[Q] Paranoid Android's Per-App-Color - Samsung Galaxy R i9103

Hi guys,
Is there any way to get Per-App-Color from Paranoid Android ROM to work in any other CM based ROMs?
No PAC MAN ROM since it's still in Alpha stage. Also, getting amazing battery backup on JellyBeer and I don't want to ruin that.
I'm currently running JellyBeer on my phone. Is there any way to get it working on that ROM?
Thanks in advance!
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Use pac man rom.
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kaushal.k said:
Use pac man rom.
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Not flashing that ROM since it's still in alpha stage.
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Use release candidate pac man rom
Heres the link
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kaushal.k said:
Use release candidate pac man rom
Heres the link
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Is the battery backup good?
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Yeah its great
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Try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2457265

Adam77Root said:
Try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2457265
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Just tested the module. Sadly, it's not working on our phone. It tries to change it's color (status bar flashes) when a currently supported app is opened, but it doesn't really change the color. It stays default. Reporting to the author now.
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1337SereniTyx3 said:
Hi guys,
Is there any way to get Per-App-Color from Paranoid Android ROM to work in any other CM based ROMs?
No PAC MAN ROM since it's still in Alpha stage. Also, getting amazing battery backup on JellyBeer and I don't want to ruin that.
I'm currently running JellyBeer on my phone. Is there any way to get it working on that ROM?
Thanks in advance!
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You CAN'T use paranoid prefrences in other roms, becouse they need to be configured to support it.

lolerpro8 said:
You can use patanoid prefrences in other roms, becouse they need to be configured to support it.
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Are you saying that I can use Paranoid Preferences app on JellyBeer and that it will work?
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1337SereniTyx3 said:
Are you saying that I can use Paranoid Preferences app on JellyBeer and that it will work?
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Sorry i typed it wrong. You CAN'T use PA prefrences in a rom that is not configured for it

lolerpro8 said:
Sorry i typed it wrong. You CAN'T use PA prefrences in a rom that is not configured for it
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That makes sense, LOL!
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Will u move to pac man rom
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kaushal.k said:
Will u move to pac man rom
Sent from my GT-I9103 using xda premium
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Well, I already did. On Android 4.2.2. PAC Man ROM right now. But getting a lot of phantom touches, so I think I'll be moving back to JellyBeer ROM pretty soon.
Sent from my GT-I9103 using Tapatalk 4


Closest to stock jellybean as possible

I hope this is posted in the right place. I am looking for the purest jellybean Rom with the fewest bugs.What do you guys recommend?
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donebrasko said:
I hope this is posted in the right place. I am looking for the purest jellybean Rom with the fewest bugs.What do you guys recommend?
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Clean ROM.
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I guess it depends on what your definition of "stock" is. If you prefer the so called "pure android experience" then I suggest trying CM10.
tu3218 said:
Clean ROM.
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I agree, CM is squeaky clean!
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If want TouchWiz stock either Scott's Cleanrom or Beans totally stock deodexed. While waiting on Synergy I'm currently running Beans w/Kindacrap mods and Ziggy's latest kernel @1.72/384. Smooth stable and everything works. With all the inverted apps and Moto's International theme it looks good and Quads @ 6500.
Yeah I was liking for a pure experience like on my nexus 7.
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donebrasko said:
Yeah I was liking for a pure experience like on my nexus 7.
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Go for it. You get same experience with better hardware. Can you tell the difference. Only you can tell.
I agree. I am running a nightly of cm 10.1 and everything seems to be Woking fine that I have noticed.
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Stealth111 said:
I agree, CM is squeaky clean!
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shadowdylan99 said:
I agree. I am running a nightly of cm 10.1 and everything seems to be Woking fine that I have noticed.
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That is why we have hundreds of borked CM10.1 phones in the Q&A that belong in the CM10.1 rom thread.

[ROM][PORT][NS4G][ROM 4.2.1] JELLYBAM - v5.1.0 [AOKP | CM10.1 | DPIChanger]

Original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2115640
Jellybam for epicmtd
Please see original rom link for details on features of the rom itself
Some notes:
Currently the soft keyboard does not pull up at first, you need to disable the hardware keyboard for it to pull up, and I that will need to be done at reboot time as well. To do that:
Settings, Language & Input, Default, Turn off hardware keyboard
This can only be used if you are using the NS4g modem, if you are not familiar with how to do that, please read the forum a bit, because the instructions are everywhere...
There will be some force closes at the start for Google TTS, they go away after awhile though... all of these are being looked into, I consider them minor issues really.
That being said, thanks to Effsi for the encouragement and looking into the issues I mentioned, iGio90 (Rom Dev) - Bliss_ (Art and graphics)
b1uefalcon and the whole team for the base frameworks
TeamHacksung (CM10)
Paranoid Android Team
bthorne79 (part of the framework of his baked blackbean 7 4.2.1 )
Justin860 (Inverted Gapps + Themes)
Dropple, Nashdog, Didhiy (kernel and other stuff)
Download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7223836/JellyBam-v5.1.0x-epicmtd.zip
Reserved, just in case...
Good Job
Are you porting this from fixed ns4g JellyBam or crespo?
Sent from my Ported Epic
Dropple said:
Good Job
Are you porting this from fixed ns4g JellyBam or crespo?
Sent from my Ported Epic
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From the ns4g
Thanks to every1 that brought this to life on out og epics....could some1 post a ns4g modem rdy version of this rom or a patch??it'd be much appreciated
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epic559 said:
Thanks to every1 that brought this to life on out og epics....could some1 post a ns4g modem rdy version of this rom or a patch??it'd be much appreciated
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It' built for ns4g out the door, if you are using the ns4g modem, just flash, it is good to go
saramon said:
It' built for ns4g out the door, if you are using the ns4g modem, just flash, it is good to go
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O nice didn't know that sweet o didn't read notes at all lol mybad
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
Wow this is 1 sick rom in about phone it says 4.2.2 on android version....so this is pretty much cm and aokp??pretty sick would love to see this with the newest cm 10.1
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
epic559 said:
Wow this is 1 sick rom in about phone it says 4.2.2 on android version....so this is pretty much cm and aokp??pretty sick would love to see this with the newest cm 10.1
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What do you mean? CM10.1 was updated to 4.2.2 for us on as early as Feb 15th...
Sent from HTC Incredible S @ CM10.1
epic559 said:
Wow this is 1 sick rom in about phone it says 4.2.2 on android version....so this is pretty much cm and aokp??pretty sick would love to see this with the newest cm 10.1
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That may have been a mistake on my part as far as build.prop edits... this is definitely 4.2.1
AndyYan said:
What do you mean? CM10.1 was updated to 4.2.2 for us on as early as Feb 15th...
Sent from HTC Incredible S @ CM10.1
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Yea I know it'd be sick if this had that
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
Thank you saramon, another rom to play with. All the epic devs and porters are amazing glade I kept my epic so long. Can anyone please post some screen shots? Thanks
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
This rom on ns4g thread says on lock screen with x8 custom apps targets but I don't see it?pretty sure this dosnt have that :\
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
Im pretty sure that it did in past versions, but with 4.2.1 we have a new lockscreen, so i dont know if that carried over to newer versions of jellybam
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
O makes sense the newest cm has that that's my dream rom any widget on lock screen witch new cm dosnt have :\ with app short cuts on lock screen ring aswell that'd be pretty sweet
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epic559 said:
O makes sense the newest cm has that that's my dream rom any widget on lock screen witch new cm dosnt have :\ with app short cuts on lock screen ring aswell that'd be pretty sweet
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Have you tried widgetlocker?
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kstephens98 said:
Have you tried widgetlocker?
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Nah what do u mean?this rom allows any widget on lock screen but no app short cuts on lock screen ring
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epic559 said:
Nah what do u mean?this rom allows any widget on lock screen but no app short cuts on lock screen ring
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ahh nvm, I misunderstood
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So this rom is working, right? Booted and running and all? I remember the last version of Jellybam posted wasn't booting
iamterence said:
So this rom is working, right? Booted and running and all? I remember the last version of Jellybam posted wasn't booting
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Yes it boots, just the few issues in the notes sections, otherwise works great

[Q] PAC Rom question

I was just checking the latest PAC Rom (4.2) post under the Android Development and wanted to flash this rom, I am a little confused on the installation of this rom? Do I download and flash both of these files?
Installation & Download:
Download HERE: pacman.basketbuild
Download: Hercules_ROM
Or am I missing something. Really wanting to check this out but don't want to mess up my phone.
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jd1639 said:
So which file is the right one to download?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app[/QUOTE
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The top one if u have a skyrocket
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
thakrew317 said:
The top one if u have a skyrocket
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I thank you for the help on this. I am really intrigued with this Rom, can't wait to try it out.
rfdesign21 said:
I thank you for the help on this. I am really intrigued with this Rom, can't wait to try it out.
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No problems. Its the only ROM I ever use
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium

Cm10 aokp tw punch! 7/21/13

If your running CM10 nightlies, AOKP or TW MF1 give this script a try. It will give them a nice kick in the pants to get it moving without additional battery drain.
Basically some ram optimizations.
CM10 flashable zip
TW MF1 flashable zip
AOKP flashable zip
I'll give it a go! I never use CM10, but I'm actually downloading it right now. Haha. So I will give this a try since I know you're a boss at this stuff
Sorry I'm a noob with running scripts-_- how do you get it going? Haha
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jakereeves31 said:
I'll give it a go! I never use CM10, but I'm actually downloading it right now. Haha. So I will give this a try since I know you're a boss at this stuff
Sorry I'm a noob with running scripts-_- how do you get it going? Haha
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After you download the script rename it by removing the ".txt"
Then place the file in /system/etc/init.d.
Then reboot
razz1 said:
After you download the script rename it by removing the ".txt"
Then place the file in /system/etc/init.d.
Then reboot
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Thanks, boss. We're flying now!
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Posted a link in the op for a flashable zip to make it easy.
Added a TW version
Is this cm 10 only??
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Is this cm 10 only??
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There are 2 downloads now. One for cm10 and one for tw.
If u need to go back what is do we need to flash to restore
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If u need to go back what is do we need to flash to restore
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Use root explorer and remove /system/etc/init.d/THE VERSION YOU DOWNLOADED.
AOKP optimizations added to OP.
What kinda kick will we see
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What kinda kick will we see
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It's definitely going to be much quicker screen to screen.
Loading apps and such. Good stuff!
So would the cm10 script work on nottas paranoid android builds or is it only for cm10?
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andrewk7750 said:
So would the cm10 script work on nottas paranoid android builds or is it only for cm10?
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If it's based on cm10 but it may already have it's own optimizations.
Install it. It won't hurt anything. If it provides more speed for you than keep it. If not, remove it manually. I did not include a remove flashable. I bet you will find more speed though.
razz1 said:
If it's based on cm10 but it may already have it's own optimizations.
Install it. It won't hurt anything. If it provides more speed for you than keep it. If not, remove it manually. I did not include a remove flashable. I bet you will find more speed though.
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Alrighty, thank ya kindly my good sir :thumbup:
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
always down to try a boost. beans 17 ill report back after it settles :good:
Edit.. After finishing setting up my newly flashed ROM I have noticed a little boost between app switching and everything loading. Thanks for the boost
The kernel I use right now has sd read ahead at 3096 .. How will this affect that
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omair2005 said:
The kernel I use right now has sd read ahead at 3096 .. How will this affect that
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Your kernel will keep that at 3096
You think any of this conflicts with anything that Direct Inject does? I've combined the two already, but I was just wondering
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rom 4.3 or 4.4

i need rom 4.3 or 4.4 dev with samsung not cm or slimbean atc
Never going to happen.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
Get a device that has it then
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so only cm ??
eli7897 said:
so only cm ??
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Something like that
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Going to have to do some reading, XDA is not a support site, please go over to the dev threads and read and learn.

