Getting Wifi from hotspots far away? - General Questions and Answers

I've got a starbucks near me,not super far anyways. About a block away.
What sort of antenna would I need to be able to connect to their free wifi?
I've read and watched videos about the homemade satellite antennas and seem some parabolic antennas being sold on new-egg and other sites.
Any ideas?
If I could connect to their free wifi,it would save me some money since I dont use the net for much besides reading and watching a few videos.

Are you trying to connect from your computer? Or are you using a phone/tablet?
If you're trying to connect with a computer, a lot of people get an external USB wifi adapter and make a "satellite dish" with foil and other crazy things to try and extend range.

I've also seen some people who make their own signal receivers. I would say it might be possible (though couldn't say how reliable it would be). Keep in mind the signal strength also depends on the router that the starbucks is using. If they're using some cheap router where the signal will barely reach you, might not be worth the trouble.


Is the G1's Wireless Really 802.11g?

I have my router setup in my den, less than a foot away from the outside window. If I goto my car in the driveway, 75ft (max) from the router itself, I don't even pick up a weak signal. Why is this? I feel like I'm running on 802.11b with the range I get. Speeds seem to be at G speeds but still, the distance seems really false. Anyone else experiencing this?
802.11b and 802.11g have the same effective range.
i have the same issue. i have a linksys router, but it might be crap. Ill swap and see what happens
@coolb, sorry, meant to type a, just had b still in my head from looking up the g1's specs.
I have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, most definatly not a POS And I mean it can pick it up from other rooms, but it seems when i go out of my house it just says no to me.
Either way I'm still under 40m from it, I wouldn't expect any more than 15m, maybe 20m, and like i said its right next to a huge bay window that I'm in direct sight of.
Try changing your router's channel or something. Maybe too much interference.
i have a belkin b/g and get no or 1 bar of wifi signal in my house. my buddy has the same basic router, but the n model and my meter is full and the connection was fast. I am definitely getting an N router in a week or so. i havent had any problems with the last couple of belkin routers i have had, so it will prolly be them.
I have a belkin n1 vision router, and i get signal down the street, about 50 feet away.
i have 3 routers, a 2wire gateway, a crappy netgear and a linksys, and on all 3 sometimes i get great signal sometimes i get low signal, i think the wifiradio no the g1 reacts based on battery life, i could be wrong but its just random like that... prob something that will be fixed on future firmware updates.
It can be anything not just the G1 but what is around, between you and the router, which way the antenna's are pointing, what is near the router. Honestly... I had a microwave between the router and one desktop and it always had issues even when the microwave was off... I moved it and signal came back and no problems. So just because it is off it could still impact the router.
i cant get any wifi network even from 2 feet away.
I had the same problem with my linksys wrt54gs till I went to do some searches about firmware on it. I came across a free firmware site that replaces linksys original firmware and worked great after I installed it. It was fairly easy to install and a big community for help incase you come across some issues. the website is I usually had to reset my router once a week cause of failure to connect issues, but since the change I yet have not to reset my router and the signal is stronger. Its been two months now since.
qtronix said:
i cant get any wifi network even from 2 feet away.
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Go to a computer connected to you router preferable wired and connect to you router(by typing its ip address in browser) it might ask you for a username & pass, you can looked it up online ie google linksys admin password. Usually its admin and there's no password or admin admin etc. Then change some of the settings around until you get it to work . Mess around with the security and the frequency. That's what did it for me.
I have problems with the G1's WiFi as well, it refuses to stay connected for more than 10 seconds at a time to my uni wifi. It'll constantly disconnect and reconnect... I have to turn off the wifi to get any internet usage out of this thing. It works fine with my home router, and my laptop and old winmo phone connect fine to the school network. No idea what's wrong

External antenna/signal boost?

Hello! I'm looking for a way to boost my signal. I've noticed that when I have under 3 bars (and even if it bounces up to 3 and back down) my battery drains quicker than it can charge. At work as long as I have 3+ it will charge faster but if I'm at a different spot and its under 3 it drains. Also, it heats up (usually hangs out around 98.6 degrees but sometimes it'll go 105+). My main reason for wanting a boost at home is because I tether to play games when my sisters hog the house connection. So I'm looking for a cheap way to boost my signal. Small repeater sort of thing or something. To my understanding the little spots under the cover allow you to plug in external antennas, so where can I find everything for that? (And yes I saw that people can't get signal back after)
Mechachu said:
Hello! I'm looking for a way to boost my signal. I've noticed that when I have under 3 bars (and even if it bounces up to 3 and back down) my battery drains quicker than it can charge. At work as long as I have 3+ it will charge faster but if I'm at a different spot and its under 3 it drains. Also, it heats up (usually hangs out around 98.6 degrees but sometimes it'll go 105+). My main reason for wanting a boost at home is because I tether to play games when my sisters hog the house connection. So I'm looking for a cheap way to boost my signal. Small repeater sort of thing or something. To my understanding the little spots under the cover allow you to plug in external antennas, so where can I find everything for that? (And yes I saw that people can't get signal back after)
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We used to live in an AT&T dead spot (yeah, yeah, who doesn't?) and ended up putting a powered wireless repeater in the house with an external antenna on the roof. I believe the manufacturer was Digital Antenna. They're not cheap, but the wired versions (if you can live with that) are a bit cheaper.
As long as you have high speed internet at home get an Airave. It puts up a tower in your house and processes everything over your home internet connection. 5 bucks a month i believe.
Problem solved.
I thought about airwave but people ten to not pay the internet from time to time xD and does the signal crap out if people use the internet? Its only a 768 connection (country ftl) and people tend to netflix and cam -_-
Mechachu said:
I thought about airwave but people ten to not pay the internet from time to time xD and does the signal crap out if people use the internet? Its only a 768 connection (country ftl) and people tend to netflix and cam -_-
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The airrave uses your internet connection for 3G data and voice calls. If your internet is slow to begin with and ppl are hammering it all day long the airrave won't work well for you. Also, it doesn't hand calls off to the real cell network, so if you're on the phone and you leave your house the call will drop. If you have good signal outside and bad signal inside, one of those repeaters is the way to go - but it ain't cheap.
Dang ok. What about something like the Wilson Magnet Mount Cellular Antenna at Radioshack? (Its on the site. Id link it but you need 8+ posts >.<)
I'd just limit your sisters ip address/mac address with a QOS policy, so that she can't hog all the bandwidth. (would be done at your router)
I've heard and seen on this board some nasty results from connecting external antennas to the connection point behind the battery cover. Do a search in the forums to see, I can't remember exactly off the top of my head.
Ya I only saw a couple people mention problems and it seemed to be things that they had only heard
So far, everyone on this forum who has tried so with a Galaxy S has ended up with some permanent baseband (or whatever is responsible for the gsm/cdma part) corruption. What ended up happening was that the internal antenna would turn off. In some cases it meant that they could only call with the external antenna plugged in, and in other cases is meant that neither the external or internal antenna would work. (note: This has happened only on captivate and vibrant so far, so I am not sure what will happen on CDMA but.... Better safe than sorry right!?).
oh and sorry for the large font.... It catches your eye... ~_~
krackers said:
So far, everyone on this forum who has tried so with a Galaxy S has ended up with some permanent baseband (or whatever is responsible for the gsm/cdma part) corruption. What ended up happening was that the internal antenna would turn off. In some cases it meant that they could only call with the external antenna plugged in, and in other cases is meant that neither the external or internal antenna would work. (note: This has happened only on captivate and vibrant so far, so I am not sure what will happen on CDMA but.... Better safe than sorry right!?).
oh and sorry for the large font.... It catches your eye... ~_~
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lol I did that when i got my first smart phone, the htc touch. Thankfully back in those days sprint would fix any problem or give you a new phone no questions asked for 55 dollars. ( I used to find inventive ways to break my phone. Like the mentioned external antenna, or a homemade battery back)
I'm interested in a solution to this as well, preferably something that doesnt have a monthly fee attached.
In my basement, I get about 1-2 bars of service, and sometimes nothing at all. Is very frustrating to receive texts up to an hour late.
talk about ad placement
This came up right under the latest post in this thread:
Tri Band Yagi 700Mhz - 2500Mhz 9dBi
Our highest gain directional tri/multi antenna - for 700-2500mhz networks (including Verizon LTE, Sprint/Verizon/AT&T/Alltel 3G, and more).
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Thank jebus for adfree android and adblockplus for firefox...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Wifi on TF is > *.*

Just wanted to say and wondered if this is the same experience others have had but the wifi on this thing just plain rocks! It beats out the wifi on my laptops in the house and my ipod/iphone4/ipad as well in reach. On my laptops or iDevices if I'm in the living room at home I barely get a signal and it constantly disconnects etc, same thing when I'm here at work, in my office they barely stay connected to wifi and I can forget about streaming audio etc. But on this Transformer I can be in the same location at home or at the office and I get strong signal and stream audio and video just fine. Not sure if it's just using a better wifi chip or what but Apple and others should fix their shiz.
Not to mention that it connects really fast with no glitches...(I've had one glitch)
Wonder if maybe it has anything to do with the back of the TF being plastic, and the iDevices having that aluminum maybe it's blocking the signal a bit? Anyway I'm very happy with it, always annoyed me that I couldn't lay around in the living room at home on a device and browse the web, now I can.
When I download large games from the Amazon app store, it takes forever on my Evo, but zips right through on my TF. That's when I notice the speed the most.
Songs I get finish downloading as soon as I click another song. It's ridiculous. How dare they make me so accustomed to awesome wifi.

satellite internet phone?

going to be traveling the mountain side of japan in the upcoming months, there will be no cell reception, and spotty electricity. i have a portable solar charger, which ill use for my camera, and phone. however ill have no cell reception, whatsoever, so im interested in finding a satellite phone, so that i can get reception. ideally, one that has internet, does such a thing exist? ive never heard of one, can anyone tell me anything they know on the topic? thanks
slow down the replies guys, i can only read so fast
Search for Thuruya and Iridium.
Both support Data-Connections with thuruya beeing a bit cheaper.
The avaible phones for these networks are not made for internet usage but can be used as Modems to connect to your laptop and some even BT tether to other Smartphones.
Be warned though: Satellite Phone rates are really steep. And Data is really slow, too. Think 9.6kbps

Long range WiFi, discussion

Hi All,
I work long hours about two miles from home, the data signal there is terrible (because I work in a reinforced steel box), I've been looking into long range WiFi, what I'd like to do is mount some kind of repeater/router or the like on the roof of my house and use that to connect to my home WiFi from work and also when I'm out around town.
I'll be using (mostly) an Xperia T as the mobile device, I know I can probably transmit a signal two miles with no issue, but the Xperia's TX power is probably extremely low, so I might be looking at two antennas, or a home set up and some kind of AP at work with a good antenna (which limits this to use at just work which is not ideal but more than acceptable).
Is this kind of thing possible without breaking the bank?
In summary:
Need a device to mount on the roof of my house and possibly another device/AP for work for long range omnidirectional (directional if I have to) WiFi access, has this been done before?
Edit: Please feel free to move this post to the appropriate section, I had no idea where to post it.
Do you have line of sight from your house (or roof) to your workplace? If not, you might be out of luck.
Anything in your building that screens your phone signal is likely to screen 802.11 too.
You're likely to have the best results with a decent AP at each end, each with a directional antenna.

