[Q] How to recover files from lost.dir - General Questions and Answers

As the topic suggests, i want to know how to recover files from lost.dir
Recently, my photos suddenly moved to Lost.dir directory in my SD card and rename the file extension one by one is going to take forever(I have over 1000 photos)
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Update: SOLVED! I rename the files extension in lost.dir to .jpg in batch using Extension Changer
Now, my photos are all back !



Last time I was having the same problem, then I found a guide which helped me, you may take a look: lost.dir android data recovery
hope this helps.

Sorry I cannot post links so I'll try my best to describe the process.
Mark0, a developer wrote a small software called trID that you can use to recover files in lost.dir for free.
Here's your magic link

renaming file extension didn't work for me. All my images extension were successfully renamed to .jpg but still I got an error "Invalid Image","Cannot open Image' etc.
Help me

I am facing similar issue, but in my case I was using 500 gb hard drive with fat 32 format. Now lost.dir is showing file ranging from 415 gb of size to few kbs
My 450 gb data just remained 15 gb, rest all has gone in lost.dir


[Q] Urgent - need help with an issue on my xoom.

Previously I was using cm9, after that I upgraded to cm10. I wiped data, wiped cache in cwm recovery.
After that, I tried xfering some files over to my tab, it looked like this
i. imgur.com/T3LAU.png
From this picture, it can be seen that my internal memory has files and is not empty
yet when I enter the folder
i. imgur.com/Mn7lR.png
Completely empty, cant be seen.
Even after trying to copy and paste files in, only the new files appear, can no longer find my old files.
Can anybody help me? same thing for the SD card. SD card only detected when I removed and plugged in with external usb card reader to my pc.
(I can't post images yet, hopefully someone with >10 posts can hotlink it for me).
Really urgent because I have to use it for my lecture notes in school.
If you want a workaround on this issue, you can use a cloud storage app. For example, dropbox (go to my signature and click the dropbox logo) can allow you to transfer files without even plugging your Xoom into your computer
Managed to solve the issue by doing a complete memory wipe on my internal hard disk but backing up important files before hand w dropbox as the files are still accessible with astro.
No idea how this happened though.
It's called MTP. Hahahaha in other words windows sucks.
Really what happens is the file list directory isn't updated so it doesn't show up on explorer. I don't even use explorer, I just use ADB push or pull.

[Q] need help to make apk read data from external sdcard

i installed uptodate.apk but it reads data only from internal memory...the data is quite large so i want it to read data from external sd card where i have kept its data..i tried to edit apk by zip archive, by editing content_0.html...but after the edit the apk doest install.... please help me to edit the apk so that it reads data from external sd card. please i have attached the apk file....this is my first post, hope frens in xda show their kindness
rujjwal said:
i installed uptodate.apk but it reads data only from internal memory...the data is quite large so i want it to read data from external sd card where i have kept its data..i tried to edit apk by zip archive, by editing content_0.html...but after the edit the apk doest install.... please help me to edit the apk so that it reads data from external sd card. please i have attached the apk file....this is my first post, hope frens in xda show their kindness
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I modify two versions of UPTODATE.apk for "internal storage" & "sd card" usage. 100% tested & OK in "HTC one SV"
rujjwal said:
i installed uptodate.apk but it reads data only from internal memory...the data is quite large so i want it to read data from external sd card where i have kept its data..i tried to edit apk by zip archive, by editing content_0.html...but after the edit the apk doest install.... please help me to edit the apk so that it reads data from external sd card. please i have attached the apk file....this is my first post, hope frens in xda show their kindness
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have rooted device... Use folder mount ..
Or lucky latcher
Sent from my GT-S7582 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
series 2 my modification "Uptodate" APKs
You can also try series 2 my modification "Uptodate" APKs
in these series omitted adress "/mnt/" at the sources for reading by some phone
not working
my cellphone is a Moto G (2014) and none of these apks work with me.
I tried to edit myself the loading path to "file:///storage/sdcard1/UpToDate/UpToDate.html" (assuming that this was the way to make it function properly) but i can't install the new apk (I get some error).
Since it's my first time editing any apk, I suppose I've made some mistake along the way... can someone with more experience do this job for me? Thanks a lot
I couldn't get it to work on my Galaxy Note 3 - it just showed "net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND". I've copied my UpToDate folder into internal storage. However I've found the solution, and I hope it helps others here who is facing a similar issue.
The key to fix this is by adding permission to access external storage (regardless if it is internal or external memory):
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Just replace the wallpaper permission with it.
It worked finally on my Note 3 and Note 5.
I've attached a file that points to the location "file:///sdcard/UpToDate/UpToDate.html". You will have to edit the APK if your location is different from mine.
Hope it helps.
i need to replace sdcard by sdcard1. can i edit that in the apk from my phone with some app?
none of the apk worked
error message while opening the app was
"the webpage at file:///mnt/sdcard/ext_sd/UpToDate/UpToDate.html couldnt be loaded because:

[Q] Recovery from mmcblk0

Hi guys
I have a Samsung S3 16GB with lost pictures on the internal memcard.
I followed this guide successfully: http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...covery-yes-t1994705/post34185439#post34185439
I created mmcblk0.raw containing 14.6GB of data.
But after Recuva recovered the mounted drive in Windows all i see are alot of zipfiles and other weird files. Ex: ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ².H9¶ that file is almost 4gb large, ss}}}xxx.bbb is 3.7gb large.
See my attachment printscreen over the recovered files
I wanna know, where are my pictures? Shouldnt i see the file and folder structure of Android here or something? and then just find the DCIM folder or something like that. Im very confused at this moment and stuck. I dont know what todo next. Those pictures are of very big value for me and i really need them to be there somewhere. (The phone wasnt used after the files where deleted in restore to manufacture, so no dataloss)
I hope someone can help me and point me in right directions.
Best Regards

Problem with large games not being able to decompress their data.

I've got Cyanogenmod 12.1 on a Galaxy S2 i9100 and the storage is a pain in the arse to be honest. I know the switch from FAT32 to EXT4 with JB or KK was supposed to be better for security, but for access it is abysmal. I can't copy large folders to the internal SD or else half way through the process Windows will tell me the device has been disconnected, I also can't install large games like Football Manager 2015 or Sims Freeplay because after they have downloaded their zip/rar and try to extract it they just crash (even when the phone is not plugged in), and if I copy the downloaded archive to my PC and extract it there it will crash when I try to copy the extracted folder back to the Android/data/ folder.
Is there a fix for this? I had no problems using FAT32 for many years, but now I have an internal storage that seems to choose when it wants to be visible to my computer and will decide to unmount(?) when something is being copied to or extracted on to it.
Nobody have any ideas? I've googled like mad but can't find this problem anywhere. It has to be ext4-related though because apps and games have never had a problem uncompressing their data until after 4.4
This is annoying the bejesus out of me because Football Manager keeps me sane on the train :/
Not even 'adb push' works! I did adb push with the -p switch to see progress and everything is fine for a minute or two and then
failed to copy 'xx.xx' to '/sdcard/data/xx.xx': Read-only file system
This is officially driving me up the wall now, surely someone has an idea of why my internal storage stops extracting an archive or copying files after a short period :/

lost pics, DCIM folder emtpy, no LOST.DIR can be found, what else can do?

first of all have to say I am quite expert in recovering lost files using common applications (diskdigger, easeus etc.) when happened to other people's tablet, phones, computers, now that happened to me can't find any!
Suddenly* have found the DCIM folder empty also have to say can't find no more LOST.DIR (?!). Thumbnails (of missing pics) are still present.
*I believe happened after a "Can't connect to camera" error (CyanogenMod known bug)
and/or after tried to switch default pic folder from internal storage** to sd card
**if can help since months I am using successfully the android 6.0.1 feature allow to use SD card emulating internal memory
I am running CyanogenMod (nightly roms) since years, (now Android 6.0.1 version CM13), phone is rooted, system files/folders visible.
Have to say looking at space occupied by folders can't find any could contain LOST.DIR (usually big size)
I believe a big problem in my case are the OS CyanogenMod flashing updates I do about every month sound me not help the recovery tools to retrieve something
Any help would be appreciated

