[Q] OUDHS Recovery? - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How does everyone feel about getting the Greatest recovery OUDHS on this Great phone!! This would be awesome just wanting to get some opinions on what everyone else thinks.
Sorry Moderater if you could move this to the [email protected] Section. Sorry for the miss post


HTC Magic Pre Release

Does anyone here have the HTC Magic Pre-release that had the circular zoom feature? I'm looking to get the image and system files to try to port that over to the G1. If you or someone you know has this please reply to this post and get in touch with me, Thank You.
Your gunna get the same treatment I got when asking a question in the g1 forum I do believe you guys have your own forum for all your g1 questions so please feel free to ask your g1 questions in the g1 dev forum
Much obliged
This is not a G1 related question. I'm looking for a specific build of the HTC magic. Please read before posting a reply, Thank You.
this is for g1 development is it not? exactly my point
ill give you some direction
please understand your own intentions before coming back with pittyful replies
He is asking for a special magic rom, would be very pointless to ask on the dream section for magic rom.
He only said why he wanted it.
If he had questions on how to port it, it would make sense to ask on the dream section
Double post

Installing the Myhero rom

New to andoid, how do i install the MyHero rom on my magic?
Here are a few good places to start
Start Here has TONS of info
Hope that helps...there is not going to be alot of people to eager to help you out because this question has been asked and could be answered by reading a few threads...Check out the stickies...
Ok i know that the sapphire forum doesnt get as much development as the dream section but cmon ppl, has it come to the point where every single question deserves a thread. Its called using the q/a thread. Geez. Incase the reason u posted here is because u dont know what q/a stands for, its questions and answers. Plz dont be the reason devs leave this outstanding forum.

droid boot img & lockscreen

Can some one give me a link to the Droid boot img and lockscreen.
1) wrong section for questions, try Q&A
2) so far, it can't be done without Eclair and the droid framework, so no, nobody can give you a link to them, and
3) Wrong section!!
Mod, please lock this.
How hard can it be. Development section to improve the platform. Q&A to ask watever question u have
Pointless giving it to him anyway seeing how he can't tell the difference between a question and development thread, someone link him some porn and call it a day
PS wrong section tard
i dont know bout you guys but i really dont like these kinda developments... they suck not to mention the buggyness of it all

[Q] Question about posting in development section

Hello, I have an Arc with BL unlocked and rooted. Today i go on CM7 using {ARC/ARC S}[DEVELOPMENT] - CM7.1.0 - FXP041 FreeXperia Project post in development section.
All go fine at the first try, awesome ROM and great job from the team FXP. When I try to reply the thread to thanks the Team for the ROM and tell them that I am very grateful, hallucinated and excited with the release the forum says to me that i can´t post in that section because i am a new user :S. Also I can read that maybe I need to post 10 times in other forums before posting development section. I don´t want to troll forums for posting in development section. Someone knows a solution for my problem?
I don´t know where I should post my problem, so I choose Q&A section. If I am wrong please take the liberty of moving it.
P.D.: Sorry for my English.
The solution would be to make use of the "THANKS" button, which was made exactly for the purpose to stop thanks posts.
Read the hints for new users, it recommends you to ask questions here and also answer questions here, none of it would be trolling. 10 posts isn't that much
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

Hello everybody!

i am a new user, thank you very much for having me.
I would've posted to the specific thread, but as a noob i am not allowed to!
I hope that this was the right place to post something like this.
In the following thread:
the links for the I9100 Insecure and Original ICS Kernels do not work.
I read several threads (without posting meaningless questions) and i am pretty confident that i can root my S2.
But, i can't download the insecure kernel.
So, if anyone can re-activate the links i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for bearing with me.
vterm said:
i am a new user, thank you very much for having me.
I would've posted to the specific thread, but as a noob i am not allowed to!
I hope that this was the right place to post something like this.
In the following thread:
the links for the I9100 Insecure and Original ICS Kernels do not work.
I read several threads (without posting meaningless questions) and i am pretty confident that i can root my S2.
But, i can't download the insecure kernel.
So, if anyone can re-activate the links i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for bearing with me.
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Hai vterm, welcome to XDA
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