Posting in the hope someone else might be able to offer some more recent information or experience regarding this bug.
A friend is receiving multipart SMS messages from me with "parts" of the SMS replaced with older parts (since deleted). This has been addressed in Android Issue 17769 (forbidden from posting external links).
It seems there are orphaned messages getting stuck and not cleared. There's a suggested app available to find and delete these, called Orphaned Texts in the Play store.
However this doesn't seem to work with the Nexus 5 and 4.4 KitKat. It finds the messages, but seems to fail at actually removing them.
Does anyone know of a possible alternative to this approach?
I'm searching for the same solution... Still none found..
Bumping this because I'm now in the same boat, and have not been able to find a working solution for 4.4.2. Seems both apps created to find and delete the orphaned messages stopped actually deleting them after the 4.4.2 update.
This jumbled delivery is happening more and more frequently and is getting really frustrating. Causing confusion and frequently having to resend previous messages in the hope that they get delivered properly the second time around.
Hi guys, I have tried looking for an answer to this question on google and on xda, but cant seem to find one. Maybe you know or have seen the answer before and can help me!
I just recently put a new rom on my phone and then used Microsoft Myphone to recover my contacts/messages/ calendar etc. It worked, except it has jumbled all the sms/text messages. The messages are not sorted within each contact by date and time received. The messages are displayed in some random way. Is there anyway to sort the messages within a conversation so that everything is sorted by time received/sent?
I really need an answer since I frequently have to go back and check messages for work and other details and it would be so much easier to find those needed messages if the conversations were sorted!
I've just upgraded from a Hero to a Desire, I'm loving the Desire but have one very very annoying issue.
Whenever I receive an automated text, for instance from T-Mobile or Ocado the phone is assigning the sender as being someone from my contact list... has anyone else experienced this?
I've seen this issue on my N1. It affects not only automated messages as you said, but also those from other people.
i.e. Person A messages me, message placed in Person B's thread, Reply to message, Sent to Person B, or even Person C!!
The issue seems to be with the messaging app on 2.1, and I know that google is aware that it's faulty. Another thing to watch out for is the random deletion of all messages from your inbox. It doesn't happen to everyone, but if you are having the other bug, you might want to watch out, as they do seem to be related. btw, this is unrelated to the automatic clearing of inbox option in the messages setting.
Sorry I can't provide any useful help, but I just thought I'd let you know you aren't alone. It's affecting N1 and Droid owners too.
Thanks for the response, I suspected it wasn't device specific and you've just comfirmed that, so that's helpful to know!
i have the same problem, just from another angel. if i select an contact and then press send sms, 60% of the times, it selects a totally diffrent contact as reciever.
also when i get a sms about a missed call, the sender is a randome contact from ny contactlist.
is there any threads about solving this bug?
The only other thread I can find on this site vaguely related is this one, although it's mostly about the sms random deleting.
There is an issue posted with Google, as I mentioned above
I think people are (for the moment anyway) lumping these problems all under the same broad umbrella of faulty messaging.
If either/both of you can upload your bug report onto that thread, it will help google to work out what the problem actually is. Instructions for doing that are on the google thread.
OK so some progress on this, I spotted this thread here:
I'm not sure if it's isolated to the Desire, but HTC are aware... it's linked to Facebook sync of contacts.
After searching google and the local forum search I've seen no other instances of this. My apologies if it's been discussed. I'm running Android 2.3.1 with kernel I'm using the default EMail app to access a private email server. So the inbox loads the 25 most recent messages. So far so good. But when I delete some it then redownloads the older messages and reflags them as new. I'm constantly being told I have new emails because it's flagging old ones as new after it reloads them. I have not seen any option to change the number of emails it loads or anything else that might work around this. Has anyone else noticed similar behavior?
citizenkaine said:
After searching google and the local forum search I've seen no other instances of this. My apologies if it's been discussed. I'm running Android 2.3.1 with kernel I'm using the default EMail app to access a private email server. So the inbox loads the 25 most recent messages. So far so good. But when I delete some it then redownloads the older messages and reflags them as new. I'm constantly being told I have new emails because it's flagging old ones as new after it reloads them. I have not seen any option to change the number of emails it loads or anything else that might work around this. Has anyone else noticed similar behavior?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Could be an email server end problem. Should be set to mark messages retrieved by pop as read. It sounds like it's not, so every time your phone asks for new messages, the server serves them up again.
There might be an advanced setting on the email app's preferences or setup that can address this...look for something about leaving messages on server unread or similar.
I'm not currently using anything but gmail app, so can't double check on my own phone to give you clearer advice.
I tried searching for this but it's so specific and I'm quite possibly using the wrong terms.
Let both of my LG G3 update to Android 6.0 (D85030p) and the default SMS messenger has stopped working with my text banking and retirement balance texts.
They will send and receive texts from other people but not these 6 digit numbers. No response from either one even trying to re-register the phone with each institution.
Google Messenger works just fine but lacks the only feature I like about the default G3 SMS, the ability to lock/keep a reply from being deleted. Even when deleting an entire conversation, the locked replies within are saved. That is the only feature I am missing.
Can anyone recommend another SMS app that has this feature or maybe there is a setting somewhere with the default SMS that I'm just not seeing ?
There are a million SMS apps in the play store and trying to read each one for details gets old after about 20 minutes. Hopefully there is a fix or another app that has this feature that someone here knows about.
Thank you.
Guess I'll answer my own question.
The Verizon messaging app has the features I'm looking for.
Hello everyone,
I'll start by saying that I haven't lost my whatsapp chats since I began using it in 2010.
Until last update I had all my chats from 2010 in my "Chats" tab in the app.
Today, I realized that my list is a hell lot shorter than it used to be and that all the chats that ended before July 2015 are gone (I would say probably 150 chats).
If I use the search option and search for an old chat contact's name I find him under "Other contacts" and not under "Chats", BUT if I enter the chat I CAN see all the history with him. This seems pretty weird.
I've looked at the database file and it has the same size as it used to have and considering that I can see the history of the chats if I search manually means they haven't been deleted, just cleared from the Chats tab.
Maybe Whatsapp are trying to speed up loading time for the main activity?
Am I the only one who has this issue?
Is it an issue of the current version only?
I'm a freak for nostalgic things and it scares me a lil' but to lose my chats.
I have an international Exynos galaxy s8 plus model.
Whatsapp version 2.17.323
Thanks in advance and have a great day!
No one?
It seems like I've finally found someone with the same problem as me and I'm not an isolated case.
Firstly, I'm sorry if you do not understand something I say, English is not my native language.
So, I noticed this a couple of days ago, I had over a hundred conversations and I have the habit of archive them through the "Archive all chats" option. The last time I used this option, I noticed that it listed only 64 conversations. I'm pretty sure I did not delete any conversation, and as you said, the size of my database also remains the same as before.
Curiously, I can only find the old conversations if I search for the contact's name or part of the conversation, but in the archived list these do not appear.
I also noticed that if I enter through the WhatsApp Web, these conversations do not appear as in the phone, they appear empty.
I was thinking about contacting WhatsApp support, because I'm afraid that if I reinstall I'll lose the conversations.
Hello, glad to know I'm not alone. Someone in another forum had the same issue and just installed an old apk from august.
I'm not sure if they did that intentionally or by mistake, so I tried to contact whatsapp support team. they keep giving me generic answers on how to add contacts to whatsapp and how to backup data to drive lol.. They don't even read it.
Waiting for an app update. If this doesn't solve this I'll go back to an old version myself.
Same thing happens with the Whatsapp Web like you by the way.