[Q] Web Browsers &/or Add-ons for Privacy/Security - General Questions and Answers

It appears that my native android browser does not support add ons like Adblock or Disconnect, so I use Firefox. I have installed Adblock Edge and set Startpage as my homepage, but I'm looking for a privacy add on like Ghostery. I like Ghostery, but it does this thing in Firefox mobile where it opens up an extra tab each time I run the browser. It's kind of annoying. Does anyone have any good recommendations for add-ons or browsers that will block tracking across the web on Android?


User agent switcher

Is there an app that will change user agent in the browser
other then about:debug don't work for some sites it still gives the mobile website
even skyfire & dolphin still show mobile sites sometimes even if it has desktop view is selected they must be using about:debug option since all they are GUI on top of the stock android browser.
only browser i seen work Xscope browser with ( UA string set to computer ) but it can't use flash 4.1 that ships in the with evo I will have to wait for froyo to get flash 10.1 and hope that xscope can use it?
it be cool if i could just use stock browser instead of having to use 3rd party browser but UA string options are very limited.
any ideas?

Does the stock web chrome-like browser handle chrome plugins (evernote web clipper) ?

I tried to install a crx extension (the evernote one, web clipper), but the plugin is not activated. So I don't understand what is the use of the
plugin option in the advanced parameters of the stock web browser.
Any idea ?
Thanks !
You can try Boat browser
And its web page Clipperton addon

[Q] NoScript is blocking My Dolphin Connect

I'm using Firefox on desktop & I have an add-on called Dolphin Sync, which syncs bookmarks with the Dolphin Browser for Android. It also allows the immediate sharing of links between the PC & Phone, which is extremely useful. Unfortunately, my NoScript add-on somehow blocks the Dolphin add-on from syncing. There's a constant syncing symbol with nothing else displayed, & nothing happens. When I disable NoScript, it works fine. It displays other devices & immediately receives a sent link, but only if NoScript is disabled. I need both these add-ons working always, & I haven't found out how to solve this. I've looked online but no one else has an answer. Would really appreciate the help.
NOTE: There is probably some URL I need to enter into the whitelist of NoScript, but I'm not sure what. I have tried the obvious ones, the Dolphin Browser website etc. Doesn't solve the problem.
any news or a solution for it?

Google Chrome, Android and Bookmarks.

What is it about bookmarks google doesn’t like?
Google is a multi billion dollar company and has working for it some of the greatest innovative minds currently in the world – and they cant even come up with a decent web browser after years of development….
A Google web browser should be - (in order of importance IMHO)#
(1) Fully working Fast and stable
(2) Be able to sync bookmarks from desktop bookmarks.
(3) Have quick access to these bookmarks
Ok, 2 out of 3 isn’t bad right?, no this is simply ludicrous. As is stands now I can only find one browser that can do this, Dolphin and its crashy as hell with 5.0.
Has anyone found any other browsers?, I ‘ve spent ages looking for something but found no others which give me:
(a) One click or swip access to bookmarks
(b) Desktop bookmark Sync (not import)

Via Browser now with adblock choices

Via browser is the best lightweight browser for Android, and the built-in adblocking now includes options to subscribe to EasyList, or add your own subscription list.
You can also use your own local adblock filter list.

