[Q] bluetooth on mz601 with eos jdq39 nightly #170 not working - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is anyone else having this problem? Turning the bluetooth on just doesn't work - when I push the slider to "on" in settings, it moves and goes grey, but never turns blue and never gives me the bluetooth settings/scan. When I go out of settings and back in, the slider is back in the off position.


WiFi Spots not showing in a notification box

Hi, i had a touch pro before topaz, and each time i was turning my wifi on, a notification was coming up, showing me the networks. topaz is not doing it. it shows the icon at the taskbar but no notification comes up to choose network.
is there a solution around this?

Status bar menu and icons turned grey?!

I was wondering if anyone has had this happen before? I was just on my Captivate checking a few apps out and then all of a sudden the screen froze for a few seconds and all the icons disappeared and only the wallpaper was left displayed. During that time I was tapping the screen and whatnot wondering what happened and it stayed frozen like this for maybe 30 seconds before it finally came back to life, but I then noticed that whatever icons were displayed on the left side of the status bar turned grey and also when I pull down the menu from the bar it is also grey in color now.
Also I've noticed that the settings menu seems greyer as well. Does anyone have a way to fix this and bring the color back as the grey looks pretty crappy. I'm using Darky's 9.2 rom right now.
Edit: now that I'm looking at it more, it seems like ALL of the menus in all my apps now are greyed. Where before it use to be in color now everything is a dull grey?!
Can anyone help please??
Master Reset. Something (maybe a messed up app?) screwed up the graphics of your phone so if just restarting (... you DID try turning it off and back on, right?) doesn't work then just back up and master reset.
I'm guessing that you have tried rebooting, but if not try that. If that doesn't work flash to stock using Odin and if it still isn't fixed then try to get a replacement.

[Q] Settings for default clock behavior ?

Running TeamEOS ICS stingray nightlies. If docked, the clock app appears, then after a few minutes it switches into "screensaver" mode. the clock still appears but the background goes dark and the clock begins to move around the screen at pre-set intervals. I also noticed a single click dims the screen, a tap-and-hold changes the font and color of the clock. Question is: Is there any way to change the settings or default behavior of the clock app? or disable the "screensaver" mode all together?

[Q] Synergy Rom JB r118 Lock Toggle Issue

Newly created account, cant post to synergy thread in Development.
Loving the ROM, only issue is that I like to toggle off my lock screen at certain time of the day when it becomes a hassle to unlock everytime i need to use the phone.
Lock toggle on eschelon's Synergy JB r118 works great until i select something from the pull down notification bar, like a text message or email.
sequence goes like this:
-lock toggle off, notication comes in
-pull down notification bar, click notification
-lock toggle is still off, but lock screen and parameters
only works that way, never turns off the lockscreen.
currently using a pin as a lock screen with no slider. have tried with other locks (password, slider, etc) and still same problem. its a small annoyance since most of the time clicking the lock toggle to 'on' and then 'off' works but i figured id try and bring it to the attention of the developer.
thanks in advance.

CM 9 Wifi Alive Issue

i am using CM9 on my explorer and when i connect my wifi to my phone it gets connected and after sometime i automatically gets inactive and show that it connected and the wifi icon on notification bar turns white from blue Please Help

