[Q] Screenshot in one app, drag to the other? (esp. for samsung multi-window) - General Questions and Answers

I'm looking for the ability to do something on an android device that I do quite frequently on my computer.
If I have a MS Word or Evernote open in one window, and I have a webpage or PDF open in another window, I often want to take a screen clipping of a particular sub-section of the pdf/webpage, then immediately copy & paste this into e.g. Evernote. This is pretty easy to do on a PC, but I'm not clear on if / how it can be done on a phone.
So similarly, on an Android device, I want to be able to screen-cap a small section of one window/app and paste the screen-cap into another app. To be clear, I'd prefer to not have to save the screenshot first, then navigate to it in some obscure directory, then move it into the target app. I'd prefer to directly paste it into whatever I'm working on-- (almost) as seamlessly as I would on a PC.
You can imagine why this would be especially helpful on a multi-window phone/tablet like the Samsung ones. I can be taking notes on one screen and copy/pasting needed content on another screen, all while everything is in front of me. This would be so great!
Is this possible?


[Q] Add functions to HP Touchpad keyboard?

I've just gotten my HP Keyboard in the post. It's very sleek and is great to use.
However, it does have a pretty big flaw (especially now with the QuickOffice update): Keyboard shortcuts.
It has a control button, which only has two uses: 1. Hold it while using the arrows in a text box to move along whole words, 2. Ctrl+3 brings up the notification area, which is odd as it has it's own button.
Would it be possible in any way (homebrew or otherwise) to add standard keyboard shortcuts: Copy, Paste, Cut, Select All, etc? Using all those functions is just a natural part of how I use a computer and I'll know I'll forever be trying to use them.
Still, despite those issues, I'm glad with my purchase. It'll be good for my laptop (especially when I want to use the HDMI out and the lid is closed), PS3 and my Android phone.
Edit: The ability to scroll and navigate cards with the arrow buttons would also be very nice, but probably harder to implement.
Looking into it right now. Probably needs a binary patch on LunaSysMgr, someone please correct me if I'm wrong (and I sincerely hope I am).
Cube1701 said:
Would it be possible in any way (homebrew or otherwise) to add standard keyboard shortcuts: Copy, Paste, Cut, Select All, etc? Using all those functions is just a natural part of how I use a computer and I'll know I'll forever be trying to use them.
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Agreed. I managed to copy a web address from one website today using the drop-down menu's copy command, but when I went to a forum to paste the address on a "link" attachment, I couldn't figure out how to to it. Still don't know.
That would be a great fix.

[Q] Tech explanation as to why TF101 can't natively open multiple docs at same time

I was wondering if anyone could give me a semi-technical reason as to why you can't open multiple documents natively with the transformer. Natively, it's impossible open up document1.doc and then have document2.doc open at the same time and quickly switch between the 2 documents without having to manually find and reopen the other file.
At first, I thought it was something like the same application couldn't have 2 instances open at once as an OS limitation. However, it IS possible to have the same application with 2 different documents open at once but not without using multiple file managers (theres a vid on transformerforums demonstrating that if you open different files with the same app, but via different file managers, you can switch between multiple docs)
So why isn't it possible just to have 2 instances of the same application opened with different files without having to do multiple file explorer work around?
Also, do you think this will be/is without the work around in ICS?
Thanks in advanced
I don't think there is anything in Android that limits you to only a single document open at a time.. I think rather it is simply a limitation of the app you're using. If the developer had created a tabbed workspace or some other method of navigating through multiple documents opened simultaneously, it should work even with Honeycomb or Gingerbread. There's no reason to think that simply updating to Ice Cream Sandwich will add this feature to the app as it exists.. the developer will need to add in this functionality.
Have you tried a different app for viewing/editing your documents?
That's true, problem would be solved with tabbed browsing. Can you suggest a decent office style suite that supports tabbed browsing?
However, it's not possible to open multiple instances of pretty much any apps from what I can tell - that seems to be a limitation of the operating system does it not? But at the same time, it's not an OS limitation, because it is possible using multiple explorers to do a work around to have multiple instances open, but not without an impractical work around.
I find it strange that when I use the explorer to open a word document in any other app, it still appears on the "multi-task" bit as the explorer application. If I load the explorer app again (say to navigate to a different file) it closes the document I opened.
Thanks in advanced
You say explorer like ur talking about windows lol. Kinda confusing to picture exactly what ur doing, but i think i get it. As far as i know, there arent any word processing apps for android which allow multiple documents to be open side by side. Id bet its NOT an android limitation, as multiple internet browser tabs fit under the same concept(sorta) and probably take up much more memory than multiple text documents. its just an idea that i assume hasnt been ijmplemented yet. Id email the devs of whichever word processing app you use and ask them if its something theyd be interested in adding to their app. The only workaround i can think of for the time being, is to use two or more different word processing apps (for example polaris and quickoffice) simultaneously, and use the task switcher to go back and forth.
Just re-read ur post and saw you mentioned this...
MrGuy said:
At first, I thought it was something like the same application couldn't have 2 instances open at once as an OS limitation. However, it IS possible to have the same application with 2 different documents open at once but not without using multiple file managers (theres a vid on transformerforums demonstrating that if you open different files with the same app, but via different file managers, you can switch between multiple docs)
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Click to collapse
I guess that would be another work around, if it really works. that seems almost like a bug to me lol. Just wondering though, how would you switch between the documents if they are open in the same app? Would the task switcher show two instances of the same app open?
Okay, maybe not a "limitation" of the OS, more a "feature" where if you try and open the same application when its' already in the "recent items" it just restores the previous one from previous items rather than opening a new instance simultaneously.
Yeah, it's true, try it. If you have multiple file explorers (e.g. ES explorer and file manager) go into ES explorer, open up document1.doc in DocumentToGo (for example) and then open up file manager and open document2.doc in DocumentsToGo. It seems android opens DTG within the explorer/manager, so if you switch between the 2 different managers using the recent items, you can see DocumentsToGo open twice, once with doc1 and once with doc2. (I can't take credit for this btw, I made a similar request as to if its possible to open 2 docs at once on transformerforums and someone made a video showing that work around - I would post a link, but despite being a member/lurker here for over 5 years, I still can't be trusted)
I may just have to try and put my CS degree to some use and try make a tabbed word processor.
Thanks for the responses
Somewhat relevant to this... whatever happened to Onskreen? I thought they were trying to appeal to Google or something to get some real multitasking on tablets?

[Resolved] [Q] ebook manager, Solution found

Dear all,
I am trying to set up a TF101 tablet (with android ICS) to use as ebook reader for my mother and since she is computer illiterate I am trying to make it as simple as possible. Since we do not live in the same country I am trying to make it as simple as possible for her so I am trying to find a way to sync books from afar. So far so good, since there are many apps to do that but here starts my problem. Eventually I realized that I have a lot of books and eventually I will send her more so I need somehow to categorize them so she will access them easier than scrolling to a huge list of books. I found out that Mantano reader supports categories but as far as I can tell only manually. the same goes with most ebook readers that I know. I suppose a work around would be tagging but due to the different formats and many files I would prefer to avoid that (not to mention that tags usually do not show up nicely (like in shelves) on the ebook reader)
Is there a way, an app or something that will allow me to sync books directly to categories on the tablet? or create multiple shelves? For example to have a folder "cooking" and a folder "literature" on the tablet and on dropbox (for example) and sync to the tablet and show up immediately on their respective categories on the ebook reader? or any other application?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I found out that I can create different profiles for the same app with Titanium backup, which could be helpful in my case to use the same book reader and have in one instance some books and in another instance other books, I saw also that there is a widget to change from profile to profile but my question is, can I create a shortcut (not necessarily a widget) that by pressing it will change the profile A and start the app and another shortcut that will change the profile B and start the app? if yes how??
Thanks for all the help!
Since I edited I wanted to bring it to top so people will see it again... I hope someone has an answer... Thank you!
I think I understand what you want to do in general - set everything up on your end, then your mother simply opens the app and finds a neatly organized bookshelf arranged by catagory. And you want to be able to add books as you go.
To be honest, if your mother is really "computer iliterate" I don't think you can do this.
Look maybe at a way to remotley sync two tablets (I have no idea if this is possible). This way you globally manage the whole tablet and your mother does not need to worry about drop box or anything. All she needs to do is open the reader.
Also, on a side note, if you have not already purchased the tablet consider buying her a 7" tablet, I find them MUCH more comfortable for reading.
In fact now that I think about it, look into a Kindle. I've never used one, but I understand they are designed for simplicity of use and I understand that their ereader app is very good at syncing across devices (but maybe only for books purchased through Amazon)
Re: [Q] ebook manager and or Titanium backup
If she just wants it for reading, an e-ink reader is so much better. Battery will last much longer, much easier on the eyes, and you could still manage it on-line.
As it is, I would suggest using something like Google Drive or Drop Box or whatever - organise the books into folders. Easy to find and select to be opened by the reading app.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for your replies but you both are missing the point.
I know that you can create folders in the file system and go through it until you find what you want, but it has nothing to do with what I am trying to do...
I am trying to sync categories directly to the ebook reader. Kindle app has a very good sync option but does not support categories (as far as I know). And the tablet exists already.
As I asked in another thread, could I use tasker to create a shortcut to change titanium data profile and launch ebook reader at the same time? that way I could create 2 profiles for the same reader and have different books.
Thanks again.
You can create the categories by folder is what I'm suggesting - inside the cloud storage (which would sync, which is what you want to do, yes), and being that they would be stored in the cloud they would sync automatically - she would just need to open it on her end and select a book from the folder and open it - no need for different app profiles or anything. You could just have an account for the cloud storage separately called "books for mom" and put in whatever she wants and update whenever.
That's a simple solution that would do everything you want.
Thanks for your reply again. It will not do exactly what I need as it will require to go through the file manager, locate the folder, locate the book. Even if I set the file manager to start on the specific folder the look and feeling will not be of an ebook reader as the files will have a generic icon and not the book cover icon (if you know any file manager that can read book covers form pdf and epub, and mobi if possible, then I will try it immediately).
I am trying to make things as easy as possible as I am not going to be around to help and from the phone helping is a mess. a file manager will not index the books after that by author, title, recently open etc but if you know any that can handle book covers, I am willing to try.
I found a solution, still not exactly what I had in mind but it will do. I had decided that the only way was to use tags in order to short the books the way I wanted but while I was playing with Mantano reader I found out that besides tags they also can show up the folders the books are in! So I can sync with dropbox and then set only these two folders in Mantano reader to import books from. and I say it is not exactly what I had in mind because it shows the full path and I cannot set it as the direct view when the reader starts... Still, it is good enough!

[Q] Auto-repeating or easily manually-triggered file operations?

Hello, XDA. I'm trying to find a way to do something fairly simple, repeatedly, and I need your help.
The short version:
I want a way to move all files of a certain file type that exist in one folder (but not subfolders) to another folder, either (a) automatically every X minutes, or (b) with an easy manual trigger. (Option A would be preferred).
The long version:
I've had Dropbox on my Galaxy Note II for a while, and have rather enjoyed its ability to automatically upload pictures taken with the phone (or my Galaxy Gear, which was a pleasant surprise) to my Dropbox account.
I just got an Eye-Fi wi-fi SD card, which can automatically transfer pictures via Wi-Fi Direct to my phone. I was hoping the Eye-Fi app on the phone would deposit the received pictures into a subdirectory of the normal camera/DCIM directory, so Dropbox would, in turn, see them and sync them to the cloud; alas, Eye-Fi drops the pictures into its own directory. I'm looking for a way to easily move the pics from the Eye-Fi directory to the normal camera directory, without having to open up my file manager, browse, select, cut, browse, paste every time.
Any suggestions?

[Q] flag pictures as "favorite" or to "reject" like in Adobe Lightroom

[Q] flag pictures as "favorite" or to "reject" like in Adobe Lightroom
Hi there,
I spent already some time testing several "best" pictures organizers or photo viewers such as QuickPic, JustPictures etc. (the ones I found with some Google searching).
They all miss one feature I need: to flag a picture "to reject" and to flag as favorite with a simple gesture (not from the menu) (e.g. swipe up for positive/favorite, swipe down for negative/reject, or double tap to flag them, 3 taps to unflag or so...).
If you use Adobe Lightroom you already know how useful is to "flag" with the "P" (as favorite) and "X" (to reject) keys.
The feature is useful when you take many pictures of the same subject and need to go back and forward to select the best shot. You don't want to delete directly, you wanna mark many pictures as favorite and compare them later, same for the ones to reject. You mark many, you delete them all in the end without confirming to delete each one of them, but you answer only one time the "Are you sure?" question. Saves a lot of time.
Unluckily the apps I tested are all "old school"/"standard" (no fast way to mark to delete later), one must tap a top menu, then from a dropdown select "delete" and confirm each picture, or go to the gallery view and multi select the very small thumbnails from there, which is not practical at all if you need to see the full screen picture...
One app that was a bit better than the usual ones is the Sony Xperia "Album" app. It allows to select pictures from the thumbnails view and view them full screen without losing the selections when going back and forth.
But no app so far has a "flag" feature for positive(favorite)/negative(reject) like Lightroom. I've seen only "add as favorite".
Especially useful would be the ability to view (filter), in the end of the process, the flagged pictures as favorite, or the ones to reject (to delete them all at once).
I know there is Adobe Lightroom mobile, unluckily this is only for iOS.
If you know something like this please let me know.
Thank you and cheers.

