[Q] Can't seem to make swipe view work but eventually it works on its own - General Questions and Answers

I use my Samsung Galaxy S4 that is stock and rooted with stick mount, an on the go USB cable and a USB compact flash reader to read compact flash memory to retrieve pictures from my trail cameras.
I load the photos from the compact flash to the external SD card of my device my device using My files and view the pictures using My Files
After copying the files to my SD card I can view the pictures one at a time just fine after loading.
When I select a picture Android asks me what app I want to use I always choose the Gallery
(note:I have tried other apps with swipe view capability of photos but it doesn't change things)
If I use My Files long enough it will start working the way I want/expect.
What I want/expect is to have a swipe view (sometimes there can be hundreds of photos of the same deer standing in front of the camera eating for hours, it can be a squirrel or a rabbit or just the wind moving some bushes so I want to quickly find some more interesting shots ) i.e. to be able to touch outside the frame of the picture and get a swipe view.
When I have the swipe view, I can swipe the current photo and got to the next photo or at the bottom have a list of little pictures I can scroll through to quickly and select the photo that interest me.
I beat and curse and thrash around to try to get swipe view enabled but I have never been able to make it work by actually doing anything but a few hours later it magically it seems to work as one would expect i.e. I use My files to open a picture (it then calls Gallery) and by touching outside the frame enables swipe view i.e. by swiping a photo to go to the previous or the next photo in the directory or scroll a list of little pictures at the bottom of the screen.
Can someone please help me to make this work out of the gate and not have to wait on the "magic" to happen?
A little background
My resident smart guy/employee/IT guy says that it must be building an index to create the swipe view, now this makes sense but sometimes I only have three photos.
I can understand it might take a while to build and index for hundreds of photos but for three pictures???
So if this is the case the build index must be scheduled to run periodically.
If I knew what needed to happen I could write a program that would force the build of an index.
A little more more background
Android version 4.2.2 (I would update but I've heard that it would/could unroot my device and not allow me to re-root (I don't want to re-root either)


[App] Anyone know of a good manga/comic viewing app?

Anyone know of manga/comic viewing apps for the android?
I used to use Cloud Reader on the iPad, but this app is not available on Android as far as I can tell.
smashingblue said:
Anyone know of manga/comic viewing apps for the android?
I used to use Cloud Reader on the iPad, but this app is not available on Android as far as I can tell.
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Comics or Mango work for me.
There are a few that I use.
Mangawhat : this program reads directly off of mangareader.com and mangafox.com and a few others.
the other two that I use to read off my memory card are:
jjcomic viewer
i was just using xcomic which i found worked well, it had a database of free comics and they all save to your device if you download. You can double tap on a scene and then tap the right of the screen to have it take you through square by square.
I did a lot of research before porting my CBR's over to my TF. Of everything I was able to track down, I found Perfect Viewer (< Market Link) to be the best fit for me.
It looks good on the TF in portrait mode (you can use landscape but without the ability to display dual page, side-by-side, it is less practical). There is a bigger learning curve with Perfect Viewer, but it has really great customization once you get elbows deep into the settings. You can adjust various page transition effects, loading functions, slideshow settings, set page as wallpaper for the TF, etc.. Some things I learned by trial and error (such as touching up at the very top middle of the portrait screen to go back to the bookshelf or assigning doc titles to the tops of each page and page numbers to the bottom). If you elect to use it, you may want to turn off some things such as all of the "load last" options.
All in all, it's a good fit for me. I loaded up a MicroSD with my entire collection of MAD Magazines (Issue #1 to present), and every issue of Zenoscope's Grimm Fairy Tales to test for load issues and the TF handled the bulk well (though you can toggle "Low Memory Mode" if necessary). Once I was comfortable that I had found my reader, I loaded up the rest of my reading fare.
Manga Watcher is my favorite. It links you to several websites to download from automatically. Just input the series and it'll show you how many chapters are out.
Just remember when you first open it you gotta change the setting to watch it in portrait mode and to set it so when you tap the screen, it'll change the page.
i'm using Perfect Viewer, i like the way it's supposed to work, but i'm having a problem setting the bookshelf to my microsd card...i'm using /removable/microsd/comics as the set path but it keeps saying it can't find the folder.....is it possible to set the bookshelf to a microsd card or do you have to use the internal storage?
krighton said:
i'm using Perfect Viewer, i like the way it's supposed to work, but i'm having a problem setting the bookshelf to my microsd card...i'm using /removable/microsd/comics as the set path but it keeps saying it can't find the folder.....is it possible to set the bookshelf to a microsd card or do you have to use the internal storage?
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My collection is on a MicroSD so I know it works. I use the same address as you (/removable/microsd/comics). Here's a few things you could try:
1. Verify that the files are in the directory you listed.
2. Make sure you spelled the address correctly. If any folders have caps in their name then use the same caps. Make sure you didn't type a "\" instead of a "/". The address in my "Manual input" field is as follows, "/Removable/MicroSD/Comics" (I use caps in folder names.)
3. Check to see that the MicroSD card is, in fact, working.
4. You're using *.CBR and *.CBZ files, correct? Not PDF?
I know the things I listed seem simple, but I can't tell you how many times I tore my hair out trying to figure out something and there was a simple solution that had eluded me during that moment.
caps is the key...
thanks, should have known that might be it.
Droid Comic Viewer is good if you don't need a lot of extra features.
is there any way to increase the size of the bookshelf in prefect viewer? In order to see the books a bit larger, tried the pinch zoom, didn't do anything and can't find an option for that.
krighton said:
is there any way to increase the size of the bookshelf in prefect viewer? In order to see the books a bit larger, tried the pinch zoom, didn't do anything and can't find an option for that.
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Unfortunately, no; at least none that I know of. You could always send a suggestion to the creator through the Android Market. I plan on sending a few myself (such as calling up a warning dialog box before completely backing out of the application when hitting the back button; I hate having to relaunch because I went back too far).
I would like to be able to zoom in as well. As it stands, I have to bring up the comic to see the cover, then tap the upper most, middle of the top of the screen to go back to the bookshelf.
I do like that you can see your entire collection, then view it split it up based on the folder layout you set up on the MicroSD card by clicking on the "catagory" button at the top of the bookshelf. I have a huge collection so being able to dedicate the bookshelf to specific folders on the card makes finding things easier.
Manga what
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Manga Rock!
For my iPhone: Manga Rock and Manga Storm.
For my Nexus 7: Manga Searcher. But I've heard that Manga Rock will come to Android soon. Hopefully, it will be as good as the iOS one. :victory:
smashingblue said:
Anyone know of manga/comic viewing apps for the android?
I used to use Cloud Reader on the iPad, but this app is not available on Android as far as I can tell.
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You can use Manga Rock for Android. Really polished and well-functioned manga reader app (Japanese comics).
Here's the download link:
Kinda hard to use Manga Watcher!
dammit_jill said:
Manga Watcher is my favorite. It links you to several websites to download from automatically. Just input the series and it'll show you how many chapters are out.
Just remember when you first open it you gotta change the setting to watch it in portrait mode and to set it so when you tap the screen, it'll change the page.
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But we need to know the manga title beforehand. It's hard to discover new manga there.

[Q] flag pictures as "favorite" or to "reject" like in Adobe Lightroom

[Q] flag pictures as "favorite" or to "reject" like in Adobe Lightroom
Hi there,
I spent already some time testing several "best" pictures organizers or photo viewers such as QuickPic, JustPictures etc. (the ones I found with some Google searching).
They all miss one feature I need: to flag a picture "to reject" and to flag as favorite with a simple gesture (not from the menu) (e.g. swipe up for positive/favorite, swipe down for negative/reject, or double tap to flag them, 3 taps to unflag or so...).
If you use Adobe Lightroom you already know how useful is to "flag" with the "P" (as favorite) and "X" (to reject) keys.
The feature is useful when you take many pictures of the same subject and need to go back and forward to select the best shot. You don't want to delete directly, you wanna mark many pictures as favorite and compare them later, same for the ones to reject. You mark many, you delete them all in the end without confirming to delete each one of them, but you answer only one time the "Are you sure?" question. Saves a lot of time.
Unluckily the apps I tested are all "old school"/"standard" (no fast way to mark to delete later), one must tap a top menu, then from a dropdown select "delete" and confirm each picture, or go to the gallery view and multi select the very small thumbnails from there, which is not practical at all if you need to see the full screen picture...
One app that was a bit better than the usual ones is the Sony Xperia "Album" app. It allows to select pictures from the thumbnails view and view them full screen without losing the selections when going back and forth.
But no app so far has a "flag" feature for positive(favorite)/negative(reject) like Lightroom. I've seen only "add as favorite".
Especially useful would be the ability to view (filter), in the end of the process, the flagged pictures as favorite, or the ones to reject (to delete them all at once).
I know there is Adobe Lightroom mobile, unluckily this is only for iOS.
If you know something like this please let me know.
Thank you and cheers.

Deleted a whole album of photos by accident.

I thought I was deleting only one photo but deleted a whole album which was kind of frustrating. I was in album mode in the gallery and selected the album which only shows the first picture. That, and the fact that the confirmation dialog for both deleting an album and a single photo says "are you sure you want to delete this item?" make it confusing.
They should make it clearer that you are deleting a whole album by saying in the dialog "are you sure you want to delete this album of n pictures?" and making the album thumbnail look different than an individual picture.
I am not sure if this is an Alcatel thing or an Android thing but two small changes to the ui could prevent loss of important photos. They could also offer a recycle bin feature that you could turn on or off which would be nice.
Otherwise I love this phone. Truly an amazing device for $250.
Try another photo manager app. Made the same mistake myself. Luckily at the time I did it, I had the photos already copied to a PC and there wasn't many photos involved, maybe a dozen in the album. I no longer use the stock gallery. I now use Google Photos. There were a couple others I tried to use, but they wouldn't offer the capability to delete off the SD card, couldn't get privilege to delete.
If its that much of an annoyance. I always use 'quickpic', its the best gallery app for android IMO.
If you have a windows PC and the folder was on an external card, get the card connected somehow to the PC (not in the phone, but in an adapter so it can get a drive letter). Install the free version of Recuva and do a scan on the card. It should be able to recover most if not all files if nothing was written on top of them.

Trying to find camera app that displays image file name

Just wondering if anybody out there might know of a camera app (or some other way to achieve this) that will display the image file name automatically for a period of time after taking a photo. I am using my android phone camera to record literally thousands of images of maintenance items and I have to write down the image file name on the inspection form each time. This is so that a link to the file can be built back up in excel and the correct image can be imported into the correct record back in the office. I can see the image name easily enough by selecting the image view soft button after taking a picture and then tapping the picture and the file name is displayed for a couple seconds at the top. The display usually disappears before I get the whole thing written down so have to hit it a couple times. This is just a pain and a time limiting factor when I have to do thousands. I'm trying to find a camera app (or other means) that will remove a step or two from the process. Any ideas?
The other thing that would help is being able to change the file naming protocol of captured images to sequential instead of the (often preferred) date/timestamp. I know this seems like a step backwards and most people try to change the protocol the other way but for my purpose, knowing I just have to add 1 to the previous file name is sooooooooo much quicker.

Photo Slideshow

I have been looking for an app that can create a slideshow by selecting photos from a particular folder on my SD Card/device.
I've tried a few apps but firstly they only seem to show the last 30 pictures and not the entire content of the folder?
Second I cannot bulk select the photos and need to add them one at a time - but the apps still only show the last 30 pics and some apps make it so I select one at a time and then it makes me go back through the menus to find the folder (make sense?).
Is Android really restrictive in letting me do what I think is a fairly simple task, or is the a better app I haven't yet found?
Or am I better off doing it on a PC?

