This is what my news settings look like...
Well, I did searching, but haven't found anything related to this little thingy. Maybe I was putting wrong keywords, but I didn't find any usefull and similar. And as you know I'm doing many reasarches before posting any topic. But I have discovered little thing in WM UI. And its related to:
Programs Scrolling speed.
Im running stock ROM - WM.6.0.
As you know, if you have many apps shortcuts in Start Menu/Programs, the speed is tragic. Its tragic for me, when i running programs from Start/Programs, but:
When I just ran the programs from shortcut in HTC Home Apps it run smoothly as hell. Can anyone tell me why thats going like this? What's the problem with shortcut in Start menu? And what's the differnce?
Can anyone check this out?
And I'm really sorry if i posted it and its already discovered
EH stupid fascinated Chris. I think this one is to delete Anyway sorry fot that.
Anyway I have done some experiments and my observation are:
If look closer at this, the "scrolling bars" are different. I mean this one from programs folder running from HTC Home gives more thick bar than this from menu start. And its the same one, which is actualy in Settings. And settings running smooth too for me too.
Noticed that programs folder from HTC Home take a bit more time to run. Whats going on with that. Can anyone explain this?
This has been covered in numerous threads and also in drivers threads
Below the second heading "User Interface"
It seems like a cool feature. The homepage also seems like a cool feature, but I haven't gotten my phone yet so I wouldn't know.
But I was just wondering about the notification part.
They're one of the things spoiling the look of my device. It's especially annoying in Manilla 2D's 'Programs' tab. Is there a way to change these icons/make them aliased? Developers do a great job on the programs, but many of them make horribly aliased icons.
Doing a small search I found this:
Hope it helps,
For all those I have seen crushed by this nasty little bug....
THE ANSWER (At least for me...having tried all else):
Remove HDWalls patch 1.3 and install 1.2 for Manilla 1920. I am running 1921 but no matter.
All is back as it should is good.....again!!!
Thank you
Thanks for bringing back my photos.
Any time
My pleasure!!
After so many lookers and only one reply I was beginning to doubt my fix!!
Glad to be of service, kind Sir!!
i did not lose them but lost instead the weather settings in the weather tab. did this happen to you? any fix for this?
Weather tab issues
It seemed to be a problem only with the album pictures.
I have had no problem with the weather tab.
Try going into the "settings" tab of your slider and select "data services". It brings up the same dialogue boxes. It may be a work around or at least give you some better idea as to what might have evaporated with the weather settings.
No other genius ideas...please let me know how you go!
Best wishes and good luck
For those who don't really like the Sense layout or want to try something else that's not a Launcher clone, check out SlideScreen (slidescreenhome. com). It combines a great interface with all the information you'd need on your phone, and a custom app drawer that includes a "favorites" area. For those who'd like a picture of it in action, I've attached a screenshot below. It's completely awesome and worth the price.
Awesome... thanks for sharing I'm going to check this out as I'm a little fed up with Sense...