Screen Usage Application - Android Apps and Games

Screen Usage Application
I want to share an app i wrote for myself for free with the xda-community.
ScreenUsage is an app that simply tracks when you were using your screen, meaning
that it tracks when it gets turned off and on. It then stores an entry of that
and displays it.
There is four tabs that can be accessed by swiping to the right and left, "today", "since unplugged",
"since boot" and "all".
The case why i wrote this app, that i usually go to bed at weekend without looking on the clock, and i
quite often want to know when this was. With this app, this is possible. It is also very efficient compared
to all other sensors, and the accuracy is well enough if you use your phone often enough. It of course won't
work if you put the phone away, but then no app will work. One further improvement idea was to add the
proximitysensor, which might be added later, but won't work for everyone (including my phone model).
Further the app can show how long the display has been turned on, and to which overall time-consumption this sums up.
You can also merge very similar entries, limit the number of recent entries, and choose to display the oldest
entries at the top. (This makes it most useful to me: When the heck did i get home last night, starting from
midnight on from "today" ).
If you want translations added, PM me.
Best regards,
Required Android Version: 4.0
Translations: English, German
Changelog v1.02:
- added option to hide all entries created before the year 2013, which is needed
in case your phone boots up after a crash/freeze/battery empty, which results that
the system has to use the default system date until it can receive the actual date over
the cellular network. until today the app then displayed very old entry from 2007 on my phone,
on some very recent phonemodels we might even need a more recent date than 1.1/2013.
Changelog v1.01:
- added warning dialog to ask if entries should be cleared or not
- merging entries now is more correctly.
Changelog v1.0:
- base app

This is a nice idea.
Would be nice to see the history. The best would be to see the first time of usage after 4 AM and last time of usage before 4 AM. Then this could be shown by date.

Very cool, thank you!
Sent from my Nexus 6

Since there seems to be currently interest, i may update this app with a little better organisation of items and of course: Material Design

Ok, accepting any name recommendations for the app.
The restructuring will remove the "since boot/unplugged" tabs and introduce tabs per day.
I will also add options to define hours per day "when you will probably go to bed" (4am), and optionally (if possible) direct linking to
the systems alarmclock, so the app relatively well estimates when you went to sleep.
In the final stage, i will introduce a calendar view, where a simple tap will bring you to this exact day.


[TUT] Tasker | The Ultimate (over-informative & annoying) Alarm Clock V3|With Snooze!

[TUT] Tasker | The Ultimate (over-informative & annoying) Alarm Clock V3|With Snooze!
I had a look at the alarm clock on the Tasker wiki and decided to update it with screen actions for snooze. When I was done, I felt that something was missing... so I added a couple of things, then a few more and then a few more….
First install
Download the .zip file below.
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Task':
AlarmHTTPCheck (added in V2)
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
In a file explorer, navigate to /sdcard/Tasker and within this folder, create the following three folders:
In Tasker, click ‘Tasks’ and select AlarmReset. Click on ‘Test’ within the task to set up the initial variables.
Select the task Alarm. Edit action #11 and choose the alarm sound you wish.
Turn your screen lock off and adjust your screen-time-out to 5 minutes (just for testing).
Make sure you have an active wifi (or mobile data, but profile is data intensive) connection.
Click on the time in the profile AlarmClock and press now, add one minute to each time, click done, click apply… and off we go...
Hit 'snooze' when each speech action has finished.
New to Tasker? Download the free trial here
Should this alarm fail, not wake you up, you lose your job, followed by your house and wife, please note that compensation claims will only be payable by cheque and may take up to 400 years to process <- You know what I’m sayin
Q) Do you honestly think I’m ever going to use this? You seriously need to get out more.
A) Well maybe? I do!
I did give some thought to what I’d like to wake up to every morning, but unfortunately Tasker can’t perform that… So, I decided to go a little OTT and make this alarm useful for plenty of Tasker Tips and Tricks.
I separated out all of the tasks so you can easily see what I’ve done. They are then available for you to use or amalgamate into other profiles you have or wish to create. How nice am I…? Let’s take a look at them:
This task is first to kick off and controls the flow of what Tasker is going to do. It starts by performing the task AlarmSnoozeMaths (we’ll look at this below) and then encounters its first IF check on the created variable %ALARMCOUNT. Every time you snooze the alarm clock it increases %ALARMCOUNT by 1. When the count is greater than 10, the alarm will stop activating.
As the task continues, it encounters more IF statements for %ALARMCOUNT and performs the action if the IF is true. This way, I was able to create different alarms for different ‘snooze times’. There are four custom speaking alarms and after that, it just plays your selected alarm ringtone.
This task calculates what the time will be (to display on the screen) when you snooze for 10 minutes. %TIME + 0.10 would have been just so easy wouldn’t it..? But unfortunately when the time is 07:52, telling you your alarm was going to go off at 07:62 was just too untidy. Following the task through, you’ll see how I’ve split the variable %TIME by the ‘.’ and therefore had two variables ‘07’ and ‘52’. From there I add 10 to ‘52’ getting ‘62’. I say that IF it’s greater than 60, minus 60 from it; leaving ‘2’. I then say IF that number is less than 10, join it to ‘:0’, so we end up with ‘:02’. Simples.
The ‘07’ was easier to deal with. IF the above minutes had gone over 60, we would need to add ‘1’ to this number. IF that number was greater than 23, we’d change it to ‘00’.
All the split variables were then joined together and ended up with a more intelligent %STIME.
This is a simple menu task that will pop up on the screen. Pressing one of the two choices will perform the associated tasks. The text you wish to display is in the label field. One performs the task AlarmSnoozeTime which handles the ‘snooze’ and the other performs AlarmReset, which is run when the alarm is turned off. EDIT - Forgot to mention, that if neither button is pressed after 2 minutes, it defaults to 'snooze'.
This firstly ‘shuts-up’ the speech or stops the music. Cancels the notifications and then patiently waits for 10 minutes (or your chosen snooze length) before kicking off the initial Alarm task again.
Again, this silences and kills notifications before resetting and clearing variables, the most important of which is %ALARMCOUNT to 1, ready for next time it’s to be used. It turns your keyguard back on and stops. EDIT - VariableClear is added to this task by default in V2
There is an inbuilt variable %UPS which is the time in seconds since you booted the device (uptime). In the AlarmInfo task, this information is used (amongst many other things!), but having it quote thousands of seconds was just too ugly and really pretty uninformative unless you are a maths genius and even then, first thing in the morning? So, I wanted to change this into hours and minutes. Following the task, you’ll see it starts by dividing %UPS by 3600 to convert it to hours. The result for example of 3.5 does not of course mean 3 hours and 50 minutes; wouldn’t that be easy..? No, the 0.5 = half = 30 minutes. So, by splitting the variable %UPS (which we transferred the created variable %UPMA originally for good house keeping) at the ‘.’ we can deal with the numbers behind the decimal places and convert them to minutes. If it was so simple to be 0.5, then multiplying that number by 60 would give us 30; wouldn’t that be simple..? In the event that it’s actually 0.521331232132131 we need to do something about the getting rid of the 30.121200234423823 (eg) – we do this by again splitting the variable and keeping only what was before decimal point (the whole minutes). Finally we are left with two created variables %UPHR and %UPMIN which are used in the AlarmInfo task for all but a second and therefore was a complete waste of my life – But hey, someone, somewhere, someday will read this when trying to do the same and hit the thanks meter!
The first of the information pulling tasks we will run. It grabs the text from the chosen URL in action #1 using an HTTP GET and then starts to extract what it needs – which in this case, is today’s weather forecast. If you’d like to see what information it initially collects and then follow how it’s split, add a file weather.txt under the ‘output file’ field which will store it on your storage card. The task then goes on to speak the weather to you, along with just about everything else that I could find in the Tasker variables for it to tell you! Annoying? Yeah, but that girl’s voice seriously gives me the horn… You? No? Oh...
Yes, what better to wake up to than a motivational quote!? I’m starting to realise that this profile is really going to make a difference in some of your lives... Ok, so another HTTP GET, followed by a lot of splitting to leave us just the Author and quote itself. This is spoken to you again shortly after by my girlfriend, erm, I mean the speech engine you use...
How could you possibly consider starting the day without knowing exactly what is going to happen to you by hearing your horoscope!? I know I couldn’t... Again, an HTTP GET, a lot of splitting and that’s what you’re left with.
This task reads out the recipe of the day for you! Or alternatively, the news headlines as the title would suggest. HTTP GET, splitting, more splitting and job done.
Alarms are so visual aren’t they? How about some soothing wallpaper from NASA’s astronomy picture of the day – you can admire it whilst you press snooze... Another HTTP GET, but this time we are searching for the image source only and once we’ve dissected it, another HTTP GET grabs the image and Tasker updates your wallpaper with it.
Same as above, but just NASA’s picture of the day. WHOOP!
Same again, but this time National Geographic. %WHOOP2!
You wish... but if the thanks meter increases sufficiently, I’ll consider it for the next release
The above tasks import a lot of text from the HTTP GET commands. Splitting them increases the amount yet further. This task is not currently instructed to run within any of the other tasks, so either run it manually (open it and press test) or add a ‘perform task’ action into AlarmReset, so it sweeps up for you.
Note: This task is HUGE. Currently (and unfortunately) you cannot join all of the split data together and clear it in one action. I’ve been reliably informed that it will be in the next Tasker update (although that comes a little too late for the 1.5hrs it took me to enter it all manually!) Have you hit the thanks meter yet? Do it again... EDIT - Added to the AlarmReset task as standard in V2
AlarmHTTPCheck (added in V2)
Should part of a triggering task fail, Tasker is currently set up to cease further actions. Having an alarm based on the reliability of your data connectivity is never a good plan, so I had to resolve how to confirm if the HTTPGET had failed and consequently, so had the alarm. There is a built in variable %HTTPR which is the response code, but unfortunately it's not so simple to 'variable check' this in the next action - if the HTTPGET failed, then it would not go to the next action... This needs to be changed within Tasker, but in the mean time the solution was to trigger a separate task.
AlarmHTTPCheck is triggered before the HTTPGET and runs with a lower priority than the calling task to ensure the HTTPGET action is not delayed. It waits 3 seconds, before checking %HTTPR is either a value of 200 or 400 denoting success. The task will cease if this is the case. If it isn't, it will increase the value of %ALARMCOUNT to 5 (+1 will be added in the task Alarm) so all further HTTPGET alarm calls are skipped and only the alarm music is triggered. The disadvantage of this is having less snoozes, but if you are not woken up to your expected informative speech tasks, I'm sure even your sleepy self will realise something is amiss. Sorted?
Unknown for weather
Unknown for APOD Wallpaper
Daweav for original wiki alarm with snooze
UncleMike for AM/PM variable splits
Time – Changed by clicking the profile
Alarm Sound – Changed in the task Alarm, action #11
Star Sign – Change the text gem-in-eye to whatever you want the speech to try and say in action #9 of AlarmDayHoro. Change your star sign in the HTTP GET action #1 in the URL. You will also need to change the sign=# in the splitter as it turns out that each horoscope has a different number too. I'll put a list up of them all shortly, but in the mean time you'll have to look at the URL in a browser and spot your number please - Credit torsrex
Weather – go to this link and type your location in the search box. Click on it and note the code/extension of your local weather station in the URL. Change this in the HTTP GET serverort field – mine is 03534. If you live in the US, you need to add in different information after auto/ical – the blog post #4 here gives you an example
Female – Feel free to rewrite the speech entries so they are flattering to a girl. Or alternatively, call me... and I’ll talk dirty to you, robot-style.
Snooze interval – Change the wait time in AlarmSnoozeTime to the snooze interval you wish. Change the value in AlarmSnoozeMaths, action #3 to display the correct 'snoozing-to-time'.
Pop-up Notifications - You can add your own background by clicking 'tools' in AlarmSnooze.
Change Log
Added task [B]AlarmHTTPCheck [/B]to ensure alarm didn't fail if a connection or connecting task failed.
Added task [B]VariableClear [/B]to [B]AlarmReset [/B]as standard
Changed collision handling in [B]AlarmSnooze[/B]
Changed task priorities to ensure [B]AlarmSnooze [/B]has a minimal delay at most
Changed task priorities to ensure [B]AlarmSnoozemaths [/B]always completes prior to use in the notification.
* Stupid spelling mistakes in [B]AlarmNGPOTD [/B]& [B]AlarmAPOTD [/B]fixed
* Added day of the week as a context and removed from task [B]Alarm[/B]
Bug/Issue Report
Keyguard/Lockscreen - The keyguard action set off (#3) in the task Alarm has been left in. You’ll need to add Keyguard, set on to action #7 in AlarmReset. Please let me know how your device handles this and what lock you use. I’ll see if I can put something in as standard.
Slow device/internet connection – I’m not sure how your device will handle the multiple HPPT GET actions and if consequently, this will delay other actions such as the %STIME maths.
No/failed data connection – SOLVED in V2
Yahoo News Headlines - Appear to have started adding 'non text' to their headlines since testing... damn.
NHGoTD currently at request level 1!
If you have a better RSS feed for the above or any requests, please do let me know.
If you adapt this to use your own RSS topics, please do share to save others with the headache of %HTTPD splitting.
Q) I like parts of this alarm, but not all of it. How do I change it just to suit me?
A) Instructions are written for you here
Q) I'm using your data sync profiles, can I combine these to start and stop the data connection before and after this task?
A) Absolutely, you can activate the data connection and then use any of the variables such as %WIFIOC or %WIFIORS to turn it off again, or leave it as it was. You could even make it that you only use this alarm when you are at home IF %WIFIHOME = 2 (reading %WIFIPREF).
Q) Why do you always transfer the %HTTPD data straight into another created variable?
A) Within the tasks, %HTTPD is populated with various different data. Transferring the data out of it as quick as possible prevents it being overwritten by a following HTTPGET task. We don't have to apply wait actions this way or confirm that one %HTTPD task has completed before another is allowed to start.
Q) I have many other Tasker questions, can I post them here??
A) To avoid clutter, probably best to use this official Google group
Q) Where can I learn more about Tasker?
A) The manual and Profiles and step-throughs on the Tasker wiki and you’ll be up to speed in no time.
Installation Instructions
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Task':
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
No need to install V2 first, go straight for V3!
The thanks meter lets me know I'm appreciated!
V2 Up
Change Log
* Added task AlarmHTTPCheck to ensure alarm didn't fail if a connection or connecting task failed.
* Added task VariableClear to AlarmReset as standard
* Changed collision handling in AlarmSnooze
* Changed task priorities to ensure AlarmSnooze has a minimal delay at most
* Changed task priorities to ensure AlarmSnoozemaths always completes prior to use in the notification.
* Added day of the week as a context and removed from task Alarm
* Corrected spelling mistakes in NGPOTD & APOTD
Wow, I love this post a lot.
Release that naked hot girl of the day please dear god
adianlorenzana said:
Wow, I love this post a lot.
Release that naked hot girl of the day please dear god
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ha! Glad you found it useful. Please provide feedback when you can if all working correctly, so I can add it to the Tasker Wiki
Current count of %NHGoTD = 1! (yeah, that was a Tasker joke...)
random snooze?
would it be possible in Tasker to add a random snooze duration, say between 2 and 10 minutes?
That will keep you on your toes!
thermopyl said:
would it be possible in Tasker to add a random snooze duration, say between 2 and 10 minutes?
That will keep you on your toes!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It would indeed! In answer to your question - yes! There is a variable randomize option which could be used in AlarmSnoozeMaths and then the same number in AlarmSnoozetime...
Tasker allows you to add variables so you could easily say %TIME + %RANDOMTIMEBETWEEN2AND10 = next alarm!
If it helps you get up in the morning, let us know and I'll put it in as standard!
I wish there was a stripped down version of this. I want the AlarmInfo task (which I can see has weather info and the usual text to say), but don't want horoscope, news or anything else (that wallpaper change thingy etc).
What do I do?
thehrushi said:
I wish there was a stripped down version of this. I want the AlarmInfo task (which I can see has weather info and the usual text to say), but don't want horoscope, news or anything else (that wallpaper change thingy etc).
What do I do?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Should be quite easy - I'll post instructions for you later
EDIT - The instructions are here in post #11 for you.
I only want to use parts of this alarm, how do I strip??
The basics of the functions of the alarm are in the task Alarm. Opening it, you'll see that in action #3 it has a 'goto' request IF the %ALARMCOUNT (the amount of times it has already activated) is over 10.
Firsly, whatever changes you make, you'll need to make sure that 'goto' always points to the Variable Set %ALARMCOUNT to 1 (currently action #14), which is the reset function before the alarm switches off.
I set this up so all of the information grabbing tasks are separate. Therefore all you need to do is delete the actions that request them in the form of a 'perform task'.
You'll see in the task Alarm that action numbers 5,6,7,8 call for the following tasks to go off and get their information:
You can delete the ones you don't wish to have from Alarm, but don't forget to check the 'goto' is still pointing to Variable Set %ALARMCOUNT to 1!
There are no further 'goto' actions to be concerned with in the above and below information tasks.
The first 3 tasks above, kick off the wallpaper tasks in their actions:
AlarmAPOTD (action #4 in AlarmInfo)
AlarmNGPOTD (action #12 in AlarmMQoTD)
AlarmNPOTD (action number #9 in AlarmDayHoro)
The action number varies due to the differing number of Variable Splits required when extracting the data from the HTTPGET.
You are free to delete the perform task actions should you no require the wallpaper changes.
You are free to edit the perform task actions to a different task (wallpaper) if you only want to use a particular one.
That's it! Easily changed to suit your own taste. Any questions, no matter how silly they feel, please do not hesitate to ask (Tasker makes us all feel a bit dumb at first! ).
There have been a few downloads of this, but no feedback?
Should I assume that everything is working absolutely fine?!?!? Hope so!
I have a question for you:
Are there any pre-made scripts to perform all these tasks you describe, or do we HAVE to manually input them ourselves?
A$h x said:
I have a question for you:
Are there any pre-made scripts to perform all these tasks you describe, or do we HAVE to manually input them ourselves?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The profile and tasks download is in post #3. Import them into Tasker and they are ready to go, everything is set up for you.
In post #1 you'll see that you need to do the basics such as creating folders on the SD card and choosing your alarm sound.
It's a 3 minute job before you can run this for the first time. The amount of changes after that is up to you!
EDIT - ps. There are hundreds of other ready to go Tasker profiles kicking around the net.
That's great. Thanks a ton! Just what I needed.
WOW, just found out that you had created yet another profile! (Too much tapatalk without signatures) . Gonna try this out tomorrow, will report back here with my experiences.
torsrex said:
WOW, just found out that you had created yet another profile! (Too much tapatalk without signatures) . Gonna try this out tomorrow, will report back here with my experiences.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ha! I hope it makes you chuckle...
Haha, love the new "alarm clock" (more like high-tech alarm clock monster).
A few bugs to report:
When it tries to pull the weather I get an Unkonw Host message (although the link open's fine in the browser).
The horoscop won't pull itself (I get no error messages, but the "girl" tells me the variable %HOROD instead of my horoscope).
I have sat the snooze time for 2 minutes, but the popup shows 7:03 (which could not be right because my alarm goes off at 7:00).
The rest of the alarm-clock is working fine(love the picture changing thingy)!
Feature request:
Read the first ten topics of the email.
torsrex said:
Haha, love the new "alarm clock" (more like high-tech alarm clock monster).
A few bugs to report:
When it tries to pull the weather I get an Unkonw Host message (although the link open's fine in the browser).
The horoscop won't pull itself (I get no error messages, but the "girl" tells me the variable %HOROD instead of my horoscope).
I have sat the snooze time for 2 minutes, but the popup shows 7:03 (which could not be right because my alarm goes off at 7:00).
The rest of the alarm-clock is working fine(love the picture changing thingy)!
Feature request:
Read the first ten topics of the email.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Doh! I thought it was working great...
Hmmm... Are you sure you've set the weather up correctly - under the 'mime type' are you pulling HTML instead? Does it work on the weather for my location? Add an output file of weather.txt and see if you get a file created.
For %HOROD, do the same and set an output file horo.txt. It may be that the splitters I've used don't match your star sign - again, did it work with the standard settings.
If the splitters are wrong and you need help changing them, paste the file contents in #code# tags and I'll take a look..
The alarm time must match the number in alarmsnoozemaths too - otherwise you'll end up with two different numbers... Where they the same?
I'm working on calendar entries and email - but Tasker only currently reads K9 email and the calendar entries are coded... need to decode them... Effort!
Keep an eye on your thanks meter
Message to self: don't create tasker-profiles at 00:30am in the morning!
Just readded the profiles, and now the clock is working great!
Just one bug that still persists, the horoscope thingy.
Here is the link to my star-sign:
I hope you can fix this

[APP] TubeRun: the all-inclusive London transport app

Hi all,
I just finished writing the first version of TubeRun for Android. TubeRun is a London transport app that aims to present the most important data that TfL offers in a single app. My motivation for writing it was the low quality of similar apps found in the market. Typically they offer only a single important feature (eg a journey planner, a good map, bus departures) but they omit the others forcing you to install multiple apps which seldom work in a straightforward manner. In TubeRun, expect to find everything that matters so that you won't have to have 4 different similar apps installed. Features include:
-A Journey Planner that uses the TfL API for up-to-date travel plans
-Live Bus, Underground, Overground, DLR and Rail Departures
-Nearby Tube lines, Bus routes, Cycle Hire stations (with live bike/dock availability data), Rail stations, Oyster ticket shops
-Oyster Balance
-Underground Refund Claims
-The real Tube Map
-Current and Weekend Status Updates
-Fast ICS-inspired interface that doesn't rediscover the wheel
New: The source code of the app is available on GitHub.
I plan to add more features, and I am posting this to request your feedback on what I should add/improve next.
TubeRun is by no means perfect, however I think that it works really well already. Please, let me know your thoughts on it so that I am able to effectively improve it. My current list of TODOs for the future is as follows:
Improve the UI of the main screen (icons are the way to go). (v1.2)
Add a station chooser that uses auto complete and the current user location to void scrolling. (v1.2)
Add the ability to deactivate the backgrounds (my photography skills are not up to the task) (v1.2)
Suggest National Rail stations in the Journey Planner. (v1.2.2)
Add support for oyster accounts with multiple cards enabled. (v1.2.2)
Add tube stations status. (v.1.2.4)
In the nearby tube stations map, add the ability to show departures when clicking a station.(v.1.2.6)
Show nearby oyster ticket shops.(v.1.2.6)
Show nearby rail stations(v.1.2.6)
Fix the title for manually-entered bus stops in departures.(v.1.2.7)
Migrate to the official TfL API for tube departures.(v.1.2.7)
Add national rail departure data.(v.1.2.7)
Overhaul the departures station selector(v.1.2.7)
Add the option to download the tube map that also depicts rail services.(v.1.2.8)
Migrate to the new Google Maps v2 API.(v.1.3.0)
Make favourites sorted by current distance.(v.1.3.1)
Add nearest bus stop in favorites
Show tube/bus departure times directly inside the journey planner
Integrate data about maximum journey time (
Support push notifications for travel disruptions
Support advanced journey planner options
Add widgets.
You may lobby for your favorite feature here and I will do my best to implement it. If you are willing to contribute with code, just PM me.
PS. If you like the app don't forget to rate it. The more people that use it, the better the chances of keeping me motivated.
Download link: Android Market
Video presentation (it's old, the app looks more Holo-ish now):
*Journey planner suggestions improvements.
*Minor sliding menu UI updates.
*Better support for the Galaxy S4.
*Favorites are now sorted automatically by distance
*Bug fixes
*New, hi-resolution, application icon.
*Migrated to the Google Maps v2 API. Significant performance improvements in Map views.
Added: added a tube map with rail lines.
New: you can delete the stored tube map by a long press in the Map section button.
Fixes: bus stop selection bug in departures.
Added: Overground and Rail departures
Added: Departures section overhaul
Added: Official TfL Tube departures API
Added: Overground support in the Journey Planner
Added: Nearby rail stations
Added: Nearby oyster ticket shops
Added: New sliding menu implementation
Added: Android 4.2 support
Fixes: Oyster functionality
Added: service messages appear on (tube/bus) departures
Added: favorites now expand on click (for seeing more than the next 3 departures)
Fixes: bus departures are now sorted by time
Added: JellyBean support
Fixes: Accepts postcodes without spaces
Added: Support for oyster accounts with multiple cards
Added: National Rail stations in the Journey Planner
Fixes: Journey planner suggestions background in Gingerbread
Improved: UI
Added: Content Provider (type in the Google search box for quick access to departures and to the journey planner).
Added: Autocomplete textboxes.
Added: Official TfL bus departures API.
Fixes: countless small fixes here and there.
Added: Nearby Bus lines
Added: Nearby Tube/Bus/Cycle Hire data on a map
Fixes: Claim submission, favorites ordering
First version.
wow love u work matey just awsome and tyvm just keep going with ur work and ty again
Good job bro! If I'm ever going to London again I'll take this with me ^^
Great app, shame I just moved out of London though! Would have used this otherwise.
referring this app to all of my friends. you need more downloads. App is fantastic, you just need to improve the main menu layout and give it a more ICS style feel.
Well done mate, I use it everyday
fantastic app, will pass it on to all my mates. love it when someone sets themselves a challenge and sails over the bar.
keep it up
WOW what a potential app. I would like to make a few suggestions
1. UI, this needs a rehaul? Im currently using Tube Chaser
and it looks very well polished. You can also set it up so that it takes you to a certain menu when you launch the app. So it could take you straight to Favourites or near by stations
2. Widgets. This is what Tube chaser was missing. The first Tube app I had was London Tube Status
The widgets worked very well.
But I have to say this is a very comprehensive app but needs a cleaner look, ease of use and widgets.
Well done
Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for your kind words. I did put a lot of my spare time into this, and seeing it lagging in the area of 50-100 downloads is indeed demotivational.
ermacwins said:
WOW what a potential app. I would like to make a few suggestions
1. UI, this needs a rehaul? Im currently using Tube Chaser
and it looks very well polished. You can also set it up so that it takes you to a certain menu when you launch the app. So it could take you straight to Favourites or near by stations
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Yes, Tube Chaser had by far the cleanest UI. I went for the ICS+background images layout which I personally like a lot (and it required quite a lot of effort to make it 'work'). What I do lack are some nice icons for the main screen, which I guess is what turns a lot of people off on the first look. As I am not a designer (I more or less suck at photoshop), I didn't want to use some 'not quite right' icons. So I went with labeled buttons. If any of you has a suggestion for a good (+free) ICS icon pack let me know.
What I want to implement for the next version is a quick picker for stations that relies on autocomplete/location and use it thoughout the app. The current version requires quite a lot of scrolling.
As for the "take me to a specific screen", it's indeed nice. However, I think this workflow (quick information peeks) is better satisfied with widgets (see below)
ermacwins said:
2. Widgets. This is what Tube chaser was missing. The first Tube app I had was London Tube Status
The widgets worked very well.
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Can you ellaborate a bit more on the wigdets that you need? I personally dislike widgets that require me to 'interact' with them in order to se what's new. For example, I don't think that "departures" widgets is a good idea as they will require me to always hit "refresh" to see what's new. If that's the case, I pretty much prefer to launch the app, hit favorites and stay in the clean interface of the app. I thought about doing it for oyster balance, yet I prefer the current implementation that just requires me to launch the main app. Quering servers on the background periodically or getting your location (thus depleting your battery) is something I want to avoid.
I have just downloaded your app and I must say! I really like it. I spend a lot of time in london for meetings etc... and so this will come in very useful!
I didn't want to use some 'not quite right' icons. So I went with labeled buttons. If any of you has a suggestion for a good (+free) ICS icon pack let me know.
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Do they have to be ICS icons? You know you can find nice icons on loads of icon sites
What I want to implement for the next version is a quick picker for stations that relies on autocomplete/location and use it thoughout the app. The current version requires quite a lot of scrolling.
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Good idea
As for the "take me to a specific screen", it's indeed nice. However, I think this workflow (quick information peeks) is better satisfied with widgets (see below)
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Take me to specific screen would be handy as when I use it on tubechaser, where ever I am, I would like to see nearest stations first. Its worth having I think
Can you ellaborate a bit more on the wigdets that you need? I personally dislike widgets that require me to 'interact' with them in order to se what's new. For example, I don't think that "departures" widgets is a good idea as they will require me to always hit "refresh" to see what's new. If that's the case, I pretty much prefer to launch the app, hit favorites and stay in the clean interface of the app. I thought about doing it for oyster balance, yet I prefer the current implementation that just requires me to launch the main app. Quering servers on the background periodically or getting your location (thus depleting your battery) is something I want to avoid.
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The only thing I dont like about tubechaser is that it doesnt have departure widgets. Isnt this one of the benefits of Android, having widgets?
When I use Train Times UK for C2C times
I only use the widgets and never the app. All I need to do is hit refresh on my homescreen and that is it. Im sure you can have that the widget doesnt always update unless manually done on the screen?
I've just downloaded this and love its features. On first impressions, it looks like it's going to become my new main Tube app! The only criticisms I have with it are:
1. To reiterate what others have said about the UI on the front page - I think that some nicer looking buttons wouldn't go amiss;
2. I have two Oyster cards linked to my online account, the first of which was lost a long time ago and has a zero balance. Until there's the option to choose which card to show in the app (or TfL let you delete old cards off of their online service), the Oyster balance feature could be useless to a lot of people.
Great work though, really nice app overall.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I am now able to start filling up my list of ToDos. Here are my current priorities:
Improve the UI of the main screen (icons are the way to go).
Add a station chooser that uses auto complete and the current user location to void scrolling.
Add support for oyster accounts with multiple cards enabled.
Add widgets.
I will add this to the first post and try to keep it updated. If your favorite feature is not quite high up, maybe I will change my mind if more people ask for it.
I have two Oyster cards linked to my online account, the first of which was lost a long time ago and has a zero balance. Until there's the option to choose which card to show in the app (or TfL let you delete old cards off of their online service), the Oyster balance feature could be useless to a lot of people.
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Yep, I am aware of this and I added it to my todos. For the time being, I am pretty sure that you can erase cards from your online profile. The option may be burried somewhere but I remember doing it a couple of months ago and then fixing a relevant bug in the app.
papajohn said:
For the time being, I am pretty sure that you can erase cards from your online profile. The option may be burried somewhere but I remember doing it a couple of months ago and then fixing a relevant bug in the app.
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Thanks for the heads up, I'll have another look on the Oyster site. Now if only there were an app to stop me losing cards altogether...
simick said:
Now if only there were an app to stop me losing cards altogether...
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Pocket.apk or wallet.apk
i mostly use buses and not all bus stops are available yet (app's saying so). on the bus time table not only how many minutes left but also an arrival time information would be nice. and to be honest background photos distract me. i'm telling this to you as a user, who has tried many these kind of apps and to help you to understand what a user wants from a bus tracking app.
‬1‬ said:
i mostly use buses and not all bus stops are available yet (app's saying so).
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I am using the 'Bus stop locations' dataset released by TfL here. It may be slightly out of date (eg released last year) but I wasn't aware of any stops/lines missing. Thanks for bringing this up. I will update the description to mention this. Are these missing stops available in other apps?
‬1‬ said:
on the bus time table not only how many minutes left but also an arrival time information would be nice.
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I am not sure that I understand you here. Do you mean "the next bus arrives in 13.49" instead of "in three minutes"? Or maybe "buses on route 49 arrive normally every 12 minutes"? As for the second dataset (sceduled bus frequency), I do not know if it is available somewhere (and I do not think it is particullarly useful given that live information is available).
‬1‬ said:
and to be honest background photos distract me.
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Yep, others have told me that one before (while others quite like them). If more people feel strong against them I will deactivate them. For the time being, I think that they give a unique touch to the app.
Maybe adding a background configuration in the settings to allow users to chose either blank or image background. On/Off toggle basically. I'm about to try this app, judging by the video it seems packed with features so I'm looking forward to having it. The oyster card thing looks good, I don't want to waste time checking at the station all the time or hoping I have enough.
The buses section doesn't work very well. Maybe a compass would help to understand which way is which. I guess we can use the journey planner if we are stuck somewhere. On my road the local bus is only shown as one direction. The tube part is good though, haven't tried the oyster card thing yet.
I use BusCount for bus information, it's pretty good, maybe you would want to look at that to see how they get all the information. Just a suggestion since it's spot on.
RED_ said:
Maybe adding a background configuration in the settings to allow users to chose either blank or image background. On/Off toggle basically.
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Let's update my todos.
RED_ said:
On my road the local bus is only shown as one direction.
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Can you give me the route number so that I check what goes wrong?
papajohn said:
Let's update my todos.
Can you give me the route number so that I check what goes wrong?
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Bus number is 462. It shows two buttons but both say "Departures not available. This is Tfl service so be patient". I presume that means it's a problem on their system. It works for other bus routes.

[APP] Shift Schedule Android™ app

Shift Schedule with alarm clock and handy month scroller for shift workers.
Sorry, but I have not permissions to post links yet
You can find it on Google Play by "Shift Schedule" name.
Main Program Features:
Unlimited count of schedules;
Shift color markup;
Independent shift alarm clock;
Easy switch between teams;
Easy schedule files sharing;
Day view (NEW);
Edit color for shift types;
Payment day indicators.
This is an application for Android™ which helps to organize a shift pattern for people who work in rotating shift as well as for their friends, as well as for all their friends, acquaintances and relatives.
Приложение позволяет создавать и отслеживать периодические посменные графики работы.
Shift Schedule allows to create and to trace periodical rotating shift schedules.
Analysing users’ experience of using such applications I learnt what main trouble for users is creating and adjusting own shift pattern. In Shift Schedule setup your patterns is made even more than easy. But if you have any ideas about making this process more easily, please email me or to technical support email.
Rotating shift work implies what on the same working place toil several teams which change each other.
Shift Schedule is the one among few applications, which consider this fact. Schedule concept is inextricably linked with team which works on it. Shifts and their order is the same for all teams but they are shifted in time. So when you will create your schedule, list all your shifts and go to “teams” tab. Here you can set team’s first shift date. Now you have your schedule adjusted!
Consider what you can not only type for each shift (Day shift, Swing shift and so on), but also its name for example as “1-st A”, “3-st B”.
Shift Schedule has built-in alarm clock. You can set alarm for each shift independently, and alarm settings do not depend from shift type. When you have alarms added, do not forget enable it in settings by enabling appropriate check box and select your schedule and team. When you will moved to another team, just specify new team in settings.
For coordinate your shifts with the ones from another schedule, application has Day Viewer feature. Make long press on calendar cell, and you will see screen where you will find shifts for all your teams from all your schedules. Scroll them horizontally to move to another date.
More information about another Shift Schedule features read on Google Play.
My future development plans:
Shift begin-end time and shift duration, work time statistic.
Add a couple widgets.
Setting the days (holidays, for example) which will not be counted in schedule
Function which you can suggest.
Application is absolutely free and without ads. The main motivation factor is your appreciation.
Shift Schedule 2.0.b
Hello again. There is new pre-release 2.0.b version available for final testing on Shift Schedule official site.
New features:
New main screen scroll engine;
New interface with ICS-like action bar;
Color markup is always anabled;
Go to date menu item;
4x4, 4x2 and 1x1 widgets;
Scrolling of your schedules back to last periods;
Creating four additional schedule templates on phone default language during clean installation.
Get it on
Welcome to testing and wait on Goolge Play soon!
first of all very nice app, i have searched / tried a lot since i need one and yours liked the most,
i have played with the settings but i couldn't set up a 4-day shift pattern
can you please help ?
4-day pattern
i2gh0st said:
first of all very nice app, i have searched / tried a lot since i need one and yours liked the most,
i have played with the settings but i couldn't set up a 4-day shift pattern
can you please help ?
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Thanks for using Shift Schedule
Speaking about 4-day shift pattern, I think it is something like in attachment. Unzip it to /sdcard/Android/com.ochkarik.shiftschedule/schedules where Shift Schedule can find it.
Also you can watch video about creating own schedule on application site.
ochkarik05 said:
Thanks for using Shift Schedule
Speaking about 4-day shift pattern, I think it is something like in attachment. Unzip it to /sdcard/Android/com.ochkarik.shiftschedule/schedules where Shift Schedule can find it.
Also you can watch video about creating own schedule on application site.
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Thanks, After a lot of testing, in the end i understood the logic
but i did make a mistake, i had set up the day off from 8am until 8am next day and everything gone wrong,
i had in the stat window 8 day shifts + 8 night shifts and 576 of total hours
so your reply i welcomed
A little request can you make a option in the appearance to have it look like shift calendar,
i like that i can view the teams first letter is the day shift second is the night, and if are more teams
something like ABC / second idea: in the square A up, B down
i2gh0st said:
A little request can you make a option in the appearance to have it look like shift calendar,
i like that i can view the teams first letter is the day shift second is the night, and if are more teams
something like ABC / second idea: in the square A up, B down
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Thanks for good idea and many thanks for donation
I'm thinking a lot about ability to show all teams for one day, shift calendar makes it by original way, but you need get used a little... It is no problem to do so if you have no more than 3 shifts per day - day, swing and night. But users asked me (and I did yet ) to add some other shift types. Version 3.8 will have additional shift types - Diurnal shift Type (or All Day Shift, I don't know how will be right in English), Morning Shift Type, and three user shift types. Also I have plans to add dialog for select additional indication type - user can select what to show - shift start time, alarm clock time or shift short name on the bottom of cell in calendar(Short name field will be added to shift editor). I can add something like "teams list" to this dialog, and user can select indication type you ask, but what logic I need to realize to get right indication string? (I understand if day will have morning, day, swing, night shifts, but what about rest types?)
ochkarik05 said:
Thanks for good idea and many thanks for donation
I'm thinking a lot about ability to show all teams for one day, shift calendar makes it by original way, but you need get used a little... It is no problem to do so if you have no more than 3 shifts per day - day, swing and night. But users asked me (and I did yet ) to add some other shift types. Version 3.8 will have additional shift types - Diurnal shift Type (or All Day Shift, I don't know how will be right in English), Morning Shift Type, and three user shift types. Also I have plans to add dialog for select additional indication type - user can select what to show - shift start time, alarm clock time or shift short name on the bottom of cell in calendar(Short name field will be added to shift editor). I can add something like "teams list" to this dialog, and user can select indication type you ask, but what logic I need to realize to get right indication string? (I understand if day will have morning, day, swing, night shifts, but what about rest types?)
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you locked me i got nothing
waiting for the next version.
i2gh0st said:
you locked me i got nothing
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It is because my poor English ((
Download link on application site now lead to 3.8. (I will update information on site a bit later). You can try it - make long press on calendar cell and select "Working teams" as indication type. For now it is on number format only (1234 instead ABCD). Is it what you want?
PS: Can somebody add links please (I have not permissions yet )
ochkarik05 said:
It is because my poor English ((
Download link on application site now lead to 3.8. (I will update information on site a bit later). You can try it - make long press on calendar cell and select "Working teams" as indication type. For now it is on number format only (1234 instead ABCD). Is it what you want?
PS: Can somebody add links please (I have not permissions yet )
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The Number format is not important, my teams are 1 2 3 and 4. There is a little bug in classic decoration mode where the team numbers are under the decoration, if you combine the working start time and above team numbers, It will look ok? Maybe the pop up widow will be composed of check boxes, with the condition of only to to be selected, because I don't think more info will enter in that box. eventually moving them (check box) up and down depending on user preferences.
About the team number's it think you should put a field somewhere in the team tab in settings, basically where user ca pot a initial for the team
PS: somewhere in the forum there ware 2 topics where you could post a few messages and pass that restriction of 10 posts or something, when I was registered there was none.
Updated to 3.9
Shift Schedule has been updated to 3.9
Classic decoration mode bug fixed
Additional indication selection moved from context to main menu.
"About shift" dialog calls by long tap on calendar cell.
Shift list in schedule settings is colored now.
4.0 released.
Now with JazzyViewPager - sliding animation effects of your choice!
ACRA (Application Crash Reports for Android) library injected.
Long press on Calendar cell bug (for Android 2.x) fixed.
I have plans to add feature for using external alarm clocks with my application. There are a lot of Alarm Clock applications with many clever features and some people want to use them with Shift Schedule. Now I'm looking for an Alarm Clock applications which support ACTION_SET_ALARM action. One of them is XTreme alarm clock. Also, of course, system alarm clock supports whis action. Does anybody want to have this feature?
It will be a cool feature but not necessary, I for example have a lot of alarm clocks, I get bored, every morning seeing the same screen.
Not that this will be a problem anymore since I got a shift job now. The idea is that there are many alarm clocks out there and you will create a problem for yourself supporting them, I'm not sure how it's done but If you need to support them individually you better not
Sent from my Desire S using xda premium
i2gh0st said:
If you need to support them individually you better not
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Oh, no :0) It's a bit easier. Instead turning on internal alarm clock I can just ask Android to do that for me. It will set system alarm clock or another one (if you have it, of course), which have support for broadcast message ACTION_SET_ALARM. Usually first time you will have dialog like on screenshot, and if you will check "Always", this application will be used default for all next actions.
System Alarm Clock has that advantage, what it works always (instead almost always as all other ones do on some devices) .
Okay then, Since I'm you're only fan from xda right now, I like it
Sent from my Desire S using xda premium
And, at last, I can post link to my application on Google Play.
By the way, it has very good positions in Russia - very close to first hundred of "Top Free in Productivity". I hope people here would help me to understand what is wrong with the application for English speaking users
Shift Schedule Translation
Hello again to all.
I have one review on Google Play for my app:
Very complicated with poor to little instructions This app looks good and has potential, but what let's it down is the translation. There are no obvious ways of adding a shift on a day by day basis and as a result, the app is not helpful me. However I can imagine the app being helpful if understood.
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It is true, and I need to do something with that situation.
Shift Schedule Home Site was updated and filled with a lot of information last weeks. Now I have started to translate it to English.
I know I'm not very good in English, so maybe somebody can point me to my mistakes and to places in manual what are not clear for understand.
After loading site is on Russian, but there are "eng" button in header, press on it to switch language.
Now only description of homepage, and part of page about creation own schedule are translated to English. Do you think I can continue or maybe I need to looking for somebody who make this job better?
Shift Schedule 5.0
Shift Schedule app has been updated to version 5.0
New features:
* Now with ads - Sorry but it is only the way to continue development
* External alarm clock support
* Backup/restore settings on sd-card
* Backup/restore schedules sd-card
* New widget 4x1 for only one schedule
* Markup of Weekends in "Show All Schedules" view
* "Disable labels" ability for widget 4x1 (2 teams)
* "Working teams ABC" indication mode added
You can read about using external alarm here:
The app is wonderful, once you understand it (it took me some time and still wasn't ok, until you helped me)
I'll take a look at the site, on my next shift
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Creating a Schedule Walk-through
One lady from US gave me some help and created this document to help users understand how to get start with "shift schedule".
I'm grateful to her very much, and I think, many of you will be grateful to her too.
Testing new versions
If somebody wants to test new versions of ShiftSchedule, here is the way to do so:
1) Join to the Shift Schedule community
2) Go to the link:
For now new version 5.1 is available to final beta testing. New features:
* Moving to sd-card ability added(beta)
* More shift patterns added
* "Select template" feature during the new schedule creation.
* Online help menu item.
* Some improvements in 4х1 (1 team) widget.
* The notification behavior for external alarm corrected.
* Some bugs fixed.
For now it supports a lot of schedule patterns from start, select the closest and correct it as you want.
New online step-by-step manual is available here:

[APP][3.0+] Toolkit: W - The unofficial calander and organizer for GoW

Hi all just released the beta of my latest app. Toolkit W is a non-official calendar and organizer that will let allow you to play the popular android app GoW more proactively. It like having your own watchtower guard in your city that will remind you to need to log in before certain events occur such as troops returning from marches, or your shields are about to expire. The W stands for (Watchguard) however actual name of the app is Toolkit: W
This app has taken about 2 and a half months of work to produce. One more month than i had planned. It utilizes the Standout library found here on xda hence it is a is a multitasking-enabled app that can run the same time as other apps. TW have been designed with transparent windows so you can easily enter data from GoW into TW.
Since this is my second standout library app I was able to spend more time working with that library. This is probably the first Standout library on the Playstore that has working dialog boxes. Currently services comprise of 95% of the app. All visible windows are services, there is also a lot of background services that may run
the moment the app in beta stage so it has less than 10% of the full planned feature set.
Currently TW lets you:
*Bookmark Cities and rss; and view march times to all bookmarked targets.
*Gives you a reminder 1 minute before a march returns home from City attacks or an RSS gathering. Great if you don't want your collected food to eaten away before you can use it.
*Provide a detailed Activity Analysis. At any time whether your you army is attacking, gathering, or returning.
You can see the time taken for the whole activity. ie you can see the total time it takes to March out, gather and return.
Average gathering speed. Determines the average gathering speed taking into account time to March to location.
*Reminders will work when phone goes into sleep when app is still running. Option to disable reminders from the TW when you exit TW No annoying sounds when you sleep. (Note: this does not affect GoW reminders.)
*Launch GoW from any application or game you might be playing. Or launch from the notification bar when your attention is required.
*Fully offline. You can keep track of your current gathering or attack progress without an Internet access.
.....[You can read more details on the play store]
Feel free to download this app and give it a try. Hopefully I've found all the major bugs in this beta release. Tell me what you think and if its easy to use. As for the color theme and layout i've given that very little thought feel free to offer suggestions on a theme or what i should change.
Note if you have issues with the Monster RSS gather times I've put an update already through which appear to propagated through but who knows.
Disclaimer: This app was released by Aidedesk Studios and is NOT endorsed and is NOT affiliated with Machine Zone games the developer of GoW
A small update has been applied.
*Fixed battery drain bug, if the app was running when the phone was in sleep.
*Fixed some missing text info and minor bugs
beta v1.23 is out
*Added boost items. Now you can track shields and other boost. You will receive a distinct notification sound when your shields are about to go so you wont ignore thinking its just an ordinary notification.
*Further reduced memory footprint. Currently the War Room Window is using 7mb less memory then version 1.0.
Beta Warning: If this app crashes when the screen is on you will need to run the app again to restart any reminders.
Planned for upcoming versions:
*Low Battery Mode (Toolkit W will consume 30-75% less power when screen is on) Does not affect GoW battery drain.
*Post Alert Reminder. See a list of timers that have just been completed.
*Simply Rally. Track Rally timers up to 8 hours that are supposed to be cancelled before a march out.

[APP][4.0+] Flym Fork RSS Reader

RSS reader offline fulltext articles with images, optimized for traffic economy
This is a separate branch of the Flym RSS reader application
Main functions:
- RSS feeds of articles
- search for by keyword when adding feed
- download offline full-text versions of articles with images
- import / export of the channel list from OPML
- filter articles by keywords or regular expressions
- full screen reading mode
From the modified:
- loading articles from site without rss (all site links will be loaded as articles)
- keyword to mark articles as favourite when loading new ones (with notification)
- collapsing (folding) the groups of feeds
- swype article left|right to mark read|favourite
- the ability to hide read articles per channel
- bold type of reading articles
- view shared link from other app (e.x. browser) in app mobilized
- limit the number of downloadable images of the article
- the ability to download individual images of the article
- a detailed description of the process of downloading articles to understand what the application is doing at the moment
- the counter of the consumed traffic
- setting up automatic marking of articles as read while scrolling the list
- setting the display of the text of articles in the article list (these two items are useful for reading forums)
- tap area to go to the next / previous page while reading the article
- quick transition to full screen mode and back, as well as showing / hiding the action bar
- much more ...
apk View attachment ru.yanus171.feedexfork_0.7.9_107.apk
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Google play:
This app does NOT synchronize with online news feed readers (i.e. Feedly)
This application is free, without ads, open source
Feedback and suggestions are welcome
Amazing! The best of its kind!
Flym Fork is everything I wanted a RSS reader to be. It's interface is very similar to Flym which I was already using when I discovered Flym Fork. I prefer Flym Fork because it is updated regularly (basic Flym hasn't been updated since march 2017).
I can easily filter RSS feeds with keywords. I can customize the RSS lists like I've never been able to before (I can see a picture preview, the title AND a preview of the content).
I'll subscribe to this thread with hopes that this app will grow with even more options!
---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 PM ----------
Hey there, I noticed a strange issue but I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong. It would be nice if someone can explain what is my issue.
I'll show it with a simple example :
It returned nothing within Flym Fork BUT I can see one entry from it's original http URL :
Today, I deleted the feed and entered it again. Now it shows the entry.
I wonder if a "restart" feature would be useful for this sort of scenario. I see many advantages for it :
if I accidentaly deleted entries and I wanted them back, I could hit the restart button on this specific feed and everything would be trashed and loaded back again. Right?
Talking about deleted entries, maybe a trash bin with a custom cache time (like 24 hours) would be useful?
I'm just throwing ideas in. If there is already an option that allows to do what I want, I would be glad to hear how to do it.
Thank you!
Hello !
A RSS-reader is one of the main - and the key apps I use on a daily basis. What I mean by "the key app" is that I highly value being up-to-date with all of things I find interesting and important.
Over the years I've been using several RSS-clients. At some point I've met one particular app which seemed promising - but over the time ads were added and using the app wasn't convenient any more. To make matters worse splash-screen has been introduced - which also slowed the app (in the long run I find very important to be able just to instantly open an app).
So I needed the research again - to find another RSS-reader which could be right for Me. During the research one thing I found strange: several apps looked pretty similar to the one I've described before. Soon I've discovered Flym and its various forks, i.a. FlymFork by Yanus171. I picked a few which seemed most promising and contacted their developers (including the original app), equipped with some insights and key-requests which I've found crucial (like - for example - being able to enlarge text-size or switching articles by volume buttons). Only one person answered - that way I've discovered an app which I use to this day. Moreover, the app is more and more convincing and appealing - because new features are introduced, which also make a big difference in terms of both usability and user-experience as such. This is also why I am interested in this app's development: I'd love to see it growing, being more user-friendly (especially regarding average users, which requires a proper attitude) and a little bit more elegant and flexible. All of that is My dream which I'm brave to have because of how promising the app is now - and its Developer seems to be open-minded, generally responsive to various requests, ideas and loose thoughts.
What I find most useful so far:
User-friendly text size:
You can enlarge both article's - and articles list' text size - separately (which is important). It is crucial for Me because of limited vision/eyesight, I highly need big text and only in FlymFork I've found sufficient level of text size in articles and articles' lists. I guess there are not many users with limited eyesight out there - but that "trivial" tiny thing like enlarging text-size to pretty big may be crucial and final factor allowing some users to just using the app, let alone using it conveniently.
Convenient reading:
switching articles by volume buttons, "tap areas" and remembering the position of reading per article. All those features are fundamental in terms of usability, how easily and fluently You can use the app. I use volume buttons to switch next/prev articles - and combine it with tapping on top or bottom of the screen to scroll it up/downward. This way You can browse/read articles very easily and quickly - especially given that displayed articles are automatically marked as read. I find especially amazing that by tapping the top or bottom area - it scrolls exactly the whole content of the single screen - no matter where I've scrolled it before. Besides it's very convenient to have that ability to scroll the text exactly one page down/up - in case if You use volume buttons not to scroll, but to switch articles. On top of that FlymFork remembers where You've stopped reading all the articles - which is also very helpful.
Killer feature: Important Articles (so far it is known as a filter "mark as starred"). I subscribe several RSS channels and browse them when I have some "spare time" between other - main activities I'm highly into. As I've mentioned before, it's important for Me to be up-to-date with all I find interesting (several matters represented by favorite RSS channels). As far as subscribed channels are concerned, among these You may find information which You consider high-priority (maybe it requires an urgent action/checking out/etc.). One example could be posts on time-limited offers: if You check RSS news only from time to time (like Me, during "spare-time-windows" ) - it's easy to miss any urgent info. But if You'd be notified right after that kind of high-priority info shows up - it could be a game-changer. In other words: regardless of how often You are able to check the (RSS) news - You no longer miss anything important.
Read It Later (so far it is called "starred items"). My approach to RSS is that sometimes I have the time to read something - or just to quickly browse articles to pick up potentially interesting ones to read later. A wonderful thing is that I can put interesting articles "on the buck burner" with the certainty that they won't dissapear - regardless of time span I chose in the app's settings. This is another feature I find crucial in terms of how much this app is really helpful and useful in everyday life, fitting in various lifestyles (more or less time to read).
Kind requests - what I think would be a good idea to implement and make the app growing:
I. Nomenclature - be more user-friendly.
I think there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of how the app communicates with users - especially keeping in mind average users who just want to be up-to-date with all they like/they are interested in. No need to be a computer geek, power user, etc. I'm sure there are many users who don't know what RSS is - but would be definitely interested in being in touch with all which is important to them (via RSS channels). It would be sufficient to supply an app which will communicate with them using non-technical language, this way being more comprehensive, avoiding various potential confusions derived out of "non-technicality". I think this is a good idea to care about average people - not only users with the knowledge, however basic or advanced. I'd like to see the app which I could use without knowing all the technical details - FlymFork would be excellent being that way - and in the same time maintaining more "geeky" features somewhere "under the hood" (like - for example - handling websites with no RSS feed!). As a result both user-bases would be content: power users with their needs - and average users with almost no technical knowledge and nomenclature in mind.
Moreover, by implementing various "touch-ups" within the nomenclature itself the app would become more human = more friendly. And this would be one of key-factor to choose FlymFork instead of any other app.
I would suggests several touch-ups:
Rename "Favorites" as "Read It Later".
I think it would be definitely more precise and understandable than "favorite". Imagine You are an average - non-technical user. Then imagine You see "Read It Later" option in the app: it's very easy to know what that feature is for. But why I (or an average user) could "mark something as favorite"...? I think it would be much more convincing to put it as "Read It Later".
"Articles" instead of "entries" or "posts".
This one is a request of similar mold as previous one. Although there are many users (programmers? ) who are accustomed to name things as "entries"/"items" - there are even more users for whose it would be much more friendly to name things simply as "articles": more human, more understandable, without need to think "Do I really know for sure what does 'the entry' mean?". So I highly suggest to change "entries" into "articles" app-wide, everywhere where a word "entry" (or "entries") is used - to change it into "article/articles". For example, instead of notification message "XX new entries" I would suggest "XX new articles". Moreover, for FlymFork to be more friendly I would love to see it put as "You have XX new articles to browse." . It would be so exciting to use an app which is so friendly - on a daily basis ! Small change, but big impact - I'm sure the angel (not the devil) is in the details .
"Updating (which could take some time), please wait..." instead of "updating" - and "You have XX new articles to browse." instead of "XX new entries".
While updating, FlymFork displays two notifications: one is displayed only temporarily and contained originally only the time of the update - the other informs how many new articles has arrived. Since the temporary one is often displayed even a few minutes - it could be a little bit confusing. Fortunately now it has been changed into "updating" - now I know what is happening and why I'm still seeing this notification on the bar. To make it accordingly more friendly (as I've pointed out earlier) I would suggest to change sole "updating" into "Updating (which could take some time), please wait...". This way there is no place for any confusion or uncertainty on what is happening - moreover, users are now prepared that updating can take some time, and it's not complete yet (and this is important information). When updating is complete, FlymFork displays a notification "XX new entries" - I would suggest to change it into "You have XX new articles to browse." - again, to make it more human/more friendly/more understandable. I think many users would appreciate it.
"Important Articles" instead of "Mark(ed) as starred".
I refer to the 'Important Articles' concept I've mentioned before. Many people would benefit from this feature if it would be clear what is it for. I think what would help is to rename it from "Mark as starred" (in the filter configuration) / "Marked as starred" (in the notification) - to "Notify on Important Articles" (in the filter config.) and "New Important Article" (as notification).
"Full articles instead of excerpts" instead of "retrieve full text" - again: more understandable for average users.
If I will notice another instances where we could have the app communicating with the user in a more friendly way - I'll let You know, but those above are essential because they are most often seen by users while using the app.
II. Multiple fonts.
I think the more flexible an app is - the wider user-base it can reach (because it can meet more individual tastes). Ability to change the article font (as well as the font of articles' list - it may be one setting for all) could make more users smile . For example, I would especially recommend the font "Lato Light" for it resembles widely known "Roboto Light" propagated by Google, but in My opinion is more "fluid" and elegant - or less "edgy", to put it differently. Wherever I can, I use Lato Light - it could be great to have it here ! More information on Lato font You can find here (I recommend to read the 'about' section for those who are interested in typography - You will find interesting information there!):
III. Progress bar.
With limited sight I could barely notice its existence - but it looks like great idea, to have that subtle progress bar accompanying reading and indicating how much we are engrossed in the content . I think this bar would be, however, a little bit visible - and still subtle (I'd love to be able to set My own color to it!). Now the hour displayed next to it is so tiny... The progress bar being so small has no use for Me - but it does would be useful if a little bit bigger and placed on the background (of the color according to app's theme). BTW, not everybody is interested in being always informed what time is it - so it would be definitely great to be able to turn off displaying the time alongside progress bar somewhere in the options.
IV. FTP synchronization.
Although this is not crucial - I think it would be something making FlymFork considerably standing out, especially if You consider that FlymFork "does NOT synchronize with online news feed readers (i.e. Feedly)". I think it would be much better to be able to synchronize several things over the FTP. I saw that feature in Anki - an Android app to memorizing. On one side it has its own cloud with the synchronization service - but on the other it offers its users an ability to synchronize via their own FTP server (!). I find this feature amazing and - although I'm not a developer - I guess it would be done: to implement synchronization via user-defined FTP server. It should synchronize everything needed for fluent, transparent usage of FlymFork on multiple devices. An ideal effect should be not to feel that anything changed when You grab another device. So we need synchronization:
[*]List of subscribed RSS feeds/channels.
Status of reading (which articles are read, which not yet - and which are marked as starred/Read It Later - plus notification on Important Articles).
Position of reading per article.
Last viewed article (if enabled in settings).
Also FlymFork should notify if any problems with accesing an FTP server occurs - as well as on successful synchronization. Besides, it would be good to be able to choose the synchronization's interval somewhere in settings.
I'm not sure if would it be possible but maybe You could add a Google Drive as another place to synchronize?
V. Localization.
Although I'm all right with using the app communicating in English - I know there are many users who don't know the language, using their own native one. In My case it is Polish - and I would be interested in translating the app into Polish in order for FlymFork to communicate in this language when Polish Android instance is detected. What do You think about it?
Multiple "External link" items on the sidebar.
Using the app over the time there are many "External link" items on the bar - which contain an error message ("Error: attempt to invoke...") and seem to be useless. If I suppose correctly that they are not necessary - it would be definitely great to hide them in order to the sidebar not being littered.
"Setting up automatic marking of articles as read while scrolling the list".
I can't find or observe this option in action - where is exactly located? Is it possible to turn it on/off? If no, would it be (I think it would be a good idea)?
I wanted to cover all topics but I think it would be better to publish it now and add any further remarks at some later point - this way You could make FlymFork better earlier . So I hope You find the ideas described above useful.
Kind regards,
Thomas Leigh
First of all thank you for app reviews. They will infulence the app development.
volt26 said:
I wonder if a "restart" feature would be useful for this sort of scenario. I see many advantages for it :
if I accidentaly deleted entries and I wanted them back, I could hit the restart button on this specific feed and everything would be trashed and loaded back again. Right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After you have refreshed the feed the last update time is remembered, and the subsequent refresh will only load the articles after that date|time. There is a Delete all option in artcile list menu which also resets the last feed date time. After that operation, subsequent refresh will load all articles that exist in the feed. But there may be loaded articles in FlymFork, which do not exist in feeds (feed contains only last several articles). Such artciles would NOT be loaded after Delete all operation
TJMulder said:
"Setting up automatic marking of articles as read while scrolling the list"
I can't find or observe this option in action - where is exactly located? Is it possible to turn it on/off? If no, would it be (I think it would be a good idea)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Long tap on feed and check Show article text in list. In this mode atricles are makred as read automatically while scrolling (It was a bit hard to realized that feature). This mode is very usefull to with short text articles, like forum post which have RSS. (But now it is possible even without RSS)
Buy the way in the next app release View attachment ru.yanus171.feedexfork_0.7.2_100.apk there will be a new feed setting Load type that allows to load the url not as RSS, but as webpage. So we can load the articles from webpages which do not have RSS In such a case all web page links are loaded as articles, and the url is also loaded as article too (It isritythe first). To reduce the amount of links the filter should be applyed to feed. You'd better temporaly turn on Show articles url setting for that.
It is very handy to filter using regular expressions checkbox. But I realize that requires advanced knowledge. But you can mail me and I will give you required regexp filter for your page.
yanus171 said:
Long tap on feed and check Show article text in list. In this mode atricles are makred as read automatically while scrolling (It was a bit hard to realized that feature). This mode is very usefull to with short text articles, like forum post which have RSS. (But now it is possible even without RSS)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank You for pointing out. Indeed it works - and it works in a gently way: not marking articles as read just after they disappear from the screen, but a little bit later (scrolling-wise).
It is amazing feature and it would be excellent to have it working in the "Unread" list, would it be possible? I mean article text displayed also in the "Unread" list, alongside marking them as read while scrolling.
I am getting an error with this link
At line 45, column 264: undefined entity null
Zragon said:
I am getting an error with this link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this version
TJMulder said:
Thank You for pointing out. Indeed it works - and it works in a gently way: not marking articles as read just after they disappear from the screen, but a little bit later (scrolling-wise).
It is amazing feature and it would be excellent to have it working in the "Unread" list, would it be possible? I mean article text displayed also in the "Unread" list, alongside marking them as read while scrolling.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, i have about 90 feed sources and receive 1K news to read.
I need something to sort out what i need to read and save what i will read (read later feature will be really useful too)
I'm currently using Aggregator RSS (
I recently noticed flym fork. I's really good.
Take a look at Aggregator, maybe you'll find something to implement in flym fork.
I use RSS everyday.
Thanks for your app.
4Freedom said:
Yeah, i have about 90 feed sources and receive 1K news to read.
I need something to sort out what i need to read and save what i will read (read later feature will be really useful too)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What about set as favourite button?
4Freedom said:
Take a look at Aggregator, maybe you'll find something to implement in flym fork.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe YOU will point me to features usefull fo YOU?
By the way here is new version View attachment ru.yanus171.feedexfork_0.7.9_107.apk
- min auto update battery level
- setting to not display read article count
- language select setting
- font size sttings were enlarged
- Android 8 compability
- bug fixes
yanus171 said:
Try this version
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tested and working.
yanus171 said:
What about set as favourite button?
Maybe YOU will point me to features usefull fo YOU?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, of course.
Here is a list of point about why I am using Aggregator right now.
It does not want to be a criticism for its own sake, but a list from which to take inspiration.:good:
LONG PRESS on feed list allow me to "mark as read", "create exclusion rule" and "share".
WEBSITE ICON option to view website icon instead on letters/images (Main page) .
SPEED It took about 7 minutes to fetch all feeds, vs 1 minute by Aggregator.
NETWORK USAGE 90MB used vs 3MB used by Aggregator. EDIT: Probably related to images.
GUI I think Aggregator has a better implementation of the material design guidelines (Layout/Icon/Menu/Sidebar) .
Custom refresh interval per feed?
Hello, I still use Flym Fork and I love it! It's that great!
I do have a feature suggestion that would totally change the game for me (and probably other users) : can we set a custom refresh interval per feed? I have some feeds that must be refreshed every 5 minutes while some of my other feeds can be refreshed once a day.
Right now, EVERYTHING is refreshed on the same timer.. It generates a lot of useless refreshes on some of my RSS feeds. It generates data and battery usage that I can avoid.
Thank you!
Flym Fork+TTS
Flym Fork is amazing app. I promised to write something how I use it. So:
I have some RSS sources with interesting articles, but no time to read. But when I travel or do something boring housework, I have time to listen.
So I often use menu option "share all text" and send them to @voice app. (Resp. option @voice add to list".)
I collect list of interesting stories and when I have time I listen it.
If you want use @voice, you need good TTS system with good natural voices. For me is the best option "Vocalizer", where I bought some good voices. (For English I like UK English Serena, for Czech language Iveta.)
I also use it for reading books in FBreader and "Cool reader" apps.
That is all Flym Fork is one of my most useful app.
Best regards
I have two issues.
I set it to retrieve full text but I'm getting an error 404 instead.
#2 (from
Full text works but this content extract rule does not work:
Hi guys.
First thanks dev, this app is awesome.
I just experience some trouble with the widget which is not updating. Any idea?
I'm on EMUI Oreo with Lawnchair launcher.
Tried to disable all battery oriented settings for both the launcher and this app without success.
Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks for your help.
Did you tick the option to let the app always run in background aside from disabling battery optimization? I had trouble wirh some messengers if that wasn't enabled.
x2k13 said:
Did you tick the option to let the app always run in background aside from disabling battery optimization? I had trouble wirh some messengers if that wasn't enabled.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, the app updates well, it's just the widget which is not updating
Hello @yanus171,
at first thank you for Flym Fork (Handy News Reader). I did a pull request for the german translation update. Would you send me a beta please to check if all strings are right?
Thank you and happy christmas

