Figured this had to be asked soon. Any devs have any insight as to who or when we'll be working on a port for the new Sense 6 firmware? Looks preeeetty nice.
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The hardware is dramatically different. I would say this is not going to happen
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A few of us are trying but the kernel is the biggest pain, especially since most of old kernel devs are gone
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk
Don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge but porting the m8 kernel to this phone is suicidal
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exad said:
Don't get me wrong, I love a good challenge but porting the m8 kernel to this phone is suicidal
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Well the Evo guys did it. Hell, even the nexus 5 guys did it... It could be worse
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk
Well I salute your efforts sir!
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On the Evo they are using a aosp kernel not sense
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Notorious said:
On the Evo they are using a aosp kernel not sense
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
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Well they have to start with that to get it booting. The only problem is if the kernel boots, one would have to address that nothing else works lol
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What about using a m7 Rom, that has sense 6?
nlsolja123 said:
What about using a m7 Rom, that has sense 6?
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It's the same situation as with the M8, the M7 has completely different chipsets and screen resolution making it virtually impossible.
timmaaa said:
It's the same situation as with the M8, the M7 has completely different chipsets and screen resolution making it virtually impossible.
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Kinda doesn't matter on chipsets. You just need a kernel that boots 4.3 - 4.4.2 ... For example I port roms from the m7 to the DNA , DLXPUL, and butterfly. Because they all have a kernel that works. And all those devices have different chipsets..... And no resolution doesn't matter either, yes some apps will need to be resized which you can do by editing the dimensions.xml in each app..but sense 5 and up supports hdpi-xxhdpi on most of its applications
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xXminiWHOOPERxX said:
Kinda doesn't matter on chipsets. You just need a kernel that boots 4.3 - 4.4.2 ... For example I port roms from the m7 to the DNA , DLXPUL, and butterfly. Because they all have a kernel that works. And all those devices have different chipsets..... And no resolution doesn't matter either, yes some apps will need to be resized which you can do by editing the dimensions.xml in each app..but sense 5 and up supports hdpi-xxhdpi on most of its applications
Sent from my HTC Droid DNA running Insertcoin 2.3.0
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See, the thing is, we didn't get a 4.3 sense kernel, and this is kind of getting irritating
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pandasa123 said:
See, the thing is, we didn't get a 4.3 sense kernel, and this is kind of getting irritating
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If evo source has dropped for 4.3 then all a kernel dev needs to do is see what's the difference 4.3 and 4.2.2 .. I'd look at defconfig between them... Cause 4.3 is still jellybean. I seen you have a kernel dev here.. ask @Zarboz how to do it. He's the genius on porting kernels
Sent from my HTC Droid DNA running Insertcoin 2.3.0
zarboz is not free ths days i guess... No news of him... Or else we would be having sense 6 by now... He himself said about bringing it to our device...
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
no way
I dont think this is possible, I would stick to Jelly bean and sense 4+ or 5 for a great performance-battery life
kevazfederer said:
I dont think this is possible, I would stick to Jelly bean and sense 4+ or 5 for a great performance-battery life
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Well I'm working on it and it's going okay I suppose. Me and an amazing kernel dev are making progress. Lots of logcats.
Of course, older versions of softwares are always less buggy because of the amount of time taken to refine them.
Sent from my One X using Tapatalk
Nothing is impossible.
the kernel is very important to port a rom .like sensation run 4.1.2 sense5 or droid dna run 4.4.2 sense6
Well I don't know its possible....only time will tell but for now I can just appreciate efforts of the guy above....this device is so special just because of dev like this
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kevazfederer said:
I dont think this is possible
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Based on what? Of course its possible. The real question is how feasible it is based on how much work needs to be done, versus the desire by the right folks to do that work.
Are there any devs working on s off anymore??? Or is every one getting different phones??? Flame me as you please...
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Hey bro, I stopped picking it apart (for a little break), but also am waiting for the kernel to be realeased. Once its released we'll be able to change host and other fun stuff to allow more avenues to be explored.
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dkirchik said:
Hey bro, I stopped picking it apart (for a little break), but also am waiting for the kernel to be realeased. Once its released we'll be able to change host and other fun stuff to allow more avenues to be explored.
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Thanks for your quick response brotha!! I hope development explodes once the kernel source is released... This is a email I got today......
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I did not know that. I looked earlier today I must have missed it. I'm gonna go DL it. Thanks!!
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dkirchik said:
I did not know that. I looked earlier today I must have missed it. I'm gonna go DL it. Thanks!!
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Not sure they are available yet... Ate they??
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rpomponio said:
Not sure they are available yet... Ate they??
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They are for the tegra 3 version :/
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dkirchik said:
They are for the tegra 3 version :/
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Son of a [email protected]?/$. Wish they would release the source code already... Maybe now that I'm done with school for a minute I will dig into att for some info on the source code...
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IIRC, someone was was able to flash a boot.img via S-Off isn't a crushing priority unless we want to change the radio or version of HBOOT....Still something to pursue....but not choking development.
CM9 is already in an early alpha when kernel source drops it should help provide data on the broken pieces (unless HTC just happens to leave out the parts we need).
Anyhoo, everyone is getting antsy because there are not breakthroughs happening every day now. You have to understand we are about 70%-80% already opening this entire phone to all of its capabilities that users expect with mature, heavily developed devices (CWM, TWRP, root, unlocked bootloader, a few great Custom ROMs, etc.). The last remaining 20-30%, mostly kernel source, should finish providing what all of us need to 'top it off' (CM9, AOKP, Custom Kernels, etc.).
Be patient, we've already gone through most of the hard parts ....just waiting on HTC now...
I was trying to port the Eu rom using a cm9 base and taking parts from the Eu rom, got stuck at a bootloop, you think i would be more successful taking the eu rom and swapping things out like kernel libs etc from the cm9?
I haven't been in this phone much, but kernel, libs, and some directories were key in porting miui V4.
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skatin707 said:
I haven't been in this phone much, but kernel, libs, and some directories were key in porting miui V4.
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I just scared to hard brick, the only thing that worries me is different processors
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Might want to get in touch with @linds6630 on twitter.
mbh87 said:
Might want to get in touch with @linds6630 on twitter.
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Thanks for the heads up
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mbh87 said:
Might want to get in touch with @linds6630 on twitter.
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Has anyone tested that build for the atat one x? Miui was the longest rom I've kept on my phone so I would love to have it again on the one x
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jlo20431 said:
Has anyone tested that build for the atat one x? Miui was the longest rom I've kept on my phone so I would love to have it again on the one x
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I'm about to test it but I'd like to hear from the dev about a question I have first.
gunnyman said:
I'm about to test it but I'd like to hear from the dev about a question I have first.
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I tested stuck at splash screen, just like when I tried porting it myself, tried her twitter see if we can hash it out
Edit: I meant boot animation
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Thanks. I love miui. Ran it on my inspire. We need kernel source so badly.
kkoshko1 said:
I just scared to hard brick, the only thing that worries me is different processors
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Its always a risk. I'll mess with that build a bit and see what I can figure out. Don't expect much
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skatin707 said:
Its always a risk. I'll mess with that build a bit and see what I can figure out. Don't expect much
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I'm working with that miui dev, I'll let ya know if we get anywhere, bootloopin right now
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kkoshko1 said:
I'm working with that miui dev, I'll let ya know if we get anywhere, bootloopin right now
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Did get a working miui. The connection is way better for me then cm9. No drops yet. But I'm still doing testing for the person who ported it. As of now. Camera works front and back and panorama but no camcorder. SMS data mms works. Sound music all that good stuff works. Phone does not. Can't hear nobody and they can't hear me. She is updating with a newer cm9 base soon. We wanted a booting one first. I'll keep ya guys posted through out the next couple days. It does fly tho. No lag.: )
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Wifi is working to...I'll test Bluetooth tmrw with my car see if it will transfer music.
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might as well post the link so everyone can have some fun
mbh87 said:
might as well post the link so everyone can have some fun
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I didn't know if she wanted me too. Lol don't really know how that works with peoples work. But let's get this thing flawless
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I had to start following this thread and twitter... I'm a FAN of MIUI and CM9 definitely want to get on the action!
Phone not working is due to kernel incompatibilities. We had the same problem on the SGS2.
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kkoshko1 said:
I didn't know if she wanted me too. Lol don't really know how that works with peoples work. But let's get this thing flawless
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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trying to boot it now
it boots!
Hey guys, just noticed this thread..I posted an updated link on twitter, if anyone can try it and give me a logcat of the Mic issue, that would be great. Just copy the logcat to and link it here. Not sure if you all are aware but I don't actually have this phone, I'm using a One S, so I need to rely on testers to work out the bugs
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk
This may be a dumb question, but I thought it would be really cool if it was possible. Would it be possible to dual-boot between a sense ROM and a CM10 ROM with perhaps a script using script manager or TWRP recovery and to fit both ROMs on the system partition would it be possible to combine\collapse certain files that are identical on both of the ROMs? Or is that they completely absurd and ridiculous question?
P.S. I am a horrible speller.
Sent from my One X using Tapatalk 2
I'm sure its possible... but I think it would be a pain in the butt for the deva
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
Just not supported for the One X because no S-off. :crying:
Not currently available on our phone, the closest you're going to come is storing any cross-ROM data on your SD card partition and flashing between the backups of two ROMs. Personally I believe that devs should focus on their ROMs becoming so polished that you won't need to dual boot
What benefits were you looking to get out of running two separate ROMs?
Cm10+ sense camera would be awesome.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
iElvis said:
Just not supported for the One X because no S-off. :crying:
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Bull, they supported the rezound before it was s off
xvitality said:
Cm10+ sense camera would be awesome.
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This has nothing to do with dual boot
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superchilpil said:
Bull, they supported the rezound before it was s off
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I'm just repeating what's on their support page, cowboy.
Boot Manager REQUIRES Root & S-OFF!
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xvitality said:
Cm10+ sense camera would be awesome.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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**** yeah.
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xvitality said:
Cm10+ sense camera would be awesome.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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That would never work as the sense camera needs a sense Rom.
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Benefit of Dual Boot
gridlock489 said:
What benefits were you looking to get out of running two separate ROMs?
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It's a very practical way of testing new roms and rom updates on a second partition, while maintaining a stable rom on the first partition as your "daily driver".
Hi, I have been using bootmanager on my last 2 HTC phones (dhd and sensation) and its great. I used it to test out loads of different Roms and also had a work based Rom (with mandatory extra software etc) and my own for the rest of the time.
I recently upgraded to the one x and was gutted to find that it was not supported. I am lucky enough to have an s-off version so tried a manual setup but it fails at the first hurdle when setting up phone Rom.
The devs seem to be having some time off and their support mail quota is blown so have not managed to ask them. Shame as they used to be great with support.
If the bootmanager devs or anyone cleverer than I has any ideas let me know otherwise I will report back if I ever get it to work.
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I'd be interested if you ever get it to work let us know. This forum is for the dual core version know as the htc one xl not sure you have this version or the quad core international version.
Sent from my HTC One XL
Will do. Its the international version quad core, this seemed the closest discussion on this topic.
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Can I copy the apk of sense camera to the system folder in miui rom?
Did anyone try it yet?
Sent from my Nexus S
I do believe that because they run different kernel aopk miui vs sence. It would not work at all. I've tried a few things like that. Make a back up. And try it for fun. I think sometimes I intentionally soft brick my phone so I can prove to myself I can fix it.
Sent from my One X using xda premium
I'm actually running that leaked cam 4.2 on cm10 newest nightly, its as good as sense if not better IMO.
Sent from my One X
The sense camera is the thing that has kept me off aosp roms. Havent had a chance to flash the 4.2 camera but I hear great things
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I first tried it on cleanrom v, I was sold when macro shots focused.
Seems to work a fraction better on sense but works on cm from everything I've thrown at it this morning.
Sent from my One X
WarRaven said:
I'm actually running that leaked cam 4.2 on cm10 newest nightly, its as good as sense if not better IMO.
Sent from my One X
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I need to flash back to cm10 then. The kingkang Rohan built the other day is pretty wicked. So the new cm10 kernel is good to go on that? Awesome.
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Sense and sense like features like the Cramer rely on sense framework not the kernel
If it doesn't have sense framework then nothing sense related will work on a different ROM
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I stand corrected, it worked for a while then bugged out an started crashing using that on cm.
Just updating my earlier post usage.
Sent from my HTC One X
Hey guys where can I grab the 4.2 Camera so I can flash it on my CM10 jelly bean ROM on my att HTC One X? Thanks in advance.
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superchilpil said:
Sense and sense like features like the Cramer rely on sense framework not the kernel
If it doesn't have sense framework then nothing sense related will work on a different ROM
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Ok, thats makes sense..It has to has sense framework
Thanks a lot!
movadoevo8 said:
Hey guys where can I grab the 4.2 Camera so I can flash it on my CM10 jelly bean ROM on my att HTC One X? Thanks in advance.
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Find it here:
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Guys, I just remembered i watched the review from, they did a comparison MIUI rom review between One X international and AT&T One X.
Correct me if im wrong, but I think one of the miui rom reviewed by them was in ICS and has sense camera!
Do you guys know which rom was that?
timmaaa said:
Find it here:
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
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Thank you!
is there anyone working or know if they will be making a G.E ROM for the One X?
thecityboy781 said:
is there anyone working or know if they will be making a G.E ROM for the One X?
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What's new in the Google edition Rom that's not in cm10.1?
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ImagioX1 said:
What's new in the Google edition Rom that's not in cm10.1?
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New camera app is all I can think of...
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There's no real point. We have plenty of aosp ROMs to choose from already.
Sent from my Evita
Isn't the new camera app already ripped from the new 4.2.2 roms? The only thing that has changed in that app is the setting are easier to reach without holding your thumb down on the screen to make them appear.
Are there any stock 4.2.2 roms?
Update: Stock like CM but without all the added features.
jun10rocks said:
Are there any stock 4.2.2 roms?
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stock as in sense? that would be impossible.
exad said:
stock as in sense? that would be impossible.
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Stock like CM but without all the added features.
Aosp would be it. I believe there is one.
Guess I was wrong, there doesn't seem to be one. Closest is cm10.1 or aokp
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Evervolve is pretty close to vanilla aosp, it does have a few customization options but they are few. It isn't supported anymore though. Its a shame, I loved the 4.1 version.
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