Successful CM 10.1 build on Kali Linux x64 (Guide work-in-progress) - Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S III Developer Discussion

After much frustration with getting things to work on Ubuntu, I switched back to Kali Linux and attempted the same procedure described here ... ... as well as for Ubuntu here ... .... When a step for Ubuntu 10 didn't work I tried the Ubuntu 11 or 12 approach and something always went through regarding setting up the build environment.
***Update-3: Sat Nov 9, 9:59 AM 2013 (Building CM_10.2 : Android_4.3 in progress as of 10:33 AM)***​
Well I screwed up my Linux installation last night trying to put my /usr dir on a seperate partition and some file permission issues broke out with sudo, though everyone suggest 04755, thats what it was at. Kinda trippy, anyways so I found myself having to go through these steps again which gave me a chance to update this:good:...
***These are the packages I installed***​​
sudo apt-get install git git-core gnupg flex bison gperf \
build-essential zip curl lib32ncurses5-dev libc6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev \
lib32readline-gplv2-dev g++-multilib gcc-multilib mingw32 tofrodos \
python-markdown lib32z1-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc \
libesd0-dev libsdl1.2-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev lzop \
pngcrush schedtool squashfs-tools
The next thing you need to do after getting the build packages to install^^^ is install sun-java6-jdk which you can do following the "kind-of" instructions below regarding debian packages, unixodbc es la pinche problema, (If you see anything I am missing please please inform me).
You can install the *.bin file/s from Oracle here and follow their instructions for getting it installed.
***Notes on sun-java6-jdk debian packages***​I just finished installig sun-java6-jdk and it's dependencies, I downloaded the packages from here ... ... all packages were installed using 'sudo dpkg -i [./the/package/was/a.deb]' . For 'unixodbc' I used the dpkg but got an error and ended up using 'sudo apt-get install unixodbc', but that gave a warning about breaking and needing to remove other packages, I did not do that. Then 'sudo apt-get -f install' because it asked me to unless there was another solution. Becarefull and you should be fine. Due to not installing the packages in a specific order I had a run around of a time doing this but it was not too bad, plan ahead and it will be easier. [Note- Makes sure you get all the packages, ie the *-common, *-bin, *-jre, *-jdk etc, etc ]
***Update-3:Continued***​Once you have your new jdk installed don't forget to update alternatives, the alternative manager is basically a really useful tool for keeping track of links in your $PATH to different program versions, for instance if you have two versions of Java, then one will be linked to /usr/bin/java and that link points to the executable with a particular version usually maintained by the "alternatives" program. When you update this 'alternative' java version what you are doing is changing the link /usr/bin/java to point to the executable installed by the sun-java6-jdk package instead of the open-java6-jdk executable. I also like to repoint Eclipse to use sun-java6-jdk as well just to keep it all the same. You can update Eclipse's JDK location from within Eclipse, but I won't go into that here. If you installed java6 with the debian packages as I did, then your sun-java6-jdk installation should be located in "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-". If its not there, try issuing this command...
dpkg -L sun-java6-jdk
...the output may be long, but it will tell you where everything got installed to, you can replace the package name with any other package whenever you need to know where all of it's files get installed, very useful.
Updating alternatives should look something like this depending on which version of the JDK you installed
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-"
, so Google "how to update alternatives for java" or something like that, I might be forgeting something, I have just been trying **** out till it works. You can varify that indeed you are using the correct java executable by issuing the following command...
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR] java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR]
p.s. If thats not the correct output, please let me know.
While your checking version numbers, go ahead and check Git, Python, and Make.
Python 2.6 -- 2.7, which you can download from
GNU Make 3.81 -- 3.82, which you can download from,
JDK 6 if you wish to build Gingerbread or newer; JDK 5 for Froyo or older. You can download both from
Git 1.7 or newer. You can find it at
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Checking the versions should look something like this...
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$ [/COLOR]python --version
Python 2.7.3
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR] make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR] git --version
git version
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR]
***Notes on Android SDK***​ The Android SDK should already be installed on Kali Linux or at least is when I install using a mirror to get extra packages. All you have to do is this, (I never build as root so you should create another user before doing building.):
echo "" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "#OURCHANGES" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_SDK=\"/usr/share/android-sdk\"" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\"\${PATH}:\${ANDROID_SDK}:\${ANDROID_SDK}/tools:\${ANDROID_SDK}/platform-tools\"" >> ~/.bashrc
and then "cat ~/.bashrc" to make sure the changes went as planed.
cat ~/.bashrc
then "source ~/.bashrc"
source ~/.bashrc
then "android" and the gui should pop up and you can install all the lates updates or older ones if you want.
Then execute "which adb" it should result in this output "/usr/share/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb"
which adb
***Notes on USB and ADB***​
Also, don't forget the USB rules for your device. I just used the sytax from but make sure to add your username that you build with to the OWNER=<"some-user-name-here-is-important"> and I usually change 600 to 666. Also, you don't need all the enteries, just the ones for the device you have you can find the idVendor and idProduct by using the command "lsusb" with your device plugged in, it will look like this.
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~$[/COLOR] lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 003 Device 007: ID [COLOR="Red"]04e8:6860[/COLOR] Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd GT-I9100 Phone [Galaxy S II], GT-P7500 [Galaxy Tab 10.1]
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0489:e04e Foxconn / Hon Hai
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1bcf:2c17 Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc.
What is in red above ^^^ are the {idVendor}:{idProduct}. I am not sure what to do with fastboot, I am still also learning.
The following is exactly as I have it in my "/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules" file...
[COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"]:~/cyandekali/system$[/COLOR] sudo cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
[sudo] password for edge-case:
# adb protocol on maguro/toro (Galaxy Nexus)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="[COLOR="Red"]04e8[/COLOR]", ATTR{idProduct}=="[COLOR="Red"]6860[/COLOR]", MODE="0666", OWNER="<edge-case>"
# fastboot protocol on maguro/toro (Galaxy Nexus)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4e30", MODE="0666", OWNER="<edge-case>"
Once you have your build enviroment set up you can build CyanogenMod for your device by initializing repo to your chosen repository and then sync'ing it up, most ROMs have their own little tweaks and optimizations so the guide can branch off into many directions at this point. (as far as I know it should work with most if not any other ROM, it worked with ReVolt). If you have any questions what so ever just ask, we all starte somewhere, and vise versa, if I need to be corrected anywhere please take the minute to post a reply, everyone will benifit from it.
And after a long day:
Package Complete: /home/edge-case/cyandekali/system/out/target/product/d2spr/
***The rest is history***​Eventually I am going to modify this all so that Android and Kali will become one, I really really want to test my nfs server with my phone as a client
Edit/Update 1: I installed the .zip I built on Kali and it got stuck during boot or init, right before the spinning circle usually comes up. I will try again with sun-java6-jdk and and report back.
Edit/Update 2: I initialized 'brunch d2spr' without the '', I have no idea how vital it is, I am assuming it is only needed for gps. If this fails to boot, then I will add the blob manually and test again.
A question I do have though. Should I be worried about "warning"'s? They come up every now and again it seems like they are C variables or something that get set to UCHAR or unsigned char and warnnings like that, are there any caveats I need to look out for?
The following is what I am refering to, how worried should I be about stuff like this, this build is missing as stated.
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp: In member function 'void WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::setSynchronous(WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::SynchronousPragma)':
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: passing 'WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::SynchronousPragma' chooses 'int' over 'long unsigned int' [-Wsign-promo]
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: in call to 'static WTF::String WTF::String::number(int)' [-Wsign-promo]
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: passing 'WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::SynchronousPragma' chooses 'int' over 'long int' [-Wsign-promo]
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: in call to 'static WTF::String WTF::String::number(int)' [-Wsign-promo]
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: passing 'WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::SynchronousPragma' chooses 'int' over 'unsigned int' [-Wsign-promo]
external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:229:75: warning: in call to 'static WTF::String WTF::String::number(int)' [-Wsign-promo]
In hindsight, the above ^^^ just meant it was working, just in case your wondering the same thing, if you see that kind of output after starting your build, you probably can go make some dinner or take a nap espescially if it's the first build, then you might want to go out to the movies or something, unless your like me and like trying to read stdout as it flys up the screen :good::good::cyclops:
I used Open-Java6-JDK and at the initialization of the 'brunch d2spr' command it complained about the Java Version but continued to build, I haven't installed the zip as I also on a rush built without '' or some such 'glob'.
Also, I am having trouble finding an official source to download '' , does anyone have a link they can point me to?
I did get this one but I have no idea about it's trust worthyness....

Actually CM 10.2 but I need 10.1 [Reason 4 Failure?]
Ok so I built the second zip using sun-java6-jdk with no, it installed but did not boot properly as did the first try with open-java6-jdk.
I did a 'make clean' and this was the output :
It may vary well be that it is trying to build for Android 4.3.x , what do you think?
I am thinking it was from the 'repo sync -j4 -c', what can I execute to clean my repo and re-sync it with 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 ?
Which I guess would be CM 10.1.x instead of CM 10.2.x (which may not be compatible with my phone's firmware)
Edit/Update: As I was looking through the nightlies at the CM website I noticed a "fix boot hang" version of CM 10.2 this may be a known issue with 10.2, also I guess the command is during the repo init:
[COLOR="Indigo"]repo init -u git:// -b [COLOR="Red"][B]cm-10.2[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR]
I guess I will just delete everything and start fresh replacing 10.2 with 10.1 and see how things go. Maybe the build was more "successful" than I thought after it didn't boot (ie the build went fine but the code just isn't there yet), or missing that is fatal.
I had an idea that kinda relates to the topic, what if people where able to donate their C-CACHE's to the "cloud" so that other developers could speed up theirs, like a kind of high availability cluster. Though some kind of algorithm would need to be developed to identify whats what and what different and more than I can think of right now.

It really did work!
It is confirmed, the build is working on Kali Linux, I suppose I could write a step by step guide if any body asks.
Now the next step...Sewing CyanogenMod Android Debian Kali Linux into CyAnDeKaLi.
Sent from Samsung Galaxy SIII SPH-L10 running CyanogenMod 10.1 built on Kali Linux.

Cleaned it up a bit, more of a guide, this would probably work on most Debian distros.
If the Orange is too much, let me know but for now it is all the new stuff in case you were following along, most of the other stuff is just me talking to myself in public.

I successfully built CM 10.2 on Kali Linux by following CyanogenMod's instructions on their wiki.
I thought I was the only one who was building ROM on Kali linux, But I was wrong

mzahmed95 said:
I successfully built CM 10.2 on Kali Linux by following CyanogenMod's instructions on their wiki.
I thought I was the only one who was building ROM on Kali linux, But I was wrong
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Run Kali with Cyanogenmod (no chroot)?

Edge-Case said:
Run Kali with Cyanogenmod (no chroot)?
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Sorry, But I didn't get your question....
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

mzahmed95 said:
Sorry, But I didn't get your question....
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
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Ah, just a lil' project I decided to torture myself with. It's CyanogenMod with added Linux executables I picked from Kali's and Debian's armhf repos. It requires glibc to be placed in /lib of the Android file system hierarchy, which is normally not there. Also, a few tweaks to file and directory permissions need to be done, with out those tweaks to Android before the build, /lib and everything in it won't be executable and the owner:group gets changed to something like root:shell 644 or something. It has to do with the sticky bit that I am still trying to fully comprehend as Android implements it as a security feature. I heard removing a configuration flag to the kernel when building will get rid of the whole paranoid feature and allow more access to thing like file/socket creation.
Basically, Android with apt, nmap, wireshark-cli, aircranck-ng, tcpdump(which comes from the Android ports), and what ever else anyone wants really, even the whole (what works on arm that is) Kali pentesting suite if desired.
Though one caveat is that both glibc and bionic have to be loaded up into memory (RAM) from what I understand, and the amount of that resource varies, as well as /system storage (which is about 2g on sph-l710), but bind mounting from .img file or extSdCard also works (so long as owner:group and sticky bit has been adjusted correctly before build). Though I am having trouble mounting during init, so I just run a script when I turn my phone on, about to auto script it as a service or just use sl4a's feature. I got one builld that is a bit of a skeloton working, but all my attempts to tweak init.rc to mount what I want have resulted in failure to boot.
I am almosted tempted to take a BSD rootfs and try to hack together something that will boot BSD with Android as the "window server" taking the place of kde4 or gnome2. It would be an endever, maybe I should stick with debian based linux because it alsready runs on Android so long as glibc is available.
Edit: Interestingly enough I found this in FreeBSD's "/usr/ports/devel/android-tools-adb"
[email protected]:/usr/ports/devel/android-tools-adb$ cat pkg-descr
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that
lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected
Android-powered device.
[email protected]:/usr/ports/devel/android-tools-adb$
I just got done building openjdk6, I saw bison, gcc, I have git, python27.... hmm....I heard about a Linux compatability layer... It might be more possible than I thought to build on FreeBSD. I searched "Build Android on FreeBSD" and saw some projects such as BroidSD, BSDroid (which looks like its bit rotting), GnatDroid. I think BSDroid even wanted to get Android running on the FreeBSD kernel!
I think watchdog needs to be picked out of NetBSD's arm rootfs though.
edit 2: Taada
[email protected]:/usr/ports/devel/android-tools-adb #make install
===> Installing for android-tools-adb-4.3
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if devel/android-tools-adb already installed
install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555 adb /usr/local/bin/
===> Registering installation for android-tools-adb-4.3
This port has installed the following files which may act as network
servers and may therefore pose a remote security risk to the system.
If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security
risk to the system. FreeBSD makes no guarantee about the security of
ports included in the Ports Collection. Please type 'make deinstall'
to deinstall the port if this is a concern.
For more information, and contact details about the security
status of this software, see the following webpage:
[email protected]:/usr/ports/devel/android-tools-adb #
Not quite a build environment on FreeBSD yet, but hey, adb is a good start. As long as the dependencies are there it should work. I might need to set some enviroment variables if I do try to build on FreeBSD.
[email protected]:/etc/devd # adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
c90855ae device
[email protected]:/etc/devd #
Just make sure to accept the rsa key on the phone/tablet... I almost thought I had more configuration to do but no, it works.
Update: Fri Nov 22, 2013
Well of all the build-tools I have these installed on FreeBSD:
bison, curl, flex, git, gperf, gnugp, open-jdk-6, open-jre-6, pngcrush, squashfs-tools, xsltproc, and zip.​
These I don't have or don't know if I do have and they are named differently:
build-essential, lzop, schedtools, zlib1g-dev, libesd0-dev, libncurses5-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, libwxgtk2.8-dev, libxmil2-utils, g++-multilib, gcc-multilib, lib32ncurses5-dev, lib32readline-gplv2-dev, and lib32z1-dev.​
If anyone has any knowledge they'd like to share regarding the packages I can't find and their possible counterparts for FreeBSD, please do share.
Note: It may be easier to build within a debian chroot/jail. -> ( )
BSDeb Chroot notes:
- I couldn't access the internet to apt-get at first in the jail, so I exited and then chrooted back into it and networking worked.
- squeeze's dpkg is old, upgrade to wheezy to get multi-arch support. -> ( )
- I ran into this error while upgrading:
[....] Mounting kernel filesystems...mount: fdescfs : No such file or directory
invoke-rc.d: initscript freebsd-utils, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error processing freebsd-utils (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
configured to not write apport reports
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
This fixed that:
mount -t fdescfs fdescfs /jail/debian/dev/fd/
Update on FreeBSD Debian chroot:
I couldn't install some packages, with squeeze because dpkg doesn't support multiarch at version 1.5. After upgrading to Wheezy, libc6-dev or libc6-dev:i386 could not be installed, was using libc0.1 for KFreeBSD Debian. Also lib32ncurses5-dev and lib32readline-gplv2-dev could not be installed with Wheezy. Perhaps with Jesse or Sid.
Oh well, enough of that, time to study.


[GUIDE] Get Android 2.2 source for n00bs

I did this in Ubuntu 10.4 linux that i installed on a 14gig partition of my laptop.
You can do this in VMware or make a partition of your HDD and download wubi.exe to install linux on your partition... its easier than installing windows. You can use this to help develop if you know anything, or as i have done, used it to get the uncompiled .9.png's to edit for themeing, bypassing the draw9patch step cause the guides are already there ready to go through eclipse IDE.
on to the good stuff.... open up the terminal and run the following commands
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Then add the following to the bottom by scrolling down with your arrow keys and pasting by right clicking, CTRL-V WONT WORK.

deb jaunty-updates main multiverse
Hit CTRL O and ENTER to save and CTRL X to return to the command line. Now lets get the repo packages cached onto your box using the following command.
sudo apt-get update
install Java 5 SDK and all the other little packages needed to build Android with this command.
32-bit x86
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg sun-java5-jdk flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev valgrind
64-bit x86
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl sun-java5-jdk zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/
moving on
You can install repo tool any place in your path. We choose a bin directory in our home folder:
$cd ~
$mkdir bin
$export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
$curl >~/bin/repo
$chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Create an empty directory to hold your working files:
$mkdir mydroid
$cd mydroid
# Run repo init to bring down the latest version of Android with all its most recent bug fixes. You must specify a URL for the manifest:
$repo init -u git://
NOTE: using -b option we can choose which android version to install:
$repo init -u git:// -b froyo
To pull down files to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run
$repo sync
NOTE: mydroid directory size grows up to 3.6G.
Simply on top of your android directory execute make command:
$cd mydroid
After some time it will finish.
We get the installed file list in this file:
Also some images are created in the same directory: (system.img userdata.img ramdisk.img)
mydroid$ ls out/target/product/generic/
android-info.txt data obj ramdisk.img symbols system.img installed-files.txt root system userdata.img
We have built android source code but now we want to test it:
run the Android Emulator, which comes within the Android SDK
Download Android SDK
Install Android SDK
ill post the location of the framework-res.apk drawables and stock app apks to edit for those of you interested in theming.
I appreciate the effort but isn't this almost the same from android central by gbhil?
Sent from my HERO200
Wouldnt know. Die hard xda member. Im sure im not the only one that checks this site only. Im just trying to do my part. We need devs and themers with creative ideas. This is the one of the first few steps toward those interested in learning.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
Thank You!!!!!!!
WELL DONE SIR!!!!! Thank you for posting a good repo link for froyo!!!!!
riggsandroid said:
I appreciate the effort but isn't this almost the same from android central by gbhil?
Sent from my HERO200
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Isn't android central a different website?
myth_mn said:
Isn't android central a different website?
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Yes, I was thinking if he took it from there to give credit. But the effort is appreciated and not trying to start a problem.
Sent from my HERO200
Made this because of all the errors i ran into and gathered all my sources of research of linux commands like changing your $PATH and installing java after my machine wouldnt find it in the repository, or not being able to get repo installed. Im just trying to help. I would have sourced gbhil if i took it from there. And this isnt a college essay, work cited pages arent necessary, its a courtesy out of respect. Besides... my sources where from blogs and most didnt have anything to do with android. Just throwin that out there. ©
epitaphromance said:
Made this because of all the errors i ran into and gathered all my sources of research of linux commands like changing your $PATH and installing java after my machine wouldnt find it in the repository, or not being able to get repo installed. Im just trying to help. I would have sourced gbhil if i took it from there. And this isnt a college essay, work cited pages arent necessary, its a courtesy out of respect. Besides... my sources where from blogs and most didnt have anything to do with android. Just throwin that out there. ©
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no problem. i appreciate the work, I'm gonna give it a shot at some piont when I get some time to install ubuntu.
not doubting you didn't do the work, it was only fresh in my mind because i literally looked at it yesterday. thanks again for the info gathering.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
Just hope your patient between builds... or at least the first build unless you have a real killer machine. Tried it on my laptop (1.8ghz dual core amd)... 2hrs and had to ctrl+c cause I had to go to bed...
Just wanted to say that this also works on linux mint kde 8 (also known as user friendly linux) it is taking forever though as posted good write-up. oh by the f ubuntu. just saying
Not sure if you follow this thread or not anymore but I get an error I was hoping someone could help me with? When I run the last "make" commange I get this error:
Checking build tools versions...
You are attempting to build with the incorrect version
of java.
Your version is: java version "1.6.0_20".
The correct version is: 1.5.
Please follow the machine setup instructions at
build/core/ *** stop. Stop.
Any ideas?
jschill31 said:
Not sure if you follow this thread or not anymore but I get an error I was hoping someone could help me with? When I run the last "make" commange I get this error:
Checking build tools versions...
You are attempting to build with the incorrect version
of java.
Your version is: java version "1.6.0_20".
The correct version is: 1.5.
Please follow the machine setup instructions at
build/core/ *** stop. Stop.
Any ideas?
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Assuming you've installed an openjdk-6-jdk package, you can override the normal build restriction of Java 5 by editing the file build/core/ and changing the Java version test to match against "1.6" instead of "1.5". You'll need to do it in two places, once for java and once for javac. I never had to do this to build Cyanogenmod, but you may need to for AOSP.
Decad3nce said:
Assuming you've installed an openjdk-6-jdk package, you can override the normal build restriction of Java 5 by editing the file build/core/ and changing the Java version test to match against "1.6" instead of "1.5". You'll need to do it in two places, once for java and once for javac. I never had to do this to build Cyanogenmod, but you may need to for AOSP.
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Decad3nce, thanks for posting so fast. The funny thing is I figured it out within 5 minutes of posting but got sucked in to finalizing my source code that I am now just getting back to the post. There are several here in this forum that really help out and you are one of them. I am just now getting brave enough to start cooking but catch on fast. Can't wait to see what you, nfinite and beezy do to the wildfire port!

Android v4.0.1 ICS VirtualBox VM

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this or even if anyone would be interested in this, but I spent some time yesterday working with the Ice Cream Sandwich source and was able to get Android compiled for VirtualBox. This is virgin AOSP using the included 'vbox-x86' make target, so there were no changes made to the source. I thought some people may just want to see ICS and tinker rather than go through some of the hoops so I decided to release the VM.
At the link below are some screenshots of it running in VirtualBox as well as the link to download.
UPDATE... Since I'm a newb (never posted but been here for a while), I can't post the link. But, here are some screenshots. Perhaps I can get external links approved from the moderators?
Awesome post the links
Sent from my GT-I5500 using Tapatalk
you could just type the link with some spaces inbetween
smth like www . url . com
Pretty nifty. Can't wait to download and try!
Ok, let's try this... Remove the spaces.
doubleu doubleu doubleu . gregorystrike . com/2011/11/16/my-first-compile-of-android-v4-0-1-ics-running-in-virtual-box/
Also, since I haven't figured out mouse support yet the lock screen PIN is set to '1111' so it can be unlocked.
nonexistent host networking interface, name 'Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)
error code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IConsole {1968b7d3-e3bf-4ceb-99e0-cb7c913317bb}
doesn't work for me
Harry Pothead said:
nonexistent host networking interface, name 'Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)
error code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IConsole {1968b7d3-e3bf-4ceb-99e0-cb7c913317bb}
doesn't work for me
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Change sound settings.
@yn0t runs very fast!
Try changing the NIC to one of the NAT (vs Bridged).
thanks, now it works properly
Got it working as well. Can't seem to get the internet to work on it though despite trying different settings under Network Options within vbox. Everytime I try to access the widgets, the launcher crashes unfortunately. Very cool to actually play around with it a bit though!
Does anyone treid it out ? how stable is this ?
i get a kernel panic when i run it
when i run it (after getting the network error and switching to NAT), i now get the lines at boot up:
[ 5.006614] init: Timed out waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done
[ 5.008619] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
after which is then just stops bootup.
Running virtualbox 4.1.6, had no extensions installed, so tried installing extensions and no change.
Any ideas?
grimreaper2 said:
when i run it (after getting the network error and switching to NAT), i now get the lines at boot up:
[ 5.006614] init: Timed out waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done
[ 5.008619] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
after which is then just stops bootup.
Running virtualbox 4.1.6, had no extensions installed, so tried installing extensions and no change.
Any ideas?
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I ran into the exact same error. Tried running virtualbox on a co-worker's laptop and the same image booted just fine there. I can't say for sure, but I suspect it may have had to do with virtualization extensions (Intel VT-x or AMD-V) being unavailable on my (very old) machine.
---------- Post added at 04:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 AM ----------
I have done my own compile of the master branch:
VM Host:
Ubuntu 11.10
Build Env:
Ubuntu 10.04.3, fresh install in a VM
2GB Ram, 14GB Swap
It was a painful build, taking about 19 hours (swapping killed me), but it avoided the need to dedicate any real hardware to the task. oh well. its done now.
I'm also unable to get mouse or ethernet support. I have managed to navigate into the settings with the keyboard and disabled the lock screen entirely, which makes things easy. I've also attempted to attach a USB mouse and pass it through virtualbox's usb sharing. No luck.
Sound is also, as far as my image is concerned, non-functional at the moment. nonetheless.
How do I use it, mouse does not seem to be present in the VM....
sheedatali said:
How do I use it, mouse does not seem to be present in the VM....
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Disclaimer: I have not actually downloaded the posted copy of the VM image, but if my compile is anything like this one...
Mouse support does appear broken at the moment. Use your keyboard. Tab, Escape, arrow keys.
Anyone find a workaround yet?
Hi, how you arranged the ics .img files into one single .vdi file?
I've already compiled the whole ics for vbox_x86 but I'm not able to run it!
Mouse support & network
I tried the Virtualbox image. It runs out of the box on a VT enabled Windows 7 host. But as other posters recognized, there is no mouse and network support.
Today I did a little investigation before I wrote this blog entry ([w w w . borncity. com /blog/2011/11/25/ice-cream-sandwich-testdrive-in-virtualbox/ - unfortunately in German - therefore I will post the translated main parts below). The beef: I found a japanese guy who stated that he just managed to build also a Virtualbox image. And after I looked his Youtube video, it seems that he was able to build an image with mouse support and network. Unfortunately he hasn't released a dowloadable VBox-image.
I haven't time yet to set up my own build environment. But for thouse willing to experiment, here are some build commands obtained from these japanese web site).
Here are the commands to set up development environment
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http: // lucid partner"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf
build-essential \ zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev
lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs \ x11proto-core-dev
libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32
tofrodos python-markdown \ libxml2-utils
Then it's necessary to download the ICS sources.
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$curl https:// dl-ssl. google. com /dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ repo init –u https:// android. googlesource. com /platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1
The japanese guy wrote that he need to try it several times, because of high traffic on google's server. After downloading source, here are the build commands for a virtualbox image
$ . build/
$ lunch vbox_x86-eng
# it takes approximately 6 hours - depend on machine …
$ make –j4
# enable network to configure DNS
$ echo "net.eth0.dns1=" >> out/target/product/vbox_x86/root/default.prop
$ echo "net.dns1=" >> out/target/product/vbox_x86/root/default.prop
$ make
# Create Installer-VDI
$ make android_disk_vdi
Afterward the .vdi-disk should be available. As I wrote above, I haven't tested it at all. But maybe it will be helpful for thouse involved in building x86 ICS for Virtualbox.
Günter Born
[Update: merde - it seem's that the anti spam policy of XDA developers prevents me to add the right build code - which containing links to the repositories - into my posting. Have a look into my blog post and also in the linked japanese page to obtain the whole build commands. sorry for that.]
I keep getting:
Result Code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: ProgressProxy
Interface: IProgress {c20238e4-3221-4d3f-8891-81ce92d9f913}
Anyone have any ideas why??
not working wit VirtualBox 4.1.6
@yn0t , can u make it in VMWare Player or ISO file..
Maybe an alternative VDI image
As I reported above, the vdi-image runs here in VBox 4.1.6 portable.
@suaji: need VT-X support on your host!
BTW: As I wroted here , I've found a japanese guy who has build a vdi image with mouse & network support. His site is only in japanese, but today I managed to read his addendum. He has published a download address of his vdi image file.
Here we go:
Just downloading, will give it a test drive this morning.
Have fun...
Günter Born

[TUTORIAL/DEV]Build AOSP Android 2.3.7 for Allwinner A10 tablets (Teclast P76Ti)

I haven't really found any kind of guides on how to build a complete AOSP android build from source (kernel and software) for Allwinner A10 tablets like the Ainol Novo 7 Advanced or the Teclast P76Ti.
I have a Teclast P76TI (rev4), and the following guide is only tested on such a device. As it's mostly based on the source drop of the Ainol Novo 7 Advanced, it should also work on that too.
Part 1
Part 1: Preparations
A: Preconditions
For building and creating a LiveSuite flashable package you will need the following:
For building the kernel and android you will need a 64 bit Linux machine. Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit is preferred for Gingerbread builds
For creating the LiveSuite flashable images, and actually flashing you will need a Windows machine. Windows 7 x64 works fine, as should Windows XP 32 bit too.
You will also need a working LiveSuite image file, for your tablet. Make sure that you can flash it to your device without problems!
Virtual machines are fine, if you have enough memory available. To build Android in a VM, you should give it at least 2GB of RAM. Alternatively if you're using Linux, you can create a Windows VM for the image creation or flashing part.
For the rest of the tutorial I will assume you are using a Linux Virtual Machine on a Windows box.
For building the kernel and AOSP you will need at least 35GB of free space in your linux machine (the more the better). To create the images you will need an additional 2GB of space on your Windows machine.
B: Getting the kernel and AOSP sources
First initialize your Linux machine according to this page:
Here are the most important commands:
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs \
x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown \
libxml2-utils xsltproc
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
// Additonal commands for Ubuntu 10.10:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/mesa/ /usr/lib32/mesa/
// Additonal commands for Ubuntu 11.10:
$ sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386
Now create a directory on your linux machine. The path should contain no spaces in it. Inside this directory first pull the kernel source from the allwinner github page:
$ git clone lichee
Make sure that the kernel resides in the lichee directory
Now download AOSP Android. We will use Gingerbread version 2.3.7:
$ mkdir android
$ cd android
$ repo init -u -b android-2.3.7_r1
$ repo sync
Allwinner uses a special init, which has a few additional commands that you have to download too:
$ cd system/core
$ git pull git://
$ cd ../..
You will also need the device descriptors for the tablets:
$ cd device
$ git clone git:// softwinner
$ cd ..
C: ARM compiler
You might simply use a compiler that is supplied for AOSP, they are inside the android/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/ directory. Alternatively you can also download the ARM compiler of CodeSourcery. Get the arm-2009q3 / arm-none-linux-gnueabi version, and unpack it inside a directory.
If ready, go on to next step: building the kernel
Part 2: Building the kernel
Change to the directory of the kernel. Now edit the file scripts/
Change the line "export CROSS_COMPILE=" to point to the ARM compiler. For example if you extracted the CodeSourcery files to /opt then use:
export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2009q3/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
The default .config file is more or less the same that is supplied with your tablet. On the Teclast P76TI you can actually extract the .config file used from /proc using "adb pull /proc/config.gz" Not sure about other vendors.
Now you have to compile. Issue the command:
./ -p sun4i_crane
This will build the kernel and modules inside the the "output" directory.
Next step is to compile Android
Part 3: Building Android
Go to the android directory. Now setup android using:
$ source build/
$ lunch
You will get simething like this:
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu... pick a combo:
1. generic-eng
2. simulator
3. full_passion-userdebug
4. full_crespo4g-userdebug
5. full_crespo-userdebug
6. crane_Ainol_Novo7A-eng
7. crane_Teclast_P76TI_REV4-eng
Which would you like? [generic-eng]
Here select your device (option 6 or 7 depending on your tablet)
After you have selected it issue a make command:
$ make
This will take a while. If you're using ubuntu 11.10 make might fail, but you can fix it using these fixes:
After the building is complete you have to create the image files. Run the following command:
$ ./device/softwinner/crane-tcp76ti_r4/
(substitute tcp76ti_r4 with ainovo7a if you're using the other tablet)
The image files will be ready in the directory "out/target/product/crane-tcp76ti_r4/images/" or "out/target/product/crane-ainovo7a/images/"
Copy the three files from here (root.img, recovery.img, system.img), and the "bImage" file from the "output" directory of the kernel to your Windows machine.
The next step is creating the flashable image, and flashing your build
Part 4: Flashing
A: Initialize kitchen
First download my A10 flash kitchen from this site:
This is based on the ainol novo 7 soruce drop, but only contains the nescessary files, and has a few batch scripts to automate the process.
There is also a v2, wich also supports ICS firmwares:
First unzip the files to a directory. You will see a few directories and to commands here: extract_image.bat and create_image.bat
First we have to extract an official image for your tablet. Simply comply the image file to this directory, and rename it to "original.img". If done, run extract_image.bat. This command should extract your image to the _extract directory.
Next you need to extract the bootfs inside the _bootfs directory. You have multiple options on how to do this:
1. Get the bootfs from your device on-line using adb:
> cd _bootfs
> adb shell
$ cd /
$ mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/root /
$ mkdir bootfs
$ mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /bootfs
(Control-C: exit adb shell)
> adb pull /bootfs
2. Get the bootfs from the extracted image file using Linux:
A. Copy the RFSFAT16_BOOTFS_000000000.fex file to linux
$ mkdir bootfs
$ sudo mount -o loop RFSFAT16_BOOTFS_000000000.fex bootfs
$ cp -a bootfs b2
$ sudo umount bootfs
C. Copy the contents of the b2 directory to Windows, inside the _bootfs directory of the kitchen
B: Create image
If you have initialized the kitchen, you have to copy the four files from linux (system.img, root.img, recovery.img and bImage) inside the _input directory. You will also need to rename the .img files to .fex (so they should be system.fex, root.fex, recovery.fex).
If you are done with this, then run create_image.bat. It will create an output.img file, that can be flashed to the device using LiveSuite.
Additional information for developers:
1. Difference between AOSP 2.3.4 and Novo7 android 2.3.4
Download the diff file from here:
Filelist of differences:
sztupy, did you figure out why eDragonEx and FSBuild have an apparently unused Lua library next to each? I was interested by it, as it might be possible that some parts of the apps are actually written in Lua (would it be possible? Lua in a native DLL?), what would help reversing it.
fonix232 said:
sztupy, did you figure out why eDragonEx and FSBuild have an apparently unused Lua library next to each? I was interested by it, as it might be possible that some parts of the apps are actually written in Lua (would it be possible? Lua in a native DLL?), what would help reversing it.
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Yeah, saw that. Also their build script used "convert" on the image.cfg, but that file wasn't in lua anyway (except for the image parts part which seems to be a lua hash).
There are also a lot of compiled files that are compiled inside the image file and which are neither the bootfs nor android or the kernel. I don't yet know what they are for, but I think they are used by LiveSuite during the flashing.
sztupy said:
Yeah, saw that. Also their build script used "convert" on the image.cfg, but that file wasn't in lua anyway (except for the image parts part which seems to be a lua hash).
There are also a lot of compiled files that are compiled inside the image file and which are neither the bootfs nor android or the kernel. I don't yet know what they are for, but I think they are used by LiveSuite during the flashing.
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I know most of the files from the flashing, they are the following:
- SYS_CONFIG is used as a command bunch for LiveSuite. It tells the app how to flash, what to flash, where, and it configures the device too (screen size, ram info, cpu info, etc)
- Boot0 and Boot1 bins are NAND bootloaders
- FED FES and FET tools are NAND flashing utilities, checksums, hardware scanner, and other tools used during flashing.
- '12345678' files are bootloaders, config files, and tools for SDMMC flashing, if there's a device with SDMMC internal instead of NAND, these are used
- Split seems to be some kind of ID string, I had no luck retrieving it's usage and meaning.
So you say, that the actual Lua parts are the image encryption parts of eDragonEx? Interesting, maybe I've missed that spot with my tool...
Might I ask if you have tried disassembling (and decompiling) unimg.exe? I had several problems with it, but that would greatly help understanding how the images are created. I've got a C# framework, with image config parser, etcetera etcetera, to be able to read and create images in a much more advanced environment (filtering user errors, having tools for everything (bootfs modding, script.bin reversal, etcetera), and creating a working image as a final result), and it only needs the image file format (and some of my work, to create a parser).
The problems with unimg were all about positive sp values, and as I'm not a big assembly programmer, I couldn't make out anything from that. Maybe you understand it a bit more
Illetve beszélhetünk egy kicsit magyarul is. Tabletrepublic-on írtam hogy vegyél fel MSNre és részletezem a különböző Crane SDK elemek funkcióit, működését, egyebeket, amit eddig sikerült kiderítenem az egészről.
Sajnos elég zavaros, mivel vagy négyféle csomagoló rendszer készíti a fileokat, és ezek közül csak egy működött rendesen (crane_pack.exe). Jó lenne megérteni ezt a file formátumot, hogy egy kicsit normálisabb módon hozhassam létre, különféle vacakolások nélkül.
fonix232 said:
I know most of the files from the flashing, they are the following:
- SYS_CONFIG is used as a command bunch for LiveSuite. It tells the app how to flash, what to flash, where, and it configures the device too (screen size, ram info, cpu info, etc)
- Boot0 and Boot1 bins are NAND bootloaders
- FED FES and FET tools are NAND flashing utilities, checksums, hardware scanner, and other tools used during flashing.
- '12345678' files are bootloaders, config files, and tools for SDMMC flashing, if there's a device with SDMMC internal instead of NAND, these are used
- Split seems to be some kind of ID string, I had no luck retrieving it's usage and meaning.
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Thanks for these. Seems I was mostly right
So you say, that the actual Lua parts are the image encryption parts of eDragonEx? Interesting, maybe I've missed that spot with my tool...
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I think lua is not really used anymore. It probably had more relevance back in the past.
Might I ask if you have tried disassembling (and decompiling) unimg.exe? I had several problems with it, but that would greatly help understanding how the images are created. I've got a C# framework, with image config parser, etcetera etcetera, to be able to read and create images in a much more advanced environment (filtering user errors, having tools for everything (bootfs modding, script.bin reversal, etcetera), and creating a working image as a final result), and it only needs the image file format (and some of my work, to create a parser).
The problems with unimg were all about positive sp values, and as I'm not a big assembly programmer, I couldn't make out anything from that. Maybe you understand it a bit more
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No, haven't tried disassembling it yet. I was very glad that it worked, and that I could create a whole working build just from the sources. I know there are a lot of quirks, like if the extension of the file is not .fex, then it will encrypt(?) it, etc. I might try it, but currently I'm more interested in getting a working AOSP ICS on my tablet. Besides for disassembly I need to be in a special mood, which I'm not really in now
Illetve beszélhetünk egy kicsit magyarul is. Tabletrepublic-on írtam hogy vegyél fel MSNre és részletezem a különböző Crane SDK elemek funkcióit, működését, egyebeket, amit eddig sikerült kiderítenem az egészről.
Sajnos elég zavaros, mivel vagy négyféle csomagoló rendszer készíti a fileokat, és ezek közül csak egy működött rendesen (crane_pack.exe). Jó lenne megérteni ezt a file formátumot, hogy egy kicsit normálisabb módon hozhassam létre, különféle vacakolások nélkül.
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Már egy jó ideje nem használok MSN-t. Skype/GTalk/email viszont van. Ha nem használsz olyanokat, akkor azért majd felrakom.
Made a diff between AOSP android 2.3.4 and the Novo 7 2.3.4 source drop. The list can be found at post 6:
Nice tutorial! Do you mind if I fork your Github repo and add the device tree for the Bmorn V11 to the lunch list?
sztupy said:
Made a diff between AOSP android 2.3.4 and the Novo 7 2.3.4 source drop. The list can be found at post 6:
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Most of the things changed aren't even needed for the device - ril can be replaced with a local one (and suggested by Google to do so), just like recovery changes, in ICS we already have USB BT support enabler, so BT changes can be dropped, just like framework changes (they are for the softbuttons on the notification bar), camera and mediaplayer changes should be local too (in the device tree), so 99% of changes can be dropped.
Additions are different, some can be totally erased, and some are needed. From your github, I see that you've already began making a cleaned up, generic A10 tree, but I miss a few things - libsensor for one, stagefright, camera, and audio. The AOSP stock ALSA should work, if the proper audio config is placed in a ROM, but I have bad feelings about the missing libsensors source, and camera. Stagefright has a chance too to work, but camera definitely won't, and the used sensors aren't the common ones to be included.
Használok GTalk-ot is, ott is ugyanez a nicknevem, gmail utótaggal, szóval a szokásos
FezzFest said:
Nice tutorial! Do you mind if I fork your Github repo and add the device tree for the Bmorn V11 to the lunch list?
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That's what github is for
fonix232 said:
Most of the things changed aren't even needed for the device - ril can be replaced with a local one (and suggested by Google to do so), just like recovery changes, in ICS we already have USB BT support enabler, so BT changes can be dropped, just like framework changes (they are for the softbuttons on the notification bar), camera and mediaplayer changes should be local too (in the device tree), so 99% of changes can be dropped.
Additions are different, some can be totally erased, and some are needed. From your github, I see that you've already began making a cleaned up, generic A10 tree, but I miss a few things - libsensor for one, stagefright, camera, and audio. The AOSP stock ALSA should work, if the proper audio config is placed in a ROM, but I have bad feelings about the missing libsensors source, and camera. Stagefright has a chance too to work, but camera definitely won't, and the used sensors aren't the common ones to be included.
Használok GTalk-ot is, ott is ugyanez a nicknevem, gmail utótaggal, szóval a szokásos
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libsensor and stagefright are still there, as I could manage them to get compiled. Not that they work though. For the libcamera it depends on CedarX, which I couldn't manage to compile, that's why I removed it (for now). Besides CedarX unfortunately not "open-source", so in theory we couldn't use it either (well... not that I actually care about licence violations).
I'm still compiling ICS. Will put back libcamera and try to get the other hardware libs to work after I managed to get ICS to boot.
sztupy said:
libsensor and stagefright are still there, as I could manage them to get compiled. Not that they work though. For the libcamera it depends on CedarX, which I couldn't manage to compile, that's why I removed it (for now). Besides CedarX unfortunately not "open-source", so in theory we couldn't use it either (well... not that I actually care about licence violations).
I'm still compiling ICS. Will put back libcamera and try to get the other hardware libs to work after I managed to get ICS to boot.
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Please be noted that ICS requires new stagefright, camera HAL, new GPU drivers, and so on.
ICS also should have some differences in the build tree, make a new branch for sure (as an example, it requires a and, both being the base containers without target definition, full_[devicename].mk for the actual full target, and for CyanogenMod, what I'd suggest you to build).
I couldn't find any of the sources, but must have overlooked something. Will check it further.
hi, I'm the author of unimg(esxgx).
and your unimg is not up-to-date(the version still have bugs to lead to fail the packing process.
Here is the latest version (fix bugs but no virus alarm[compared with the former version]), and you can use it in the same way.
please update your file.
PS. yes, the unimg can unpack and pack all allwinner's firewares without diffculty, good luck.
sorry for my english.
fonix232 said:
Might I ask if you have tried disassembling (and decompiling) unimg.exe? I had several problems with it, but that would greatly help understanding how the images are created. I've got a C# framework, with image config parser, etcetera etcetera, to be able to read and create images in a much more advanced environment (filtering user errors, having tools for everything (bootfs modding, script.bin reversal, etcetera), and creating a working image as a final result), and it only needs the image file format (and some of my work, to create a parser).
The problems with unimg were all about positive sp values, and as I'm not a big assembly programmer, I couldn't make out anything from that. Maybe you understand it a bit more
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I think you should use unimg.exe.
unimg is the only tool to unpack it correctly.
you know, allwinner didn't want me to release the tool in public last year(the tool is for sc9800[the former chip]). for some commercial reason, the offical toolchain of a10 only contains pack_tool.
so I released the tool with other tools(rootcr, rootpk,etc..) in a small group.
but some person posted it on the internet. so....
I developed the analysis tools in the form of many files(unimg, rootcr, rootpk, unimg2), because I want to keep each of the packing stages simple.
you can use a "bat" file / a GUI shell to communicate with each other, and that is what I expected.
I can't smoothly speak english, so I modified several times.
Thank you very much!
If I may ask, would it be possible to release the source code too?
fonix232 said:
Thank you very much!
If I may ask, would it be possible to release the source code too?
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I cannot released yet, but I will release it in a proper time on github (I have been touching with allwinner company, so I have to consider many factors).

[RASPBERRY PI] Android-Tools binaries (ADB/Fastboot/fsutils)

Hi all,
I don't think we have a Rasp-pi forum on here, so Im posting here. Also, such a forum would probably be for those wishing to run Android on their Raspberry Pi. This thread is for those who are using their Pi for android development
I had a hard time finding android-tools packages for the debian "wheezy" build that comes with the Pi, so I back-ported them and built some binaries, attached below.
This is useful for people who plan to use their Raspberry Pi for some sort of android tinker. ing, but don't plan on doing any actual development (and hence will not need the full SDK). These should save some time. My first contribution to XDA, so enjoy!
Mirror available via PM.
MD5 Hash: AB22B0251A8A1B1209EF1342167C1E09
SHA1: FA8113237AF1C8F64FA74BF800A866A7B681CD2A
Download, cd to the directory you downloaded,
tar zxvf android-tools-pi.tar.gz && cd android-tools-pi
There should be three binaries in the directory.
Install with
dpkg -i android-tools-*.deb
EDIT: Whoops.. if a mod could move this to the Pi forums I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
I downloaded the files and unfortunately the md5 doesn't agree.
C9D4DB0E4D350022888D1AF8921EF7E9 for android-tools-pi.tar.gz
4C27CA4B23E4C3E0AFF814B592871DF6 for android-tools-pi.tar
The first file, android-tools-adb, doesn't seem to be a valid debian archive format.
I tried downloading more than once. Could you check your upload went ok?
A link or list of the utilities would be helpful, save a search. Also how you did it. I see fastboot and fsutils.
Hm, that's interesting. This is from so long ago it almost feels like a foreign language now haha.
I think I just compiled the source code to run on wheezy but doing so required a few tricks (I think it needed to use the newer c++ compiler not included in wheezy)
Also the reason I did this was so I could cross-compile android ROMs on my pi, which I soon discovered was the stupidest idea I've ever had in my life. It's great for doing adb/recovery/ssh stuff though
I can look into it, but it'll take me some time
I know the feeling, forgetting earlier work, I actually write notes now, but then one has to clip them together to be able to find them again.
The latest Debian image seems to be quite good, usually though one has to download the more specialist utilities. It's just that these packages don't exist online, but I expect the c++ compiler would be available. If it isn't easy to reproduce the steps I'll start looking for the source and compiler. It seems that no one else tested the packages, but the general process of compiling a package for the Raspberry, and getting it into the right format to load, might be of interest to others.
The CWM (Clock Work Mode) recovery utility for the P3100 phone seems easy enough to install using odin.
I imagine you were compiling Replicant, probably not enough memory on a Raspberry so it might need a big cache file somewhere if that's even possible.
The ssh function to phone seems interesting. I use it quite a lot between Raspberry computers, especially if something freezes.
Since your archive files are not working - i got "****** doesn't seem to be a valid debian archive format"
Go to
Download this files to PI:
In terminal go to file location and then :
dpkg -i android-tools-*.deb
Or easy
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
Done ... we got ADB on Raspberry PI
Thank for the information so far.
I downloaded the files and ran the commands. There seem to be dependency problems.
I ran the second command thinking it might solve the problem with adb from the first one. It didn't.
As I don't want to risk doing the wrong thing I am posting the command prompt output here.
Should I do as it suggests? "Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages"
I don't know enough about the packages to say what the problem is without a lot more research.
[email protected] ~/Desktop/Android/NewTools $ sudo dpkg -i android-tools-*.deb
Selecting previously unselected package android-tools-adb.
(Reading database ... 89053 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking android-tools-adb (from android-tools-adb_4.2.2+git20130529-3_armhf.deb) ...
Preparing to replace android-tools-fastboot 4.2.2+git20130529-3 (using android-tools-fastboot_4.2.2+git20130529-3_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement android-tools-fastboot ...
Preparing to replace android-tools-fsutils 4.2.2+git20130529-3 (using android-tools-fsutils_4.2.2+git20130529-3_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement android-tools-fsutils ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of android-tools-adb:
android-tools-adb depends on libc6 (>= 2.15); however:
Version of libc6:armhf on system is 2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u8.
dpkg: error processing android-tools-adb (--install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Setting up android-tools-fastboot (4.2.2+git20130529-3) ...
Setting up android-tools-fsutils (4.2.2+git20130529-3) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
[email protected] ~/Desktop/Android/NewTools $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
android-tools-adb is already the newest version.
android-tools-fastboot is already the newest version.
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
android-tools-adb : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15) but 2.13-38+rpi2+deb7u8 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
[email protected] ~/Desktop/Android/NewTools $

A noob tries his hand at ROM development for the MiA1 tissot

The problem with reading the articles on XDA is that eventually you want to try out some of the things described in these pages. I am no exception. After reading the superb article I decided to try my hand at developing the ROM for the Xiaomi MiA1. This is my daily driver and that in itself was a strong reason for motivation.
I tried replicating the steps given in the article on my Dell Inspiron and immediately ran into issues. The basic requirements mentioned are a linux or Mac computer. So to start with I formatted my laptop. Removed windows 10 and installed Ubuntu's latest 18.04 LTS.
I believed I had the next set of requirements for custom ROM development which were
• A basic understanding of Linux based OS specifically Ubuntu.
• Ability to type and use the command line. Write or copy paste commands in the Ubuntu konsole.
• A basic understanding of programming concepts, read and update XML files, understand error messages.
• Fast internet access.
• Steady electricity supply.
• Lots and lots of patience.
This still did not solve my problem. The build would crash repeatedly. Then I read the A whole new set of requirement came up. The article said that ideally the build system should exceed these conditions
• 64 bit environment
• 100 GB of free hard disk space
• 16 GB RAM / swap space.
At home my son was about to buy a new PC and this made his old PC available. I upgrade the RAM and added a new hard disk. Now my hardware configuration was as under :
• Intel i5 processor
• 16 GB RAM
• 1 TB hard disk.
With a new hard disk I had to create a boot-able USB drive. This I achieved with Rufus. My old laptop which again had its Windows 10 installation was used to install Rufus based on the instructions i got from
The latest version of Ubuntu I downloaded from
Setting Ubuntu from scratch for someone used to the world of windows is not exactly easy. I found the tutorial at extremely helpful.
I wrote down the steps I took in reaching the final goal of a Lineage ROM for my Mi A1.
Step 1: Setup Ubuntu - already completed
I chose the default settings as recommended in the setup.
Step 2: Installation of Java Development Kit
Once Ubuntu was up and running I opened a konsole window and typed the following commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Ubuntu did all the installing as I looked on.
Step 3: Installing required packages
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip
Step 4: Configure your smart phone access
I next installed the tools required to access the phone. This access would be required to later flash the phone or access its internals with ADB.
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
sudo apt-get install fastboot
Step 5: To creating the work directories i typed the following commands. I was following the instructions from the above two articles alternately.
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~//lineage
Step 6: Installing repo
I was informed that the Android source tree is located in a Git repository which is hosted by Google. The Git repository includes metadata for the Android source. Repo is a tool that makes it easier to work with Git .
curl [url][/url] > ~/bin/repo
Once the repo was downloaded I had to make it executable
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Step 7: The next step was to initialize the lineage source
This required to change to the directory created in step number 5 above. As someone coming from the world of windows I preferred to use the GUI and open the lineage folder created by using the mouse click. There right click brings up the option of ' Open in Terminal' . Those who prefer to type commands can use the below command
cd ~//lineage
Once I had made sure that I was in the newly created lineage folder I moved ahead.
Step 8: Now i was required to configure my Git user
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
I replaced the text within the " " with my creadentials, which I had created on
Step 9: Now we moved on to initializing the repo
repo init -u [url][/url] -b lineage-15.1
A successful initialization showed a message stating that Repo is initialized in your working directory. The lineage directory now contain a .repo folder. To check hidden folder I used control + H key.
Step 8: Download the source code
This is the step where you will realize the importance of having a fast internet connection. The source code size is about 30 – 35 GB. I have a 10 mbps line and at times the download speed shoots up to 20- 25 mbps!!!* Yet it takes me anything from 4 – 10 hours to download the entire code!
My suggestion is check the time when your local ISP download speeds are at its best. For me it is during the night. I set the download up at night and go to sleep!
The command to get the source code is :
repo sync -c -f --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch –prune
Optional Step 8 a: Making a backup of your source code
I copied the entire folder and kept a copy on an external device. This is just in case there is any need for me to format my hard disk. While copying I do not copy the .Repo and .Cache folders on to my backup. To check hidden folders press control + H keys.
Step 9: Get the source code for your specific device.
This is where I was stuck numerous times. As I understood the code which was downloaded is generic in nature. For your particular device you would need to get files which are specific to your device.
The source for all these files is github. You are targeting three sets of folders – Device, Kernel and vendor.
The git clone commands given below are for the tissot or Xiaomi MiA1 phone. Similarly other phones have their locations on GitHub from where you can get files specific to them.
git clone [url][/url] -b lineage-15.1 device/xiaomi/msm8953
git clone [url][/url] -b lineage-15.1 device/xiaomi/tissot
git clone [url][/url] -b lineage-15.1 vendor/xiaomi
git clone [url][/url] -b 8.1 kernel/xiaomi/msm8953
Step 10: Modify Caching to speed up the build process.
export CCACHE_DIR=./.ccache
ccache -C
export USE_CCACHE=1
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
Step 11: Configure JACK
JACK is the java compiler and can cause crashes – believe me! A simple fix is this command which you type next
export _JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
Step 12: Cleaning up the build folder
make clean
Step 13: Initializing the build
source build/
Step 14: Starting the build
brunch tissot
Watching the build on the screen is an interesting phase. It can get a bit tedious. In my case it took about 3 hours to complete the build. There were numerous errors that were thrown up. Files were declared as missing. After a couple of failures I realized I could search for them and then paste the file in the appropriate folders.
The one good thing about the build errors is googling for them usually gets you the right help. There would definitely be someone in some part of the world who would have run into a similar issue.
Finally after a 3 hour wait I got my zip file which when i flashed through TWRP on my MiA1. The sheer joy of having a ROM you created on your phone is indeed beyond words. It took me about a week of sitting for about ten to fifteen hours to get the various combination right, but believe me when I tell you the results are worth it.
My thanks to arunassain from whose article I was able to understand the basics. He helped me with responses to my queries when I was stuck.
I further picked up from the excellent articles under the title Establishing a build Environment at
A great video that helped me was available on the topic How to build your own custom Android ROM at
To check out the ROM's built for the MiA1 please click here
Now coming to the question if I have understood everything that is to learn about ROM development, well the answer is no. This was just the first build by a noob of a ROM which somehow worked. I have been using the ROM on my daily driver for the past one day and it is working perfectly. Having said that I still need to understand more of what happens behind the scenes in this wonder world of Custom ROM development.
Don't tell me you thought that you could build a rom on x86 processor/OS
Give him a break, he admitted that he is new to this building ROM world, I can understand that some people can think that if a proc is powerful enough they can use it to build no matter if it's a x64 or x86.
Thanks for you story mate! And don't hesitate to ask dev on telegrams or G+ to explain you some what you don't understand :good: I'm pretty sure that would love to finally have someone like you, who is truly interested in this whole world

