[TUTORIAL] Make your own zipping and extracting tool. - Android General

I have made this tutorial just to help people and share what I learnt. This tutorial in no way can cause any damage. But in case you yourself have done something wrong, I will be in noway responsible for it.
Pre-requisite knowledge:
1. A little knowledge about batch commands cause I'm not going to explain the basic commands like ECHO, PAUSE, CLS or similar commands here.
2. How to use a PC and keyboard.
Things Needed:
1. Notepad++ (Google it!)
2. A 7z file.(Most important)- Get it from here.
3. A windows machine.
4. An unbricked brain.
5. Kindness to press THANKS.
How to do it?
1. Open notepad and enter the following command to start your coding:
@echo off
color 1f
title Zipper Unzipper by alokbina
You can replace the title with whatever you desire. The title comes at the title bar of your CMD window.
2. Now making your menu for creating the 2 desired options. For that leave a line after writing the above code and write the following code:
echo Please select one of the following options you want to do :
echo 1.Unzip/Extract zip file.
echo 2.Compress/Zip/Archieve files and folders.
echo x.Exit
set /p se=Select your decision
if %se%==1 (goto unzip)
if %se%==2 (goto zip)
if %se%==x (goto exit)
Here you can change the word "se" with your desired letters but be sure to also change all the "se" with the same letters.
2. Now make 3 folders in the directory where you are making the tool named as COMPRESS, EXTRACT and zip. In the zip directory place the 7za file that you downloaded. And in both the other diectories, i.e., COMPRESS and EXTRACT make a folder named INPUT in each folder.
In the /COMPRESS/INPUT folders you will place the files you want to make a zip and in the /EXTRACT/INPUT folder, you will place the zip that you want to extract.
3. After that we will build our first menu, that is, the unzipping menu. Use the following code for that:
echo Please place the zip file, i.e. the zip you want to extract in /EXTRACT/INPUT directory.
echo Extracting...
mkdir %cd%\EXTRACT\OUT
if exist "%cd%\EXTRACT\INPUT\*.zip" (call %cd%\zip\7za.exe x "%cd%\EXTRACT\INPUT\*" -o"%cd%\EXTRACT\OUT")
echo All done! Congrats. You can find the extracted files in /EXTRACT/OUT directory.
goto exit
Here the mkdir command will make a directory in the /EXTRACT folder named as OUT where you can see the the extracted files.
4. Now time to build the zipping menu. Use the following code for that:
echo Please place the files and folder you want to compress in /COMPRESS/INPUT directory.
mkdir %cd%\COMPRESS\OUT
start %cd%\zip\7za a -mx9 -tzip "%cd%\COMPRESS\OUT\compressed.zip" "%cd%\COMPRESS\INPUT\*"
echo All done! Congrats. You can find the compressed zip in /COMPRESS/OUT directory.
goto exit
Here mkdir will make a directory in the /COMPRESS folder named as OUT where you can see the the compressed files named as compress.zip. Here the start command will order the 7za file to compress the files. Thus another window will open for compression.
5. Now finally making the exit command. Use the following code for it:
So finally you will have 3 folders-COMPRESS, EXTRACT and zip. In zip folder you will have one file 7za and in the other 2 folders you will have a folder named INPUT in each. Your final coding will be something like this:
@echo off
color 1f
title Zipper Unzipper by alokbina
echo Please select one of the following options you want to do :
echo 1.Unzip/Extract zip file.
echo 2.Compress/Zip/Archieve files and folders.
echo x.Exit
set /p se=Select your decision
if %se%==1 (goto unzip)
if %se%==2 (goto zip)
if %se%==x (goto exit)
echo Please place the zip file, i.e. the zip you want to extract in /EXTRACT/INPUT directory.
echo Extracting...
mkdir %cd%\EXTRACT\OUT
if exist "%cd%\EXTRACT\INPUT\*.zip" (call %cd%\zip\7za.exe x "%cd%\EXTRACT\INPUT\*" -o"%cd%\EXTRACT\OUT")
echo All done! Congrats. You can find the extracted files in /EXTRACT/OUT directory.
goto exit
Now you can successfully share your tool.
Note-You can practically change all the text written after : (the colon) but make sure to edit the goto command in the same way.
Dont forget to hit THANKS

Re: [HOW-TO] Make your own zipping and extracting tool.
Great guide.
But Wait a sec,
can't this guide be expanded to make any one_click tools as batch? You could practically make any other tool if you know the basics, right. So why not add it too?:thumbup:
Hope I don't sound too pushy

Re: [HOW-TO] Make your own zipping and extracting tool.
mnishamk said:
Great guide.
But Wait a sec,
can't this guide be expanded to make any one_click tools as batch? You could practically make any other tool if you know the basics, right. So why not add it too?:thumbup:
Hope I don't sound too pushy
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There's already a guide by erasate on it
Press THANKS if I helped,
Best Regards,
Dont miss the ICON FARM!


Question about signing

Using autosign in Win7 and get an error about Java not being an internal or external command. How can one resolve this?
zeroplace said:
Using autosign in Win7 and get an error about Java not being an internal or external command. How can one resolve this?
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From the sounds of it either you dont have java installed or its path not set on your pc.
Droid Heaven said:
From the sounds of it either you dont have java installed or its path not set on your pc.
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Thank you Droid. I will check those out. I figured I would get a smart a** comment or someone saying search. Thank you for not being like most. Will let you know.
Looks like everything is setup properly. I even tried reinstalling Java. Still getting the same error. Im stumped.
ok i was getting lots of errors
go to system properties (windows key+pause break shortcut)
then advanced then choose enviroment variables
then classpath click and edit
make sure the path goes directly to the testsign.jar mine is ;.;C:\Users\SI\Desktop\AutoSign\testsign.jar
the select path and edit same again this one goes to your autosign folder
mine is ;.;C:\Users\SI\Desktop\AutoSign
also download Auto-Sign v0.65(do a search)unrar
put your .zip rom in folder named as update.zip
select autosign.exe select update.zip from drop down and click autosign
hope this helps
Make sure "java.exe" is in your PATH evironment variable.
Open a command prompt and type "java.exe"
If it says 'java.exe' is not recognized ....
Then you have not set your PATH environment correctly.
I found a easier alternative to using autosign.bat for signing files.
You still need the file "testsign.jar" but you don't have to modify your CLASSPATH environment variable.
Just make sure the testsign.bat and testsign.jar are together in a directory that is also in your path.
Just copy the following code to a batch file named "testsign.bat":
@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto usage
if not exist "%1" goto notfound
ECHO **************
ECHO Signing File!
ECHO **************
java -classpath "%~dp0testsign.jar" testsign %1
ECHO File signed successfully if no Errors above.
goto end
echo Error, File not found "%1"
goto end
echo Error in script usage. The correct usage is:
echo %0 [FileToSign.zip]
echo You may also simply drag and drop a file onto this batch file in Windows Explorer.

[Q] [Solved] batch file question(s) for auto adb

okay so im creating a batch file for a little automation just mainly for rebooting the device into bootloader/recovery.. i have gotten most of the way through but at the end i would like for the batch file to stop and allow for further manual input (like i have it set to reboot the device into bootloader and then i would like the window to stop and allow me to MANUALLY input the next command such as flash/reboot/whatever) however i cant seem to find any way of doing that
it all works perfectly just for the issue i cant seem to work out
ECHO ============== CHANING DIRECTORY ==============
CD c:\program files (x86)\android\android-sdk\tools
ECHO ........ Done
ECHO ============== CHECKING ADB DEVICE CONNECTION ==============
adb devices
ECHO ........ Done
ECHO ================== ADB MENU ==================
ECHO PRESS 1 or 2 to select your task, or 3 to EXIT.
ECHO 1 - Reboot Device into Bootloader [FASTBOOT]
ECHO 2 - Reboot Device into Recovery [CLOCKWORK MOD]
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, or 3, then press ENTER:
adb reboot bootloader
adb reboot recovery
ECHO Waiting for device to reconnect
ECHO ........ Done
ECHO ================== FASTBOOT ==================
ECHO manually type fastboot commands
ECHO Waiting for device to reconnect
ECHO ........ Done
ECHO ================== RECOVERY ==================
ECHO Manually handle Clockwork Recovery tasks
ECHO Will automatically close in about 5 Seconds =]
ECHO ....... bye!
I am not sur to understand exactly what you want to do, but you can do what you want in you batch file, it is what you did with for exemple :
- "Reboot Device into Bootloader [FASTBOOT]"
- "Reboot Device into Recovery [CLOCKWORK MOD]"
You have just check the choice with a number and after execute your "code".
So, if you know the "adb script" in addiction of the command you want, go to "code" it.
I remake your script and i especially add an exemple.
- "Execution" and "Code" are more clear.
- It is better for checking error.
- Now, this script is able to check if you are in "64bit" or "32bit", and check if the "ADB Tool" is in his correct way.
- Now, this script is able to check if you have connect or not your device.
- You can see the BootAnimation without "Power OFF" and then "Power ON" your phone.
- It is more beautiful, even if it is not very important.
The new "code", with your previous "started code" :
Even this topic is solved, i remove my code.
cheers for the reply.. but that was not really what i was after... i did some more googling and what i found was (in the last 2 minutes) that i needed a CMD /K at the end of the file.. which leaves the command window open and i can now enter in fastboot commands manually (for flashing etc)... i have attached the file as a.txt for anyone to use themselves if they were so inclined..
1. just make sure the directory of your adb/fastboot.exe is in the same directory as mine (CD c:\program files (x86)\android\android-sdk\tools) and change the 2 lines if necessary with note pad by opening the .txt normally as yours might be in program files or in platform-tools not tools, etc
2. change the extension to .bat and not .txt
3. chuck it in your task bar/start bar etc for quicker acess
and should be good to go =]
edit: i see the checking that the other fellow put it can do the checking for you.. but for me i knew the directory, etc
So, i did not exaclty understand your aim, but you have found it, so it is perfect.
I remake my previous script to do exactly what you want, and i always check every thing during the execution, to know the mistake when we have a problem. Because my version is for everybody, even if i think it is just for us. (Views: 45)
So if you want it, or someone else, just ask me.
ptit developer said:
So, i did not exaclty understand your aim, but you have found it, so it is perfect.
I remake my previous script to do exactly what you want, and i always check every thing during the execution, to know the mistake when we have a problem. Because my version is for everybody, even if i think it is just for us. (Views: 45)
So if you want it, or someone else, just ask me.
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no worries mate it was my first time writing an entire script so im pretty stoked with the outcome i tried to keep it looking as real as scripts i have seen as possible.. =]
I will continue to develop this idea : "A easy way to use ADB Menu".
When i will have finish, if you want i will post a link here to it.
ptit developer said:
I will continue to develop this idea : "A esay way to use ADB Menu".
When i will have finish, if you want i will post a link here to it.
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sure mate.. ill edit the op if you like and can sort something out?
i think the simpler nature allows for much to be automated for mundane tasks... as long as you keep the fastboot commands manual so noobs dont do anything incorrect
I will use what you want, and i will add what i post in my first answer here.
In addition of this, i will post the final "A easy way to use ADB Menu" on a new topic on other section.
And i will post news here, because i think you will look it.

Install multipple applications from PC using ADB in single command!!!

Maybe most of us already knowing this, I am making a note of this technique so that it will be helpful for others.
It's a windows batch file script which will install all the applications to phone in single shot. Phone is not necessarily rooted. Only if you are pushing system app then root is required.
You need apk files on your computer, kept together in a folder.
Connect your phone to system using USB cable.
Make sure adb.exe is in the system 'path' environmental variable. (If not replace adb with fill adb path of adb.exe in below script)
Create a batch file with following contents in the same folder where apk files are kept -
adb wait-for-device
@echo off
adb remount
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.apk') do call adb install "%%a"
echo now phone will reboot.
adb reboot
Save and run the batch file. It will install each app one by one.
If you want to speed up the installation, you can install apps using push method. Below is script for that.
adb wait-for-device
@echo off
adb remount
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.apk') do call adb push "%%a" /data/app/
echo now phone will reboot.
adb reboot
Also if you want to install system application, replace /data/app/ with /system/app/ in above script.
Was about to make a post to look for this. Gonna test this next time I format the Device.
Thanks Mate!
Thanks for your quick guide, This is ready helpful to me.
thanx for Guide
i am testing via adb command and OK

Auto APK/ZIP Signer in Windows

I have created automatic version of this One Click Signer:
(Click to thanx here FIRST! ->) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=822388 (<- Click to thanx here FIRST!)
This version Works for Quantum of files at same time.
There are two DIRs:
Input - move here all APK and ZIP files to sign.
Output - here comes Signed APKs and ZIPs.
How to use?
1. Download auto-sign.zip from this thread.
2. Unzip it.
3. Run once autosign.bat.
4. Now, Input and Output folders was created.
5. Move all your Unsigned APK and ZIP files into Input folder.
6. Run autosign.bat again.
7. Wait until CMD windows closes.
8. Now you have Signed Your APKs and ZIPs in Output folder.
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If you think, that is virus, or any harmful file,
you can right click on any .bat or .cmd file, and use EDIT option.
Here you can see all code, that files do.
Thanx to ASimmons, and dont forget to hit "Thanks!" button on his thread too! (link above)
Sorry for my BAD English.
1. Output DIR is empty.
- move your auto-sign folder to root of C: drive, maybe run it as administrator.
2. Files are in output folder, but not signed
- check if you have Java Runtime SE Library, try to reinstall it.
if you have 64 bit system, and 64 bit Java, try to install 32 bit java too.
Thanks, gouster3.
Very easy to use Signer. However, using it to create an 'update.zip' package for my tablet was unsuccessful due to the 'zipalign' step at the end. So I reversed the steps as follows in "do2.cmd", then it was accepted (although this way the ZIP isn't fully aligned) :
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@ECHO off
SET rom=%1
copy !rom! x!rom!
cd lib
rem zip align
zipalign -f 4 ..\x!rom! ..\signed-!rom!
rem sign the rom
java -Xmx512m -jar signapk.jar -w testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 ..\signed-!rom! ..\signed-!rom!
cd ..\
del x!rom!

[GUIDE][TOOL]Nexus 9 Splash Screen Tool v1.6

This is a Windows batch script that converts png, jpg, bmp, or tif images into a raw rgb565 image, then flashes it to your Nexus 9 to replace the stock Google Splash Screen. With version 1.6 this script will work with any resolution image; using some built in scaling, cropping, and rotating. I have successfully tested this on my Wifi 32 GB Nexus 9 using Windows 7 Home Premium, but the batch file should work for all versions of Windows, even XP.
If you do not have windows and want instructions on how to do this manually, click the button below.
Make sure you have fastboot.exe, adb.exe, and your raw rgb565 image that you want to use in the same folder. Issue this command:
adb reboot bootloader
Please verify that you are in "FASTBOOT USB" mode and not "HBOOT"
In the next command replace imagefile.raw with the name of the raw file you want to use.
Please verify that your raw image is 6291456 bytes in size. This is checked for in my script, but you need to check it!
Why?? Because total pixels (1536*2048=3145728) * Bpp (2) = 6291456​
fastboot flash splash1 [i]imagefile.raw[/i]
fastboot reboot
That's it!​
You need to have an unlocked bootloader.
You have to have your necessary ADB drivers installed and functioning correctly.
You have to unzip the n9splash1.6.zip file into a new directory.
You can use pngs, bmps, jpgs, tifs, ....Pretty much any common format
To use, just drag and drop your image onto the n9splash.bat file
Make sure your Nexus is turned on and plugged into your computer
Follow the prompts from there
This download contains the programs ffmpeg.exe, adb.exe, & fastboot.exe.
It also contains my batch script, which can be viewed in the following post.
To flash back to stock with v1.6, just open the "sys" folder. Inside is a "stock.bat" file. Run it, and of course make sure your device is plugged in to your computer and that your device is on.
With v1.6 you can also flash raw rgb565 files. The catch is that they have to already be the correct size, in bytes. There is no image information (like width, height, headers,...) in raw files as they are nothing but pixel data. So I can't take a raw file of yours and turn it into a ....x.... 2bpp image without knowing what the original width and pixel format is.
I check the size of the file several times before it is ever flashed, so you don't have to worry about a bad conversion being flashed.
Believe it or not the file size is the most important thing, it does not matter one bit what the file contains. But if it is 6291456 bytes, guess what? You are gonna have a new splash screen. It might look like a snow storm on your grandmothers TV, but there is no difference in rgb565 data and an executable files data, there is still 8 bits in a byte and that byte still has the same potential values.:cyclops:
If you don't care to see your images open up before rotating, or before reconverting and showing them to you before flashing, you can edit the n9splash.bat file and change:
set "showbeforeflashing=yesure"
set "showbeforerotating="
If you want it to show you the image, put anything to the right of the "=" sign. If you don't want it to open the image, have nothing after the equal sign (except for the closing quote). And of course save the file after you change it.
Version 1.6 probably will not work on Windows XP. You may get it to work by editing this line at the top of the batch file:
set "usedefaultviewer="
set "usedefaultviewer=yes"
Nov 9th, 2014 v1.6
Added the ability to use any resolution photo
If image needs to be rotated, it is automatic, you just choose right or left
Added an automatic aspect checker, and scaler
Added drag and drop support for images already in rgb565 pixel format
Added the binary copy of the stock splash screen from the bootloader
Added a stock.bat program in the sys folder to quickly flash binary stock image
Added a display of the image, if it needs to be rotated
Added a conversion to png after converting your image to raw to check before flashing
Nov 7th, 2014 Initial Upload v1.0
I take no responsibility for any damage caused by you trying this.
The script can be found in the second post!
Nexus 9 Splash Tool v1.6
Nexus 9 Splash Tool v1.0
Below I have provided some simple examples. A negative stock one and another one using the same 'catull' font that Google uses, but with the text "Nexus IX" instead.
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion&set "vers=1.6"&title Nexus 9 Splash Tool v!vers!&color 0b&mode con cols=78 lines=45&cls&call :drawhead
set "videofilter="
set "showbeforeflashing=yesure"
set "showbeforerotating="
set "rotatesquares="
set "usedefaultviewer="
if exist "%~dp0sys\log\imageres" del /q "%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
set /a "expected_filesize=6291456"
set /a "aspectmultiplier=100000"
set /a "expected_pixels=%expected_filesize%/2"
set "loglevel=-loglevel debug"
set "hidebanner=-hide_banner"
set "ffmlog=>>"%~dp0sys\log\ffmpeg_log.txt" 2>&1"
if "%~1"=="stock" set "image_file=%~dp0sys\stock_binary\sp1.nb0"&set "base_name=Stock Google Splash Screen"&call :stock
set "image_file=%~1"
if not exist "%image_file%" call :nofile
if not exist "%~dp0sys\log\" mkdir "%~dp0sys\log"
set "irony="
cd /d "%~dp0"
for %%? in ("%image_file%") do set "base_name=%%~n?"&set "ext=%%~x?"&set "osize=%%~z?"
if /i "%ext%"==".bmp" goto :checkres
if /i "%ext%"==".jpg" goto :checkres
if /i "%ext%"==".jpeg" goto :checkres
if /i "%ext%"==".png" goto :checkres
if /i "%ext%"==".raw" if "%osize%"=="%expected_filesize%" call :fla**** "%image_file%"
if /i "%ext%"==".rgb565" if "%osize%"=="%expected_filesize%" call :fla**** "%image_file%"
if /i "%ext%"==".nb0" if "%osize%"=="%expected_filesize%" call :fla**** "%image_file%"
if not defined irony if "%osize%"=="%expected_filesize%" call :fla**** "%image_file%"
goto :checkres
for /f "tokens=1-8* delims=," %%a in ('sys\bin\ffmpeg -i "%image_file%" 2^>^&1^|findstr /rxic:".*stream #0:0.*[0-9][0-9]x[0-9][0-9].*"') do (
echo.%%a >"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%b >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%c >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%d >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%e >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%f >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%g >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
echo.%%h >>"%~dp0sys\log\imageres"
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=x " %%d in ('type "%~dp0sys\log\imageres"^|findstr /rxic:".*[0-9][0-9]x[0-9][0-9].*"') do (set /a "width=%%d"&set /a "width=!width: =!"&set /a "height=%%e"&set /a "height=!height: =!")
if %width% gtr %height% goto :rotate
if defined rotatesquares if %width% equ %height% goto :rotate
set /a requiredaspect=%aspectmultiplier%*1536/2048
set /a aspectratio=%aspectmultiplier%*%width%/%height%
set /a pixels=%width%*%height%
if %aspectratio% neq %requiredaspect% goto :badresolution
if %pixels% neq %expected_pixels% goto :badresolution
goto :convertit
if "%aspectratio%"=="%requiredaspect%" echo.Auto resizing image.&set "videofilters=-vf "scale=1536:2048""&goto :resize
cls&call :drawhead&echo.&echo. Your image doesn't meet the required resolution of 1536x2048&echo.
echo. Your image aspect ratio is different from the required 3:4 aspect ratio.&echo.
if %pixels% lss %expected_pixels% echo. Keep in mind that I can make your image bigger, but I can't add detail....
echo. ____________________________________________________________________________&echo. Please choose 1 or 2 and press ENTER&echo.&echo. 1 - Resize it by stretching or shrinking image ^(aspect ratio will change^)&echo. 2 - Keep aspect, but resize and crop ^(aspect ratio will stay the same^)&echo.
set /p ihatexp=?
if "%ihatexp%"=="1" set "videofilters=-vf "scale=1536:2048""&goto :resize
if "%ihatexp%"=="2" (
if %requiredaspect% gtr %aspectratio% set "videofilters=-vf "scale=1536:-1, crop=1536:2048""
if %requiredaspect% lss %aspectratio% set "videofilters=-vf "scale=-1:2048, crop=1536:2048""
goto :resize)
goto :badresolution
set "out_path=sys\temp"
if not exist "%~dp0%out_path%\" mkdir "%~dp0%out_path%"
%ffmlog%"%~dp0sys\bin\ffmpeg.exe" %hidebanner% %loglevel% -i "%image_file%" %videofilters% -y "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%.png"
call "%~dpnx0" "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%.png"
goto :convertit
cls&call :drawhead&echo.&echo.
echo. The image has to be rotated either left or right.
if defined showbeforerotating if not defined usedefaultviewer echo. CLOSE the image when you are done to continue
echo. Please choose 1 or 2 and press ENTER&echo.
echo. ____________________________________________________________________________
echo. 1 - Rotate Image Left&echo. 2 - Rotate Image Right&echo.
if defined showbeforerotating (
ping -n 3> nul
if defined usedefaultviewer start "" "%image_file%"
if not defined usedefaultviewer rundll32 "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll", ImageView_Fullscreen %image_file%
set /p "ihatexp= ?"
if "%ihatexp%"=="2" set "videofilters=-vf "transpose=1""&goto :ready
if "%ihatexp%"=="1" set "videofilters=-vf "transpose=2""&goto :ready
goto :again
set "out_path=sys\temp"
if not exist "%~dp0%out_path%\" mkdir "%~dp0%out_path%"
%ffmlog%"%~dp0sys\bin\ffmpeg.exe" %hidebanner% %loglevel% -i "%image_file%" %videofilters% -y "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%.png"
call "%~dpnx0" "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%.png"
cls&call :drawhead
set "out_path=sys\raw images"
if not exist "%~dp0%out_path%\" mkdir "%~dp0%out_path%"
if exist "%~dp0%out_path%\!base_name!.raw" del /q "%~dp0%out_path%\!base_name!.raw"
echo.&echo. Converting file into a raw 2 byte per pixel rgb565 image..
%ffmlog%"%~dp0sys\bin\ffmpeg.exe" %hidebanner% %loglevel% -i "%image_file%" -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -y "%~dp0%out_path%\!base_name!.raw"
for %%? in ("%~dp0%out_path%\!base_name!.raw") do set /a "out_filesize=%%~z?"
if not "!out_filesize!" == "%expected_filesize%" goto :badsize
call :fla**** "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%.raw"
for %%? in ("%~dp0sys\stock binary\sp1.nb0") do set "out_filesize=%%~z?"
cls&call :drawhead
if exist "%~dp0sys\stock binary\sp1.nb0" echo.&echo. Preparing to flash a binary copy of the stock flash screen.&call :fla**** "%~dp0sys\stock binary\sp1.nb0"
cls&call :drawhead&echo. The stock binary image is missing, please re-download program.
ping -n 4> nul
start "" http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-9/themes-apps/tool-splash-screen-flasher-v1-0-t2931575/post56561564#post56561564&pause>nul&exit
if not "%base_name%"=="Stock Google Splash Screen" if defined showbeforeflashing call :regen "%~1"
cls&call :drawhead&echo. ____________________________________________________________________________&echo.
"%~dp0sys\bin\adb.exe" kill-server&&echo.
echo. Your image is ready to be flashed^!
echo. Press any key to reboot to the bootloader.&&pause>nul&&echo.______________________________________________________________________________&&"%~dp0sys\bin\adb.exe" reboot bootloader&&echo.&&echo.After your bootloader screen shows up, please verify that&&echo.you are in ^"FASTBOOT USB^" mode and press enter to flash the splash image.&&pause>nul
if exist "%~1" (
for %%? in ("%~1") do set /a "out_filesize=%%~z?"
if not "!out_filesize!"=="%expected_filesize%" (goto :badsize
) else ("%~dp0sys\bin\fastboot.exe" flash splash1 "%~1"&&echo.______________________________________________________________________________&&echo.&&echo.&&echo. Done..Press any key to reboot to your new splash screen..&&pause>nul&&"%~dp0sys\bin\fastboot.exe" reboot&&"%~dp0sys\bin\adb.exe" kill-server)
) else (goto :nofile)
rd /s /q "%~dp0\sys\temp"
set "out_path=sys\temp"
if not exist "%~dp0%out_path%\" mkdir "%~dp0%out_path%"
%ffmlog%"%~dp0sys\bin\ffmpeg.exe" %hidebanner% %loglevel% -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 1536x2048 -i "%~1" -y "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%_test.png"
echo.&echo. This is what it looks like when it is converted back into a viewable image.
echo. Close the image when you are done to continue&ping -n 4> nul
if defined usedefaultviewer start "" "%~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%_test.png"
if not defined usedefaultviewer rundll32 "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll", ImageView_Fullscreen %~dp0%out_path%\%base_name%_test.png
goto :eof
cls&call :drawhead&echo.
echo. The image you flash has to be 1536x2048..
echo. The filesize of the raw image in turn would
echo. be %expected_filesize%.&echo.&echo.Your raw image size is !out_filesize!&echo.&echo.&echo. Press Enter to delete file and exit.&pause>nul
del /q "%~dp0%out_path%\!base_name!.raw"&"%~dp0sys\bin\adb.exe" kill-server
echo. __________________________________________________________________________-_-
echo. ____________________________________________________________________________
echo. Nexus 9 Splash Tool: v%vers% by makers_mark
echo. ____________________________________________________________________________&echo.
if not defined image_file (echo. Loading..............) else (echo. File: "%base_name%%ext%")
if defined width if defined height echo. Resolution: %width%x%height%
if defined out_filesize (echo. Size: %out_filesize%) else (echo. Size: %osize% ^(image hasn't been converted^))
echo. Target Size: %expected_filesize%
echo. ____________________________________________________________________________
goto :eof
cls&call :drawhead&echo.&echo. You have to drag and drop your png, bmp, or jpg file onto&echo.the %~nx0 batch file&echo.&pause>nul&"%~dp0sys\bin\adb.exe" kill-server
so PNG's work awesome
rename the .img to bmp
USBhost said:
rename the .img to bmp
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Cool! thanks!
How to solve the signature mismatched problem when flash a modified bootloader.
I have read your post about Google Splash on Nexus 7. I have found out the Google logo. with your help. However, when I flash the new bootloader into my N7, I got signature mismatched problem. Do you have any experience about this situation?
Is not working here, i drop my png in n9splash.bat and the .bat closes itself and nothing else in the files.
heyker said:
I have read your post about Google Splash on Nexus 7. I have found out the Google logo. with your help. However, when I flash the new bootloader into my N7, I got signature mismatched problem. Do you have any experience about this situation?
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Quick note to anyone reading this thread:
This user is talking about the Nexus 7 2013, it has a totally different bootloader setup than the Nexus 9. The thread that the user is referring to is this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2764354​Yeah, after I figured out how the image was encoded on the Nexus 7, the first thing I did was to try to change the image. I didn't try much and here is why. The signature mismatch is a safety in fastboot. There are ways around that (like "DD"), but then you would still have to conquer the even bigger wall of Qualcomms "Secure Boot". If you are really wanting to try and change it, you would have to find some way to disable secure boot. In your bootloader screen, there is some green text that says "Secure Boot: Enabled" (or something like that), you would need it to say "Secure Boot: Disabled"
I'm not saying it isn't possible, but no one has ever shared how to do that. There is a series of file checks that happen, where one file in the bootloader checks the next (or previous) and so on. To learn more about it, please visit E:V:A's thread about the bootloader. It is real thorough and involves a lot of leaked information, because after all, it is proprietary stuff you are messing with. While you are there give him a thanks if you don't mind.:good:
Max128 said:
Is not working here, i drop my png in n9splash.bat and the .bat closes itself and nothing else in the files.
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What version of Windows are you trying it on? Do you for some reason have Command Extensions disabled? Can you upload the file on here, or somewhere else and send me a PM with the link?
makers_mark said:
What version of Windows are you trying it on? Do you for some reason have Command Extensions disabled? Can you upload the file on here, or somewhere else and send me a PM with the link?
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I use windows 8.1, Here is the picture i want convert: http://i.imgur.com/meGTv5n.png
Max128 said:
I use windows 8.1, Here is the picture i want convert: http://i.imgur.com/meGTv5n.png
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I've sucessfully flashed your image using my Windows 7 computer, and I just did it on a Windows 8 computer. I'm updating to Windows 8.1 right now, to see if that makes a difference. One possibility is that for some reason "command extensions" has been disabled on your computer. You can test it by editing the n9splash.bat file with any text editor, and insert this at the very top line above everything else.
setlocal enableextensions
(it should be on it's own line, above everything else)
Save the batch file, and try it again.
It worked fine on Windows 8.1 too. Are you trying to do this with v1.6 or v1? Because you can't use images that are out of aspect or out of resolution on v1. You can use any image with v1.6.
I've attached two files.
meGTv5n.cab is the raw image that you need to flash if you want to do this manually. It is not a cabinet file like the extension suggests, it is the raw rgb565 file of your htc logo. "fastboot flash splash1 meGTv5n.cab"
meGTv5n_test.png This is how the splash would look. This is also a file that you could use on version 1.0, if that is indeed what you have.
I add your line like you said: setlocal enableextensions , and is still not working , the command prompt closes after i drop the image and nothing. Yes i use your last version 1.6.
Now.. i have flash your meGTv5n.cab and is working great on my tablet. Thanks you!
Have you find why this does not work for me? the conversion.
Max128 said:
Have you find why this does not work for me? the conversion.
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No. It is really hard (but not impossible) for me to fix a problem when I can't replicate the symptoms. I have drawn it up as a fluke, since It worked perfectly for me on the same OS, but I didn't know you were still interested. But, if you want to try to make it work, I do have some things to try.
Copy and paste this code below. Save it as anything.bat. DRAG a file onto it, and report if it runs, AND when it stops running, if it does.
@echo off
echo.Echo off....Press any key.
color 0b
echo.Color set...Press any key.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo.Delayed expansion enabled.....Press any key.
set "vers=2000"
echo.Variable set...Press any key.
title Nexus 9 Splash Tool v!vers!
echo.Title set....Press any key.
mode con cols=78 lines=45
echo.New windowsize...Press any key.
echo.The file you dropped is %~1
echo.Press any key.
echo.Did you make it this far....
In the meantime, I have no problem converting images for you, if you pm me the image or link.
I created a .bat with your code and I drag an image into it.
I got this:
Echo off....Press any key.
Color set...Press any key.
Delayed expansion enabled.....Press any key.
Variable set...Press any key.
Title set....Press any key.
'mode' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
New windowsize...Press any key.
The file you dropped is
Press any key.
Did you make it this far....
Also when i drag my picture in the n9splash.bat, the window closes right away but I managed to see: findstr is not recognized as an internal control ..
This can probably help.
Yeah, that can definitely help.
Open a cmd "command" window and type:
findstr /?
does it say the same thing?
Yes the same thing.
Max128 said:
Yes the same thing.
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If you type:
into command window, is "c:\windows\system32" listed?
No is not listed how fix it?
Max128 said:
No is not listed how fix it?
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That's the problem. In the windows command shell you have internal commands; that are built into the command shell, and you have external commands, that are actual programs (most of which are shipped with Windows, but you obviously can make your own). I always thought findstr was a built in Windows internal command, but thanks to the pros at www.dostips.com, I have found out that is is an external command. It is located at C:\Windows\system32\findstr.exe (your drive letter may vary).
Here is how you change your path in Windows. You don't want to delete everything that is already there, you just want to add "c:\windows\system32" to the path. Make sure there is a semicolon separating it and all the other variables too.

