[Q] development of android apps 100% on android tablet - General Questions and Answers

Hello! I am new to this forum so i could have posted this into wrong section.
I want to start learning how to develop apps for android, but the thing is, i am not able to do it on PC.
Could someone tell me what android applications i need to get, to fully develop an application, which is made in the same quality as it would be made on PC. ( everything, not just programming). At the moment i got only AIDE ( Android IDE ), but i dont think that AIDE is enough to fully develop an application. If its not possible to do 100% of work on android tablet, please tell me. Thank you for your answers!


Personal advice
Hi, I do have first hand experiene with Android IDE and it's OK if your not able to use your development PC and your really inspired to write some code but you most def will need an external keyboard/mouse if your going to write something bigger than a 'hello world' program. Don't get me wrong, AIDE will get the job done but it will take you much longer, i.e. a single small screen with limited ram/processor does not help.
I don't know your situation for not being able to do it on a PC but if you are serious about becomming a developer then an investment in a desktop/laptop should be at the top of your list, but if you want to test the waters first and all you have access to is a tablet with AIDE then I say go for it, I just hope that the limited enviroment does not discourage you, programming is fun and rewarding if you have the right tools.
Do you have any experience programming?
If not I would recommend you follow the Newboston series of videos for beginning programming with Java first before jumping into Android development, I say development because writing apps for Android consists mostly with writting Java that uses the provided Android API's.
Newboston beginning programming with Java video series (He uses Eclipse here but you can ignore that and just type the same code)
Newboston application Android development (If you try to complete this without any Java knowledge you will cripple you chances of success)
Excellent resources provided here at XDA for Android development
p.s. You would be suprised at how cheap you can find a used PC on craigslist, you don't need a gaming monster but get something that is multi-core with at least 4gigs of RAM.


Best place to get started ? ? ?

. . . with understanding development using Java for Android?
Do I start with Java books?
Where do I read about how to set up an Android development environment? I'm trying to read through everything at the Android Developers website, but I was hoping someone could point me towards better/more information.
I know this is a VERY n00b question, but in order to avoid asking any further n00b questions, I'd like to come to this party better equipped.
You HAVE to be good at java before you can start programming for android. C/C++ too if you intend to develop something performance hungry.
I suggest that you look at an introduction to developing in Java on desktop and familiarize yourself with Java syntax. If you haven't programmed anything before then also familiarize yourself with programming techniques and object oriented programming in java.
To be honest, it takes 4 years on college to learn that. You may be able to learn it earlier, given that you put enough effort but don't expect programming anything useful anytime soon.
Thank you!! At least I have a starting point. Never too late to begin.
Gonna see if starting with Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Edition is something that works for me.
Thanks again!!
sorry for double post
Ive managed to set up Eclipse 3.5 and the Android SDK.
Then I downloaded the components to develop for Android 1.5, 1.5, and 2.x(.x)
Also installed the USB driver(on an WinXP machine) and that's all there is to it, I think.
As for Java, I have an old book(or bible, judging by the size) on Java 1.5 from Deitel.
But right now, Im just looking at the official trails on sun.com:
http ://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/index.html
I guess learning the syntax is one thing.
Learning programming concepts and OO are two other things.
Then there are algorithms and programming techniques.
Then there is familiarization with how the Android platform differs from regular Java applications/applets/etc.
I think that covers the basic steps towards Android programming in java.
If I missed anything, can someone fill me in please?
maybe someone knows of a open source repos. you can look at examples. Like planet-source-code dot com but with android examples.

[Q] Development/Developer Question

So I recently got a couple books on Android development. One being Beginning Android Games and the other being Professional Android Development. Now I've been wanting to make a game for Android lately so the question is which book should I read first? Should I start with the other stuff to get a better grip on the Android OS, or should I just go with what I already want to do.
Here are some things that should help in giving any advice (which I appreciate greatly):
I have a decent (beginner-intermediate, closer to intermediate) grip on Android and understanding of it
I have an intermediate understanding of Java. I can program GUI programs for desktop ect
I understand Android API's and such

Becoming a XDA Developer?

How can I become a XDA Developer? I'd love to become one, specifically programming for Android apps, ROMs, and stuff like that.
Can anyone give me an head start?
MacBook Pro, Mid-2010
Processor: 2.4 Intel Core i5
Memory: 4GB 1067MHz DDR3
Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce GT 330M
OSX: Lion 10.7.2 (Build 11C74)
I can't seem to install Android Kitchen, and fink is too confusing for me.
I already have the AOSP source code for ICS.
Learn java for programming apps. C for developing kernels. Both are similar to an extent so it shouldn't be that hard. I am unfamiliar with the offerings of a OSX but if you can dual boot to windows or Linux, get eclipse (the more preferable one) or netbeans for java and if you're on windows, visual c++ 2008 or whatever (dev c++ is very loose with its strictness in syntax so avoid that).
Books... Well these books contain a lot, and I mean a lot of information. They will have a lot of jargon which you will probably be unfamiliar with, so learning from one might be really difficult. So I suggest say a dummies book or something concise and in layman terms at first, then after maybe head first into java, a reference c manual or c how to program for the nitty gritty stuff or when you're more experienced.
Don't worry, your computer is more than enough for your stage right now, it'll probably take you a year or so or more to actually get up to the "developer" (note not professional developer level, that you will need your 4 years. xD) (if you take this really seriously e.g. classes, practise, reading, etc).
I have Eclipse for OSX, and it has the Android plug-in and can write Java and C programs.
But what language do I use for ROMs?
it is written in both c and java. The java runs on top of the c. Most of what we use is in java, but the core (kernel (think drivers etc)) is in c.
If you are thinking of say a cyanogen mod level of modding (meaning changing the source code to improve android) then you will need a professional level of development skills, which will take a long time, unless you are some genius. But most chefs really only build a rom through using an existing rom, use a tool/ program to do say deodex or such, remove this app and that, put in this kernel, change this file to this file, and done, it's a custom rom. That requires no programming knowledge whatsoever.
You seem to know a lot. Could you be my mentor/tutor or something?
Oh no, i'm still in high school lawl. I've only done computer science for one year and a half right now and that's it. I know nothing of java and its syntax and really I only know an intermediate level of c. So yeah i can't really tutor or help you, sorry. xD We'll be on the same road my firend, although my dreams aren't stopping with android. (I'm aiming for you holograms and car AI systems, you best be ready.)
Anyways there's a forum on xda dedicated to helping people learn how to develop roms/android and possibly apps called chef central. Head over there for the big guys to help.

[Q] Confused about Android/Java (please help!)

I'm trying to get started developing Android applications but I have hit a bit of a wall.
I've been learning Java, and finally downloaded the Android SDK yesterday. The official Android Developers site says that Android applications are built using Java, but when I started following the "getting started" tutorial I quickly realized that it is not really using Java, and i hardly recognize a thing.
After a bit of searching I found that Android apps do not use Java, they use.... 'Android.'
Now, I understand that the Android language is based on Java, but I still can't help but feel as though I've been wasting my time when I could have been learning Android directly.
My questions are:
1. What is the best non-YouTube resource for learning Android? (I don't have unlimited internet)
2. Why does the Android site claim that it's apps are built with Java?
3. Why didn't they just actually use Java? Why did they have to modify it into a different language? Is it to purposefully make things more complicated and annoy people, or is Java too limited for mobile apps?
I don't know if you remember the big Google/Oracle (developers of Java) lawsuit a while back, although it is unrelated to Java itself, that is probably one of the reasons AOSP decided against using the actual Java language in creating apps. Since it's based on Java, people who have some Java experience would probably have a head start than someone with no Java experience.
To answer your first question, your best bet would be to go to a bookstore like Barnes and Noble and buy an Android development book. They have plenty of books out there for developing for Android and does not require the internet.

[Q] running apps on device/emulator, resources needed

Hey I've recently rooted my first phone (didn't go as smooth as i'd like it to but the phone works) Anyway, I was thinking that i might learn to develop android apps. The thing is I have a few question which i wasn't able to find answers for or they didn't help me completely.
I downloaded ADT bundle from official android developers website (basically eclipse with the plugins preinstalled, am i right).
The first problem i encountered was that the emulator was so unbelievably slow,i know it's not only my issue and that emulator is slow in general, but I wasn't expecting this. My first app the incredible Hello World app which should take user input and (probably) print it out crashed when i tried to submit the text, though that probably wasn't the fault of emulator but rather problem with my settings (seriously i had to import a lot of stuff just do a simple hello world app) So, let's get to the first question itself. Is there a way to somehow run my app on my phone/tablet (nexus 7 II) in real time? Or besides emulator and copying the app on the device there's no other option?
My second question isn't that much android orientated, but here it goes: This year we are going to learn java at school and i was thinking if i could use ADT bundle from android developers as a regular eclipse if I choose java project instead of android project. Or is it better to use separate eclipse? if so, how do i set those IDEs so that they won't interfere with one and another. It it just a matter of setting different workspaces?
The third question is: Resources. What are some good resources for developing android Apps for beginners. I do have some programming knowledge but it's lather low, i do understand basic concepts, I did use java for really basic stuff but nothing serious. What books/video tutorials or any other resources would you recommend?

