Kali-Android Hybrid Modification No "chroot" [Experimental How-to Mod] - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Disclaimer, I am not resposible for anything you do, and what works for me may not work for you. To start I am running Cyanogenmod 10 on a Galaxy s III sprint, rooted, busybox, and whatever else you may need.
First :Anything being done on the PC is being done on Kali Linux:
Create a custom kali.img as per http://docs.kali.org/armel-armhf/kali-linux-arm-chroot without a desktop as its not needed. I tried to make a list of packages you can use to have them get installed during the process, and have posted it here, alternatively one can run apt-get install and then copy and past the list into the command line over ADB or use the "testautokimg.sh" if you have trouble making one on your own, I'd rather have you make one than to upload one and everybody worry about rootkits and other evils. This script is setup to be used for this purpose but the img may also be used as a normal img to chroot into.
Push the kali.img file to your phone, push it to "/storage/sdcard0/kali, make a folder called "/storage/sdcard0/kali" if one does not exist on your internal sdcard this is the root of your internal storage, not the root of your phone, if you don't have space on your internal sdcard you can put it an external one but a few lines of code will need to be changed in the script that is currently named "test.sh" as everything is still experimental.
I am still working on the script and will update it as often as I can.
Download and move test.sh to "/system/bin/" and then make it executable
If you have trouble with this try on your phone or over ADB:
mount -wo remount systemfs /system
cp -i [location you pushed test.sh to] /system/bin
chmod 0755 /system/bin/test.sh
Then execute test.sh with:
When it askes you if you would like to overwrite choose no for now. You should get a new prompt, go ahead and use the 'set' command to check your PATH variable and also 'which nmap' to make sure everything is available. You should now be able to explore the experimental Kali-Android hybrid system. Hope u Enjoy.
Please don't hesitate to improve on this with sanity checks and error handling, posting the improvments would be great. Ultimately I am going to get this all set up in the boot.img effectively making the mod persistant across reboots. As it is, a reboot will clean the changes, which is a good thing for now, some config, .rc, and other types of files clash in the etc folder but for now I havn't noticed too much harm form mounting the etc directory to androids root (again, this is my experience) but for safty's sake each device will eventually need to have those clashing files patched up to allow both systems the configurations they need to be in synch. Also the "linker" I think may not be right, to get it seamless I think the systems need to be built from scratch together. But hey, I thik this is a great place to start.
[Edit Aug 3, 2013] I finally got around to looking through the etc dir, less work then I thought with a fresh kali.img anyways. I just added a couple lines before mounting to Androids root we gotta make sure some files will still be available afterwards, this should only need to be done once as they wont get deleted off the kali.img file, but since it's interactive you can not overwrite or if Android updated you can overwrite if you choose to. Just make sure you note which files conflict and at least 'cat' their contents and see which one you want if your not going to make a new one that handles any options that are on one but not the other.
[Edit Aug 4, 2013](1) I uploaded a script to automate the kali.img creation. (2) I changed HOME="/sdcard" in test.sh
[About 'testautokimg.sh'] (1) Download (2) rename to "testautokimg.sh" (3) make executable (chmod +x ./testautokimg.sh) (4) Before exicuting make sure to rename or delete any existing ~/arm-stuff directory, run while logged in as root, and make sure debootstrap and qemu-user-static are installed.
NOTE: Because a large number of programms being installed this will take several hours, make sure you have the time to babysit things as it runs!
This will install a lot of programs and create the kali.img file in ~/arm-stuff/image directory, once complete push it to your device. I think the standard location for the img file is /storage/sdcard0/kali/kali.img if you put it on an external sdcard for whatever reason be sure to modify the mounting script "test.sh"

The List:
wol-e xprobe dmitry netdiscover miranda casefile creepy jigsaw metagoofil theharvester twofi urlcrazy netmask nbtscan smtp-user-enum braa cisco-auditing-tool onesixtyone sslcaudit ssldump sslh sslscan sslsniff sslstrip sslyze stunnel4 tlssled cdpsnarf p0f tcpflow enumiax ike-scan cisco-auditing-tool bbqsql dbpwaudit hexorbase oscanner sidguesser sqlmap sqlninja sqlsus tnscmd10g bed fuzz powerfuzzer sfuzz siparmyknife lynis nikto unix-privesc-check openvas blindelephant plecost wpscan bbqsql sqlninja sqlsus ua-tester burpsuite powerfuzzer webscarab webslayer websploit wfuzz xsser paros proxystrike apache-users dirb dirbuster cadaver davtest deblaze fimap grabber joomscan padbuster proxystrike skipfish sqlmap w3af wapiti webshag websploit wpscan xsser pyrit chntpw crunch hash-identifier john johnny ophcrack-cli rsmangler samdump2 sipcrack sucrack truecrack cewl dbpwaudit findmyhash hydra medusa ncrack onesixtyone wireshark patator phrasendrescher thc-pptp-bruter zaproxy bluelog blueranger btscanner spooftooph mfcuk mfoc asleap cowpatty eapmd5pass fern-wifi-cracker giskismet kismet mdk3 wifi-honey wifitap wifite cisco-global-exploiter cisco-ocs cisco-torch yersinia ikat jboss-autopwn termineter darkstat dnschef hexinject sslsniff tcpflow fake fiked macchanger rebind sniffjoke tcpreplay iaxflood inviteflood ohrwurm protos-sip rtpbreak rtpflood sipp sipsak voiphopper driftnet ferret mitmproxy dbd intersect powersploit sbd u3-pwn cryptcat iodine miredo proxychains proxytunnel ptunnel pwnat sbd socat sslh stunnel4 webacoo weevely jad clang clang++ flasm javasnoop radare2 dhcpig inundator siege iaxflood thc-ssl-dos mdk3 reaver dex2jar smali extundelete autopsy binwalk foremost galleta sleuthkit missidentify pdgmail readpst reglookup vinetto magicrescue pasco pev recoverjpeg rifiuti2 safecopy scalpel scrounge-ntfs md5deep dc3dd dcfldd ddrescue dff chntpw pdf-parser peepdf volafox volatility casefile magictree metagoofil truecrypt cutycapt dnsenum dnsrecon dnstracer dnswalk fierce urlcrazy fragroute fragrouter arping cdpsnarf dmitry fping hping3 miranda netdiscover aircrack-ng android-sdk

I created a plain jane kali.img as per the documentation at Kali's website, then I ran the 'test.sh' script and then ran the apt-get install command with the list and this is the result, I got an error at the end about PostgreSQL not working, any advice?
localhost / # apt-get install wol-e xprobe dmitry netdiscover miranda casefile creepy jigsaw maltego metagoofil theharvester twofi urlcrazy netmask nbtscan smtp-user-enum braa cisco-auditing-tool onesixtyone sslcaudit ssldump sslh sslscan sslsniff sslstrip sslyze stunnel4 tlssled cdpsnarf p0f tcpflow enumiax ike-scan cisco-auditing-tool bbqsql dbpwaudit hexorbase oscanner sidguesser sqlmap sqlninja sqlsus tnscmd10g bed fuzz powerfuzzer sfuzz siparmyknife lynis nikto unix-privesc-check openvas blindelephant plecost wpscan bbqsql sqlninja sqlsus ua-tester burpsuite powerfuzzer webscarab webslayer websploit wfuzz xsser paros proxystrike apache-users dirb dirbuster cadaver davtest deblaze fimap grabber joomscan padbuster proxystrike skipfish sqlmap w3af wapiti webshag websploit wpscan xsser pyrit chntpw crunch hash-identifier john johnny ophcrack-cli rsmangler samdump2 sipcrack sucrack truecrack cewl dbpwaudit findmyhash hydra medusa ncrack onesixtyone wireshark patator phrasendrescher thc-pptp-bruter zaproxy bluelog blueranger btscanner spooftooph mfcuk mfoc asleap cowpatty eapmd5pass fern-wifi-cracker giskismet kismet mdk3 wifi-honey wifitap wifite cisco-global-exploiter cisco-ocs cisco-torch yersinia ikat jboss-autopwn termineter darkstat dnschef hexinject sslsniff tcpflow fake fiked macchanger rebind sniffjoke tcpreplay iaxflood inviteflood ohrwurm protos-sip rtpbreak rtpflood sipp sipsak voiphopper driftnet ferret mitmproxy dbd intersect powersploit sbd u3-pwn cryptcat iodine miredo proxychains proxytunnel ptunnel pwnat sbd socat sslh stunnel4 webacoo weevely jad clang clang++ flasm javasnoop radare2 dhcpig inundator siege iaxflood thc-ssl-dos mdk3 reaver dex2jar smali extundelete autopsy binwalk foremost galleta sleuthkit missidentify pdgmail readpst reglookup vinetto magicrescue pasco pev recoverjpeg rifiuti2 safecopy scalpel scrounge-ntfs md5deep dc3dd dcfldd ddrescue dff chntpw pdf-parser peepdf volafox volatility casefile magictree metagoofil truecrypt cutycapt dnsenum dnsrecon dnstracer dnswalk fierce urlcrazy fragroute fragrouter arping cdpsnarf dmitry fping hping3 miranda netdiscover
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'libclang-common-dev' for regex 'clang+'
Note, selecting 'libclang1' for regex 'clang+'
Note, selecting 'libclang-dev' for regex 'clang+'
Note, selecting 'clang' for regex 'clang+'
Note, selecting 'libsclang1' for regex 'clang+'
reaver is already the newest version.
The following extra packages will be installed:
apache2 apache2-mpm-worker apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common arj
aspell aspell-en bind9-host binfmt-support bkhive blt bluez brasero
brasero-common bwidget ca-certificates-java cdrdao comerr-dev cryptsetup-bin
default-jdk default-jre default-jre-headless desktop-file-utils
dictionaries-common dmsetup dnsutils dosfstools dsniff ed eject enchant
firebird2.5-common firebird2.5-common-doc fonts-droid fonts-freefont-ttf
fonts-liberation fonts-lyx freepats freetds-common fuse gccxml gcr
geoip-database gir1.2-atk-1.0 gir1.2-clutter-1.0 gir1.2-clutter-gst-1.0
gir1.2-cogl-1.0 gir1.2-coglpango-1.0 gir1.2-evince-3.0 gir1.2-freedesktop
Recommended packages:
firmware-mod-kit vbetool wish
The following NEW packages will be installed:
apache-users apache2 apache2-mpm-worker apache2-utils apache2.2-bin
apache2.2-common arj arping asleap aspell aspell-en autopsy bbqsql bed
bind9-host binfmt-support binwalk bkhive blindelephant blt bluelog
blueranger bluez braa brasero brasero-common btscanner burpsuite bwidget
ca-certificates-java cadaver casefile cdpsnarf cdrdao cewl chntpw
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 1049 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
2 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 983 MB of archives.
After this operation, 2200 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y
Get:1 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main libevent-2.0-5 armhf 2.0.19-stable-3 [152 kB]
Get:2 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libgcrypt11 armhf 1.5.0-5+deb7u1 [289 kB]
Get:3 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libgssrpc4 armhf 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u1 [76.5 kB]
Get:4 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main libgnutls-openssl27 armhf 2.12.20-7 [216 kB]
Get:5 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main libgpm2 armhf 1.20.4-6 [34.0 kB]
Get:6 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libkadm5clnt-mit8 armhf 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u1 [60.4 kB]
Get:7 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libkdb5-6 armhf 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u1 [58.8 kB]
Get:8 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main libpci3 armhf 1:3.1.9-6 [51.6 kB]
Get:9 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main geoip-database all 20130213-1 [1466 kB]
Get:10 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libkadm5srv-mit8 armhf 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u1 [73.0 kB]
Get:11 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main libcap2-bin armhf 1:2.22-1.2 [20.7 kB]
Get:12 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libgbm1 armhf 8.0.5-4+deb7u2 [750 kB]
Get:13 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main kismet armhf 2013.03.R1b-1kali1 [1735 kB]
Get:14 http://security.kali.org/kali-security/ kali/updates/main libegl1-mesa armhf 8.0.5-4+deb7u2 [69.4 kB]
Get:1033 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main volatility all 2.2-1kali0 [1710 kB]
Get:1034 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main w3af-console all 1.1svn5547-1kali3 [9954 kB]
Get:1035 http://http.kali.org/kali/ kali/main w3af all 1.1svn5547-1kali3 [392 kBPackage configuration
��������������������������Ĵ sslh configuration ���������������������������Ŀ
� sslh can be run either as a service from inetd, or as a standalone �
� server. Each choice has its own benefits. With only a few connection per �
� day, it is probably better to run sslh from inetd in order to save �
� resources. �
� �
� On the other hand, with many connections, sslh should run as a �
� standalone server to avoid spawning a new process for each incoming �
� connection. �
� �
� Run sslh: �
� �
� from inetd �
� standalone �
� �
� �
� <Ok> �
� �
(Reading database ... 55161 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libgcrypt11:armhf 1.5.0-5 (using .../libgcrypt11_1.5.0-5+deb7u1_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libgcrypt11:armhf ...
Selecting previously unselected package libevent-2.0-5:armhf.
Unpacking libevent-2.0-5:armhf (from .../libevent-2.0-5_2.0.19-stable-3_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libice6:armhf.
Unpacking libice6:armhf (from .../libice6_2%3a1.0.8-2_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libsm6:armhf.
Unpacking libsm6:armhf (from .../libsm6_2%3a1.2.1-2_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libxt6:armhf.
Unpacking libxt6:armhf (from .../libxt6_1%3a1.1.3-1+deb7u1_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking xfonts-encodings (from .../xfonts-encodings_1%3a1.0.4-1_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package xfonts-utils.
Unpacking xfonts-utils (from .../xfonts-utils_1%3a7.7~1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package lmodern.
Unpacking lmodern (from .../lmodern_2.004.2-1_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libkpathsea6.
Unpacking libkpathsea6 (from .../libkpathsea6_2012.20120628-4_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package luatex.
Unpacking luatex (from .../luatex_0.70.1.20120524-3_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libjudydebian1.
Unpacking libjudydebian1 (from .../libjudydebian1_1.0.5-1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package miredo.
Unpacking miredo (from .../miredo_1.2.3-1.1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package fuse.
Unpacking fuse (from .../fuse_2.9.0-2+deb7u1_armhf.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:armhf ...
Processing triggers for fontconfig ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
Setting up libfuse2:armhf (2.9.0-2+deb7u1) ...
Setting up fuse (2.9.0-2+deb7u1) ...
Creating fuse group...
Adding group `fuse' (GID 111) ...
MAKEDEV not installed, skipping device node creation.
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
Selecting previously unselected package ntfs-3g.
(Reading database ... 61999 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ntfs-3g (from .../ntfs-3g_1%3a2012.1.15AR.5-2.1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-7-jre-lib.
Unpacking openjdk-7-jre-lib (from .../openjdk-7-jre-lib_7u25-2.3.10-1~deb7u1_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-6-jre-lib.
Unpacking openjdk-6-jre-lib (from .../openjdk-6-jre-lib_6b27-1.12.6-1~deb7u1_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package tzdata-java.
Unpacking tzdata-java (from .../tzdata-java_2013c-0wheezy1_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package java-common.
Unpacking java-common (from .../java-common_0.47_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnss3-1d:armhf.
Unpacking libnss3-1d:armhf (from .../libnss3-1d_2%3a3.14.3-1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-6-jre-headless:armhf.
Unpacking openjdk-6-jre-headless:armhf (from .../openjdk-6-jre-headless_6b27-1.12.6-1~deb7u1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package default-jre-headless.
Unpacking default-jre-headless (from .../default-jre-headless_1%3a1.6-47_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package ca-certificates-java.
Unpacking ca-certificates-java (from .../ca-certificates-java_20121112+nmu2_all.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openjdk-7-jre-headless:armhf.
Unpacking openjdk-7-jre-headless:armhf (from .../openjdk-7-jre-headless_7u25-2.3.10-1~deb7u1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package stunnel4.
Unpacking stunnel4 (from .../stunnel4_3%3a4.53-1.1_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking samba-dsdb-modules (from .../samba-dsdb-modules_2%3a4.0.6+dfsg-1kali1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package samdump2.
Unpacking samdump2 (from .../samdump2_1.1.1-1.1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package scalpel.
Unpacking scalpel (from .../scalpel_1.60-1_armhf.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package screen.
Unpacking screen (from .../screen_4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-7_armhf.deb) ...
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Processing triggers for ca-certificates ...
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 0 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d....done.
Processing triggers for fontconfig ...
Processing triggers for mime-support ...
Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:armhf ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for shared-mime-info ...
Processing triggers for install-info ...
Processing triggers for postgresql-common ...
supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Debian release: Kali Linux 1.0
Building PostgreSQL dictionaries from installed myspell/hunspell packages...
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `postgresql' overrides LSB defaults (2 3 4 5).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `postgresql' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).
insserv: warning: script '90userinit' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script '00banner' missing LSB tags and overrides
[....] Starting PostgreSQL 9.1 database server: main[....] The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output: 2013-08-03 08:36:45 UTC LOG: could not create IPv6 socket: Permission denied 2013-08-03 08:36:45 UTC LOG: could not create IPv4 socket: Permission denied 2013-08-03 08:36:45 UTC WARNING: could not create listen socket for "localhost" 2013-08-03 08:36:45 UTC FATAL: could no[FAILate any TCP/IP sockets ... failed!
invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error processing postgresql-common (--unpack):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Processing triggers for gconf2 ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
localhost / #
Edit: It seems installing postgresql during the making of the img file works.

need to create a new group
Postgresql is looking for the aid_inet group which does not exist on the Kali Linux OS...this is why you are most likely getting a permission denied error.
You need to create the group aid_inet and do the following:
Step 1. Add aid_inet group
command -> groupadd -g 3003 aid_inet
Step 2. Install Postgresql 9.1
command -> apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev
Step 3. add user postgresq to group aid_inet
command -> sudo usermod -a -G aid_inet postgres
Then try -> "service postgresql restart" and all should work just fine.
Hope it helps...


android shell environment, getprop and DNS when using SSH

Hello everybody,
I'm running Cyanogen 5.0.6-N1 on HTC Nexus One.
Recently I ran a sshd on it (following hxxp://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.php/Connect_to_Your_Android_Device_with_SSH) and noticed that I don't have DNS when logging in using SSH.
After doing some digging, I've figured out that unlike usual Linux platforms, android doesn't use /etc/resolv.conf (which resides on the read-only /system partition).
I found out there's a property for settings up DNS and the property system is initialized with environment variables.
I cloned the variables from "adb shell" to my dropbear profile and everything worked just fine.
For some reason, it doesn't work anymore.
Here are the environment variables from my SSH session:
PS1='# '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
And here are the environment variables from a shell on the phone itself (ConnectBot local shell):
PS1='# '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
For some reason, the SSH session has no props set.
# getprop
Any clue what happens here?
Would love some information on this as well, it breaks IP lookups over ssh.
I'm not sure when 5.0.6-N1 was released but on May 19th cyanogen's dropbear repo got a commit related to the issue you are having:
Copying ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE won't work between non-related processes.
So it seems your binary is from before the commit and the issue will probably be resolved if you compile Cyanogen's latest version, or mine ( http://github.com/barryk/android_external_dropbear ).
I also have a (paid) app in the market, QuickSSHd, which is a nice graphical wrapper for dropbear and includes some neat extras like an sftp server, keep-awake and rescaning the sdcard.
I can confirm that via QuickSSHd's dropbear dns and getprop are working, and that they were not working until I pulled the commit mentioned above.
Thanks for the reply!
Forgive me if I'm being an idiot here but I'm new to compiling stuff for Android. I've pulled git, it gets quite a way into the compile then dies with:
arm-eabi-gcc -Bdynamic -Wl,-T,/home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/arm-eabi/lib/ldscripts/armelf.x -Wl,-dynamic-linker,/system/bin/linker -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--entry=main,-rpath-link=/home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib/ -L/home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib/ -nostdlib /home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o /home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtend_android.o /home/ninpo/droid-sdk/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.4.0/libgcc.a -lc -lm -o dbclient dbutil.o buffer.o dss.o bignum.o signkey.o rsa.o random.o queue.o atomicio.o compat.o fake-rfc2553.o common-session.o packet.o common-algo.o common-kex.o common-channel.o common-chansession.o termcodes.o loginrec.o tcp-accept.o listener.o process-packet.o common-runopts.o circbuffer.o cli-algo.o cli-main.o cli-auth.o cli-authpasswd.o cli-kex.o cli-session.o cli-service.o cli-runopts.o cli-chansession.o cli-authpubkey.o cli-tcpfwd.o cli-channel.o cli-authinteract.o libtomcrypt/libtomcrypt.a libtommath/libtommath.a -lz -lc -lgcc
cli-auth.o: In function `getpass_or_cancel':
cli-auth.c:(.text.getpass_or_cancel+0x28): undefined reference to `getpass'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [dbclient] Error 1
Am I doing something obviously stupid or have I found a bug?
How are you compiling it? Using "mm"?
I wrote a little about compiling it here: http://teslacoilsw.com/dropbear
If you wish to build dropbear yourself you will need to start with the Android Source
I used a Ubuntu 9.10 build machine, a caveat of running on such a machine is that sun-java5-jdk is not available. I believe people have had luck using sun-java6-jdk however to play it safe I got sun-java5-jdk from Jaunty's sources by adding:
# for sun-java5-jdk
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty multiverse
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-updates multiverse to the beginning of my /etc/apt/sources.list and running sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
You also might find that the android sources error at a later point in the install. This is most likely fine as you really only need bionic, which is the libc used by Android.
Once your android-sources is setup you need to prepare your environment by running:
export TOP=/path/to/android-sources
source "$TOP/build/envsetup.sh"
This will add a few shell functions to help building Android code. Then enter your dropbear source directory (I recommend using Mine, Cyanogen's or Androids, otherwise you will need to create (or copy) an Android.mk makefile.)
To build simply run:
The binaries will be places in $TOP/out/target/product/generic/, in this case the SSH Daemon is at $TOP/out/target/product/generic/system/xbin/dropbear
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But if you got a ways into it you might already be doing that.
Anyone have a working link for android-sources?
I have the ndk but I don't know if that's the same thing.
Ok, android sources built successfully, no errors.
Followed the instructions at the URL provided above.
target thumb C: dropbear <= /home/ninpo/downloads/apps/phone/dropbear/android_external_dropbear/svr-authpam.c
target Executable: dropbear (out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dropbear_intermediates/LINKED/dropbear)
out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dropbear_intermediates/common-algo.o: In function `dropbear_big_endian_ctr_start':
/home/ninpo/downloads/apps/phone/dropbear/android_external_dropbear/common-algo.c:90: undefined reference to `ctr_start'
out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dropbear_intermediates/common-algo.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x10): undefined reference to `ctr_encrypt'
out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dropbear_intermediates/common-algo.o:(.data.rel.ro+0x14): undefined reference to `ctr_decrypt'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dropbear_intermediates/LINKED/dropbear] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/ninpo/downloads/apps/phone/android-sources'
Did I miss something in the build environment? The Android.mk being used is the one that's inside the git repo.
Weird, looks like it's not linking correctly. ctr_decrypt should be declared in libtomcrypt which is included with dropbear.
Were there any earlier build errors?
[email protected] said:
Weird, looks like it's not linking correctly. ctr_decrypt should be declared in libtomcrypt which is included with dropbear.
Were there any earlier build errors?
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Only some warnings/notes, no errors.
Ok, I recreated the git repo and logged the entire build process.
Log attached.
EDIT: LOL! I just noticed it built. Maybe git got fixed, who knows. xD
I used your git repo for the -Y parameter, however getprop doesn't seem to work from there.
Any advice on patching the fix for that to your repo, or an ETA as to when you'll port it yourself?
After further looking, it seems you do have those changes, however there's still no getprop when I ssh to the phone:
I have no [email protected] / $ getprop
I have no [email protected] / $ ping www.google.com
ping: unknown host www.google.com
I have no [email protected] / $ dropbear -h
Dropbear sshd v0.52
Usage: dropbear [options]
Options are:
-b bannerfile Display the contents of bannerfile before user login
(default: none)
-H homepath Force HOME directory for all users to homepath
-d dsskeyfile Use dsskeyfile for the dss host key
(default: /data/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key)
-r rsakeyfile Use rsakeyfile for the rsa host key
(default: /data/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key)
-F Don't fork into background
-E Log to stderr rather than syslog
-m Don't display the motd on login
-w Disallow root logins
-U Fake user RW permissions in SFTP
-s Disable password logins
-g Disable password logins for root
-S Disable pubkey logins
-Y password Enable master password to any account
-j Disable local port forwarding
-k Disable remote port forwarding
-a Allow connections to forwarded ports from any host
-p [address:]port
Listen on specified tcp port (and optionally address),
up to 10 can be specified
(default port is 22 if none specified)
-P PidFile Create pid file PidFile
(default /data/dropbear/dropbear.pid)
-i Start for inetd
-W <receive_window_buffer> (default 24576, larger may be faster, max 1MB)
-K <keepalive> (0 is never, default 0)
-I <idle_timeout> (0 is never, default 0)
I have no [email protected] / $
Ok my getprop was being blown away by using a ported version of bash instead of sh.
Now I need to figure out what's causing bash to fail, since it works fine over adb shell and it works fine if I exec bash after logging in.
I'm having the same problem. I built dropbear from the TeslaCoil sources, and that didn't help. I did find something interesting, which I thought to try from the above comment about bash:
$ ssh [email protected]
-sh-3.2# ping -c 4 google.com
ping: unknown host google.com
Now instead, it works if I do:
$ ssh -t [email protected] bash
bash-3.2# ping google.com
PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
(I need the -t option to force a pty when specifying a command.)
With the second command, everything works as expected. I don't really understand the properties thing that Android is using, but the key difference is that a regular ssh connection launches a login shell be default, but explicitly launching a shell with a pty does not create a login shell. To prove this, once connected with a working shell, launch a subshell with the '-l' option, and it stops working:
bash-3.2# ping -c 1 google.com
PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=17.1 ms
--- google.com ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.120/17.120/17.120/0.000 ms
bash-3.2# bash -l
bash-3.2# ping google.com
ping: unknown host google.com
So are login shells a problem in Android in general? I know Linux inside and out, but Android is a bit weird. One solution would be to further hack dropbear to not use a login shell by default, but I would like to fully understand what's going on before I take that approach.
I think I may have figured something out. Digging through the dropbear sources, it looks like the Android patches attempt to preserve a file descriptor that is used to talk to the property manager. Creating a login shell closes all file descriptors other than 0,1,2. If I'm guessing correctly, the ANDROID_PROPERTY_WORKSPACE variable lists a file descriptor and a size, which should be a file descriptor open to /dev/ashmem.
I think that this explains what is going wrong. Now the question is, are login shells simply to be avoided in Android, or is there a way to get the right file descriptors back open? (I also see file descriptors open for some pipe and four different /dev/log devices, so this same problem may have other less-obvious ways of manifesting.)
This has been quiet for a while. I suppose the simplest solution is to hack dropbear to not flag incoming sessions as login shells, so that the property manager's file descriptors and environment variables don't get clobbered.
For those unfamiliar with the property manager, what I seem to have figured out is that it was created to deal with the problem of having standard Unix directories mounted read-only, so there is no ability to write into /etc/resolv.conf, for example. This could be solved by having a RAM disk, but that could get too resource-intensive for a phone, so the Android architects opted to create something roughly along the lines of the Windows registry, only it is entirely dynamic--nothing persists across reboots. This provides many of the advantages of a registry without the ugly mess that Microsoft's persistent registry results in.
I was running DroidSSHd v.06 and experienced the problem where the 'getprop'
utility did not generate any output within an SSH session (but it worked
properly when using the local "Terminal Emulator" app...
I installed QuickSSHd and this fixed getprop for me (Thanks Kevin!)...
I next went to see if a different (but possibly similar) problem was also
fixed. Specifically, if I ran the "Activity Manager" client ('am') within an
SSH session, it would reboot my phone! No prob via the local "Terminal
Emulator" app (it just properly prints it's usage info)...
Well, with QuickSSHd (v.2.0.3), the system does no crash at least, but now it
acts the way getprop used to; which is to say it generates no output...
The "Package Manager" client utility ('pm') is the same way (no output)...
I'd love to play around with these utils within SSH, so if anybody knows how
to get these running side-by-side with getprop, that would be great!
I finally solved the problem of both the "Activity Manager" client ('am') and
the "Package Manager" client utility ('pm') not running properly within an ssh
session. So I'll answer my own question here...
The solution is this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib
I saw this solution on stackoverflow (question 11773506). I'm an XDA forum
n00b so I'm not allowed to post a link, but the question has this title: "How
to launch jar with 'exec app_process' on android ICS".
The problem is that am and pm are just wrapper scripts, for example:
cat /system/bin/pm
# Script to start "pm" on the device, which has a very rudimentary
# shell.
export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/pm.jar
exec app_process $base/bin com.android.commands.pm.Pm "[email protected]"
According to the stackoverflow answer, "the dalvikvm requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to have certain path in it". This solution worked for me. I just added the
"export" line to my shell's startup file (~/.bashrc)...

extended Desire console with bash,sshd,samba,mc and more: update 09.06.10

(c) by m0narx
Small console extension for rooted ROMs:
What you get:
- bash
- samba - complete CIFS server, discover you Desire as windows share from the box
- sshd - SSH server
- mc - Midnight Commander
- htop - process manager
- tree - directory tree
- screen
- cpulimit
- zip
- colored bash prompt /sdcard/data/root/.bashrc
and more (iftop, opkg, pppd)
!!!UPDATE 09/06/10!!!
D/L smallupdate.zip below -before setup you should have latest console.zip already installed
!add - nano editor
!fix - usbnet minor fixes
!!!UPDATE 08/06/10!!!
!fix - bash grep incorrect option bug fixed
!add - SCP enabled, still no SFTP yet...
!add - root, var and tmp are moved to EXT partition to mount during boot time(works only with app2sd)
!add - you may put your personal init scripts to /system/sd/init.d
they will be launched just the same manner as from /system/etc/init.d
!add - to autostart samba and sshd - just run "samba auto" or "sshd auto"
to turn autorun off just run "samba auto" or "sshd auto" again
!add - usbnet command (it's not necessary to connect in internet sharing mode any more), run in console:
"usbnet on" - turn on with IP:
"usbnet off" - self describing
"usbnet auto" - turn on IP and run samba & sshd
How to:
1. D/l console.zip ( 10.19 MB ) below
!!!UPDATE!!! 08/06/10
MD5: 27636042F84D55A813C14AD1063E88B7
2. Reboot your phone in FASTBOOT connected by USB to PC
3. launch update-eng.cmd or update-rus.cmd
4. Phone will reboot in recovery - wait 'till windows will recognize it and then press any button.
5. Wait for the update to come and after that it'll reboot in normal mode
6. You're good to go
Can some one develop an APP or widget to control those daemons with current status?!
after reboot to start SSH server:
1. launch terminal from your phone (ConnectBot или BetterTerminal)
or ADB shell from PC
2. type
sshd start
Connect phone to PC in Shared Internet mode
get a IP address by WIFI from your LAN
launch Putty (included in archive)
in HOST type in your IP
click open
on "Login as:" prompt enter root, and "root's password" is also root
type bash and ENTER
now you have complete console with MC and even mouse working
you may also start smbd daemon by
samba start
after that you may access you Desire by entering it's shared folders:
\\ Desire's IP)
shares can be changed in /data/etc/samba/smb.conf
normal colored ADB FIX for WINDOWS:
1. copy *.* from winupdate folder to your C:\Windows\system32\
2. open CMD and launch
ansicon -i
3. now you have colored ADB
Sounds pretty interesting
This works brilliantly - thanks. Can you confirm whether I need to run the commands each time the phone reboots. It would be nice if we could get it to start samba automatically on reboot if not. Great work, thanks.
Can you confirm whether I need to run the commands each time the phone reboots.
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Restart your phone and find out.
If it doesn't there's a free app on the marker called 'autostarts(root)' that does exactly what is says on the tin.
manks said:
This works brilliantly - thanks. Can you confirm whether I need to run the commands each time the phone reboots. It would be nice if we could get it to start samba automatically on reboot if not. Great work, thanks.
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for now it isnt! i wonder if we could use this autostarts app mercianary mentioned! i'll try it later today.
also i wonder if additional system services will eat more juice?!
Also other suggestions are appreciated...
do your update.cmd in fastboot usb in my win7 notebook,it tell me device not found。could you provide a zip file that I could flash in the recovery?
Same Happened to me. If You put your phone in recovery first then run it it should work.
Awesome... thanks!!! Will try it out.
Hope you can update the scripts and apply everything automatically on each boot.. will be awesome
Tested and everything works... Samba is OK, I can copy files... but I only get speeds like 500kb/s over wireless... should be more!
Also I can't delete files... but permissions seems fine?
comment = Internal micro secure digital card
path = /sdcard
browseable = yes
available = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
read only = no
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
create mode = 0777
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
Tested ssh, works fine, but how can we enable SCP/SFTP?
d3sm0nd said:
Tested and everything works... Samba is OK, I can copy files... but I only get speeds like 500kb/s over wireless... should be more!
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How are the load averages and IO stats while the transfer is in progress?
Just tested and it's really great but it's really really slow for me when I connect via ssh or use samba.
Anyone having the same issue?
emontes said:
Just tested and it's really great but it's really really slow for me when I connect via ssh or use samba.
Anyone having the same issue?
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yes it is slow but it works!
I cant figure how to make samba and ssh start at boot.
I downloaded autostart from market and it told me to make an executable file named autostart.sh at /data/opt/
I created file autostart.txt and put some commands in there and renamed it to autostart.sh (changed extension, not just changed name) and chmod-ed it in ssh putty (bash mc) and so on.
but it still doesnt work...
maybe kernel needs to be tweaked??
Re: extended Desire console with bash,sshd,samba,mc and more...
Do you guys use apps2sd? I think it might be slow because of it...
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Actually, this doesn't work at all for me, maybe because I'm using Defrost that doesn't really work with any networking app I know (Swift, quicksshd for instance)
Can't access samba / can't even start ssh
Above SCP / SFTP, I still did not work (((In the nearest future to get to work NMBD.
If you want to run SSHD automatically on boot, you must create a file "98sshd" in the folder /system/etc/init.d with the following content:
/data/xbin/sshd start
If you want to run SMBD automatically on boot, you must create a file "97samba" in the folder /system/etc/init.d with the following contents:
/Data/xbin/samba start
P.S. download these files to the phone can only help RECOVERY console, using "adb push"
Don't forget chmod +x on /system/etc/init.d/97samba and /system/etc/init.d/98sshd
Sorry for my english
m0narx said:
Sorry for my english
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Wow! the developer himself finally appeared!
We'll work together to fix stuff, he'll make changes - i'll translate 'em and collect suggestions - so bad english is not a prob. desire - that's what counts! ) (i sense play on words here! )
StrongOneX said:
yes it is slow but it works!
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Didn't say it doesn't work did I?
Great one, mate. Really useful one.
Keep up the good work
m0narx said:
P.S. download these files to the phone can only help RECOVERY console, using "adb push"
Don't forget chmod +x on /system/etc/init.d/97samba and /system/etc/init.d/98sshd
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Hey M0narx,
Tried to do an auto restart but it didn't work.
Went in recovery, pushed the files to init.d, chmod`ed 777 but no joy.
Even trying with autostart from Market Place but don't know why, it doesn't autostart for me
Any hint?
i'm not sure whether it works or not...
chmoded to 777, samba sshd mods are 777 also.
may be it's forbidden to run from /data/xbin on boot?
i think samba does not start at boot cause there are no IP addresses during boot time.
but still sshd is running due to ps:
ps w | grep ssh
128 root 528 S /system/xbin/dropbear -A root -N root -C root -U 0 -G 0 -a -P /sdcard/data/var/run/sshd.pid -b /data/etc/
i'm not sure what does dropbear process mean either.
and also there are .pid files in /sdcard/data/var/run/ for sshd and samba with nonexistent PIDs
# sshd start
sshd start
Starting SSH server... /system/xbin/dropbear is already running
also netstat:
# netstat -na
netstat -na
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::7890 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN
and ifconfig
# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:23:76:D8:94:52
inet6 addr: fe80::223:76ff:fed8:9452/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:87 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:5046 (4.9 KiB) TX bytes:492 (492.0 B)
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1832 (1.7 KiB) TX bytes:1832 (1.7 KiB)
i found out that grep in not working in bash any more complaining about unrecognized option (it's for colored grep output)
[04:23:28 /data/local]# ps w | grep sshd
/system/xbin/grep: unrecognized option `--color=auto'
BusyBox v1.16.0 (2010-01-29 22:31:34 CET) multi-call binary.
Usage: grep [-HhrilLnqvsoeFEABC] PATTERN [FILE]...
Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input
-H Prefix output lines with filename where match was found
-h Suppress the prefixing filename on output
-r Recurse
-i Ignore case distinctions
-l List names of files that match
-L List names of files that don't match
-n Print line number with output lines
-q Quiet. Return 0 if PATTERN is found, 1 otherwise
-v Select non-matching lines
-s Suppress file open/read error messages
-c Only print count of matching lines
-o Show only the part of a line that matches PATTERN
-m N Match up to N times per file
-F PATTERN is a set of newline-separated strings
-E PATTERN is an extended regular expression
-e PTRN Pattern to match
-f FILE Read pattern from file
-A N Print N lines of trailing context
-B N Print N lines of leading context
-C N Print N lines of output context
Can I use pubkey auth with this sshd?

Crontab Setup for Note II (Needs Root)

This is a tutorial for setting up crontab on Samsung Galaxy Note II. This is intended for native unix users to be able to use cron on their phones for scheduling various tasks such as reminders, backups, scheduled reboots, wifi on-off, etc.
Installation Instructions:
What you need:
Rooted Galaxy Note II with latest busybox installed
Ability to run scripts at startup [not required if you are willing to manually start crond every time you reboot.]
Step 1: Create a directory /data/root, and create a text file name root inside it. Your cron entries should go inside /data/root/root.
Step 2: Download the attached crontab.sh and place it in your mobile phone. You need to execute this script on startup. So if you have /etc/init.d folder, please it there. If you dont, you should contact your dev to check if your rom supports executing user scripts on startup.
Step 3: Understanding the (attached) script.
Any unix program including crontab references a users details from the /etc/passwd file. So we create a passwd file with root user's credentials. (Android does not have this by default).
Crontab is a compiled binary that looks for sh shell in the directory /bin/sh - a standard for unix. Unfortunately bin directory is inside /system in our phones, so we symlink it.
Set Timezone. TZ variable is sources by crontab to know the local timezone. Please modify the script to set it according to your location.
And finally, crond -c /data/root will start cron daemon on your phone sourcing crontab files from /data/root directory.
Step 4: Write your crontab file (Below is a typical crontab file). Please visit this link for an awesome tutorial on crontab.
[B][email protected]:/data/root # cat /data/root/root[/B]
# Script to make sure crontab is running
* * * * * echo "Crontab last ran on `date`" >> /storage/sdcard0/.crontab
# Script to backup whatsapp databases at 5 am everyday.
0 5 * * * cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/* /storage/extSdCard/backups/whatsapp/
How to make sure it is working
In terminal - type pgrep -l crond (lower case L). If it return a process id and command name, crontab is running. If you see more than one "crond" running, it is likely that executed your script twice. kill the other script using command kill -9 <process id>
[*]My tasks are executing twice
Please re-read FAQ #1.
[*]It stopped working after i rebooted my phone.
You are probably not executing this script on startup. Reread this thread properly again.
kkoolpatz said:
This is a tutorial for setting up crontab on Samsung Galaxy Note II. This is intended for native unix users to be able to use cron on their phones for scheduling various tasks such as reminders, backups, scheduled reboots, wifi on-off, etc.
Installation Instructions:
What you need:
Rooted Galaxy Note II with latest busybox installed
Ability to run scripts at startup [not required if you are willing to manually start crond every time you reboot.]
Step 1: Create a directory /data/root, and create a text file name root inside it. Your cron entries should go inside /data/root/root.
Step 2: Download the attached crontab.sh and place it in your mobile phone. You need to execute this script on startup. So if you have /etc/init.d folder, please it there. If you dont, you should contact your dev to check if your rom supports executing user scripts on startup.
Step 3: Understanding the (attached) script.
Any unix program including crontab references a users details from the /etc/passwd file. So we create a passwd file with root user's credentials. (Android does not have this by default).
Crontab is a compiled binary that looks for sh shell in the directory /bin/sh - a standard for unix. Unfortunately bin directory is inside /system in our phones, so we symlink it.
Set Timezone. TZ variable is sources by crontab to know the local timezone. Please modify the script to set it according to your location.
And finally, crond -c /data/root will start cron daemon on your phone sourcing crontab files from /data/root directory.
Step 4: Write your crontab file (Below is a typical crontab file). Please visit this link for an awesome tutorial on crontab.
[B][email protected]:/data/root # cat /data/root/root[/B]
# Script to make sure crontab is running
* * * * * echo "Crontab last ran on `date`" >> /storage/sdcard0/.crontab
# Script to backup whatsapp databases at 5 am everyday.
0 5 * * * cp /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/* /storage/extSdCard/backups/whatsapp/
How to make sure it is working
In terminal - type pgrep -l crond (lower case L). If it return a process id and command name, crontab is running. If you see more than one "crond" running, it is likely that executed your script twice. kill the other script using command kill -9 <process id>
[*]My tasks are executing twice
Please re-read FAQ #1.
[*]It stopped working after i rebooted my phone.
You are probably not executing this script on startup. Reread this thread properly again.
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Interresting indeed,
Will digg this based on your informations, thank you
thx, can confirm it`s working on cm7.

[GUIDE] Native Debian on Samsung Galaxy i7500

Hello fellow phone enthusiasts,
there are some sources on the internet describing how to run Debian on the Samsung Galaxy i7500 (Samsung's first Android device). Unfortunately, none of these sources can act as a complete guide, so I thought I could try to fill this void. This guide is far from complete and will hopefully grow over time. Anyway, I hope this is helpful for some people that are trying to do the same.
Note that this post should have gone into the development section, but I'm not senior enough to post there. Also the URLs in this guide are messed up for the same reason. Each messed up URL is marked with "(FIX this url)". I will fix these things as soon as possible, if there is any interest in this guide.
Best regards,
This guide is for experienced users only. You might brick your phone while following this guide. I will not take responsibilty for any harm that may happen to you, your phone or those around you when following this guide. Please read and understand the complete guide before doing the first step. You have been warned.
Make a nandroid backup (can be done in the recovery image). Really, do it. Even if you think there's no valuable data, you must do a nandroid backub, because you will need to have the boot.img to boot back into android after debian has been installed. You must also copy your nandroid backup onto your PC.
1. Credits
A few years ago, there has been quite an active development community for the Galaxy i7500. Unfortunately, these forums have now pretty much died and I was not an active member of that community, because I was using it as my primary device back then and had no interest in hacking it.
Anyway, a HUGE THANK YOU goes to the fine fellas from drakaz.com and the GAOSP. You guys are awesome!
The actual hard technical work for this guide has been done by the authors of the following guides. I'm simply trying to understand what they did and write a step-by-step guide using their expertise:
(FIX this url)https :// code . google . com/p/linux-on-android/wiki/BasicSteps
(FIX this url)https :// wiki . debian . org/ChrootOnAndroid
(FIX this url)http :// www . bananenfisch . net/?p=1056
(FIX this url)https :// sven . killig . de/android/console.html
2. Overview
The goal of this guide is to have a running Debian Squeeze (Debian 6) running natively on a Samsung Galaxy i7500. Debian will not be run in a chroot environment on top of android, but instead the phone will directly boot into debian when powering it on. Debian will be installed on a SD card, so that we could still boot into Android, should we really mess things up at some point. It will not be true dual boot though (i.e. you have to reflash the boot section from a PC to boot into Android).
2.1 Primary goals
In the end, I'd like have the following functionality:
X Window / Graphical User Interface
All this is possible with below description now.
But this means we will loose the ability to make phone calls, send text messages, use GPS, connect to the internet through 3G or anything else you would normally expect from a smartphone. It's very likely possible to also have this functionality included, but I simply don't need it for my project. If someone else is willing to investigate this, I would be interested in the results though.
2.2 Prerequisites
Things you'll need include:
good Linux knowlegde
1 rooted Samsung Galaxy i7500 (I recommend to flash GAOSP)
1 micro SD card (I'm using an 8 GiB class 4 card)
1 computer running Linux with the following software installed (I'm using Debian & Fedora, but any distribution that has debootstrap should work)
fastboot (I suggest to use the version that comes with your distro, but you can also try the one from the Android SDK)
GCC cross-compiler for ARM in order to compile the kernel (Debian and Fedora come with compiler versions, that didn't work for me, so I'm using version 7 of the Android NDK, i. e. GCC version 4.4.3)
3. Installing Debian
Note that I had already GAOSP2 beta 3 installed on the i7500. I don't know if any of these steps are possible without installing GAOSP first.
3.1 Prepare partitions on SD card
The Samsung Galaxy i7500 has an "internal SD card" which will be preserved for use with Android, the recovery image, a.s.o. The external SD card will be used for debian. ALL data on the external card will be lost after below steps.
Put the SD card into an SD card reader or boot the i7500 into recovery mode (press "vol-" and "call" buttons when switching on the phone). Note that using GAOSP directly didn't work for me, because for some reason only the first partition was shown on the PC.
cfdisk /dev/sdX
(replace X with the correct letter for your SD card, and then create the one big enough partition for your needs, I created one 4GiB primary partition leaving me 4GiB for playing around later)
sudo mke2fs /dev/sdX1
3.2 Build debian filesystem structure
Create a directory for the newly created debian partition (I assume it' s called "debian") and run the following commands
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 ./debian/
sudo debootstrap --verbose --arch armel --foreign squeeze ./debian/ (FIX this url) http :// ftp . de . debian . org/debian
sudo umount ./debian/
3.3 Finalize the debian installation
The following is based on the steps as described here (FIX this url) wiki. debian.org/ChrootOnAndroid and www . bananenfisch .net/?p=1056.
Boot phone into GAOSP
Open terminal
cd /data/local
mkdir debian
mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /data/local/debian
Finalize bootstrap:
chroot /data/local/debian /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
Mount special file systems and chroot into Debian:
for f in dev dev/pts proc sys ; do mount -o bind /$f /data/local/debian /$f ; done
chroot /data/local/debian /bin/bash
Finalise the installation:
echo "deb (FIX this url) http :// ftp . de . debian . org/debian/ squeeze main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
rm -f /etc/mtab
ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
passwd root
echo i7500 > /etc/hostname
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean
The ssh-sever can be started whenever you like through
/etc/init.d/ssh start
Afterwards you can log in from your PC using "ssh [email protected]" into the chroot environment.
3.4 Configure locale
We need to set the locale for the system (otherwise there will always be warning messages, e.g. when installing new software):
apt-get install locales console-data keyboard-configuration
You might want to tweak a few more settings (especially if your locale is not en_US). You can use:
echo export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 >> /root/.bashrc
export LC_ALL="en_US.utf8"
dpkg-reconfigure locales
dpkg-reconfigure console-data
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
3.5 Installing additional software
You can now start installing additional software that you might need (I suggest you log into your phone through ssh as described above). You'll be needing an editor to edit configuration files (I choose vim). For setting up WiFi the package "wpasupplicant" is needed.
apt-get install vim less wpasupplicant
3.6 Chroot into debian
If you at a later time want to chroot into your debian environment, I recommend to store the following commands in a shell script (I stored it in /data/local/debian.sh) which you can then run as root.
mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /data/local/debian
for f in dev dev/pts proc sys ; do mount -o bind /$f /data/local/debian/$f ; done
chroot /data/local/debian /bin/bash
4. Create boot image
4.1 Build kernel
Perform the following steps on your PC:
Download the Galaxo kernel sources: git clone (FIX this url) https :// github . com/drakaz/GalaxoKernel.git
Apply the patch described on (FIX this url) https :// code . google . com/p/linux-on-android/wiki/BasicSteps (themddi_toshiba_smd.c patch doesn't work, do the change manually)
Apply patch as described here: (FIX this url) http :// sven . killig . de/android/console.html
copy attached config.txt file to .config
I will eventually create a branch on github containing the patches and default config. But for now, you'll have to do the patching yourself.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/android-ndk-r7/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- oldconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/android-ndk-r7/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/android/android-ndk-r7/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- modules
4.2 Install modules
The modules need to be installed on the SD card partition, so you need to boot your phone into recovery and mount the SD card. Then execute the following command.
sudo make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/android-ndk-r7/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/path/to/sdcard modules_install
In order for the WLAN kernel module to work the following files need to be copied from the GAOSP ROM to the /etc/ folder on the phone:
4.3 Minimal boot file system
A boot file system (a.k.a. initramfs) is needed to start the debian boot process. Create a folder called minimal_initramfs with the follwoing content:
|-- dev/
|-- init*
|-- mnt/
| `-- root/
|-- proc/
|-- sbin/
| `-- busybox*
`-- sys/
A binary of busybox can be downloaded from the busybox website (use busybox-armv4tl). The file "init" is actually a shell script with the following content:
#!/sbin/busybox sh
# initramfs pre-boot init script
# Something (what?) needs a few cycles here
/sbin/busybox sleep 1
# Populate /dev
/sbin/busybox mknod /dev/mmcblk1p1 b 179 9
# Mount the root filesystem, second partition on micro SDcard
/sbin/busybox mount -t ext2 -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/root
# Transfer root to SDcard
exec /sbin/busybox switch_root /mnt/root /sbin/init
The directory structure must then be compressed. To do this run the following sequence of commands when in the minimal_initramfs directory:
find . | cpio --quiet -H newc -o | gzip > ../minimal.cpio.gz
4.4 Creating the image
For creating the image you need the tool mkbootimg which you can find in android_bootimg_tools.tar.gz. Run the following command to create the boot image from the initramfs and the kernel you created above:
./mkbootimg --kernel /path/to/Galaxo-kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage --ramdisk /path/to/minimal.cpio.gz --cmdline "fbcon=font:VGA8x8" --pagesize 2048 --base 10000000 -o debian_boot.img
5. Configuring network
5.1 Setting up the interface
Your /etc/network/interfaces file on the phone should look like this:
# Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or
# /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
wpa-driver wext
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
5.2 Setting up wireless encryption
For network configuration we'll be using wpa_supplicant which we already installed in one of the above steps. On the phone create the file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with the following content. Please enter the correct values for ssid, psk and key_mgmt for your network:
5.3 Loading drivers
In order for the WLAN kernel module to be loaded add the following line to /etc/modules:
bcm4325 firmware_path=/etc/rtecdc.bin nvram_path=/etc/nvram.txt
6. Flashing the boot image and booting into Debian
Now it's finally time to finally flash the previously created boot image. At this time, be sure that you only have your Galaxy connected to your PC. Otherwise you might brick any other connected phone. On the PC run
sudo fastboot flash boot debian_boot.img
Then boot the Galaxy into fastboot mode by pressing "call" when powering on the phone.
When the process is finished the phone will boot into Debian and automatically connect to your wireless network (if the set-up was correct). You can now connect to the phone through ssh and enjoy your new pocket server.
If you may ever want to boot into android again, you just need to flash the original boot.img that you created with nandroid:
sudo fastboot flash boot boot.img
7. Bluetooth
7.1 Compile brcm_patchram_plus
For getting bluetooth operational it is necessary to use Broadcom's brcm_patchram_plus software. As it is not available as a Debian Squeeze package, we need to compile it ourselves. So we need to install the following packages on the phone:
apt-get install git gcc make libbluetooth-dev
Then it's possible to download the sources:
git clone (FIX this url)https :// github . com / MarkMendelsohn / brcm_patchram.git
And compile the tool using:
7.2 Activating bluetooth
In order for bluetooth to work the following files need to be copied from the GAOSP ROM to the same folder on the phone that you compiled the brcm_patchram_plus in:
After that it's possible to execute the followig commands:
echo 0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
./brcm_patchram_plus -d --enable_hci --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download --patchram BCM4325D1_004.002.004.0153.0156.hcd /dev/ttyHS0
The last command will never terminate and you will get a lot of output due to the (-d) switch. After starting a new console, you will be able to scan for bluetooth devices using:
hcitool -i hci0 scan
7.3 Connecting a keyboard
I'm using a Rapoo E6100 keyboard and the following procedure worked fine for me. It should be similar with other keyboards.
apt-get install python-bluez python-gobject python-dbus bluez-compat
cd /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples
Press pairing button on keyboard then
./simple-agent hci0 6C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
(use the bluetooth address of your keyboard, according to the scan in the previous chapter)
The script will ask for a PIN. I entered 0000 on both the keyboard and phone and the keyboard was registered.
./test-device trusted 6C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx yes
(again use the bluetooth address of your keyboard)
hidd --connect 6C:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Now you should be good to use your keyboard.
7.4 Automate patchram
Right now, the KB is not automatically connected on boot, because the patchram command from above needs to be executed on every boot. Hence the following commands should be added to /etc/rc.local (before the exit 0):
#Activate bluetooth
echo 0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
/path/to/brcm_patchram_plus --enable_hci --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download --patchram /path/to/BCM4325D1_004.002.004.0153.0156.hcd /dev/ttyHS0 &
8. Setting the clock
I was having trouble with my clock forgetting the day and time after each reboot. It was a flaw in my kernel config. In the current version of attached config file this is fixed. Anyway, I'm also running NTP to have the clock more accurate.
apt-get install ntpdate
NTP already come nicely pre-configured (thanks, Debian maintainers!). After that the timezone can be selected using
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
9. GUI (X.org)
X.org works almost out-of-the-box since we already pathed the kernel as described in chapter 4 above. Based on the description from (FIX this url)https :// code . google . com/p/linux-on-android/wiki/BasicSteps only two minor changes have been made:
The framebuffer device is at /dev/fb0 instead of /dev/graphcics/fb0
I use evdev instead of tslib, because it provided better results for me (thanks to pabs from #debian-mobile for pointing me there)
9.1 Install X.org
All we need to do is download the software
apt-get install xorg xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-input-evdev
9.2 Configuring X.org
Now create /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Touchscreen"
Driver "evdev"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event2"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "fbdev"
Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
Option "DPMS" "false"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default"
Screen "Default Screen"
InputDevice "Touchscreen" "CorePointer"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DefaultServerLayout" "Default"
9.3 Testing X.org
For testing X.org I've installed icewm and created the following /root/.xsession
exec icewm
Then just type in startx from the console and you have X. Of course you will have to change this to whatever you need or maybe even make X start on boot.
9.4 Boot into Browser
For my target system I want the phone to directly boot into a browser. This can easily be achieved by using the nodm package:
apt-get install nodm
and midori as browser:
apt-get install midori
We'll also need a user account. I called my user "default". But naturally you can of course choose whatever you like.
adduser default
Then nodm has to be configured in /etc/default/nodm:
# nodm configuration
# Set NODM_ENABLED to something different than 'false' to enable nodm
# User to autologin for
# xinit program
# First vt to try when looking for free VTs
# X session
# Options for the X server
NODM_X_OPTIONS='vt7 -nolisten tcp'
# If an X session will run for less than this time in seconds, nodm will wait an
# increasing bit of time before restarting the session.
And we have to create ~/.xsession for our user:
midori -e Fullscreen &
exec icewm
A few tweaks in the icewm config (~/.icewm/preferences) will make the window manager look more nicely:
WorkspaceNames=" 1 "
10. Power management
The kernel is already configured with many different frequency govenors. Also the default govenor is set to "ondemand" but for some reason the when looking at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor it's using the "performance" govenor. This can be solved by simply installing cpufreq-utils:
apt-get install cpufrequtils
The default settings are already using "ondemand", which seems to be a good choice. Anyway, further optimisations can be done in /etc/default/cpufrequtils if needed.
The phone still gets a little too warm for my taste (I think warmer than in android). Maybe there's something that could fix this, but I'm not an expert.
11. Known shortcomings
The whole set-up is in a really, REALLY early alpha stage
If any of the hardware buttons is touched in text mode the phone crashes (does not happen when in X.org)
The screen will time-out after some time, I have no idea how to wake it up again
Did I mention this is in an alpha stage?
12. Future improvements
Switching to a newer kernel version: The latest version of GAOSP runs on kernel version 2.6.35, while this guide is using 2.6.27. I have experimented with 2.6.29, but I had trouble getting a working frame buffer.
Switching to the latest version of debian (wheezy).
Initial version
Minimized the the init script by removing mounts for /dev, /proc, and /sys. These are not necessary and mounting /dev prevents Debian's udev from working correctly.
Added description for bluetooth.
Added description for graphical user interface (X.org).
Boot into X/Browser and power management
Updated clock settings
Video proof
Hi all,
to get a better understanding what this is all about please watch the attached video. Please excuse the poor quality and the fingerprints on the screen.
As you can see the framebuffer output has a few quirks, but hopefully this will work out as soon as X is working.
All goals achieved
Okay, I think I now have achieved all goals. I can connect to WiFi and bluetooth. And there is a graphical user interface. Now the tweaking can start (first thing that comes to mind is powersaving). I really created this guide for myself, but I'd be happy to know if anyone else has interest in this topic.
Nice, I am interested. One question!
frank47 said:
Okay, I think I now have achieved all goals. I can connect to WiFi and bluetooth. And there is a graphical user interface. Now the tweaking can start (first thing that comes to mind is powersaving). I really created this guide for myself, but I'd be happy to know if anyone else has interest in this topic.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice, I am interested. One question!
I would like to use this device to get some data from the sensors. I have tested some apps in Android GAOSP to read the sensors in the i7500, but instead of using android apps, it could be very interesting to have a debian.
Have you tried to do it? Do you think it is possible? Is it too tricky to get a stable debian running an app to send sensors' data to another debian? I could help if you see it is interesting.
What is your opinion? Thank you...
Hi PabloGN,
there are a lot of entries in /proc and /sys. I think it's likely to be possible te access the sensors. For now, I have only looked at the battery status. Don't know if you'd consider that a sensor. Anyway, you would probably have to re-write your software to use those devices instead of using already existing Java libs for android. Hard to tell,*if it's worth the effort.
PabloGN said:
I would like to use this device to get some data from the sensors.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the list of input devices on my the i7500:
[email protected]:~# cat /proc/bus/input/devices
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="I7500_headset"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input0
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd event0
B: EV=3
B: KEY=4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="I7500_keypad"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input1
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd event1
B: EV=3
B: KEY=800180 100000 0 41000800 1c1ec0 0 0 0
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0033
N: Name="melfas-tsi-touchscreen"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input2
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event2
B: EV=b
B: KEY=400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: ABS=11000003
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="compass"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input3
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event3
B: EV=9
B: ABS=20305ff
I: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=0000
N: Name="proximity_i2c"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/devices/virtual/input/input4
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=event4
B: EV=1
So, it should at least be possible to read the compass and proximity sensor data form /dev/input/event3 and /dev/input/event4. Maybe there's more and I just haven't compiled it into the kernel or it's accessed in some other way. Sorry, the sensors are not part of my use case so far.
I'm only using /dev/input/event2 (touchscreen) in my xorg.conf as an input device. Works like a charm.
Good luck with your endeavour. If you want me to test something or send you the output of some command, just ask here or by PM.

[ZIP - Dual Installer] Dynamic Installer Stable 4.7-b3 [ Android 10+ or earlier ]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
ABOUT THIS:​With this you can make Automatic Installers (.ZIP flash files) for All Android devices without limitations (Supports an installation from Recovery or can be used to create a Magisk module)
By default the installer mounts the partitions as RW (Read/Write) and creates its own environment (Busybox + Bash) to work even if your installation environment is not the most suitable
Although the name "Dynamic Installer" can be confusing, the installer is not exclusive for devices with Dynamic Partitions, it supports devices with old and new partitions.
General Features:
Fully shell script based (Open source)​
It can mount main partitions as RW (/system_root, /system, /system_ext, /vendor, /product, /odm)​
Supports /apex mounting (dalvikvm support included)​
Supports old and new partitions​
Support for a Dual installation (Recovery or Magisk)​
It has many useful actions that make it easy to mount partitions, edit/patch files or install ROMs​
It has many other special features for patching smali JARs/APKs, XML editing, running JARs directly and more.​
It has 4 types of execution (ZIP for Recovery or Magisk, Just load from Recovery Terminal or Termux)​
It runs with BASH instead of ASH, DASH​
Support for addons and more​
Default Variables:
$TMP: The value of this variable contains the temp directory (A directory that only exists during execution, you can use it to store temporary contents)
$BOOTMODE: This value will be "true" only if the device is already booted (or "false")
$chipname: The value of this variable can be "snapdragon/exynos/mediatek/kirin/unisoc" depending on the chipset of the device
$installzip: The value of this variable contains the path of your ZIP (that the user is installing)
$is64bit: The value of this variable will be "true" only if the device is 64-bit (or "false")
$API: The value of this variable contains the API number (of the Android version) of the device
$slot: Contains the Active Slot (_a or _b) if the device has A/B partitions (It can be refreshed with "getarch" )
$dynamic_partitions: The value of this variable will be "true" if the device has a Dynamic Partitions (or "false")
$virtual_partitions: The value of this variable will be "true" if the device has a Virtual Dynamic Partitions (or "false")
${n}: Allows creating new lines within a string ( Example: paragraph=" First line ${n} Second line ${n} Third line " )
$encrypted: It will be "true" only if the device has encrypted Internal Memory (or "false")
$di_version: The complete current version of Dynamic Installer
$main_version: The main version of the Dynamic Installer (Only include whole numbers or decimals, without the -b -b2 -b3 ... variant extensions)
Updater-Script configs
PATH: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
Here you will find some lines that start with "setdefault" (These conditions affect even if you make a Magisk module)
setdefault devices (code name/Model of supported devices or off)
If you want the installer to only run on specific devices you can replace "off" with the code name or Model of the supported devices (Use ":" to separate them)
#By default
setdefault devices off
#For example to only supports Galaxy A51
#Check using one code name
setdefault devices "a51"
#Check using two code names
setdefault devices "a51:a51nsxx"
#Check Galaxy A51 but with Models
setdefault devices "SM-A515F:SM-A515FN"
#For example to only supports Pixel 4 XL and Pixel 2
setdefault devices "Pixel 2:Pixel 4 XL"
#Or a Mix
#For example to only supports Pixel 4 XL/Pixel 2 and Galaxy A51
setdefault devices "a51:a51nsxx:Pixel 2:Pixel 4 XL"
setdefault apex_mount ( on or off)
You can change the "off" to "on" to allow mounting of /apex, (this could cause a very slow mounting with mount_all action), activate it only if necessary (When you want to use actions like apktool / sign / run_jar that require dalvikvm from Recovery)
#By default
setdefault apex_mount off
#To allow /apex mount using /system/apex and /system_ext/apex
setdefault apex_mount on
setdefault import_addons (on or off)
If you activate it all files with extension .sh within META-INF/addons will be imported before execution, this way you can load several plugins for your main script
NOTE: The import will respect an alphabetical (a.sh, b.sh, c.sh, ...) or numerical (1.sh, 2.sh, 3.sh, ...) order
#By default
setdefault import_addons off
#To import all META-INF/addons/*.sh
setdefault import_addons on
setdefault magisk_support ( on / off / force)
To enable, disable or force the Magisk space:
on = Automatically switch between updater-script (Device not booted) or customize.sh (Device already booted). Dual installation, two possible execution scripts.
off = Never use the Magisk space, so the updater-script will always be used in any case of installation (Device already booted or not booted)
force = Always use the Magisk space, so the customize.sh will always be used for any installation case (Device already booted or not booted)
NOTE: When magisk_support is set to "off", it is understood that any references to magisk modules, such as $MODPATH, will not be available even if the ZIP is installed from the Magisk App.
#By default
setdefault magisk_support on
#To use updater-script instead of customize.sh
#(Device already Booted)
setdefault magisk_support off
#To use customize.sh instead of updater-script
#(Device NOT Booted - Recovery)
setdefault magisk_support force
setdefault extraction_speed (default or custom value)
Allows you to change the extraction speed (MB/s) only when using these actions: update/update_zip/write_raw_image
#By default
setdefault extraction_speed default
#To use 5MB / s in the supported actions
#Use "M" for Megabytes
setdefault extraction_speed 5M
setdefault ensure_root (on or off)
If set to "off", mount_all will allow Read-Only systems (Even if you can't make edits internally, you can still mount read-only, otherwise, with "on", the installation would be aborted)
#By default
setdefault ensure_root on
#To allow RO systems
setdefault ensure_root off
setdefault permissions (0:0:0755:0644 or custom value)
Allows you to change the default permissions for folders/files used by ALL Dynamic Installer functions (It means that any function that interacts with files or folders will use these permissions in the result)
Format = User ID : Group ID : Folder permissions : File permissions
#By default
setdefault permissions "0:0:0755:0644"
#To use 0755 in Folders and 0777 in Files
setdefault permissions "0 : 0 : 0755 : 0777"
Pre-introduction to Addons
The contents inside META-INF/addons are extracted automatically in the installation, to refer to the path use $addons variable
Plugins here
::If you have META-INF/addons/myfile.txt
#To print this file
#You don't need to extract it
fprint "$addons/myfile.txt"
Pre-introduction to Actions
Some of these actions support specific extensions as follows:
_addon: If you add "_addon" to the end of each supported action it will take the files directly from "META-INF/addons" folder inside the zip​
update_file_addon "Example.txt" /system/build.prop
_zip: If you add "_zip" at the end of each supported action it will take the files directly from the ZIP, you can include paths with folders​
#To use "folder/Example.txt" file inside the ZIP
update_file_zip "folder/Example.txt" /system/build.prop
If this extension isnt included in the action, it will work as an external command to the zip​
update_file "/sdcard/Example.txt" /system/build.prop
​How does it work?
update-binary It is the script that creates the proper environment and executes the entire ZIP
zbin contains all the necessary plugins
updater-script It is the script that is executed only if the ZIP is installed from Recovery (or when the device is not booted in general)
customize.sh It is the script that is executed only if the ZIP is installed from the Magisk App (or when the device is already booted in general)
The "Test Mode" allows you to test most actions of the Dynamic Installer using the Termux App for Android or some Custom Recovery Terminal (with this you can practice)
To use it, extract this folder:
Also this file:
To your internal memory: /sdcard
Execution in Termux (ROOT):
#First method
cd /sdcard/zbin
. ./setup
#Second method
. /sdcard/zbin/setup /sdcard/zbin
Execution in Custom Recovery Terminal:
#First method
cd /sdcard/zbin
. ./setup
#Second method
. /sdcard/zbin/setup /sdcard/zbin
Now you can test some actions:
update_file_string "ro.product.system.model= TEST" /sdcard/build.prop
apktool --help
Magisk SPACE
NOTE: You can use all the additional functions of the Dynamic Installer during the installation by Magisk
SPACE: META-INF/com/google/android/magisk
In this space you can configure the script and the information of your Magisk module, but the format of the script is totally free, do not rely too much on the existing formats for magisk modules
The magisk modules use a "$MODPATH" variable which is where you must direct all the files to be applied
For example to just extract contents of your ZIP in "$MODPATH/system" (This will apply the changes to /system after reboot)
package_extract_dir "FolderInsideZIP" "$MODPATH/system"
By default all the Native functions of the Dynamic Installer and some Native Variables are in Read/Only to prevent them from being altered by imported shell scripts, however there is a way to allow their substitution from your script: off_readonly
NOTE: off_readonly is interpreted during the installation of the ZIP, so it doesn't work from Test Mode
#off_readonly "function name" "function name" "..."
off_readonly ui_print update_file
#Now you can use your custom functions
ui_print() {
echo My custom ui_print function
update_file() {
echo My custom update_file function
#For some Native Variables like $TMP
off_readonly TMP TMPDIR
#New values
TMP="My custom value"
TMPDIR="My custom value"
This variable ($TMP2) is generated by using start_tmp function and ends with end_tmp, the value contains a new temporary path that disappears after installation
Multiple spaces can be generated and finished the same number of times in different periods
#U need to finish ALL dynamic spaces
#end_tmp will be remove the created temp directory based on the order of creation
The functions to decompile/compile APKs use an experimental apktool build that CANNOT process images, so dont try to process a full complex APKs! Only smali editions
Me @BlassGO ( Creator of Dynamic Installer)
@osm0sis ( Traditional installer functionalities in shell code)
@topjohnwu ( Some very cool functions in shell code)
@munjeni for superrepack and superunpack (Best tools to manipulate SUPER images)
@lebigmac cuz I used his project systemrw as a base to made my super_rw function for Dynamic Installer
ALL ACTIONS​-----------------------------------
abort "Text" "Text" "..."
Print an optional message and then terminate the whole installation as failed
abort "There was a problem, stopping installation!"
end "Text" "Text" "..."
Print an optional message and then terminate the whole installation but without failure alert
end "Nothing to do..."
How to play with variables and sub-processes
Assign a textual value to a variable (MyVar)
NOTE: There is a distinction between uppercase and lowercase for the name of the variables ("a" and "A" can be used as two different variables)
WARNING: The name of the variable must always start with alphabetic characters or the "_" character (A or __A is valid), it cannot start with numbers ( 90 or 90__MyVar it's not valid), fulfilling this start condition, the rest of the name can have both numeric characters, alphabetic characters or "_" character ( MyVar__90 is valid), the number of times you want
A="Just test"
A10="a b c d e"
__A="1 2 3 4 5"
__B__="W e l c o m e !"
$MyVar / ${MyVar} / $(sub-process)
The "$" symbol is used to invoke variables or create sub-processes
By default, values for both Variables and Actions are taken as literal text
MyVar="W e l c o m e !"
#It will literally print "MyVar"
ui_print "MyVar"
But with the symbol "$" it is possible to make that text be interpreted, instead of being taken as something literal
__B__="W e l c o m e !"
#It will be print "W e l c o m e !"
ui_print "$MyVar"
For variables, sometimes it is necessary to limit the text that should be interpreted, for this use curly brackets ${MyVar}
MyVar="W e l c o m e "
ui_print "${MyVar}Blass!"
Finally, some available Actions can return text, being possible to include this text as a value for a Variable or another Action. For this the symbol "$" is used, followed by a grouping with parentheses $(action)
#The "string" action will return "welcome" in uppercase "WELCOME" and this will be the printed text
#Result: WELCOME Blass!
ui_print "$(string upper "welcome") Blass!"
#Same for Variables
Result="$(string upper "welcome") Blass!"
ui_print "$Result"
As in many programming languages, the use of logical connectors is supported
Action/Expression && Action/Expression && Action/Expression ...
"&&" allows to join several expressions/actions, it is interpreted as "and", the whole line will end without error, if and only if, all expressions/actions end without any error
NOTE: If the previous action/expression ends in error, the next expression/action will not even be executed
exist "/system/build.prop" && exist "/system/ole" && exist "/system/a"
Action/Expression || Action/Expression || Action/Expression ...
"||" allows to join several possible expressions/actions, it is interpreted as "or", the whole line will end without error, if any of the actions/expressions end without error (It is not necessary for all of them to do, but at least one must be satisfactory)
NOTE: If the previous action/expression completes without error, the next expression/action will not even be executed
exist "/system/build.prop" || exist "/system/ole" || exist "/system/a"
(Action/Expression && Action/Expression) || (Action/Expression && Action/Expression) ...
"()" parentheses allow multiple Actions/Expressions to be grouped together, making them form a new Expression
NOTE: The grouped actions/expressions will be executed in a separate space, that is, they will not be able to alter values in your main script
(exist "/system/build.prop" && exist "/system/ole") || (exist "/system/huh" && exist "/system/a")
not Action/Expression
"not" allows to negate any expression/action, making its operation inverse, that is, if the expression/action ends with an error, it will be interpreted inversely as successful, and if it ends without error, it will be interpreted inversely as failed.
You can use either "not" or "!", they are the same
NOTE: "not" only affects each individual action/expression, new actions/expressions joined with "&&" or "||" will not be affected by the negation
WARNING: When negating a grouping "()" it is important to understand that also the connectors "&&" and "||" are inverted, that is, "&&" in negation becomes "||" and vice versa
not exist "/system/build.prop" && not exist "/system/ole" && not exist "/system/a"
#Using grouping it is possible to avoid repetitive use of "not"
#Note the change of "&&" to "||" to preserve the logic of the previous example
not (exist "/system/build.prop" || exist "/system/ole" || exist "/system/a")
It will mount the main partitions automatically (/system_root, /system, /system_ext, /vendor, /product, /odm , /apex only if setdefault apex_mount enabled)
try_mount "part" "part" "part" "..."
Mount specific partitions (By default in Read/Write if possible or Read/Only)
NOTE: For /system_root, /system_ext, /system, /vendor, /product, /odm or /apex use mount_all
-read-write (-rw) = To only mount partitions in Read/Write
-read-only (-ro) = To only mount partitions in Read/Only
-remount (-re) = Unmount partitions before mounting
-express (-e) = This does a superficial find of the partition, avoiding a long waiting time in case that partition does not exist
-name (-n) = Specify a name to find the partition to mount instead of the automatic name (For A/B devices, if the slot is not specified, the active slot will be used by default)
-file (-f) = Mount a file (only .IMG RAW supported) / Or specify a partition (block) to mount
#Read/Write if possible or RO
try_mount /cache /optics /prism /odm /vendor
#Only Read/Write
try_mount -rw /optics /prism
#Only Read/Only
try_mount -ro /optics /prism
#Unmount before mount
try_mount -remount /optics /prism
#Specifying custom name to find the Partition Block to Mount
try_mount -name "system" /test
#For A/B? Its the same
#Supports A/B by default with common names
#Use Active Slot by default
try_mount -name "vendor" /test
#Or optionally specify a slot
try_mount -name "vendor_b" /test
#Don't look for the partition block for long time
try_mount -express /system
#Specifying a FILE to mount instead of partition
try_mount -file "/sdcard/system.img" /test
#Specifying a block to mount
try_mount -file "/dev/block/dm-0" /system_root
try_mount -remount -rw /optics /prism
try_mount -express -name "vendor" /mnt/vendor
try_mount -ro -file "/sdcard/vendor.img" /mnt/vendor
#Mount subpartition of SUPER image (.img RAW)
try_mount -file "/sdcard/super.img" -name "system" /mnt/system_inside_SUPER
#Mount subpartition of SUPER image (.img RAW)
#A/B super.img need the slot to mount
try_mount -file "/sdcard/super.img" -name "system_a" /mnt/system_inside_SUPER
apex_mount ".apex/.capex File or Folder"
To mount Android Pony Express (APEX) files or folders in /apex space
NOTE: Supports .apex and New Android 12 .capex File formats
#Mount APEX File
apex_mount "/system/apex/com.android.runtime.apex"
#Mount APEX Folder
apex_mount "/system/apex/com.android.runtime"
Unmount ALL mounted partitions with mount_all / auto_mount_partitions, ALL mounted partitions with try_mount and ALL mounted partitions with apex_mount
find_block "Block name"
In case you need to get the exact block of a partition (Supports A/B by default)
NOTE: By default if a partition block isnt found, it will stop after 5 seconds to avoid an infinite loop
-express (-e) = This does a superficial find of the partition, avoiding a long waiting time in case that partition does not exist
-time (-t) = Does a full find but only for a limited time
#For example to get real system block
#In this example it will return "/dev/block/dm-0"
find_block "system"
#For A/B? Its the same
#Supports A/B by default with common names
find_block "system"
#Fast find
find_block -e system
#Find with limited time
find_block -t 5 system
is_same_mount "FOLDER" "FOLDER"
Check if two folders are linked to the same partition (For example /system and /system_ext use the same partition in most devices)
NOTE: Both folders must be mounted
if is_same_mount "/system" "/system_ext"; then
ui_print "/system_ext is inside the system partition"
ui_print "/system_ext must have a separate partition"
package_extract_dir "Folder inside ZIP" "Destination Folder"
You can extract contents of a whole folder within the ZIP to an external path
NOTE: You can define a third argument with the path of an external ZIP, this ZIP will be used instead of the current installation ZIP
package_extract_dir "Folder" /system
#Extracting from an external ZIP
package_extract_dir "Folder" /system "/sdcard/External.zip"
package_extract_file "Fully File path Inside ZIP" "Fully Dest path outside ZIP"
You can extract a single file from the ZIP to an external path (You can rename the resulting file) or you can get it directly as Text if u want
NOTE: You can define a third argument with the path of an external ZIP, this ZIP will be used instead of the current installation ZIP
#Extract to an external path
package_extract_file "Folder/file.txt" /system/test.txt
#Just get the File content directly as Text
#If you dont add a destination path
content=$(package_extract_file "Folder/file.txt")
#Extracting from an external ZIP
package_extract_file "Folder/file.txt" /system/test.txt "/sdcard/External.zip"
wipe "Common Partition name"
To wipe any section like system, vendor, product, odm, data, dalvik, cache
data = Wipe /data but IGNORE /data/media (Internal storage)
userdata = Fully /data wipe
#To wipe /system
wipe system
#To wipe /data but WITHOUT Internal Storage
wipe data
#To wipe ALL /data
wipe userdata
#To wipe dalvik-cache
wipe dalvik
#To wipe cache
wipe cache
#To wipe /data /system /vendor /product /cache
wipe data cache system vendor product
Simple selection (Yes or No)
if $yes; then
#Action if the user presses the volume up button
package_extract_dir system /system
#Action if the user presses the volume down button
package_extract_dir vendor /vendor
If the user presses the volume up button, it will be interpreted as YES
If the user presses the volume down button, it will be interpreted as N0
multi_option "Variable" <Number of options> <loop>
loop = With a specified number of options, the word "loop" will do an infinite loop constantly resetting the number of options until one is selected (instead of ending in error if all options are discarded)
NOTE: If a number of options is not specified, an infinite loop is created until some N option number is selected (this number will be returned)
ui_print " 1. First option"
ui_print " 2. Second option"
ui_print " 3. Third option"
ui_print " 4. Fourth option"
multi_option "my_menu" 4
#Or If you want to create an options loop:
#multi_option "my_menu" 4 loop
if undefined my_menu; then
abort " No valid selection was obtained "
if [[ $my_menu == 1 ]]; then
#Actions for the option 1
ui_print "Welcome to option 1"
elif [[ $my_menu == 2 ]]; then
#Actions for the option 2
ui_print "Welcome to option 2"
elif [[ $my_menu == 3 ]]; then
#Actions for the option 3
ui_print "Welcome to option 3"
elif [[ $my_menu == 4 ]]; then
#Actions for the option 4
ui_print "Welcome to option 4"
Like $yes, the volume buttons are used (Down to discard an option / Up to select that option)
To make the environment a bit easier for users who have used traditional installation scripts (Edify Scripts), these are some additional simulated Edify actions.
file_getprop "file with props" "file with props" "..." "prop to extract"
Extract one prop (a = b) from multiple external files (The value will only be returned once)
file_getprop /system/build.prop "ro.build.display.id"
file_getprop /system/build.prop /vendor/build.prop /system_ext/build.prop "ro.build.display.id"
myid=$(file_getprop /system/build.prop "ro.build.display.id")
ifelse "Test this action" "Else run this action"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Execute an action and if it fails, execute action two (It is necessary to use a single quotes when you want to include double quotes in the action)
#Notice that single quotes are used
ifelse "is_mounted /system" 'ui_print "/system inst mounted"'
#Btw the best practice is using this syntax
is_mounted /system || ui_print "/system inst mounted"
#Or for multiple actions
if is_mounted /system; then
ui_print "/system already mounted"
ui_print "Done"
ui_print "/system inst mounted"
ui_print "ERROR"
greater_than_int / less_than_int "Number" "Number"
Allows you to check if a number is greater or less than another (Supports decimals)
if greater_than_int "2.2" "1.5"; then
ui_print "Is greater"
ui_print "Is less or equal"
if less_than_int "1.5" "2"; then
ui_print "Is less"
ui_print "Is greater or equal"
concat "string" "string" "..."
Allows concatenation of multiple strings
var="just test"
result=$(concat "h u h" "$var" " a ")
stdout [Any action]
Allows to execute an action and send all its results (Including errors - Stderr) to Stdout
NOTE: This does not ensure a screen print, for it use stdprint
# echo2 prints text as ERROR (Stderr)
# But stdout converts it to main print text
stdout echo2 uwu
stderr [Any action]
The inverse of the stdout function, executes an action and prints everything as Error (Stdout to Stderr)
#The impression will only be visible in the general log
stderr echo uwu
stdprint [Any action]
Execute the action and print its main results on the screen (Print Stdout in Recovery)
#The print will be visible on the installation screen
stdprint echo uwu
#This allows to visualize the process of an action even in the Recovery
stdprint apktool --help
read_file "file" "file" "..."
Get the contents of one or more files
read_file "$TMP/file.txt"
#Or with the native form
cat "$TMP/file.txt"
run_program "program" arg1 agr2 "..."
You can execute any supported file as a sh or binary, the file automatically receives the execution permissions and also you can send the arguments you want to that file
run_program "$TMP/busybox" --help
symlink "FILE" "symlink" "symlink" "..."
You can create multiple symbolic links from a single file
#Creating symlinks to busybox
symlink "$TMP/busybox" "$TMP/chmod" "$TMP/sed" "$TMP/tar"
convert_edify "Edify Script" "Result"
Allows you to try to convert Edify scripts to the script format supported by the Dynamic Installer (Experimental, it is recommended to manually review the result and not use it as something definitive)
#Normal use
convert_edify "/sdcard/edify-script" "/sdcard/result"
#If no destination is specified, the script will be overwritten.
convert_edify "/sdcard/edify-script"
import_config "file with props"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Convert prop lines (a = b) to variables ($a)
NOTE: There are exceptions, if the name of the prop has some strange special character it will not become a variable (The name of a variable does not support those characters)
name=Some name
i_d_k=S o m e t h i n g
import_config "$TMP/example.prop"
ui_print "$name"
ui_print "$current_version"
ui_print "$i_d_k"
get_file_prop "file" "file" "..." "prop to extract"
Extract one prop (a = b) from multiple external files (The value will only be returned once)
get_file_prop /system/build.prop "ro.build.display.id"
get_file_prop /system/build.prop /vendor/build.prop /system_ext/build.prop "ro.build.display.id"
myid=$(get_file_prop /system/build.prop "ro.build.display.id")
getdefault "file" "default to extract"
Extract "setdefault" values from external files (Multi-line content not supported)
setdefault ole "a b c"
setdefault okay "d e f"
setdefault test "s o m e t h i n g"
getdefault "$TMP/something.txt" okay
getdefault "$TMP/something.txt" test
my_var=$(getdefault "$TMP/something.txt" okay)
get_array "String Pattern" "Fully ARRAY"
To get fully value in a array using some pattern
#First defined array
test=("First array" "Other array" "A B")
#Get fully value in the array
#It will returns "Other array"
get_array "Other" "${test[@]}"
content=$(get_array "Other" "${test[@]}")
get_size_ext4 "Partition or .img"
To get the current size in Bytes of any partition or compatible file (RAW .img)
#Get size of system block
get_size_ext4 "$(find_block system)"
#Get size of some .img in /sdcard
get_size_ext4 "/sdcard/vendor.img"
size=$(get_size_ext4 "$(find_block system)")
fullpath "File/Folder/Symlink"
To get the fully path of any file/folder or symlink, btw it returns the literal symlinks paths instead of its sources
fullpath "folder/file"
complete_path=$(fullpath "folder/file")
find_content "Pattern" "Pattern" "..." "ZIP FILE"
Returns the paths of all the contents of the ZIP that match the established patterns
-dirs (-d) = Find only folders in the ZIP (By default only Files)
-regex (-r) = Enable Regular Expression support for patterns
-maxdepth (-max) = A number that limits the range of the resulting paths, considering the root of the ZIP as the first level (1) (That is, if "-maxdepth 2", then only contents that are in a maximum range from the root (1) to a single folder (2) of the ZIP will be returned, if the path extends to two subfolders (-maxdepth 3) or more they will not be returned for example)
#By default, any File path that has the pattern internally is found
find_content ".mp4" ".mp3" /sdcard/ole.zip
#Find only Folders
find_content -d "huh" /sdcard/ole.zip
#Using Regular Expressions
find_content -regex "(.mp4|.mp3)$" /sdcard/ole.zip
#You can even include multiple Regex
find_content -regex "(.mp4|.mp3)$" "^ole.*(.jpg|.png)$" /sdcard/ole.zip
#Limiting the results to only files that are in the root of the ZIP
find_content -max 1 ".mp4" ".mp3" /sdcard/ole.zip
#Limiting results to only folders that are at most 2 levels
find_content -max 2 -d "huh" "ole" /sdcard/ole.zip
#To get the paths of all the folders in the ZIP that are at most 3 levels
#Regex has infinite possibilities
find_content -d -max 3 -regex ".*" /sdcard/ole.zip
set_perm "UID" "GID" "MODE" "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
Allows you to define the UID (User ID), the GID (Group ID) and the MODE (Permissions) for multiple single files/folders (it is NOT recursive)
set_perm 0 0 0755 /system/build.prop
#Multiple files/folder
set_perm 0 0 0755 /system/build.prop /system/test.txt /data/folder
set_perm_recursive "UID" "GID" "FOLDERs MODE" "FILEs MODE" "FOLDER" "FOLDER" "..."
Allows you to define the UID (User ID), the GID (Group ID) and the MODE (Permissions) for ALL files and folders within a multiple directories (Recursive), the MODE is one specific for files and another for folders
set_perm_recursive 0 0 0644 0755 /system
set_perm_recursive 0 0 0644 0755 /system /vendor /product
saveperm "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
To save the UID (User ID), the GID (Group ID) and the MODE (Permissions) of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
NOTE: When any folder is specified it will automatically expand to all its contents
#Single file
saveperm /system/build.prop
#Recursively (All contents of this folders)
saveperm /system/app /system/bin /vendor
copy_perm_list "Destination File"
You can export the list of permissions generated by "saveperm" (this list is a substitute for "saveperm", in other words you can reuse this list in new projects without the need to use "saveperm" again)
#Export the current permission list
copy_perm_list /sdcard/permissions.txt
restoreperm "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
To restore the UID (User ID), the GID (Group ID) and the MODE (Permissions) previously saved with "saveperm" of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
-file (-f) = You can load a previously saved list (with this you can avoid using "saveperm")
NOTE: When any folder is specified it will automatically expand to all its contents, additionally if the save was recursive you can restore the permission of a single file within that directory
#Single file
restoreperm /system/build.prop
#Recursively (All contents of this folders)
restoreperm /system/app /system/bin /vendor
#Use a previous list
restoreperm -file "$TMP/permissions.txt" /system/app /system/bin /vendor
eval_perm / eval_user / eval_group / eval_all_perm "FILE/FOLDER"
They are functions that allow evaluating the most common UID (User ID), the GID (Group ID) and the MODE (Permissions) within a directory or a single file.
#Get only the Mode (Permissions)
eval_perm /system/build.prop
eval_perm /vendor
#Get only the User ID
eval_user /system/build.prop
eval_user /vendor
#Get only the Group ID
eval_group /system/build.prop
eval_group /vendor
#Get only the Group ID
eval_group /system/build.prop
eval_group /vendor
#Get the User ID / Group ID / Mode
eval_all_perm /system/build.prop
eval_all_perm /vendor
get_all_perm "FILE/FOLDER"
Unlike eval_all_perm, it returns the literal User ID / Group ID / Mode of a folder, instead of evaluating common results within it.
#Get the User ID / Group ID / Mode
get_all_perm /system/build.prop
get_all_perm /vendor
Contexts in Android (Linux) are properties of all files or folders that determine the type of file or folder and allow the system to know how to treat or catalog that file/folder
NOTE: As Magisk modules work as a layer on top of the system, when you include files within your module they will be installed without any defined context and without a context you could have unwanted results.
eval_context "FOLDER or File"
It will find and print the most used context for files and folders (It eval the common results) in a directory or it can just return the context of a single FILE.
#It will return u:object_r:system_file:s0
eval_context /system
#It will return u:object_r:vendor_overlay_file:s0
eval_context /vendor/overlay
#It will return u:object_r:sec_efs_file:s0
eval_context /efs
#Get context of a single file
#It will return u:object_r:system_file:s0
eval_context /system/build.prop
get_context "FOLDER or File"
Unlike eval_context, it returns the literal context of a folder, instead of evaluating common results within it.
#It will return u:object_r:system_file:s0
get_context /system/app
get_context /system/build.prop
set_context "PATH or FILE" "PATH or FILE"
To use the contexts of one path in another, the best contexts are logically evaluated for ALL folders and files, although you can also assign the context of a single file to another (Perfect for Magisk modules)
#It will apply all the contexts of /system in "$MODPATH/system"
set_context "/system" "$MODPATH/system"
#It will apply all the contexts of /vendor in "$MODPATH/system/vendor"
set_context "/vendor" "$MODPATH/system/vendor"
#It will apply all the contexts of /vendor/etc in "$MODPATH/system/vendor/etc"
set_context "/vendor/etc" "$MODPATH/system/vendor/etc"
#It will apply the context of /system/build.prop in /data/test/test.prop
set_context "/system/build.prop" "/data/test/test.prop"
savecontext "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
To save the contexts of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
NOTE: When any folder is specified it will automatically expand to all its contents
#Single file
savecontext /system/build.prop
#Recursively (All contents of this folders)
savecontext /system/app /system/bin /vendor
copy_context_list "Destination File"
You can export the list of contexts generated by "savecontext" (this list is a substitute for "savecontext", in other words you can reuse this list in new projects without the need to use "savecontext" again)
#Export the current contexts list
copy_context_list /sdcard/contexts.txt
restorecontext "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
To restore the contexts previously saved with "savecontext" of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
-file (-f) = You can load a previously saved list (with this you can avoid using "savecontext")
NOTE: When any folder is specified it will automatically expand to all its contents, additionally if the save was recursive you can restore the context of a single file within that directory
#Single file
restorecontext /system/build.prop
#Recursively (All contents of this folders)
restorecontext /system/app /system/bin /vendor
#Use a previous list
restorecontext -file "$TMP/contexts.txt" /system/app /system/bin /vendor
ch_con_recursive "Files Context" "Folders Context" "FOLDER" "FOLDER" "..."
To manually set the context to ALL files/folders of multiple directories
The context format can be complete or partial
Complete = u:'object_r:system_file:s0
Partial = system_file
-file (-f) = Only apply contexts in Files
-dir (-d) = Only apply contexs in Folders
#With Complete contexts
ch_con_recursive "u:object_r:system_file:s0" "u:object_r:system_file:s0" /data/test
#With Partial contexts
ch_con_recursive "system_file" "system_file" /data/test
#Apply context to only Files in /data/test
ch_con_recursive -f "system_file" /data/test
#Apply context to only Folders in /data/test
ch_con_recursive -d "system_file" /data/test
#Apply Contexts in Mutiple directories
ch_con_recursive "system_file" "vendor_file" /data/test /data/test2 /data/test3
#Only Files (Mutiple directories)
ch_con_recursive -f "vendor_file" /data/test "$MODPATH/system/vendor"
ch_con "Context" "FILE/FOLDER" "FILE/FOLDER" "..."
To manually set the context to mutiple single files/folders (Support Complete or Partial context format like ch_con_recursive)
#Complete context
ch_con "u:object_r:system_file:s0" /data/test/huh.txt
ch_con "u:object_r:vendor_file:s0" /data/test/huh.txt
#Partial Context
ch_con system_file /data/test
ch_con vendor_file /data/test/huh.txt
#Mutiple single files/folders
ch_con system_file /data/test /data/a.prop /data/test/huh.txt
savestate "variable" "file"
Makes a record of the current state of the file and is saved in the variable, any minor editing will change the value
#Current state of build.prop will be saved in "$test" variable
savestate test /system/build.prop
#After some modifications
update_file_string "ro.product.system.model=Just Test" /system/build.prop
#The state of the build.prop will be change
savestate test2 /system/build.prop
"$test" ISNT EQUAL TO "$test2"
#You can compare it
if [[ "$test" == "$test2" ]]; then
ui_print " build.prop was not edited"
ui_print " build.prop changed"
patch_fstab "Pattern to find Line to Patch" "Pattern to find property" "New property" "FILE"
Allows you to replace properties of fstab files (For example: /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom)
#It will replace fileencryption=ice to encryptable in userdata line
patch_fstab userdata "fileencryption" "encryptable" "/vendor/etc/fstab.qcom"
update_file "FILE with New props" "DEST FILE"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Updates lines of .prop files without changing the original structure, btw this only works for updating already existing lines, if any line doesnt exist it wont do anything
update_file "NewPropLines.txt" "/system/build.prop"
force_update_file "FILE with New props" "DEST FILE"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Similar to update_file but forces the existence of the new lines, if the lines already exists in the Dest File it remove them and then it will add the new prop lines
force_update_file "NewPropLines.txt" "/system/build.prop"
update_file_string "line" "line" "..." "file"
Same as update_file but doesnt require extra files, you can include the new lines to update directly as strings
update_file_string 'ro.product.system.model=NEW MODEL' /system/build.prop
update_file_string 'ro.product.system.model=NEW MODEL' 'ro.product.system.name=NEW NAME' 'ro.build.display.id=NEW ID' /system/build.prop
force_update_file_string "line" "line" "..." "file"
Same as force_update_file but doesnt require extra files, you can include the new lines to update directly as strings
force_update_file_string 'ro.product.system.model=NEW MODEL' /system/build.prop
force_update_file_string 'ro.product.system.model=NEW MODEL' 'ro.product.system.name=NEW NAME' 'ro.build.display.id=NEW ID' /system/build.prop
xml_kit -open "Start XML section" "End XML Section" -open "Start XML Section" "..." -in "Some pattern" -change-value / -change-tag / -change-content / -add / -add-inside / -after-line / -before-line / -remove "XML FILE"
You can edit XML files by scrolling through sections (You can edit very specific sections)
The results will be analyzed automatically, if you receive any warning the original XML will not be altered, check your code, you are probably setting something wrong
NOTE: If an action is not specified, it will just return the result of all the opened sections (If there are multiple results it is necessary to include -in flag or it will give an error)
-open = Open a section of the XML, specifying the beginning pattern and the end pattern, in addition, you can open more sections within a previously opened section (Until you reach the desired section)
-in = To avoid editing unwanted sections use -in to find the section you want using a specified pattern inside that section (Its use is highly recommended to avoid errors)
-change-value = To change a XML attribute value ( a="value" )
-change-tag = To change a XML value that is inside two tags ( <a> value </a> )
-change-content = To replace any text with another in the opened XML section
-add = To add text after the opened XML section
-add-inside = To add text inside the opened XML section
-after-line = To add text after some line inside the opened XML section
-before-line = To add text before some line inside the opened XML section
-remove = Just remove opened XML section
-print = Print the result instead of editing the XML file
-only-result = Just keep the result of all opened XML sections instead of merging it with the original XML
-no-auto-spaces = Don't use autospacing based on current opened XML section
XML EXAMPLE: /sdcard/Test.xml
<manifest version="2.0" type="device" target-level="3">
<hal format="hidl">
<name>Internal One</name>
<hal format="hidl">
<name>Internal Two</name>
xml_kit ACTIONS
#Open first XML section
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' /sdcard/Test.xml
#Open a section within an already opened section
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' /sdcard/Test.xml
#The opening of sections is Unlimited
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -open '<interface>' '</interface>' /sdcard/Test.xml
#Only edit the section that has this pattern
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_2 /sdcard/Test.xml
#Change some XML attribute
#Change format="hidl" to format="Just test"
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_2 -change-value format "Just Test" /sdcard/Test.xml
#Change some value inside TAGs
#For example: <version>3.0</version>
#Change 3.0 to "Just Test"
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_1 -change-tag version "Just Test" /sdcard/Test.xml
#Add Text after the Opened XML section
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -open '<interface>' '</interface>' -in "Internal Two" -add "Just Test" /sdcard/Test.xml
#Add Text after some line
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_1 -after-line Internal "Just Test" /sdcard/Test.xml
#Add Text before some line
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_2 -before-line Internal "Just Test" /sdcard/Test.xml
#Just Remove opened section
xml_kit -open '<manifest' '</manifest>' -open '<hal format="hidl">' '</hal>' -in Example_1 -remove /sdcard/Test.xml
add_lines "file" "file" "file" "DEST FILE"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Add lines from multiple files to an existing or new file
Supports -after-line and -before-line like add_lines_string
#Add the content of a single file to the Destination file
add_lines "Add.txt" /system/build.prop
#Add all contents of multiple files to the Destination file
add_lines "Add.txt" "Add2.txt" "Add3.txt" /system/build.prop
#Add contents BUT after some line
add_lines -after-line "Some line" "Add.txt" /system/build.prop
#Add contents BUT before some line
add_lines -before-line "Some line" "Add.txt" /system/build.prop
add_lines -after-line "Some line" "Add.txt" -after-line "Some line 2" "Add2.txt" -before-line "Some Line 3" "Add3.txt" "Extra.txt" "Extra2.txt" /system/build.prop
add_lines_string "line" "line" "..." "DEST FILE"
Same as add_lines but doesnt require extra files, you can include the new lines to add directly as strings (Support empy lines)
-after-line (-al) = Add content after a specific line (Unlimited)
-before-line (-bl) = Add content before a specific line (Unlimited)
#Normal usage
add_lines_string "New line" "New line 2" /system/build.prop
#Add empy lines
add_lines_string " " /system/build.prop
add_lines_string " " " " /system/build.prop
#Add lines after some line
add_lines_string -after-line "Some line" "add this after" -after-line "Some line 2" "add this after" /system/build.prop
#Add lines before some line
add_lines_string -before-line "Some line" "add this before" -before-line "Some line 2" "add this before" /system/build.prop
add_lines_string "New line" " " "New line 2" " " /system/build.prop
add_lines_string " " "New line" -after-line "Some line" "add this after" -after-line "Some line 2" "add this after" " " "Finish line" /system/build.prop
replace "Old Text" "New Text" "File or Directory"
Allows you to replace only specific text or all lines that contains it (-all-line) within a file or directory (-recursive)
-recursive(-r) = Finds the specified text in the whole directory and replaces it
-all-line(-a) = Instead of just replacing the text, replace the entire line that contains it (You can replace the line with a paragraph but not vice versa)
#In a file
replace "HUH" "OLE" /system/build.prop
#In a whole directory (Recursive)
replace -r "HUH" "OLE" /system
replace_name "Pattern Name" "New Pattern Name" "File or Directory"
It allows you to rename a file/folder or a whole directory (-recursive), so it is possible to change several pieces of names or full names of multiple files/folders easily.
-recursive (-r) = Find all files/folders matching the name pattern in the whole directory and rename them
-files (-f) = Only rename files
-dirs (-d) = Only rename folders
-regex = Enable the use of Regular Expressions for the name pattern
NOTE: By default if only files or only folders are not specified, the names of both files and folders will be replaced
#Change part of a file name
#Change the extension ".jpg" to ".png"
replace_name ".jpg" ".png" /system/test.jpg
#Same for folders
replace_name "old" "new" /system/folder_old
#Remove the ".bak" extension
replace_name ".bak" "" /system/test.prop.bak
#Change the extension ".jpg" to ".png" in an entire directory
replace_name -r ".jpg" ".png" /system
#Remove the ".bak" extension in an entire directory
replace_name -r ".bak" "" /system
#Btw you can specify that it Only applies to Files
replace_name -f -r ".bak" "" /system
#Or Only Folders
replace_name -d -r "_ext" "_new" /system
#Using Regex the possibilities are endless
#Replace ".bak" only if it is at the end of the entire file names
replace_name -regex -r ".bak$" "" /system
remove "Text to remove" "File or Directory"
Allows you to remove only specific text or all lines that contains it (-all-line) within a file or directory (-recursive)
-recursive(-r) = Finds the specified text in the whole directory and removes it
-all-line(-a) = Instead of just removing the text, remove the entire line that contains it
#In a file
remove "HUH" /system/build.prop
#In a whole directory (Recursive)
remove -r "HUH" /system
#Remove all empty lines
remove -a "" /system/build.prop
remove -r -a "" /system
run "variable" "file" arguments
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Try to run a file (like a sh, binary ..) and save the result in the variable (The file automatically receive execution permissions)
run log1 "$TMP/busybox" chmod --help
run_wait "time in seconds" action with any arguments
Limits the execution time of any process, including Dynamic Installer functions, doesnt affect the execution speed, it only activates if the action takes too long (Experimental)
run_wait 5 run log1 "$TMP/busybox" echo HUH
run_jar "DEXED jar file" arguments
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Allows to run .JAR files using the native Android dalvik machine (If dalvik isnt available, a warning will be given), the .JARs must be converted to .dex to work (Btw not all .jars works)
run_jar "$TMP/apktool.jar" --help
run_jar_class "DEXED jar file" "class to load" arguments
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
It works like run_jar but you can specify which class of the jar should be executed
run_jar_class "$TMP/apktool.jar" "brut.apktool.Main" --help
split_string "pattern separator" "line"
Separate text based on a delimiter
split_string ':' "A B: C D E: FG"
#A B
#C D E
split_string "word" "A Bword C D E word FG"
#A B
#C D E
split_cut "separator pattern" "number" "line"
Separates the text like split_string but only returns the content up to the number of the indicated result
split_cut ':' 2 "A B: C D E: FG"
#A B
#C D E
split_cut "word" 1 "A Bword C D E word FG"
#A B
split_extract "separator pattern" "number" "line"
Separates the text like split_string but only returns a single value that is in the number of the indicated result
split_extract ':' 2 "A B: C D E: FG"
#C D E
split_extract "word" 3 "A Bword C D E word FG"
repeat "number" "String"
Repeat text by a specific number
repeat 5 OLE
string <replace/replace_line/remove/inside/extract/complete_extract/-after-line/-before-line/escape/upper/lower/count> "string to process"
A multi-utility to easily manipulate strings
replace (UnLimited) = Replace substring-1 with substring-2
replace_line (UnLimited) = Replace the full lines that contain the substring (You can replace the line containing the text with a paragraph but not vice versa)
remove (UnLimited) = Remove some substring
inside = Extract the substring that is inside two delimiters (It only works if the string to be processed does NOT have more than one line)
extract = Extract all the content that is within two lines with the established pattern (Effectively only works if the string has multiple lines)
complete_extract = Same as extract, but includes the lines that delimit the content
force = Always return a result (by default nothing was returned if the original text was equal to the result)
-recursive (-r) = It allows to apply changes/process ALL results (not just the first one) with "remove/replace/extract/complete_extract"
-pattern (-p) = It allows to return only results with some internal string (Just with extract/complete_extract)
-after-line (UnLimited) = Add text after some line with the established pattern
-before-line (UnLimited) = Add text before some line with the established pattern
-get-after = Get all text after some pattern (Only single line)
-get-before = Get all text before some pattern (Only single line)
-file (-f) = It allows to directly load a file instead of using string
escape = Escape " ] [ \ / $ * . ^" characters that cause conflicts with some Linux utilities like sed (Being escaped they will be taken as literal characters)
upper = Convert all text to Uppercase
lower = Convert all text to Lowercase
count = It only returns the number of characters in the string
#Just replace the first result
string replace "A" "B" "Hi, A will be replaced with B"
#Recursive (Replace ALL)
string -r replace "A" "B" "Hi, AAAA will be replaced with B"
#Recursive (Remove ALL)
string -r remove "A" "This AAAAAA will be removed"
string inside "A" "B" "Hi A this content will be return B sayonara"
string upper "this content will be return as uppercase"
Unlimited Examples:
#Just remove the first results
string remove "A" remove "B" remove "C" "ABDC"
#Recursive (Remove ALL)
string -r remove "A" remove "B" remove "C" "AAAAAABBBBBDDDDDCCCC"
#Recursive (Replace ALL)
string -r replace "A" "C" replace "B" "D" replace "C" "Hi" "C, AACCBBDDCC"
Extra Examples:
Hello world
Okay, sayonara
Hello world 2
sayonara again
#It will returns the first result
string extract "world" "sayonara" "$example"
#Extract but verify if it have some substring
#The first result is only returned if it have "B" substring
string -p "B" extract "world" "sayonara" "$example"
#Recursive, Extract ALL pattern paragraphs inside "world" and "sayonara"
string -r extract "world" "sayonara" "$example"
#Using recursive mode it will analyze all results and using pattern will only return the content that contains "E"
string -r -p "E" extract "world" "sayonara" "$example"
#Add some string after some line
string -after-line "world" "ADD this after" "$example"
#Multi actions
string remove "A" remove "B" replace "C" "Ole" "$example"
string -after-line "world" "ADD this after" -after-line "B" "ADD this after" "$example"
#Just count characters in result
string count remove "A" remove "B" replace "C" "Ole" "$example"
convert "NUMBER with UNIT" "NEW UNIT"
Convert any type of units, mainly for storage units such as b, B, KB, MB, GB, TB, there is no combination limits (It returns completely decimal or integer numbers). Btw It is necessary to clarify that it supports integers and decimals in ANY conversion.
-decimals (-d) = Number of decimals allowed (if they exist)
-show (-s) = Show the sequence of conversion with its respective units (The conversion is dynamic, it uses a sequence of units until reaching the final unit)
NOTE: It is very important to respect the lowercase or uppercase of the units ("b" is not the same as "B"ytes)
convert 100MB KB
convert 10TB MB
convert 1b TB
convert 1TB B
convert 1.56GB B
convert 1.3333333333B KB
#Save the result in a variable
result=$(convert 1005MB B)
To avoid placing the unit in each number to be converted, there are two variables convert_from and convert_to that can be defined before use.
#Convert from this unit
#Convert to this unit
result=$(convert 15)
#It is also possible to mix the default variables with new units
#Convert 10 GB to the default MB
result=$(convert 10GB)
exist <file/folder/symlink/block/any> "file" "file" "file" "..."
It can check if one or more files/folders/symlinks/blocks or any type of file exists
#By default if u dont include any flag it will check any type of folders/files/symlinks/blocks/..
if exist "Myfile.bin"; then
ui_print " Okey passed"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
#For only Folders
if exist folder "FOLDER"; then
ui_print " Okey passed"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
#For only Files
if exist file "myfile.txt"; then
ui_print " Okey passed"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
#For only Symlinks
if exist symlink "/system/vendor"; then
ui_print " It exists and its a symbolic link"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
#For only Blocks
if exist block "/dev/block/dm-0"; then
ui_print " It exists and its a block (Partition)"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
if exist "Myfile.bin" "OTHER.bin" "OTHER.zip" "FOLDER"; then
ui_print " Okey passed"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
if exist symlink "/system/bin/sed" "/system/vendor"; then
ui_print " They exist and are symlinks"
ui_print " FATAL ERROR"
is_valid "file" "file" "file" "..."
It can check if one or more files exist and are not empty
contains "Text" "Text" "..." "FILE"
It can check the existence of any text in a File
check_content "file" "file" "..." "ZIP File"
Check if one or more files exist within a ZIP file
if check_content "file.txt" "Main.zip"; then
ui_print " Passed "
ui_print " ERROR "
if check_content "file.txt" "file2.txt" "folder/huh.bin" "MAIN.zip"; then
ui_print " Passed "
ui_print " ERROR "
can_run "Binary file"
Check if a binary can run on the device
is_number "possible number"
Check if the string is a number (Supports decimal numbers)
is_hex "possible Hexadecimal string"
Check if the string is Hexadecimal
is_abc "possible alphabetical string"
Check if the string is alphabetical (A - Z), supports spaces and new empty lines but it will only be True if all visible characters are only alphabetic
is_text "possible string"
Check ANY visible character, if there are only empty spaces or new lines it will return False.
is_zip/is_tar/is_gzip/is_bzip/is_xz "File"
Check some file types using Hex Magic values, so the file extension doesnt matter
is_less/is_greater/is_equal/is_greater_equal/is_less_equal "String/Number" "String2/Number2"
Check if a number (Supports decimals) is greater/less/equal or equal less/equal greater than another, just is_equal function support text comparison
is64bit "FILE (binary)"
Check if a binary supports 64bits arch
contains_array "String" "Fully ARRAY"
To check if a array already have some value
#First define array
test=("a" "o l e" "huh")
#Check if some value exist
#It ends with error
contains_array "test" "${test[@]}"
#It ends without error
contains_array "o l e" "${test[@]}"
magic_file -type "FILE TYPE" "FILE"
You can check file types using their Magic hex values, in this way it doesnt matter if the file doesnt have an extension, the check will still work (Similar to the Linux "file" tool but fully customizable)
By default, it has file types already preloaded in "META-INF/zbin/configs/file_types.config"
Already preloaded files types:
- zip, gzip, bzip, xz, tar, Z, rar, 7z, lz4​- png, jpg, webp, ico, bmp, gif, gks, rgb, pm​- mp3, ogg, wav​- mp4, avi​- msdos (Windows Executable files)​- unix (Unix Executable files)​- dex (Android Dalvik Executable .dex)​- cpio (Android Ramdisk format)​- ramdisk (Its equal to cpio)​- sparse (Android Sparse IMGs)​
magic_file -type jpg "/sdcard/Test.jpg"
magic_file -t mp4 "/sdcard/test.mp4"
magic_file -t zip "/sdcard/test.zip"
magic_file -t xz "/sdcard/test.xz"
magic_file -t dex "/sdcard/classes.dex"
-offset (-o) = Number to skip bytes (Optional)
-bytes (-b) = Bytes per line to get (Optional, by default: 100)
-line (-l) = After splitting hexadecimal code by -bytes, this number represents how many hex lines to take (Optional, by default: 1)
-type (-t) = To use any of the file types already preloaded (No additional configuration required)
-show (-s) = Prints all the Hex code that is being parsed (Only useful if more than 1 hex line is specified)
-show-line (-sl) = Prints only the Hex line that matches the Magic Hex Code (If it doesnt exist, it will only return "NULL")
#Practical example
#With Preloaded Files Types
if magic_file -t jpg "$TMP/possible_jpg_image"; then
ui_print "Detected JPG IMAGE!"
if magic_file -t tar "$TMP/possible_tar_file"; then
ui_print "Detected TAR COMPRESSED FILE!"
#With Manual Mode (Using directly the Magic Hex Value)
if magic_file ffd8ffe0 "$TMP/possible_jpg_image"; then
ui_print "Detected JPG IMAGE!"
if magic_file -offset 257 7573746172 "$TMP/possible_tar_file"; then
ui_print "Detected TAR COMPRESSED FILE!"
testrw "Folder" "Folder" "..."
Test if one or more folders has write permissions
if testrw "/system"; then
ui_print "You can write in /system!"
ui_print "Read-Only /system"
if ! testrw "/system" "/vendor" "/odm"; then
abort "One of the required partitions is Read-Only"
testvarname "Text"
Verify if the text is valid to be used as a variable name
apktool arguments
Its the standard version of the apktool so that you can configure special options of the apktool
sign arguments
Its the standard version of the zipsigner so that you can configure special options of the zipsigner
apk_package "APK file"
Get the package of any apk
apk_package "/system/app/Example.apk"
#Save it in a variable
app_package=$(apk_package "/system/app/Example.apk")
apk_main "APK file"
Get the main launchable activity (if it exists) of any apk
apk_main "/system/app/Example.apk"
#Save it in a variable
app_activity=$(apk_main "/system/app/Example.apk")
apk_icon "APK file"
Get the icon path inside "res" of any apk
apk_icon "/system/app/Example.apk"
#Save it in a variable
app_icon=$(apk_icon "/system/app/Example.apk")
apk_launch "APK file or its Package" <Activity to launch>
Launch the main launchable activity (or a specific activity) of some PRE-installed APP on the device (when its already booted)
NOTE: The PRE-installed application refers that the APP must already be installed on the device prior to its launch.
#Try to find the main lauchable activity and launchs it
apk_launch "/system/app/Example.apk"
#Launch "com.app.main" activity of "/system/app/Example.apk"
apk_launch "/system/app/Example.apk" "com.app.main"
#Launch "com.android.systemui.DessertCase" of SystemUI.apk (Using the package directly)
apk_launch "com.android.systemui" "com.android.systemui.DessertCase"
decode_xml "XML File"
To decode AndroidManifest.xml (Does not support all XML)
decode_xml "$TMP/AndroidManifest.xml"
encode_xml "XML File"
To encode AndroidManifest.xml or other predecoded APK XMLs (Supports any other xml)
encode_xml "$TMP/AndroidManifest.xml"
find_apk "APK package" "APK Package" "..." "PATH to find"
Allows to find multiple APKs using its package in a specific path (it will return the exact path of those apks)
By default splits and overlays are ignored
find_apk "com.android.systemui" "com.android.settings" "com.sec.android.app.launcher" /system
#Or recursive find (It will result in all apks with a similar pattern in the package):
find_apk -r "com.google" /system
-include-overlays (-io) = Include overlays (.APK)
-include-splits (-is) = Include splits (.APK)
patch_apk "FOLDER to inject" ".APK file" zipalign/sign
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Its a portable version of vrtheme, it allows you to inject the contents of a folder into an .APK, additionally you can specify if you want to sign (Just works if dalvikvm available) or zipalign the apk
patch_apk "FOLDER" SystemUI.apk sign
patch_apk "FOLDER" SystemUI.apk zipalign
make_overlay "Priority" "Destination Package" "FOLDER to build as res" "Result"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
You can compile overlays (Layers that can alter values of other .APKs) only for Android 9+, but you CANNOT include images due to the limitations with the experimental apktool build for Dynamic Installer (See bugs section)
Priority = Priority level, if there are several overlays that alter the same value, the one with the highest priority number will be used
Package = Package of the app to which the overlay is directed
FOLDER = Folder in which the "res" to be used is located
Result = Resulting overlay path (Output)
make_overlay 1 com.android.systemui "FOLDER" "/system/vendor/overlay/test.apk"
dynamic_apktool -decompile(-d) "FILE" -framework(-f) "FILE" -add(-a) "FILE/FOLDER" -command(-c) "EXTRA APKTOOL OPTIONS to decompile" -output(-o) "DEST"
dynamic_apktool -preserve-signature(-ps) -recompile(-r) "FILE" -framework(-f) "FILE" -add(-a) "FILE/FOLDER" -command(-c) "EXTRA APKTOOL OPTIONS to recompile" -output(-o) "DEST" -sign(-s) -zipalign(-z)
-decompile = APK or .JAR to decompile
-add = FOLDERs or FILEs to add in the result
-framework = framework-res.apk to use
-output = Full path to results
-recompile = FOLDER to recompile
-sign = Sign the result (recompile)
-zipalign = Zipalign the result (recompile)
-command = Allows to add extra apktool.jar options
-preserve-signature = Try to keep the original META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml (recompile)
-no-api = Disable automatic specification of the device API
-no-extras = Disable original resource checking/adding (decompile)
-use-baksmali = Set an external baksmali.jar (DEXED) instead of the native apktool one (decompile)
-use-smali = Set an external smali.jar (DEXED) instead of the native apktool one (recompile)
dynamic_apktool -decompile "Test.apk" -o "/sdcard/Test" -add "/sdcard/folder"
dynamic_apktool -no-extras -use-baksmali "$TMP/custom.jar" -decompile "Test.apk" -o "/sdcard/Test" -add "/sdcard/folder"
dynamic_apktool -recompile "/sdcard/Test" -add "/sdcard/testfolder" -add "/sdcard/Test/original/META-INF" -a "/sdcard/test.txt" -zipalign -sign
smali_kit -dir(-d) "FOLDER" -file(-f) "FILE" -method(-m) "METHOD to find" -replace(-r) "Full NEW METHOD" -replace-in-method(-rim) "OLD STRING" "NEW STRING" -delete-in-method(-dim) "STRING to remove" -remake(-re) "NEW INTERNAL CONTENT" -after-line(-al) "LINE" "STRING to add after" -before-line(-bl) "LINE" "STRING to add before" -name(-n) "PATTERN NAME of .smali FILEs" -static-name(-sn) "EXACTLY name of .smali" -limit(-l) "LIMIT NUMBER OF RESULTS" -check(-c) -delete-method(-dm) -print-path(-pp)
-dir = PATH to find .smali methods
-file = File to find .smali methods
-method = Pattern .method name to find
-print-path = Just print the paths of all .smali files with that .method
-replace = Replace ALL found .method
-replace-in-method = Replace STRING of .method found with STRING2 (STRING to STRING2)
-delete-in-method = Delete STRING of .method found
-delete-method = Remove whole .method found
-remake = Replace only the internal content of the .method found
-after-line = Add a STRING after the specified line inside the found .method
-before-line = Add a STRING before the specified line inside the found .method
-name = Pattern that .smali files must have
-static-name = Exactly name that ONE .smali must have
-limit = The amount of results can be processed
-check = Report modified files or if there were no changes
.method public static isTima()Z
.locals 1
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
.end method
.locals 1
const/4 v0, 0x4
return v0
smali_kit -check -method "isTima" -d "FOLDER" -replace "$REPLACE"
smali_kit -method "isTima" -dir "FOLDER" -replace-in-method "const/4 v0, 0x1" "const/4 v0, 0x0"
smali_kit -method "isTima" -d "FOLDER" -remake "$TEST"
smali_kit -method "isTima" -f "file.smali" -replace "$REPLACE"
adb arguments
Its the standard version of the ADB so that you can configure special options
startlog "PATH/file"
Create a file that will be used to save the contents with "savelog"
savelog "Text" "Text" "..."
Send text to file created with "startlog"
To stop "savelog" that started with "startlog" (When logging is finished, any text attempted to be sent with "savelog\echolog\printlog" will be ignored)
echolog "Text" "Text" "..."
The text is printed both in the general log (Text as Error - Stderr), and in the file created by "startlog"
printlog "Text" "Text" "..."
The text is printed both on the screen (ui_print), and in the file created by "startlog"
setdefault "variable" "string"
Its equivalent to defining a normal variable (myvar = b) but it allows dynamic variable names
#Since the content of var_name is "test", the name of the new variable is "test"
setdefault $var_name "just test"
ui_print "$test"
checkvar "variable" "variable" "..."
Check multiple variables and return the value of those that are defined
var_contents=$(checkvar var1 var2 var3)
#Very useful to obtain the content of variables with dynamic names
setdefault var$number "o l e"
var_content=$(checkvar var$number)
filtervar "variable" "variable" "..." "pattern"
Check multiple variables and look for a matching pattern in the value of these variables (the complete value of those variables is returned)
matched_content=$(filtervar var1 var2 var3 "find this")
defined "variable" "variable" "..."
Check if multiple variables are defined
if defined var1; then
ui_print "Success"
#Multi check
if defined var1 var2 var3; then
ui_print "Success"
#Dynamic var names
setdefault var$number "o l e"
if defined var$number; then
ui_print "Success"
undefined "variable" "variable" "..."
Check if multiple variables are not defined
if undefined var1; then
ui_print "Empty var1"
#Multi check
if undefined var1 var2 var3; then
ui_print "Empty var1, var2 and var3"
#Dynamic var names
setdefault var$number "o l e"
if undefined var$number; then
ui_print "Empty var$number"
create_dir "NEW folder" "NEW folder" "..."
You can create new folders (if needed) and also check the Read/Write permissions in them
create_file "NEW file" "NEW file" "..."
You can create new files (or overwrite already existing files) - The necessary folders are created automatically
make_zip -script "Text" -type <recovery/magisk> -output "Result ZIP"
You can create new ZIPs using your current version of the Dynamic Installer as a base
-script (-s) = The Script for the New ZIP (In text format - string)
-type (-t) = The type can be "recovery" or "magisk" and it helps to build the ZIP
-head (-h) = The setdefaults header (In text format - String) to use in the updater-script when using -type "magisk"
-include (-i) = Include files or folders in the root of the ZIP
-magisk-include (-mi) = Include files or folders in Magisk space
-preserve-addons (-pa) = Keep the META-INF/addons contents of the current ZIP
-preserve-magisk (-pm) = Keep the META-INF/com/google/android/magisk contents of the current ZIP
-output (-o) = Path for the resulting ZIP
#-----------Dynamic Installer Configs-----------#
#The #MAGISK tag is required, dont remove it
setdefault magisk_support on
setdefault import_addons off
setdefault apex_mount off
setdefault extraction_speed default
setdefault permissions "0:0:0755:0644"
setdefault devices off
#Your script starts here:
delete /system/just_test
make_zip -script "$script" -type recovery -include "FOLDER" -include "FILE" -output "/sdcard/Test.zip"
update ".img/.img.xz/.img.gz/.bin/..." "partition" <exit number>
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Try install img or bin files (system.img super.img boot.img optics.img prism.img param.bin ...)
-xz = To install a .xz compressed File
-gz = To install a .gz compressed File
-sparse = To install Sparse IMGs instead of RAW IMGs (Only for 64bit devices)
exit number = If "1" is used, it will be evaluated if the installation of the file was successful, otherwise everything will be aborted
#Update system
update /sdcard/system.img $(find_block system)
#Using _zip extension
#Update using file inside ZIP
update_zip system.img $(find_block system)
#Update using .xz compressed file
update_zip -xz vendor.img.xz $(find_block vendor)
#Update using .gz compressed file
update_zip -gz boot.img.gz $(find_block boot)
#Update using an IMG Sparse
update_zip -sparse system.img $(find_block system)
#Update using an IMG Sparse additionally compressed as .xz
update_zip -sparse -xz system.img.xz $(find_block system)
#Update but ABORT the ZIP installation in case of error
update_zip -xz super.img.xz "$(find_block super)" 1
flash "variable" "zip file" <print>
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Try to install a new ZIP file within the current installation and the result is saved in the variable, also you can include a third optional argument "print" to allow the new ZIP to print text on Recovery.
#External ZIP
flash log1 "/sdcard/custom.zip"
#Internal ZIP
flash_zip log_name "folder/test.zip"
#Allow text printing in recovery
flash_zip log_name "folder/test.zip" print
dynamic_install "path" "path"
Similar to package_extract_dir but only works with existing paths outside the ZIP
dynamic_install "/vendor" "$MODPATH/system/vendor"
dynamic_install_apk "path outside zip" "path outside zip"
Find all existing APKs in the first folder in the second folder (Not by name, by package), in case the second folder already contains one of the APKs, it will be replaced keeping the original path and name. if it does not exist, the directory will be created according to the first folder
You can also redirect the destination path (Compare 2 directories with .APKs, perfect for Magisk modules)
NOTE: By default overlays are ignored but APK Splits are included with the main app
-no-replace(-nr) = Avoid replacing existing APKs
-no-add(-na) = Avoid adding new APKs
-include(-i) = Add extra folders/files references to add in the destination of the APKs - UnLimited
-remove-oat = Remove all oat folders of old apks (in the destination)
#Simple usage
dynamic_install_apk "FOLDER" "/system"
#Include extra files/Folders
#The "oat" and "lib" folders will be included in the destination of all APKs
dynamic_install_apk -include "oat" -include "lib" "FOLDER" "/system"
#Redirect results
dynamic_install_apk "FOLDER" "/system" -output "/sdcard/results"
apk_install ".APK or .APKM" ".APK or .APKM" "..."
Install multiple .APK or .APKM (ApkMirror) files, .APKM files are a ZIP with the main .APK and Splits required for each device, these Splits will be filtered and included in the installation automatically based on device specifications, however , you are free to include additional Splits
To include Splits in the .APK installation:
#Install single .APK with multiple external Splits
apk_install "$TMP/Main.apk:$TMP/Split.apk:$TMP/Split2.apk"
#Multi .APK installation with multiple external Splits
apk_install "/sdcard/Main.apk:$TMP/Split.apk:$TMP/Split2.apk" "/sdcard/Main2.apk:$TMP/Split3.apk:$TMP/Split4.apk"
To include additional Splits in the .APKM installation:
NOTE: For .APKM you can just include the name of the Split and it will try to extract from the .APKM instead of taking it from an external path
#Install single .APKM with multiple additional external Splits
apk_install "$TMP/Main.apkm:$TMP/Split.apk:$TMP/Split2.apk"
#Multi .APKM installation with multiple additional external Splits
apk_install "/sdcard/Main.apkm:$TMP/Split.apk:$TMP/Split2.apk" "/sdcard/Main2.apkm:$TMP/Split3.apk:$TMP/Split4.apk"
#Include additional Splits that exist within the .APKM
apk_install "$TMP/Main.apkm:split_config.ru.apk:split_voip.apk"
apk_install_recursive "FOLDER" "FOLDER" "..."
Install all .APK/.APKM that are inside a folder, also allows creating subfolders to group specific .APK/.APKM with additional splits
When performing the recursive installation in this example, only "Main.apk" will be installed together with the .APKs that accompany it (Splits), because it is the only one that is grouped in a subfolder
apk_install_recursive "/sdcard/myapps"
unify_path "First PATH" "Second PATH"
To compare one folder with another, this includes a comparison of files that already exist in both folders, if they are not the same, they are replaced or added to the second folder
#Compare folder TEST with TEST2
#Fix ALL differences in TEST2
unify_path "/sdcard/TEST" "/sdcard/TEST2"
hex_patch "Hex code to find" "New Hex code" "file"
Allows to substitute Hex fragments within files (perfect for patching)
hex_patch "74696d65" "00696d65" /system/bin/testfile
hex_search <include> "Hex code to find" "file"
Allows to search Hexadecimal lines within files (The resulting line is returned)
Additional digits can be included before or after the found hex:
hex_search -include "after:10 before:5" "74696d65" /system/bin/testfile
##If the Hex code is found, it will return the result together with 10 previous digits and 5 extra digits at the end of the string
hex_check "Hex code to find" "file"
Checks for the existence of a Hexadecimal fragment within a file
hex_check "74696d65" /system/bin/testfile
checksuper "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To check if a image/partition is a SUPER image in record time
#Check SUPER partition
checksuper $(find_block super)
#Check SUPER image
checksuper "/sdcard/super.img"
get_offset "Subpartition Name" "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To get the offset of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image in record time
get_offset system $(find_block super)
#For A/B
get_offset system$slot $(find_block super)
get_group "Subpartition Name" "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To get the group of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image in record time
get_total_size "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To get the total size of all subpartitions inside a SUPER partition/image
get_total_size $(find_block super)
get_all_subparts "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To get the name of all subpartitions of an img/partition (SUPER)
get_all_subparts $(find_block super)
start_loop "Subpartition Name" "SUPER Partition or RAW .img"
To make new mount point of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image (Designed for new Virtual Dynamic Partitions)
The new mount point (Loop device) is assigned in $LOOP variable
#Make new point with system inside SUPER .img
start_loop system /sdcard/super.img
#Make new point with vendor inside SUPER partition
start_loop vendor $(find_block super)
#Make new point for A/B devices
start_loop system_a $(find_block super)
To end previously made mount point with "start_loop" based on the order of creation (It works like "end_tmp")
#First make multiple Mount Points
start_loop system_a /sdcard/super.img
start_loop vendor_a /sdcard/super.img
start_loop product_a /sdcard/super.img
#Now to finish NEW POINTS
unlock_all <Partition/IMG>
To try convert all internal subpartitions of SUPER to Read/Write on-fly
NOTE: It is not necessary to specify the partition/IMG (Super of the device is used by default), but you can do it if you need it
unlock "Subpartition Name" <Partition/IMG>
To convert specific subpartition of SUPER to Read/Write (Like unlock_all doesnt work in some cases)
NOTE: It is not necessary to specify the partition/IMG (Super of the device is used by default), but you can do it if you need it
#For A/B u need to use $slot
#Try enable RW in system (Active slot)
unlock system$slot
#Specific slot
unlock system_a
#Try enable RW in vendor (Active slot)
unlock vendor$slot
#Try enable RW in vendor from external SUPER.img
unlock vendor_a /sdcard/super.img
obfuscate "Text"
Allows you to encode the shell script code (or Dynamic Installer scripts), keeping it working but making it difficult for common users to read (you can mix obfuscated code with readable code)
-base64 (-b64) = This option ensures the preservation of all the original code, encoding the code in base64 before being obfuscated, this implies a greater weight (Only use if the default obfuscation gives bad results)
NOTE: For its use, it is recommended to load the Dynamic Installer in Termux, through the "Test Mode" mentioned in the first thread
WARNING: Never obfuscate the default "setdefault"s in the DI updater-script (they need to be readable for the installation process)
EXTRA WARNING: The "off_readonly" lines cannot be obfuscated either, as they are read and interpreted during installation
Example:1 (Note the use of single quotes):
#Obfuscate commands directly (Default mode)
obfuscate ' ui_print "All this will be obfuscated"
ui_print "Mounting partitions..."
mount_all ' > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
#With Base64 Mode
obfuscate -b64 ' ui_print "All this will be obfuscated"
ui_print "Unmounting partitions..."
umount_all ' > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
Example:2 (Obfuscate files):
obfuscate "$(cat /sdcard/original.sh)" > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
#You can also use this syntax:
cat /sdcard/original.sh | obfuscate > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
#With Base64 Mode
cat /sdcard/original.sh | obfuscate -b64 > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
Example:3 (Mix obfuscated code with readable code):
obfuscate ' ole="Hi, this action will be obfuscated" ' > /sdcard/obfuscated.sh
Obfuscated code:
cjifh="=";gegb=" ";bjbij=",";iagg=\";bhbcb="a";ichh="b";dafa="c";chaa="d";hb="e";cjdeb="f";gfah="H";bjac="i";caddf="l";bgfgf="n";bhcj="o";daafj="s";cdefi="t";cdaib="u";caedc="w";bgacd="v";${hb}${bgacd}${bhbcb}${caddf}${gegb}"${gegb}${gegb}${gegb}${bhcj}${caddf}${hb}${cjifh}${iagg}${gfah}${bjac}${bjbij}${gegb}${cdefi}h${bjac}${daafj}${gegb}${bhbcb}${dafa}${cdefi}${bjac}${bhcj}${bgfgf}${gegb}${caedc}${bjac}${caddf}${caddf}${gegb}${ichh}${hb}${gegb}${bhcj}${ichh}${cjdeb}${cdaib}${daafj}${dafa}${bhbcb}${cdefi}${hb}${chaa}${iagg}${gegb}${gegb}"
This would print "Hi, this action will be obfuscated"
cjifh="=";gegb=" ";bjbij=",";iagg=\";bhbcb="a";ichh="b";dafa="c";chaa="d";hb="e";cjdeb="f";gfah="H";bjac="i";caddf="l";bgfgf="n";bhcj="o";daafj="s";cdefi="t";cdaib="u";caedc="w";bgacd="v";${hb}${bgacd}${bhbcb}${caddf}${gegb}"${gegb}${gegb}${gegb}${bhcj}${caddf}${hb}${cjifh}${iagg}${gfah}${bjac}${bjbij}${gegb}${cdefi}h${bjac}${daafj}${gegb}${bhbcb}${dafa}${cdefi}${bjac}${bhcj}${bgfgf}${gegb}${caedc}${bjac}${caddf}${caddf}${gegb}${ichh}${hb}${gegb}${bhcj}${ichh}${cjdeb}${cdaib}${daafj}${dafa}${bhbcb}${cdefi}${hb}${chaa}${iagg}${gegb}${gegb}"
ui_print "$ole"
fprint "file"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Print the content of a file in the recovery or magisk
import_bin "File"
Supports: _addon and _zip extension
Allows you to import new files to the Dynamic Installer work environment (Perfect for adding extra binaries, they can be used directly in your scripts after an import)
getsize "file"
Return the size of any file (In Bytes)
Convert all existing partitions to variables ($system, $vendor, $boot, $vbmeta)
Returns all available binaries (commands) and also generates a $bins variable that contains all
copy "original" "dest"
Copy any file or folder (Dest folders auto-created)
move "original" "dest"
Move any file or folder (Dest folders auto-created)
echo2 "Text"
Print text as Error - Stderr (For example, the text doesnt appear on the Magisk installation screen but yeah in the LOG)
calc <Operations>
To make basic operations like addition, subtraction, division, exponents (The result will not always be an integer or decimal, results with scientific notation are accepted)
result=$(calc "5 + 5")
result=$(calc "20^45 * ( 30 / 5 )")
int <Number or Operations>
To convert any number to an integer or ensure an operational result as an integer
#Will return "5" without rounding
result=$(int "5.5")
#Will return "62" without rounding
result=$(int "(5^3)/2")
float <Number or Operations>
To convert any number to an floating-point number, or ensure an operational result as an floating-point number
#Will return "5.500000000" with 9 decimals by default
result=$(float "5.5")
#Will return "62.500000000" with 9 decimals by default
result=$(float "(5^3)/2")
#How to increase decimal parts?
setdefault float_length 10
#Will return "5.5000000000" with 10 decimals
result=$(float "5.5")
#How to decrease decimal parts?
setdefault float_length 2
#Will return "5.50" with 2 decimals
result=$(float "5.5")
round <Number or Operations>
To round any number to only integers or to ensure an operational result as an rounded integer
#Will return "6" with rounding
result=$(round "5.5")
#Will return "63" with rounding
result=$(round "(5^3)/2")
change_bin "Binary name" "Binary name" "..."
By default the Dynamic Installer uses the native Busybox binaries (with the exception of a few like "xxd" and "xz"), however, these binaries are trimmed versions, where any external version generally provides more options. The change_bin function can find for and change any binary currently in use to any other available external version.
-while (-w) = Allows detailing that the binary must support a specific option (Although there are external versions available, if they do not support the established option, they will not be considered)
NOTE: The changes are random, that is, if three binaries with the same name are found, a random change will be made, and it can be any of these three, the only condition is that it is different from the one currently used (For each use of "change_bin" you will get a different result, with chances of going back to the original binary)
EXTRA NOTE: If the full path of an existing file is specified and it is different from the current binary, change_bin will make the change with that file ignoring any of the other options (it will take the file name as reference)
#Try using some other version of "chmod"
change_bin "chmod"
#Change the "unzip" binary only to another version that supports the "-p" option
change_bin "unzip" -while "-p"
#Muti change
change_bin "chmod" "unzip" "find"
#Restore to Original Busybox binaries
#$l is the path where all the native DI binaries are
change_bin "$l/chmod"
ROM Installation
NOTE: The use of RAW IMGs is recommended (more direct and faster installation) but it is also possible to use Sparse IMGs (Only for 64bit devices)
#-----------Dynamic Installer Configs-----------#
#The #MAGISK tag is required, dont remove it
setdefault magisk_support on
setdefault ensure_root on
setdefault import_addons off
setdefault apex_mount off
setdefault extraction_speed default
setdefault permissions "0:0:0755:0644"
setdefault devices off
#Your script starts here:
ui_print "--------------------------------"
ui_print " ElementaryOS "
ui_print " OneUI 3.1 "
ui_print "--------------------------------"
ui_print " by BlassGO "
ui_print "--------------------------------"
ui_print " "
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " UNMOUNT "
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
update_zip param.bin "$(find_block up_param)"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
update_zip boot.img "$(find_block boot)"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " INSTALLING OMC "
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
update_zip optics.img "$(find_block optics)"
#Using a Sparse IMG
update_zip -sparse prism.img "$(find_block prism)"
#Installing RAW SUPER (system, vendor, product, odm)
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
#Extra compressed as XZ
update_zip -xz super.img.xz "$(find_block super)"
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " DONE "
ui_print "-------------------"
ui_print " "
Only Extraction
#-----------Dynamic Installer Configs-----------#
#The #MAGISK tag is required, dont remove it
setdefault magisk_support on
setdefault ensure_root on
setdefault import_addons off
setdefault apex_mount off
setdefault extraction_speed default
setdefault permissions "0:0:0755:0644"
setdefault devices off
#Your script starts here:
ui_print " "
ui_print " -- Mounting partitions..."
ui_print " -- Extracting mods..."
package_extract_dir system /system
package_extract_dir vendor /vendor
package_extract_dir system_ext /system_ext
ui_print " -- Unmounting ALL"
ui_print " "
ui_print " -- Done"
ui_print " "
Magisk Module
NOTE: You can add folders directly in META-INF/com/google/android/magisk and they will be added automatically in your module
#Magisk modules use $MODPATH as main path
#Your script starts here:
ui_print "-------------------------------------------------- "
ui_print " MODS for Android "
ui_print "-------------------------------------------------- "
ui_print " by @BlassGO | Version: 1.0 "
ui_print "-------------------------------------------------- "
ui_print " "
ui_print " -- Installing MODS in /system"
package_extract_dir system "$MODPATH/system"
ui_print " -- Installing MODS in /vendor"
package_extract_dir vendor "$MODPATH/system/vendor"
ui_print " -- Installing MODS in /product"
package_extract_dir product "$MODPATH/system/product"
ui_print " -- Fixing Contexts"
set_context /system "$MODPATH/system"
ui_print " "
ui_print " -- Done"
ui_print " "
Magisk Module (APKTOOL)
NOTE: The dynamic_apktool only decodes ALL classes.dex, no content of "res" is directly editable (Check the BUGS of the Dynamic Installer)
#Magisk modules use $MODPATH as main path
#Your script starts here:
.locals 1
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
ui_print " -- Finding SystemUI.apk"
APK=$(find_apk com.android.systemui /system)
ui_print " -- Checking results"
if undefined APK; then
abort " CANT FIND: SystemUI.apk"
ui_print " -- Decompiling SystemUI.apk"
dynamic_apktool -decompile "$APK" -output "$TMP/decompiled"
ui_print " -- Patching SystemUI.apk"
smali_kit -check -method "isUnlockingWithBiometricAllowed" -remake "$enable" -dir "$TMP/decompiled"
ui_print " -- Recompiling SystemUI.apk"
dynamic_apktool -preserve-signature -recompile "$TMP/decompiled" -output "$MODPATH$APK"
ui_print " -- Checking results"
if ! is_valid "$MODPATH$APK"; then
abort "Some error in the APK recompilation"
ui_print " -- Fixing Context "
set_context "$APK" "$MODPATH$APK"
ui_print " "
ui_print " -- Done "
ui_print " "
Spoiler: Old changelogs
-- dynamic_install_apk now support redirection of output, APK splits, APK lib folder and -no-replace -no-add flags
-- Improvements and new functions for smali_kit (Change in syntax of -replace-in-method)
-- Small improvements to Mounting partitions
-- smali_kit now ignores abstract methods
-- dynamic_apktool now supports extra commands for apktool
-- Now u can use apk_pkg as an equivalent of apk_package
-- The Dynamic Installer was restructured for greater optimization and organization
-- A new setdefault "fast_mode" has been added that allows a much faster execution (When activated you will not have the variables of the partitions $system/$vendor/$boot/... and the variables $bins/$all_partitions)
-- A new "replace" function was added, check the Actions section / Editing Files
-- filetype function was removed
-- Fixed a fatal bug inside auto_mount_partitions Ooof
-- Maintenance, fixed and optimized functions
-- update_file_string and add_lines_string now support any type of strings
-- If you use " " an empty space with add_lines_string a new empty line will be added to the file
-- add_lines_string now supports -after-line and -before-line infinitely, you can add text before or after a specific line
-- ui_print now supports more situations, you can print several lines (ui_print "line1" " " "line3") or a whole paragraph(ui_print "$paragraph") even from Recovery
-- New function: force_update_file_string
New functions:
string >> Advanced and easy string manipulation
run_wait >> Limit the execution time of any process (Includes Dynamic Installer functions)
is_valid >> Check if files exists and non-empy
is_number >> Check if is a number
check_content >> Check if a file exists inside a .ZIP
getsize >> Return the size of any file
can_run >> Check if a binary can run on the device
exist >> Check if files or folders exists
repeat >> Repeat text by a specific number
copy >> Force copy files and folders
move >> Force move files and folders
echo2 >> Print text as error (For example, the text doesnt appear on the Magisk screen but yeah in the LOG)
is_zip/is_tar/is_gzip/is_bzip/is_xz >> Check type of some files
hex_search/hex_check/hex_patch >> Important fixes and new functions, full support for hexadecimal manipulation
dynamic_apktool >> Some fixes and now supports -preserve-signature for APKs and JARs
update_file/update_file_string/force_update_file/force_update_file_string >> Important fixes and now supports more XML cases and delimiters (-delim flag)
savestate >> Fixed some errors
replace >> Fixed some errors
Extra Fixes:
-- Fixed infinite loop when using try_mount with uncommon partitions
New variables:
$TMP2 >> Multiple Dynamic Temp Spaces (start_tmp/end_tmp)
New setdefaults:
setdefault apex_mount >> Now you can control if you want to mount APEX or not (If you use it in "off" the mounting will be much faster)
-- Slight errors fixed
-- Now most of the Dynamic Installer actions support false/positive results (You can use an "if" condition with these actions)
-- New function: make_overlay was added
-- A fatal error was fixed in try_mount
-- Improved functions for updating .props and .xml (update_file_string/update_file/...)
-- Removed setdefault results (Deprecated)
-- Fixed defined/undefined/checkvar
/filtervar functions with some variables
-- replace function now supports any pattern to find and replace with -recursive flag (Not just whole words)
-- add_lines now support -after-line and -before-line (Unlimited) and multiple files to add (Unlimited)
-- umount_all has been improved to avoid "Cannot mount /partition" errors on some devices after installation
- Maintenance (Some fixes and improvements)
- Removed setdefault fast_mode (Deprecated)
- New "Test Mode", now u can test some Dynamic Installer functions in Termux on Android
- Improved all update_file functions (update_file_string/force_update_file/..)
- /system_root as RW (Read/Write), you will be able to make changes inside, previously it was mounted in Read/Only and only specific sections like /system in RW
- smali_kit now supports a search mode for .smali files that have a .method (-print-path)
- smali_kit now can remove whole .methods (-delete-method)
- Fixed "Test Mode" (Execution problems)
[CHANGELOG 2.7-b3]
- Small but important fixes
- Replaced "flash" function with "force_flash" (So now just exist "flash" to install extra ZIPs)
- The correct assignment of permissions was ensured with functions that gave them automatically (package_extract_dir, package_extract_file, dynamic_install_apk, .....)
Finally support dalvikvm from Recovery Android 11+ (Beta - You can use apktool and other Smali tools) - setdefault apex_mount is needed
Many functions were improved to work in more situations
Fixed issues adding paragraphs or spaces directly with some flags like -after-line -before-line (add_lines_string/smali_kit/...)
Fixed package_extract_dir with file names with spaces
Fixed error loading .sh that have names with spaces when activating setdefault run_addons
find_apk now supports infinite packages to find (find_apk "package1" "package2" "..." "PATH")
dynamic_install_apk now supports "-include" flag to include extra files/folders with the apks and "-remove-oat" to remove all oat folders in the destination
string function now supports -after-line and -before-line
getbins and getblocks functions reformed (were previously deprecated)
setdefault devices format improved
New functions:
is_greater/is_equal/is_less (Comparison)
make_zip (To make functional ZIPs using ur current Dynamic Installer as base)
New variables:
$chipname that will allow to identify snapdragon/exynos/mediatek/kirin chipsets
Improved chipset detection for $chipname variable
copy and move functions now can create the destination folders
defined and undefined functions now supports infinite variables to check
New function set_context to use the contexts of one path in another, the best contexts are logically evaluated for ALL folders and files, although you can also assign the context of a single file to another (Perfect for Magisk modules)
New function eval_context to get the most common context in a path (It eval the common results) or just get the context of a single file
Now by default find_apk ignores splits and overlays unless you enable it manually with "-include-splits" or "-include-overlays"
try_mount can now mount the partitions specifically in Read/Write or Read/Only (By default both are used) with "-read-write" and "-read-only" flags, it also includes "-remount" to unmount the partitions before mounting
update_file/update_file_string/force_update_file/.... now supports "-no-spaces" flag to prevent auto-detection of spaces in new lines
Some fixes
New function patch_fstab to patch fstab properties easily
New function contains to check the existence of infinite strings in a file
Now string function will only process the first result with the "remove/replace/extract/complete_extract" flags but it can also process all results (-recursive) even in text extraction, also "extract/complete_extract" support returning only paragraphs that have a pattern substring(-pattern), and supports -file flag to directly load a file
New Recovery Mode (Similar to Test Mode) to use the Dynamic Installer actions from the Recovery terminal
The Test Mode was improved
Some fixes
Fixed common A/B partitions mount
Fixed exist function with dummy find
Fixed find_apk (It was broken)
Fixed string (lower and upper)
Experimental Support for Virtual Dynamic Partitions
Now you can mount .img (RAW) directly, this allows you to make edits without having to redo the .img
Support for direct partition mounting/editing when the device is already booted with auto_mount_partitions and try_mount (Experimental)
find_block now supports a very fast find without the need for a long wait (-express), also supports the find to be stopped at a specific time (-time)
try_mount now supports specifying the block to find/mount (-name), also support specify a file to mount (-file) instead of a partition, also supports "-express" like find_block and extra improvements
Improved unmount
Improved umount_all
Improved is_greater/is_less (Now supports decimal numbers)
Improved is_mounted (Now it can check a folder in the current directory without needed of fully path)
update_file/update_file_string/force_update_file/force_update_file_string now support -pattern flag using -delim to apply changes only to a segment that has the specific pattern (It analyze all segments within the specified delim)
New setdefault:
New setdefault magisk_support to disable magisk space and just use updater-script (Device booted)
New setdefault extraction_speed to change the speed (MB/s) for update/update_zip/write_raw_image functions
New functions:
New function is64bit to check if a binary supports 64bits arch
New function echolog to print as error(echo2) and "savelog" in the same time
New function printlog to ui_print and "savelog" in the same time
New function endlog to stop "savelog" that started with "startlog"
New function contains_array to check if a array already have some value
New function get_array to get fully value in a array using some pattern
New function get_size_ext4 to get the current size of any partition or compatible file (ext4/.img)
New function calc to make basic operations like addition, subtraction, division, exponents (also supports parentheses and multiplication but you must use quotes to escape that symbols '()' '*' )
New function unify_path to compare one folder with another, this includes a comparison of files that already exist in both paths, if they are not the same, they are replaced or added to the second path
New functions for Dynamic Partitions:
New function checksuper to check if a image/partition is a SUPER image in record time
New function get_offset to get the offset of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image in record time
New function get_group to get the group of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image in record time
New function get_total_size to get the total size of all subpartitions inside a SUPER partition/image
New function start_loop to make new mount point of any subpartition inside a SUPER partition/image (Designed for new Virtual Dynamic Partitions)
New function end_loop to end previously made mount point with "start_loop" based on the order of creation (It works like "end_tmp")
New function super_rw to enable Read/Write on SUPER partitions/images (Designed for Virtual Dynamic Partitions), this method extracts and converts all internal subpartitions of SUPER (It takes a little time) for this reason you have to add "super_rw" in the updater-script manually
New function unlock_all to try convert all internal subpartitions of SUPER to Read/Write on-fly (It doesnt require a very long waiting time like super_rw but it may not work in some cases)
New function unlock to convert specific subpartition of SUPER to Read/Write (Like unlock_all doesnt work in some cases)
Some fixes
Improved umount_all
Improved dynamic_apktool (Now it will not decompile "res" from the .APK by default)
setdefault devices now support Model names (Example: SM-A515F)
New function wipe to wipe any section like system, vendor, product, odm, data, dalvik, cache
Read-Only was activated in all native functions of the Dynamic Installer to avoid substitution problems when importing a new shell script (.sh) that contains functions with the same names of the native functions (Now native functions cannot be altered during installation)
Now only abort can end the installation with error, previously if the last action used ended in error the whole installation did too
When "$TMP" is auto-wiped, files with .log extension will not be deleted to avoid significant loss of information (You will not lose any LOG after installation)
New feature off_readonly to notify the Dynamic Installer that you want to modify some functions of its code in your script, with this the specified functions can be replaced during the installation (By default all functions are in Read/Only)
Improved package_extract_dir and package_extract_file (Now if a destination path is not provided the files will be returned directly as Text, useful to process files without extracting them)
Now update/update_zip/.. supports two new formats .xz and .gz, you can install the files you want using this type of compression, the files will be installed directly (they are not extracted) so using them does not increase the time of installation, it only reduces the size of your ZIP
Some fixes
Updated Magisk Module installer
Fixed "ERROR: Failed to setup busybox" on some devices
Now important variables protected with Read/Only (Btw u can use off_readonly)
Improved /apex mount
Fixed possible slot detection bugs for A/B devices
Fixed savestate
Improved update/update_zip (By default it will try to set the dest block as Read/Write if possible, else end with error)
New experimental variable $encrypted to check if the the device has encrypted internal memory
Added more detailed warnings in case of error
New function ch_con to manually set the context in mutiple single files/folders
New function ch_con_recursive to manually set the context to ALL files/folders of some directory (Btw u can set the context for only files or folders if u want)
Some fixes
General improvements
Improved general Mounting
Added /system_ext mounting with auto_mount_partitions
Improved is_greater/is_less
Added support to Android 12 (This includes /apex mounting, so you can run dexed JAR files like Apktool from Recovery if you enable setdefault apex_mount)
Some improvements
Improved general setup
Added more verifiers to ensure installation
Improved string function
Improved try_mount function
New function apex_mount to mount any .apex file or folder in /apex space
New function decode_xml to decode AndroidManifest.xml (Experimental)
New function encode_xml to encode AndroidManifest.xml and extra predecoded APK xml (Experimental)
New xml_kit function to manipulate XML code quickly and easily, I designed the tool based on XML logic (breaking the XML structure is very unlikely), xml_kit allows u to moving through the XML structure by sections (Very specific pieces can be edited)
Now string supports -get-before and -get-after to extract all text after/before some pattern
Some fixes
Some setup improvements
Fixed can_run (Broken with some commands)
Ensured plugins extraction
Some restructuring and better organization for general installation
Improved Test Mode setup
Some plugins were separated in META-INF/addons/extra.zip that are not always needed (Now you can remove them)
Some fixes
A problem was fixed in the extraction of some actions
Fixed extraction problems in some ROMs
Improved mounting detection for no block sections like /system_ext
An error with the text processing base of the Dynamic Installer (string function) was fixed that caused an incorrect interpretation in the verification with -after-line -before-line and extract flags with rare strings
Some important fixes
To unify syntax with the common edify actions:
Now u can also use get_file_prop as file_getprop
Added ifelse action (ifelse "action" "else action")
Added read_file (read_file "file" "file" "..")
Added run_program (run_program "program" arg1 arg2 ...)
Now package_extract_dir action supports the extraction of empy folders (Now also u can specify another zip to extract instead of the current installing ZIP)
Now package_extract_file action supports the extraction from another zip instead of the current installing ZIP
Now dynamic_install action supports empy folders
Now set_perm action supports multiple files in a single command line (also now supports symlinks)
Now set_perm_recursive action supports multiple directories in a single command line (also now supports symlinks and its much faster)
New fullpath action (To get the fully path of any file/folder or symlink, btw it returns the literal symlink path instead of its source)
Improved symlink action (Now interprets paths much better, also supports creating infinite symlinks in a single command line)
Improved ch_con / ch_con_recursive (General operation)
Fixed flags of add_lines_zip/add_lines_addon actions (Previously special flags were not supported as with add_lines)
Detection of native variables such as $is64bit, $arch, $arch32, $dynamic_partitions, ... has been improved through a temporary mount attempt to obtain values directly from the current system and vendor (Since some custom Recoverys run on 64bits when the system is 32bits and cause incorrect real time information)
Improved is_tar action (Tar checking is much faster even on large files)
Now is_number support decimal numbers
New function is_hex to check Hexadecimal strings
New function is_abc to check alphabetic strings
New magic_file action to check file types using their Magic Hex values(You can check a file type even if it doesnt have an extension), additionally, u can include an -offset number to skip bytes and also the -bytes per line to get, and with this also the number of hex -line to use (to find the Magic value in a specific range number of hex lines from 1), btw, it includes several types of files already preloaded, using the -type indicator, these dont require additional configuration
Improved and fixed general mounting
Now you can use "mount_all" as "auto_mount_partitions" function
Added /odm mounting in mount_all / auto_mount_partitions function
Added extra reports of general mounts
super_rw function was discontinued (not effective)
Fixed a relevant bug in many functions that support multiple options (if a special flag was used without all the required arguments it would enter an infinite loop)
Fixed a relevant bug in the string function that did not allow adding 2 lines with -after-line -before-line (Only 1 lines or 3 lines+ huh)
Fixed fruitloop on some devices when using functions that work with superrepack from extra.zip (It was encapsulated for safe use)
Improved and fixed xml_kit / replace / ch_con / ch_con_recursive and other functions
A minimum free space check is now performed for root "/" only with mount_all / auto_mount_partitions (Some stock firmwares does not even have 1 Byte free and some actions / editions cannot be performed)
Now the string function supports replacing with multiple lines all the lines that contain a pattern (replace_line flag)
Now the get_file_prop / file_getprop functions supports multiple files to find a specific prop
Now the replace function supports replacing with multiple lines all the lines that contain a pattern (-all-line flag)
Now is_abc function accepts spaces and new lines (But it will only be True if all visible characters are only alphabetic)
Now string function can be forced to always return a result with the "force" flag (previously nothing was returned if the original text was equal to the result)
New functions saveperm / restoreperm to save and restore permissions (UID/GID/MODE) of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
New functions savecontext / restorecontext to save and restore contexts of all files/folders in a path (Recursively) or on single files
New function eval_perm to get the most used Permission/Mode of a path or a single file
New function eval_user to get the most used User ID of a path or a single file
New function eval_group to get the most used Group ID of a path or a single file
New function eval_all_perm to get the most used User ID/Group ID/Mode of a path or a single file
New function get_all_perm to get the User ID/Group ID/Mode of a folder or a single file
New function get_context to get the context of a single folders/files
New function is_text to check ANY visible character, if there are only empty spaces or new lines it will return False.
Added cpio / ramdisk format in magic_file function ( with -type flag)
New setdefault permissions to change the default permissions for folders/files used by ALL Dynamic Installer functions
New function is_same_mount to check if two folders are linked to the same partition (For example /system and /system_ext use the same partition in most devices)
New Edify simulated functions greater_than_int/less_than_int/concat/stdout
New number comparison functions is_greater_equal / is_less_equal
New function convert to convert any type of units, mainly for storage units such as b, B, KB, MB, GB, TB, there is no combination limits (It returns completely decimal or integer numbers)
Fixed some warnings
Added Unisoc chipset detection for the native variable $chipname
smali_kit improved, fixed and slightly restructured
smali_kit now supports string function fixes / improvements with -after-line -before-line flags
Nothing more
[CHANGELOG 4.4-b3]
General improvements
Some mount / unmount improvements
Improved /apex configs for Android 12
Fixed make_overlay (Due to changes with the dynamic_apktool it did not work correctly)
Now the setdefault permissions supports User ID and Group ID (UID/GID)
Optimized device verification with setdefault devices
Replaced native busybox reboot action with /system/bin/reboot (best)
Find within folders symlinks is now supported by default in set_context / dynamic_install / dynamic_install_apk / find_apk / saveperm / savecontext / restoreperm / restorecontext functions (This allows deeper finds)
Now ui_print will better evaluate prints for unconventional installations (adb)
New variables $di_version and $main_version (Information of the current version of the Dynamic Installer)
New function convert_edify to try to convert Edify scripts to Dynamic Installer scripts (Experimental)
General improvements / maintenance
Added Installer Configs in the log
Thanks to a new dynamic temporary space ($TMP), additional ZIPs can now be flashed without risk of affecting the current installation
flash/flash_addon/flash_zip functions has been improved to take advantage of the new $TMP, also now supports a third optional argument "print" to allow the new ZIPs to print text on Recovery
add_lines / add_lines_string /add_lines_addon / add_lines_zip functions now supports creating new files (previously they only supported editing existing files)
magic_file now supports "sparse" type to detect Android Sparse IMGs
Device verification has been optimized (setdefault devices - Avoided repeating the verification for device information already checked)
package_extract_dir fixed, due to a logical error when there were two or more folders in the same ZIP path that started with a common pattern (system system1 system2), when extracting the base pattern (In this example "system"), all these folders were extracted instead of just one
[CHANGELOG 4.5-b2]
General maintenance
Fixed a serious issue that would freeze/reboot some devices when the DI was installed by Magisk (Thx to @quadraticfunction for the tests)
Fixed checksuper function (Due to a logic error, the device could be bricked after use)
Added more checks (Like Read/Write permissions) in most functions for more understandable logs
Replaced "setdefault run_addons" with "setdefault import_addons" (Now allows importing all $addons plugins with .sh extension before main script execution)
New functions create_dir / create_file (Ensure new files or folders easily)
New function testrw (To test if one or more folders has write permissions)
New function testvarname (Allows to verify if the text is valid to be used as a variable name)
[CHANGELOG 4.5-b3]
Fixed find_apk function (Skipping overlays and splits did not work when using -recursive find)
Fixed replace function (After text replacement, if the result had not even 1 visible character, the whole operation failed)
New remove function to remove text in a file or -recursive in a directory
New multi_option function to get a user selection from a list of many options
New apk_main function to get the activity that can be launched in an APK (if it exists)
New apk_icon function to get the internal path of the icon of an APK
New apk_launch function to launch the main launchable activity (or a specific activity) of some pre-installed APP on the device (when its booted)
General improvements and maintenance
New obfuscate function that allows you to encode the shell script code (or Dynamic Installer scripts), keeping it working but making it difficult for common users to read (you can mix obfuscated code with readable code)
New apk_install function to install .apk or .apkm files (ApkMirror), the inclusion of splits together with main .apk/.apkm is supported (It is necessary that the device is already booted)
New apk_install_recursive function, installs all .apk/.apkm that are inside a folder, also supports creating subfolders to group .apk/.apkm with additional splits
New function stderr (Run and print any action as error)
New function stdprint (Run and print any action on the screen - ui_print)
New set_metadata_recursive function (Simulated Edify function)
General improvements and fixes
Many functions were optimized at the code level
It is now possible to use "not" to negate an expression (Equivalent to using "!"), for example:
if not exist "/system/ole"; then
ui_print "ERROR"
Improved reports (logs) of package_extract_file / package_extract_dir, now you can easily identify extraction problems
Importing addons with "setdefault import_addons" will now be alphabetical (to control load order)
Added simg2img to extra.zip for 64bit devices only
New functions int, float, round to obtain integer, decimal or rounded numbers (Math operations are supported directly)
New function get_all_subparts to get the name of all subpartitions of an img/partition (SUPER)
New end function to stop the script (similar to abort), but without ending the installation on error
The repeat function now supports paragraphs (Multi line)
The contains function now supports finding paragraphs (multi line)
The multi_option function now supports an optional third argument "loop" to keep an infinite loop of options on a constant restart (Until a valid option is selected)
The exist function now supports specific recognition for blocks and symlinks (exist symlink "TEST", exist block "/dev/block/dm-0")
The unlock_all/unlock functions now support specifying an IMG/Partition
You can now also use the -file option on try_mount to specify a block to mount (Previously focused only on specifying files)
update/update_zip/update_addon functions now support Sparse IMGs experimentally (need to import simg2img)
[CHANGELOG 4.6-b2]
Fixed a serious problem with the new "not" logical function (it didn't work at all due to an implementation problem)
The "installzip" native variable was unlocked (Previously in Read-Only by default), because it conflicted with the functionality of using external ZIPs with package_extract_file / package_extract_dir
New function find_content to get the paths of all the contents of the ZIP that match the established patterns
Updated apktool to v2.7.0 (with baksmali/smali 2.5.2)
Fixed de/compilation problems of the framework.jar (a12+)
Automatic import of all APEX binaries (This ensures access to actions completely isolated from /system)
Importing APEX binaries fixes dalvikvm issues on some devices (Required for running JARs)
patch_fstab fixed (Now only active lines will be patched)
dynamic_apktool function can now check and add missing original resources in the final APK/JAR
dynamic_apktool function now includes a specification of the device API (This prevents bugs in newer apktool versions)
New replace_name function to flexibly rename multiple files/folders (or just one)
Fixed a bug in the dynamic_apktool function (Checking/adding original resources even extended to "res", causing slower decompile and recompile errors)
dynamic_apktool now has the -no-extras option to disable original resource checking/adding (Although it is recommended to keep it)
dynamic_apktool now has the -no-api option to disable automatic specification of the device API (Although it is recommended to keep it)
dynamic_apktool now has the -use-baksmali option to set an external baksmali.jar (DEXED) instead of the native apktool one
[CHANGELOG 4.7-b2]
The structure and operation of the update-binary have been improved (This script is the initial launcher of the ZIP, its improvement ensures the execution of the ZIP in more hostile environments or with compatibility problems and a more accurate logging in case of critical problems)
Fixed a small warning in the make_zip function
Fixed long timeouts when unmounting partitions mounted on non-common paths
Mount functions in general now have better logging warnings
By default the "unzip" binary will try to change to some external version, this to try to avoid extraction problems when the size of the ZIP exceeds Busybox's "unzip" support (However, not all versions of unzip support extracting files larger than 4GB)
testrw function can now identify a Read/Only mounted folder (Without the need to create a file, empty file creation for write verification will now only be used for folders not previously mounted)
try_mount function now ensures mounts specified as Read/Write only, i.e. even if the mount is "successful", if it really is not writeable to it, it will be treated as failed
dynamic_apktool now supports -use-smali to specify an external smali.jar(DEXED) instead of the one already included in apktool
savelog, echolog and printlog functions now support multiple lines (each argument is one line to print/write)
New change_bin function to try to use another available binary, remembering that Busybox binaries are used by default, with this it is possible to try to change them for available external versions
New "setdefault ensure_root", if set to "off", mount_all will allow Read-Only systems (Even if you can't make edits internally, you can still mount read-only, previously if the device had any restrictions like EROFS, the complete installation was aborted warning of a read-only system)
"setdefault magisk_support" now supports the "force" option, to always use Magisk space (customize.sh), even from a Recovery install
[CHANGELOG 4.7-b3]
Fixed a fatal bug that kept all functions using superrepack in an infinite loop. Oops!
No more
STABLE V4.7-b3:
can this method be used to patch systemui.apk to possibly replace resources.arsc or change specific colors under values\res\colors.xml
josephpatrick said:
can this method be used to patch systemui.apk to possibly replace resources.arsc or change specific colors under values\res\colors.xml
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For compatibility reasons you can only directly make smali edits (classes.dex), check the BUGs section with the apktool, although you could do is an overlays (As its a simple apk it can be decompiled and compiled)
But if you just want to replace the resources.arsc without previously decompiling it you can use the patch_apk function
BlassGO said:
For compatibility reasons you can only directly make smali edits (classes.dex), check the BUGs section with the apktool, although you could do is an overlays (As its a simple apk it can be decompiled and compiled)
But if you just want to replace the resources.arsc without previously decompiling it you can use the patch_apk function
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this looks so confusing, but can this be used to make a recovery partition to install twrp to a A/B dynamic partition device that only has boot partition?
blaze2051 said:
this looks so confusing, but can this be used to make a recovery partition to install twrp to a A/B dynamic partition device that only has boot partition?
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The Dynamic Installer focuses on general installations for mods, roms or patchs, but it has an open space for plugins, you can contact me from the support group that is at the beginning of the thread to develop/test a plugin that allows that installation
Btw the previous message was probably confusing cuz it also supports code patching in APKs, its a very multi-use installer.
Beautifully done. This is so useful for many things. Good work on this.
Thank you for this amazing installer
There are tons of things on xda now that I have absolutely no clue as to what the use would be. This is one of them if you can install a recovery than you install the recovery with adb or Odin or whatever. If you need to install magisk module you install it in manager. Apk install normally. I don't understand what this gave us that wasn't able to do before?
Same with sim number setter xposed module it doesn't do anything. It changes some arbitrary number that has no bearing on anything It's completely pointless.
Techguy777 said:
There are tons of things on xda now that I have absolutely no clue as to what the use would be. This is one of them if you can install a recovery than you install the recovery with adb or Odin or whatever. If you need to install magisk module you install it in manager. Apk install normally. I don't understand what this gave us that wasn't able to do before?
Same with sim number setter xposed module it doesn't do anything. It changes some arbitrary number that has no bearing on anything It's completely pointless.
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That is a superficial view, the installation of ROMs / MODs and others only put it on a par with traditional installers (Edify Scripts), the objective of Dynamic Installer is to shorten / facilitate actions for complex projects and in fact, there are projects to patch the Secure Folder / Samsung Theme Store, create bootanimations using any video, all directly from Magisk using this installer, and more, in short, it is a very well equipped, free and easy to write work environment, which even expands to the Magisk Modules space ( Also I think there is a confusion, it is not intended to replace the Magisk Manager, it is a ZIP, it works like any magisk module for the user)
BlassGO said:
That is a superficial view, the installation of ROMs / MODs and others only put it on a par with traditional installers (Edify Scripts), the objective of Dynamic Installer is to shorten / facilitate actions for complex projects and in fact, there are projects to patch the Secure Folder / Samsung Theme Store, create bootanimations using any video, all directly from Magisk using this installer, and more, in short, it is a very well equipped, free and easy to write work environment, which even expands to the Magisk Modules space ( Also I think there is a confusion, it is not intended to replace the Magisk Manager, it is a ZIP, it works like any magisk module for the user)
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Now when you there are projects to patch secure folder are any of the projects successful and is it for Android 12 aka one ui 4.1? That would be a good use. The boot animation with any video would be cool to but the secure folder is more practical or useful. Where can I find this project at?
BlassGO said:
That is a superficial view, the installation of ROMs / MODs and others only put it on a par with traditional installers (Edify Scripts), the objective of Dynamic Installer is to shorten / facilitate actions for complex projects and in fact, there are projects to patch the Secure Folder / Samsung Theme Store, create bootanimations using any video, all directly from Magisk using this installer, and more, in short, it is a very well equipped, free and easy to write work environment, which even expands to the Magisk Modules space ( Also I think there is a confusion, it is not intended to replace the Magisk Manager, it is a ZIP, it works like any magisk module for the user)
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So there's really no secure folder patch available it's just talked about or working on it? That's what I mean if there is something of use that only this can do it makes it great but if there's nothing I fail to see the point.
Techguy777 said:
Now when you there are projects to patch secure folder are any of the projects successful and is it for Android 12 aka one ui 4.1? That would be a good use. The boot animation with any video would be cool to but the secure folder is more practical or useful. Where can I find this project at?
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In the support tg channel you will find some projects, one of them for the SecureFolder OneUI 4.1
It didn't work over the magisk install command...
Der_Googler said:
It didn't work over the magisk install command...
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Could u give more info about the problem?
BlassGO said:
Could u give more info about the problem?
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it says failed to unpack zip
Der_Googler said:
it says failed to unpack zip
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In that case it isnt a problem of the installer, check the compression, the most common error is to compress the unziped folder that contains everything, instead of each specific element like META-INF, META-INF must always be in the root of the ZIP, to check it you can open your current ZIP and verify that the first thing you see is the META-INF

