[GUIDE] [HOW-TO] How to invoke an app from settings - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 Android Development

Many of the members asked me how did I call another app from settings in this post.
This is a tutorial showing how to do that. You can implement it in any other app as well.
Things required:
1. A settings.apk from any device. (Just for tutorial purpose, can be done on any other app)
2. An apk decompiling/compiling tool (I use apktool)
3. Some icons to make it look better
4. The apk of the app you wanna invoke
And we are ready to rock :victory:
Decompile settings.apk
[FONT="Courier New"]apktool if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\apktool\framework\1.apk
apktool d -f Settings.apk out
I: Baksmaling...
testI: Loading resource table..
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Loading resource table from
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding values*/* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...[/FONT]
Open out/res/values/strings.xml
Go to the end of the file and add this code
[FONT="Courier New"]
<string name="example_settings">Example settings</string>[/SIZE]
You can give any name to the string, just remember it.
Open out/res/values/xml/settings.xml
Now here you see a lot of xml coding. Every line is for a setting option. Figure out where you want to place the new option. Here we will add option to the end of the code, i.e. the last option
Just above the line
[FONT="Courier New"]
<com.android.settings.IconPreferenceScreen android:title="@string/[COLOR="Lime"]example_settings[/COLOR]" settings:icon="@drawable/[COLOR="SeaGreen"]icon_name[/COLOR]">
<intent android:targetPackage=[COLOR="Magenta"]"it.sineo.android.noFrillsCPU"[/COLOR] android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" android:targetClass=[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"it.sineo.android.noFrillsCPU.activity.MainActivity"[/COLOR] />
Well the green part is the icon name. The icon can be placed in drawable-ldpi or mdpi or hdpi folders. Be sure to paste the same icon name to the green part, excluding the file format(.png).
In the above code, the line
[/COLOR] here, "example_settings" is replaced by the name you gave in res/values/strings.xml. (Step2)
Where did we get the values in pink and sky blue
Decompile third party app
Here, we will use No-Frills CPU for heaven's sake
[FONT="Courier New"]apktool d -f nofrills.apk cpu[/SIZE]
Don't worry if errors, we just want AnrdoidManifest.xml
Open the AndroidManifest.xml of third party app
Find the code
[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="RED"] package= [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Mostly on the first line.
After =, whatever is in quotes is your package name. This is what is your pink text in settings.xml (step3).
Copy and paste it as it is
Again in AndroidManifest.xml, find the main activity name. Mostly developers name main activity as Main or MainActivity. You will find it as
in this case.
Copy it and in settings.xml, the text in sky blue is the main activity name. It should be written as
[Color="Magenta"]package name[/color] MainActivity name
So we get
This is your sky blue text in settings.xml (step3)
Copy and paste it as it is
Compile Settings.apk
apktool b out
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
I: Building apk file...
Pre-Final step
Perform the following steps
Open the folder "out" or the one you compiled in
Go to build/apk/
Copy "[color="red"]res[/color]" and "[color="red"]resources.arsc[/color]"
Open stock Settings.apk with 7zip
Paste res folder and resources.arsc here. (overwrite)
Push settings.apk
Copy modified settings.apk on sdcard
Connect mobile and enable usb debug. Don't connect in usb storage mode
Using adb, insert the code
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system/ /system/
busybox cp /sdcard/Settings.apk /system/app/
mount -o ro,remount /system/ /system/
Thats it. If you have any problems, post here.
hit thanks if i helped

Good Job.
Can you include a tutorial for hiding this(or any other) app from app drawer as well ?
That'll be beneficial too.

CharsiBabu said:
Can you include a tutorial for hiding this(or any other) app from app drawer as well ?
That'll be beneficial too.
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I know what you did there LOL.
Jokes apart, I will surely try. Post if succeeded

Yes, definitely would be a plus..i wanna hide some apps from drawer too..like no frills shortcut with evo rom

if u wanna remov any app icon from app drawer then just decompile that app and edit its android manifest file..
you ll find this code
just remove these lines and recompile and install that app..
and that app will get hide frm app drawer
---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------
ronnieryan said:
Yes, definitely would be a plus..i wanna hide some apps from drawer too..like no frills shortcut with evo rom
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read the above post..

Man none of your guides require a [DEV] tag -_- *group facepalm :/*

nolinuxnoparty said:
Man none of your guides require a [DEV] tag -_- *group facepalm :/*
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edited. now are you ok with it?

to hide app from drawer, search this on manifest of app that would be hidden
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
then, LAUNCHER replace with DEFAULT
nb: sometimes, need a sign all app on system

Nitzz said:
if u wanna remov any app icon from app drawer then just decompile that app and edit its android manifest file..
you ll find this code
just remove these lines and recompile and install that app..
and that app will get hide frm app drawer
---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------
read the above post..
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ocoot said:
to hide app from drawer, search this on manifest of app that would be hidden
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
then, LAUNCHER replace with DEFAULT
nb: sometimes, need a sign all app on system
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thanks for the replies, will try and report asap.

Thanx for the guide will try it now
Sent from my GT-S6102 using xda app-developers app

Is it possible that this could just not work at some points? Tried while it was a normal app, even converted to system app and it just doesn't work.
And no, I haven't inserted the codes wrongly, a few weeks ago I did this without any problems but it just doesn't seem to work for a particular app. Any idea of the causes?
EDIT: Problem solved.

Mitko said:
Is it possible that this could just not work at some points? Tried while it was a normal app, even converted to system app and it just doesn't work.
And no, I haven't inserted the codes wrongly, a few weeks ago I did this without any problems but it just doesn't seem to work for a particular app. Any idea of the causes?
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just take your time with the main activity name.
EDIT: nice that it workd. you may now press the magic button

Super noob question sir, how to add the icons that we prepared before ?


Akhyarrh said:
Super noob question sir, how to add the icons that we prepared before ?
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Use the code
after stringname. Image be in any of drawable-ldpi/mdpi/hdpi folders. Adding the code to post#1 tonight.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

SaketJoshi said:
Use the code
after stringname. Image bw in any of drawable-ldpi/mdpi/hdpi folders. Adding the code to post#1 tonight.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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Thx so much sir. Will wait your guide :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2


Akhyarrh said:
Thx so much sir. Will wait your guide :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
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added the changes for icons. :laugh:

To get main activity, we can use holo launcher, so easy btw
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2

Akhyarrh said:
To get main activity, we can use holo launcher, so easy btw
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
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What? Can you explain?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app


Location of ICS background file?

My i9000 has a slight issue in displaying greys and the settings menu and any other app that uses it look awful on my phone.
All I want to know is the location the background is stored so I can change it to an all black background. I've asked this question in many different threads and no one had answered me yet. So many thanks to whoever tells me.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Vertron said:
My i9000 has a slight issue in displaying greys and the settings menu and any other app that uses it look awful on my phone.
All I want to know is the location the background is stored so I can change it to an all black background. I've asked this question in many different threads and no one had answered me yet. So many thanks to whoever tells me.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
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It will most probably be in framework-res.apk in /system/framework/
I'm not sure about ICS, but in my ancient version it's in framework-res.apk
You may have it in different screen resolutions.
Are you talking about the homescreen background?
You could always just do it the 'old fashioned' way..
Open paint (or similar)
Create a canvas the size of your phone resolution, paint all black. Save as a file and add to your phone. Change background using the menus and pick your black file.
Would probably take less time than pulling, inserting, and pushing framework-res. And you'd have the file on your sd card to re-apply should you do any updates (you'd need to modify framework-res again, unless the rom update didn't require changes and you could flash the old framework-res)
Renate NST said:
I'm not sure about ICS, but in my ancient version it's in framework-res.apk
You may have it in different screen resolutions.
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he wants the background of stuff like settings and all
aqnd said:
Are you talking about the homescreen background?
You could always just do it the 'old fashioned' way..
Open paint (or similar)
Create a canvas the size of your phone resolution, paint all black. Save as a file and add to your phone. Change background using the menus and pick your black file.
Would probably take less time than pulling, inserting, and pushing framework-res. And you'd have the file on your sd card to re-apply should you do any updates (you'd need to modify framework-res again, unless the rom update didn't require changes and you could flash the old framework-res)
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He wants app background, not launcher background
QuantumFoam said:
It will most probably be in framework-res.apk in /system/framework/
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Yeah I think it's in here somewhere. Now I've just got to find the image. Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Oh! Then what you need is in /system/framework/framework-res.apk,
but the part you want is in /res/values/styles.xml
That has all the default theme, "Theme".
The theme for settings inherits off that, maybe "Theme.Dialog"
All of that references specific style elements and colors in /res/values/colors.xml
Renate NST said:
Oh! Then what you need is in /system/framework/framework-res.apk,
but the part you want is in /res/values/styles.xml
That has all the default theme, "Theme".
The theme for settings inherits off that, maybe "Theme.Dialog"
All of that references specific style elements and colors in /res/values/colors.xml
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I've looked in /res but there is no values folder for some reason. Where else could it be?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Vertron said:
I've looked in /res but there is no values folder for some reason. Where else could it be?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
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Decompile framework-res.apk using apktool then open the decompiled folder.
In res/drawable, most of the background XMLs are stored. Search for one that holds the background details. However, it won't be easy. I suggest u ask a recognized themer to help u, or use the UOT kitchen
Ok I've found the png file. It's in res/drawable-nodpi/background_holo_dark.png
An older version of the rom I'm using had an all black image, so I'll use that png file to replace the current one.
Now do I have to simply change the image to the all black one or is out more complicated than that?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
I've also found the xml in;
Will changing the line <item state_activated="true" to <item state_activated="false" disable the png file, forcing it to change to all black?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Now that u know where it is, take a black PNG and add it to the archive of framework-res so that u wont have to recompile and sign the apk. Just make sure u get the correct folder.
And don't touch the XML. Just replace the png
QuantumFoam said:
Now that u know where it is, take a black PNG and add it to the archive of framework-res so that u wont have to recompile and sign the apk. Just make sure u get the correct folder.
And don't touch the XML. Just replace the png
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How do I add it to the archive of framework-res.apk? I assume you have to copy the apk to a PC and add it by winzip or something? I'm using root explorer to view it atm.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Vertron said:
How do I add it to the archive of framework-res.apk? I assume you have to copy the apk to a PC and add it by winzip or something? I'm using root explorer to view it atm.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
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Yes. Do it by winRAR or Winzip
How do I put the modified framework-res.apk back into system/framework? I don't think I can just overwrite it using root explorer.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
Vertron said:
How do I put the modified framework-res.apk back into system/framework? I don't think I can just overwrite it using root explorer.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
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U can overwrite it using root explorer. However I use adb.
Use this command in adb
adb push C:\framework-res.apk /system/framework/
Assuming ur modified framework is in C:\
I know it's a bit late, but I finally managed to do it. The hardest thing was creating an update.zip to apply the change.
You could have just pushed it with adb.....
---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------
Or used some one else's flashable zip and just removed the custom content and put yours in
AshtonTS said:
You could have just pushed it with adb.....
---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------
Or used some one else's flashable zip and just removed the custom content and put yours in
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I tried that on a theme update.zip for my rom, it wouldn't let me edit the contents of the zip for some reason.
I used root explorer rather than adb and the phone rebooted straight away and wouldn't get past the boot screen...

[GUIDE][MOD] Enable navigation bar 4.2.2

This is a quick dev guide to enable navigation bar for S4. Tested on I9505 but should work here also.
Decompile SystemUI.apk go to res/values/drawables and add:
<item type="drawable" name="tw_navigationbar_bg">#ff000000</item>
Now download attached files and copy files to corresponding folders in SystemUI.apk if folder does not exist(drawables-xhdpi) create it.
Compile SystemUI.apk and push to device (nothing will happen yet) Just to check device boots fine.
Now use any buil.prop editor and add line:
You can also enable it now through framework-res method.
Reboot and your done.
Please hit thanks and give credits.
There is no values folder in res.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
adichandra said:
There is no values folder in res.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
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Have you decompiled systemui.apk ? Or you have just opened the apk file?
Sent from my Octa Core S4
Just opened the apk. I dont have any idea how to decompile that. Any guide?
Can you just serve the zip that i can easily flash in cwm?
Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk 2
I have found this but when I click it the installation window opens. So should I proceed there? Please if you could add a few more steps to explain then noobs like us will be able to follow.
ok now i know we have to use apktool etc. Most people couldnt get it working so what would be the best tool?
gharrington said:
This is a quick dev guide to enable navigation bar for S4. Tested on I9505 but should work here also.
Decompile SystemUI.apk go to res/values/drawables and add:
<item type="drawable" name="tw_navigationbar_bg">#ff000000</item>
Now download attached files and copy files to corresponding folders in SystemUI.apk if folder does not exist(drawables-xhdpi) create it.
Compile SystemUI.apk and push to device (nothing will happen yet) Just to check device boots fine.
Now use any buil.prop editor and add line:
You can also enable it now through framework-res method.
Reboot and your done.
Please hit thanks and give credits.
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Wonder how to do it if my rom is odexed ?
I dont think this thread is supported anymore
This worked exceptionally well on my T-Mobile GS4 (M919).
I'll slip a thanks your way!
Please can you give details step by step for apks to use to compile and decompile etc for us simple people who want the navigation keys.
Use this tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2195680
For odexed rom don't care about odex file as you won't need to change smali files.
Styrke said:
Use this tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2195680
For odexed rom don't care about odex file as you won't need to change smali files.
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Can you post a pre-made SystemUI?
arian44 said:
Can you post a pre-made SystemUI?
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Bump that...Tried figuring out decompiling myself, but it's a nightmare.
Tried decompiling and then following the instructions. Lots of hang ups. Isnt there an easier way?
Is there an easy way? Thanks
Enviado desde mi GT-I9500 usando Tapatalk
arian44 said:
Can you post a pre-made SystemUI?
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I would second that as a request.
eldecanopy said:
Is there an easy way? Thanks
Enviado desde mi GT-I9500 usando Tapatalk
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Add this to the end of the build.prop file in system/
You have to use an alternate launcher though, but it works.
rohan999 said:
Add this to the end of the build.prop file in system/
You have to use an alternate launcher though, but it works.
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This used to work very well with S3 but did not work on i9500 S4. I'll try again.
I dont know how I changed permission but on S4 its showing read only and does not take changes . Can you please guide as to how you changed to read-write for build prop
No that doesnt work. Says systemUI has stopped. I remember that from last time and tried again through rom toolbar
can i use this method on 4.3 rom?
Maybe this should help....
or maybe this, (this one is for ics but refer to the decompilation and recompilation using apk tool)

[Tutorial] Making or Modding Android App

[Tutorial] Making your own Android App
Actually it’s not actually making! You can say it Modding..
So let’s start!
Necessary Tools
-An Apk to work with
At first decompile a apk by Apktool.. Then
Find These files
-> res
Now open apktool.yml and search for these lines
Apk file name- Snigdho.apk
Cur_package: com.bel.android.snigdho
Orig_Package: com.bel.android.snigdho
For Example change them to:-
Apk file name- XaynoUI.apk
Cur_package: com.xaynoui.app
Orig_Package: com.xaynoui.app
Now save it and open AndroidManfiest.xml
And search for these lines
package="com.bel.android.snigdho "
Change it to for Example
package="com.bel.android.xayno "
Now open smali>com>snigdho
And rename “snigdho” to “xayno
It will look like "com.xayno.app
And save
Your Package Name is Changed
Now to change app name open AndroidManfiest.xml and search for these lines –
<application android:label =”@string/appname” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
Rename It to –
<application android:label=”Xayno” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
And save!
Now open res>values>strings.xml
And Search for these lines –
string name="app_name">Snigdho</string>
Rename it to for example
- string name="app_name">Xayno</string>
And save!
Now if you want to customize it open res>drawable nodpi and there you will see some pngs customize them as your will.
Now recompile and Sign The apk! But don’t do App stealing because none of us support this!
Snigdho said:
[Tutorial] Making your own Android App
Actually it’s not actually making! You can say it Modding..
So let’s start!
Necessary Tools
-An Apk to work with
At first decompile a apk by Apktool.. Then
Find These files
-> res
Now open apktool.yml and search for these lines
Apk file name- Snigdho.apk
Cur_package: com.bel.android.snigdho
Orig_Package: com.bel.android.snigdho
For Example change them to:-
Apk file name- XaynoUI.apk
Cur_package: com.xaynoui.app
Orig_Package: com.xaynoui.app
Now save it and open AndroidManfiest.xml
And search for these lines
package="com.bel.android.snigdho "
Change it to for Example
package="com.bel.android.xayno "
Now open smali>com>snigdho
And rename “snigdho” to “xayno
It will look like "com.xayno.app
And save
Your Package Name is Changed
Now to change app name open AndroidManfiest.xml and search for these lines –
<application android:label =”@string/appname” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
Rename It to –
<application android:label=”Xayno” android:name= “.SnigdhoApplication”
And save!
Now open res>values>strings.xml
And Search for these lines –
string name="app_name">Snigdho</string>
Rename it to for example
- string name="app_name">Xayno</string>
And save!
Now if you want to customize it open res>drawable nodpi and there you will see some pngs customize them as your will.
Now recompile and Sign The apk! But don’t do App stealing because none of us support this!
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can you help by giving app apk ,i want to make app for my site wwwdotmtblogrdot tk
inder mann said:
can you help by giving app apk ,i want to make app for my site wwwdotmtblogrdot tk
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You can simply use this free creator to make an application for your website.
appsgeyser . com
I have used it for some of my own projects and it is easier than building new app from nothing.
Good ! Thank you !:good:
Btw this section is for Themer Launcher by MyColorScreen.
is this tutorial possible to editing game language such Japanese to English? if it is, could you give me the tutorial?
I guess for language change needs a expert in language and you need to go find change it at different places or write some code to take text based on language.
andyfiranda said:
is this tutorial possible to editing game language such Japanese to English? if it is, could you give me the tutorial?
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I will give this a try
how moded online apk bro

How To Make Lockscreen Like Android L

Items required:-
Apktool 1.5.2
Attachment L
Brain.jar and common sense.apk :what:
1) Decompile SystemUI.apk
2) Navigate res/layout.
3) Open tw_status_bar_expanded.xml (for single sim samsung) or tw_status_bar_expanded_dual.xml (for dual sim samsung) or gemini_status_bar_expanded.xml (for mtk)
4) Just below this line
5) Add This :-
<include layout="@layout/fmd_locker_start" />
6) So that it becomes like this :-
<include layout="@layout/fmd_locker_start" />
7) Save the xml file.
8) Now merge the files of attachment L.zip to the mentioned folders.
9) Recompile SystemUI.apk
10) Sign it (if signature verification is disabled) or merge meta-inf and androidmanifest.xml of original systemui.apk to the modded one using winrar. :what:
11) Install the given FMD locker like an normal apk and push SystemUI.apk to system/app.
Set permissions to rw--rr
And reboot
Dont forget to hit thanks hehe
Full Credits:-
FMD Devs
Klark Luis Perlata
eboybasit said:
Those people who comment false things on my post are having some problems with me,,,,when i post on xda,,,, they always create barriers for me so that moderator will lock my thread,,,,,one time they were successful in closing my thread but failed to prove their claim and then moderator unlocked my thread
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I just closed your thread and this time you not be successful in reopening it. Please check your PM
Also, I removed all of the off topic conversations. @ everyone Please remember to either post in English or provide a translation if you post in your native language.
eboybasit said:
Items required:-
Apktool 1.5.2
Attachment L
Brain.jar and common sense.apk :what:
1) Decompile SystemUI.apk
2) Navigate res/layout.
3) Open tw_status_bar_expanded.xml (for single sim samsung) or tw_status_bar_expanded_dual.xml (for dual sim samsung) or gemini_status_bar_expanded.xml (for mtk)
4) Just below this line
5) Add This :-
<include layout="@layout/fmd_locker_start" />
6) So that it becomes like this :-
<include layout="@layout/fmd_locker_start" />
7) Save the xml file.
8) Now merge the files of attachment L.zip to the mentioned folders.
9) Recompile SystemUI.apk
10) Sign it (if signature verification is disabled) or merge meta-inf and androidmanifest.xml of original systemui.apk to the modded one using winrar. :what:
11) Install the given FMD locker like an normal apk and push SystemUI.apk to system/app.
Set permissions to rw--rr
And reboot
Dont forget to hit thanks hehe
Full Credits:-
FMD Devs
Klark Luis Perlata
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nice one !
123vipulj said:
nice one !
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thanks bro ^_^
Nice one. Looks good.
Keep it up :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
@DSttr said:
Keep it up :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
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Thanks bro
how do i fix it !!!!
Uchiha_Dev said:
how do i fix it !!!!
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Use apktool 1.5.2
Really interesting Thank you for this Information!
sdeepb said:
Use apktool 1.5.2
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if i use apktool 1.5.2 i cannot use the apktool if framework-res.apk command it gives me errors
Uchiha_Dev said:
if i use apktool 1.5.2 i cannot use the apktool if framework-res.apk command it gives me errors
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Press the button ...... And install framework again if you're having trouble..... Read the post it clearly says use apktool 1.5.2 and please post in the Q&A thread from now....
sdeepb said:
Press the button ...... And install framework again if you're having trouble..... Read the post it clearly says use apktool 1.5.2 and please post in the Q&A thread from now....
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i tried many times to install the framework-res.apk but always get errors
Uchiha_Dev said:
i tried many times to install the framework-res.apk but always get errors
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This smali is only for apktool 1.5.2 other higher apktool versions might give you error on recompiling
eboybasit said:
This smali is only for apktool 1.5.2 other higher apktool versions might give you error on recompiling
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i cant use apktool 1.5.2 i cannot install my framework-res.apk with it
Uchiha_Dev said:
i cant use apktool 1.5.2 i cannot install my framework-res.apk with it
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Use these smali for apktool 2
If i helped you dont forget to hit thanks
eboybasit said:
Use these smali for apktool 2
If i helped you dont forget to hit thanks
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yay !!! thank you, can you upload apktool 2.0 smali for all your smali mods ?

[GUIDE][MOD][2.3+]How to add Owner text in Statusbar || with app controller

Luminious Owner Text is a Mod i have created for Adding ur Name into statusbar or somewhere else and then control it via App its will save ur time No need to reboot after applying changes through app
Text Color Changer
Text Changer
RealTime Changing
Okay now lets implement it
Decompile SystemUI.apk (there is many guides available for that)
open merge all smali's provided in attachment
Open res/layout/tw_status_bar.xml
Copy this line and paste it anywhere in statusbar.xml its upto u where u want ur name​
<com.shadesk.mods.ShadyText android:textStyle="bold" android:id="@+id/shadytext" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Save everything & recompile ur work and then again decompile the newly created apk​
open smali/com/shadesk/ShadyText.smali
Open Public.xml
find this in public.xml & copy its id means 0x7fxxxxxx here xxx will be some digits cuz mine & ur = not same so i use xx​
<public type="id" name="shadytext"
Copy the id of the line i have mention before and replace with this​
NOTE:- 0x7f0d0143 is in ShadyText.smali so find this & replace the code with ur id​
Save Everything
Install The Apk Provided in Attachments
There is two apk in attachmentd one is for gb users and one is for 3.0 above​
Screenshots in 2nd post
Credits in 3rd post
@AndroidFire for helping me into customviews
@b16h22 for his source & permissiom to use
@serajr for smali guide​
Just amazing!!
I'm glad to know I've helped you out somehow!
Good Job sir
Glad to know that you put my name on it.by the way nice mod keep it up
serajr said:
Just amazing!!
I'm glad to know I've helped you out somehow!
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Nice to see master on my Thread btw sir seriously ur External Guide helped me alot and Thank u
@RaKesh & @AndroidFire Thanks Guyz
Lol Fire bro i have to put ur name u know y?? Because of customviews
nice mode >>>>
Luminious Owner Text is a Mod i have created for Adding ur Name into statusbar or somewhere else and then control it via App its will save ur time No need to reboot after applying changes through app
Text Color Changer
Text Changer
RealTime Changing
Okay now lets implement it
Decompile SystemUI.apk (there is many guides available for that)
open merge all smali's provided in attachment
Open res/layout/tw_status_bar.xml
Copy this line and paste it anywhere in statusbar.xml its upto u where u want ur name​
<com.shadesk.mods.ShadyText android:textStyle="bold" android:id="@+id/shadytext" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Save everything & recompile ur work and then again decompile the newly created apk​
open smali/com/shadesk/ShadyText.smali
Open Public.xml
find this in public.xml & copy its id means 0x7fxxxxxx here xxx will be some digits cuz mine & ur = not same so i use xx​
<public type="id" name="shadytext"
Copy the id of the line i have mention before and replace with this​
NOTE:- 0x7f0d0143 is in ShadyText.smali so find this & replace the code with ur id​
Save Everything
Install The Apk Provided in Attachments
There is two apk in attachmentd one is for gb users and one is for 3.0 above​
Screenshots in 2nd post
Credits in 3rd post
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bro @ARGHA_DAS can ua add it here? . i mean the text size option bro. .thanks in advance. . .keep it up. . .
yeah buddy just wait for the updates
Dreamstar said:
nice mode >>>>
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