Ultimately, I want to press a hardware button on my phone, and have it open a new note, ready for my scrawling. Basically, to emulate the "New -> Note" function.
I'm assuming I need to launch notes with some kind of command line parameter, but I don't know what.
I've read -new launches a new note, but it dosen't. I've tried putting in a path to an existing note, with no luck. I keep getting "Cannot open note. It has been renamed, moved, or has been deleted." Yes, I am using quotation marks.
I've had a look at the new menu in the registry, but all it seems to have is a GUID key for each option, which containts a string for the selection title, and a binary option of "enable".
I have a feeling there's something simple I'm missing. Anyone got any ideas?
What command line are you using that isn't working with -new?
\Windows\Notes.exe -new
"\Windows\Notes.exe" -new
\Windows\Notes.exe "-new"
"\Windows\Notes.exe" "-new"
All give the error I described. This is when using a shortcut. The button software I have allows you to specify the exe, and "optional parameters" to pass to the executable. It gives the same error. Gnnnnargh!
Use -n parameter. Work fine for new notes
I have been attempting to re-cook a ROM (famewolf's latest) and for some reason I keep getting the 'USB to PC' icon in Settings\System as opposed to Settings\Connections. I thought it was a HTCCPL issue (with provxml and/or registry settings but I am not sure now. What is the actual application that starts when you click this icon so I can attempt to locate which file is causing it to appear where it is?
OK, fixed it. For some reason it looks like there is a typo in one of the .RGU files. This is in the there:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\PC Connection]
However the space between the PC and Connection needs removing:
Now if I could work out how to get Button 4 to launch Voice Command I would be sorted....
Currently my .RGU file that installs the registry entries for Voice Command contains this:
@="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Voice Command.lnk\""
"Name"="Button 4"
"Icon"="\\windows\\voicecmd.exe, 0"
"ResetCmd"="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Voice Command.lnk\""
In re-cookings of other ROMs this has worked fine. With famewolfs latest the entries in the registry are not there. I have tried creating a 'provxml' which is half working, what I can't get it to do is include the quotation marks when the settings are added to the registry. Does anyone know how? Doing this via a .RGU file you need the extra '\', but this doesn't seem to work with a provxml file.
Any takers?
I'm attempting to adjust an application, that is currently not recieving updates, so that the gyroscope/accelerometer axis are reversed to fit the default axis of the Motorola Xoom. The Xoom is meant to be held in landscape and it's axis are setup accordingly, but this app assumes the axis are set for portrait.
I installed apktool for windows and was under the impression that it would attempt to convert my .smali files to java files so I can atleast see the methods more clearly. I use apktool in the command prompt and have it output the contents of the apk to a folder. But once I open the folder there is no "source" folder with java files, it just contains a "smali" folder with all the smali files.
I've located the smali files that contain the "sensor" methods which is what the gyroscope/accelerometer is being refered to as. But I'm not familar with this level of code to be able to edit it. I planned on simply reversing the variables that the data is stored into but in the smali files it seems like the same variables used over and over again.
Is there an extra step I'm missing to decomplie the smali files into a java-like file?
If I locacted the listener for the "sensor" would anyone be able to help me modify the smali to simply swap which axis is stored into which variable?
Thank you for reading this,
Hi there! I'm new to this community and I would like to salute you all!
I have what should be in my opinion an easy question: is it possible to play android games on a tablet using a physical keyboard connected via usb? I installed gta 3 and it is possible to move with the arrow keys and some other buttons work too, but the action buttons on the right side of the screen dont work with the keyboard. Also, I installed Fifa 12 and I was hoping there could be some sort of app or emulator that could map the keys on the physical keyboard so that they could match the buttons on the on screen keyboard. You know, sort of like WASD + arrow keys. So tell me, is there some kind of app or emulator that coud do this? Is this even possible? Thanks
Is it possible?
You can make a custom layout by writing a keylayout file in Android: /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl
You can modify this to have it send any keycode.
If you are going to remap letters and stuff but still want to be able to use a regular keyboard,
I suggest that you get two different (different PID/VID) keyboards.
You could even use a numeric keyboard for gaming.
Leave qwerty.kl alone and make a new one named something special.
First try this: use logcat when plugging in your keyboard, and twiddling a few keys.
You will get an error message something like this:
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1360): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1360): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/HID_04d9:1203.kcm.bin' . hw.keyboards.196612.devname='HID 04d9:1203'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1360): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
This is not the file that you are looking for but it tells you the name of the file that you do need.
(keylayout is the first layer of translation, keychars is the second layer. You don't need to change keychars.)
That file (in this case) would be /system/usr/keylayout/HID_04d9:1203.kl
If your system doesn't emit this error message, get the VID/PID and try that as a name.
(You can get the VID/PID by plugging the keyboard into a Windows system and looking in device manager.)
You still have to modify the .kl file for whatever your gaming need is.
Start with the original qwerty.kl file as your model.
Thanks. But it seems a little overwhelming for a new android user like me. I was hoping there was some sort of app that could let me map physical keyboard keys.
Is that the only way?
Many people, including myself, enjoyed using the stock Memo application on Froyo and GB. Unfortunately, it relies on TouchWiz so it is pretty unlikely that it will ever be ported to ICS. There are a plethora of note-taking apps out there to replace it, but how do you get your data back?
You don't need a running version of Memo to do this, just a backup of your Memo.db database.
I've attached a couple of shell scripts that you can run either on your phone or `nix / Mac to help you out. Here is the plan:
extract-memos.sh will take the memo data in a copy of your Memo.db, add a new table with columns for human-readable modified and created dates, as well as color, and write out the result (all memos) in a CSV file. You should be able to read the CSV file in most spreadsheet programs and save the data or transform it as you might need for another use.
[email protected]:~/Documents/memo-export$ sh extract-memos.sh
Checking database: /sdcard/memo-extract/com.sec.android.app.memo/databases/Memo.db
Checking output directory: /sdcard/memo-extract
You may want to see if there is anything important in
Data exported to
[email protected]:~/Documents/memo-export$ cat /sdcard/memo-extract/memo_20120714-100915.txt
1,20120712,"A yellow memo",1,1342138985041,1342138985041,Yellow,"2012-07-12 17:23:05","2012-07-12 17:23:05"
2,20120712,"A tan memo",2,1342139010315,1342139010315,Tan,"2012-07-12 17:23:30","2012-07-12 17:23:30"
3,20120712,"A green memo",3,1342139028326,1342139028326,Green,"2012-07-12 17:23:48","2012-07-12 17:23:48"
4,20120712,"A blue memo",4,1342139045894,1342139045894,Blue,"2012-07-12 17:24:05","2012-07-12 17:24:05"
5,20120712,"A pale blue memo",5,1342139064381,1342139064381,BlueGray,"2012-07-12 17:24:24","2012-07-12 17:24:24"
extract-memos.sh expects to find the database in /sdcard/memo-extract/com.sec.android.app.memo/databases
and will write the output in /sdcard/memo-extract
If you already have a copy of Memo.db (I suggest a copy, as the script adds a new table to the database), you can adjust the input and output directories using the environment variables dbdir and outdir.
If you're not command-line savvy, you might want to try creating a copy of Memo.db using extract-files.sh first. It will try, in order:
The GB location -- /data/data/com.sec.android.app.memo
ClockworkMod backups -- /sdcard/clockworkmod/backups
TitaniumBackup backups (default location only) -- /sdcard/TitaniumBackup
and, if successful, copy/extract into /sdcard/memo-extract
You likely need busybox on your phone to run these scripts on the phone. You will need root if you intend to copy from /data/data
To run them on the phone:
Copy the scripts to your phone; here I am assuming you saved them to /sdcard/
Get a shell started on the phone (adb shell, or a terminal emulator on the phone)
Change directory to where you have the scripts
# cd /sdcard/
Uncompress the files, if you haven't already
# gunzip extract-files.sh.gz
# gunzip extract-memos.sh.gz
Get a copy of Memo.db, either using your own approach, or
# sh extract-files.sh
Assuming that succeed, extract the memos into a CSV file
# sh extract-memos.sh
Thanks to m4xm4n for pushing me to make this available. If you find it helpful, please take the time to poke both our Thanks buttons.
If you have problems, please PM me and I'll try to resolve them.
Latest version is 2012-07-14
What is the warning about memo_shared_pref.xml? I don't even have the file!
I had some reasonably useless information about "check" this and that in my com.sec.android.app.memo/shared_prefs/memo_shared_pref.xml My instance of that file dates back to the first release of the phone. I didn't see it on a fresh GB-created version, so it might be Froyo cruft, or who knows. You probably should check this file to see if there is anything useful to you in it.
My _id values aren't all there
Missing _id values are from the memos you have deleted.
What are _id values?
They are an internal number that the Memo app used to keep track of your memos. You probably don't need them to import.
What are the long numbers for modify_t and create_t?
Internal "unixtime" in milliseconds. If that sounded like gibberish, use the human-readable versions that are in your local timezone.
The create/modify times seem off by several hours
Strangely, I have some memos that seem around eight hours off in the opposite way I would expect if they were in UTC. I don't know why.
(reserved for information on importing into other apps)
There are a ton of note-taking apps out there. Right now, I haven't found any that can import the content, the created and modified dates both, and hopefully the color in a reasonable way. If I do, I'll post here how to get the data easily into that app.
Would you be able to post a new link to extract-memos.sh? I just tried clicking on the current one, and both only led to a page that said "410 Gone."