[GUIDE] Pre-Root ROM and Rebuild into Odin Flashable Package! - Galaxy S 4 General

Odin ROM Package Builder v1.3 for 64-bit Linux based systems
Pre-Rooting Process:
Extract the pre-root_rel_1.3.tar.gz to your Home folder to create a 'pre-root_rel_1.3' working directory.
Extract and place ALL files from a Stock Odin flashable package to the 'source' folder.
Open a Terminal and navigate to the pre-root working folder.
For Example: cd /home/*username*/pre-root
Then make sure the binaries have executable permissions:
chmod 777 ./rebuild_system
chmod 777 ./build_rom
chmod 777 ./build_kernel
chmod 777 ./build_modem
chmod 777 ./build_csc
To rebuild the 'System Image' as 'Pre-Rooted':
You must first edit the param.cfg file and change the variables to match your ROMs files.
Save the file and type the following in the Terminal:
Notice that the correct system image size used for rebuilding is calculated for you automatically during the process.
Note: You will then be prompted to enter '[sudo] password'. This is the password you chose when you installed Linux.
When the process has finished, the Original 'System Image' in the 'source' folder will be replaced by the newly created 'Pre-Rooted' 'System Image'.
To Rebuild 'source' files back into an Odin flashable ROM package:
Type the following in the Terminal:
You will then be guided to name your Odin package before rebuilding.
'Enter Device Model' - For Example: I9505
'Enter Sales Code' - The CSC letters for example: 'BTU' for UK.
'Enter PDA Version' - For example: 'XXUBMGA_PRE-ROOTED'.
'Enter Phone Version' - Version of Modem. For example: 'XXUBMGA'.
'Enter CSC Version' - For example 'OXXBMG3'.
The package will then be rebuilt and finally an MD5 checksum will be added.
Your finished package will be then placed in the 'output' folder.
Other binaries within this package:
build_kernel - Allows you to package the Kernel file into an Odin Package.
build_modem - Allows you to package the Modem file into an Odin Package.
build_csc - Allows you to package the CSC files into an Odin Package.
This package is configured for I9505 by default.
If you get any errors you may have missing packages
just look at the error and install the relavant
package. Everything should then work fine.

thanks a lot for ur script can u plz make a video for this because i will install linux but im confuse

Ah great work! thanks, but it seems to work just for GT-I9505? It asked me to put a system.img.ext4 to source folder from original Odin pack or shall I convert original system.img to ext4 file?

nicemblem said:
Ah great work! thanks, but it seems to work just for GT-I9505? It asked me to put a system.img.ext4 to source folder from original Odin pack or shall I convert original system.img to ext4 file?
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You need to edit the scripts and change the filenames.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

Odin ROM Package Builder has now been updated to v1.3

SGH-I467 - ATT Note 8
Hello lyriquidperfection,
Thank you for your efforts.
I am trying to root my I467 (ATT Samsung Note 8). I was able to flash the image and reboot after some trial and error. When I try to run SuperSU I get a message "There is no SU binary installed, and SuperSU cannot install it. This is a problem".
I am using pre-root version 1.3 and Ubuntu server 12.04TLS
I ran the scripts;
I did not package the kernel, modem, or csc. I already have them from Samsung. Am I missing something?
Thanks again,
./rebuild_system stdout
--- Odin System Image Builder v1.3 (C) Gaz 2013 ---
Converting: 'system.img' from Sparse EXT4 Image to Standard EXT4 Image...
Loop Mounting './system_image/system.img' to './system' Folder...
Rooting 'system.img'...
Getting required image size...
Size = 2048M
Rebuilding 'system.img' as Odin Flashable System Image...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 2147483648
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 8192
Blocks: 524288
Block groups: 16
Reserved block group size: 127
Created filesystem with 2173/131072 inodes and 346014/524288 blocks
Unmounting './system'...
loop: can't delete device /dev/loop0: No such device or address
Cleaning up folders...
Removing Original 'system.img' from './source' Folder...
rm: remove write-protected regular file `./source/system.img'? y
Moving Pre-Rooted 'system.img' to './source' Folder...
./build_rom stdout;
---- Odin ROM Package Builder v1.3 (C) Gaz 2013 ----
Enter Device Model: SAMSUNG-SGH-I467
Enter Sales Code: ATT
Enter PDA Version: I467UCAMF1-ROOT
Enter PHONE Version: I467UCAMF1
Enter CSC Version: ATT_I467ATTAMF1
-------- Building '.tar.md5' Odin Package... --------
Creating TAR Archive...
Calculating MD5 Checksum...
Moving file to: './output' folder...
Odin ROM Package:
Built successfully in './output' folder.

thanks a lot

Works with Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and Samsung Galaxy Chat.
Thanks for this tool!

Don't AT&T and Verizon lock their bootloaders? If so then you would need to unlock it before you can flash ROMs.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

SGH-I467 - ATT Note 8
lyriquidperfection said:
Don't AT&T and Verizon lock their bootloaders? If so then you would need to unlock it before you can flash ROMs.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
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I believe they do, but I am able to flash the new system.img. I can even flash the factory bootloader, csc, and modem using Odin.
I can run SuperSU after flashing the modified image. I just get the error that the binary is not installed. I have tried using the stock recovery to load SuperSu from a zip file, after flashing, but Samsung only allows self signed files.
I also noticed that I can not get a data connection via LTE with the modified system.img flashed. If I flash everything back to factory LTE data works.
What do you think could cause the binary to not be available even though it is there? Permissions? If so, is the bootloader changing them after the flash is complete?
Thanks for any advice, and the prompt reply.

Why I'm I getting the following error:
bash: ./rebuild_system cannot execute binary file

zabumba said:
Why I'm I getting the following error:
bash: ./rebuild_system cannot execute binary file
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Have you read the guide?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

lyriquidperfection said:
Have you read the guide?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
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Yes. And gave the binaries executable permissions but keep getting same error...I'm on Suse.

zabumba said:
Yes. And gave the binaries executable permissions but keep getting same error...I'm on Suse.
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Ahh right, is bash installed on your setup as my binaries rely on this. I built and tested these binaries on the latest Ubuntu.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

I have Linux Mint installed and also have bash installed. And I am also getting the same error........ Suggestions?
[email protected] ~/Downloads/pre-root $ ./rebuild_system
bash: ./rebuild_system: cannot execute binary file

Cheers for the guide

Dubzie said:
Cheers for the guide
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No worries it has been long over due! Needed to make them more user friendly first though!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

ZeroxCorbin said:
I believe they do, but I am able to flash the new system.img. I can even flash the factory bootloader, csc, and modem using Odin.
I can run SuperSU after flashing the modified image. I just get the error that the binary is not installed. I have tried using the stock recovery to load SuperSu from a zip file, after flashing, but Samsung only allows self signed files.
I also noticed that I can not get a data connection via LTE with the modified system.img flashed. If I flash everything back to factory LTE data works.
What do you think could cause the binary to not be available even though it is there? Permissions? If so, is the bootloader changing them after the flash is complete?
Thanks for any advice, and the prompt reply.
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Are you packing with "aboot"?

SGH-I467 - ATT Note 8
Hello lyriquidperfection,
Thanks to you and many other I was able to get root access to my SGH-i467. Thanks for the tools.
As a note, I had to convert, mount, and "chown root:root" the supersu.pk file after running ./rebuild_system. The permissions where set to my username. Not sure if your binary is correctly changing the permissions of the file?
Thanks again, :good:

ZeroxCorbin said:
Hello lyriquidperfection,
Thanks to you and many other I was able to get root access to my SGH-i467. Thanks for the tools.
As a note, I had to convert, mount, and "chown root:root" the supersu.pk file after running ./rebuild_system. The permissions where set to my username. Not sure if your binary is correctly changing the permissions of the file?
Thanks again, :good:
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That doesn't matter as you are the one who will be launching it anyway. Works on my device on I9505.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4


[ROOT] [i8160] [Ace2] Advanced rooting procedure WITHOUT increasing the Flash counter

This could be complicated if you never used any Linux os, however with this method you can root your phone without increasing the flash counter.
Kernel, recovery, etc. will be the same as in original samsung roms, we will flash a modified (pre-rooted) system.img.
For prerooted system images and csc files see 2nd post!
Linux - Ubuntu 12 recommended (a virtual one will also do the job)
Windows with Odin for flashing
Insipred by: Expert root method which does not increase the flash counter
First of all download your original rom from: http://www.sammobile.com/firmware/?page=3
1, Create a "samsung" directory on your linux filesystem -> "home/username" folder where username is your linux username.
2, Extract the downloaded firmware, then move system.img.md5 and cache.img.md5 to home/username/samsung dir.
(root_package.zip and ext4utils.zip also extract here)
3, Open a terminal window, and enter:
sudo mkdir /mnt/system
Type the root password and enter.
4, Now set current dir to samsung directory and mount the system image:
cd /home/username/samsung
mv system.img.md5 system.img.ext4
./simg2img system.img.ext4 system.img
sudo mount system.img /mnt/system
if you get error when executiong "make" type:
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
5, The original system image has been mounted, now extract su binary and superuser.apk to samsung dir then, enter:
I suggest only su binary to include in /system, SuperUser can be installed later!
sudo cp su /mnt/system/bin/su
6, Now we have to adjust the permissions:
For SU binary:
sudo chown root:root /mnt/system/bin/su
sudo chmod 06755 /mnt/system/bin/su
For SuperUser app:
sudo chmod 644 /mnt/system/app/superuser.apk
7, Unmount the image:
sudo umount /mnt/system
or if it's not working:
sudo umount system.img
8, Now create md5 hashes:
md5sum -t system.img>>system.img
mv system.img system.img.md5
if you get "permission denied" first:
sudo chown username:username system.img
9, Create falshable tar and md5 hashes for odin package:
tar cf system_rooted.tar system.img.md5
md5sum -t system_rooted.tar>>system_rooted.tar
mv system_rooted.tar system_rooted.tar.md5
As you remember we copied the cache.img.md5 also, that's because we need to flash this as a separated CSC package.
10, Creating CSC package.
tar cf csc.tar cache.img.md5
md5sum -t csc.tar>>csc.tar
mv csc.tar csc.tar.md5
11, Now open Odin and select system_rooted.tar.md5 as PDA, and csc.tar as csc.
Check: Auto reboot and F. Reset Time.
Enjoy your rooted phone.
After flashing phone will boot in recovery mode to apply csc, then reboots automatically to normal mode.
If you download different rom than already have on the device first flash the unmodified samsung tar as PDA.
(Only modified system and csc - if Superuser not included download manually from Play store or install from sdcard)
Thanks to: powermetza
PDA: XXLD8 | CSC: XXLD3 | Product code: XEO -> Mirror 1 | Mirror 2
Thanks to: mastermid | szczepan2
For i8160P - Galaxy Ace 2 NFC model
PDA: I8160PXXLE6 | CSC: I8160PDBTLE5 -> Mirrors
Thanks to: soraxx
SuperUser FIX for pre-rooted rom (only if you have problems): View
0, Download odin from 1st post, extract the downloaded (pre-rooted) rom.
1, Open odin and select csc.tar.md5 (or something like that it's a smaller file max. 20 MB) as CSC.
2, Select the other file (possibly system.tar.md5 or pda.tar.md5, it's 500+ MB) as PDA.
3, Check, Auto reboot and F. Reset Time then start.
(of course first switch to download mode and connect the phone )
mount: must specify filesystem (this is error)
My OS - Linux Mint 13 with MATE, run natively.
I don't know what's the problem, the filesystem should be ext4, but in Ubuntu mounted without any errors.
any chance to reset counter? mine just rooted yesterday. damn
Thank you! It would be a good solution can be used under Windows ...
GT-I8160-ról küldve
Three simple questions:
1. Can I use this method to cook pre-rooted ROM (that doesn't increase flash counter), but without samsungs bloatware? In other words: Can I somehow remove any APK that comes from samsung and still have valid warranty?
2. Did you tried this method with flash_counter=0 or did you already voided warranty and then NOT increased flash_counter?
3. Are both values "Custom Binary Download=NO" and "Current Binary: Samsung Official" still intact after this root method?
Anyway... Thank you for this... I was waiting for something like this since I bought I8160.
1, I think you can remove apps and modify some other things if you want I didn't test it but 99% it's possible (or you can remove aps later with root explorer from /system/app)
But for warranty purposes (removing root, restoring original apps) reflash the original unmodified samsung tar.
2-3, No, I didn't tried any other methods, the custom binary downloads is 0 (NO) and I have "Samsung Official".
I think the counter only observing kernel flashes, with this method the flash counter will be the same as before the flash.
Also I noticed when you reboot from adb or terminal to download mode it doesn't shows the odin mode... stuffs, only when you use the hardware keys (vol down+home+power). !Maybe! in this way we can flash a modified kernel but it's not 100% and first you need to root the phone somehow to enable "su reboot download" command.
By the way... There is no way to download the ROM from THIS site... Loading, loading, and... loading...
szczepan2 said:
By the way... There is no way to download the ROM from THIS site... Loading, loading, and... loading...
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Login first -> blank screen -> go back and refresh > download firmware.
Do I need to create CSC file again if I want to flash back to stock-non rooted firmware? Or should I use stock PDA file only, without CSC?
Can you write down a simple "Going back to stock ROM procedure without touching Flash Counter". Many noobs (including me) would be grateful for complete solution.
Maybe the editing ROM is not working because it's Polish? I can't open it too with any archive manager...
arroyo said:
Do I need to create CSC file again if I want to flash back to stock-non rooted firmware? Or should I use stock PDA file only, without CSC?
Can you write down a simple "Going back to stock ROM procedure without touching Flash Counter". Many noobs (including me) would be grateful for complete solution.
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Just flash back the original tar with all files as pda no csc or phone needed it's included in the tar.
@szczepan2: you can't use any know archiver to open img.md5 files.
For extracting the tar use winrar or 7zip.
Szaby59 said:
@szczepan2: you can't use any know archiver to open img.md5 files.
For extracting the tar use winrar or 7zip.
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Ahh, got it. So if it impossible to open it, so how it's possible to mount it?
Ehh, i'm really angry because I can't root my phone... You use Ubuntu in VM or native? Or maybe LiveCD?
szczepan2 said:
Ahh, got it. So if it impossible to open it, so how it's possible to mount it?
Ehh, i'm really angry because I can't root my phone... You use Ubuntu in VM or native? Or maybe LiveCD?
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I installed on a virtualbox virtual machine, (with 8 GB vhd) for mounting and rooting follow the steps from 1st post.
I have also the problem that I need to specify type of mounting filesystem, but I have an idea.
If you are able to mount succesfuly system.img, then could you in console just type:
It will give you the list with all mounted devices/images and their types - I would be grateful if you could check what type is /mnt/system.
Thanks in advance.
mastermid said:
I have also the problem that I need to specify type of mounting filesystem, but I have an idea.
If you are able to mount succesfuly system.img, then could you in console just type:
It will give you the list with all mounted devices/images and their types - I would be grateful if you could check what type is /mnt/system.
Thanks in advance.
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It shows ext4 filesystem.
mastermid said:
I have also the problem that I need to specify type of mounting filesystem, but I have an idea.
If you are able to mount succesfuly system.img, then could you in console just type:
It will give you the list with all mounted devices/images and their types - I would be grateful if you could check what type is /mnt/system.
Thanks in advance.
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cloudm33 samsung # mount -t ext4 system.img /mnt/system/
mount: Filesystem error, wrong superblock at /dev/loop0 etc.
Tutorial updated with additional tools and instructions.
Szaby59 said:
Tutorial updated with additional tools and instructions.
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Can you upload also a pre-rooted rom?
For example the polish or the germany stock rom?
Thanks in advance!

[REF][I9500-I9505] How to repack galaxy S4 img files (system/cache)

Hi xda
for some reson the ext4_utils is not working well on the galaxy s4, but there is another way to do that.
so thanks to hua_wuxin explained to me how to do it, and big thank to Chenglu for this.
What do you need to do:
first flash the firmware you wnat to modify, and root the phone. (it's can't be done without root first)
Do your changes in the device, by root explorer, zip files and etc.
Then via CMD (or terminal emulator) you type the following commands to dump the partition to samsung img file. (odin img, not ext4)
The commands according to the device and partition.
make_ext4fs -s -l 2764M -a system /sdcard/system.img /system
make_ext4fs -s -l 2072M -a cache /sdcard/cache.img /cache
make_ext4fs -s -l 2760M -a system /sdcard/system.img.ext4 /system
make_ext4fs -s -l 2070M -a cache /sdcard/cache.img.ext4 /cache
Now you can flash in odin by making tar from this modified img and the rest of the firmware.
The commands to create tar file, for example to I9500. (Cygwin or Linux)
tar -c boot.img cache.img hidden.img modem.bin recovery.img system.img >> file_name.tar
md5sum -t file_name.tar >> file_name.tar
mv file_name.tar file_name.tar.md5
Good Luck!
Sorry for my bad english.
Unfortunately, this still doesn't work for the I9500. Works fine for I9505 (which for me never had any issue at all, and worked with existing make_ext4fs tools just fine), but can't get *anything* to work with I9500.
To me it worked for both I9500 and I9505.
I created successfully for the I9500/I9505 scripts to add hebrew language to the languages list, by flashing custem recovery and cache img. (extended command and zip like your old root method to I9300)
also, i created full firmwares to both models with system and cache modified.
i flashed this files on over 1000 devices (I9500), and it's works gerat.
avicohh said:
To me it worked for both I9500 and I9505.
I created successfully for the I9500/I9505 scripts to add hebrew language to the languages list, by flashing custem recovery and cache img. (extended command and zip like your old root method to I9300)
also, i created full firmwares to both models with system and cache modified.
i flashed this files on over 1000 devices (I9500), and it's works gerat.
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Have you tried making the I9500 image on the I9505 ? Or only on the I9500 ?
Could you make and attach an empty (or containing one small file: echo 1 > file ) custom cache.img for the I9500, so I can test some more ?
Really need to get this working I wish I actually had the device, heh ...
EDIT: Also maybe attach the make_ext4fs from your device ?
Chainfire said:
Unfortunately, this still doesn't work for the I9500. Works fine for I9505 (which for me never had any issue at all, and worked with existing make_ext4fs tools just fine), but can't get *anything* to work with I9500.
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+1 :good:
You have to make the img on the same model exactly, because they have some differences in the img building.
For example the cache.img from the I9500 cannot be convert to ext4 by sgs2ext4.jar on windows. The cache.img.ext4 from the i9505 converted fine with this jar, so there is some differences. (Maybe it is the CPU differences)
any way I made the imgs for the i9500 on the i9500, and for i9505 on i9505.
I dont have the i9500 next to me, I have it in the work. (I will be there tomorrow)
For now i'm attaching a small cache.img from the firmware I made, containing only a command file for wipe data. (after flashing)
I hope it's will help.
Any way if you want, you can send me the cfroot folder with the root files and i will build it tomorrow for you to a cache.img. (with 32M size or 2072M)
btw. how exactly i can copy the the make_ext4fs from my device? (ftom where)
Thanks, just trying to figure out what the damned difference is
If you're on Windows, can you run this ? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25695577/i9500_makefs_test.zip
Should make a cache.img file from your i9500, identical to ones I have here from a different device. This may help me figure the difference. Please attach both cache.img and commands.out files
file attached
Thanks! My my, Samsung is adding bytes to the image, make it non-standard and outside of spec. Not sure what those bytes mean yet, I've made an image with them zeroed out. Can you see if this flashes no your i9500, or ODIN produces an error ?
check it now.
how did you made this img? (on the I9505/computer)
Can you try this test version of CF-Auto-Root ? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25695577/cfar_i9500_test.zip
- unroot your device before trying (just do full unroot from SuperSU's settings tab)
- flash this test CF-Auto-Root
- pay attention - is the Android you see during rooting red, blue, or green ?
- boot and see if you are re-rooted
As for what I did: I put a lot of files together, figured out what the difference was, and wrote a tool to convert between normal images and the ones used for the i9500. If all this works, I'll upload the tool (and the code, and the docs) later.
These images are made on the computer, by the way. As I said before, for the I9505 I didn't need to do this on the phone anyway, just make_ext4fs from latest Android source. And add to that my new tool, and you can make images for i9500 ... no phone needed.
works great!
i flashed it on new device and i checked it with root explorer.
the android was red like all cf-auto root.
waitng to your tool..
Chainfire said:
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Hi Cainfire, tnx for your tools, may be this can help you repack image I9505...
checkout android-4.2.2_r1.2
as i9000 said:
Hi Cainfire, tnx for your tools, may be this can help you repack image I9505...
checkout android-4.2.2_r1.2
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I don't get it... I don't need help repacking i9505, as I've stated, latest ext4 utils will just work ?
i need to repack firmware for i9505 with hidden.img.ext4
i see in your commands hidden.img without ext4 extension
This should be work (create hidden img from the device)
make_ext4fs -s -l 500M -a hidden /sdcard/hidden.img.ext4 /preload
if you like to make a tar file, use those commands
tar -c boot.img cache.img.ext4 hidden.img.ext4 modem.bin NON-HLOS.bin persdata.img.ext4 recovery.img system.img.ext4 >> file_name.tar
md5sum -t file_name.tar >> file_name.tar
mv file_name.tar file_name.tar.md5
Works like a charm
Thanks Chainfire
I've tried it on the cache partition and system partition on i9500 and everything is more than fine/
Thank you very much.
do we need to make cache.img.ext4 off of our phone in Terminal EMUlator for all to work well or is that optional. thanks
also why such a large cache size and what is the difference between the larger and smaller cache recommended sizes ? ie 30M vs the 2000+ size and should we stick with those numbers.
iask because one time odin failed me on the cach.img.ext4 so I am wondering thanks again
Hello cainfire,thanks for your work,it's amazing, i'm useing it alot.
Is there a chance to get a hebrew script or a tar for the samsung galaxy 9505,9500
You will make me happy and i would be happy to buy u a beer

[TUTORIAL] How to repackage ODIN files

First the disclaimer:
I am not responsible for what you do to your phone. Following these directions could cause you to brick, locust plague, or end of times. You assume ALL responsibility for what you do with this information.
Now, on to the fun stuff. I take *NO* credit for this information at all. I am a student of people far more knowledgeable about these things. However, I've managed to take what I've learned and apply it in really fun ways. For example, I have a script that takes an OTA and builds a new full ODIN image from it...with all partitions fully signed except system. Many people have asked me to "repackage it" with various requests. This tutorial is going to show how to do that.
o) You will need to install Cygwin. A default installation should suffice for this exercise.
o) You will need one of the ODIN TAR Full Rooted Restore images. They are gzipped to make them smaller.
o) You need to unpack the files stored inside the gzip. 7 Zip is a handy program for doing that. We need the individual partition files extracted to a work directory that can be accessed from a Cygwin command prompt. I create a C:\Android\S4_GPE directory for my own image creation tasks.
o) Once the individual files are unpacked, we need to repack them. Open a Cygwin command prompt and navigate to the directory you extracted the files to. In my case, that would be cd c:/Android/S4_GPE
Follow the directions below to repack the files as needed. I give a few examples here to show you the basics of how it's done. Basically you run each command in your Cygwin command prompt. Or you can add them to an SH script and run it that way. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.
The output of these commands is an ODIN flashable file that will install what you choose.
tar -H ustar -c boot.img > $filename.tar
md5sum -t $filename.tar >> $filename.tar
mv $filename.tar $filename.tar.md5
tar -H ustar -c recovery.img > $filename.tar
md5sum -t $filename.tar >> $filename.tar
mv $filename.tar $filename.tar.md5
tar -H ustar -c NON-HLOS.bin modem.bin > $filename.tar
md5sum -t $filename.tar >> $filename.tar
mv $filename.tar $filename.tar.md5
tar -H ustar -c boot.img recovery.img NON-HLOS.bin modem.bin system.img.ext4 > $filename.tar
md5sum -t $filename.tar >> $filename.tar
mv $filename.tar $filename.tar.md5
gzip $filename.tar.md5
Those are some of the common ones. What if I wanted a "semi-full rooted image"? For instance, without the modems? You just modify this line:
tar -H ustar -c boot.img recovery.img NON-HLOS.bin modem.bin system.img.ext4 > $filename.tar
so that it becomes:
tar -H ustar -c boot.img recovery.img system.img.ext4 > $filename.tar
Of if you don't want recovery, either, and just want boot and system:
tar -H ustar -c boot.img system.img.ext4 > $filename.tar
And the rest stays the same. I really hope this helps people. I will update this post to clarify anything that's confusing and will try to help people in this thread to create whatever they need. Again, you take responsibility for anything you create using these instructions and flash to your phone.
whats the command to create a system dump to an odin compatible system.img file? been a while. i forget
This is how I do it in my script:
adb shell "su -c 'cd /sdcard; dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system of=/sdcard/system.img.ext4'"
adb pull /sdcard/system.img.ext4
adb shell rm /sdcard/system.img.ext4
SamuriHL said:
This is how I do it in my script:
adb shell "su -c 'cd /sdcard; dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system of=/sdcard/system.img.ext4'"
adb pull /sdcard/system.img.ext4
adb shell rm /sdcard/system.img.ext4
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I'm a relative noob and just learning as much as I can and this is alot of great info. I am able to pull system dump and pull recovery.img from my but when I create an odin flashable recovery image (for back-up purposes) it fails auth. Is there a way to pull a signed recovery image from system? Thanks.
No. When you dd extract a partition it adds padding to it which messes with the signature. I create a signed recovery img file by patching the boot img with the recovery-from-boot.p in the OTA update. That's a lot more involved than what's in this tutorial, however.
SamuriHL said:
No. When you dd extract a partition it adds padding to it which messes with the signature. I create a signed recovery img file by patching the boot img with the recovery-from-boot.p in the OTA update. That's a lot more involved than what's in this tutorial, however.
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Got it, thank you. I found the thread on hexediting the partition file. I will see if that works.
muniz_ri said:
Got it, thank you. I found the thread on hexediting the partition file. I will see if that works.
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My initial results weren't very conclusive on that. I tried it with the NON-HLOS.bin file just to see if I could make it consistent with the one I create by patching, and the results were not good. There's no way to know exactly how long to make the cut. It seems like all you do is remove the trailing 00's when hexediting, but, I can tell you that's not enough to make it match. I've got more research to do on this as it would be extremely useful to be able to edit the dd extracted files to make them match the signed files. So far, that doesn't seem possible.
SamuriHL said:
My initial results weren't very conclusive on that. I tried it with the NON-HLOS.bin file just to see if I could make it consistent with the one I create by patching, and the results were not good. There's no way to know exactly how long to make the cut. It seems like all you do is remove the trailing 00's when hexediting, but, I can tell you that's not enough to make it match. I've got more research to do on this as it would be extremely useful to be able to edit the dd extracted files to make them match the signed files. So far, that doesn't seem possible.
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That's too bad, I was also hoping removing the trailing zeros would work. Can you point me to a tutorial, etc where i can learn how to patch using the OTA files? thanks again.
muniz_ri said:
That's too bad, I was also hoping removing the trailing zeros would work. Can you point me to a tutorial, etc where i can learn how to patch using the OTA files? thanks again.
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It's not quite as simple as that. There isn't a tutorial on it. I learned what I know from Matt Groff. It started with a thread here:
But that thread isn't going to teach nearly enough to learn how to do this. It involves parsing the update scripts from the OTA to find the command they use to patch the actual partition and then converting that to a command to patch the file. So if you look at this command from install-recovery.sh:
applypatch EMMC:/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot:8036608:1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863 EMMC:/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery f4579fa7099942ec2f214cff81014b8e8b1a550f 8632576 1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863:/system/recovery-from-boot.p
What that's doing is taking 8036608 bytes from the boot partition, ensuring it has a sha1 hash of 1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863, patching it with the contents of the recovery-from-boot.p file, and then writing it to the recovery partition.
Each time an OTA comes out for our phones, I create signed recovery, modem, and non-hlos files using this process. Then I use the process outlined in this tutorial to create the ODIN tar md5 files that I post.
SamuriHL said:
It's not quite as simple as that. There isn't a tutorial on it. I learned what I know from Matt Groff. It started with a thread here:
But that thread isn't going to teach nearly enough to learn how to do this. It involves parsing the update scripts from the OTA to find the command they use to patch the actual partition and then converting that to a command to patch the file. So if you look at this command from install-recovery.sh:
applypatch EMMC:/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot:8036608:1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863 EMMC:/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery f4579fa7099942ec2f214cff81014b8e8b1a550f 8632576 1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863:/system/recovery-from-boot.p
What that's doing is taking 8036608 bytes from the boot partition, ensuring it has a sha1 hash of 1ad324cf48a6e19fd402603477cd0ed8472ed863, patching it with the contents of the recovery-from-boot.p file, and then writing it to the recovery partition.
Each time an OTA comes out for our phones, I create signed recovery, modem, and non-hlos files using this process. Then I use the process outlined in this tutorial to create the ODIN tar md5 files that I post.
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Success! Thanks so much, just created my first signed odin image!
Theres two more ways the get signed images. One is using dd if=of with the right bs and count. For example, I extracted the stock signed PIT file for the S4 using
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/sch1545.pit bs=8 count=580 skip=2176
you can see the thread and md5 comparisonhere The other method is hexediting but it was easier on 4.2.2 but still very doable on 4.3. You have to know what signatures look like though. Hexediting can also be useful for manually extracting the zimage and ramdisk from a boot.img
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Surge1223 said:
Theres two more ways the get signed images. One is using dd if=of with the right bs and count. For example, I extracted the stock signed PIT file for the S4 using
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/sch1545.pit bs=8 count=580 skip=2176
you can see the thread and md5 comparisonhere The other method is hexediting but it was easier on 4.2.2 but still very doable on 4.3. You have to know what signatures look like though. Hexediting can also be useful for manually extracting the zimage and ramdisk from a boot.img
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'm also going to play around more with hexediting, if it will work it seems much more straightforward. Thanks again for all of the good info!
SamuriHL said:
My initial results weren't very conclusive on that. I tried it with the NON-HLOS.bin file just to see if I could make it consistent with the one I create by patching, and the results were not good. There's no way to know exactly how long to make the cut. It seems like all you do is remove the trailing 00's when hexediting, but, I can tell you that's not enough to make it match. I've got more research to do on this as it would be extremely useful to be able to edit the dd extracted files to make them match the signed files. So far, that doesn't seem possible.
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Sam, id be glad to try hexediting the NON-HLOS.bin file and then send you the md5.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Surge1223 said:
Sam, id be glad to try hexediting the NON-HLOS.bin file and then send you the md5.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'll pm one to you tomorrow. I definitely am curious if you're able to md5 hash it correctly.
Pm sent. Good luck.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
SamuriHL said:
Pm sent. Good luck.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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How do you limit the number of bytes extracted for the mdm.bin to match the updater script's parameters? Thank you.
muniz_ri said:
How do you limit the number of bytes extracted for the mdm.bin to match the updater script's parameters? Thank you.
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I didn't. The first signed modem bin I made was done by looking at the size in the updater script and using cygwin to copy that many bytes to a new file. From then on I just patched the previous version's modem bin and NON-HLOS bin files.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
SamuriHL said:
I didn't. The first signed modem bin I made was done by looking at the size in the updater script and using cygwin to copy that many bytes to a new file. From then on I just patched the previous version's modem bin and NON-HLOS bin files.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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First time quickly hexediting it I got
md5: 9616e85b765e0365e8ccd57550a715b8
Surge1223 said:
First time quickly hexediting it I got
md5: 9616e85b765e0365e8ccd57550a715b8
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Which doesn't match the digital signature. This is what I was afraid of and what I was running into.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
SamuriHL said:
Which doesn't match the digital signature. This is what I was afraid of and what I was running into.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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what are you comparing the sig to?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Root Remix OS for PC

This guide is to root Remix OS for PC
You will need Ubuntu for Rooting (You can download and run it in live CD)
If you are experienced with linux systems don't read whats written in bracket
1. Download and Extract RemixRoot.zip
2. Copy system.img from your pendrive or hdd wherever you have installed Remix Os to this folder (ie RemixRoot folder it should be alongside Readme.txt)
3. Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
4. Type
sudo -i
5. Enter your password (If you are running in live cd then no password)
6. Change directory to RootRemix folder (Goto tmp folder, right click and goto properties and copy location, this is your <dir> replace it in command below )
cd <dir>
7. If you did it right next line of terminal will end with RemixRoot# followed by blinking cursor
8. Now run rootx.sh script by typing
sh rootx.sh
9. If everything goes right there wont be any error message and you will get a root.img in your RemixRoot folder
10. Rename it to system.img and copy to your pendrive/hdd replacing previous system.img
11. Reboot and go to RemixOS and update SuperSU binaries
12. That's it! you are now rooted
Thanks to Chainfire & hackarchive
I tried it but i got no system.img, i got r/w access to system (choosen by install) so i tried to symlink it to my system directory and commented out all image mounted related things from script and then tried it.
but after that i cannot boot android anymore, i think the problem is app_process linking to daemonsu, since i set back to original it boots like normal but no superuser access. SuperSU said theres is no superuser installed.
Any suggestion?
Silly question but will I lose root access if I update to the newest version by flashing the new image over the top?
Yes a silly question.... Deserves a silly answer. It will still be underneath, but good luck trying to retrace it!
any other method for rooting, without using ubuntu?
#tested with ubuntu live, and it works like a charms. Thank you..
Sent from my C46G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
ninharp said:
I tried it but i got no system.img, i got r/w access to system (choosen by install) so i tried to symlink it to my system directory and commented out all image mounted related things from script and then tried it.
but after that i cannot boot android anymore, i think the problem is app_process linking to daemonsu, since i set back to original it boots like normal but no superuser access. SuperSU said theres is no superuser installed.
Any suggestion?
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same problem here.
Hope same other method can solved
I modified the original script to work with the system folder installation and i removed all app_processX dependend things from script (dunno if it affects the root in any way, cannot find any issue by now) Read the Readme.txt for further installation instructions. The link you find on the reddit sub that GoPal has posted! I cannot post links right now.
Try this
kretex said:
Hope same other method can solved
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ninharp said:
I tried it but i got no system.img, i got r/w access to system (choosen by install) so i tried to symlink it to my system directory and commented out all image mounted related things from script and then tried it.
but after that i cannot boot android anymore, i think the problem is app_process linking to daemonsu, since i set back to original it boots like normal but no superuser access. SuperSU said theres is no superuser installed.
Any suggestion?
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You will get root.img file you will have to rename it to system.img
masdeco said:
same problem here.
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Me too [emoji25]
Envoyé de mon E5333 en utilisant Tapatalk
I've just installed RemixOS 2.0 onto a partition on my Lenovo X200T. I followed the instructions and all was good until I tried to run SuperSU. When it tried to update via the normal method the install failed and asked for a reboot. Any suggestions.
ninharp said:
I modified the original script to work with the system folder installation and i removed all app_processX dependend things from script (dunno if it affects the root in any way, cannot find any issue by now) Read the Readme.txt for further installation instructions. The link you find on the reddit sub that GoPal has posted! I cannot post links right now.
Try this
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the answer is replace the system folder. this is my methode :
1. copy the system img from the extracted remix iso to somewhere
2. then run the script
3. unpack the system img that already rooted and copy all the content to the system folder of the remix (replace)
4. done. Remix os rooted.
Guys, I installed Remix to ext4 partition (in order to use all free space), so there's no "system.img" on it (but there's "system" folder). How to modify the script or to root Remix other way?
masdeco, thanks for the idea! How do you unpack img file, btw?
4ezahernya said:
Guys, I installed Remix to ext4 partition (in order to use all free space), so there's no "system.img" on it (but there's "system" folder). How to modify the script or to root Remix other way?
masdeco, thanks for the idea! How do you unpack img file, btw?
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after root the system img then mount it, copy all the content to the system folder of your remix.
since I am a linux user so I use this command :
mount -o loop system.img tmp
this is so cool cool
Works Lenovo Yoga 2 11
Installed to a partition on my HD:
Downloaded RemixOS iso
extracted contents of iso
created temp, data and system folders
ran this tool to root the system.img (now root.img)
renamed root.img back to system.img
mounted system.img to temp folder
copied contents of temp folder to system folder
added entry in grub
now I am triple booting Windows, Linux and RemixOS 2.0 Android with ROOT
Thank You!!!
here is a xdelta3 for patching system.img for those using Remix OS 2 from a USB stick and run windows
GizmoTheGreen said:
here is a xdelta3 for patching system.img for those using Remix OS 2 from a USB stick and run windows
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can you please explain its usage?
the_poolee said:
can you please explain its usage?
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me too!
the_poolee said:
can you please explain its usage?
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dariett said:
me too!
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it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, put the files in your folder of choice with the system.img from your usb stick, run the batfile. it should create a file named rooted system image, now just replace system.img on your usb stick with that and run...
ofcourse I am assuming your system.img is identical to the one I had, which it should be if it was the 2.0 dev preview which is the only thing you can get today, right?

[TUT]Custom Splash screen - S7 Flat/Edge

Hi all. I just want to share how to change your splash screen, if ever you want a customized one. I created my own, for SuperMan-Rom. So without further ado, here's the tutorial:
NOTE: Tested perfectly on SuperMan-Rom without any problems.
- PC
- Android SDK
- Knowledge in adb codes
- Rooted device
- Back up!
1.) Open CMD on your PC - make sure your phone is connected and has usb debugging enabled.
2.) Now type adb devices - this will serve as confirmation that your device is detected in adb.
3.) Allow any request for superuser permission in your phone.
now for the codes:
4.)On CMD, type:
adb shell
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5.)Now type:
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6.)Now it's time to pull out the param.bin, which contains the splash logo:
dd if=/dev/block/sda4 of=/sdcard/param.bin bs=4096
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7.)Now we must create a folder on main sd card:
mkdir /sdcard/param
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8.)Then enter the directory:
cd /sdcard/param
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9.)And untar the param.bin into the created folder:
tar xf /sdcard/param.bin
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If all goes well, you can see a param folder in your main sdcard (mine is in internal memory), which has all the bootloader's images. Just copy the logo.jpg to your PC.
10.)Now you can edit the logo.jpg to your liking - note that the background should remain black, and the size should not be more than 400KB.
11.)Once done editing, copy your customized logo.jpg on main sd card
12.)Then, we have to paste it inside /sdcard/param folder, and retar param.bin:
cp -f /sdcard/logo.jpg /sdcard/param/logo.jpg
rm -f /sdcard/param.bin
cd sdcard/param
tar cf - `ls | sort -t.` > /sdcard/param.bin
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13.)Lastly, we need to return param.bin in system:
dd if=/sdcard/param.bin of=/dev/block/sda4 bs=4096
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After these steps, reboot!
VOILA! Now you have your won splash image!
I created some for SuperMan-Rom below for those who want it. Also attached default splash image.
Credits to all that needs to be credited!
Bro I need S7 Stock Boot Logo
parth111999 said:
Bro I need S7 Stock Boot Logo
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Here it is.
@MitoTakatori where's your stock param.bin? i need that, thanks
MitoTakatori said:
Here it is.
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Bro i Need S7 boot Logo
Not Animation
it does not work .
I receive this mistake
Tar: warning_L. Jpg: cant open: Read-only file system
Tar: chow 1000: 1000 'warning_L. Jpg ': No such file or directory
HELP! I can't untar the param.bin file!
MitoTakatori said:
Hi all. I just want to share how to change your splash screen, if ever you want a customized one. I created my own, for SuperMan-Rom. So without further ado, here's the tutorial:
NOTE: Tested perfectly on SuperMan-Rom without any problems.
- PC
- Android SDK
- Knowledge in adb codes
- Rooted device
- Back up!
1.) Open CMD on your PC - make sure your phone is connected and has usb debugging enabled.
2.) Now type adb devices - this will serve as confirmation that your device is detected in adb.
3.) Allow any request for superuser permission in your phone.
now for the codes:
4.)On CMD, type:
5.)Now type:
6.)Now it's time to pull out the param.bin, which contains the splash logo:
7.)Now we must create a folder on main sd card:
8.)Then enter the directory:
9.)And untar the param.bin into the created folder:
If all goes well, you can see a param folder in your main sdcard (mine is in internal memory), which has all the bootloader's images. Just copy the logo.jpg to your PC.
10.)Now you can edit the logo.jpg to your liking - note that the background should remain black, and the size should not be more than 400KB.
11.)Once done editing, copy your customized logo.jpg on main sd card
12.)Then, we have to paste it inside /sdcard/param folder, and retar param.bin:
13.)Lastly, we need to return param.bin in system:
After these steps, reboot!
VOILA! Now you have your won splash image!
I created some for SuperMan-Rom below for those who want it. Also attached default splash image.
Credits to all that needs to be credited!
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So I tried multiple times your steps and deleted the files all over again. I keep getting stuck at this part
[email protected]:/sdcard/param # tar xf /sdcard/param.bin
tar: invalid tar format
1|[email protected]:/sdcard/param #
silentwind827 said:
So I tried multiple times your steps and deleted the files all over again. I keep getting stuck at this part
[email protected]:/sdcard/param # tar xf /sdcard/param.bin
tar: invalid tar format
1|[email protected]:/sdcard/param #
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Hi. So you are using T Mobile? I have not tried it with T Mobile, but were you able to fetch your param.bin file?
pendor24 said:
it does not work .
I receive this mistake
Tar: warning_L. Jpg: cant open: Read-only file system
Tar: chow 1000: 1000 'warning_L. Jpg ': No such file or directory
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Hi. What ROM are you in and what device model do you have?
zainifame said:
@MitoTakatori where's your stock param.bin? i need that, thanks
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Why do you need my param.bin?
parth111999 said:
Bro i Need S7 boot Logo
Not Animation
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I'll try to extract the image. Remember, it is in qmg format.
MitoTakatori said:
Hi. What ROM are you in and what device model do you have?
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S7 bord nougat XXU1DPLT
pendor24 said:
S7 bord nougat XXU1DPLT
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You mean stock nougat?
Yes Slightly deified with deodex, 3 minit, and other customizations
pendor24 said:
Yes Slightly deified with deodex, 3 minit, and other customizations
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I see. S7 flat?
G935f ,
pendor24 said:
G935f ,
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Oh, sorry. It should work as long as you are rooted and usb debugging is enabled. On your PC, you should have adb installed, with android SDK.
MitoTakatori said:
Hi. So you are using T Mobile? I have not tried it with T Mobile, but were you able to fetch your param.bin file?
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Yes I can extract the param.bin file and also put it on my pc if you need me to. I just need to unzip it. It keeps failing for some reason. Maybe Im grabbing the wrong file and naming it param.bin within the code you provided?
silentwind827 said:
Yes I can extract the param.bin file and also put it on my pc if you need me to. I just need to unzip it. It keeps failing for some reason. Maybe Im grabbing the wrong file and naming it param.bin within the code you provided?
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Hi. When you extract param.bin, it will be on your main sd card(internal memory), and it's name will be param.bin. When you execute the code, check first in your internal memory if it copied the param.bin. And no need to copy it to PC for extraction.
Just to be sure you can attach the param.bin you extracted and I'll take a look!
MitoTakatori said:
Hi. When you extract param.bin, it will be on your main sd card(internal memory), and it's name will be param.bin. When you execute the code, check first in your internal memory if it copied the param.bin. And no need to copy it to PC for extraction.
Just to be sure you can attach the param.bin you extracted and I'll take a look!
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Well yeah. I see the file. When I try to extract the file from the param.bin to /sdcard/param/ it fails. HELP!

