[Android/Linux] [How-To] RAID0/RAID1/JBOD your internal and external SD/storage - Miscellaneous Android Development

this guide is under construction still and not quite finished - check back soo
Hi guys, I'd like to share some knowledge and as I'm going to start a blog doing so, I felt this would be as good as anywhere to start.
This technique will allow you to create disk images of your chosen size on as many storage devices as you want and that your device supports. There are a few advantages and reasons someone would do this. Storage flexibility, performance, data redundancy, easy backups. The techniques outlined here will likely be obvious to any linux pros, but perhaps not thought about in a mobile context.
While the current instructions and application of this technique is relatively complex, part of my goal in starting this is to gauge interest on whether it would be worth making a tool to do this. Perhaps there is one already, or another how-to. I didn't find any in my research in setting this up, albeit as a linux guru I didn't have to do much.
I will also include an APPENDIX including instructions on how to automatically compresss a filesystems contents (READ&WRITE) to save space with fusecompress. I may also add one for an encrypted filesystem if someone requests it.
DIFFICULTY: Hard for noobs, Easy for Pros.
- Android device (rooted) preferably with multiple storage (sub-)systems (one will do if all you want is imaging or compression)
- Currently LINUX MUST BE INSTALLED ON YOUR DEVICE AND HAVE A BIND MECHANISM TO ACCESS THE MOUNT POINT IN ANDROID. As mentioned above, if the interest is there I will port the utils and make an app to manage it. I recommend Galoula Linux Installer w/ Debian stable. This tutorial is based off that setup but will likely work w/ Ubuntu and other Linux methods with few changes. Once all the tools are ported/compiled for Android, a Linux installation will not be required. You could very well compile it yourself..
- Working apt-get package manager and an internet connection.
Linux packages/tools needed & requirements/dependencies:
- lvm2, fuse, fuse-utils, libfuse, gvfs-fuse, libfuse2, libfuse-devel*, gcc/compiling tools*, fusecompress*+, busybox binaries or equivilent, fdisk, dd, mke2fs (or equivilent for your chosen filesystem), and iozone for benchmarking if you want.
- You will need a kernel & linux that supports fuse/loopback devices (most do!) or you can load the loopdev module. You will need at least 1 or 2 or more free loop devices depending on your configuration. There is a kernel parameter to change the maximum. **TODO: Add instructions for that **
- * and +: You will only need libfuse-devel and gcc for compiling fusecompress ONLY IF YOU NEED/WANT COMPRESSION. (If your chosen distro has a working fusecompress package you can use that, however at the time of writing DEBIAN-STABLE has not included an updated package for it. Squeeze had it, wheezy has some patches and updates for it but is not released as a package nor can I get it to work stabily after I spent hours convincing it to compile. I should note that this package is based off the CPP aka 1.9x branch (v2.6) and isn't completely stable compared to the older (slightly slower) but stable 0.9x branch. The APPENDIX instructions fot fusecompress ARE FOR THE STABLE/0.9 BRANCH)
My setup (as a reference):
Motorola XT875 aka Targa aka Bionic running Android 4.2.2, Avatar ROM (based on Cyanogenmod CM10.1) Latest Weekly Beta
16G internal device/SD storage, 16G patriot class 10 MicroSDHC. Dual-core ARMv7 armhf @ 1.2ghz, using DEBIAN-STABLE (Wheezy) under Galoula Linux Installer installed to it's own separate Ext3 partition on the external SD and Android Bind active. Also using my tablet, an a13 clone, with same Linux configuration.
I have a 2GB disk image on the internal, and a 2GB image on the microsd and they are combined as RAID0 (striping) w/ 4k stripes, ext3 fs w/1kb blocksize, 4kb stripe stride and compressed w/LZMA compression level 3-8 depending on my mood. It is setup like this for storing source code (cm-10.1 source actually, I am going to attempt to compile it entirely on mg phone, or at the very least my own modified portions.
Step 1.
--> If you're a pro, install all the stuff above, skim this section (mainly the part on finding an open loop) and skip to Step 3. Otherwise continue reading.
Boot up your linux distro on your Android. For me this means opening TerminalIDE, launching a term window, typing 'su' to gain root and then 'linuxchroot.sh' to launch the linux environment.
Then, ensure you have loop/fuse support.
ls /dev/block/loop*
.. should list all your systems loop devices, you can also type:
losetup /dev/block/loopX
(where X is a device number) to find out if the device is free or used by another app.
A response like:
losetup: /dev/block/loop0: 0
generally means it's available, while
losetup: /dev/block/loop1: 0 /mnt/asec/com.some.app/data.img
means another app is using it and you shouldn't.
Remember this as you will need to find anywhere from 1-4+ unused loop devices depending on your desired configuration.
1c. *
Next, it's best to ensure you're distro is up-to-date, this is optional* but recommended.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
..then, again (for good measure: update before you upgrade, upgrade, then update the upgrades..)
apt-get update
Step 2.
Once that completes, start installing the required packages:
apt-get install lvm2 fuse fuse-utils libfuse libfuse2 gvfs-fuse
Press Y and agree to any dependencies, wait for it to finisn.
You will need to choose which filesystem to use. I recommend ext3, but you will have to choose which is best for your needs. FAT is supported almost anywhere out-of-box, but is CRAP. NTFS is a bit better but is likely unsupported by your device, exFAT may be an option even. Whichever you choose you will need the appropriate tools (mkfs) to create/format it.
For both FAT and EXT support (or rather creation ability - mounting & read/write support may be limited by your kernel/modules loaded):
apt-get install dosfstools e2fsprogs e2fslibs
Step 3.
In this step you will create the disk image(s), initialize the partition table(s) and file system(s) and the steps will vary based on your goals, so read carefully. Since we are dealing with images, there shouldn't be much risk for damaging your device/data as long as you're careful. I should note, for the less experienced, that incorrect parameters with some of these commands can wipe your device or SD, if you read the directions carefully and only use the disk image(s) with these tools you will be safe, of course, after you put data within the image, it can also be overwritten with some commands.
You will now decide which, and how many devices to put images and how large they will be, and most importantly, your logical volume (RAID, non-RAID, span/JBOD, etc.) configuration. I will go into brief detail on the different configurations and use cases.
Primarily aimed at performance, NO REDUNDANCY PROVIDED.
RAID0 will write one X byte block per Y devices looping in order. This effectively splits/distributes your data evenly among member devices.
Disk size will be size=devices*device size (or *disk img size)
All images (or devices) need to be the same size, extra bytes will be left unused.
Performance (P) (aka throughput) should be/is about (in theory) S*N=P where S is the average device speed (among all members, assuming similar/identical devices & busses, also note that P will never really exceed the slowest devices avg/max speed*number of drives, so slower drives are a bottleneck, try to use equal or identical devices) and N is the number of devices. On a physical hard disk drive, seek times can be lowest avg seek*members at best sometimes, though seek latency isn't an issue on our flash devices.
My benchmarks hardly show any impressive performance increase however my internal and external sd are obv. not matched, and I haven't done a ton of testing/benching/optimising.
Raid0 examples: 2x4GB disk images, each on a class 10 MicroSDHC card will appear as one 8GB device that can perform as fast as both devices can work together, about twice as fast as one, seek times won't decrease much. 4x200GB SATA drives striped will be one 800GB drive that is almost 4x as fast, however seek times may decrease to 1/4.
Primarily aimed at data redundancy.
RAID1 will write one X byte block to EVERY device. This effectively MIRRORS your data among member devices.
Disk size will be equivilent to the device/img size regardless of the amount of devices it's mirrored to.
WRITE PERFORMANCE will be the same as the slowest single devicd, READ PERFORMANCE can increase up to x*member devices as it can act 'sort of like' RAID0 for reading, it doesn't need to read EVERY byte from EVERY device, it only needs to read 1/N (n=num of devices) from each device reading all simultaneously.
I have not tested mirroring in this setup yet.[/b]
JBOD aka JussaBunchO'Disks
Just basically spans the devices for extra space. No performance techniques, striping or mirroring, rolls off the end of one disk (or img) onto the next. Devices/imgs can be any size and there's no performance hit for using devices/imgs on the same bus or device.
OK -- I started this a while ago, and here's my attempt at finishing it.
Not sure if you need fusefs unless you want to do file system compression.
You do need the lvm2 package, however.
Get down to it:
Now you have to create your image files, loop them, and raid them.
To create the images, use this command (this creates a ~100mb image, adjust the size as necesary):
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/sdcard0/.myRaidImage-0.img bs=1024k count=100k
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/sdcard1/.myRaidImage-1.img bs=1024k count=100k
Then, loop them to two free loop devices (see above to find out if they're free):
losetup /dev/block/loop1 /mnt/sdcard0/.myRaidImage-0.img
losetup /dev/block/loop2 /mnt/sdcard1/.myRaidImage-1.img
Before using any of the lvm2 tools below, you should check that your /etc/lvm/lvm.conf is correct, you may have to change the dirs from /dev to /dev/block for example.
Now, use pvcreate to create lvm physical volumes with those images:
pvcreate /dev/block/loop[1,2]
And vgcreate to create a lvm volume group for your lvm volumes:
vgcreate vg0 /dev/block/loop[1,2]
Now, we can create either a JBOD/spanned/contiguous disk, a mirrored disk, or a striped disk.
First, we will create a mirrored logical volume, with a log (in contrast to lvm2's raid1 mode which has no log):
Note: I had to force lvm2 to manage devices in /dev instead of relying on udev (which my device doesn't have), this is quite possibly the case for you as well, the option is in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf.
lvcreate -m 1 --mirrorlog mirrored -l 40%VG vg0
If that is successful, you now have a usable logical volume. To actually use it however, you will have to activate a filesystem on the device.
mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg0/lvol0
Then, you can create a mount point and use it:
mkdir /mnt/mirrored
mount /dev/vg0/lvol0 /mnt/mirrored
The gentoo wiki has a great page on lvm2, and how to use it: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LVM
Most of it can be applied here with my instructions.
I will come back later and add specific instructions for striping and other modes, including stream compression and perhaps encryption - however - it make take me a while, which is why I posted the link - you should be able to figure it all out with this & that


do you have any update?
I'm wondering know how to do it.
Using madam or something else?

Sorry, I was sidetracked and forgot to finish. I will try to remember to finish this soon.

So, I got around to finishing it, at least to the point where it's usable and demonstrates mirroring. Not much different process for the other modes, but I will get around to exact instructions later if needed.

So, I got around to finishing it, at least to the point where it's usable and demonstrates mirroring. Not much different process for the other modes, but I will get around to exact instructions later if needed.


Android Users.. must read!Important Knowledge !

Android Terminology Guide
Hit thanks if i helped u !!
ADK: Android Development Kit, What people use to develop anything for the Android such as ROM's
The ADK (Android development kit) is divided into 3 parts
1. Android SDK (Software development Kit): used to make easy programs which only require touch & some sensors , e.g. Games
2. Android NDK ( Native Development Kit): this is used to Create apps which require Hardware or Use the native binaries & libraries of Android , eg. Camera , CyanogenMod Settings, Oxygen Settings , etc.
3. Android PDK ( Platform Development Kit): As the name suggests this is the main kit which allows to make all ".mk" files (eg. Android.mk , etc) & most of the files found on github
Basically Dev's like FXP , Z , Achotjan , kxhawkins , etc. Use the PDK to make AOSP/CM7 ROMs from source
& Also use NDK to edit the system apk's etc.. to make it stable
adb: Android Debug Bridge, a command-line debugging application included with the SDK. It provides tools to browse the device, copy tools on the device, & forward ports for debugging. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, adb is integrated into your development environment.
AOSP: Android Open System Project, usually you will see this term when referring to a program or ROM. This will mean that the program or ROM was taken from Google & does not contain any modifications done by the phone Manufacturer or the phone service provider. This is Android the way Google intended.
Baseband or Radio: In communications & signal processing, the baseband describes signals & systems whose range of the frequencies measured from close to 0 hertz to a cut-off frequency, a maximum bandwidth or highest signal frequency; it is sometimes used to describe frequencies starting close to zero
Boot Loader/SPL: In literal terms, boot loader is code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run. The concept of boot loaders is universal to virtually all Operating systems that includes operating systems on your PC, laptop, Smartphone, & other such devices. Boot loaders basically package the instructions to boot operating system kernel & most of them also have their own debugging or modification environment. As the boot loader kicks off before any piece of software on your device, it makes it extremely processor specific & every motherboard has its own boot loader.
Boot Loader/SPL (Unlocked): A locked or unlocked boot loader is what gives you access to “root.” “Root” is another big word in the Android community. If you “root” a device, it means you have “super user” access or “administrator” access to the operating system that runs on your phone. Root access of your Android device gives you the ability to flash ROMs.
One of the most popular ROMs was created by a team called the CyanogenMod(CM), & their current rom is CM7, which is built on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. What this means is that if you have a phone that has an unlocked boot loader & root access, you can flash the CM7 ROM to your phone with a couple more steps. This also means that you can get access to most of the features in the latest version of Android that is commercially available, without having to wait for your manufacturer or carrier to give you an official update.
Boot Loop: Simply means something is preventing the phone from completing it's boot cycle & is stuck between the boot animation & the unlock screen, creating a looped animation. This is often fixed by either reloading a NAndroid, or Reflashing a ROM from the xRecovery/ClockworkMod Recovery/Flashtool.
Brick or Bricked: Jargon for a completely unrecoverable device, (no more than a brick or paperweight)
Note: It is my understanding that radio will boot first, followed by other systems. So it is IMPORTANT that your radio image/version will work with your SPL image/version. This is the one & only reason for phones being bricked. You cannot brick your phone by flashing a ROM or Boot image or recovery image. Once you flash the wrong radio for the SPL, the only known method of recovery is to send the phone back into SE for repair.
How do I know the phone is hard-bricked? A hard-bricked phone cannot boot into boot loader, recovery, or into normal operation modes. You cannot connect to a hard-bricked phone via adb or fastboot. You can only see one screen on the phone & it will be the first splash screen.
Bug or Software Bug: An Error or flaw in software that produces a failure or unexpected/unwanted result. Typically created from incorrect code, this is why some ROMs are better & smoother running than others because developers have taken the time to input "perfect" code (read put in a lot of hours & hard work)
Busybox: A single multicall binary that packages the functionality of most widely used standard Unix tools, BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system.
COMPCACHE: (compressed caching) is, in short, virtual swap, setting aside a certain percentage (usually 25%) of your RAM as 'compressed' swap. Compcache compresses the data that would normally go to swap, then moves it back into RAM, and reverses the process when moving it out of the 'compressed' swap. However, this is a classic space-time tradeoff. You effectively get more RAM from the compression, but it is slower than 'normal' RAM due to the CPU time required to compress and decompress the swapped pages.
ClockworkMod: A recovery program that is often used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
Dalvik: An open source, register-based virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format & relies on the Linux kernel for additional functionality like threading & low-level memory management. The virtual machine is register-based, and it can run classes compiled by a Java language compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the included "dx" tool.
Dalvik Cache: A program cache area for the program Dalvik. Dalvik is a java based virtual machine that is the basis for running your programs (the ones that have the .apk extension). In order to make access times faster (because there's not JIT (just in time) compiler installed by default), the dalvik-cache is the result of dalvik doing a optimization of the running program. It's similar to the prefetch files in Windows.
DDMS: Dalvik Debug Monitor Service, a GUI debugging application included with the SDK. It provides screen capture, log dump, and process examination capabilities. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, DDMS is integrated into your development environment.
Deep Sleep: A state when the CPU is off, display dark, device is waiting for external input.
De-odex: Apk files have respective odexes that devs use to supposedly save space. Deodexing means you convert it back to a .dex file & put it back inside the apk. This allows you to easily replace files (not having to worry about odexes), but the main point was to deodex services.jar so that you can change all text to different colors (such as the clock color to white) & to deodex services.jar, you need to deodex everything.
Dev. or Developer: An individual that creates, or alters a file in such a manner as to advance the program
Drawable: A compiled visual resource that can be used as a background, title, or other part of the screen. A drawable is typically loaded into another UI element, for example as a background image. A drawable is not able to receive events, but does assign various other properties such as "state" and scheduling, to enable subclasses such as animation objects or image libraries. Many drawable objects are loaded from drawable resource files — xml or bitmap files that describe the image. Drawable resources are compiled into subclasses of android.graphics.drawable. For more information about drawables and other resources.
Fastboot: Protocol used to update the flash file system in Android devices from a host over USB. It allows flashing of unsigned partition images.
Flash: Rewrite the software/firmware on your phone using a computer to "flash" or completely rewrite the memory (ROM) of your phone. This is done using ODIN.
Flash Memory: a program technology that can be electrically erased & reprogrammed
Kernel: The main component of Android operating system.
It is a bridge between applications & the actual data processing done at the hardware level.
The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware & software components).
[Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources
(especially processors & I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function.
It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms & system calls.
Operating system tasks are done differently by different kernels, depending on their design & implementation.]
Manifest File: An XML file that each application must define, to describe the application's package name, version, components (activities, intent filters, services), imported libraries, and describes the various activities, and so on. See The AndroidManifest.xml File for complete information.
Nine-patch / 9-patch / Ninepatch image
A re-sizeable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device.
Nandroid or Nandroid Backup: A file typically created in the custom recovery program, such as xRecovery, that is a carbon copy of whatever state your phone is in before a drastic change is made. The file then can be moved onto or off of the SD card for later use in case something should go wrong in the ROM or Update, or a Boot Loop occurs
ODIN: It is the program you can use to flash phones.
e.g. : 'Odin Multi-Downloader v3.95' is used to flash the Samsung Galaxy. It's usually included in firmware packs.
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, the people who actually put together electronic hardware. Also refers to any equipment original to the phone, or produced by the company for the phone
OpenGL ES: Android provides OpenGL ES libraries that you can use for fast, complex 3D images. It is harder to use than a Canvas object, but better for 3D objects. The android.opengl and javax.microedition.khronos.opengles packages expose OpenGL ES functionality.
OS: Operating system, I.E. Windows Vista, LINUX or MAC or Android
OTA: Over-the-Air; method T-Mobile, & some other phone companies, uses to update Android phones. The new versions of Android are developed by Google & then released to OEM's, Sony Ericsson in our case. The OEM then writes drivers that enable the new software to work on the phone's hardware. They also develop any specialized UI (user interface), like Timescape & Mediascape, or other software they want to include. Once this is complete, they turn it over to the cell phone company, (e.g.)Tmobile, who then have to do the final checks to make sure the update works, & then distributes it over there data network using their cell transmitters.
Overclocking (OC): Speeding up the CPU past the factory presets to achieve a faster & more responsive device (prolonged run can be injurious to your device, so be careful.)
ROM: Read Only Memory, a program used to make changes to anything from the look of the home screen to icons to custom boot animation
Root: Common word associated with giving a user "super user" access to their phones programming & other various aspects that would normally not be possible, also known as "Jailbroken" for iPhone's, "Administrator Rights" in Windows OS.
Shell or SSH: The shell is the layer of programming that understands & executes the commands a user enters. In some systems, the shell is called a command interpreter. A shell usually implies an interface with a command syntax (think of the DOS operating system & its "C:>" prompts & user commands such as "dir" & "edit"). secure shell or ssh is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices
SQLite: An embedded relational database management system contained in a relatively small (~275 kB) C programming library. It is multitasking concerning reads. Writes can be done only one-at-a-time. It is a popular choice for local/client storage on web browsers. It has many bindings to programming languages. It is arguably the most widely used database engine, as it is used today by several widespread browsers, operating systems, embedded systems among others
Stock: Simply means an unaltered state, such as when you first purchase your phone fromVerizon/Your Service Provider or when you repair your phone using PC Companion or SE Update Service(SEUS)
SU: "Super user", or root permissions
SWAP: is, in short, virtual RAM. With swap, a small portion of the hard drive is set aside and used like RAM. The computer will attempt to keep as much information as possible in RAM until the RAM is full. At that point, the computer will begin moving inactive blocks of memory (called pages) to the hard disk, freeing up RAM for active processes. If one of the pages on the hard disk needs to be accessed again, it will be moved back into RAM, and a different inactive page in RAM will be moved onto the hard disk ('swapped'). The trade off is disks and SD cards are considerably slower than physical RAM, so when something needs to be swapped, there is a noticeable performance hit.
Unlike traditional swap, Android's Memory Manager kills inactive processes to free up memory. Android signals to the process, then the process will usually write out a small bit of specific information about its state (for example, Google Maps may write out the map view coordinates; Browser might write the URL of the page being viewed) and then the process exits. When you next access that application, it is restarted: the application is loaded from storage, and retrieves the state information that it saved when it last closed. In some applications, this makes it seem as if the application never closed at all. This is not much different from traditional swap, except that Android apps are specially programed to write out very specific information, making Android's Memory Manager more efficient that swap.
Theme: A set of icons, backgrounds & app trays that change the aesthetics of the overall look of the Android & its applications. It has a set of properties (text size, background color, and so on) bundled together to define various default display settings. Android provides a few standard themes, listed in R.style (starting with "Theme_").
TUN/TAP: Refers to a network TUNnel, operates within layer 3 packets, or ip packets. Packets sent by a system via a TUN/TAP device are delivered to a user-space program that attaches itself to the device. A user space program may also pass packets into a TUN/TAP device. In this case TUN/TAP device delivers (or "injects") these packets to the operating system's network stack thus emulating their reception from an external source.
Underclocking(UC): Slowing down the CPU mainly to limit battery usage
Undervolting(UV): Basically keeping the clock speed same (or overclocking it) & reduce the voltage at each cpu cycle.
xRecovery: A recovery program based on the ClockworkMod Recovery sources used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
File Types:
.dex: Compiled Android application code file. Android programs are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files, which are in turn zipped into a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created by automatically translating compiled applications written in the Java programming language.
.sbf: Summation Briefcase File
.apk or APK's: An .apk file extension denotes an Android Package (APK) file, an .apk file can be opened & inspected using common archive tools. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application's code (.dex files), resources, assets, and manifest file. The application package file can have any name but must use the .apk extension. For example: myExampleAppname.apk. For convenience, an application package file is often referred to as an ".apk".
.tar: Similar to a zip file(derived from tape archive), a tar file archives multiple files into one file
.tgz: TGZ files (gnu-zipped .tar file) are commonly used as install packages for Slackware Linux.
pheeeeww!!This took sometime!!
Well this is all I can think of off the top of my head but as I think of more I will edit them in here & I encourage the mods to put things that I either forgot or just simply am not aware of. Also I request fellow user to suggest any terms frequently used & not added or any discrepancies found, kindly PM me!!
Thank you & happy hacking/flashing!!
Core Clock Speed: -
It is the actual clock speed that the CPU is running at. "Not the multiplied speed."
It's good to remember a CPU's performance is also effected by its memory's speed.
Similar rules exist for the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).
Good beginning, I think. In a few days I will start to translate in german, maybe we can attach this translation as a pdf?
excellent work dude keep it up
U rock dude keep it up..much helpful infrmtn esp for those who just flash roms without knowledge(like me)
Can u explain what is "set 777 permission" and 766, 755
Sent from my GT-S5670L using xda premium
Deshabilitado said:
Can u explain what is "set 777 permission" and 766, 755
Sent from my GT-S5670L using xda premium
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Those digits represents the permissions for all users 1st digit for user 2nd for group 3rd for other..1 denotes execute,2 denotes write and 4 denotes read so if u add 1+2+4=7..hope u got it...
Try this link to understand file permissions..
asdfglkjhg said:
excellent work dude keep it up
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martin_s5670 said:
Good beginning, I think. In a few days I will start to translate in german, maybe we can attach this translation as a pdf?
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vijayanandssj4 said:
U rock dude keep it up..much helpful infrmtn esp for those who just flash roms without knowledge(like me)
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yes we can do tht , will start the translation!
and thnx hope the knowledge helped u !!
udit.kumar said:
yes we can do tht , will start the translation!
and thnx hope the knowledge helped u !!
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Now I found a good FAQ in german with more or less the same content, I will give the link (post2), better than a translation from me.
Thanks a lot for this useful info ...
Also the Fix Permissions Guide helped a lot to understand ...
It helps me to understand the various terms. Thank you!
Gr8 n very useful stuff
suhs_20 said:
Thanks a lot for this useful info ...
Also the Fix Permissions Guide helped a lot to understand ...
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glad to knw
adissan said:
It helps me to understand the various terms. Thank you!
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you are welcome
PS - Hit thanks!
Thank you. Its very useful information

Understanding Android platform in a nutshell (in layman's terms)

System.out.println("Hello peoples");
==>The purpose of this guide is to help people who don't know anything about programming,aren't modders,guys with knowledge about technology.
==>Initially I loved computers and their capabilities and have a little knowledge on the C and Java languages and just how computers (think).
You have to understand that computing tries to emulate human behaviors on how to solve problems.This is where programming kicks in.
So what is Android?
1)Android in general is an operating system that was meant to run on mobile devices e.g. cell phones
and has expanded to tablets and notebooks.Android is divided into three language groups:
a)the system's framework and apps are written in java.
b)the Android's core [kernel] is pure C -language.
c)the Android's libraries are written in C++.
App libraries are called by apps that need more functionality that java can't provide.These are usually plugins like
decoders e.g. ffmpeg libraries that are used in video decoding,flash-players e.t.c. Here,java native methods are used and the android NDK platform
is used to enable the java apps call these libraries during execution.(Please read further on Android SDK,NDK and Jni).
So what happens when you have just flashed that new Rom.
First you have to understand that cell phones have their own embedded firmware not including the recovery and you will see why.
a)the recovery partition can be flashed to install aftermarket recovery roms.So even if you mess your recovery,you can still install again.(This varies with different phones).
b)their is that system chip which you cannot touch and there is a reason for it.Think of this partition like a PC BIOS.If you mess with your bios
your system is toast aka Bricking the system.Since phones are classed as embedded systems,manufactures don't want people messing with it as it would result into
cryptic errors and system vulnerability.
when the on button is pressed something simple yet complicated happens:
1==>The kernel which is compressed to save space usually in a (zImage) format is deflated or expanded.Since your NAND chips are partitioned,the kernel is given a very
special chunk in which is protected from user data.
2==>The kernel finds which base address it needs to start executing e.g.(0x00200000) and mostly when you put a wrong kernel base
address your phone enters into a boot-loop because arguments are being passed to invalid locations.It is important to know where your kernel base address
starts.You can try looking it up in your kernel sources(try searching for the mach msm folder and into the makefile) or just goggle it up or use Xda-Kitchen.
3==>with the correct kernel base address,execution starts.Usually the (init.rc) file in the (ramdisk folder) gives symlinks and creates structures i.e. folders that will house
modules and sets the correct paths to android files and framework.
4==>After arguments have successfully been passed,the handles are now passed to Android.Basically Android checks for (init.d) scripts that are available
this is true to GingerBread and Cyanogenmod 7.After that audio checks are done followed by camera services and then arguments are passed to (core.jar),a
critical framework file which is huge around 50Mb in size in CyanogenMod 7.
5==>Here the DalvikVM (Dalvik virtual machine) is called and the process of optimizing your system files starts.The framework get optimized first as this contains critical
code needed to run your device.Then your flingers and renderers and called.This are engines used by android e.g. (pixelflnger) which is used in touchscreen.
Your system's sensors are usually started around this point (your compass,light sensors e.t.c)your phone apps e.g. contacts,calendar get optimized around this point
and depending on the number of apps your manufacturer installed,it will take some time.
6==>your network get's activated around this point and is probably the time the capacitive buttons and lights on your gadget light up.This is usually a good indication
that your system has loaded.When your bootanimation ends the handles are passed to activate your home launcher.There is usually still a lot of activity going
on to fully ready your system and this is why if you try to use it immediately especially on low-end phones,your system lags or get (not responding) errors.
common misconceptions
1==>There is are reason why goggle gave minimum specifications needed to run Android because this is a full operating system(OS) unlike the past relic
phones that ran on 50MHz processors.
2==>please don't complain that some of your Ram is not the same as specified on the phones catalog(e.g. you have 256Mb of Ram but in the task manager it indicates you have 179Mb).
There is a reason to it.There are core processes that eat a chunk of your Ram and are hidden so that you don't try silly stuff like trying to kill them in thinking that your are trying to get more memory.
Think of it like this,it's like trying to kill (services.exe or svchost.exe) processes in Windows.You will just be trying to get system hangs,bluescreens
or just a system crash.
Will Add more info later.Please feel free to correct anything i might have not addressed properly or share your views.
Happy modding.
Kernel topic
In simple terms,the kernel is the core of any operating system e.g. windows, Mac,or any Linux distro like Ubuntu and Android.Android kernels come mostly
in the form of a compressed kernel (zImage).The kernel is written in pure C-language,which gives it direct access to memory and registers unlike java
which has to pass through the java VM(virtual machine).This makes code written in C-language to be very fast and robust but also dangerous.
==>Many Androids in the eclair regime ran on kernel 2.6.29. This was not a complete kernel and as by my experience there was alot of code missing from it.
==>a lot of androids did not have adb functionality due to the framework being embedded to allow USB mounting to PC.This was a very rigid method
of doing it(also a very old method).
==>In the case of other devices, when viewing the internal task manager,many processes were viewed as (0.00) byte files.In essence you could not determine
the amount of RAM your app was taking.This is true in the case of huawei u8120.
==>In the case of shutting down the phone,even in some cases under load,it did so very fast.It killed threads and handles mercilessly. Many people misunderstood
this concept and thought their phones ran faster as compared to 2.6.32 kernel.
Here there was a ton of improvements as developers and modders became more aware of support and tweaks.
==>Fixed issues like the internal task managers.It was now possible to accurately know how much RAM your apps were taking.
==>Resolved how the android system shutdown.Instead of merciless killing of handles and threads still running,it killed them appropriately.This is why
when shutting down your system takes a while.You can use adb to see these events.
==>Usb mounting to pc was also made somewhat generic and flexible across many devices.
==>It did change some methods on how the camera is being accessed mostly in eclair,donout and earlier versions of android phones.This issue made
cameras not function.
==>wifi methods were also changed and developers and modders had to re-write their code to allow compatibility.
==>This was also the year of many froyo phones and overclocking was a common thing.
extra notes
During eclair era,many developers were in such a hurry to produce new android phones every few months that they never even thought of long-term support
to newer versions of android that would come much later.This is where i have to praise Iphones for standardisation of its OS across all of its devices.
==>If you try to copy paste code from and paste it into 2.6.29 and expect it to work then expect tons of errors when compiling.The (g_android)
module was properly coded into so if you try enabling it an older kernel,expect errors.
==>If you are a modder and looking to buy a new phone,please see if it has a fan base of coders or support.Avoid buying phones where you will not get
any support from the manufacturers or other devs e.g Huawei Technologies.This company sucks alot.After they produce a phone they forget about you the customer
so you will have to handle the upgrades all by yourself.
Do not use this command (make -i)when compiling kernels.It will skip errors and you may smile after it's finished but the end is just a tragedy.your kernel is bound
not to function properly or even function at all.
Happy modding.

Android terms and definitions

This isnt my work and this is the hardwork of Diablo67 and i thought that this would be useful in our forum. All thanks to Diablo67
I figured i would post this thread to help all of the new members and experienced understand the Android slang,there are actually a few i did'nt know the meaning of until i made this thread.I have compiled most of the terms,definitions and slang i could dig up,if theres anything i missed,let me know and i will add it to the thread,otherwise i will update this thread as new slang,terms and definitions are presented to me.
Apps2SD:A method of storing applications and cache on the device's microSD card.
ADB:Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three components:
•A client, which runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a shell by issuing an adb command. Other Android tools such as the ADT plugin and DDMS also create adb clients.
•A server, which runs as a background process on your development machine. The server manages communication between the client and the adb daemon running on an emulator or device.
•A daemon, which runs as a background process on each emulator or device instance.
Android:A Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as HTC EVO.Versions are alphabetically codenamed after snacks: Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Donut.
AMOLED:Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. Basically, a very colorful, bright, display found in some smartphones.
APK:Android application package file. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application's code (.dex files), resources, assets, and manifest file. The application package file can have any name but must use the .apk extension. For example: myExampleAppname.apk. For convenience, an application package file is often referred to as an ".apk".
Alpha:The alpha phase of the release life cycle is the first phase to begin software testing (alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, used as the number 1). In this phase, developers generally test the software using white box techniques. Additional validation is then performed using black box or gray box techniques, by another testing team. Moving to black box testing inside the organization is known as alpha release.[1]
Alpha software can be unstable and could cause crashes or data loss. The exception to this is when the alpha is available publicly (such as a pre-order bonus), in which developers normally push for stability so that their testers can test properly. External availability of alpha software is uncommon in proprietary software. However, open source software, in particular, often have publicly available alpha versions, often distributed as the raw source code of the software.
The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software. At this time, the software is said to be a feature complete.
Boot Animation:Boot animation is a term for a graphical representation of the boot process of the operating system.
Boot animation can be a simple visualisation of the scrolling boot messages in the console, but it can also present graphics or some combinations of both.
Unlike splash screens, boot screen or boot animation is not necessarily designed for marketing purposes, but can be to enhance the experience of the user as eye candy, or provide the user with messages (with an added advantage of color coding facility) to diagnose the state of the system.
Bootloader:This small program's only job is to load other data and programs which are then executed from RAM.Often, multiple-stage boot loaders are used, during which several programs of increasing complexity load one after the other in a process of chain loading.
Bootloop:When your system recycles over and over without entering the main OS.
Beta: is the software development phase following alpha. It generally begins when the software is feature complete. Software in the beta phase will generally have many more bugs in it than completed software, as well as speed/performance issues. The focus of beta testing is reducing impacts to users, often incorporating usability testing. The process of delivering a beta version to the users is called beta release and this is typically the first time that the software is available outside of the organization that developed it.
The users of a beta version are called beta testers. They are usually customers or prospective customers of the organization that develops the software, willing to test the software without charge, often receiving the final software free of charge or for a reduced price.
Beta version software is often useful for demonstrations and previews within an organization and to prospective customers. Some developers refer to this stage as a preview, prototype, technical preview (TP), or early access.
Some software is kept in perpetual beta—where new features and functionality is continually added to the software without establishing a firm "final" release.
CPU:It stands for Central Processing Unit and handles all the complex mathematical formulas necessary to do everyday things like surfing the Internet.
Custom:Independent developers who like to customize their devices beyond the standard options provided often tend to release the fruits of their labor for the rest to enjoy, in form of custom ROMs.
Cache:A component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. The data that is stored within a cache might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of original values that are stored elsewhere. If requested data is contained in the cache (cache hit), this request can be served by simply reading the cache, which is comparatively faster. Otherwise (cache miss), the data has to be recomputed or fetched from its original storage location, which is comparatively slower. Hence, the greater the number of requests that can be served from the cache, the faster the overall system performance becomes.
CDMA:Mobile phone standards called cdmaOne, CDMA2000 (the 3G evolution of cdmaOne) and WCDMA (the 3G standard used by GSM carriers), which are often referred to as simply CDMA, and use CDMA as an underlying channel access method.
CIQ:Carrier IQ. A piece of preinstalled software that runs with elevated access in the background of portable devices by default and records everything. Potentially can be exploited to steal information.
Dual Core:A dual core processor is a central processing unit (CPU) that has two separate cores on the same die, each with its own cache. It essentially is two microprocessors in one. This type of CPU is widely available from many manufacturers. Other types of multi-core processors also have been developed, including quad-core processors with four cores each, hexa-core processors with six, octa-core processors with eight and many-core processors with an even larger number of cores.
Dalvik:The Android platform's virtual machine. The Dalvik VM is an interpreter-only virtual machine that executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format, a format that is optimized for efficient storage and memory-mappable execution.
Dalvik Cache:Writable cache that contains the optimized bytecode of all apk files (apps) on your Android device. Having the information in it's own cache makes applications load faster and perform better.
EXT2:The ext2 or second extended filesystem is a file system for the Linux kernel. It was initially designed by Rémy Card as a replacement for the extended file system (ext).
ext2 was the default filesystem in several Linux distributions, including Debian and Red Hat Linux, until supplanted more recently by ext3, which is almost completely compatible with ext2 and is a journaling file system. ext2 is still the filesystem of choice for flash-based storage media (such as SD cards, and USB flash drives) since its lack of a journal minimizes the number of writes and flash devices have only a limited number of write cycles. Recent kernels, however, support a journal-less mode of ext4, which would offer the same benefit along with a number of ext4-specific benefits.
EXT3:Third extended filesystem, is a journaled file system that is commonly used by the Linux kernel. It is the default file system for many popular Linux distributions, including Debian. Stephen Tweedie first revealed that he was working on extending ext2 in Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem in a 1998 paper and later in a February 1999 kernel mailing list posting, and the filesystem was merged with the mainline Linux kernel in November 2001 from 2.4.15 onward.Its main advantage over ext2 is journaling, which improves reliability and eliminates the need to check the file system after an unclean shutdown. Its successor is ext4.
EXT4:It was born as a series of backward compatible extensions to ext3, many of them originally developed by Cluster File Systems for the Lustre file system between 2003 and 2006, meant to extend storage limits and add other performance improvements.However, other Linux kernel developers opposed accepting extensions to ext3 for stability reasons,and proposed to fork the source code of ext3, rename it as ext4, and do all the development there, without affecting the current ext3 users. This proposal was accepted, and on 28 June 2006, Theodore Ts'o, the ext3 maintainer, announced the new plan of development for ext4.
FC/FC's:Short for "force close," meaning an app that has crashed.
Fastboot:A diagnostic protocol used primarily to modify the flash filesystem in Android smartphones from another computer over a USB connection. It is part of the Android Debug Bridge library.
Utilizing the Fastboot protocol requires that the device be started in a boot loader or Second Program Loader mode in which only the most basic hardware initialization is performed. After enabling the protocol on the device itself it will accept any command sent to it over USB via a command line. Some of most commonly used fastboot commands include:
•flash - Overwrites a partition in flash with a binary image stored on the host computer.
•erase - Erases a partition in flash.
•reboot - Reboots the device into the either the main operating system or the system recovery partition.
•devices - Displays a list of all devices (with Serial #) connected to the host computer.
Flashing:The ROM memory used in smartphones and tablets etc. is often same as flash memory found in SD cards and USB flash drives, simply optimized for better speed and performance while running the operating system.
Hotspot:A spot that offers Internet access over a wireless local area network through the use of a router connected to a link to an Internet service provider. Hotspots typically use Wi-Fi technology.You can connect wifi campatible devices to it.
HDMI:High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transmitting encrypted uncompressed digital data.It is a digital alternative to consumer analog standards, such as radio frequency (RF) coaxial cable, composite video, S-Video, SCART, component video, D-Terminal, or VGA (also called D-sub or DE-15F). HDMI connects digital audio/video sources (such as set-top boxes, DVD players, HD DVD players, Blu-ray Disc players, AVCHD camcorders, personal computers (PCs), video game consoles (such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360), AV receivers, tablet computers, and mobile phones) to compatible digital audio devices, computer monitors, video projectors, and digital televisions.
Hboot:It’s mainly responsible for checking and initializing the hardware and starting the phone’s software. It can also be used for flashing official software releases, as well as a few other things. HBoot can be compared to the BIOS on a computer.
HAVS:a control system that dynamically adjusts the voltage based on CPU load. This has proven to be a battery saver, but it can actually have the opposite effect when multiple control systems are operating (like setCPU).
JIT:The Just-in-Time Compiler. Released with Android 2.2, it's a method of greatly speeding up apps in Android on the software side.
Kang:Someone writes a code,someone else modifies the code to make their own release,its concidered a kang release.
Kernel:A kernel is a layer of code that allows the OS and applications to interface with your phone's hardware. The degree in which you can access your phone's hardware features depends on the quality of code in the kernel. The homebrew (rooting) community for HTC has made several kernel code improvements that give us additional features from our hardware that the stock kernel does not. When you flash a custom ROM, you automatically get a kernel. But you can also flash a standalone kernel ROM on top of the existing one, effectively overwriting it. These days, the difference in custom kernels is less about new features and more about alternate configurations. Choosing a custom kernel is basically choosing one that works best with your ROM.
Launcher:Collectively, the part of the Android user interface on home screens that lets you launch apps, make phone calls, etc. Is built in to Android, or can be purchased in the Android Market.
LCD Densityixel density is a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners, and digital camera image sensors.
First of all you need to understand that the Android User Interface uses something called a "display independent pixel" or a "dip" (yes, it's confusing because the density settings are in "dots per inch" or "dpi" which are considered the same as "ppi" or "pixels per inch" as well).
The default LCD Density setting on Android is 160 dpi. As far as the operating system is concerned 1 dip @ 160 dpi = 1 screen pixel. It doesn't mean that's actually true, but you've gotta start somewhere. In my opinion it would have been a lot nicer if they'd chosen 100 dpi because then it would be an easy percentage thing, but they didn't so we're stuck with this formula.
Mod:The act of modifying a piece of hardware or software or anything else for that matter, to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer.
Nandroid:To backup the current running rom.
Nightly:A build that is performed at the end of each day of development. If you use a continuous integration server, it will generally be configured to build the code and run the unit tests on every check in. At the end of each day you may want to run more extensive tests, regression test and integration tests for example, which take too long to run on each check in and these would be triggered after the nightly build. If you have a full continuously delivery pipeline the nightly build may also be used to deploy the built code to environments for user testing.
Open GL:An open source 3D graphics library used in many devices, including Android devices.
Open & Closed Betaevelopers release either a closed beta or an open beta; closed beta versions are released to a select group of individuals for a user test and are invitation only, while open betas are from a larger group to the general public and anyone interested. The testers report any bugs that they find, and sometimes suggest additional features they think should be available in the final version.
Overclock:To increase the speed of your CPU.
Partition:The phone's internal memory (not the SD card) is solid-state (flash) memory, AKA NAND. It can be partitioned much like a normal hard drive can be partitioned. The bootloader exists in its own partition. Recovery is another partition; radio, system, cache, etc are all partitions.
Here are the standard partitions on an Android phone:
/misc - not sure what this is for.
/boot - bootloader, kernel
/recovery - holds the recovery program (either clockworkmod or RA recovery for a rooted Evo)
/system - operating system goes here: Android, Sense, boot animation, Sprint crapware, busybox, etc
/cache - cached data from OS usage
/data - user applications, data, settings, etc.
The below partitions are not android-specific. They are tied to the hardware of the phone, but the kernel may have code allowing Android to interact with said hardware.
/radio - the phone's radio firmware, controls cellular, data, GPS, bluetooth.
/wimax - firmware for Sprint's flavor of 4G, WiMax.
PRL:The Preferred Roaming List, basically a way of telling your phone which towers to connect to first.
RUU:a complete software package released by HTC, it can contain many things they are trying to update. Radio, ROM, bootloader, etc... Installing an ruu is like installing an image on a hard drive it wipes the phone and installs the image. It will wipe everything data and all so if you install one be prepared.
Recovery Mode:A small separate operating mode you can boot your device into, used for device administration. Two popular custom recovery modes are Amon Ra and Clockwork.
Rom/Firmware:Read-Only Memory and technically speaking, it refers to the internal storage of a device, which is supposed to contain the operating system instructions that needn’t be modified at all during the device’s normal operation.
Radios:On the HTC side of things,the radios persist of:
•WiFi, which operates at 2.4-5ghz depending on what channel it's running
•Cellular/3G, which carries voice and data
•4G/WiMAX, which only carries data
•GPS, which is receive-only
•Bluetooth, which talks to WiiMotes and headsets
Flashing a radio means updating the code that controls the phones way of sending and recieving a signal.
RamRandom Access Memory) A group of memory chips, typically of the dynamic RAM (DRAM) type, which function as the computer's primary workspace. When personal computers first came on the market in the late 1970s, 64KB (64 kilobytes) of RAM was the upper limit. Today, 64MB (64 megabytes) of SDRAM is entry level for a desktop computer, a thousand times as much (see SDRAM).
The "random" in RAM means that the contents of each byte of storage in the chip can be directly accessed without regard to the bytes before or after it. This is also true of other types of memory chips, including ROMs and PROMs. However, unlike ROMs and PROMs, RAM chips require power to maintain their content, which is why you must save your data onto disk before you turn the computer off. To learn about the types of RAM chips and how to upgrade your memory, see memory module. To learn how memory is used to process data, see computer or memory. See also dynamic RAM and static RAM.
Recovery:RecoverySystem contains methods for interacting with the Android recovery system (the separate partition that can be used to install system updates,wipe user data,etc).
Root:The first level of a folder.
Rooting:A process allowing users of mobile phones, tablet PCs, and other devices running the Android operating system to attain privileged control (known as "root access") within Android's subsystem. Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices, resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user. Rooting is analogous to jailbreaking devices running the Apple iOS operating system or the Sony PlayStation 3. On Android, rooting can also facilitate the complete removal and replacement of the device's operating system.
SBCthe ability to charge your battery beyond the default safe limit). The concept is similar to overclocking a processor: you're overriding the safety limits established to achieve additional performance. The benefit here is that you may gain more use of your battery per charge. The drawback is that you can damage the battery and significantly reduce its longevity. Some kernels claim they are using a safe technique to prevent battery damage. Just be aware of the potential risks.
Sideloading:It means installing applications without using the official Android Market.
Splash Screen:A splash screen is an image that appears while android is loading.Splash screens cover the entire screen or simply a rectangle near the center of the screen. The splash screens of operating systems and some applications that expect to be run full-screen usually cover the entire screen.
Superuser/SU:On many computer operating systems, the superuser is a special user account used for system administration. Depending on the operating system, the actual name of this account might be: root, administrator or supervisor.
Normal work on such a system is done using ordinary user accounts, and because these do not have the ability to make system-wide changes any viruses and other malware - or simple user errors - do not have the ability to adversly affect a whole system. In organizations, administrative privileges are often reserved for authorized experienced individuals.
Script:The Scripting Layer for Android (abridged as SL4A, and previously named Android Scripting Environment or ASE) is a library that allows the creation and running of scripts written in various scripting languages directly on Android devices. SL4A is designed for developers and is still alpha quality software.
These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to normal Java Android applications, but with a simplified interface. Scripts can be run interactively in a terminal, in the background, or via Locale.
SDKSDK or "devkit") is typically a set of software development tools that allows for the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar platform.
Stock:This is the operating system in its default form, without any modifications made to it except for any device-specific support required to run it on the particular device.
S-On:Security on,means no acces to the phones operating system.
S-Off:Security was exploited,now have access to the operating system.
Tethering:Means sharing the Internet connection of an Internet-capable mobile phone with other devices. This sharing can be offered over a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), Bluetooth, or by physical connection using a cable. In the case of tethering over wireless LAN, the feature may be branded as a mobile hotspot.The Internet-connected mobile phone acts as a portable router when providing tethering services to others.
Userspace(Governor):This governor, exceptionally rare for the world of mobile devices, allows any program executed by the user to set the CPU's operating frequency. This governor is more common amongst servers or desktop PCs where an application (like a power profile app) needs privileges to set the CPU clockspeed.
Underclock:To reduce the speed of your CPU.
Undervolt:Undervolting means taking some of the voltage from the CPU which in return gives a longer battery life and lower temperature during intensive use of the CPU.
USB:Stands for Universal Serial Bus. Is a method of connecting devices to a computer. Most smartphones now use microUSB cables to charge and sync.
Updater Script:When Android devices install updates via 'update.zip' files using recovery mode they have to perform a wide range of functions on files and permissions. Instead of using a minimal shell such as {b,d,c}sh the Android designers decided to create a small functional language that can be extended by device manufacturers if necessary. Since the Android "Donut" release (v1.6) the scripting language is called Edify and is defined primarily in the bootable/recovery/{edify,edifyscripting,updater} directories of the Android source-code tree.
Wireless N:Wireless N technology increases wireless internet connection. Wireless 'N' routers also work with Wireless 'G' and 'B' wireless adapters.
WiiMaxWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a communication technology for wirelessly delivering high-speed Internet service to large geographical areas.
YAFFS:Yaffs1 is the first version of this file system and works on NAND chips that have 512 byte pages + 16 byte spare (OOB;Out-Of-Band) areas.[clarification needed] These older chips also generally allow 2 or 3 write cycles per page,which YAFFS takes advantage of - i.e. dirty pages are marked by writing to a specific spare area byte.
Newer NAND flash chips have larger pages, 2048 bytes + 64 bytes spare areas, and stricter write requirements.Each page within an erase block (128 kilobytes) must be written to in sequential order, and each page must be written only once.YAFFS2 was designed to accommodate these newer chips.YAFFS2 is based on the YAFFS1 source code,with the major difference being that internal structures are not fixed to assume 512 byte sizing,and a block sequence number is placed on each written page. In this way older pages can be logically overwritten without violating the "write once" rule.[clarification needed]
YAFFS is a robust log-structured file system that holds data integrity as a high priority.A secondary YAFFS goal is high performance.YAFFS will typically outperform most alternatives.It is also designed to be portable and has been used on Linux, WinCE, pSOS, eCos,ThreadX and various special-purpose OSes.A variant 'YAFFS/Direct' is used in situations where there is no OS, embedded OSes and bootloaders: it has the same core filesystem but simpler interfacing to the OS and NAND flash hardware.
Zipalign: An archive alignment tool introduced first time with 1.6 Android SDK (software development kit). It optimizes the way an Android application package (APK) is packaged. Doing so enables the Android operating system to interact with the application more efficiently, and hence has the potential to make the application and overall the whole system much faster. Execution time is minimized for zipaligned applications, resulting is lesser amount of RAM consumption when running the APK.
original thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1466228

[FAQ] Android related terms and abbreviations

I'm making this "DICTIONARY" for android abbreviations & terminology and also about Moto G
use this if Moto G is your first android,if you are new at XDA or if you have any doubt
Thanks to @kloud_ and @appdroid for making other guides that i gonna merge and adapt with this one
Ctrl+F is your new best friend,use it
ADK: Android Development Kit, What people use to develop anything for the Android such as APPs and ROM's
adb: Android Debug Bridge, a command-line debugging application included with the SDK. It provides tools to browse the device, copy tools on the device, & forward ports for debugging. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, adb is integrated into your development environment.
Android Unveiled on 5 November 2007, Android is a mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel developed by Google.
AOSP: Android Open System Project, usually you will see this term when referring to a program or ROM. This will mean that the program or ROM was taken from Google & does not contain any modifications done by the phone Manufacturer or the phone service provider. This is Android the way Google intended.
ART - successor of Dalvik, a virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. ART is faster than Dalvik and saves more energy
Baseband or Radio: In communications & signal processing, the baseband describes signals & systems whose range of the frequencies measured from close to 0 hertz to a cut-off frequency, a maximum bandwidth or highest signal frequency; it is sometimes used to describe frequencies starting close to zero
Binary - (sometimes called bin's) a group of executable files.
Bloatware:unnecessary features that are not used by end users and come with the phone (like Samsung touchwiz or other APPs) (luckly Moto G is almost a pure/stock android)
BootLoader: In literal terms, boot loader is code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run. The concept of boot loaders is universal to virtually all Operating systems that includes operating systems on your PC, laptop, Smartphone, & other such devices. Boot loaders basically package the instructions to boot operating system kernel & most of them also have their own debugging or modification environment. As the boot-loader kicks off before any piece of software on your device, it makes it extremely processor specific & every motherboard has its own bootloader.
Boot Loader(Unlocked): A locked or unlocked boot loader is what gives you access to “root.” “Root” is another big word in the Android community. If you “root” a device, it means you have “super user” access or “administrator” access to the operating system that runs on your phone. Root access of your Android device gives you the ability to flash ROMs. Alert:unlocking your Moto G boot-loader will void your warranty
Boot Loop: Simply means something is preventing the phone from completing it's boot cycle & is stuck between the boot animation & the unlock screen, creating a looped animation. This is often fixed by either reloading a NAndroid, or Reflashing a ROM from the xRecovery/ClockworkMod Recovery/Flashtool.
Brick or Bricked: Jargon for a completely unrecoverable device, (no more than a brick or paperweight)
Bug or Software Bug: An Error or flaw in software that produces a failure or unexpected/unwanted result. Typically created from incorrect code, this is why some ROMs are better & smoother running than others because developers have taken the time to input "perfect" code (read put in a lot of hours & hard work)
Busybox: A single multicall binary that packages the functionality of most widely used standard Unix tools, BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
COMPCACHE: (compressed caching) is, in short, virtual swap, setting aside a certain percentage (usually 25%) of your RAM as 'compressed' swap. Compcache compresses the data that would normally go to swap, then moves it back into RAM, and reverses the process when moving it out of the 'compressed' swap. However, this is a classic space-time tradeoff. You effectively get more RAM from the compression, but it is slower than 'normal' RAM due to the CPU time required to compress and decompress the swapped pages.
ClockworkMod - CWR - CWM: A recovery program that is often used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
Dalvik: An open source, register-based virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format & relies on the Linux kernel for additional functionality like threading & low-level memory management. The virtual machine is register-based, and it can run classes compiled by a Java language compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the included "dx" tool.
Dalvik Cache: A program cache area for the program Dalvik. Dalvik is a java based virtual machine that is the basis for running your programs (the ones that have the .apk extension). In order to make access times faster (because there's not JIT (just in time) compiler installed by default), the dalvik-cache is the result of dalvik doing a optimization of the running program. It's similar to the prefetch files in Windows.
DDMS: Dalvik Debug Monitor Service, a GUI debugging application included with the SDK. It provides screen capture, log dump, and process examination capabilities. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, DDMS is integrated into your development environment.
Deep Sleep: A state when the CPU is off, display dark, device is waiting for external input.
De-odex: Apk files have respective odexes that devs use to supposedly save space. Deodexing means you convert it back to a .dex file & put it back inside the apk. This allows you to easily replace files (not having to worry about odexes), but the main point was to deodex services.jar so that you can change all text to different colors (such as the clock color to white) & to deodex services.jar, you need to deodex everything.
Dev. or Developer: An individual that creates, or alters a file in such a manner as to advance the program
Drawable: A compiled visual resource that can be used as a background, title, or other part of the screen. A drawable is typically loaded into another UI element, for example as a background image. A drawable is not able to receive events, but does assign various other properties such as "state" and scheduling, to enable subclasses such as animation objects or image libraries. Many drawable objects are loaded from drawable resource files — xml or bitmap files that describe the image. Drawable resources are compiled into subclasses of android.graphics.drawable. For more information about drawables and other resources.
Execute - To "run" or "start" a binary
Fastboot: Protocol used to update the flash file system in Android devices from a host over USB. It allows flashing of unsigned partition images.
Flash - Flashing : The process of applying a firmware image (or ROM) to a device. It generally entails a very specific order of steps. Failing to complete any one of these steps properly may result in soft/hard) bricking
Flash Memory: a program technology that can be electrically erased & reprogrammed
FOTA - "Firmware over the air" this normally refers to ROM's but can refer to radio firmware (see OTA)
Kernel: The main component of Android operating system.
It is a bridge between applications & the actual data processing done at the hardware level.
The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware & software components).
[Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources
(especially processors & I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function.
It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms & system calls.
Operating system tasks are done differently by different kernels, depending on their design & implementation.]
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop bellow the (just as easily configurable) minimum frequency.
Jelly Bean - JB - Android from 4.1 to 4.3
JDK - "Java Development Kit" an SDK for the java platform. It is needed to run the Android SDK.
JRE - "Java Runtime Environment" a collection of binarys and files to allow java software to execute.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Kit Kat - KK - Android 4.4 the newest android available (supported by Moto G)
Library's/Libs - a set of instructions for applications to use to function. A functioning camera lib would allow the camera to be used.
Logcat :A debugging tool built into Android devices that displays system logs as they occur. See Logcat.
Manifest File: An XML file that each application must define, to describe the application's package name, version, components (activities, intent filters, services), imported libraries, and describes the various activities, and so on. See The AndroidManifest.xml File for complete information.
Nine-patch / 9-patch / Ninepatch image
A re-sizeable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device.
Nandroid or Nandroid Backup: A file typically created in the custom recovery program, such as xRecovery, that is a carbon copy of whatever state your phone is in before a drastic change is made. The file then can be moved onto or off of the SD card for later use in case something should go wrong in the ROM or Update, or a Boot Loop occurs
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, the people who actually put together electronic hardware. Also refers to any equipment original to the phone, or produced by the company for the phone
OpenGL ES: Android provides OpenGL ES libraries that you can use for fast, complex 3D images. It is harder to use than a Canvas object, but better for 3D objects. The android.opengl and javax.microedition.khronos.opengles packages expose OpenGL ES functionality.
Open-Source - (not to be confused with free) A piece of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
OS: Operating system, I.E. Windows Vista, LINUX or MAC or Android
OTA: Over-the-Air; method T-Mobile, & some other phone companies, uses to update Android phones. The new versions of Android are developed by Google & then released to OEM's, Sony Ericsson in our case. The OEM then writes drivers that enable the new software to work on the phone's hardware. They also develop any specialized UI (user interface), like Timescape & Mediascape, or other software they want to include. Once this is complete, they turn it over to the cell phone company, (e.g.)Tmobile, who then have to do the final checks to make sure the update works, & then distributes it over there data network using their cell transmitters.
Overclocking (OC): Speeding up the CPU past the factory presets to achieve a faster & more responsive device (prolonged run can be injurious to your device, so be careful.)
RAM- Could be one of three meanings: 1. Memory for the CPU to process processes. 2. Random Access Memory, a place where information can be used, executed from, modified, or deleted
Recovery - Its a dedicated Android partition, that has Recovery console installed. This is invisible during normal operation of the android device.
ROM: Read Only Memory, a program used to make changes to anything from the look of the home screen to icons to custom boot animation
Root: Common word associated with giving a user "super user" access to their phones programming & other various aspects that would normally not be possible, also known as "Jailbroken" for iPhone's, "Administrator Rights" in Windows OS.
Shell or SSH: The shell is the layer of programming that understands & executes the commands a user enters. In some systems, the shell is called a command interpreter. A shell usually implies an interface with a command syntax (think of the DOS operating system & its "C:>" prompts & user commands such as "dir" & "edit"). secure shell or ssh is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices
SQLite: An embedded relational database management system contained in a relatively small (~275 kB) C programming library. It is multitasking concerning reads. Writes can be done only one-at-a-time. It is a popular choice for local/client storage on web browsers. It has many bindings to programming languages. It is arguably the most widely used database engine, as it is used today by several widespread browsers, operating systems, embedded systems among others
Stock Android : Simply means an unaltered state, such as when you first purchase your phone fromVerizon/Your Service Provider or when you repair your phone using PC Companion or SE Update Service(SEUS)
SU: "Super user", or root permissions
Superuser: A program, which gives unlimited access privileges to perform any or all operations on the operating system.
SWAP: is, in short, virtual RAM. With swap, a small portion of the hard drive is set aside and used like RAM. The computer will attempt to keep as much information as possible in RAM until the RAM is full. At that point, the computer will begin moving inactive blocks of memory (called pages) to the hard disk, freeing up RAM for active processes. If one of the pages on the hard disk needs to be accessed again, it will be moved back into RAM, and a different inactive page in RAM will be moved onto the hard disk ('swapped'). The trade off is disks and SD cards are considerably slower than physical RAM, so when something needs to be swapped, there is a noticeable performance hit.
Unlike traditional swap, Android's Memory Manager kills inactive processes to free up memory. Android signals to the process, then the process will usually write out a small bit of specific information about its state (for example, Google Maps may write out the map view coordinates; Browser might write the URL of the page being viewed) and then the process exits. When you next access that application, it is restarted: the application is loaded from storage, and retrieves the state information that it saved when it last closed. In some applications, this makes it seem as if the application never closed at all. This is not much different from traditional swap, except that Android apps are specially programed to write out very specific information, making Android's Memory Manager more efficient that swap.
Theme: A set of icons, backgrounds & app trays that change the aesthetics of the overall look of the Android & its applications. It has a set of properties (text size, background color, and so on) bundled together to define various default display settings. Android provides a few standard themes, listed in R.style (starting with "Theme_").
TUN/TAP: Refers to a network TUNnel, operates within layer 3 packets, or ip packets. Packets sent by a system via a TUN/TAP device are delivered to a user-space program that attaches itself to the device. A user space program may also pass packets into a TUN/TAP device. In this case TUN/TAP device delivers (or "injects") these packets to the operating system's network stack thus emulating their reception from an external source.
Underclocking(UC): Slowing down the CPU mainly to limit battery usage
Undervolting(UV): Basically keeping the clock speed same (or overclocking it) & reduce the voltage at each cpu cycle.
xRecovery: A recovery program based on the ClockworkMod Recovery sources used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
Wipe - to clean your device memory,recommended before flashing
File Types:
.dex: Compiled Android application code file. Android programs are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files, which are in turn zipped into a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created by automatically translating compiled applications written in the Java programming language.
.sbf: Summation Briefcase File
.apk or APK's: An .apk file extension denotes an Android Package (APK) file, an .apk file can be opened & inspected using common archive tools. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application's code (.dex files), resources, assets, and manifest file. The application package file can have any name but must use the .apk extension. For example: myExampleAppname.apk. For convenience, an application package file is often referred to as an ".apk".
.tar: Similar to a zip file(derived from tape archive), a tar file archives multiple files into one file
.tgz: TGZ files (gnu-zipped .tar file) are commonly used as install packages for Slackware Linux.
Will add latter some MOTOROLA MOTO G especific terms here
If you doubt is not about general android,but about Moto G,
--Check this FAQ made by @matmutant
Frequently Asked Questions -Motorola Moto G
--Also check this Resource Guide made by @Perseus71
Welcome to your Motorola Moto G
Help improving this topic,quote me and give your suggestion
thanks for a still unknown ADM for sticking this thread
if i helped you with this post,just hit the thanks button,
This thread looks nice and useful, but make sure not to duplicate things from my FAQ or @Perseus71 guide that would be useless and confusing
Yes sir, I'm taking this care and wanna make this thread useful
if you know any thread that i should include in this topic or have any tip,just let me know
My Thread has a list of terms similarly in the first post. But this list seems more specific to Moto G.
Either way there seems to be some terms that are missing here but are present in mine.
Would you be kind enough to merge the differences so I will link to yours and get rid of mine ?
@Perseus71 Just realized I missed some terms, thanks for noticing, will merge them and also include new terms such as "ART" "KK "JB" "google now"
That would be a nice idea, and then rename this thread to something like "Android related terms and abbreviations" because it's neither a FAQ, nor a Guide
72off said:
@Perseus71 Just realized I missed some terms, thanks for noticing, will merge them and also include new terms such as "ART" "KK "JB" "google now"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
matmutant said:
That would be a nice idea, and then rename this thread to something like "Android related terms and abbreviations" because it's neither a FAQ, nor a Guide
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
+1 all round.
@72off please let me know when you are done.
@Perseus71 @matmutant
Updates on 15/01 = new terms added
Binary - (sometimes called bin's) a group of executable files.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
Execute - To "run" or "start" a binary
FOTA - "Firmware over the air" this normally refers to ROM's but can refer to radio firmware (see OTA)
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop bellow the (just as easily configurable) minimum frequency.
JDK - "Java Development Kit" an SDK for the java platform. It is needed to run the Android SDK.
JRE - "Java Runtime Environment" a collection of binarys and files to allow java software to execute.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Library's/Libs - a set of instructions for applications to use to function. A functioning camera lib would allow the camera to be used.
Open-Source - (not to be confused with free) A piece of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
RAM - Could be one of three meanings: 1. Memory for the CPU to process processes. 2. Random Access Memory, a place where information can be used, executed from, modified, or deleted
Recovery - Its a dedicated Android partition, that has Recovery console installed. This is invisible during normal operation of the android device.
Wipe - to clean your device memory,recommended before flashing
Jelly Bean - JB - Android from 4.1 to 4.3
Kit Kat - KK - Android 4.4 the newest android available (supported by Moto G)
ART - successor of Dalvik, a virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. ART is faster than Dalvik and saves more energy
Right now 18/01 ordering by alphabetic order [completed]
Reference Links
It might be nice to add in some reference links for many of the terms to the official android pages.
ART - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/art.html
.DEX - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dex-format.html
Dalvaik - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/index.html
ADB - http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
Logcat - http://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html
Other suggestions
At the end of the Dalvaik section you might add a sentence that says "see ART".
Maybe a mention about XPosed framework since it is very prevalent now.
In the definition of ROM it might be nice to explain a ROM image.
This is something I cannot find: What exactly does AOSPA(+) mean? Alternative?
Kernel is alphabetically in the wrong position in the list.
Explanation for the term MOD / Modification.
Add cool Android KitKat and Jelly Bean history link http://www.android.com/kitkat/
:good: Thanks for the nice list.
OTG missing?
AS this thread is always under development,i'm glad for the suggestions to make this a better thread
DigitalSnow said:
It might be nice to add in some reference links for many of the terms to the official android pages.
ART - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/art.html
.DEX - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/dex-format.html
Dalvaik - http://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik/index.html
ADB - http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
Logcat - http://developer.android.com/tools/help/logcat.html
[ ^ Perfect]
Other suggestions
At the end of the Dalvaik section you might add a sentence that says "see ART" [good idea]
Maybe a mention about XPosed framewor http://cdn3.xda-developers.com/images/editor/color.gifk since it is very prevalent now. [will be done]
In the definition of ROM it might be nice toexplain a ROM image [ok]
This is something I cannot find: What exactly does AOSPA(+) mean? Alternative? [ I thinck so since it's mostly related do paranoid android rom]
Kernel is alphabetically in the wrong position in the list.[Yeah,kernel is drunk,gonna slap him on the face and move to his place]
Explanation for the term MOD / Modification.
Add cool Android KitKat and Jelly Bean history link http://www.android.com/kitkat/ [wrong link]
:good: Thanks for the nice list.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OTG missing?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how could i forget? will be added. thanks
Nice info.I will add it into my bookmark. :good:
Great post thank you.
I suggest, the add of GPE definition : "Google Play Edition". Especially in the case of Moto G
Was not so obvious to me until I google it.
Another term that might be good to add is AWS since it is a unique factor between Moto G models.
AWS: Advanced Wireless Services in terms of the Moto G is the 3G UHF Frequency of 1700 MHz - 2100 MHz "T-Mobile"

[ROM][Discontinued] ArchiDroid [CM_ROM][GCC 4.8][Flexible] [V2.5.1] [15/07/14]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Clean | Stable | Flexible | Optimized | Excellent
-> ArchiDroid 2.X <- || Change to ArchiDroid 1.X
A Port of JustArchis Rom to our S3 LTE
ArchiDroid 2.5.1
- ArchiDroid_Init code review
- ArchiDroid_RunOnce code review
- Fixed ArchiDroid backend not being executed in some scenarios
- Updated all ArchiDroid backend tools to latest versions
- Updated PA GAPPS to 8 July
- Reverted back to official Google PlayStore # This means that multi-dpi patch is not included anymore in the app itself, use xposed module or patch yourself
- PlayStoreFix is now included with Xposed
- App Settings is now included with Xposed
- Updated BetterBatteryStats to 1.16 RC5
- Updated XPrivacy to 2.1.24
- Updated GravityBox to 3.2.5
- Updated sources
All Files Dev-Host
ArchiDroid-20140715-i9305-2.5.1-Experimental: ArchiDroid 2.5.1 Dev-Host, Mirror: Mediafire
Oldstable: ArchiDroid 2.4.6 Dev-Host
Remember that you don't need anything else to flash. Google Apps are included already.
Recovery-Philz_Touch_6.41.6: http://www.mediafire.com/download/?rf75pfrp34zws7b
Known Issues
All known and unknown CyanogenROM bugs (if any)
- Download the latest build of ArchiDroid ROM
1.- Wipe data / factory reset (mandatory if you coming from STOCK OR 4.2.X version or any other ROM)
2.- Install the Main ROM via Aroma installer, make your choices and lean back.
3.- Reboot
Attention: first boot will last a couple of minutes, at least almost 5 minutes or a few more. So after flashing take a rest and drink a coffee or a beer !
And after rom has booted up, led it settle a bit, till all apps and settings are initialized!
- Download the latest build of ArchiDroid ROM
- Take a nandroid backup
- Flash ROM using recovery and aroma installer
- Reboot
- Enjoy!
Known Bugs:
none...-> tell me if any.
In Aroma Installer you can select for example:
- 3 different Kernels: Boeffla, Angi and Cyanogen Stock
- different Launchers
- different Keyboards
- different Bootanimations
- many additional apps
- to add nav bar
and many other things
Follow ArchiDroid On XDA!
Write A Review!
Rate This Thread!
Buy JustArchi a Beer!
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Hit Thanks!
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM] [4.4.4. - KTU84P] [OmniROM] [GCC 4.8] [Experimental] [Flexible] [Excellent] [27/06/14] ArchiDroid V2.5.1 | Power In Your Hands, a ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE I9305
This Rom is an official kanging of i9300 thread by @JustArchi lead developer and author of ArchiDroid ®. So all credits and thanks goes to JustArchi!!
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
Based On: CyanogenROM / ArchiDroid / SelfKANG
Version Information
Status: Experimental
Created 2014-05-01
Last Updated 2014-07-15
[ROM] [XXUEMKC] [4.3] ArchiDroid V1.7.15 [25/05/14] & FAQs
Clean | Stable | Flexible | Optimized | Excellent
-> ArchiDroid 1.X <- || Change to ArchiDroid 2.X
Be aware that this ROM includes Knox!!!
So your counter will be increased to 1
- Download the latest build of ArchiDroid ROM
1.- Wipe data / factory reset (mandatory if you coming from STOCK OR 4.2.X version or any other ROM)
2.- Install the Main ROM via Aroma installer, make your choices and lean back.
3.- Reboot
4.- After rom is up, led it settle and start SU app to led it deactivate Knox
Sammy_ArchiDroid 1.7.15
- Initial release
- removed S5 Theme, because of systemui fc
- Boeffla Kernel as default
Download: Sammy_ArchiDroid-XXUEMKC Dev Host
Known Issues
All known and unknown Sammy bugs (if any)
Wifi strength is a bit low
[SIZE="+3"]ArchiDroid's FAQ / Q&A Section for i9300[/SIZE]​[SIZE="+1"]There is a special thread in the SIII section with and for FAQs. If you are interested in, I am sure there are good infos about the rom, for everybody and also related to our S1.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE="+1"]Features / Why ArchiDroid?[/SIZE]
First of all, ArchiDroid includes everything available in it's base. The whole point of ArchiDroid is to improve the base, without needing of making any trade-offs, so by flashing ArchiDroid, you're getting everything offered by the base itself. There's nothing to lose, everything to gain.
You can read detailed information about every ArchiDroid component here. It's a massive wall of text, so I'm only going to list the core features without describing them.
These were written from scratch, they're completely unique and you won't find exactly the same implementation in any other ROM.
ArchiDroid-Unique features:
- ArchiDroid's AROMA Installer
- ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian
- ArchiDroid's Flasher
- ArchiDroid's RunOnce
- ArchiDroid's Init
- ArchiDroid's Backend Control
- ArchiDroid's Hardware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion Daemon (Haveged)
- ArchiDroid's Fast Random Number Generator (Frandom)
- ArchiDroid's Adblock (dnsmasq/dnrd, dnsproxy2, pixelserv)
- ArchiDroid's Forced Update
Apart from that, here, on the credits page, you can find all third-party projects, which have been implemented into ArchiDroid. In addition to that, it's up to YOU to decide if you want to install something, or not.
ArchiDroid focuses on flexibility and user choice.
If you're looking for fastest ROM, choose ArchiDroid.
If you're looking for most battery-saving ROM, choose ArchiDroid
If you're looking for cutting-edge functions, choose ArchiDroid
If you're looking for the most flexible rom ever created, definitely choose ArchiDroid
ArchiDroid adjusts to your needs. You can make it whatever you want. With bunch of presets, modes and questions, you can make your ArchiDroid behave. Check yourself why ArchiDroid is The TOP 1 ROM for Galaxy S3http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3#romList, according to number of followers, rates, reviews and downloads count. Check the Reviews, take a look at Video Reviews, do whatever you want to, ArchiDroid is proven to be one of the best ROMs for Galaxy S3, ever created.
Try ArchiDroid once, and you'll never look back. I can assure you.
Developer's Kitchen
Unless stated otherwise, all ArchiDroid components are licensed under the Apache License:
Copyright 2014 [email protected]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
ArchiDroid is one of the most complex ROMs ever created. When you start digging in my work, you can very easily get lost. And I'm not talking about base itself, but about everything next to it. You can use every part of my work, as long as:
1. You include proper credit where you should. This usually includes proper comment in a script/file and in the credits of the project, including license (if needed)
2. You let me know about this fact. Through PM on xda or e-mail
I'm always happy to help, especially with the problems I faced in the past. However I also want to be respected, considering that most of the ArchiDroid parts were written from scratch.
ArchiDroid 2.X vs. ArchiDroid 1.X
The long battle between choosing over ArchiDroid 2.X and 1.X is still recent. There's no one real and true answer to this. It's up to YOU to decide who wins this battle, because obviously every user is different. I'm only going to give you some tips and briefly describe differences.
Despite the name, ArchiDroid 2.X and 1.X are totally different ROMs. It all started with ArchiDroid 1.X, a ROM based on Sammy's stock firmware, with all needed goodies and features baked in. Then eventually I managed to implement everything what I ever wanted to implement, therefore making ArchiDroid 1.X more or less complete. Then I started with ArchiDroid 2.X project, built from scratch from AOSP sources, with all source codes available.
The point is, ArchiDroid 1.X is more or less complete, there's no "real" development going on, as I obviously don't have samsung sources to begin fun with. On the other hand, ArchiDroid 2.X will never be finished, there's always something to improve, something to add, something to fix... This is ongoing process, which will reach the end when I finally break my SGS3 or change the phone to another one .
If you're new user or you don't know how AOSP works on our SGS3s then I highly suggest to flash ArchiDroid 1.X firstly. ArchiDroid 2.X is targeted at advanced users, who don't mind some "core" features being broken. It will NEVER be as stable as ArchiDroid 1.X is, so if stability is the number 1 for you, choose 1.X.
ArchiDroid comparision
From 1-10, based on my own point of view
2.X - 5
1.X - 8
2.X - 4
1.X - 9
2.X - 6
1.X - 9
2.X - 9
1.X - 6
2.X - 9
1.X - 4
Android Updates
2.X - 9
1.X - 6
2.X - 42
1.X - 42
This is ArchiDroid comparision in a nutshell. If you ask me, I think that ArchiDroid 1.X is far better choice for daily driver, but if you're advanced user and you know how to deal with possible broken functions then you can have great time using ArchiDroid 2.X as well.
Remember that only ArchiDroid 1.X supports Samsungs-specific features, such as Smart Stay, Screen mirroring, Allshare or whatever. This also includes closed-source proprietary drivers, such as many bluetooth headsets, which won't work under open-source AOSP. Think twice before considering 2.X if you're addicted to these Samsung goodies.
On the other hand, ArchiDroid 2.X is the only ArchiDroid with "real" development going on, however all universal changes are also backported back to ArchiDroid 1.X, so you're not missing any feature, which benefits also Sammy's base.
That's it. I hope that a choice between both of these awesome roms is a bit easier now. If you still can't decide I suggest to flash both of them for some time and then decide which suits you better.
Know Your ArchiDroid
ArchiDroid is not only a rom. It's not only a baked android with third-party apps, modifications and tweaks. ArchiDroid is an universal backend which improves rom by many built-in functions.
Let me tell you a story. During developing first version of ArchiDroid 2.0 I experienced many problems, which were not that easy to solve. First of all - apps data. Trust me or not but you can't simply extract data, put it in /data/data after install and hope that it works. Android will detect such injection, report inconsistent of data and wipe everything attached to that. Okay so... How I should provide you with my boeffla preset? CoolTool settings? STweaks profile? If I put my data during flashing it'll get wiped. If I put my data and deny wiping it then Android will report inconsistent of data to user and work unstable. Yes guys, it's impossible to do so without a trick or without recompiling whole rom.
I won't tell you a whole story, because you probably don't want to hear about ArchiDroid development. I'll simply tell you that I overcome MANY difficulties, simply because I do what I like, and I like what I do. After countless number of hours, I can finally provide you with the ROM, which is the best. Why is it the best? Because I'm improving the base, and I'm not making any trade-offs.
Video Reviews / How ArchiDroid looks like?
ArchiDroid User Signatures
ArchiDroid Features
Know your ArchiDroid, learn how to use it
Introduction / Basics
Welcome to ArchiDroid's world mortal. In this tutorial we will show you what ArchiDroid has "inside" and what it really offers. All of things included in this post are ArchiDroid-specific, which means that you won't find any ROM with the same features, as they're written from scratch.
Here you can find some definitions of the words used in sections below. You should know most of them, but in case somebody is lost here you can get back on track.
Terminal, Shell - Typical android shell, which may be obtained in three ways.
1. Through native Android Debug Bridge (ADB) with command "adb shell" from the PC or even "ADB through network" (if supported).
2. Through any Android terminal app, f.e. Android Terminal Emulator bundled with ArchiDroid.
3. Through secure shell daemon (sshd), which needs to be turned on firstly. This is extremely useful in terms of pocket debian, which will be described later.
You can use any of these methods to access android's terminal, however usually Android Terminal Emulator will be the easiest one, as it's android app bundled with ArchiDroid. WARNING! Most of the commands below WILL require root access. You can log in to super user shell by "su" command right after obtaining shell. If you're unsure if you're logged as root or not, "whoami" command should print actual user, "root" or "unknown uid 0" are OK, others are not.
ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian
From wikipedia:
From debian site:
How exactly this covers our beloved SGS3 (and countless number of other android arm-based phones)?
As you may (or even should!) know, Android operates on it's own Linux-based kernel. Android's kernel is literally a fork of Linux kernel, with a few special/unique functions which are required, mostly hardware-specific. Because of that kernel itself is VERY compatible with everything based on Linux.
However there have always existed one typical problem, lack of proper environment. We have a great kernel, great power, linux-based android environment, but this environment lacks of very common and required libraries/binaries. If you ever wondered what is or what does busybox, this is the answer. Busybox is just a small package which offers a few standalone GNU/Linux binaries, which are required to make certain things work. For example, swap priorities. Android knows what swap is, and nothing else. It doesn't know that swap could have a priority, so if you use android's swapon command on 4 devices, it will firstly fill first device, and then proceed to the next. That's why we need busybox in ALL custom kernels, because android environment isn't enough.
However busybox sometimes isn't enough. If we focus only on Android itself, it is. But if you for example want to run stricly linux-based service, I don't know, a web server for example... Is it possible to run a native linux web server on an android? No, it's not. You should firstly compile such service on arm architecture, including all dynamic and static libraries (wrrr ) in it only to finally get mad because of missing libraries or other dependencies. Of course if you're patient you'd finally compile everything and set up, however how long would it take? A few days maybe? If you're skilled in what you're doing...
This is why I included built-in "pocket" debian in ArchiDroid. It's FULLY compatible with everything compiled/based on armhf/armel GNU/Linux architecture, for example Raspberry Pi. With two easy commands you can literally jump into debian environment and use every typical GNU/Linux utilities known from debian itself. Of course this means nothing for most of the users, because they'll never have any reason to use such debian environment but from the developer side, it's big step forward. The best example is with github. As you know ArchiDroid has it's own repo on github, from where you can download/manage stuff. There also exists git app for linux and windows. If you want to follow "expert" way of flashing experimental ArchiDroid version, such program is required. The scenario is the same as compiling web server for an android, it requires much more effort than it's worth. And even then you can end up with syncing external dependencies and searching for solutions for the problems you've never seen before... And with ArchiDroid's pocket debian? It's as simple as in any debian/ubuntu distro. "apt-get update && apt-get install git" and voila. Your git is installed and ready for work. Going further I've even included git in pocket debian itself. Okay, I have debian, I have git, and what next? With git utility I can for example provide you with delta updates for ArchiDroid! ArchiDroid can easily use pocket debian to set up and sync ArchiDroid's repository and then pack and flash latest version without even needing of a PC, using 7-zip or anything else. Another example? A web server. I know that it's very dev-specific but if you for any reason need a web server running, just for example to test simple website, you can have it with just one command. Going further, VNC? MySQL server? PHP? Python? Perl? Ruby? Maybe conditional tasks with cron? Persistent minimal IRC client? rtorrent with rutorrent GUI over WWW? The list goes on... Anything based on linux will work. You can even host a server for your favourite game, as long as it has armhf/armel binaries (unfortunately most of the games don't).
So that's it. In short, debian is an operating system built-in in ArchiDroid to provide you with (unfortunately missing) GNU/Linux environment, with full power, ready to handle anything you could request. I made my best to include fully working debian in ArchiDroid for a minimal cost. Whole OS is packed in one big tar file, compressed using highest bzip2. As for now pocket debian has ONLY 40 megabytes of size, maybe in future it will have up to 50 megabytes, but no more. It's a VERY small cost for having such great power, especially if you know how to use it.
This is a really cutting-edge feature, mostly because I have no limitiations what I can include in my ROM right now, and while other developers are dealing with OpenDelta updates and many Android-based problems, I'm just launching my pocket debian and manages linux stuff.
I'm SURE that most of the advanced ArchiDroid user will just LOVE this feature, as much as I love it. I'm looking forward to your responses how YOU use pocket debian with your ArchiDroid. It's also a great time to learn what does the debian offer and how you can simplify your common tasks with just one example debian utility .
Technical informations:
1. Pocket Debian does not cause any additional overhead. We don't need to use emulation, neither virtualization to boot our monster. I used chroot technology to "jump" into debian environment with already running kernel and Android. That means additional required CPU/RAM is based on what you run in pocket debian. Booting itself doesn't require anything, just about one megabyte of ram for /bin/bash shell .
2. Android has some restrictions, mostly sockets. It doesn't allow to create inet sockets by default, even for root users. You will need to add your custom debian users to special group called "inet" (GID 3003) to allow creating of inet sockets, and you may also need to add a group to net_raw group (GID 3004) to allow creating of raw sockets. Please keep in mind that it's only required if you're running an app which required it's own socket, for example mysql server. So apt-get install mysql-server will fail right after booting, you will need to use "addgroup mysql inet" and then apt-get -f install to complete installation. Of course "mysql" is the new user under which mysql-server really operates. I've added root to both of these groups by default.
3. The only "real" restriction is the kernel. Our debian uses Android kernel and it's filesystem. It should work with most common tasks but in some cases our kernel may lack specific modules or built-in code, for example tun/tap required for OpenVPN. Still it's enough to run pretty much everything and if you get in touch with your favourite kernel developer you can also kindly ask for specific missing things.
4. Debian is built and included thanks to debootstrap utility, ArchiDroid command used for creating debian environment is debootstrap --verbose --arch armhf --include=git,ca-certificates,ssh,htop,tightvncserver,xterm,xfonts-base --exclude=manpages,man-db,rsyslog,vim-common,vim-tiny testing debian http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian
Pocket Debian contains two main terminal commands, "adlinux" and "debian". Both of them are described below. By adlinux and debian you boot and jump into debian's chroot, which means you can use any debian-specific commands.
passwd - changes password of actual user. This is needed to login as specific user, for example through ssh.
service ssh start - starts local SSH (secure shell) daemon on native port :22, to which you can easily access via any client supporting ssh, f.e. PuTTY. So basicly after you start shell you can literally connect to your local area network (LAN) IP on port 22 f.e. through PuTTY from your PC.
ifconfig - prints network-related informations about online interfaces, including your local IP, which may be useful for connecting to SSH.
htop - Enhanced top utility. Gives you very good terminal-based view on actual running processes, used ram, load, and more.
apt-get update - Syncs with debian's apt repository. This is mandatory to use many of apt commands because ArchiDroid's debian comes without local repo available, however fully configured to download and access it with just one command
apt-get install XXX - installs packet XXX from debian's repository.
apt-cache search XXX - searches for all packets including keyword "XXX". Ultra useful in terms of searching for specific packet.
Please note that pocket debian is VERY similar to normal native Debian/Ubuntu distribution, therefore above commands are not ArchiDroid's magic, they're very widely used in Debian/Ubuntu distros. If you want to learn more, most of the Debian/Ubuntu tutorials will be very helpful.
ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian Booter (adlinux)
You can call "adlinux" command from your favourite terminal.
adlinux is designed to boot and prepare ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian environment. It requires mode to be specified, and also respects any extra arguments passed.
If you call standalone "adlinux" command then it will print usage and then ask you what you want to do with giving proper informations about every choice. Additionally if you know what you want to do, you can also pass arguments directly to adlinux command, f.e. by executing "adlinux default", which will execute adlinux with "default" mode.
Available modes:
default - Will mount /data /system /storage/sdcard0 /storage/sdcard1 and core filesystems in chroot. Default suggested mode
safe - Will mount only core filesystems in chroot. Useful if you don't want to share your storage in chroot
bare - Won't mount even core filesystems such as /proc /dev or /sys. Requires "debian force" to enter chroot. This is the "real" safe mode. You won't be able to interact with an android in any way, while debian itself will work in very limited environment, making core functions unavailable. Suggested only for testing purposes
rebuild - Will automatically reboot your device and remove debian folder in the safe way. WILL CAUSE ALL DEBIAN DATA TO BE LOST!
unmount - Will automatically reboot your device to safely unmount debian environment
Extra options:
extsd - Use external sd card (/storage/sdcard1 /storage/extSdCard), if possible
intsd - Use internal sd card (/data/media/0)
Additional information about modes:
Debian shares core kernel filesystems in "safe" and "default" modes, while it also shares your internal and external sd card in "default" mode. This is nothing to be scared of, as you have full control of what you run in debian, however please note that you CAN'T do whatever you want. All mounted partitions in debian are "binded". "Bind" means that it's mirrored to the mount point and all changes on mounted partition WILL affect the mount point, which is logical. This is nothing to be scared of, as long as you know that debian only extends your environment, it does not fully works in it's own and you CAN cause serious problems from inside of chroot. The only really safe mode is "bare" mode, however in "bare" mode debian can't really do anything, as kernel filesystems are absolutely required for most of the functions. Okay so, you need to know one thing. If you have booted debian you SHOULD NOT touch debian's folder, which is ArchiDroid/debian (on your internal or external sd card, depends what you choosed).. As you know debian for example binds /data to it's folder /data, which is physically ArchiDroid/debian/data. If you for example delete ArchiDroid/debian through root explorer WITH mounted debian then it will ALSO delete debian/data folder, which is binded to /data, and therefore will delete your whole internal sd card, that's why it's extremely important to take care because booted debian becomes part of the android and deleting it can cause at least soft bricks, with a possibility of hard as well. If you want to delete debian folder PLEASE use "rebuild" mode, only through this way you're absolutely sure that nothing bad happens and you won't delete your whole system partition by accident.
Note about extsd option:
Debian requires symlink functionality, typically native windows filesystems DON'T support symlinks, therefore you need to have your external sd card formatted in one of the native linux filesystems, f.e. ext4. adlinux will automatically tell you if debian can be unpacked and used on your external sd card, however it won't be possible under most common filesystems, such as exFAT or FAT32.
Technical informations:
1. Pocket debian archive is located in ArchiDroid/System/debian.tar.gz file. This is "bare" system used for creating environment for the first time, you should not touch it.
2. adlinux detects if debian is already extracted when booting, if not, it's firstly extracted from the file described above.
3. After extracting (if required), core filesystems are mounted with "bind" option based on the mode you've selected in "mode" question above. Typically it mounts /data /system /storage/sdcard0 /storage/sdcard1 /storage/extSdCard /dev /proc /sys.
4. Unmounting is not fully supported right now (linux barrier), therefore both "unmount" and "rebuild" options require a restart to execute properly.
ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian Shell/Chroot (debian)
You can call "debian" command from your favourite terminal.
debian command is designed to allow you "jumping" into debian chroot created by adlinux. Please read how adlinux command works firstly if you haven't done that already. debian command checks if core filesystems are available (if debian is booted), and if they are then it firstly modifies required environment variables to make debian happy (such as TERM, HOME, PATH), then it changes root (chroots) into debian folder, therefore allowing you to execute everything from inside of chroot. It's very generic command, therefore standalone "debian" command won't give you a choice the way adlinux did.
Available options (parameters):
force - required for jumping into bare debian, created with "adlinux bare" command above. This skips debian checks for mounted core filesystems, normally you should avoid it at all cost, unless you know what you're doing. If core filesystems are missing then it's very likely that your debian will be disabled in more than 90%.
extsd - Use external sd card (/storage/sdcard1 /storage/extSdCard), if possible
intsd - Use internal sd card (/data/media/0)
cmd - Executes command in debian chroot
WARNING! cmd parameter will cause all further parameters to be threated as a command passed to debian, therefore you need to make sure that this is the last debian parameter which you want. For example "debian force cmd service ssh start" will skip filesystems checks and execute "service ssh start" in debian's chroot, however "debian cmd force service ssh start" will pass "force service ssh start" to debian, therefore respecting filesystems checks and passing invalid command.
This function is extremely useful for making init.d and other startup scripts. For example you can easily call "adlinux default" and then "debian cmd service ssh start" to call secure shell daemon on every boot with two easy steps.
Technical informations:
1. debian command uses chroot technology to change root of current shell to debian shell.
2. After chrooting to debian directory, /bin/bash shell is automatically called as default debian shell.
ArchiDroid's Flasher (adflash)
You can call "adflash" command from your favourite terminal.
adflash is a great small utility, which allows you to easily update your ArchiDroid to latest stable or experimental version with one easy command and delta upgrade. It utilizes ArchiDroid functions, therefore you must be running ArchiDroid to use it.
If you call standalone "adflash" command then it will print usage and then ask you what you want to do with giving proper informations about every choice. Additionally if you know what you want to do, you can also pass arguments directly to adflash command, f.e. by executing "adflash 2e git", which will execute adflash with 2.X-EXPERIMENTAL version using git mode.
Available versions:
2s - 2.X-STABLE
1s - 1.X-STABLE
Extra options:
git - Sets up local git repository, which gives you delta upgrades and bandwidth saving
direct - Downloads targeted branch as .zip file directly from github
clean - Cleans everything up, including local repo and tmp folder from ArchiDroid directory specified below
extsd - Use external sd card (/storage/sdcard1 /storage/extSdCard)
intsd - Use internal sd card (/data/media/0)
nozip - Shows changelog and changes only
Okay so, the most interesting option is the mode...
Direct mode is simple, fast and effective. It downloads target version (stable or experimental) from GitHub server, then it repacks downloaded zip file and makes it available for flash. You should use this mode for one-time downloads, such as once per stable version or two. The only advantage of this method is the ability to download from github (and with one command).
Git mode is complex. It uses ArchiDroid's Pocket Debian (read above) for cloning and updating local ArchiDroid repo. This gives several number of advantages, mostly for using experimental versions. Firstly, by having local ArchiDroid repo you have to download ONLY changes between your snapshot and server's snapshot, which means delta upgrades. Secondly, you have access to all commits from target branch, so you know exactly what has changed since your latest download. Again, this is extremely useful for experimental branch, as changelog may not be up-to-date. Keep in mind that git mode will require additional space on your device for keeping ArchiDroid repository, therefore you sacrifice some space for delta upgrades. This mode is extremely useful for flashing ArchiDroid often, for example daily experimental versions, because in fact you download only new commits instead of whole repo/archive.
ArchiDroid's RunOnce (Backend)
ArchiDroid's Init (Backend)
ArchiDroid's Backend Control
ArchiDroid Backend Control is a set of settings, which controls behaviour of ArchiDroid's Init. It's located in /system/archidroid/dev and contains a number of files, which are recognized by ArchiDroid's Init. You shouldn't directly touch /system/archidroid/dev, instead you can control behaviour of ArchiDroid's Backend through /system/archidroid/scripts. They can be easily executed through any script manager, f.e. Root Browser or Android Terminal Emulator. Some of the settings are also located in /system/archidroid/etc folder, mostly configurations for binaries utilized by ArchiDroid's Init.
ArchiDroid's HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion Daemon (Haveged)
The haveged project is an attempt to provide an easy-to-use, unpredictable random number generator based upon an adaptation of the HAVEGE algorithm. Haveged was created to remedy low-entropy conditions in the Linux random device that can occur under some workloads, especially on headless servers. Current development of haveged is directed towards improving overall reliablity and adaptability while minimizing the barriers to using haveged for other tasks.
The original HAVEGE research dates back to 2003 and much of the original haveged documentation is now quite dated. Recent work on haveged has included an effort to provide more recent information on the project and its applications.
The original research behind HAVEGE use was based upon studies of the behavior of processor caches from a hardware level. The 'Flutter' documents attempt to provide a modern view of HAVEGE at software level through the use of a diagnostic build of haveged that captures the non deterministic inputs to haveged for analysis by external tools.
ArchiDroid has built-in haveged entropy generator. It's controlable through ArchiDroid's Backend Control - ArchiDroid_Haveged_EnableDisable.sh. It's turned on in default configuration, through HAVEGED_ENABLED
ArchiDroid's Fast Random Number Generator (Frandom)
Frandom is a Linux kernel random number generator, which is 10-50 times faster than what you get from Linux' built-in /dev/urandom. And it uses very little (/dev/frandom) or none (/dev/erandom) of the kernel's entropy pool, so it is very useful for applications that require a handy source for lots of random data.
ArchiDroid has built-in frandom activator. It's controlable through ArchiDroid's Backend Control - ArchiDroid_Frandom_EnableDisable.sh. It's turned on in default configuration, through FRANDOM_ENABLED.
Notice: Kernel must support frandom module to actually make use of that. Init will try to search for frandom.ko module and load it, then use /dev/erandom for both /dev/random and /dev/urandom. If your kernel supports frandom, it will work. If it doesn't, obviously this will be skipped even if you have FRANDOM_ENABLED. Check ArchiDroid Init log located in /data/media/0/ArchiDroid/Init.log to check if frandom works properly for you.
ArchiDroid's Adblock (dnsmasq/dnrd, dnsproxy2, pixelserv)
dnsproxy2 is a replacement DNS proxy for Android 4.3+
This currently allows the user to manually override the DNS server IP,
and it sets the correct UID on outbound requests so they can be filtered
via iptables / AFWall+ / DroidWall / etc.
Dnsmasq is a lightweight server designed to provide DNS, DHCP and TFTP services to a small-scale network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases and BOOTP for network booting of diskless machines.
Dnrd, Domain Name Relay Daemon is a caching, forwarding DNS proxy server. Most useful on vpn or dialup firewalls but it is also a nice DNS cache for minor networks and workstations.
Pixelserv is a super minimal webserver, it's one and only purpose is serving a 1x1 pixel transparent gif file. Using some creative firewalling (netfilter/iptables) rules you can redirect some webrequests (for adds for example) to pixelserv.
ArchiDroid has built-in Adblock. It's controlable through ArchiDroid's Backend Control:
It's turned on in default configuration, through:
In short. This is a very advanced and powerful solution for blocking ads through DNS queries. First of all we're forwarding all DNS traffic to localhost ( Then we're handling them through local DNS server - dnsmasq (default), or dnrd (option). Our local DNS server reads blocked hostnames through special /system/archidroid/etc/hosts file, then if no record is found, it forwards DNS query to OpenDNS/Google DNS servers, or if it's found, returns as the address. Lastly, pixelserv is providing a 1x1 NULLGIF response on local web server, so instead of big black/white screen instead of the AD, we get 1x1 transparent pixel, which usually perfectly hides ad from the app or the website.
Extra features:
1. You can specify if you want to use dnsmasq (default), or dnrd (option) as a local dns server. Dnsmasq is more flexible, modern, faster and has less memory footprint, however I also left dnrd as an option, because it's proven to work stable.
2. You can specify hosts file, which you want to use. In default configuration we use AdAway's hosts file, with more than 30 thousand of records, which results in extra ~2.5 MB memory usage. You have also an option to use MOAB (Mother Of Ad Blocking) hosts file, with more than 330 thousand of records, which will result in about ~30 MB memory usage. Eventually you can append your own rules or use non-standard hosts file, available in /system/archidroid/etc/hosts. Pro tip: You can point AdAway to use this hosts file (/system/archidroid/etc/hosts_adaway), which will result in automatic updates. /system/archidroid/etc/hosts is a symbolic link, either to hosts_away or hosts_moab, if you want to specify your own hosts, you can delete symbolic link and write your own rules.
3. Original /system/etc/hosts file has been locked from editing. This is to ensure that AdAway or other adblockers won't use obsolete and slow method of blocking ads through hosts. The whole point of implementing Adblock in ArchiDroid is to provide you with super-fast, flexible and effective way of blocking ads, also with getting rid of black/white ad screen. In 99% situations you don't want to touch ArchiDroid's default behaviour, as it blocks ads perfectly. Eventually, if you have a very good reason, you can unlock original hosts file through ArchiDroid's Backend Control and modify them, however keep in mind that every additional rule WILL slow down your network speed.
4. In default configuration local dns server uses two OpenDNS servers at port 5353, two Google DNS servers at port 53 and up to two local DNS servers provided by your Wi-Fi/3G connection, which overall gives a sum of 6 remote dns servers. In some rare scenarios (f.e. some wi-fi hotspots) you can notice that a moron, administrator of this wi-fi, blocked all dns queries and forces you to use his DNSes. This is BAD because of freedom and so on, but it's very common practice, that's why I turned on local DNSes as well. If you want to improve your privacy at least a bit, you can disable local DNS servers and then use only OpenDNS and Google DNS.
5. Above option initialy has been written to allow you one-time access to such non-trusty wi-fi's. But if you for any reason need automatic update of your local DNSes (3G and Wi-Fi's will use different local DNSes), you can also turn on Local DNSes Daemon, which will automatically query and update local DNSes if needed. This is also turned on in addition to local dnses above, of course in default preset.
ArchiDroid's Forced Update (RunOnce)
Forced update selected during mode selection in aroma tells RunOnce to work in "INSTALL" mode even on "UPDATE" mode, apart from that it works exactly the same as update mode, only RunOnce is affected.
First of all many thanks to JustArchi, who gave me the permission to port this rom
and helped me not only one time to get all things to work :good:!!!
Many many thanks JustArchi for the help and support!​
ArchiDroid Core
- AROMA Installer
- AROMA Filemanager
- Boeffla Kernel-> @Hbohd plus his team not only because he was the first who ported and provided us a kernel for JB 4.3 and is doing it till today!!!
- Angi Kernel -> @psndna88
- PhilZ Touch Recovery
- SuperSU
- Nova Launcher
- TouchPal Keyboard
- Hacker's Keyboard
- Android Terminal Emulator
- BetterBatteryStats
- Cool Tool
- Greenify
- MX Player & Custom Codec
- Root Browser
- Titanium Backup
- CrossBreeder
- Online Nandroid
- Xposed Framework
- App Settings
- XPrivacy
- Debian
- cURL
- GitHub
ArchiDroid 2.X
- OmniROM for GT-I9300
- Linaro Toolchain
- Spirit 2
- Wanam Xposed
ArchiDroid 1.X
- SamMobile
- JustArchi's Android Kitchen & dsixda's Android Kitchen
- Boeffla Kernel
- Yank555.lu Kernel
- KitKat Revolution Theme
- Blue Theme
- All Backs Black Theme
- Wanam Xposed
Special thanks to:
- Kenshin, for graphic design and ArchiDroid Touhou bootanimation
- @mrtur, for graphic design and helpful hand during ArchiDroid experimental tests
- @malachow, for helping users across both international and polish board, sharing the spirit of ArchiDroid
- All ArchiDroid Contributors, for improving and making ArchiDroid better!
- ArchiDroid Facebook Group, for beta-testing the very first alphas of ArchiDroid 2.0.0
- ROM Cleaner, for awesome generic list of bloatware
- Android Revolution HD, for being ex-ArchiDroid 1.X base
- WanamLite, for being ex-ArchiDroid 1.X base
- Temasek's Unofficial Build, for being ex-ArchiDroid 2.X base
- crDroid, for being ex-ArchiDroid 2.X base
- You, for choosing ArchiDroid over other available ROMs
So finally finished
looks good bro, keep up the good work :good:
Thanks...yes and high five ...fortunately today is public holiday here in germany I got some time !
Awesome, I tried porting using porting guide before but unfortunately it didn't boot compiling from source is probably the way to go, I guess. Thanks very much @rodman01 and @JustArchi!
ohh typo in thread under the xda Dev
his Rom is an official kanging of i9300 <---- link has extra h in the http
chongc1996 said:
Awesome, I tried porting using porting guide before but unfortunately it didn't boot compiling from source is probably the way to go, I guess. Thanks very much @rodman01 and @JustArchi!
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yeah tried that too, unfortunatly didnt boot. now im trying to build from source with VirtualBox Ubuntu, of course getting help from some guys like my neighbor Rodman, great guy btw! :laugh:
Nice looking ROM
I ran this ROM on my S1, nice to see it on the S3LTE now.
For me it's better to port Archis 1.X rather than 2.X. We are still lacking of stable roms on our devices.
Waiting for boot fix since it's not booting ATM.
Wysłane z mojego GT-I9305 za pomocą Tapatalk 2
Perhaps I will do the 1.X too, because I am interested in too. But nor sure when...
painball said:
For me it's better to port Archis 1.X rather than 2.X. We are still lacking of stable roms on our devices.
Waiting for boot fix since it's not booting ATM.
Wysłane z mojego GT-I9305 za pomocą Tapatalk 2
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Not sure if it doesn't boot, it should boot, me and maho_66 were talking about our own attempts to port this. You should give it a shot!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Free mobile app
rodman01 said:
Perhaps I will do the 1.X too, because I am interested in too. But nor sure when...
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Get in touch with my ArchiKitchen if you wish to make 1.X release.
1. You download any Samsung release in .tar.md5 format for Odin.
2. You extract from this .tar.md5 system.img boot.img (cache.img modem.bin - these are optional)
3. You load it with ArchiKitchen and you make deodexing, rooting, busyboxing, zipaligning and ArchiDroid init.d.
4. Then you create a ROM from AK and the effect should be similar to my base release: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/general/rom-sammys-stock-deodexed-rooted-t2682453
5. You put in in the ADROOT and you run known magic build.sh script with "sammy" parameter - "bash build.sh sammy"
6. It should start extracting and replacing everything, as you know .
What is a difference with sammy and no sammy parameter?
- When building in sammy mode, build.sh doesn't compile anything and jumps straight to extracting .zip
- It also applies some sammy-related misc tweaks like ArchiDroid wallpaper, because this requires putting image in .png format in framework-res.apk
The fact that its not booting has i.m.h.o something to do with the correct/missing libs and or wrong permissions, for someone who is new to all of this its very frusturating i know, but you could give it a try whe sure need more stable roms i agree
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
This should make you happier .
Make sure to check RunOnce Init and Cron logs after you merge upstream.
2.X works a great here.. Many customizations very smooth battery friendly.. Illl be sticking with this for the time being for sure.. Great work mate!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The lockscreen notifications commit to omni hasn't been merged as of yet, I'll be watching until it gets merged
Sent from my GT-I9305
Performance wise this is definitely the best ROM out for the 9305 and I've tries them all.... Highly recommended !!
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Has anyone worked out a way to add different quick tiles?
Sent from my GT-I9305 using XDA Premium HD app

