[IDEA] Cloud computer app for android platform - General Topics

I know this has probably been though about before, but I'm serious about this... I have an idea for an application that can be used for anyone needing a computer work environment accessible on their mobile android device, whether it be your phone or tablet.
I would give more details, but people could steal it like no ones business!
Therefore, I am creating a website that will allow developers and coders to get together and help build this wonderful idea. I will edit this post when I have created it.
Any questions? Please feel free to ask below!


Need Programmer for Custom Biz App

First let me say Moderators, I could not find where requests for programming work to be done was prohibited, if it is, please delete this thread.
2nd - If you need to move this thread, please feel free to do so.
I have written a custom web application for a specific business, that allows schedule tracking of jobs, allow comments to flow between staff members and clients, and pictures to be uploaded.
This application is just starting to take off, but I am getting a huge request for dedicated applications for the mobile devices. (WM, Blackberry, Palm).
I am a web developer and know nothing about programming for the devices, so I am needing to find someone with great knowledge of this type of work, and can knock out the project in a timely manner, and be able to provide support and upgrades as I under the web application.
I will be looking to roll out one application at a time, and go from there. If you would interested in this project please PM me with some form of contact info.
I will be requiring all source code be provided and you must speak perfect english, as this can effect the output of the application

[Q] Another calorie counter app?

Hello to all on this forum.
I have a Flash application that I want to develop into an Android app. I would not require some of the bells and whistles that are currently on the application, but a simple sub-set of how it works now. The flash application can be found here:
(Hope this URL is allowed here as it will help people understand what I want to do.)
I have all the source files and programming for this and hoped they would be of some help in developing the Android app. But of course, I have no idea if this is any help at all to whoever develops the app for me.
Anyway, before trying to source a developer to do this for me, I thought I should ask a few questions to see if this is even something practical. So I hope some of you can give me some guidance regarding my questions.
1) Are most applications stand alone in the mobile phone, or is it common for some of these apps to access the network to get the necessary data required to operate? My purpose requires a database that is currently 14 megs, and must be accessible to the app, although only small portions of it are needed at any one time.
2) Are there varying systems within the Android family, or versions of the operating system that need to be accounted for?
3) Are there good reasons to develop for both Android and iPhone together? I mean from a cost to develop point of view? Or would it likely be just as effective to develop for Android, then move on to iPhone, or others, as is appropriate?
4) I am guessing that if you have looked at the flash version of our Calorie Counter, you could probably give an educated guess as to what it might cost to replicate a scaled down version for Android. So please, take a stab at it if you can.

[Q] Icon Download?

I put this question up at android.net but that doesn’t seem to be a developer forum, one of the guys said I should try here.
I’ve built an icon and I want people to be able to download onto their mobile phone that then sits in the applications, right next to angry birds metaphorically, that is then a simple a link to my mobile website. Is there a tutorial for that anywhere?
I will want to be able to do that for at least iPhone and Andrioid.
Anyone have any ideas, I don’t want to have to try another forum!
Thanks for your help XDA Developer…lol.
Thanks for your help XDA Developer…lol.
I got to the bottom of the icon thing, that’s the easy part, in fact when it comes to programming the app part is the easiest part.
I now have a working model with a PC based administration section linked to a database communicating via a web service to iPhone, Windows Phone and Android. I can CRUD from both the phones and PC. It’s a beautiful package if I may say so myself. Now its built world is my oyster.
You may as well delete me from this forum, as you people don’t seem to share I’m not going to either and I won’t be coming back!
Good luck and good bye!

[Q] A question to any developer willing to answer...

I wasn't sure where anything like this would go, so I made sure to put it in a forum as general as possible.
I'm a beginning web designer, but seeing as I spend most of my free time on this site, I'm growing more of an interest in learning to code for the mobile platform. If anybody is willing to help, all I'm asking for is a few tips from developers here on where to begin.
I learned some very basic java in college, but was wondering if there is a better path to go on. Do I start with BASIC? Do I continue and go towards more advanced Java and stick with only one programming language?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
-Considering I've done almost everything that I can with my rooted EVO, all of you were the people I'd rather hear from. I appreciate all of the hard work that you all have done!
You can develop full market apps using the language I use called basic4android.
Its easy to use but very powerful, produces a native android apk (so no interpreters) and has regular updates.
There are free user contributed libraries that make it even better and it has been used to produce everything from live wallpapers and anti theft apps to games and gps software so is a good option to consider.
I wrote my first app after messing about with it for about an hour and was amazed how easy it makes things. Google basic4android and you will find its homepage for more info. I can't remember the address as it's saved as a bookmark on my pc not phone.
EDIT: did a google search and its at http://www.basic4ppc.com/
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A

[Q] Developing: Windows, Mac, Linux, & Other Questions

Hello all! I'm new to this wonderful forum and community so please spare me if I've done, or said anything stupid. :crying:
I am interesting in developing applications for Android. I do understand that developing apps for any device/software is a challenging task. Especially with Android (I think) since it's such a diverse amount of devices, screen resolutions, capabilities, etc. What I'm hoping to do is to build a somewhat simple app, targeted at business owners, or folks who sell merchandise, and so on. It's supposed to have tabs set up for certain folks/companies. I'll spare the details about the app I want to make. Bottom line is, I want to start off with that 'simple' app and move on to a game for my second app. I know that I won't be a huge hit or any of the sort. But before I begin to develop, I have some questions that I hope can be answered here.
Here are my questions, please be patient with me, and to all mods/admins, I'm sorry if I've violated any rules by posting this up. I couldn't find any decent answers that'll help me out.
1. What Operating System is considered to be "better" for developing Android apps, and why?
2. How do I go on testing my app, do I use my own phone, or are there any great emulators out there that can emulate/simulate a real phone very well?
3. Where would you recommend me, a complete noob, on developing? I know I can look this up on my own, so I don't mind if this question isn't answered. I just want to find some guides that actually explain why things were done, what it's supposed to teach and so on.
4. This question is the one that worries me the most, and I understand it might start some debate () so please, be respectful. :laugh: I'm not a legal US resident, citizen, or any of the sort. I'm currently seeing a lawyer to apply for Deferred Action. But I'm worried that it might be illegal for me to publish apps on the Google Play store. /: Does anybody know if it's it legal for a 16 year old, illegal immigrant (USA) to publish apps on the app store? ​
Sorry guys, I really want to know. >.< So... BUMP ​

