Hey guys, TweakMan here. I have some wonderful news for you. Coming soon to XDA-Developers, will be new forum section to choose from, dedicated for the sole purpose of helping you!
As most of you have seen. the very first thread in the Development & Hacking Section is the "General Questions & Answer" Thread. It was opened a few months ago, with the intention of helping you get your questions answered. But as you may have noticed, this thread has grown to an enourmous size!
For this reason, an entire new section will be opened and dedicated to this purpose! It will be the same concept as the current "Question & Answer" Thread, but will be far more organized, therefore helping answer your questions faster!
The original concept still stands. No question and no comment, no matter the subject, device, or reason, will be turned away from this new section. Any question, about any device,theme, program, or situation, can be posted here, and WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED!!!
Now, in the past, it has been hard, and sometimes impossible to post a question in any section other than "Development & Hacking" , and actually get an answer to that question, but with this update, this is all about to change. If you have ever used the currenct Q&A Thread, you know that you will get the help you need, and get it as fast as possible. With this new section, things will work the same and better!
Wether you are a junior member, who has owned a PPC for two days, or a Senior Member, who has owned 10 PPC's and wrote 30 applications, this thread is perfect for you! If you ever have a question, from what the name of a theme is or how to power on your device, all the way up to coding programs or cracking applications, you are welcome here.
So please watch for the opening of this new forum section. By agreeing to use it, you are not only helping your self, but you are helping your fellow XDA members, and that is what this site is for. Thanks for your time, and I hope to see you there soon!!
If you are currently an active perticipant in the "General Questions & Answers Thread" in the Development & Hacking Section, please read the update in the first post of the thread. And thank you for your past support, and the support I know you will show in the new sections. You guys have made this possible, and this is for you!!!
Reserved For Updates
thats a great idea
Good arrangement. Thanks.
Good Work!
It's really needed.
Thanks a lot.
thanx tweakman
ill be needing it
Unstuck, we all know about Q&A now
htc dash or motorola q9h? both updated to 6.1
i have to get a new phone my touch got washed...i know im in the wrong section but i need an answer fast because the auctions are ending soon and dev and hack has the most viewers and developers that have some experiance with both phones... thanks guys
bereda said:
htc dash or motorola q9h? both updated to 6.1
i have to get a new phone my touch got washed...i know im in the wrong section but i need an answer fast because the auctions are ending soon and dev and hack has the most viewers and developers that have some experiance with both phones... thanks guys
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Would this not be better asked in Q&A or the Dash forum??? Nothing to do with Development & Hacking, but as a quick answer check sig.
thread moved
hope you now will get another answer too
nope still no solid answer.. you could have waited until i got an answer to move it
Questions are meant to be posted in the QUESTIONS section, not in the DEVELOPMENT section.
that's why it writes QUESTIONS in the Q&A section and not something else.
do read the rules before posting, and when someone moves your thread, trust that they didn't do it because they were bored.
everyone needs their questions answered fast.
and please don't double post questions, it's not going to help you get what you want faster... maybe the other way around.
you got a concrete answer from stylez... who has the Dash and said it's better.
bereda said:
nope still no solid answer.. you could have waited until i got an answer to move it
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you have a question it goes in the q&a section. PERIOD.
If he wouldn't have moved it someone else would have. Your lucky he was being nice and didn't give you a temp ban for posting in the wrong section knowing full and well it was the wrong section.
haha wow this site got way to rediculous with this sticky bs and mods out the wazoo i used to love this site now its just filled with over powered people who take this way to seriously what happend to the old xda where people where kind enough to answer questions no matter what section they were in and that was only a year ago... i guess gone is the old ways of a few sections and a handfull of IMPORTANT stickies and the brother like feeling when you did ask something or you created something no mater if it was usefull or not people still cared enouh to be kind... and now it looks like xda tore its self and its following and integrity apart with all this over structurized crap, power hungry a$$hole mods (except for the oldschool guys and a few newer like noonski and abraker...etc.) and honestly ive been around for awhile im a senior member and contribute my work and helped others i know the rules and everyhing SO STOP TELLING ME TO FOLLOW THEM IF YOU DIDNT GO CHANGING THEM EVERY WEEK IT WOULD BE FINE!.. but guys come on pull your selfs together your acting like the idiots at enron! ban me if you must but its just a shame you let this happen...
these mods have to stop stepping all over senior members and treating us like were effing children or cattle its just pathetic!
btw. i dont think anybody even checks those damn stickies besides mods
and i ddnt care it was moved at all and i didnt care that i put it in the wrong section i needed a fast answer(your Q/A thread would have taken to long to get an answer!) i knew it would get moved or deleted AFTER I GOT AN ANSWER and dev/hacking has the most views and the most knowledgeable people who could help me out fast! and i needed the info from a developer that may have worked with both because i am a developer and have never used either device i create for the elf and mogul.
follow the rules and have a wonderful day.
for your information, most threads in the Q&A section are responded to after no more than 2-3 hours.
Re: New forum board for support?
Hi all
Could a moderator make a new forum section in the Dream heading for support?
I'm just a little tired of reading the repeated requests for help with rooting/omgz i broke my phone/rc29-rc30 posts.
This section should be for android development! For example i made two threads with 2 development questions and they've been burried by support questions which is quite frustrating to say the least.
Thanks for reading
good idea tbh.
was thinking about this the other day because this forum just gets so cluttered with stupid help request posts, it's hard to find anything and also, doesn't look very good to newcomers. (well, the ones that can use a search button)
whatever, i voted yes
Please please PLEASE yes.
I Agree
People do need help (some just don't know how to search)... but the Dev forum is not the place for it.
This is a great idea, and would make the search function work better anyway.
tim_programmer said:
People do need help (some just don't know how to search)... but the Dev forum is not the place for it.
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What is wrong with the Dream forum??
I would like to see it as well but I don't really see it working. I see this happening. New people post there with questions on how to do something. Most senior members will probably stay away from that forum because of all the threads asking the same question. New people will see no one is really helping them. Then they will come back to development thread and start posting again.
You guys might as well kill this topic, it will not happen.
I spend hours alone, every day trying to keep this and the theme forum somewhat organized.
Another forum?? will not help one bit, unfortunately.
What people have to learn is how too search and read prior to posting.
What you "Vets" can do to help the situation is "Report a post" with a link where you think it should go.
Being a mod, i can say 2 to 4 people only, from Dream forum reports threads.
This isn't easy, especially with all new posters, not knowing better.
This is exactly why T-Mobile took Root away from the general public. LOL
Mikey1022 said:
You guys might as well kill this topic, it will not happen.
I spend hours alone, every day trying to keep this and the theme forum somewhat organized.
Another forum?? will not help one bit, unfortunately.
What people have to learn is how too search and read prior to posting.
What you "Vets" can do to help the situation is "Report a post" with a link where you think it should go.
Being a mod, i can say 2 to 4 people only, from Dream forum reports threads.
This isn't easy, especially with all new posters, not knowing better.
This is exactly why T-Mobile took Root away from the general public. LOL
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But thats just it, theres no where to move the support posts too!
If there was a support section i would GLADLY start flagging the hell outta threads that need moving!! but currently there is no where to send them.
Whatcha think? otherwise if you can suggest where i should suggest these help posts to go i will happily start flagging them for you!
So whats the criteria for reqporting a thread?
what about something to weed out retarded people? It's getting really off topic like OMG JESUS FREAK and #$%^HELP&^%$#
I appreciate your hard work mods.......
I remember another forum ( i can't remember which) but when you clicked "new thread" it asked you for your subject first, then showed links to similar threads and a "continue with new thread" button. Is there anyway to implement that here. Seemed pretty helpful even after searching the forum.
Read the rules in my sig or opening threads will threads already open, for the Same topic
Here is another vote for a support forum.
hey there i have cm 4.2.5 right now and i want to update to current. do i need to update 4.2.6-4.2.9 individually or just update with the newest rom? thanks guys
You can just apply the newest one
this couldn't have gone in the existing cyanogen thread?
march83 said:
this couldn't have gone in the existing cyanogen thread?
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omg he created a new thread,,, lets beat him senseless,, dood grow up. lol. did you need to actually reply to this thread?
this is a user end question about a rom that already has a dedicated thread full of similar questions which is where they're meant to be. if every single question like this was asked in a new thread then no one would ever find the threads on roms and development that are the reason this forum exists. general user questions either go in the general sapphire forum or go in the existing threads. end of, move on.
march83 said:
this is a user end question about a rom that already has a dedicated thread full of similar questions which is where they're meant to be. if every single question like this was asked in a new thread then no one would ever find the threads on roms and development that are the reason this forum exists. general user questions either go in the general sapphire forum or go in the existing threads. end of, move on.
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You think with 9 posts under your belt it would mean your saving them for posting something useful....obviously I'm wrong!
Order in chaos
dreckis604 said:
You think with 9 posts under your belt it would mean your saving them for posting something useful....obviously I'm wrong!
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He's right though. If people at least post redundant questions in the right thread, then they don't clutter up threads where they shouldn't have been asked at all.
It also makes it easier to find the answers if the questions aren't spread everywhere.
In this case, however, confusion easily arises when the Cyanogen thread is in the Dream forum and you own a Sapphire. Not immediately obvious where to ask relevant questions.
My own strategy is to provide a concise, clear, useful answer to the immediate question and also add ad vice about how to handle future questions. I don't really understand people who posting in response and neither help nor provide useful advice. That IS a waste of time.
wow was it really that big of a deal what a welcoming community
thanks to you guys that didnt give me **** and answered the simple question. I'll be more conscious of where i post next time
greensnow said:
wow was it really that big of a deal what a welcoming community
thanks to you guys that didnt give me **** and answered the simple question. I'll be more conscious of where i post next time
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People, including me, are a little bit sensitive about the development forum. This probably should've gone in the Q&A section as its not directly development related...also the cyanogenmod wiki is a very good resource that it seems a lot of new users don't know about.
You shouldn't be afraid to ask questions and I apologize that it has become like that. This community really is amazing.
Google, read the wiki, read the thread, post in Q and A, hit up #cyanogenmod on freenode, etc. There is a ton of support available - maybe steer clear of the dev forum - it gets ugly, as you've seen.
Welcome to XDA
I do not know if any of the Epic devs have seen this, but I'm posting to for the devs to read. I know this will probably get moved to general but this is meant for the devs, not the general readers.
xdadevelopers: Become a "Recognized Developer" of XDA! (Update)
Sent from my always stock, froyo Epic
This was an announcement, and still is for that matter; we don't need a thread on it. As it was also in the wrong section, thread closed.