[DEV][TEMPLATE] AnyKernel3 - Easily Mod ROM Ramdisk + Pack Image.gz [Flashable Zip] - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

AnyKernel3 -- Flashable Zip Template for Kernel Releases with Ramdisk Modifications
"AnyKernel is a template for an update.zip that can apply any kernel to any ROM, regardless of ramdisk." - Koush
The concept of AnyKernel has been around for awhile, (originally by Koushik Dutta/ClockworkMod,) which allowed a device-specific kernel zImage to be flashed over device-specific ROM and use the ramdisk that came with the ROM to reduce the chance of any issues arising from the custom kernel pairing.
The drawback to this was that some kernels require modifications to the ramdisk to enable/set up kernel features, and in the old AnyKernel format there was no way to do this. Enter AnyKernel2.
AnyKernel2 pushed the format even further by allowing kernel developers to modify the underlying ramdisk for kernel feature support easily using a number of included command methods along with properties and variables to customize the installation experience to their kernel. AnyKernel3 adds the power of topjohnwu's magiskboot for wider format support by default.
A script based on Galaxy Nexus (tuna) is included for reference. An example of ramdisk-only changes can be seen in my GN Synapse Injector repo. For an example that also modifies ROM and properly injects init.d support using busybox run-parts and sepolicy-inject see CosmicDan's CosmicTweaks project. For a multi-partition example and an example of how to handle a device which only has a ramdisk when rooted see my N5X/6P BLOD Workaround Injector. Other working AK2/3 examples for more recent devices may be found on eng.stk's blu_spark device repos under Releases.
Please see the linked posts here for instructions on enabling full AVBv1 (Pixel), AVBv1, A/B slot and/or system-as-root (SAR) or 2-stage init (2SI) device support, and further guidelines for system-as-root/2-stage init (/system/system in recovery) modifications in general.
Please also see the post here for important notes about the current state of AOSP vendor_boot v4 support and AVBv2 flag options.
Magisk root is automatically detected and retained by patching the new Image.*-dtb as Magisk would!
My development work on my many projects comes out of my free time, so if you enjoy this project or anything else I've done on xda, please consider sponsoring my ongoing work using my GitHub Sponsors profile. For a one-time donation you can hit the donate link from my profile. Thank you for your support!
Source: https://github.com/osm0sis/AnyKernel3/
Download: https://github.com/osm0sis/AnyKernel3/archive/master.zip
1) Place final kernel build product, e.g. Image.gz-dtb or zImage to name a couple, in the zip root (any separate dt, dtb, recovery_dtbo, dtbo and/or vendor_dlkm should also go here for devices that require custom ones, each will fallback to the original if not included)
2) Place any required ramdisk files in /ramdisk (/vendor_ramdisk for simple multi-partition vendor_boot v3 support) and module files in /modules (with the full path like /modules/system/lib/modules)
3) Place any required patch files (generally partial files which go with AK3 file editing commands) in /patch (/vendor_patch for simple multi-partition vendor_boot v3 support)
4) Modify the anykernel.sh to add your kernel's name, boot partition location, permissions for any added ramdisk files, and use methods for any required ramdisk modifications (optionally, also place banner and/or version files in the root to have these displayed during flash)
5) `zip -r9 UPDATE-AnyKernel3.zip * -x .git -x .github README.md *placeholder`
The LICENSE file must remain in the final zip to comply with licenses for binary redistribution and the license of the AK3 scripts.
If supporting a recovery that forces zip signature verification (like Cyanogen Recovery) then you will need to also sign your zip using the method I describe here:
[DEV][TEMPLATE] Complete Shell Script Flashable Zip Replacement + Signing [SCRIPT]
Not required, but any tweaks you can't hardcode into the source (best practice) should be added with an additional init.tweaks.rc or bootscript.sh to minimize the necessary ramdisk changes. On newer devices Magisk allows these within /overlay.d - see examples.
It is also extremely important to note that for the broadest AK3 compatibility it is always better to modify a ramdisk file rather than replace it.
If running into trouble when flashing an AK3 zip, the suffix -debugging may be added to the zip's filename to enable creation of a debug .tgz of /tmp for later examination while booted or on desktop.
Staying Up-To-Date
Now that you've got a ready zip for your device, you might be wondering how to keep it up-to-date with the latest AnyKernel commits. AnyKernel2 and AnyKernel3 have been painstakingly developed to allow you to just drop in the latest update-binary and tools directory and have everything "just work" for beginners not overly git or script savvy, but the best practice way is as follows:
1) Fork my AnyKernel3 repo on GitHub
2) `git clone https://github.com/<yourname>/AnyKernel3`
3) `git remote add upstream https://github.com/osm0sis/AnyKernel3`
4) `git checkout -b <devicename>`
5) Set it up like your <devicename> zip (i.e. remove any folders you don't use like ramdisk or patch, delete README.md, and add your anykernel.sh and optionally your Image.*-dtb if you want it up there) then commit all those changes
6) `git push --set-upstream origin <devicename>`
7) `git checkout master` then repeat steps 4-6 for any other devices you support
Then you should be able to `git pull upstream master` from your master branch and either merge or cherry-pick the new AK3 commits into your device branches as needed.
Questions, comments and feedback welcome.
Credits & Thanks: All authors of the included binaries and the tools I used to port them over for their amazing work. koush for the original AnyKernel concept.
Disclaimer: Naturally, you take all the responsibility for what happens to your device when you start messing around with things.

Script Commands Reference
Everything to edit is self-contained in anykernel.sh. A quick-reference for the commands and properties included are as follows.
Properties / Variables
These are some values that will be read during the install process, allowing you to customize your installation, e.g. block= is a shell variable to specify the kernel/boot block partition that the dump_boot command method will copy and unpack.
kernel.string=KernelName by YourName @ xda-developers
supported.versions=6.0 - 7.1.2
supported.patchlevels=2019-07 -
do.devicecheck=1 specified requires at least device.name1 to be present. This should match ro.product.device, ro.build.product, ro.product.vendor.device or ro.vendor.product.device from the build.prop files for your device. There is support for as many device.name# properties as needed. You may remove any empty ones that aren't being used.
do.modules=1 will push the .ko contents of the modules directory to the same location relative to root (/) and apply correct permissions. On A/B devices this can only be done to the active slot.
do.systemless=1 (with do.modules=1) will instead push the full contents of the modules directory to create a simple "ak3-helper" Magisk module, allowing developers to effectively replace system files, including .ko files. If the current kernel is changed then the kernel helper module automatically removes itself to prevent conflicts.
do.cleanup=0 will keep the zip from removing its working directory in /tmp/anykernel (by default) - this can be useful if trying to debug in adb shell whether the patches worked correctly.
do.cleanuponabort=0 will keep the zip from removing its working directory in /tmp/anykernel (by default) in case of installation abort.
supported.versions= will match against ro.build.version.release from the current ROM's build.prop. It can be set to a list or range. As a list of one or more entries, e.g. 7.1.2 or 8.1.0, 9 it will look for exact matches, as a range, e.g. 7.1.2 - 9 it will check to make sure the current version falls within those limits. Whitespace optional, and supplied version values should be in the same number format they are in the build.prop value for that Android version.
supported.patchlevels= will match against ro.build.version.security_patch from the current ROM's build.prop. It can be set as a closed or open-ended range of dates in the format YYYY-MM, whitespace optional, e.g. 2019-04 - 2019-06, 2019-04 - or - 2019-06 where the last two examples show setting a minimum and maximum, respectively.
block=auto instead of a direct block filepath enables detection of the device boot partition for use with broad, device non-specific zips. Also accepts any partition filename (from by-name), e.g. boot, recovery, or vendor_boot.
is_slot_device=1 enables detection of the suffix for the active boot partition on slot-based devices and will add this to the end of the supplied block= path. Also accepts auto for use with broad, device non-specific zips.
ramdisk_compression=auto allows automatically repacking the ramdisk with the format detected during unpack. Changing auto to gz, lzo, lzma, xz, bz2, lz4, or lz4-l (for lz4 legacy) instead forces the repack as that format, and using cpio or none will (attempt to) force the repack as uncompressed.
patch_vbmeta_flag=auto allows automatically using the default AVBv2 vbmeta flag on repack, and use the Magisk configuration (Canary 23016+). Set to 0 forces keeping whatever is in the original AVBv2 flags, and set to 1 forces patching the flag (only necessary on few devices).
customdd="<arguments>" may be added to allow specifying additional dd parameters for devices that need to hack their kernel directly into a large partition like mmcblk0, or force use of dd for flashing.
slot_select=active|inactive may be added to allow specifying the target slot. If omitted the default remains active.
no_block_display=1 may be added to disable output of the detected final used partition+slot path for zips which choose to include their own custom output instead.
Command Methods
ui_print "<text>" [...]
abort ["<text>" [...]]
contains <string> <substring>
file_getprop <file> <property>
set_perm <owner> <group> <mode> <file> [<file2> ...]
set_perm_recursive <owner> <group> <dir_mode> <file_mode> <dir> [<dir2> ...]
backup_file <file>
restore_file <file>
replace_string <file> <if search string> <original string> <replacement string> <scope>
replace_section <file> <begin search string> <end search string> <replacement string>
remove_section <file> <begin search string> <end search string>
insert_line <file> <if search string> before|after <line match string> <inserted line>
replace_line <file> <line replace string> <replacement line> <scope>
remove_line <file> <line match string> <scope>
prepend_file <file> <if search string> <patch file>
insert_file <file> <if search string> before|after <line match string> <patch file>
append_file <file> <if search string> <patch file>
replace_file <file> <permissions> <patch file>
patch_fstab <fstab file> <mount match name> <fs match type> block|mount|fstype|options|flags <original string> <replacement string>
patch_cmdline <cmdline entry name> <replacement string>
patch_prop <prop file> <prop name> <new prop value>
patch_ueventd <ueventd file> <device node> <permissions> <chown> <chgrp>
flash_generic <partition name>
reset_ak [keep]
"if search string" is the string it looks for to decide whether it needs to add the tweak or not, so generally something to indicate the tweak already exists. "cmdline entry name" behaves somewhat like this as a match check for the name of the cmdline entry to be changed/added by the patch_cmdline function, followed by the full entry to replace it. "prop name" also serves as a match check in patch_prop for a property in the given prop file, but is only the prop name as the prop value is specified separately.
Similarly, "line match string" and "line replace string" are the search strings that locate where the modification needs to be made for those commands, "begin search string" and "end search string" are both required to select the first and last lines of the script block to be replaced for replace_section, and "mount match name" and "fs match type" are both required to narrow the patch_fstab command down to the correct entry.
"scope" may be specified as "global" to force all instances of the string/line targeted by replace_string, replace_line or remove_line to be replaced/removed accordingly. Omitted or set to anything else and it will perform the default first-match action.
"before|after" requires you simply specify "before" or "after" for the placement of the inserted line, in relation to "line match string".
"block|mount|fstype|options|flags" requires you specify which part (listed in order) of the fstab entry you want to check and alter.
dump_boot and write_boot are the default method of unpacking/repacking, but for more granular control, or omitting ramdisk changes entirely ("OG AK" mode), these can be separated into split_boot; unpack_ramdisk and repack_ramdisk; flash_boot respectively. flash_generic can be used to flash an image to the corresponding partition. It is automatically included for dtbo and vendor_dlkm in write_boot but can be called separately if using "OG AK" mode or creating a simple partition flashing only zip.
Multi-partition zips can be created by removing the ramdisk and patch folders from the zip and including instead "-files" folders named for the partition (without slot suffix), e.g. boot-files + recovery-files, or kernel-files + ramdisk-files (on some Treble devices). These then contain Image.gz, and ramdisk, patch, etc. subfolders for each partition. To setup for the next partition, simply set block= (without slot suffix) and ramdisk_compression= for the new target partition and use the reset_ak command.
Similarly, multi-slot zips can be created with the normal zip layout for the active (current) slot, then resetting for the inactive slot by setting block= to the partition (without slot suffix) again, slot_select=inactive and ramdisk_compression= to the desired options for the target slot and using the reset_ak keep command, which will retain the patch and any added ramdisk files for the next slot.
backup_file may be used for testing to ensure ramdisk changes are made correctly, transparency for the end-user, or in a ramdisk-only "mod" zip. In the latter case restore_file could also be used to create a "restore" zip to undo the changes, but should be used with caution since the underlying patched files could be changed with ROM/kernel updates.
You may also use ui_print "<text>" to write messages back to the recovery during the modification process, abort "<text>" to abort with optional message, and file_getprop "<file>" "<property>" and contains "<string>" "<substring>" to simplify string testing logic you might want in your script.
Binary Inclusion
The AK3 repo includes current ARM builds of magiskboot, magiskpolicy, lptools_static and busybox by default to keep the basic package small. Builds for other architectures and optional binaries (see below) are available from the latest Magisk zip, or my latest AIK-mobile and Flashlt packages, respectively, here:
https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...kernel-ramdisk-win-android-linux-mac.2073775/ (Android Image Kitchen thread)
https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-and-ends-multiple-devices-platforms.2239421/ (Odds and Ends thread)
Optional supported binaries which may be placed in /tools to enable built-in expanded functionality are as follows:
mkbootfs - for broken recoveries, or, booted flash support for a script/app via bind mount to /tmp (deprecated/use with caution)
flash_erase, nanddump, nandwrite - MTD block device support for devices where the dd command is not sufficient
dumpimage, mkimage - DENX U-Boot uImage format support
mboot - Intel OSIP Android image format support
unpackelf, mkbootimg - Sony ELF kernel.elf format support, repacking as AOSP standard boot.img for unlocked bootloaders
elftool (with unpackelf) - Sony ELF kernel.elf format support, repacking as ELF for older Sony devices
mkmtkhdr (with unpackelf) - MTK device boot image section headers support for Sony devices
futility + chromeos test keys directory - Google ChromeOS signature support
boot_signer-dexed.jar + avb keys directory - Google Android Verified Boot 1.0 (AVBv1) signature support
rkcrc - Rockchip KRNL ramdisk image support
Optionally moving ARM builds to tools/arm and putting x86 builds in tools/x86 will enable architecture detection for use with broad, device non-specific zips.

Boom . dibs on first :good:
You get 2 thank button presses fro me lol
Awesome work man as always

Good thing that this amazing work has it's own thread. Congrats buddy.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Thanks guys!
I figured it would be nice to get it out there and also have it as a "Help Desk" thread for kernel devs who have questions about implementation, etc. too. Some devices might require switching it from dd to MTD-Utils, so I can help with that. So on and so forth.
Once we get a few devs who know how to use it, it should be pretty easy to help others. I'm looking at you Smitty. No pressure.

I finished my thanks ... but as always a great job.

ak said:
I finished my thanks ... but as always a great job.
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So wait im confused. ?.. so 1) those that mean I can flash ak kerenl 4.2 with ur any kernel to my 4.4 .
2) those it have to be same kerenl for same phone manufacturer. Meaning can I be stupid enought to flash a nexus 4 kernel in my gnexus?
I understand any kernel cause I have been using smitty so thanks

milojoseph said:
So wait im confused. ?.. so 1) those that mean I can flash ak kerenl 4.2 with ur any kernel to my 4.4 .
2) those it have to be same kerenl for same phone manufacturer. Meaning can I be stupid enought to flash a nexus 4 kernel in my gnexus?
I understand any kernel cause I have been using smitty so thanks
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Haha I wrote "device-specific" in the OP to try and avoid this very confusion.
Since I answered this same question earlier tonight in my Odds and Ends thread I'll just paste it here:
caspboy said:
so now devs can use kernels from other devices with their roms?
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osm0sis said:
No. That's crazy talk. :laugh:
The concept of AnyKernel has been around for awhile, (originally by Koushik Dutta/ClockworkMod,) which allows device-specific kernels to be flashed over device-specific ROMs and use the ramdisk that came with the ROM to reduce the chance of any issues arising from the custom kernel pairing.
The drawback to this is that some kernels require modifications to the ramdisk to enable/set up kernel features, but in the old AnyKernel format there was no way to do this. Until now.
AnyKernel 2.0 makes it easy for kernel devs to use a number of simple command methods to automate the process of adding tweaks into a ROM's underlying ramdisk during the flashing process. :good:
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Hopefully that helps. Basically exactly what's in the OP since that's where I edited it in from.
The only way I can explain it any further is with the very basics: that kernel boot.img files contain a zImage and a ramdisk. "AnyKernel Classic" just slaps the custom kernel zImage on top of the ROM's untouched default kernel boot.img ramdisk. AnyKernel 2.0 allows kernel devs to also modify the ramdisk to add anything required for kernel features in addition to the usual repacking it with the custom zImage and flashing it.

Great thread!! Best of lucky bro!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

AnyKernel will work on my phone now ? Thanks for enhancing awesome @osm0sis but DrRamdisk to the rest of you guys ?

wow,thats very cool,great work.

Github updated with my own forked native compiles of mkbootimg+unpackbootimg.
This should expand AnyKernel 2.0 device support a lot by using all the available offsets in mkbootimg, as exported by my drastically updated unpackbootimg. :good:

osm0sis said:
Github updated with my own forked native compiles of mkbootimg+unpackbootimg.
This should expand AnyKernel 2.0 device support a lot by using all the available offsets in mkbootimg, as exported by my drastically updated unpackbootimg. :good:
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Hi osm0sis,
Have You update anykernel 2.0 to work with cyanogen11 roms ? Thanks for Your hard work !

Should already?
It uses the ROM kernel ramdisk like AnyKernel always has. Your custom kernel dev just needs to use it. Spread the word. :good:

osm0sis said:
Should already?
It uses the ROM kernel ramdisk like AnyKernel always has. Your custom kernel dev just needs to use it. Spread the word. :good:
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Recently I had used Your method on Cyano11 but boot stopped on "Google".. new Cyano11 (that required ramdisk changes) had just come out and maybe anykernel 2.0 was not ready yet (I had just discovered your brillant work on It ! : Dita incrociate.
I'll try again ... if I have trouble going to ask you for help ...
I am already spreading the word : Cool:
Thanks man : Good:

What custom kernel were you trying to adapt to AnyKernel so you could flash it on CM?

osm0sis said:
What custom kernel were you trying to adapt to AnyKernel so you could flash it on CM?
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Two kernels... My custom kernel (from cyanogenmod sources) and recently Fancy kernel (dirty-fancy)... now I want to try Fancy Kernel .. I need of a hibryd ramdisk for best final results and Your project is perfect for It !!! You're a genius !!!
Please, Can You link me Your dirty-V kernel re-pack by Anykernel 2.0 ? So I can follow It as an example. Thanks a lot...

So if I understand you, you're trying to make an AnyKernel 2.0 of Fancy Kernel so that you can flash it on any ROM for your device?
Should be doable. The DirtyV AnyKernel 2.0 is the example posted to the GitHub repo in the OP. Just follow the instructions to make your own anykernel script so that it will add the /sbin/ scripts and other ramdisk modifications (init.d, etc.) that @boype uses, instead of the DirtyV ones.
Good luck!

osm0sis said:
So if I understand you, you're trying to make an AnyKernel 2.0 of Fancy Kernel so that you can flash it on any ROM for your device?
Should be doable. The DirtyV AnyKernel 2.0 is the example posted to the GitHub repo in the OP. Just follow the instructions to make your own anykernel script so that it will add the /sbin/ scripts and other ramdisk modifications (init.d, etc.) that @boype uses, instead of the DirtyV ones.
Good luck!
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Yes !
osm0sis ? If I want include init.rc original file by "real" ramdisk can I copy It as is into patch folder ?

It would go against the idea of AnyKernel to include the file like that. Remember, everything automatically comes from the original ramdisk, I just give you the ability to alter those files to add tweaks. :good:


Linux in Android! DesirAPT is at Beta Test! [9 Feb]

Well, as an introduction to topic, you could read the following entry:
So far, when using "-static" directive for compiler, the applications could be compiled without doing of these steps, so why do I try this? Well, a statically linked executable is embedding all the required libraries to itself, so it's generally too huge. Also, if you compile all the applications statically, you probably link the same library (like C library, for instance) twice or more for every application you compile. This is definitely unnecessary.
It's why, for a few days now, I'm trying to compile the whole GlibC suite for Android (ARM devices, to be precise). The motive behind it is simple: since all Linux applications rely on full-fledged C library (rather than trimmed version like Bionic), if I compile it for this device, I can run every application; given that its compiled for the device.
Since it's Linux kernel underneath, we don't have to worry about changing whole system from Android to native Linux (hopefully )
So far what I did was following (I'm going to write the steps more systematically once I've time, so don't worry if those steps are too vague for you ):
1- Make a toolchain for ARMv7 architecture (which Desire CPU rely on). You can use crosstool-ng etc. or (if you're masochistic enough ) try to make your own.
2- Compile GlibC with this new toolchain of yours, store the compiled libraries in a folder where you can easily access (I keep mine at Desktop/glibc-arm for instance)
3- Edit Ramdisk of the Kernel. To do this, first you must extract the boot.img; then extract the ramdisk, edit init.rc to accordingly, so the libraries can be searched in a folder other than /system/lib (say, /data/lib). You can tweak PATH env-variable while you're at it as well . This is necessary because /system partition isn't big enough to carry all GlibC lib in it, so we can copy the library to some other folder (like /data/lib) and then make the system search for libraries there as well. The point is, since I'm using Data2ext; my data is large enough for this. I'd recommend the same to you if you're willing to go on this road.
After the editing of init.rc, reconstruct ramdisk; make a boot.img with it and flash it to the device.
4- Copy the libraries to the folder of you picked.
5- Compile some test apps (like Hello world etc ) with your cross compiler and place them to your device as well.
6- Test if they're running.
What I've found so far, the cross compiled executable (like simple Hello world), when dynamically linked, gives "no such file or directory" error when tried to be run at the device (WTF, right ). However, when when I do run it with the cross-compiled ld-linux.so (the linker of C library) it runs perfectly. So what I should do to overcome this is, somehow inform the system that this ld-linux.so binary should be used.
I'll keep you updated as I try new things
Till next time, happy Android'ing
EUREKA! Found the solution! It's as simple as symbolically linking the library folder of your GlibC as /lib to root file system. You can edit ramdisk accordingly to do this process automatically.
Another thing I'm going to try is finding a way to change the path of the dynamic-linker option of my cross compiler accordingly. Apparently, the cause of the problem was the compiler, telling the application to look for the dynamical linker at /lib/ld-linux.so.3; while it was at /data/lib (in my case). I can put ld-linux.so.3 to /system/lib and change compiler accordingly; but I don't know which way would be the best for flexibility: symbolic linking of /lib to library dir; or putting dynamic linker to /system/lib (the dynamic linker can look for libraries at the "custom" libdir already, since $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already showing it).
Will try some tweaks now. If I can make it all work, I'll see if I can make a flashable zip or something (also will write whole process step by step
Well, I kept you waiting a lot, but wow, was this process head spinning. This was the first time I actually wrote a recovery script; first time I had to use AWK, SED or regex; and first time I wrote such a long scripts Well, whatever, we're done for now..
There are two zip files attached to the end of this thread: One is an installer and other is uninstaller. Just flash the recovery zip and reboot the phone. Your native C or C++ applications should run flawlessly (only added support for this two language for now) if all other dependencies are also met
Happy Android'ing guys; and well, I'd appreciate if you'd buy me a beer for that (or just click thanks, or just say thanks.. If you did all of those, you're my hero )
Here is the hero of the post :
Glibc for Android v0.9.5
Uninstaller for GlibC
NOTE: Uninstallers erase only files, not directories. Ergo, you might need to erase them yourself (had to do it for not to erase your own binaries and such).
Version 0.9.5:
* Ramdisk-boot image editing tools are included in the package, for some systems might not have it.
Version 0.9.4:
* A bugfix for a script syntax error which causes GlibC to pass the installation checks but make binaries give "not found" error.
* A bugfix for Bash, not working well, so causing system to freeze at boot.
Version 0.9.3:
* A major bugfix for the bug that was causing bootloops.
* A bugfix for scripting errors inside the recovery zip, causing half-installation
Version 0.9.2:
* A small patch added that will allow GlibC to be installed with Apt-get without problems.
* Made compatible with the Sibere's new Data2SD solutions
Version 0.9:
* Moved configuration files from /data/etc to /system/etc
Version 0.8.1:
* Removed a symlink which may cause some Android apps use wrong version of library.
Version 0.8:
* Complete recompilation.
Version 0.7:
* Fixed a bug which causes Sibere's Data2sd unrecognized if Droidzone's flasher is not used
* Fixed a bug with the installation of locales.
* Included a basic busybox binary and flash_image to make library installation successfull in all recovery systems - was causing problems in some systems
Version 0.6:
* Standart C++, MPRF, GMG and MPC libraries are added to the package
* Library profiling support is added
* All libraries are recompiled with PIC (position independent code) for better portability.
Version 0.5:
* LibGD included in package - it's a picture manipulation library
* GlibC Version 2.14 - I'm sure even your Ubuntu-Debian machines have older versions now :)
* Locale support added. Your C/C++ programs can use it freely.
Version 0.4:
* /tmp support added, necessary configurations are done
* Package manager support is implemented, allows users to install to both MTD and SD-ext in coexistent way (no more had to choose!).
* Developed a flexible structure, thus allowing libraries to be installed with a helper application (it's going to be shipped later)
Version 0.3:
* Stripped libraries and binaries for make them smaller
Version 0.2:
* Installs to the MTD Partition instead of sd-ext. Needed for inital-time programs to run correctly.
Version 0.1:
* Initial version
Thank you very much for donations of:
Mr. Brochard and Mr. Huemer
I really appreciate it.
Eureka! Found an overcome!
Well, forgot to say this: if you want the compiled applications to be installed to some place if possible, create a "defaultinstall" file under sd-card root and write "EXT" (for sd-card) or "MTD" (for internal MTD storage) to the file (note that all uppercase).
Install manager first checks this file and if not found, uses default setting found in package (which I wrote /sd-ext generally for not-so-essential stuff ). You can use this functionality to override this setting.
Note that, some libraries and stuff cannot be installed to a different location - package manager handles this and acts accordingly; so don't worry about it
PS: The stuff I keep calling Package Manager is actually just bunch of scripts, so it's not like I wrote a whole suit
Sounds Interesting
Some compiled applications!
Well, if we're not going to use it, then why did we compiled it, right?
NOTE: The following packages don't have any specific order of installation: you can install them at any order you wish. The only exception is APT - it should be installed after DPKG, or otherwise your system will think you didn't install it
For those who hates command-line interfaces: DesirAPT (the APT front-end for Android) is here DesirAPT v1.0.0
For those who would like to run Enlightenment WM in Desire - this is the mediator application for Android: LinuxInAndroid APK
Note that it requires APT and it's dependencies, along with super user privilages.
PACKAGE: NCurses Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: It's a shell extension library which is used to format shell (or terminal output) like colorful texts, and such. Default shell might not use it (but it's definitely something necessary for new applications like nano, like "new" bash etc.)
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 3.4 Mb.
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: NCurses Lib. 5.5.9
UNINSTALL?: Available at NCurses Uninstaller
v 0.4.1 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.4 :
* Complete recompilation with UTF-8 and wide-char support
v 0.3 :
* Fixed the Sibere data2sd un-recognization bug
* Added flasher files into the binary for support of all recovery systems.
v 0.2 :
* Adding package manager support
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, NCurses Library, Readline Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: It's the main command interpreter for a linux system (also Android). Normally, Android is also shipped with it, but it's a very lightweight and trimmed version (also annoying - it doesn't support tab completion!). This is 4.2 version (latest now).
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 3.8 Mb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at Bash Uninstaller/reverter
EXAMPLE OF A COOLNESS: You can change your shell label (the one shows before $ or # sign) by assigning PS1 environment variable. For instance, this : PS1="[\w]\$ " (with quotes) will show your current working directory at every prompt
(More at: http://www.lifeaftercoffee.com/2006/10/31/customize-your-bash-prompt/ )
NOTES: The bash will run the commands that you write initially on /etc/profile automatically. You can define your PS1 values, environment variables (be careful to add "export" before them) there for whole system )
v 0.7.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.7.1 :
* Included automatic bash_completion file (stolen from Ubuntu :D) into package - now even apt-get packages are auto completed!
v 0.7 :
* Recompiled with LibReadline for history and auto-completion abilities.
v 0.6 :
* Added Locale support
v 0.5 :
* Complete recompilation with new schematics
* HOME directory set to /data/home by default
v 0.4 :
* Fixed the Sibere data2sd unregnization bug
* Added flasher files into the binary for support of all recovery systems.
v 0.3 :
* Added package management support
v 0.2.2:
* Added ENV variable, thus support for /etc/profile shell starter file. You can define new environment variables there which is valid for all system (you don't need to change ramdisk each time now!)
v 0.2 :
* "Jobs" support fixed
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: Busybox Binary
NOTE: Busybox with GlibC dependency is no longer supported, because package update mechanisms require some command interpreter independent of the updated package. In order to support GlibC Update, Busybox binary will no longer be updated with GlibC support. I recommend you to revert back to static, or Bionic-linked Busybox with the link below.
UNINSTALL: Available at Busybox old version reverter
PACKAGE: Zlib Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: It's compression library that is used with various applications like Git, Apt, DPKG etc.. It's recommended to keep it there
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 350 Kb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at ZLib Uninstaller
v 0.2.1 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.2 :
* Fixed a bug causing system library to clash with the installed one
* Fixed a bug causing Segmentation Faults in some cases
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: ReadLine Library
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, NCurses Lib.
WHAT DOES IT DO: Readline is a command line and history manager library that's used in some command line tools like socat. I personally don't know what else uses it
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 1.4 Mb.
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: Readline 6.2 - v0.1
UNINSTALL?: Available at Readline Uninstaller
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: OpenSSL Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: OpenSSL Library is Secure Socket Library that is used in various secure applications and web browsers.
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 5.9 Mb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at OpenSSL Uninstaller
v 0.2.1 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.2 :
* Fixed a bug causing system library to clash with the installed one
* Fixed a bug causing OpenSSL to do Segmentation Fault and crash
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: APT - Advanced Package Tool
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, Curl Library, Zlib library
WHAT DOES IT DO: APT is a front-end for DPKG which installs, removes, updates etc. packages easily. APT also supports dependency tracking, and automatically removal of unneeded packages.
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 1.8 Mb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at apt Uninstaller
v 0.2.1 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.2 :
* Apt now assumes required packages are pre-installed; thus doesn't re-download them unnecessarily ..
* Changed repo host - configuration in sources.list is changed.
v 0.1.1 :
* Configuration files are added. Apt-is ready to use out-of-the-box now..
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: Cryptography Package
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library , Zlib Library, PTH Library, Readline library
WHAT DOES IT DO: This package contains some cyrptographic libraries necessary for various applications. If you're to use APT, it's recommended to install this package, for since it also carries GPG package inside. Package includes
GnuPG (2.0.18), LibGPG-error (1.9), LibGcrypt 1.5.0, LibKSBA (1.2.0), LibAssuan (2.0.2)
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 8.2 Mb.
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: crpyto package
UNINSTALL?: Available at crpyto Uninstaller
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, OpenSSL Library, Zlib library
WHAT DOES IT DO: cUrl is a secure web client that supports HTTPS protocol. Package includes also libcurl which provides secure web connection API
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 916 Kb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at cUrl Uninstaller
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Re-Initial Release
PACKAGE: Dpkg - Debian Package Manager
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, Zlib library, Tar binary, Linux Utils
WHAT DOES IT DO: Dpkg is the main package for Debian package managing structure. DPKG is the responsible application for installing, removing and updating packages. Using with Apt (or other front-end) DPKG allows users to install new packages easily.
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 7.5 Mb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at dpkg Uninstaller
v 0.4 :
* Fixed a bug which was causing GlibC not to upgrade from APT.
v 0.3 :
* Links renewed
v 0.2.1 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.2 :
* Fixed a bug that causes some big archives not to install
* DPKG now informs system that GlibC, OpenSSL, Ncurses libraries are already installed (necessary for DPKG anyway)
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: PTH - Portable Threads Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: PTH is a POSIX compliant thread library that is used in some linux applications.
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 251 Kb.
UNINSTALL?: Available at pth Uninstaller
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: Tar Archiver
WHAT DOES IT DO: TAR is and old and multi-purpose compression format used in various places. This tar suite is designed to be 100% compatible with the PC one (busybox one is not so good at this).
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 3.7 Mb (1 MB in System partition).
UNINSTALL?: Available at Tar Reverter
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
PACKAGE: Linux Utilities
DEPENDENCIES: GlibC Library, Ncurses Library
WHAT DOES IT DO: This package includes low-level linux tools that is necessary for a system to run in well manner. Busybox do provide many of those, but they are quite crippled versions - so high level applications may crash using busybox ones (like DPKG).
HOW BIG IS IT: Approx. 5.6 Mb
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: Linux Utils 2.20
UNINSTALL?: Available at Uninstaller
v 0.1.2 :
* Made Compatible with Sibere's new Data2SD solutions.
v 0.1 :
* Initial Release
Where the hell is the other packages?
Since we know have an APT repository for our distributions, in order to follow all the packages from one source, they won't be published in zip form anymore. In order to obtain them, or update them if you have older versions, you can use apt :
apt-get install <packagename>
The packages distributed can be list with the following command:
apt-cache dumpavail | grep Package:
OR, you can use DesirAPT to do these works.
See you around!
Before you start anything, don't forget to install build-essentials package. Under ubuntu, the command necessary for it is: sudo apt-get install build-essential - I don't know about other distros..
Well, as promised, now we should write the steps; right?... Now, before we begin, I should really warn that the process is really head spinning if you're to do all by yourself; so take heed to the warnings I give you (I learned the hard way)
Well, first thing is first, we need a Cross Compiler Toolchain, properly built that allows us to build applications, libraries etc. There is one toolchain that's already given to you with Android Native Development Kit (called NDK) but that one is quite restricted because it's built with support for Bionic (trimmed C library that is presented in Android), not Glibc or uGlibC. If you want to develop more native-like applications (especially linux programs) you need GlibC or uGlibC. You can try to build these libraries with that toolchain too, but don't do that, because it's going to fail as well. The reason is that some sort of Chicken-Egg problem is eminent in GlibC-GCC compilation
Let's put the steps to be followed first to build a nice toolchain. I assume you're using Linux - because the tools are developed for this platform only. If you're going to use them in Windows, you need Cygwin or such tools but I can't supply help about that, for since I didn't use them before at all. Google is your friend about this
(Note, the packages I wrote at this list are available at GNU's website www.gnu.org freely, open source)
1- We're going to build "binutils" first. This package includes some important stuff like assembler, linker, archiver (for libraries) etc..
2- We're going to build GCC's prerequisites. These are GMP, MPRF and MPC packages.
3- We're going to build a "bootstap" gcc (God, I hate that name. I like to call it "naked gcc" more ). This GCC just converts source codes to pure assemblies: thus cannot generate linkages or such. We're going to use it to build "actual" tools we're going to use.
4- We're going to extract Kernel source/headers - use Desire Kernel's here. There is some copying, and such to be done tho.
5- We're going to make GlibC headers installed, which will allow us to build more "complex" gcc, which can link applications with those libraries when the library binaries are given (so such thing is there yet, but we fool it )
6- We're going to build a very limited GlibC which will give us support for building more "complex" gcc.
7- We're going to build GCC again. This is called "Pass 1 GCC" or "GCC Stage 1". This GCC can link applications to libraries, with the information in Kernel headers and library headers (it's why we give it the headers, so it can create applications suitable with the Kernel architecture).
8- We're to build actual GlibC now. This glibC will be used for our compiled applications, statically or dynamically. You can, at the end of this step, copy the files to your devices and they would work, but picking files here is harder, so I'd recommend you to leave this alone for now
9- We're going to build "Pass 2 GCC" or "GCC Step 2" This is a full fledged GCC that can do anything we want
Complex isn't it? This is precisely why I recommend you to use Crostool-NG. The other tools (like Buildtools or Crosstool) (sadly) don't create GlibC based toolchains, or use old versions of them, so using this one is recommended. This package automatically will download, setup and link your all toolchain without you worrying about something (believe me, this is what you need. I gave 8 days without this to create a working GCC and Crosstool-NG made another one to me in 50 minutes. )
Well, however, Crosstool-NG won't create "nice" applications (they'll run allright, but they won't be optimized) without some settings done, so, let's go there. First, we need to install Crosstool-NG itself. To do that; go to http://crosstool-ng.org/ website, download and extract it to some place. Even though the steps are written in Crosstool website, you don't need all commands there (like setting PATH is unnecessary). The commands you should use is, after CD'ing to the Crosstool dir;
./configure --prefix="</some/place>"
make install
cd "</some/place/bin>"
./ct-ng menuconfig
I used prefix as /home/ahmet/crosstool for instance. Note that this is not going to be where your toolchain is, this is where your "toolchain creator" is .
OK now, before we start compiling; we need to make some folder moving, copying etc. in Kernel directory. This is needed, because tree structure changed a tad in 2.6 kernels and unless you compiled this kernel before, some directories won't be in their correct place for our cross compiler. Switch to the directory which you extracted the kernel image. Now, from now on, I'm going to assume you're an Qualcomm/MSM board (like Desire, Nexus One etc.) user; but if you're not, change my descriptions accordingly:
1- Go to <kernel dir>/arch/arm/include folder. Copy "asm" directory and paste it into <kernel dir>/include directory.
2- Go to <kernel dir>/arch/arm/mach-msm/include folder. Copy "mach" directory and paste it to <kernel dir>/include/asm directory. It's going to complain that there is another mach folder there and will ask if you want to merge/overwrite. Say yes to all questions.
Now our kernel headers folder is showing a Desire device. Note that if you're not a Desire user, you should use your cpu folder instead of ARM and your board manufacturer in mach-xxxxx instead of mach-msm.
Note this kernel directory, we're going to use it to configure crosstool..
After issuing the commands, the crosstool-ng will give you a configuration menu. Most of the setting here are unchanged, but the ones you should change are given below.
1- Paths and misc options
a) Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL (this is needed to build a toolchain with the latest GlibC support) -> Enabled
b) Local Tarballs directory -> The folder address that you want downloaded stuff to be kept. You might use them again (like for compiling GlibC again for device, you will use them
c) Save New Tarballs -> Enabled ( so that new downloaded files aren't erased )
d) Working Directory and Prefix directory -> Normally you don't have to change them, but you can if you want to install your toolchain to some other location. CT_TARGET signifies your target name (like arm-msm-linux-gnueabi - arm is cpu model, msm is vendor (can be anything), linux is showing the binaries are for linux system (you can use android, but then you'll get not GlibC but Bionic) and gnueabi shows you're going to use open-source EABI structure for your executables. The other option is ELF but EABI is more flexible (because also supports ELF).
e) Strip all toolchain executables -> do it if you don't want to debug GCC itself. this makes toolchain smaller of size, and a tad faster.
The other options can stay the way they are, or you can change them accordingly here. You can get help with ? key, and if you don't understand anything, just leave them default - there are very complex things there that you don't need to know if you're not planning to be a expert on subject
2- Target options
a) Target Architecture -> arm should be selected, cos Desire uses ARM. If you plan to make toolchain for, say, powerpc, pick that.
b) Endianness -> Should be little. ARM processors in Desire uses little endian system.
c) Architecture level -> "armv7-a" this is should be written. Desire uses ARMv7 based instructions and if you leave here empty, the applications will be built with armv5 support - they're still going to run but not use advanced v7 features.
d) Use Specific FPU -> "neon" . Desire uses NEON structure for floating point arithmetic, and if you leave here empty, the applications will not use Desire's FPU abilities (everything will be software based, which is slower)
e) Default instruction set mode -> arm . You can use thumb here for allegedly faster code but not every build system supports it. Leave it ARM.
f) Use EABI -> enabled. EABI is necessary for most flexible desing of binaries.
The other settings be as they were.
3- Toolchain options
a) Tuple's vendor string -> You can leave here empty if you don't want to; it's not necessary to use a string here. I used "msm" but you can write anything. This string here is used in toolchain name as arm-xxxxx-linux-gnueabi, so make it short, I recommend
b) Tuple's alias -> make it something short like "arm-linux" This alias string is used to make calls to your toolchain easier. Instead of writing arm-msm-linux-gnueabi-gcc everytime, you can use arm-linux-gcc to compile your applications. Can write anything here (like toolchain if you want to use toolchain-gcc to compile your applications)
The other settings can stay as they are, for since default values are the best in our case. You can tweak them only if you know Desire cpu like the back of your hand
4- Operating system
a) Target OS -> Use "linux" if you want the applications to run in Android and Linux; use "bare metal" if you're to compile low level applications which won't use linux headers. Default is linux.
b) Get Kernel headers from -> say "pre installed" because otherwise it's going to download standard Linux headers from internet. We needed some changes, so this option is compulsory to be "pre installed"
c) Path to custom headers directory/tarball -> Path to your kernel source folder - which you made changes above. WARNING: I say specifically extracted, because standart tarball won't work for us. We're going to make some changes in kernel directories, which is non-standart (Instructions were above).
d) This is a tarball -> No . We're going to use extracted folder.
e) Build shared libraries -> say "yes"; because we want dynamic linkage, not static one
f) Check kernel headers -> say "no" otherwise some unnecessary check causes compilation to stop.
5- Binary utilities
a) Binutils version - pick the latest one, 2.20.1a. If you use older versions with newer GCC/GlibC, it's not going to succeed.
Leave others as they are, they are not big deal..
6- C Compiler
a) GCC Version -> pick 4.6.1 for since it's the latest and most bug free. Just stay away from 4.5
b) Pick the languages you want support for. I've read online that Java is a tad troublesome in Android platform, for since Java in Android uses Dalvik, not Sun systems. You can try it at your second toolchain if you want Definitely pick C++ tho
c) Link libstdc++ statically -> say yes; it really saves you from big configure scripts later - apparently needed to avoid PPL problems as well
d) Compile lidmudflap/libgomp/libssp -> say no. These libraries are not the most suitable libraries for ARM platform (at least at cross-compiler level. You can compile them later, if you want, with your cross-toolchain.)
You can leave others as default
7- C library
a) C library -> gLibC (recommended). You can use other libraries which are eGlibC (embedded Glibc, like Bionic) and uGlibC (micro-glibc) too, but GlibC is the most spanning solution above those. The libraries are bigger, but they support more.
b) glibC version -> Use 2.13 (experimental) it compiles just fine, and you get a new version of GlibC. Not the newest, but that's ok
c) Threading implementation -> nptl (recommended) . You can use linuxthreads too, but nptl is more advanced ( like giving support to Thread-Local-Storage and such)
d) Force Unwind Support -> Enabled . If you don't use this option, for since we're making this toolchain from scratch, it's going to give you error during compiling that it couldn't find necessary headers (we're building them now, dumbass!)
Leave others default if you don't know what they're about
8- Companion Libraries
Well, go and pick the latest versions, even though when it says "Experimental", otherwise your GCC compilation will give you error about these libraries being old.
After setting these settings, press ESC key twice till it goes way back and ask if you want to save configuration; say yes.
Now to start compilation write
./ct-ng build.
This is going to take approx. 45 minutes, so go watch some episodes of Big Bang Theory or something. Normally, there should be no errors but if there is; most probably either you made a wrong configuration, or didn't set your kernel folders well. Try again with other settings, google your problem etc..
After this process, you're going to have a cross-compiler at your use at /home/<username>/x-tool/arm-<vendor>-linux-gnueabi/bin folder. Note that Crosstool-NG automatically makes this folder read only to make you prevent screwing your toolchain You must edit your path variable to show "/home/<username>/x-tool/arm-<vendor>-linux-gnueabi/bin" folder as well for less headaches during compiling later
Whilst compiling other application, most used configure options you're going to use is "--host=arm-<vendor>-linux-gnueabi" and "--prefix=/some/folder/you/want/this/application/copied". After compilation, you can send binaries to your phone from prefix folder.
More options about GCC and Configure is available at GCC and Autoconf man pages; check them as well
Happy cross-compiling people
Woah, amazing work, congrats!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Interesting..It answers some of my unanswered queries regarding cross compiling.. Thanks...Please keep documenting your progress.
These are packages which are compiled; but not installed and/or tested by myself. Please test them and inform me if they work (PM me if they work or not; it's better that way ).
NO PACKAGES HERE! Frankly, I did test virtually all of them. They might not work as expected maybe, but at least they don't impede functions of device
Developer Log
Now while preparing a suitable (and as flexible as it can) recovery zip; I realized that instead of editing ramdisk, I can also use init.d script to link /lib to /data/lib. This also allows some flexibility to user (i.e. move library folder around -if needed- and edit init.d script accordingly and still have a running system).
What baffles me most is PATH env-variable. Apparently, if I set it at init.d level, it's not exported quite well - apparently, there is a user mode switch between init.d script run and ramdisk loading process (because PATH variables at Ramdisk are exported to all applications, whilst init.d ones are not) and the only way to set PATH variable for all processes is editing Ramdisk (AFAIK)...
And another point: what if kernel doesn't support init.d? (Go to hell if you're reading this post with a kernel which doesn't ) Ramdisk solution is quite general (i.e. works for everyone) but it's a little harder to edit with scripts and not as flexible as init.d method. I think it's safe to assume that there is init.d support at this level
Maybe I can create two versions (init.d one and ramdisk one) of recovery zip's.. Keep in touch guys..
theGanymedes said:
Now while preparing a suitable (and as flexible as it can) recovery zip; I realized that instead of editing ramdisk, I can also use init.d script to link /lib to /data/lib. This also allows some flexibility to user (i.e. move library folder around -if needed- and edit init.d script accordingly and still have a running system).
What baffles me most is PATH env-variable. Apparently, if I set it at init.d level, it's not exported quite well - apparently, there is a user mode switch between init.d script run and ramdisk loading process (because PATH variables at Ramdisk are exported to all applications, whilst init.d ones are not) and the only way to set PATH variable for all processes is editing Ramdisk (AFAIK)...
And another point: what if kernel doesn't support init.d? (Go to hell if you're reading this post with a kernel which doesn't ) Ramdisk solution is quite general (i.e. works for everyone) but it's a little harder to edit with scripts and not as flexible as init.d method. I think it's safe to assume that there is init.d support at this level
Maybe I can create two versions (init.d one and ramdisk one) of recovery zip's.. Keep in touch guys..
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Well, what's the difference between init.d and ramdisk, when init.d support means running busybox runparts from ramdisk?
Droidzone said:
Well, what's the difference between init.d and ramdisk, when init.d support means running busybox runparts from ramdisk?
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Click to collapse
Well the difference is caused by Unix variable propagation.
Normally, when ramdisk is loaded and init.d scripts are starting to run (with run-parts binary) the exported variables are valid only for the scripts that run-parts do run. Since Linux only allows child processes to inherit variables from host, when runparts finishes job; defined variables within the scripts vanish.
When you add variables to Ramdisk (init.rc) directly, since variables become declared from init directly (and since init runs all the processes on boot) the variables automatically become available for all processes.
That's the difference I meant
Got it..So the variables from init.rc persist till shutdown..
Droidzone said:
Got it..So the variables from init.rc persist till shutdown..
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Precisely. It's why the variables (even those which defined by export keyword) are vanished when the system booted up (unless defined in ramdisk)
Well, I've gotta learn RegEx one day anyways
Recovery zip is done! Now, I should test it on my device first
I'm also going to make a uninstaller script I think. It's really messy to clean this up otherwise
Android binaries and dependencies
I've examined the dependencies of all the binaries in /system/bin and /system/xbin in Android system. Too sad that the list contains some non-standart libraries (that's not that bad, sure you can find their sources).
Also, another problem is that you need to compile the binaries themselves from the source code as well (with the GlibC libraries) - which is near to the compiling the whole ROM itself - I'm not even sure if we can find source code (will check the Android source code itself when I've time)
The dependencies in my system, for instance, are as follows:
So that's a no-go for people with closed source system...
@theGanymedes, do you know if the system can mount ext4 at init.rc level (on early init) without using busybox?
Well, it can, but the kernel needs ext4 modules (or direct support). I checked the native mount source, it actually does nothing much more than simply calling kernel's ioctl or mount system call..
I think a simple tweak at ramdisk is all you need for that (and a supporting kernel, of course )
Weird thing about previous issue is, I have the source codes of most utilities, I can compile them too, but I don't have proper makefiles and I'm too lazy to write them myself - that's a lot of trial and error.
Well, apparently, we're not going to be able to switch from Bionic to Glibc completely. I think I can make them coexist tho.
theGanymedes said:
Well, it can, but the kernel needs ext4 modules (or direct support). I checked the native mount source, it actually does nothing much more than simply calling kernel's ioctl or mount system call..
I think a simple tweak at ramdisk is all you need for that (and a supporting kernel, of course )
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Yup, my compiled kernel has direct support.
This is how mtd is mounted..
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
And this is how I mount ext4 from init.d:
/system/xbin/busybox mount -t ext4 -o barrier=0,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,nobh,nouser_xattr,noauto_da_alloc,commit=50 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data
I need to change it to init.rc (init) language...
theGanymedes said:
Weird thing about previous issue is, I have the source codes of most utilities, I can compile them too, but I don't have proper makefiles and I'm too lazy to write them myself - that's a lot of trial and error.
Well, apparently, we're not going to be able to switch from Bionic to Glibc completely. I think I can make them coexist tho.
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Click to collapse
Earlier this month, I was trying to compile dosfstools for Android. But got stuck at static cross compile with ndk gcc
Droidzone said:
Earlier this month, I was trying to compile dosfstools for Android. But got stuck at static cross compile with ndk gcc
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Click to collapse
So, I'm not barking for the hollow tree here.. That's a relief. Seeing that this post is not that active, I was starting to think I'm working in vain..
Well, now, apparently init version of mount is quite restricted about options. The ones it supports are given in mount.c as:
"async", "atime", "bind", "dev", "diratime", "dirsync", "exec", "move", "recurse", "remount", "ro", "rw", "suid", "sync", "verbose"
I'm checking the mount.c source as we speak. I'm going to inform you if I can find something.
EDIT: BTW, also "no"+options are recognized (like noatime)
The internal mount is exactly the same as the mount we use at busybox. So, most probably, it's the same was in init script.
Try this line
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,nobh
Notice that I erased some flags. You might also try to add them, but check if this line works first.

compile google sources with samsung ICS

i'm trying to compile google sources version 4.0.4 with samsung sources from opensource samsung
From samsung sources i've only used the platform files. I've done all the steps that are in the platform readme:
How to build Mobule for Platform
- It is only for modules are needed to using Android build system.
- Please check its own install information under its folder for other module.
[Step to build]
1. Get android open source.
: version info - Android gingerbread 4.0.4
( Download site : source android)
2. Copy module that you want to build - to original android open source
If same module exist in android open source, you should replace it. (no overwrite)
# It is possible to build all modules at once.
3. Check module is in 'build\core\user_tags.mk'
If not, you should add your module name in it.
ex1) external\libjpega : Write "libjpega \" into "build\core\user_tags.mk"
ex2) external\libexifa : Write "libexifa \" into "build\core\user_tags.mk"
4. In case of 'external\bluetooth',
you should add following text in 'build\target\board\generic\BoardConfig.mk'
5. excute build command
./build.sh user
The command user was ./build.sh eng
Before running this command i've installer jdk 6 and follow the steps from android initializing
the ./build.sh eng run with success and after this i've run the make.
Some hours later i've got a new folder "OUT", inside there is a system folder but i've tryed to flash this folder with odin
and no success.
What am i doing wrong?
Trying to build the kernel + modules?
If i understand what your trying to do, Install new kernel and modules?
!!!!!Before you try this, do some research for your device and make sure this is the correct action!!!!!
you are looking for a file called: zImage
It should be in <build path>/arch/arm/boot/
To install the new kernel, you put your device into fastboot
Code: adb reboot-bootloader
Then you can install the new kernel:
Code: fastboot flash zimage /<path to your zImage file>/zImage
Then you can boot your device and manually copy over the modules.
Note: I didn't see in your steps where you mentioned configuring the kernel, are you doing this?
Thanks for your reply.
the kernel i've already compiled like you mentioned and it is ok i've flashed the zImage.
But there is another part that is the platform module that corresponds to the system.
When you have a Rom there are 3 things inside:
- boot.img that has the zImage (kernel)
- meta-inf
- system
i'm changing the code in one file that corresponds to the nfc part and them compile the samsung sources
and google sources to get that system.
after compile the is one folder out that has system.img but i can't flash this .img file the mobile phone gets like a stone :S
All Black!
Please describe the process you are using to flash the system.img.
Have you though about just copying over the modified files?
Also, if you could create a step by step list of your process, maybe we can figure out what's going wrong.
i've compiled the google+samsung sources and this created the system.img.
Then i used Heimdall to choose only system to flash and It didn't work.
i've tryed also to change only the nfc.apk file put it in the app folder tryed to flash the ROM (in this case from Cyanogenmod) and it didn't work.
pec0 said:
i've compiled the google+samsung sources and this created the system.img.
Then i used Heimdall to choose only system to flash and It didn't work.
i've tryed also to change only the nfc.apk file put it in the app folder tryed to flash the ROM (in this case from Cyanogenmod) and it didn't work.
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have you tried to remove and install your nfc.apk using adb rather than trying to flash the entire rom? I would think all you need to do is mod the kernel, flash the kernel, then copy over any modules and replace the nfc.apk.

[Guide] Disable verity only (allowing changes to /system)

I was away from Android modding for quite a while (since 4.4) and it turned out that lots have changed since then. I got a new phone (Moto Z Play XT1653-02) and decided to play a bit with it. After reading the forums I found that there is not enough explanation on how the modern security model works.
I am a big fan of SELinux in the enforced mode (as long as you know how to configure and tweak the policy to your specific needs) and I don't need root on the phone itself, but I need the ability to apply changes to the /system hierarchy.
OK, I downloaded TWRP image + MultiScript-MZP-V2 zip. Looked inside the zip file (I would recommend to understand what you are going to side load before commiting to anything) and I did not like a bit the way that zip was operating on the device.
Long story short, I had 2 requirements:
1. to have root access to the device when I am at home - this can be accomplished with any TWRP (other custom recoveries) using `fastboot boot <recovery>.img`
2. to be able to change stuff on the /system filesystem (as a test I was copying /system/media/bootanimation.zip to /tmp and then back and that was rendering the phone unbootable)
I searched the web and found that the modern Android systems are kind of locked with so-called "verifiable boot". There are multiple parts of that solution, but we are interested in the removing the verification of the /system filesystem.
The check is built in to the kernel and cannot be disabled with a kernel command line parameter. However, looking into the documentation to the "verifiable boot" implementation I found that the trigger to do the verification is the "verify" flag set inside the fstab file.
Thanks to the author of the MultiScript-MZP-V2 archive I had all the tools at hand on the device to test my theory, so I `dd`'ed the boot partition into a file, unpacked the resulting boot.img file, unpacked the ramdisk, removed the "verify" flag from /fstab.qcom, repacked the ramdisk back, rebuild the boot.img file, and `dd`'ed it back to the boot partition.
Once I did that, I rebooted the phone to confirm that it is still bootable -- it was. The next step was to boot into the TWRP and replace something on the /system filesystem - I prepared a custom bootanimation.zip file for this (so I could easily see the result ). I booted into the TWRP, mounted /system in read/write and did `cat /tmp/my_boot_animation.zip > /system/media/bootanimation.zip` (the reason for the redirect is that I did not have SELinux tools and wanted to preserve the original SELinux context of the bootanimation.zip file).
After the reboot I saw my custom boot logo and the boot sequence, which confirmed that the theory worked as expected. So, now I have the original kernel from the manufacturer (I do not trust kernels sourced from the net and it is either the one I got from upstream or the one I built myself), have the ability to modify the /system filesystem as I see fit, and do not introduce unnecessary risk of running escalated applications on my phone.
P.S. I struggled with the bootanimation.zip a bit, but in the end I found that the keypoint is to ensure that the zip file is a container for files (i.e. zip with no compression at all - `zip -0 bootanimation.zip file1 file2 ...`)
Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk

[ROM+KERNEL]HUAWEI WATCH 2[LTE-Sawshark]+[BT-Sawfish]-[OWDE.180926.001.A1][22-Jan-20]

[HUAWEI WATCH 2 (LTE/4G-Sawshark) & (Bluetooth/BT-Sawfish)-OWDE.180926.001.A1]​INTERNATIONAL VERSION
Please read the instructions and notes before flashing anything. Don't ask me if you don't read the instructions.
- An Unlock bootloader
- Working adb/fastboot and driver - Download from Here
- A custom recovery (twrp) See my twrp thread for custom twrp recovery
- Steps via adb/fastboot
- Unzip the folder and move the boot image into your adb/fastboot folder and apply the following commands
- adb devices
- adb reboot bootloader
- fastboot flash boot boot.img
- fastboot reboot
1- Move the build/ROM and Busybox and Magisk to your watch
2- Make a backup - there's always 1% chance something goes wrong.
3- Full wipe is recommended....Wipe data/Factory reset
4- Flash the ROM, then flash Busybox and Magisk (Please flash in this order, ROM, then Busybox and Magisk)
5- Reboot and complete your initial setting
6- Open Magisk Manager and go to settings and set Automatic Response to Grant
7- Done. Don't forget to donate if you like my work, Thanks.
[Changelog]-Huawei Watch 2 LTE(Sawshark)+Huawei Watch 2 BT(Sawfish)-[22/Jan/2019]
- Based on latest kernel source (-Source 3.18.24) android-wear with latest security patch
- Linux version 3.18.24 (gcc version 4.9.3 20141215 (prerelease) (UBER-SaberMod-4.9.3_arm-graphite)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 22 9:45:39 CET 2020
- Forced-encryption disabled
- dm-verity removed/disabled
- Auto memory killer set to default
- Sepolicy is patched
- Fix the CPU idle latency unvote timeout. It should reduce the wasting power and CPU go to deep idle states immediately after a request
- Add and use a timer frequency of 100 Hz. It should improve power consumption.
- Add and update/Hide verifiedbootstate from /proc/cmdline in order to fix the failed SafetyNet CTS check(It can still fail through other means)-GOOGLE PAY SHOULD WORK. USE MAGISK TO HIDE ROOT. U may need Gpay enabler
- Remove verifiedbootstate flag from /proc/cmdline - Disable CRC check
- Scheduler optimize/support for heterogeneous multi-core
- Scheduler support for heterogeneous multi-processor systems
- Enable all core with scaling_available_frequencies (200000 400000 533333 800000 1094400 1267200 MHz)- scaling down the frequency of the CPUs to 200 MHz during idl mode and rise the freq. to 1.26Ghz during high pressure.
- Set swappiness to 60
- Change zswap max pool % to 20%. It will reduce CPU usage a lot
- Enable zram & zswap and add 256MB virtual memory default. It will speed up the device a lot
- Removed nolog usage, remove rtb logging from the kernel
- Remove selinux auditing from kernel for lower overhead
- Remove IPC logging from the kernel
- Disabled some kernel parameter to speed up the performance- at the cost of battery/ power consumption
- Remove some logging from several drivers
- Improve memory allocations -Should improve the device a lot
- Add some tweaks to improve the overall speed, apps startup are too faster
- Set zswap compressor to lz4 by default
- APM driver updated again to reduce battery usage during sleeping
- Several other patches to reduce battery usage
- Multi-core scheduler enable/optimized
- APM driver updated reduce battery usage during sleeping
- Fix the wake up time. The screen should wake up more quickly when pressing the button.
- Tweaked the scheduler to reduce/save power by scaling down the frequency of the CPUs or idling them,
- A lot subsystems converted to use power efficient workqueue
- The watch goes to sleep during no action in order to save battery
- Remove debug event logging-Kill the useless logging to reduce overhead
- Remove sync debug entirely to cut down CPU waste in the frame render hot path
- Remove 10 ms CPU idle latency unvote timeout- Doesn't force the CPU to stay out of deep idle states for far longer than necessary, which wastes power
- Disable audit support, usually comes with a measurably significant amount of overhead
- Remove audit dependency
[Huawei Watch 2 4G/LTE]+[Huawei Watch BT][22-Jan]
How to get the Gpay back...
1- Download and unzip the system image below
2- Attach the watch charger to the watch and plug the USB cord (from the charger) into your computer
3- Use the following adb command to start the watch in fastboot mode: adb reboot bootloader
4- On your computer, navigate to the directory where you unzipped the system image in Step 1. At the top level of that directory, execute the flash-all script:
- On Linux or MacOS, type ./flash-all.sh
- On Windows, type flash-all.bat
5 -DONE. Don't forget to donate if you like my work, Thanks.
Special thanks to:
If you can, donate and respect all the devs and enjoy
@Chainfire for great work in android
@Maxr1998 Big thanks for giving me knowledge and your great work for Asus Zenwatch_3 and your great github guide. Please thank and donate him for all his efforts
@topjohnwu for his great effort (Magisk)Thank you so much
@SuperR.R for the great kitchen
@Xmaster24 for system-less root-
@moneytoo for his great app. Please appreciate and donate him
Pay Enabler
@SuperThomasLab for great tools
Please always support devs and others (soon).​
ROM download asking for decryption key?Can fix the link?
Hello All,
Is it possible to install this latest ROM on model without LTE?
Thank you for reply :good:
arthos7 said:
ROM download asking for decryption key?Can fix the link?
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Hoffmanns said:
Hello All,
Is it possible to install this latest ROM on model without LTE?
Thank you for reply :good:
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Link are fixed now. It will properly not gonna work on non-lte. I can build a new for non-lte version if some one send me the latest system image and boot image. (I can extract from your watch via teamviewer, in case you can't) But you need to flash the latest firmware without root.
I will upload a complete latest stock images N7176C (lte) incase anyone wanna go back to latest stock again.
The only thing you have to do is boot into bootloader mod and then run the script by double click on it. After some reboots you will be back on latest stock.
I will combine both Linux and Windows together, use one you prefer.
Just received my Huawei SW 4G this weekend and after installing Huawei wear I got the alert message that the watch was rooted.
How can I confirm is it's rooted or not.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
Can anyone who's used this verify that it's notably faster or has improved battery life compared to stock? Or is the difference negligible?
How to build boot.img
Hi Janjan,
I am trying to build a custom kernel for my Huawei Watch 2 (non LTE) and I was wondering if you could share a little of your development work.
How do you actually put the boot image together? I am able to compile the kernel from android-msm-sawshark-3.18-nougat-mr1-wear-release,
which gives me a zImage. I also have the original images. So I tried to unmkbootimg the original boot image and replace the kernel. However, this doesn't seem to work. when I compare the sizes of the supposedly original zImage and the one created from the repository above, their size differs by roughly a factor of 100. So there must be something seriously wrong
What steps do you use to create the kernel and the boot image?
I also checked your github code and tried to use it but it seems to depend on other stuff that is not in your repos. Where did you find the code you have in your repos?
Best regards,
janjan said:
I can build a new for non-lte version if some one send me the latest system image and boot image. (I can extract from your watch via teamviewer, in case you can't) But you need to flash the latest firmware without root.
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Does that offer still stand? If yes I am willing to let my watch be used as a test subject.
mogli19 said:
Hi Janjan,
I am trying to build a custom kernel for my Huawei Watch 2 (non LTE) and I was wondering if you could share a little of your development work.
How do you actually put the boot image together? I am able to compile the kernel from android-msm-sawshark-3.18-nougat-mr1-wear-release,
which gives me a zImage. I also have the original images. So I tried to unmkbootimg the original boot image and replace the kernel. However, this doesn't seem to work. when I compare the sizes of the supposedly original zImage and the one created from the repository above, their size differs by roughly a factor of 100. So there must be something seriously wrong
What steps do you use to create the kernel and the boot image?
I also checked your github code and tried to use it but it seems to depend on other stuff that is not in your repos. Where did you find the code you have in your repos?
Best regards,
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Sure, tell me what you did and your steps for building zImage + modul. I am away from my office for a while.
janjan, have you had success with making a non-lte version?
cdkg said:
janjan, have you had success with making a non-lte version?
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If you send me the latest boot.img, system.img and vendor.img then I will definitely make.
janjan said:
If you send me the latest boot.img, system.img and vendor.img then I will definitely make.
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I have the boot.img and system.img. Is there a tutorial or any instructions you could give on how to get the vendor.img?
janjan said:
Sure, tell me what you did and your steps for building zImage + modul. I am away from my office for a while.
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Hi Janjan,
(Apparently I am not allowed to post links yet, so I am trying my best to explain without them)
1. I got the source code for the Sawshark watch from github (mr1-wear-release). I guess there is no dedicated Seafish kernel source. Short question: There is a choice of 3 different kernel codes. Which one shall I take?
2. I tried to compile this source code without changes (to rule out errors before I make modifications). This works and I get as zImage. What do you mean by modul though? I thought zImage was the only product.
3. Using unmkbootimg, I un-packed an stock boot.img. The unmkbootimg tool says that the boot.img has been compiled with a non-standard mkbootimg program. However the offsets and other values (I am supposed to tune when I use mkbootimg) are contradicting. Eventually, the "non-custom" values recommended by unmkbootimg caused errors in mkbootimg and I ended up using the default values. This worked.
4. When I flash the resulting boot.img my watch gets stuck during boot with the Huawei logo on all the time.
To verify my tools, I tried step 3. in two more ways:
3.1. re-pack the un-packed boot.img, flash it (no errors and boot works)
3.2 pack a boot.img using a zImage obtained from a sawshark boot.img (instead of the seafish). This also worked and boot was successful
I have also looked at the boot.img and zImage files in a hex editor. I can locate the beginning of the kernel but not the end. Also if I did, I wouldn't know how to replace the kernel in hex mode But from what I have understood about mkbootimg, this script does not much more than concatenate zImage and ramdisk and add a header. Is this somewhat correct?
Eventually, I need to turn on some currently disabled kernel features (which is why I am doing all of this ). So I am still trying to figure out the right tools and components. And therefore the question: How do you usually build the kernel and how do you pack it into the boot.img. Do you modify the ramdisk when you replace the kernel?
Instructions to modify ramdisk
Hi Janjan,
How do you disassemble and re-assemble the ramdisk?
Wanted to make a few modifications to the ramdisk.cpio.gz. Again, I wanted to try the tools first. So I unpacked and re-packaged the ramdisk without modifications. After flashing the regenerated boot image, my watch goes into recovery mode...
I found these instructions in a tutorial (again, I can't post links yet... sorry):
For disassembly:
$ mkdir ramdisk_dir
$ cd ramdisk_dir
$ gunzip -c ../ramdisk.cpio.gz | cpio -i
for re-assembly
$ find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../newramdisk.cpio.gz
Update to my previous post:
I found my mistake in building the kernel:
Instead of using
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androidkernel-
I was using
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi-
mogli19 said:
Hi Janjan,
How do you disassemble and re-assemble the ramdisk?
Wanted to make a few modifications to the ramdisk.cpio.gz. Again, I wanted to try the tools first. So I unpacked and re-packaged the ramdisk without modifications. After flashing the regenerated boot image, my watch goes into recovery mode...
I found these instructions in a tutorial (again, I can't post links yet... sorry):
For disassembly:
for re-assembly
Update to my previous post:
I found my mistake in building the kernel:
Instead of using
I was using
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It seems much better now. Are you in Windows or Linux? I will post my script and tools once I reach my PC. I am away from my PC right now. It means you destroy something during generating or packaging the boot image. Does you kernel /boot.img work without or before editing the ramdisk?
Update:- seems you are in Linux.
janjan said:
It seems much better now. Are you in Windows or Linux? I will post my script and tools once I reach my PC. I am away from my PC right now. It means you destroy something during generating or packaging the boot image. Does you kernel /boot.img work without or before editing the ramdisk?
Update:- seems you are in Linux.
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Yes, I am on linux. I found a different approach that works for me now:
Extract the ramdisk.
$ mkdir ramdisk
$ cd ramdisk
$ gzip -dc ../ramdisk.cpio.gz | cpio -i
# Make any changes necessary (e.g., set ro.secure=0 in default.prop).
# Recreate the cpio archive using the mkbootfs binary produced from building the Android source code
$ cd ..
$ mkbootfs ./ramdisk | gzip > ramdisk-new.gz
You said you were able to turn on all the cores. Can this be done by modifying the ramdisk or how do you do this?
mogli19 said:
Yes, I am on linux. I found a different approach that works for me now:
You said you were able to turn on all the cores. Can this be done by modifying the ramdisk or how do you do this?
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Did I said? But It can't be done by editing the ramdisk only. You need to add and edit alot (add driver edit cores etc) in kernel sources.
Okay, before anyone flames, I did look everywhere in this thread and cannot find it. Does anyone have the link to the flashing instructions for this rom?
janjan said:
Did I said? But It can't be done by editing the ramdisk only. You need to add and edit alot (add driver edit cores etc) in kernel sources.
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Oh sorry, I thought I had read this on your feature list I actually looked at this and asked myself if there was a way to make the cpu settings permanent:

Development Installing GSI by repacking super.img on SM-A127F and SM-A325F (Linux)

Copyleft uluruman 2021-2022
(for LINUX/WSL only)
This is the minimalistic set of tools + a script for Linux for the automated
ground-up repacking and flashing of the Samsung Galaxy super.img, replacing
the stock Android system with something much less intrusive and obtrusive
(e.g. LineageOS). Or just some other GSI (Generic System Image).
Additional included scripts (since v1.1) simplify flashing of stock firmware or
separate image files under Linux using Heimdall.
Theoretically should work for any Samsung A-series phones, and may be even for
some others. Tested on SM-A127F/DSN made in India and Vietnam and SM-A325F/DS
made in India, on Debian Linux 11 x64. There are reports of successful flashing
of SM-A127M, SM-A032M and SM-A226B.
Why this method?
Repacking of super.img is the only method which allows changing of the phone's
operating system without screwing up the Verified Boot (VB) protection
mechanism. Keeping the VB allows you to be sure that everything besides the
platform was indeed compiled by Samsung and wasn't tampered with, no matter from
where you downloaded your stock firmware.
The other reason is that although there are alternative methods of changing the
OS, for phones with dynamic partitioning and no working version of TWRP
available they may be even more complicated than repacking of super.img
externally by this script.
Install the following tools from the official repositories of your Linux distro:
simg2img xz-utils lz4 unzip gzip jq file
Basic instructions
repacksuper.sh: main script for changing your phone's operating system
heimdall_flash_stock.sh: script for flashing stock firmware under Linux
heimdall_flash.sh: script for flashing any custom image file under Linux
Just run a script without any arguments to see help.
Extra tools used (x64 binaries and sources included)
GitHub - LonelyFool/lpunpack_and_lpmake: android super.img tools
android super.img tools. Contribute to LonelyFool/lpunpack_and_lpmake development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - amo13/Heimdall: Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy devices. This is a fork of the original repository with a few crucial pull requests merged.
Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy devices. This is a fork of the original repository with a few crucial pull requests merged....
Additional notes
The included binaries for the lpunpack, lpmake and Heimdall were compiled for
the x86_64 architecture. If your PC architecture is different (e.g. x86 32-bit
or ARM) you have to compile these tools yourself. The full source code is
included (or otherwise available on GitHub).
Spoiler: Changelog
0.9: Initial release
0.91: Non-sparse new system is now correctly moved into the super dir
0.91a: Bug in the new system file format checking fixed
0.91b: Better support for spaces in paths
0.92: Added checking for system requirements and an optional parameter for
setting of the final tar archive name.
0.92a: Fixed file ownership issues inside the tar distribution archive
0.93: Added support for SM-A325F. Several minor improvements.
0.94: Added support for gzip-packed GSI images. Packing into .tar is now done
without question if the command line parameter is given. Tar parameter
now can include the full path. Without the full path the default tar
location is now the same as the GSI. Several other minor changes.
1.0: Finally added working native Linux flashing using Heimdall (HUGE thanks
to amo13 and Benjamin Dobell). Two new options: using empty product.img
and silent (non-interactive) mode. Colored text. Bugfixes and minor
1.01: Option to specify the SUPER partition name manually (needed for flashing
SM-A127F with Heimdall). Now it is possible to place output .img and .tar
files in any directory and give them any name. Text terminology a bit
clarified, help text expanded. Done many internal optimizations,
additional sanity checks and minor changes.
1.02: Support for SM-A032F/M and similar firmwares with non-packed super.img.
Support for firmwares with/without additional partitions. Support for
arbitrary partition group names. Very experimental option to use empty
system_ext.img for additional privacy (applicable to some phone models/
regions). Lots of minor fixes.
1.03: Multiple .img files are now supported in GSI archive files (one of them
should be system.img in that case), e.g. Android AOSP zip files are now
supported directly. The logic of flashing with Heimdall now includes more
complex cases, such as flashing in two steps with a reboot. Unnecessary
code in GZ unpacking removed. Some other small fixes and optimizations.
1.1: New scripts heimdall_flash_stock.sh and heimdall_flash.sh added.
Lots of refactoring in repacksuper.sh (because of that there may be some
bugs left), improved and clarified UI logic, changes in where the files are
now placed (see help for details), direct work with stock Zip firmware
files, lots of minor changes.
1.11: Colored text now should be correctly displayed in almost any shell that
supports it except if it's explicitly disabled with NO_COLOR.
1.11.1: heimdall_flash.sh now can flash Super partitions unconditionally in one
step when using both the -s parameter and manually specifying parition
name (e.g. SUPER for SM-A127F).
1.12: The heimdall_flash_stock.sh script was significantly upgraded with lots of
new features. Now it theoretically allows upgrading of stock firmware
without erasing user data, keeping the GSI and custom recovery, etc.
(although it's not that straightforward, read the help for details).
A couple of fixes in the other scripts.
1.12.1: changed unlz4 to lz4 -d, as some distros don't have the needed symlink
1.13: In repacksuper.sh support added for the Vendor DLKM and ODM DLKM
partitions, as well as the experimental -v option to add or replace Vendor
DLKM with a custom image. A couple of minor fixes.
1.14: Greatly improved logic of heimdall_flash.sh, now it's possible to specify
both or either custom partition name and custom file name, and acquiring
PIT from device is done only when it's needed. Versioning scheme of the
scripts was unified: the script that was updated receives the updated
version number of the whole pack, the rest retain the old numbers.
1.15: up_param_tool.sh script was added: it allows altering of the boot
sequence images (logo, "not official" warning, etc.), as well as the
Recovery and Download internal graphics. Happy hacking, but please pay
attention to the warning displayed after extracting the JPEG files.
A couple of minor fixes in the other scripts.
1.15.1: Bug with failing LZ4 uncompression fixed in repacksuper.sh and
1.15.2: Added the Ctrl+C trap in heimdall_flash_stock.sh, so now the temporarily
renamed files are correctly renamed back in case of flashing being
aborted with Ctrl+C. Upgraded Heimdall with the git pull requests, but
it seems those still do not cure the relatively rare issue when flashing
specific files gets completely stuck at some point.
1.15.3: The "file" tool used to identify PIT files was replaced with direct
reading of the file header as the first method proved to be unreliable.
1.15.4: Fixed a bug in heimdall_flash.sh (missing g flag in sed)
1.15.5: Fixed the compatibility issue with the older LZ4 compressors
1.15.6: Fixed compatibility issues with systems where /bin/sh is Bash, such as
1.15.7: repacksuper.sh: fixed using the existing "repacksuper" dir as source,
also in this mode you can now specify "-" as new system image to reuse
everything inside the "super" subdir. New experimental -w parameter.
All scripts: the Ctrl+C trap now switched on and off the correct way.
Several other fixes.
1.15.8: Fixed using the heimdall_flash_stock dirs as source for repacksuper.sh.
A couple of other fixes.
1.15.9: heimdall_flash_stock.sh: fixed skipping of duplicate partitions (e.g.
vbmeta) for some shells; fixed upgrade-flashing of Galaxy A32 (default
Spoiler: Known issues
During the script run you can see several "Invalid sparse file format at header
magic" warnings, just ignore them.
For some firmware files Heimdall may not work at all (freeze indefinitely or
exit with an error), in that case you have to resort to Odin. In many cases
Heimdall freezes when uploading files for some time, but that does not mean it
is completely frozen, just be patient.
In LineageOS, Dot OS and some other GSIs I tried on SM-127F the touch screen
remains not responsive for about 6 seconds after waking up. The problem is not
present at least with SM-127F/DSN phones made in India, but present at least in
those made in Vietnam. Another problem in the most, if not all, GSIs is that the
MTP USB file transfer does not work (at least on Linux) because of the "wrong"
(Samsung's instead of Google's) default MPT driver used by the kernel.
Both of the aforementioned problems can be solved by installing the fixed and
recompiled kernel.
For the last problem alternative solutions include using apps such as
Warpinator, Syncthing or ftpd.
Spoiler: Food for thought
When choosing a GSI to install I really don't recommend using ones which include
GApps and therefore use any of the Google services. Don't let corporations
gather your data. You bought the phone and from now on it should be all yours,
with all of its data, like a PC in the good old days. You own your device, and
nobody has the right to stick their nose into how you use your phone, gather any
statistics and push you any ads. You always have a choice to turn down
privacy-unfriendly stuff, the price of that "inconvenience" is actually
ridiculous. From my point of view, there is simply no point in using non-stock
systems if they are still littered with the privacy-unfriendly bloatware.
For the step-by-step guide (slightly outdated) read this and this post. Also be sure to read this post concerning the importance of optics.img. Concerning the up_param_tool.sh be sure to read this post.
The included binaries for the lpunpack, lpmake and Heimdall were compiled for the x86_64 architecture. If your PC architecture is different (e.g. x86 32-bit or ARM) you have to compile these tools yourself. The full source code is included (or otherwise available on GitHub).
Latest stable combinations of stock firmware and LineageOS (updated February 5, 2023):
SM-A127F: A127FXXU7BVI4 + LineageOS 20.0-td 20230115 arm64 bvS
SM-A325F: A325FXXU2CVK3+ LineageOS 20.0-td 20230115 arm64 bvS
Some recommendations (updated February 5, 2023):
If you are a newbie and don't know how to do unlock the bootloader and other such stuff, here is a good guide by LAST_krypton (follow the "Unlocking the booloader" section) or a shorter guide by cldkrs.
First flash the phone with the whole set of stock firmware using the heimdall_flash_stock.sh (Linux only) script with the -d parameter: the latter forces flashing the unsafe partitions, which are needed for complete re-flashing.
If you're on Windows use Odin instead. Although there is a "leaked" Linux version of Odin, it's still closed-source (of course), so I don't recommend using it on your main Linux PC. For using the Windows version of Odin on Linux you have to either use Windows in QEMU (tested and works) or probably Wine (untested). When using QEMU remember to add the SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="685d", MODE:="0666" line to the udev rules (e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/30-qemu.rules) to enable the write access to the phone.
Sometimes Heimdall cannot flash the stock firmware and gets stuck at some particular file. Although you can successfully flash such a firmware using Odin, I recommend to better to find another firmware, may be one release older, because that may indicate some sort of incompatibility with your particular version of the phone.
The stock firmware comes in different revision numbers (also known as the baseband version), which are upgraded about once a year. Generally it should be beneficial to use the latest revision, but note that once you have upgraded it to a later revision there is no way back (at least known to me). In case you want to experiment with flashing of special kernels and other flavors provided by the XDA developers, if possible, you should probably stick to the very first revision.
If you already have the bootloader unlocked (OEM unlock) then after flashing the stock firmware there is no need to set up the Android, just go straight into the download mode again and flash the repacked super.img.
When downloading LineageOS or any other GSI select the normal arm64 bvS version, not vndklite version.
After flashing the OS go into the Recovery mode (hold volume up and power when rebooting) straight away and do the Factory reset. If you cannot get into the Recovery mode be sure to connect the USB cable before trying to.
If flashing with Heimdall completely freezes at some point make sure you've downloaded and repacked the correct arm64 b or a/b GSI and not arm and not a or a-only variant. If "sw rev check fail" message appears on the screen at some point just ignore it.
You can forcefully reboot your phone at any time, even if it seems bricked, by holding the volume down and power buttons for several seconds.
To upgrade your system to the recent version of the same OS just repackage it again using the same script and flash it normally. If the phone does not boot, get into the Recovery mode and try wiping the Cache partition (all your apps and settings should remain intact).
Most probably you don't need TWRP or any other 3rd party recovery tool at all, as the stock recovery tool works fine for just the factory reset after flashing the super file.
Try to avoid using Magisk if you just want to install another OS and nothing else. It is also not needed for LineageOS bvS version as it already has the su utility integrated, you just need to install the additional Superuser app by Pierre-Hugues HUSSON from the F-Droid store (although it's very old it works just fine).
It's possible that SM-127F/DSN internally is not A12 but actually M12, at least most of the tools and kernels made for M12 work on SM-127F/DSN while those made specifically for SM-125 and even other SM-127 versions do not. Therefore you can find more relevant info and tools in the corresponding XDA thread (my script is still remains relevant though).
I should test this for a127f
Bugs fixed: v0.91 & v0.91a
Bug fixed: v0.91b
Added the "file" utility to the list of requirements, updated readme.txt.
Thanks A LOT, this works! I am finally able to run LineageOS on my phone!
For Windows 10+ users: WSL runs this script just fine with a few additional steps.
1. Install WSL 2 and any Linux distribution from Microsoft Store
2. Run the distribution to finish setup
3. Install the required packages from the post (sudo apt install for Ubuntu/Debian)
4. Shift + Right Click in the folder where you have the script, the AP and the GSI packages
5. Open Linux shell there
6. Unpack & run script as stated in its help
Wow ! Great job! I want to try it, but i'm getting many "Invalid sparse file format at header magic" while running the script, is it OK to flah the super.tar anyway?
jadfa said:
Wow ! Great job! I want to try it, but i'm getting many "Invalid sparse file format at header magic" while running the script, is it OK to flah the super.tar anyway?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is totally OK
jadfa said:
Wow ! Great job! I want to try it, but i'm getting many "Invalid sparse file format at header magic" while running the script, is it OK to flah the super.tar anyway?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it is fine. These are just warnings produced by lpmake, they can not be suppressed. I could only suppress all the stdout/stderr from lpmake but it's no good in case of more serious warnings.
Updated to v0.92 with a couple of minor improvements.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What should I do next with the raw file?
"Unknown super file format" is this how it should be?
ANDARXapi said:
View attachment 5490897What should I do next with the raw file?
"Unknown super file format" is this how it should be?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Of course not. The format of each file is checked using the "file" utility, it should return the string "Android super image". Try to run file /home/toor/APfilles/super.stock.raw . What is the response? And try doing it all without sudo. There is no need in root privileges.
uluruman said:
Of course not. The format of each file is checked using the "file" utility, it should return the string "Android super image". Try to run file /home/toor/APfilles/super.stock.raw . What is the response? And try doing it all without sudo. There is no need in root privileges.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The raw file opens as a picture
uluruman said:
Of course not. The format of each file is checked using the "file" utility, it should return the string "Android super image". Try to run file /home/toor/APfilles/super.stock.raw . What is the response? And try doing it all without sudo. There is no need in root privileges.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
run without sudo: 168: ./lpunpack_and_lpmake/lpunpack: Permission denied Cannot correctly unpack the super file. Exiting ...
I managed to fix the script, you just need to give chmod +x rights to the files in the folder "lpunpack_and_lpmake": lpunpack, lpmake, lpflash, lpdump, lpadd
ANDARXapi said:
I managed to fix the script, you just need to give chmod +x rights to the files in the folder "lpunpack_and_lpmake": lpunpack, lpmake, lpflash, lpdump, lpadd
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmmm. I have updated it, may be it'll help. Could you please test the latest version (v0.92a)? I want to work it out of the box for everyone, without sudo or any tweaks.
uluruman said:
Hmmm. I have updated it, may be it'll help. Could you please test the latest version (v0.92a)? I want to work it out of the box for everyone, without sudo or any tweaks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, I'll test it tomorrow, today I want to relax at the computer all day
uluruman said:
Hmmm. I have updated it, may be it'll help. Could you please test the latest version (v0.92a)? I want to work it out of the box for everyone, without sudo or any tweaks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Checked, it works right away
Is there a way to install magisk and root?

