Maybe somebody know is it possible to setup some application to work?
None of the few I found on Play don't work with Memo Pad HD7. :crying:
I have problem same.
Sent from my VS930 4G using Tapatalk 4
Hey guys when ever i take my tf300 out of it dock it either reloads the webpage or if im playing a game it sends me back to the home screen, is this normal and is there a way to stop it ????
something similar happens with mine - asus needs to address this. however I think that it may be fixed in an update - i'm stuck on .17
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA
It has happened to me also, don't mind it though.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA
It's an unfortunate bug and happens with ALL transformers (Including my tf101). There's AFAIK no way to fix, and trust me I've looked Dx
It's extremely annoying to me when I'm riding in the car or on a bus (bumps and whatnot) and it disconnects from the dock constantly.
its not big problem its just annoying sometimes lol
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
Yes, happened also to me but it's only a little bug!
It seems HD apps handle this better, so I'm assuming for now that it's in the app's coding.
would mean that asus cant fix it its up to the devs???
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
Yep, per app devs, unless ASUS finds some sort of workaround.
I just found this in my sdcard/ download folder (. When installed it said something about higher power consumption, and didnt do anything other than have a notification. No idea what or where this came from The app itself is called Asus Demo.. AD_TF300T_Experience_noText_V2.7.apk Any ideas?
My guess is that it is a retail store demo mode.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
My guess is that it is a retail store demo mode.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That makes sense. But when I start the app it doesnt do anything, so I dont know. I do know that it wasnt on the blue ones I had.
After the. 30 update, it popped up.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using XDA Premium HD app
Its a demo app showing a video of the TF300 and how the whole thing works.
When you switch it on the app works by pressing the power button. So instead of the screen switching off it starts the video instead. Its great if you want to drain your battery
For some reason, we don't get the timeline view on our transformer. Same version on my Dinc2, Epic4g, and Nexus 7 - they all show timeline view. But not the tf700. Anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix or is this even a known issue - or is it just me?
Thanks for any help!
I also have this problem. Emailed Facebook developers, you should too, and we Will see if somethings gonna happend whitin the closest 100 years!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app
Same here...
I have a mytouch 4G using CM7 and nothing.
My wife's phone, a mytouch 3G slide with CM7 works fine...
CajuCLC said:
Same here...
I have a mytouch 4G using CM7 and nothing.
My wife's phone, a mytouch 3G slide with CM7 works fine...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same issue mytouch 4g CM7
it's s known limitation of the Android tablet setup. they currently are probably not working to fix it - it took them until just recently to finally fix it on iPad. imagine their priority ranking for Android tabs.
Sent from my Galaxy S III
Just another reason to use google+, facebook hasnt exactly seen android as a priority - specially android tablets.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
Hi, just 2 qns
I have pair with my Bluetooth mouse but i am not able to navi around using the mouse. So is it that I have to change some setting before possible to use a Bluetooth Mouse ?
Am I able to m make a phone Call on my pad like HTC flyer?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300TG using xda premium
Just confirmed that the pad can use both wired and wireless mouse....
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300TG using xda premium
I dont know if you would be able to call..
How would you do this ? Can you use your phone to pass them through to your tablet
Wickedd said:
I dont know if you would be able to call..
How would you do this ? Can you use your phone to pass them through to your tablet
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Was looking for the answer but seems like no one know how.
Many suggest to use apps like skype etc.... but i am looking for some solution to use the sim card and make a call like a phone... something like samsung galaxy tabs/ notes or even like htc flyer after root....
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300TG using xda premium
ive looked around on the internet and found multiple threads where people have the same problem of screens not mtaching up on the tablet and the tv and no solutions have been found. does anyone have a solution? whenever I connect my tablet via hdmi to my hd tv the display on my tablet gets pushed up like 3/4 the height of the status bar which cuts off the top of certain apps and just looks ugly. also I would like to be able to scale the screen to fully reach the edges of my tv. haven't been able to find any apps that can do this and the hdmi scaling option has been taken out for some weird reason from the hdmi options under settings. all there is is a 3d imaging option.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
I have an Android PC that did the same thing, until I found an option in the settings to adjust it. It's the only device that I have that has that option, I wonder if it could be ported?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk HD
I think it could be if someone who knew how was able to yea that same setting used to be on the tf700 but they took it out on JB for some reason
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app