KITKAT Progress - HTC Sensation

Bugs wifi camera bluetooth and gps .. Waiting for the HTC Sensation my friend is sending to me on friday from then the developing is going much faster
Stuck at bootloader after doing some changes fixed ASAP
Ported the main parts and it is running!

Great :thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app

screenshot please!
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app

That was fast
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app

Off course we are fast with rik lol
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 03:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 AM ----------
No screenshots for now.cuz its booted but crashing alot. Need just devolop kernel 3.4 aosp. And gonna be good
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

While without screenshots I won't believe.

Kosta26 said:
While without screenshots I won't believe.
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Yo dont have to believe it I can post some screens soon
Sent from my HTC Sensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

rik452 said:
Yo dont have to believe it I can post some screens soon
Sent from my HTC Sensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Thats right bro g.but watch skype
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Who is working on the kernel I heard rik say someone but never mention a name?
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chaka809 said:
Who is working on the kernel I heard rik say someone but never mention a name?
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
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I working on kernel lol
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Lol OK good luck
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leos0000 said:
I working on kernel lol
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leos0000 said:
Off course we are fast with rik lol
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 03:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 AM ----------
No screenshots for now.cuz its booted but crashing alot. Need just devolop kernel 3.4 aosp. And gonna be good
Sent from my HTCSensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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So you are the kernel dev on this project??? Hmmm. Sorry, but I call bulls**t on this.

papikev said:
So you are the kernel dev on this project??? Hmmm. Sorry, but I call bulls**t on this.
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actually I did everything from now hahaha but ok he got the knowledge he shares somethings with me and I build the kernel! BTW Really nice guy haha he send me HTC Sensation for the KITKAT Development

rik452 said:
actually I did everything from now hahaha but ok he got the knowledge he shares somethings with me and I build the kernel! BTW Really nice guy haha he send me HTC Sensation for the KITKAT Development
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I'm not calling into question as to whether or not he is a nice guy, I'm sure he is very nice. I'm calling into question the legitimacy as to the claim of being a (kernel) developer and getting the users to believe it and then that leading to misguided information and counsel. And you know where that would lead. If this is all legit, then the best of luck to you. But, just sayin man......

papikev said:
I'm not calling into question as to whether or not he is a nice guy, I'm sure he is very nice. I'm calling into question the legitimacy as to the claim of being a (kernel) developer and getting the users to believe it and then that leading to misguided information and counsel. And you know where that would lead. If this is all legit, then the best of luck to you. But, just sayin man......
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I understand man and thankyou we are working as hard as possible
Sent from my HTC Sensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Good luck, all developers have a start right? I hope you guys accomplish the task..
And please people don't judge they are trying whether they are beginners or pro's
Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk

erdal67 said:
Good luck, all developers have a start right? I hope you guys accomplish the task..
And please people don't judge they are trying whether they are beginners or pro's
Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk
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Thankyou ! Appriciate
Sent from my HTC Sensation using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

hahahahahaha guys whats your github? I want to look at the device specific files for sensation for 4.4 if you don't mind.
Wait, do you even know what github is?

Thread closed.
@op if you want the thread to be reopened, send some proof of your work my way via PM. Screenshots are nice, but code would be great. Thanks


Just want to know what's the meaning of "bump"?

hey everyone,i am Chinese,and i have seen the reply:"bump"everywhere in forum....just want to know what's the meaning???thanks~
scczsq said:
hey everyone,i am Chinese,and i have seen the reply:"bump"everywhere in forum....just want to know what's the meaning???thanks~
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Its a way for either NOOBs to get their posts noticed sooner or for veterans to get a post noticed after a few days with no answer!.
Basically putting the post back on top of the others!
scczsq said:
hey everyone,i am Chinese,and i have seen the reply:"bump"everywhere in forum....just want to know what's the meaning???thanks~
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bump=ding=顶 lol
bump =
Nose fulla powda
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sundar2012 said:
Nose fulla powda
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to me it means......hey anybody there, please give attention to my post
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
get it~thanks a lot~
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

Team recruitment (newbs welcome) :D

Recruiting for a New(b) Team.!!! Both experienced devs half-devs and newbs welcome.
We'll need many spots
Will update thread as more members are interested.
Who WE have SO far:
(dont know if most of these guys are still down.. please let me know.
Whoever's interested please comment or PM me. We'll need themers, script writers, tweakers, devs (obviously), somewhat devs, testers, suggestors, creative name creator (for TEAM and ROM(s), Exclusive Team sig creator, exclusive ROM picture creator.??(LOL), etc. Think of more ideas? Things will be updated on OP. Comment or PM me your position interest, or WHATEVER.
Would appreciate if you wouldn't trash us for trying to do something (probably FAIL. [Lol] So, please. No trashing, guys. Thanks.!
&&' Once we have about 3-4 Team name suggestions, will Poll them. Let the community decide, if it'll be allright with the team members..
I'll go over the guides tomorrow so we have some stuff to work with
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
2vivid said:
I'll go over the guides tomorrow so we have some stuff to work with
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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nice job htc it's always awesome to see guys like you take the initiative and start learning all the awesomeness of android
Great things have to start somewhere, bro.!
P.S user name changed from HTCLeoSence3.X > unicorndust98
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
unicorndust98 said:
Great things have to start somewhere, bro.!
P.S user name changed from HTCLeoSence3.X > unicorndust98
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
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Can't wait to get started lol
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Same here, bro.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
pm sent of the guides I went over.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Nice, bro.! Thanks.
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
Yep gl I'm going to get Ubuntu running and start working on some stuff hopefully
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Hey, I'm willing to learn. I could try doing done deving
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
abraham.ramirez said:
Hey, I'm willing to learn. I could try doing done deving
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
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You'll need Ubuntu and massive hours of research. Go for it.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
unicorndust98 said:
You'll need Ubuntu and massive hours of research. Go for it.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
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Got it, I'm a computer tech so no problems here. Pm me the guides and I'll start
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
gcashiel said:
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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I'll test.! PM me when you're ready.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
Will do! Thanks!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
Anyone else with photoshop skills?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
gcashiel said:
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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As usual if you need help testing, let me know
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
flyers00 said:
As usual if you need help testing, let me know
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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interested in being a team tester.?

ICS & Gingerbread question

Is it ok to flash a Gingerbread radio to a ICS rom? I was having a problem with my GPS on the thaz ICS stock detoxed rom. And I read in a SGS II forum that some1 was having the same problem on an ICS rom and he flashed the Gingerbread radio over it and it worked like normal. Is it ok to flash the blaze gingerbread radio on this rom and if so where can I find it?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Idk about the question. But I heard it was a solar storm causing GPS malfunctions.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
So what exactly does that mean?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Mr.Wellington said:
So what exactly does that mean?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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wait it out before you go all flash happy lol
Wowwww that's crazy! So no gps? ugh I might go back to gingerbread then :'(
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah, that site looks legit :silly:
namaui said:
Yeah, that site looks legit :silly:
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rofl that's the only page where I would trust that site at all. but the info is pulled directly from (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). They have a space weather prediction center somewhere imbedded in the site. The site I linked to is pulling that site in a frame and I was too lazy to hunt through the source.
But since the legit-ness (and I know the real word is legitimacy) is in question
---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------
Mr.Wellington said:
Wowwww that's crazy! So no gps? ugh I might go back to gingerbread then :'(
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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GB is not likely to have any more GPS than ICS/JB
Does anyone have a GB radio link?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda premium
Thats the 1 I downloaded.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app

liquid closed

YAYAYA finally! you're the boss
<33333333333333 wow the week I order my nexus 4 because of lack of development -.-
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
Ohhhh snap you brought liquid smooth
Sent from my One S using xda premium
---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 AM ----------
Isn't there supposed to be some sort of theming I thought ¿
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
What version of Bubba kernel is included? Is the last 2.8b from the thread or a customised version for this ROM?
Sent from nowhere over the air...
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
feels good to be recognized by droyd
Sent from my One S using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 08:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------
Qs5 im getting my nexus 4 tomorrow on the 20th my own little birthday present but i will still have one s as main driver
Sent from my One S using xda app-developers app
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
Recents long press doesn't seem to be working. Goes to Google now. Going to mess around a little. I've been in the hardware keys and changed it but nothing.
Edit: switching recents to long press home works.
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
just use the home button for recent apps ling press thats what i did and i love it
Sent from my One S using xda app-developers app
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
Rapier said:
What version of Bubba kernel is included? Is the last 2.8b from the thread or a customised version for this ROM?
Sent from nowhere over the air...
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Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
ickedmel said:
Ohhhh snap you brought liquid smooth
Sent from my One S using xda premium
---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 AM ----------
Isn't there supposed to be some sort of theming I thought ¿
Sent from my One S using xda premium
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Nope I guess not its supposed to be lite and fast... But you can add a theme...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
ickedmel said:
Recents long press doesn't seem to be working. Goes to Google now. Going to mess around a little. I've been in the hardware keys and changed it but nothing.
Edit: switching recents to long press home works.
Sent from my One S using xda premium
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Yet another ROM I put out without button remap ****...I tried.. At least we have all the buttons.. None of them worked when it came off the press...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
$droyd$ said:
Nope I guess not its supposed to be lite and fast... But you can add a theme...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
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Theme thread...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
$droyd$ said:
Theme thread...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
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Thanks for this link didn't know this thread existed. I hope I didn't come off as unappreciative or snobby. Thanks for the release I'm sure lots will be happy I know I am. I hopped right on this ROM and downloaded it. ROM is running smooth and I'm playing around. Thanks for all the info and links.
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Thanks for sharing Bud! I was wondering, do we have to fastboot or can we just flash the zip? I guess not since it says to fastboot?
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
LibertyMonger said:
Thanks for sharing Bud! I was wondering, do we have to fastboot or can we just flash the zip? I guess not since it says to fastboot?
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Depends on hboot I always suggest taking the extra min to flash boot.IMG... If you are already running bub a kernel you should be good.. That's what's in the zip any way...
Sent from my One S using xda premium
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
LibertyMonger said:
Thanks for sharing Bud! I was wondering, do we have to fastboot or can we just flash the zip? I guess not since it says to fastboot?
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Just flashing worked for me. I'm on hoot 1.09.
Sent from my One S using xda premium
LibertyMonger said:
Thanks for sharing Bud! I was wondering, do we have to fastboot or can we just flash the zip? I guess not since it says to fastboot?
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im on hboot 1.09. Just flashed zip and all is well.
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
Very nice
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Re: [ROM]_18FEB-Liquid-smooth_4.2.2-unofficial
What's exposed apps about?..
Sent from my One S using xda premium

Mobile support?

Is there a mobile theme or way to view the forums on mobile?
TheStayHomeDad said:
Is there a mobile theme or way to view the forums on mobile?
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Tapatalk or XDA app from playstore
LS.xD said:
Tapatalk or XDA app from playstore
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Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to buy the app to show support for such a great community!
TheStayHomeDad said:
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to buy the app to show support for such a great community!
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I'd suggest to use Tapatalk. Even Tapatalk has bugs often but XDA app is not the best solution in my opinion.
LS.xD said:
I'd suggest to use Tapatalk. Even Tapatalk has bugs often but XDA app is not the best solution in my opinion.
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I'm not sure how buggy the free XDA app is but the premium version has improved a lot over the last couple of updates. It only has very minor "issues" these days
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KidCarter93 said:
I'm not sure how buggy the free XDA app is but the premium version has improved a lot over the last couple of updates. It only has very minor "issues" these days
Sent from my HTC One or Note 3 via XDA Premium
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Thank you for the info. I haven't checked updates for a while. I'll give it a try again
Sent from my beloved HTC One S using (most time buggy) Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 AM ----------
KidCarter93 said:
I'm not sure how buggy the free XDA app is but the premium version has improved a lot over the last couple of updates. It only has very minor "issues" these days
Sent from my HTC One or Note 3 via XDA Premium
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Am I wrong or is it a Tapatalk "clone" ? "powered by Tapatalk" lol
Sent from my One S using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
LS.xD said:
Am I wrong or is it a Tapatalk "clone" ? "powered by Tapatalk" lol
Sent from my One S using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yeah that's correct but it does feel a bit more stable than Tapatalk (although that could be because I'm using xda a lot more).
An in-house app is currently being worked on but could still take a while before being ready. That's why the admins wanted the most stable performance until then, even if that means being essentially the same as Tapatalk
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