain. I've talked to alot of people I consider intelligent, and am basically seeking a last turn of advice. Feel free to p.m me and discuss anything. From internet security to software development, all the way to another door I met not have considered . Any advice is appreciated.
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This is a really interesting question, you're not crossing any boundaries, you've posted at the right place.
So you're considering attending college courses online, to finally get a diploma and a job if I'm correct.
To me, it is true that programming is "better" self-taught, and this is what XDA is all about. And by self taught I mean that you can browse YouTube for content creators that'll explain your very well, or much better than some ****ty school that make you pay 10 grands and don't know how to teach anything.
But if you're searching a job, you'll have a lot less chances if you self-teach, because what a company wants are guarantees: a diploma, and if you compete for the job with two other guy with degrees, you'll be in a delicate situation. So if you want a job, it would be better to attend college courses.
And for the job choice, it's up to you, what do you want to dedicate your life to? If you chose to study Computer Science, you'll make it your job. If you self teach, you'll be considered like an "amateur", and less chances to find a job. There are always more lucrative options, but you won't be happy making a job you don't like.
Hope this helped. Good luck

