Unlimited 4K/"upto 100 mbit bitrate" recording mod [AT&T] - AT&T Galaxy Note 3 Themes and Apps

I don't know if anyone ever goes to the Main Note 3 Forums but with the help of Alexhc18 unlimted 4k recording has been accomplished

pretty nice

If anyone is still interested in this please reply and attach the following files and i will try to modify it to work with your setup. Also tell me what framework your on

If I will post there my SamsungCamera2.apk and media_profiles.xml would you try modify it for this mod? I was trying to modify it on my own but with no success. I don't know which smali files to modify and which lines.


how to mod your battery for percentage?

im running steelh and i have the blue epic style battery. how can i get the battery percentage into that without using different icons? i tired the online kitchen but my phone is stuck in a bootloop.
anybody? the kitchen just gives me errors.
ive used the online kitchen before with no issues, but id like to know how to this manually.
Sent from my panty-dropper.
ericwgarza1 said:
ive used the online kitchen before with no issues, but id like to know how to this manually.
Sent from my panty-dropper.
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i cannot get it to work no matter what i do. can any dev help out here? i want the blue epic style battery with percentage. aside from the png's what files do you need to get this working on a sense rom? all of this hassle is making me want to go back to cm6, at least on that we can use the settings to accomplish alot of things we cannot on sense roms.
can you add the battery percentage mod into a rom that doesn't by default come with it? i heard about needing a modded services.jar file? or do i have to go with a different rom here for what i need? the online kitchen will simply not work for me.
The battery mods are accomplished by editing xmls and pngs in framework-res.apk
SteelH said:
The battery mods are accomplished by editing xmls and pngs in framework-res.apk
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i have the png's but i have no clue how to mod xml files. im pretty good at Frankensteining themes together but for the life of me i cannot get this to work.
A couple of things: are you using a deodexed or odexed rom? Are you trying to add the circle battery to your existing theme or are you just trying to add the battery period?
I made a "dummy" flash file a while back that "prepped" odex roms before flashing the battery percentage mods.
You can also decompile the framework you want and transfer over the pngs and xmls for the battery mod into your existing framework.
Decompiling would be the best route as you would have to recompile it with the new xmls added to the resource list.
I would/could help but I won't flash anything on my evo right now since I currently have it hooked up to debug an app. Just send me the framework file from your phone and the battery mod you want and I can take a look at them and hopefully recompile it for you.
lovethyEVO said:
A couple of things: are you using a deodexed or odexed rom? Are you trying to add the circle battery to your existing theme or are you just trying to add the battery period?
I made a "dummy" flash file a while back that "prepped" odex roms before flashing the battery percentage mods.
You can also decompile the framework you want and transfer over the pngs and xmls for the battery mod into your existing framework.
Decompiling would be the best route as you would have to recompile it with the new xmls added to the resource list.
I would/could help but I won't flash anything on my evo right now since I currently have it hooked up to debug an app. Just send me the framework file from your phone and the battery mod you want and I can take a look at them and hopefully recompile it for you.
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its the steelh deodexed rom. i have alot of themes going on and i do not want to loose them. i just want the battery with the percentage in it. ive attached what you may need, thank you.
I'll take a look at them now.
Give me some time.
lovethyEVO said:
I'll take a look at them now.
Give me some time.
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thanks for taking the time!
Found a clue about the problem.
The online kitchen I believe has a disclaimer about .9pngs in the framework.
Basically if some .9s are not edited correctly it can cause an error in the decompile/compile process.
The framework you gave me throws an error when trying to compile. I have seen this error many times before and it always results in the changed files (xml and pngs) not being inserted into the newly compiled framework.
I decompiled/compiled three times, same error and the changed files were not inserted into the compiled apk.
Your problem lies in the framework and the tools ability to properly process the .9s.
Also, the epic zip you gave me does not have any xml files to tell the framework what png to display and it has 80 more pngs for the battery charge animation.
This is not something I want to spend more time on right now but the info I'm giving will hopefully get you in the right direction.
I think the two .xmls that needs to be edited are:
Decompile a framework-res that already has the mod included and you should get an idea of what to do.
Someoneplease let me know if I'm wrong. Thanks!
ericwgarza1 said:
I think the two .xmls that needs to be edited are:
Decompile a framework-res that already has the mod included and you should get an idea of what to do.
Someoneplease let me know if I'm wrong. Thanks!
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There are actually 3 xmls needed for the battery mod.
The op stated he has a theme going and he doesn't want to lose it. The only way to incorporate the battery mod and keep his theme is to add the battery to his existing framework.
As I explained above, .9s are special pngs and if they are not edited correctly will cause the decompile/compile tool to throw an error. Themers will edit .9s and although they will show properly on the phone the tool used to decompile/compile the apks will notice if the .9s are incorrect.
What the online kitchen does and what I did manually are the same thing and more than likely with the same tools. The epic pngs the op supplied did not have any xmls and so im surprised the online kitchen was able to produce an apk.
If I spent more time on it I could probably figure it out but I am already occupied with another time consuming task.
What is the other .xml named?
I'd like to personally (for learning purposes) add the battery percentage to a stock framework-res.apk manually. Thanks!
Try this. I give no guarantees at all since I manually inserted the xmls and pngs. Also since there are 80 more pngs for the charge animation there's no way of telling how it will look.
lovethyEVO said:
There are actually 3 xmls needed for the battery mod.
The op stated he has a theme going and he doesn't want to lose it. The only way to incorporate the battery mod and keep his theme is to add the battery to his existing framework.
As I explained above, .9s are special pngs and if they are not edited correctly will cause the decompile/compile tool to throw an error. Themers will edit .9s and although they will show properly on the phone the tool used to decompile/compile the apks will notice if the .9s are incorrect.
What the online kitchen does and what I did manually are the same thing and more than likely with the same tools. The epic pngs the op supplied did not have any xmls and so im surprised the online kitchen was able to produce an apk.
If I spent more time on it I could probably figure it out but I am already occupied with another time consuming task.
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Good explanation thank you. I think I have the similar problem I unzipped my framework and changed my battery and it worked. The only problem is I can only use the six charging animations. A little research last night and I realized I needed to edit the xml. Decompiling my framework would not work and I think your explanation helps me understand why.
ericwgarza1 said:
What is the other .xml named?
I'd like to personally (for learning purposes) add the battery percentage to a stock framework-res.apk manually. Thanks!
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maybe public.xml

[HOW TO] Animated Status Bar Pulldown for GB Roms

I saw this in an article on droid-life: Here
Original Thread: Animated status bar pulldown for GB roms
Hope this could help some devs/themers get this going for us EVO users
The Author of this is: Alastrionia
Youtube Demo
MODS: If this should not be here, please remove, and my sincere apologizes.
Animated status bar pulldown for GB roms
First off this should work with all GB based roms that use systemui.apk
there may be subtle differences but the basics should be the same all around.
after much trial and error and ripping what little hair I have left out
success was mine and it's time to share this with everyone
and it's so simple that you'll love how fast you can integrate this into ROM's / themes / whatever your heart desires
1. take your systemui.apk and decompile it
2. navigate to layout folder
3. grab "status_bar_tracking.xml" and open it up in your editor
(now for the fun)
4. to the first line - "com.android.systemui.statusbar.TrackingView" add this ""android:background="@drawable/...anim.xml""
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.TrackingView android:background="@drawable/...anim.xml...>
5. after saving that, navigate back into the drawable folder and add your animation.xml file there
5a. next navigate into the drawable/hdpi folder and add your animated images
6. also in the drawable/hdpi folder find and open up the shade_bg.png with your editor and make it 100% transparent
7. now it's time to recompile your apk , following all the usual directions with that
8. enjoy your newly created systemui.apk with a pretty animated background. new and fresh and unlike anything before
that's it. done deal. it's super easy and fast and breathes life into true customization.
I used the stat_sys_upload.xml from the framework-res.apk as my base
all I had to do was change the timing and change the image names.
also you'll notice above - don't copy it word for word on the xml.
I did the "..." meaning whatever you decide to name your file.
I'll try to throw up a video shortly of my success with this so everyone can see it.
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You lost me at "decompile"
SantinoInc said:
You lost me at "decompile"
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I think by that he means to open the systemui.apk
I used 7zip to open a cm7 nightly just now and it's located in the system/app folder. Inside the .apk theres:
res (folder)
Inside the res folder:
anim (folder)
drawable (folder)
drawable-hdpi (folder)
layout (folder)
xml (folder)
Hopefully some themers can get some pretty nice/cool things done with this.
No you would have to decompile the apk with a apk decompiler..Unzipping it will not work.Thats just for replacing images.
1 Aw3s0m3 M0d!!
i'll help people if they're having trouble. probably won't do this personally.
and yeah, to see .xml files correctly, you need an apk decompiler.
Nice find! Will definitely try this.
forgive me if im not reading this right.... is this for aosp of sense?
What will they think of next
Evolutionmods said:
forgive me if im not reading this right.... is this for aosp of sense?
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I believe this is for AOSP but reading through the entire thread someone says "this also works on the com.htc.resources.apk for sense ROMs."
Subbed and Definitely Interested!
More demos with different animations are starting to appear. This is looking really awesome.
Oh yeah. I got big plans for this one. Cant wait to get some time to sit down and code it. It really is as simple as stated.
It's not just for gingerbread. I shot this with my crappy 5 year old digicam.
Another demo:
Has anyone given this a go on the EVO yet??
Yeah, I got it working...Needs some tweaking. I tried it with a 24 frame boot animation.. very laggy. I suspect that a 8-15 frame animation would do well
blassilando said:
Another demo:
Has anyone given this a go on the EVO yet??
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The vid I posted above yours is on an evo.
Would either of you mind posting your xml so i could use it as a reference? Not totally clear on that part of it. Thanks.
Ill gladly be a testbot for anyone working on this for our evos
would be nice to get a zip we can flash. so everyone including us noobs can get this mod.
thanks for the info great job

Porting EQS, APM, and Batteyr Indicator Mods

I have the basics down... which files to move over, decompiling them, recompiling them, etc. However, I can't for the life of me figure out where to look to either make my own APM/EQS or fix someone else's.
I'm using the latest stock T-Mobile USA ROM and the text strings are, for the most part, incorrect. I haven't found a good introduction anywhere on which one of the hundreds of files to look in once the APK's are decompiled
Any help would be appreciated... I'm lost.

A little help with autoapktool

Hey guys, question is kind of simple. I've been editing my frame work and system apks. Last night I finally figured out how to properly decompile the apks so the apktool creates the .yml file. What my question is, ive edited the framework apk and added more png files to it then edited the xml files except public. What is the easiest way to set the hex ids for the png files? I read recompiling would do it but I didn't have time to try it. Would that work or is there another way?
Sent from my htc evo
Just adding pngs cannot add hex ids to public.xml while recompiling
The pngs should be registered first
e.g: If I want to add 1% battery mod then I will register those pngs in status_battery.xml and then add the pngs and then hex ids are addded automatically.
Anyways what are you trying to do?
Burned from my laser torch using pencil cells
Theming my phone using uot kitchen files from a bunch of different mods on there, so basically I downloaded all the kitchen files I liked then took out the images from each I wanted and combined them into one. After that I also edited my own version of headphones using adobe ps and created a fully working and smooth sync animation. Ive already edited the drawable.xml file and added the animation xmls to the appropriate folders. The only thing I need left is do I have to manually add the hex ids in the value folder or does the recompile do that for me?
Sent from my htc evo
Ok so I figured out how to properly theme but for some reason the animations for wifi in range and sync aren't working. This it's what I did from looking at someone elses mod on uot. Created the xml files and placed them into the res/drawable folder. Added the png files to drawable-hpdi folder and changed the original wifi_in range name to a zero at the end. For sync_anim0, made that a 1. So now the xml files I created reflect the png names starting with those two. Is there anything else I need to do?
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium

Someone need to mod Samsungcamera5.apk

I tried modifying the media_profile.xml file alone and edited the bitrate of QHD video max to 100 70 80, but it did nothing. on the Note 5 i remember someone edited both the APK and th xml, i hope someone can mod it for s7 too.
How about you learn how?
Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
I tried, i managed to open the apk but couldn't modify the xml files, if someone knows how.
Derpling said:
I tried modifying the media_profile.xml file alone and edited the bitrate of QHD video max to 100 70 80, but it did nothing. on the Note 5 i remember someone edited both the APK and th xml, i hope someone can mod it for s7 too.
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I believe that edit in media profiles is image quality... Anyways, to edit an apk, you'll need to decompile and most likely will need to edit a smali edit.
Sent Via My Samsung S7 Edge

