Wondering if anyone has experience this issue with Kat Audio on the transformer.
I'm getting
"org.meerkats.kat.b.a: Exec error res=1"
In Timdurus thread there is some mention but all related to root issues. I don't have any root issues and even get this error running it as root in a terminal /system/bin/katmix 31
The error is
java.io.IOException: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)| write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe)
hi all:
i download aosp kitkat4.4 source codes from google website. i compiled the code. i got the ROM.but when i flash the ROM to my device nexus 7(deb). it cannot boot.
from the log. i found that following error log. the sentence "couldn't find an OpenGL ES implementation" maybe cause the fatal question.
any advices is welcomed !
02-10 08:37:07.375: E/QCOMKeyMaster(17633): failed to load qseecom library
02-10 08:37:07.375: E/keystore(17633): could not open keymaster device in keystore (Operation not permitted)
02-10 08:37:07.375: E/keystore(17633): keystore keymaster could not be initialized; exiting
02-10 08:37:07.405: A/libEGL(17630): couldn't find an OpenGL ES implementation
02-10 08:37:07.405: A/libc(17630): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x000044de (code=-6), thread 17630 (surfaceflinger)
02-10 08:37:07.575: E/msm8960_platform(17632): platform_init: DLOPEN failed for libacdbloader.so
02-10 08:37:07.575: E/msm8960_platform(17632): platform_init: DLOPEN failed for libcsd-client.so
02-10 08:37:07.575: E/MonoPipe(17632): Failed to fetch local time frequency when constructing a MonoPipe (res = -32). getNextWriteTimestamp calls will be non-functional
A/I UsbThread1 : usbServerSocket : Waiting for the host to connect
W/I waiting android server connection ... 1
W/I Waiting for connection
W/I Sending busybox21
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. firstByte : 39 : WTOA_copyFile
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. lastCommand : 32 : WTOA_setGlobalVar
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. Exception type : class java.io.FileNotFoundException
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. Exception message : /storage/emulated/0/busybox21: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. Exception cause : libcore.io.ErrnoException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
A/E UsbThread1.run() loop error. Exception string : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/busybox21: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
A/E libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:409)
Plz gv the solution on these
Hi, thank you for using XDA Assist. Can you explain what you are trying to do and what device you have?
Hello everyone,
I'm installing CM12.1 but recovery showing the error:
applyParsedPerms: lsetfilecon of /system/lost+found to u:object_r:system_file:s0 failed : Opertion not supported on transport endpoint set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error in /sdcard/system.zip
My stock rom is 4.2.1 and chipset is MT6572.
I have tried to install CM12.1 by philz, carliv, cwm6.0 recoveries but the error above is persist, i dont know why? pls guide me how do i resolve that error?
This includes the camera, chrome as well as the default file browser. I would say pretty much anything stock doesn't work. I am rooted on newest Android with Ketan ROM. While checking various logs I found some messages for this happening:
Some verbose logs from LSPosed:
Early in the logs:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void android.os.IBinder.linkToDeath(android.os.IBinder$DeathRecipient,int)' on a null object reference
W/System No compatibility callbacks set!
Not sure for which app:
neither user nor current process has android.permission.cache_content
When camera crashes:
java.lang.RuntimeException: fail to create directory :/storage/emulated/0/DCIM
Some lines found in logcat:
01-24 20:54:59.638 8878 8878 E DBManager: query: mDBAdapter is null. please init first.
When browser fails to download file:
01-24 19:41:38.415 16215 16329 E cr_DownloadCollection: Unable to copy content to pending Uri.
01-24 19:41:38.415 16215 16329 E cr_DownloadCollection: java.io.FileNotFoundException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
01-24 19:41:38.415 16215 16329 E cr_DownloadCollection: at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionWithFileNotFoundExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:151)
01-24 19:42:17.636 16215 16339 W cr_ContentUriUtils: Cannot open content uri: content://media/external/downloads/1000000307
01-24 19:42:17.636 16215 16339 W cr_ContentUriUtils: java.io.FileNotFoundException: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
Some other denials:
01-24 19:28:30.861 1313 1313 W ExtconUEventObserver: Unable to read /sys/devices/platform/10ab0000.displayport/extcon/extcon0/cable.1/name. This probably means the selinux policies need to be changed.
01-24 19:28:30.861 1313 1313 W ExtconUEventObserver: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/extcon/extcon0/cable.1/name: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
Several of this:
01-24 19:29:10.933 4113 10177 D IPM : Failed to open stream '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online' in mode 'WRITE': Permission denied
Any ideas please?
I following this instruction:https://source.android.com/docs/setup/build/building-kernels
I initialized repo and synced
Using Bazel to build (with build/build.sh same error)
Using this command:tools/bazel run --lto=none //common:kernel_aarch64_dist -- --dist_dir=out/android13-5.10/dist
And get this error:
ERROR: /home/aaron/Builds/android-kernel/common/BUILD.bazel:26:22: Checking for kmi_symbol_list_
strict_mode //common:kernel_aarch64 failed: (Exit 1): bash failed: error executing command (from
target //common:kernel_aarch64) /bin/bash -c ... (remaining 1 argument skipped)
Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root f
or debugging
ERROR: Differences between ksymtab and symbol list detected!
Symbols missing from ksymtab:
- __cfi_slowpath
Symbols missing from symbol list:
Target //common:kernel_aarch64_dist failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 3572,647s, Critical Path: 3535,69s
INFO: 7 processes: 3 internal, 4 linux-sandbox.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
Hello, I also encountered this problem, how did you solve it?