[Guide] [Dec.15] How to Tweak and Mod Android Using Init.d Scripts - Asus Transformer TF700

Hello my fellow Android enthusiasts,
There are many apps that can be used to tweak kernel settings. However, I am a reductionist at heart and prefer to break things down to their essential parts. This guide was written for those who want to be rid of apps that dig into their kernel at every boot. It is a simple guide to writing init.d scripts that the average user should be able to implement.
Happy Tweaking,
PS......ITS A CELEBRATION, *****ES!!!!!!!:victory:
The android boot sequence is divided into 3 parts.
1) First stage bootloader
2) Kernel loads and prepares hardware
3) User space programs load - this is where init.d scripts are invoked
Init.d scripts execute commands as if they were entered into a terminal. These commands modify the value of parameters that influence our devices behaviour. They are much more flexible than tweaking apps and give end users the ability to tweak and optimize their device as they see fit. They are small, fast, clean... and awesome.
See my guide to modding and optimization for instructions on how to unlock, install TWRP, root, and install custom ROMs/kernels - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2232715
Unlocked: Needed to install custom recovery.
Custom Recovery: Needed to install custom ROMs and custom kernels.
Root Permissions: Needed to access /system partition - enabled when most custom ROMs are installed
Init.d Support: Needed to run init.d scripts at boot - enabled in every custom ROM/kernel I have come across.
Scripting Tool: Text editor or script manager - I use Android Tuner to create/test a script and AntTek File Explorer Ex's built in text editor to edit a script.
Root File Manager: I use AntTek Explorer Ex, it reminds me of my old linux setup, its very functional but clean as hell. Also has a built-in text editor.
Step #1: Acquire a Scripting Tool
I use Android Tuner for script creating/testing. You could also use a text editor. AntTek Explorer Ex has a built in text editor that works well. You could also use Notepad++, its a free linux based text editor. Just avoid windows-based editors, they leave extra spaces and invisible characters when enter is pressed.
Step #2: Begin Your Script
To create a script open your text editor or select "create new script" within the "script manager" in Android Tuner. Put your cursor at the very top left corner to begin writing. The first line of a script must invoke a compatible shell that will execute the script, which in our case is the following:
Once this line is typed simply hit enter to start a new line. I usually put an empty line after the first line as it makes things easier to see. Extra lines for spacing purposes are fine so long as they are completely empty.
NOTE - Android tuner automatically appends the above line to the beginning of all scripts. It will not be displayed in the script creator but can be found in the final script you save.
TIP - Do not add spaces at the end of a line. Syntax must be exact.
TIP - Adding a "#" to the front of the line instructs the shell to avoid this line, which is essential for writing notes and keeping scripts organized.
Step #3: Write Your Tweaks
Now we can start writing tweaks. If written correctly each line that you enter will execute a command that changes a kernel or system level parameter. This seems daunting at first but it is really quite easy. Once you are finished typing a line simply hit enter to begin the next line. Here is an example of an executable command so you know what we are talking about going forward.
echo "SmartAssv2" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
NOTE - For some examples of useful tweaks see my guide to tweaking and optimization - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2232715
The tweaks that we are interested in typically begin by identifying the value to be written to the desired parameter:
echo "parameter value" >
The new parameter value is always followed by the directory tree locating the parameter of interest:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/parameter file
In order to create:
echo "700" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc
To familiarize yourself with how tweaking is done I would start by opening up the following directory in your file manager:
This is where cpu parameters, and often gpu parameters, are located. These files/parameters determine how our kernel controls our CPU. To modify our CPU's behaviour these parameters are modified at boot utilizing init.d scripts. Familiarize yourself with these files, open them up with a text editor - it's entirely safe so long as you don't start changing values. If the name of a parameter isn't self-explanatory, opening it up and examining the value it holds will typically explain its purpose. Here are some common parameters that are useful to know.
scaling_available_freq - lists the frequencies available to the cpu
scaling_available_governors - lists the cpu governors available for use
scaling_governor - sets the cpu governor
scaling_max_freq - sets the max freq
scaling_min_freq - sets the min freq
UV_mV_table - sets the voltage table for the cpu
The CPU governor determines how our CPU behaves in response to changes in workload. Changing the governor will impact how our CPU scales through the freq steps available to our CPU. This has a significant impact on the time our CPU spends at different frequency steps, which influences efficiency, performance, battery life, and stability. For more info about the various governors available in android see post #1 at the following link - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817
Tweakable governor parameters are located in:
Various interactive governor parameters can be accessed, such as:
go_hispeed_load - Go to hispeed_freq when cpu load at or above this value
hispeed_freq - freq to bump to once go_hispeed_load is passed
min_sample_time - minimum amount of time that can be spent at a frequency before scaling down
timer_rate - the interactive governor checks cpu load at regular intervals to determine whether frequencies should be increased when it comes out of idle. If the cpu is busy between exiting idle and the timer firing we assume the cpu is underpowered and ramp frequency up
The hotplug config in Hundsbuah's Kernel allows you to control how CPU cores are brought online as threads are processed. A thread is the smallest sequence of instructions that can be managed independently by a process scheduler. Threads are contained within a process. A process is the execution of instructions contained within a program. On a single processor system multi-threading (multitasking) is generally implemented by transmitting/sending signals over a common signal path; the processor switches between different threads. This switching generally happens frequently enough that the user perceives the threads or tasks as running at the same time. If the CPU is overloaded and a thread is queued up by the process scheduler then lag/stuttering is likely to occur because thread switching does not occur quickly enough to be hidden from the user. On a multi-core system threads can be truly concurrent, with every processor or core executing a separate thread simultaneously, which decreases the potential for lag/stuttering. If core 1 is busy processing a thread and another thread is queued up by the process scheduler we want an additional core to become active so that core 1 does not have to switch between threads. However, we also do not want to bring cores online needlessly. If a core is able to process multiple threads fast enough such that switching is unnoticeable then it would be inefficient to bring another core online. The hotplug config can be found in the following location:
The I/O scheduler handles read/write requests from memory (RAM and storage). The I/O scheduler we use can significantly impact I/O (read/write) performance. For more info about the various I/O schedulers available in android see post #4 in the following thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817
The location of the I/O scheduler is:
Use the follIng lines to change the I/O scheduler:
echo "sio" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo "sio" > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/scheduler
A kernel module is a file containing code that extends the functionality of our kernel. Modules allow our kernel to communicate with different types of hardware (ex - bluetooth), utilize various file systems (ex - NTFS), or system calls (ex - frandom.ko). Kernels do not automatically come with all available modules, loading only the most essential modules can reduce a kernels footprint and potentially improve performance. Simultaneously, loading improved modules can improve performance in some cases (ex - frandom.ko). For more info about various kernel modules see post #3 in the following thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817
NOTE - You cannot download and load kernel modules from the internet. They need to be compiled for kernel you are using.
To make a kernel module available make sure /system is mounted as rewritable, rather than read-only (see step #5 for further instructions). Copy the module .ko file (ex - tntfs.ko) to the following location:
To check what modules are loaded at boot enter the following command in a terminal:
To load a kernel module at boot add the following line to your init.d script:
insmod /system/lib/modules/module name
To unload a kernel module at boot add the following line to your script
rmmod module name
This section is currently under construction, more tweaks will be posted once I find them. Sysctl is an interface that is used to examine and dynamically change parameters within a linux based OS.
To change the TCP Congestion Algorithm add the following line to your script:
/system/xbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=westwood
NOTE - For a brief explanation of TCP/IP protocols and network congestion algorithms see the following post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48088128&postcount=1884
Once all your tweaks are written go through the entire script and make sure syntax is exact - no extra spaces or characters. Save your first script as w/e you want (ill explain naming later) just make sure it doesn't have a file extension. I'm talking total absence of file extensions. WHOA! WHAT! WTF YO!
NOTE - Android Tuner saves scripts by default in the "at" folder in "sdcard0"
Example Script:
#CPU Tweaks
echo "1350 1320 1280 1240 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 860 820 780 750 720 700" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
#Governor Tweaks
echo "40000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
#SD Tweaks
echo "vr" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo "vr" > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/scheduler
#Module Tweaks
insmod /system/lib/modules/ frandom.ko
rmmod tntfs.ko
rmmod texfat.ko
Step #4: Test Your Script
You can test your script using a root terminal shell (Android Tuner has a terminal). Open a terminal, type "su", and hit enter (or select the box beside "su" in AT). This will give you the ability to run commands as root. To test your script enter the following command:
sh directory of your script
EXAMPLE - sh /storage/sdcard0/at/scripts/01ZenKernelTweaks
Check the files that correspond to the tweaked parameters to see if the script worked. If the values were correctly modified then you have officially finished writing your first working init.d script.
Step #5: Enable Your Script
First, open your file manager, go to your root directory, and remount your /system partition as RW instead of RO. This is typically done by long-pressing the /system folder (ex - AntTek Explorer), file manager settings (ex - esFile Explorer), or through the overflow menu. Once the /system is mounted as RW we can move our script to the init.d folder and change our scripts permissions. The init.d folder is located here:
The name of your script determines the order in which it is executed. The first two characters determine the order of execution. The ordering is as follows - numbers from 0-99, then letters from A-Z. The first two letters of a script's name are typically numbers between 0-99, this is the standard method of script naming that most developers/tweakers use. Set the name of your script so that it is executed in the order that you wish. Mine is set to execute first because I want to get kernel tweaks done as early as possible.
Once you have named your script long-press it and select "Change Permissions" (or however this is done in your file manager). Give User, Group, and Other read, write, and execute permissions.
Your init.d script will now optimize your tablet quickly and efficiently at every boot. Don't get out of your chair too fast....Before doing anything else, I suggest revelling in your awesome new-found abilities for a significant period of time. Pat yourself on the back. Start referring to yourself as "a boss" if you like. You deserve it.
Although init.d scripts are easy to make, a bad script may cause boot looping. However, a bad script does not necessarily = boot looping. I have yet to cause a boot loop and I have written many scripts that did not work. Everything typically boots normally, the bad lines in the script are simply not applied. Before enabling your script I strongly suggest taking a Nandroid backup in TWRP. To do so boot into TWRP and select "Backup" from the home screen. This will allow you to restore your entire system, which is done via the "Restore" tool in TWRP.
NOTE - Do not enable scripts to run at boot in a program like Android Tuner or others similar to it. If the script is bad it will cause boot looping because the app will keep trying to run it. If you put the script in the init.d folder and enable it yourself you will avoid this issue.
If you want more examples of tweaks that can help you optimize your tablet see my guide to tweaking and optimization. It fills any gaps in this guide and contains many useful resources. You can find it here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2232715

lucius.zen said:
PS......ITS A CELEBRATION, *****ES!!!!!
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LOL ... great tut Zen ...

Very nice, thanks Zen.

I accidentally stated in Step #3 that "Android saves scripts by default in the 'at' folder in your internal storage"....However, I meant to write "Android Tuner saves scripts...". Changed the OP, just wanted to make sure anyone who has read it already isnt like "WTF ZEN! Where is my damn script! Derpa a derrrr".

Breaking News.....
***************IMPORTANT UPDATE - MUST READ BREAKING NEWS*****************
.....watching too many episodes of SP lately

lucius.zen said:
How-To Write Init.d Scripts for the tf700
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Great tutorial!
lucius.zen said:
The number, or letter, at the beggining of the init.d script determines its order of sexecution, beginning at 1 or A, and going up to 99 or Z.
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The universal convention is to use a numeric prefix from 00 to 99, but in reality the name can be anything and the scripts are simply executed in alphanumeric order - digits come before "A". I recommend using two-digit prefixes as intended.
lucius.zen said:
#CPU Tweaks
echo "1300 1200 1150 1125 1112 1100 1087 1075 1050 1037 1025 1012 987 975 962 950 925 912 900 887 875 862 850 837 825 812 800 775 762 750 737 725 712 700 687 675 650 637 625 600" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
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Note that the UV_mV_table has a completely different format when reading or writing the file - one reason why I hate this interface. But it's the "standard" that was established by whoever hacked the first implementation, and user mode apps expect it like this.
lucius.zen said:
Although init.d scripts are easy to make, you can potentially cause boot looping, please proceed with caution.
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To repair this, boot into recovery, connect via adb shell, and do the following:
(if needed
mount -o remount,rw /system
chmod 0666 /system/etc/init.d/50myevilscript
This will remove "execute" permissions for the script, which will effectively disable it.

Say I tested and am currently using 10 scripts, how do I create a .zip recovery file so I can flash/install the scripts at once, every time I reflash or factory reset my rom?

Thanks for your awesome tuto ! But I've a question concerning the gpu governor: it's possible to set this governor with command line too ?

It is a nice write up and great tutorial. I am enjoy reading it and keep up the good work... :good:

LetMeKnow said:
It is a nice write up and great tutorial. I am enjoy reading it and keep up the good work... :good:
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Thanks a lot dude very much appreciated, makes me miss contributing to xda. I made a lot of promises and left too much work unfinished. I haven't been on for 6 months because I have been dealing with some pretty serious mental health issues. Apparently I am mildly schizophrenic with comorbid anxiety and attention issues. Been super fun times lol. Hoping to get back in the game this holiday season, would be sweet to share some tweaking/optimization ideas, I havent had much of a chance to check out your tweaks but I have heard great things.
All the best,

lucius.zen said:
Thanks a lot dude very much appreciated, makes me miss contributing to xda. I made a lot of promises and left too much work unfinished. I haven't been on for 6 months because I have been dealing with some pretty serious mental health issues. Apparently I am mildly schizophrenic with comorbid anxiety and attention issues. Been super fun times lol. Hoping to get back in the game this holiday season, would be sweet to share some tweaking/optimization ideas, I havent had much of a chance to check out your tweaks but I have heard great things.
All the best,
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Thanks for a kind word... It sounds like that you need to take of yourself a little better before worrying about the contributing to xda. You do a lot for the community already and hope you will get very soon. Please let me know whenever you have time to talk about tweaks and more than happy to share what I know.
Cheers and get well,

Missing Files
Using the guide I came up with the following script:
#CPU Tweaks
echo "1350 1320 1280 1240 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 860 820 780 750 720 700" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
echo "20000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
echo "1900000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/max_boost
echo "1900000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_maxspeed_load
echo "40000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
but I received an error for hispeed_freq and go_hispeed_load claiming "No such file or directory". When I checked the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/ directory, the two files are missing. Are they supposed to be present on the TF700?

00shakey00 said:
Using the guide I came up with the following script:
#CPU Tweaks
echo "1350 1320 1280 1240 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 860 820 780 750 720 700" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
echo "20000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
echo "1900000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/max_boost
echo "1900000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_maxspeed_load
echo "40000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
but I received an error for hispeed_freq and go_hispeed_load claiming "No such file or directory". When I checked the /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/ directory, the two files are missing. Are they supposed to be present on the TF700?
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Everything looks good in the script. Not sure why those parameters are missing. What kernel are you using?

lucius.zen said:
Thanks a lot dude very much appreciated, makes me miss contributing to xda. I made a lot of promises and left too much work unfinished. I haven't been on for 6 months because I have been dealing with some pretty serious mental health issues. Apparently I am mildly schizophrenic with comorbid anxiety and attention issues... Lucius
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Forgive the digression, I couldn't help wondering: I don't mean to slight the condition in any way, but zen couldn't tackle it so you had to go the physical route?

graphdarnell said:
Forgive the digression, I couldn't help wondering: I don't mean to slight the condition in any way, but zen couldn't tackle it so you had to go the physical route?
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Sorry I am having trouble understanding what you are asking. Are you wondering if I medication is more effective than meditation?

lucius.zen said:
Sorry I am having trouble understanding what you are asking. Are you wondering if I medication is more effective than meditation?
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Here we go off topic already ... but just had to throw in my 2 cents. I have many conditions that have been treated for 30+ years (I am in my 50's) I had Chronic Severe OCD that was almost debilitating in my mid 20's. I also have A.D.H.D. (A.D.D) along with boughts of narcolepsy and severe panic attacks (were I end up on the floor or in the ER) anyways, I am a mess or I use to be. I did ALL the drugs Adderall (Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine Mixed Salts) / Ritalin / Zoloft / bupropion / Xanax all at MAX DOSE. They all relieved some of the systems, but caused other issues to arise (addiction being one). I got into TD and Zen Yoga 10 years ago. 90% of my symptoms went away the first year, and I only take medication for my high cholesterol now. I feel great and work 10 to 13 hours a day. What this has to do with Init.d scripts .... *shrug* .... Pharmaceuticals just suck .
Now back to the Init.d scripting. Great job on the guide !! if this is not pinned it should be !!
Thank you for creating it.

Thibor69 said:
Here we go off topic already ... but just had to throw in my 2 cents. I have many conditions that have been treated for 30+ years (I am in my 50's) I had Chronic Severe OCD that was almost debilitating in my mid 20's. I also have A.D.H.D. (A.D.D) along with boughts of narcolepsy and severe panic attacks (were I end up on the floor or in the ER) anyways, I am a mess or I use to be. I did ALL the drugs Adderall (Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine Mixed Salts) / Ritalin / Zoloft / bupropion / Xanax all at MAX DOSE. They all relieved some of the systems, but caused other issues to arise (addiction being one). I got into TD and Zen Yoga 10 years ago. 90% of my symptoms went away the first year, and I only take medication for my high cholesterol now. I feel great and work 10 to 13 hours a day. What this has to do with Init.d scripts .... *shrug* .... Pharmaceuticals just suck .
Now back to the Init.d scripting. Great job on the guide !! if this is not pinned it should be !!
Thank you for creating it.
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Thanks dude! They tried to prescribe me an antipsychotic for my schizophrenia but I try to avoide pharmaceuticals. I agree that meditation, yoga/exercise work really well, as does tailoring my diet, etc. Glad things are going well for you now.
All the best,

lucius.zen said:
Sorry I am having trouble understanding what you are asking. Are you wondering if I medication is more effective than meditation?
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Actually I was asking if Zen would not suffice that you need to take medication. I don't see that drugs would do anything other than suppressing symptoms. Nothing is done about the root-cause, and that's how they get you hooked for life.
My own experience is that body is a reflection of mind and vice versa. The dichotomy is simply false. However, given the ingrained ruts one needs to obliterate, diet for the body must be watched as much as mediation must be practiced for mental well-being. You ever studied Oshawa? Much more than just a regime, the way I see it.
Sorry, I won't digress any further.

lucius.zen said:
The name of your script determines the order in which it is executed. The first two characters determine the order of execution. The ordering is as follows - numbers from 0-99, then letters from A-Z. The first two letters of a script's name are typically numbers between 0-99, this is the standard method of script naming that most developers/tweakers use. Set the name of your script so that it is executed in the order that you wish. Mine is set to execute first because I want to get kernel tweaks done as early as possible.
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Great guide, thanks for the tutorial. One question, regarding the order of execution of scripts, does it matter if two or more scripts share the same prefix (1st 2 characters), for example 99SuperCharger and 99Supersudaemon, and 98KickAssKernelizer and 98Fly-On, 94engineflush and 94governor, and etc.? I combine scripts from different devs by editing their code to arrest any conflicts when they get executed, though, I don't change the script's name. Never had any problems, just curious on the sequencing of init.d scripts.

iZLeeP said:
Great guide, thanks for the tutorial. One question, regarding the order of execution of scripts, does it matter if two or more scripts share the same prefix (1st 2 characters), for example 99SuperCharger and 99Supersudaemon, and 98KickAssKernelizer and 98Fly-On, 94engineflush and 94governor, and etc.? I combine scripts from different devs by editing their code to arrest any conflicts when they get executed, though, I don't change the script's name. Never had any problems, just curious on the sequencing of init.d scripts.
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No it doesn't as they get executed alphabetically but it looks a mess and there is little room for ordering.


[OUTDATED AND REMOVED BY KIFNO] Kifno's Scripts v2.x.x Series

Kifno's HeroC Universal Scripts v2.0.1
- Kifno​
What did I do?
- Read change log
My Explanation for the tweaks/scripts
Yes these are the tweaks I apply. They are what I think are the best
values for the file(s). Now I'll go into detail as to what each file is and why I set
a new value for it. If you don't like my opinion as to why my new value is
better please explain in a positive manner why you think so or just well...
then, no offense but just keep it to yourself. If you can't say anything
that is constructive POSITIVE critism without using language that could lead to
an argument/provakative language then please don't post here. Now on to the
[B]Kernel Tweaks:[/B]
This specifies a period of time that the kernel gives a process that is holding a
file lease. After it has sent a signal to that process notifying, it that another
process is waiting to pen the file. In simpler terms this means that the kernel
has given the process a set amount of time it can hold a file after another
process has notifying it that it wants the file. The deafult had the time higher. I
set it lower. Although it doesn't make much of a difference, ever millionth of a
second counts :D
This enables cfq compatibility with older kernel models. This results in better
performance, for example more smoothness in apps and the launcher
This value has to correspond with the file-max value so this is raised according
to the value of the file-max. Why did I raise the file-max? Keep reading silly
Disables some annoying cfs scheduler feature (which is why I don't use the cfs
scheduler in my tweak, I use the noop scheduler) whic increase the UI's
performace just a bit.
Sets the maximum number of file-handles that the android kernel will put aside
for other use, share, or put in memory for other use. Usually increasing this
value is a good thing compared to the default value. Which in our case, it was.
If our kernels had an inode file we'd want the value of that to be 2-3 times as
much as the file max. Its a good tweaking rule I thought I'd let you know just
in case you're on linux
This is the max percentage of active processes that can be filled with dirty
pages before the pdflush begins writing them This MAY OR MAY NOT be the
default value for most kernels, but just in case it isn't I set it anyway. Why?
Becuase I want to make sure that if the dirty pages is about 19MB - 40MB of
our RAM, that pdflush begins writing
How agressively memory is "swapped" between disk and swap space.
Lowering this is a good thing if on a system with slow I/O speeds between the
disk. But if this is lowered too much the I/O will get "constapated" and just
slow the phone down.
Doesn't do much but messing with the pdflush's timing of things. Little improvement but everything adds up
Management of the phone's processes by setting a max amount of memory the
phone allows for dirty pages before stopping the processes writing.
Sets kernel priority for getting/releasing inodes and dentry cache files.
Higher = getting inodes and dentry cache files back more quickly
Lower = releasing inodes and dentry cache files a bit more quickly
Changes the govenor depending on screen state
Changed timeslice lenght for better performance when using the phone, and
bettery battery when you aren't using the phone (screen off).
Cpu frequencies. Pretty simple to explain
Amount of time before the interactive governor decides to change the cpu
This is how often the kernel changes the frequency.
This is the max rate at which the kernel can change frequencies.
Thi is teh min rate at which the kernel can change frequencies.
Average CPU usage from kernel's sampling rates which help it determine
wheather or not it should increase the CPU frequency.
This is what I use to find the battery percentage for the battery percentage
This is what I use to find the temperature for the temperature profile.
Determines if phone is sleep or awake for screen state profile
This is the amount of power that was given towards wifi. I just upped the
I/O Scheduler Tweaks:
IMO the noop scheduler is better for our read and write speeds. Simple as that.
And what more than a better scheduler for read and write speeds to go along
with the sd card speed tweaks?
echo noop > /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler
Set so that the phone's process, ram, or any other request won't get out of
order. This improves the performance because it helps our internal drive and
extral drive (if using apps2sd or data2ext or data2sd). How think of it as
organizing the request a little bit better than the default value This is more
of a being safe thing in fact, but also a little extra performance didn't hurt
anyone did it?
Network Tweaks:
These change the DNS server to which in fact helped my mobile data
speeds go up by about 50-100kbps This DNS server was better than
google's or opendns (but I've always had problems with opendns). Though
google's dns server came close to being the better of the three this DNS server
was the best after being tested many times
nameserver /etc/resolv.conf
The following are the combination of strings and values that I played with in the
beginning days of this tweak so configure our network speeds. It took about 6
hours of testing to come up with the best combination for the heroc And like
I've asked and I've said about at least 20x when asked, exactly how is our
CDMA network affected by these values when they aren't even meant for it?
They just do, now shh and enjoy your better 3G speeds But seriously ask
someone in the networking field or someone who works for sprint but is into
rooting androids (so you won't get into trouble because of hacking their data
tower speeds they give out to our herocs ). I did and it has something to do
data towers, I can't explain exactly how because once I heard that I was so
excited I just stopped listening as well
How frequently the keepalive probes are sent out is determined by tcp_keepalive_intvl This is value is dependent upon tcp_keepalive_probes as well, which determines how many probes are sent out. This determines the time not to kill the connection. I lowered this value so connections will be killed faster.
Time to hold sockets, which I lowered.
Socket receive buffer. Increased to increase sockets received from network.
Socket send buffer. Increased to increase sockets sent to the network.
Maximum socket receive buffer. Increased to increase the total amount of sockets we can receive from the network.
Maximum socket send buffer. Increased to increase the total amount of sockets we can send to the network.
Memory Tweaks:
This is the tweak I used to configure our internal task killer. I had to experiment
with this a lot becaue certain values made music playback very choppy when
the screen was in sleep mode. But at last these are the values I came up with
to keep our free ram high while not interfering with everyday usage too much
echo "3072,6144,9216,21000,23000,25000" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
SD Card Tweaks:
This is the cache of the sd card. This was set to 128 so I bumped it up to 1024. Other values may be better for your phone and it's sd card but this is the
most compatible across the board. Still a performance increase but just not the
optimal value. Why? Because all heros are different as well as that plust the sd
card everyone is using
- Rooted HTC Hero CDMA
- Kernel w/ Interactive, Smartass, Conservative, Powersave, Ondemand, and Performace Governors (Grab deca kernel and compile from source if not using cyanogenmod based roms, or use sobe's kernel)
Installing Instructions (Recovery Menu):
Difficulty: Easy
Reboot Recovery
Download and Flash Kifno's Universal HeroC Script
Wipe cache, and dalvik-cache
Reboot into system
Removal Instructions (Recovery Menu):
Difficulty: Easy
Download the removal zip for latest version
Get It Here
Reboot Recovery
Flash it
- Cyanogenmod 7.0.2
- NfiniteFX's Stock Rom
- LiquidSense 2.1.1
- Kifno's 2.1 Sense Roms
- Aosp Gingerbread
- GingerSense/Rock Steady
- Aosp Froyo
- CM6.1
NOTE: If lagging with latency tweak builds, use the no latency tweak builds.
- Works on Every Rom
Change Log
- ALL BY KIFNO!!!!!!!
- Documentation for my opinion of what all my tweaks/scripts do. (I say opinion because I may or may not be correct for all of my explanations. If I am wrong please let me know, so that I can correct it so that others will not learn false information).
- setCPU, collin_ph, overclockwidget, CM7's cpu settings, or any other battery tweak/cpu overclocking utility, REPLACEMENT. This is not to be used with any of those utilities while using this or you will encounter many problems.
- mobile network and wifi speed boost ranging anywhere from 175%-400% speed gains. The percentage amount increased is determined by many other factors (the data tower in your area, your phones condition, the wifi connection, etc)
- Smoother UI
- More Free RAM
- Memory Settings Optimizer
- Any kernel tweak-er
- DroidX Market Tweak COMING SOON
- GPU Composition instead of MDP Composition
- Extended Battery Life and/or Increased Performance as a result of the tweaks and my battery tweak/cpu overclocking utility replacement script
- Tweaked the I/O
- removed some junk
- made network speeds a bit more stable
- fixed the problem were my 98kiftweaks wasn't writing the values correctly (sd card cache fix improvement & io tweaks)
- adjustments to kifCPU so that there will be longer battery life :D
- added a removal and backup script
I want everyone who is has ever donated, or has thought of donating me or anyone else to know this. XDA is a place for everyone to learn, teach, and share their work and new findings for android. Donations are not a right on XDA they are a privilege. Donations were allowed for XDA members to give and receive as a way for someone who really appreciates the original poster's work and is a way for the donor to show their thanks by doing more than pressing the thanks button. This is something that the original poster should appreciate and follow up with a PM as a thanks for their thanks, and use that as a notification, that they should keep up the good work and they're doing good things for XDA. Again recieving donations is not a right it is a privilege, that the original poster shouldn't abuse by asking for donations but instead appreciate when recieved. Asking for donations is not right and it is looked down upon on XDA because it goes against the meaning of what XDA is all about. This is something I want everyone to understand before even thinking of donating to me or anyone else or when given a donation. Don't donate because the original poster comes off as asking for money, instead if you choose to donate, donate out of showing more appreciation for another's work and as more of a way to show that you care for their work. I want everyone to understand that.
- Kifno
Made base of the script when he converted the v0.9 build.prop edits in to a script.
SD Card cache IDEA. I improved it.
IDEA for I/O scheduler tweaks. I improved them for our heroes.
MOST of the network tweaks. I just changed the values so that it'd be optimal for our heroes.
Screen state IDEA for kifCPU
Okay gonna take it for a spin and see how it works. But I have a??? Does this mod preset the max/min cpu speed??? I use jm's kernel @ 710 max 691 min. But at work or when I'm in an area that has poor reception I bump it up to 768min 806 max. Am I able to still do this and use this tweak effectively??? Also does the removal zip from your prior tweak remove this?? Also to use the battery tweaks must I do the whole calibrate thing??? The reason I ask is I use the gf's data2ext mod and letting the battery discharge is a no go.
laie1472 said:
Okay gonna take it for a spin and see how it works. But I have a??? Does this mod preset the max/min cpu speed??? I use jm's kernel @ 710 max 691 min. But at work or when I'm in an area that has poor reception I bump it up to 768min 806 max. Am I able to still do this and use this tweak effectively??? Also does the removal zip from your prior tweak remove this?? Also to use the battery tweaks must I do the whole calibrate thing??? The reason I ask is I use the gf's data2ext mod and letting the battery discharge is a no go.
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No it doesn't remove this I need to make a removal .zip asap. But You can just take the 768mhz zip and upzip it and change the cpu values in the /system/bin/kifCPU.sh file
just look for the the lines that effect the cpu speeds. If you don't know which ones do, then read my explanation for my tweaks
OH YEAH EVERYONE I ADDED MY EXPLANATION FOR TWEAKS If I am wrong about anything please, tell me asap so I can update it so people don't learn false information.
Glad to be on a fresh start with this
I'm gonna be all over this. Haha.
Please post feedback as to hours of battery life increase based on your normal usage and which build worked for you rom. Please post your rom and kernel you're using as well. and any other things you'd like for me to know as well. Thanks
flashing on aospCmod now (right after this nandroid finishes)
Haha. Outstanding!
Rom: CyanogenMod 7.0.2
Kif's Universal Script: Latency 768
Kernel: Sobe's AP5
Battery: Will post feed back when I get off work.
Network speed: Outstanding on my phone!
Keyboard response: before kid's tweak, laggy After kif's tweak, VERY! responsive.
UI: Speedy!
Haha. Feels like I just bought a new phone.
I can't wait to test this out on Rock Steady when I get home! Honestly I flash this on work hours. Ha. Yea I'm a flash freak like everyone else. I should just say I'm sick *cough cough* ha.
Outstanding work bro!
Will post more feedbacks when I get home.
Take care and God Bless.
I'm using one of Zen's kernels (710MHz)on NfiniteFX ROM. Can I use this? I'm not sure Zen's kernels have the governors you mention. Where can I get such a kernel, remembering that I am running Sense. I've read Zen kernels are usually best for Sense.
so far so good installed fine
downloads 35-50% faster on average on a few trials via 3g.
In regard to your explanation:
As stated previously in the old thread, this file has never and will never exist on the hero, because we only have one SD device.
This DNS server [] was better than
google's or opendns (but I've always had problems with opendns)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse is NOT a DNS. All this value does is force the phone to use whichever DNS the network specifies (which it may or may not be doing anyway).
You said to "ask someone in the networking field" about these values. Someone from the "networking field" (dhero) already chimed in (as did several other people) and told you that some of these lines don't even do anything. The only thing here that's probably making a difference in network speeds is the bitmask value (which is just setting all bits to 1, negating what they actually do).
For instance, I can tell you 100%, for a fact, that the "ro.ril.enable.dtm" line does nothing on the hero, because the entire point of this line is to enable simultaneous use of voice/data on GSM networks. CDMA networks have never been able to do this, and that's not something you can change
The line "ro.ril.enable.a53" also does absolutely nothing on our phones. A5/3 is an encryption algorithm, used on GSM networks. It has no use in CDMA devices, and was actually broken by hackers in recent history.
I've love to see some real documentation of how setting these values really makes a difference. The facts of speed tests are that (1) they are only testing your "burst" speeds which means they don't really answer many questions about long-term performance and that (2) they can vary wildly in the same time frame. I know that I have personally always had better EV-DO speeds than your scripts supposedly provide (sustained average 1.5-2mb/s downstream), and that all depends on signal range and nearby devices.
Right now I'm working on actually reverse-engineering the HTC RIL library to see what these values REALLY change. As far as I can tell, some of them never actually make a difference on the CDMA Hero and are just left over from the GSM Hero and other devices. They are read in from the prop file, but the variables which contain them aren't referenced by the CDMA code paths.
As stated previously in the old thread, this value does nothing because that's already the default value in the source code.
As stated previously in the old thread, this is already set in the build props.
As stated previously in the old thread (and backed up by PROVIDING THE SOURCE CODE), this line does nothing because it's the equivalent of not specifying it at all. This is why we removed it from the CM build a LONG time ago. The ONLY time this line would EVER make a difference is if someone had deliberately set it to 0 beforehand, and as far as I know, no ROM (including the stock one) has ever shipped with 0 set.
The DEFAULT behavior of SurfaceFlinger is to always use the GPU when possible. The ONLY reason the "debug.sf.hw" line exists is for troubleshooting/debugging, for example when booting the emulator.
In regard to my own exploration of the zips provided (for reference I used the no-latency 691 zip):
You have a typo in your code.
CHECK_NOOP=` cat /sys/block/mtdblock3/queue/scheduler
The tailing backtick is missing.
Why are you providing busybox in your zip? The version you provide (1.15) is outdated; a newer version is already in CM7 and other ROM images. And the folder you're copying it to (system/sbin) doesn't actually exist.
By overwriting the init.local.rc script instead of appending your code to it, you are effectively breaking compcache in CM.
Your CPU profiles contain multiple infinite loops. This is bad practice. Your loops don't contain ANY sleep calls as far as I can tell, which means they run indefinitely, sucking up CPU cycles and battery. Your script should be sleeping on an interval.
The functions called by your infinite loop themselves contain infinite loops, which means that (as far as I can tell) they will never return and charging source changes will never be detected. Am I reading this wrong? Does this really work?
Blah blah blah..
Your scripts are working fine on my phone and others even though you've missed a few things here and there. The main thing is that your trying and trying leads to something even better. Looking forward to seeing v2.x and further.
I feel like I am on a creepy merry-go-round.....
Yet again kifno, when you could be an asset to the community simply by giving proper credits originally and saying that you used others work and made it better, you take all or most of the credit for yourself. If you want to help the community, do so by following the rules and common sense. FYI you cant "improve" brainmasters sd tweak because ALL it does is change the read_ahead_kb in sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb. Now here's some links that users/mods/kifno would do well to pay attention to the dates of, these are also the only ones that I personally have reviewed recently, I would bet there are more:
Quite obviously this is not kifno's "original" work or ideas, or even code. After all it was recently noted in here that there is code for GSM devices. Why would that be in a script for a CDMA phone, unless of course the code was kanged. I just wish that if work was to be shared, it ought to be done so properly and not with this "MY WORK THIS TIME I SWEAR SILLY" bull.
I sent kifno a PM earlier tonight about this VERY thread when the OP only had credited uncorrupted. I told him to fix the lies about "all mine" and he did somewhat, but not fully as you all can see. My point is that this kind of action on my part SHOULD be unnecessary, but it seems to continue to be in ALL the threads kifno makes. Users, I know lots of this works but that's not the point. It is taken, and unabashedly handed out as original work, which it is not. That is why I continue to post relevant info when it it obvious. It is NOT to incite war, only to pay respect to the actual devs who created these works, which kifno does not seem to want to do.
I'm Pretty sure that the definition of kanging is taking others work without askance or credit - which is what this is. It's actually OK and encouraged to use others work in this community, that way we all get better tweaks and a better knowledge and a better user experience. BUT this is only OK if done following forum rules - which stem from mutual respect and community enrichment.
I am convinced the response will be "BUT BUT I DIDN'T COPY, I MADE THESE MYSELF", to which my response would be "yeah right".
Have a beautiful night/day ladies and gents. I have said my piece...
Let's try to stick to constructive criticism and not resort to personal attacks. It's killing the forum.
il Duce said:
I feel like I am on a creepy merry-go-round.....
Yet again kifno, when you could be an asset to the community simply by giving proper credits originally and saying that you used others work and made it better, you take all or most of the credit for yourself. If you want to help the community, do so by following the rules and common sense. FYI you cant "improve" brainmasters sd tweak because ALL it does is change the read_ahead_kb in sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb. Now here's some links that users/mods/kifno would do well to pay attention to the dates of, these are also the only ones that I personally have reviewed recently, I would bet there are more:
Quite obviously this is not kifno's "original" work or ideas, or even code. After all it was recently noted in here that there is code for GSM devices. Why would that be in a script for a CDMA phone, unless of course the code was kanged. I just wish that if work was to be shared, it ought to be done so properly and not with this "MY WORK THIS TIME I SWEAR SILLY" bull.
I sent kifno a PM earlier tonight about this VERY thread when the OP only had credited uncorrupted. I told him to fix the lies about "all mine" and he did somewhat, but not fully as you all can see. My point is that this kind of action on my part SHOULD be unnecessary, but it seems to continue to be in ALL the threads kifno makes. Users, I know lots of this works but that's not the point. It is taken, and unabashedly handed out as original work, which it is not. That is why I continue to post relevant info when it it obvious. It is NOT to incite war, only to pay respect to the actual devs who created these works, which kifno does not seem to want to do.
I'm Pretty sure that the definition of kanging is taking others work without askance or credit - which is what this is. It's actually OK and encouraged to use others work in this community, that way we all get better tweaks and a better knowledge and a better user experience. BUT this is only OK if done following forum rules - which stem from mutual respect and community enrichment.
I am convinced the response will be "BUT BUT I DIDN'T COPY, I MADE THESE MYSELF", to which my response would be "yeah right".
Have a beautiful night/day ladies and gents. I have said my piece...
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After reading this, i agree with u. Kifno should credit more people for most of the things on here. All he did was compile it all together. Am i saying that right?
Ok flash on the sense rom didn't really do so well phone froze 3 times on the market took battery out then froze on whit HTC screen so I tried it cm7.2 and works like a charm
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
kifno said:
No it doesn't remove this I need to make a removal .zip asap. But You can just take the 768mhz zip and upzip it and change the cpu values in the /system/bin/kifCPU.sh file
just look for the the lines that effect the cpu speeds. If you don't know which ones do, then read my explanation for my tweaks
OH YEAH EVERYONE I ADDED MY EXPLANATION FOR TWEAKS If I am wrong about anything please, tell me asap so I can update it so people don't learn false information.
Glad to be on a fresh start with this
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Humm well didn't really wanna go that far into your script. Is there anyway if you have some time free you could possibly edit the 768 scripts for me and post or send them threw pm??? I wouldn't mine running your mods and posting feed back I just don't want to change my daily kernel. Ill hold off on flashing this untill I hear from you. Thanks.
bravo1565 said:
Ok flash on the sense rom didn't really do so well phone froze 3 times on the market took battery out then froze on whit HTC screen so I tried it cm7.2 and works like a charm
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
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Do you use kifnos sense rom or espresso? I flashed the latency 768 tweak on his espresso 2.1 rom and everythings running flawlessly. I flashed the tweak on a full battery so I'll be back when the phone dies to report my battery life and performance.
jasonmaloney said:
In regard to your explanation:
As stated previously in the old thread, this file has never and will never exist on the hero, because we only have one SD device.
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So we don't have the the mmcblck1 partition? Hmp I know what I'll do to fix m y nr_request tweak then I'll add it to the loop that checks for all values in the mmc* blocks Checked it and it already is I need to edit my reasons for the tweaks lol. So no worries this value is only changed in all mmc blocks that exsist.
jasonmaloney said: is NOT a DNS. All this value does is force the phone to use whichever DNS the network specifies (which it may or may not be doing anyway).
You said to "ask someone in the networking field" about these values. Someone from the "networking field" (dhero) already chimed in (as did several other people) and told you that some of these lines don't even do anything. The only thing here that's probably making a difference in network speeds is the bitmask value (which is just setting all bits to 1, negating what they actually do).
For instance, I can tell you 100%, for a fact, that the "ro.ril.enable.dtm" line does nothing on the hero, because the entire point of this line is to enable simultaneous use of voice/data on GSM networks. CDMA networks have never been able to do this, and that's not something you can change.
The line "ro.ril.enable.a53" also does absolutely nothing on our phones. A5/3 is an encryption algorithm, used on GSM networks. It has no use in CDMA devices, and was actually broken by hackers in recent history.
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Oh wee thanks jason The lines you said to remove, and a few more lines have been removed from the network tweak, for next release, because only a few are making the real difference which I have tested.
jasonmaloney said:
I've love to see some real documentation of how setting these values really makes a difference. The facts of speed tests are that (1) they are only testing your "burst" speeds which means they don't really answer many questions about long-term performance and that (2) they can vary wildly in the same time frame. I know that I have personally always had better EV-DO speeds than your scripts supposedly provide (sustained average 1.5-2mb/s downstream), and that all depends on signal range and nearby devices.
Right now I'm working on actually reverse-engineering the HTC RIL library to see what these values REALLY change. As far as I can tell, some of them never actually make a difference on the CDMA Hero and are just left over from the GSM Hero and other devices. They are read in from the prop file, but the variables which contain them aren't referenced by the CDMA code paths.
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If you could figure out exactly what they change (as far as I know its just general speed) that would be better for the first post's explanation of them. I'm going based of the fact that when I changed a few of the strings values, it slowed the network down, and certain values speed it up.
jasonmaloney said:
As stated previously in the old thread, this value does nothing because that's already the default value in the source code.
As stated previously in the old thread, this is already set in the build props.
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Both removed already last night
jasonmaloney said:
As stated previously in the old thread (and backed up by PROVIDING THE SOURCE CODE), this line does nothing because it's the equivalent of not specifying it at all. This is why we removed it from the CM build a LONG time ago. The ONLY time this line would EVER make a difference is if someone had deliberately set it to 0 beforehand, and as far as I know, no ROM (including the stock one) has ever shipped with 0 set.
The DEFAULT behavior of SurfaceFlinger is to always use the GPU when possible. The ONLY reason the "debug.sf.hw" line exists is for troubleshooting/debugging, for example when booting the emulator.
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This is one that wasn't removed last night but will be I didn't know that it wasn't set to 0 because it wasn't specified in any roms I looked at. Thanks for that info
jasonmaloney said:
In regard to my own exploration of the zips provided (for reference I used the no-latency 691 zip):
You have a typo in your code.
CHECK_NOOP=` cat /sys/block/mtdblock3/queue/scheduler
The tailing backtick is missing.
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I hate making those minor mistakes thanks for catching that jason
jasonmaloney said:
Why are you providing busybox in your zip? The version you provide (1.15) is outdated; a newer version is already in CM7 and other ROM images. And the folder you're copying it to (system/sbin) doesn't actually exist.
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From what uncorrupted told me, in a way it is better than the busybox in most roms. I'll ask him about it, but until he provides reasons why, I'll remove it.
jasonmaloney said:
By overwriting the init.local.rc script instead of appending your code to it, you are effectively breaking compcache in CM.
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Saw that myself when I looked at CM7's init.local.rc. It breaks that and any other service set in the init.local.rc. WHICH IS NOT GOOD.
jasonmaloney said:
Your CPU profiles contain multiple infinite loops. This is bad practice. Your loops don't contain ANY sleep calls as far as I can tell, which means they run indefinitely, sucking up CPU cycles and battery. Your script should be sleeping on an interval.
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I'll have it sleep every second or so because I doubt anyone is running their phone straight for hours and hours without letting it sleep. So adding a sleep interval will help with the should help with the battery life portion of this tweak as well
I had a sleep interval back in the v1.x series which helped the battery life, in my other infinite scripts, I need to add that again
jasonmaloney said:
The functions called by your infinite loop themselves contain infinite loops, which means that (as far as I can tell) they will never return and charging source changes will never be detected. Am I reading this wrong? Does this really work?
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Oh yes Do you know what a until loop is? It basically saying the temperature drops it will cap the cpu speed. Once the temperature isn't high anymore then it uncaps the cpu speed again So this is to keep your phone from getting too hot, I know my phone does Also since the cpu is being capped this would result in the battery temperature going down and therefore once the temp is lowered it returns to the battery charging source changes. So yes it does work
il Duce said:
I feel like I am on a creepy merry-go-round.....
Yet again kifno, when you could be an asset to the community simply by giving proper credits originally and saying that you used others work and made it better, you take all or most of the credit for yourself. If you want to help the community, do so by following the rules and common sense. FYI you cant "improve" brainmasters sd tweak because ALL it does is change the read_ahead_kb in sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb.
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I did improve his tweak, so there you are wrong sir. I will be sending him a message about if he changed the value for all the bdi's sub-directories read_ahead_kb he would in fact improve his sd tweak. He sets it for just the 179:0 but when I changed it to set it for changing all the bdi's sub-directories read_ahead_kb my sd card performance was much better, than just his tweak which just made it better.
il Duce said:
Now here's some links that users/mods/kifno would do well to pay attention to the dates of, these are also the only ones that I personally have reviewed recently, I would bet there are more:
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The one's who I ORIGIANALLY got the ideas from are credited. Anyone who is not credited I did not get any ideas from. If a person isn't allowed to use their knowledge of linux operating system's files and how they tweak linux and use them on android then that just isn't right. I've been on linux for years and you're saying that the tweaks I used for my linux system I can't change the values and use on the heroc, come on now. That isn't fair.
il Duce said:
Quite obviously this is not kifno's "original" work or ideas, or even code. After all it was recently noted in here that there is code for GSM devices. Why would that be in a script for a CDMA phone, unless of course the code was kanged. I just wish that if work was to be shared, it ought to be done so properly and not with this "MY WORK THIS TIME I SWEAR SILLY" bull.
I sent kifno a PM earlier tonight about this VERY thread when the OP only had credited uncorrupted. I told him to fix the lies about "all mine" and he did somewhat, but not fully as you all can see. My point is that this kind of action on my part SHOULD be unnecessary, but it seems to continue to be in ALL the threads kifno makes. Users, I know lots of this works but that's not the point. It is taken, and unabashedly handed out as original work, which it is not. That is why I continue to post relevant info when it it obvious. It is NOT to incite war, only to pay respect to the actual devs who created these works, which kifno does not seem to want to do.
I'm Pretty sure that the definition of kanging is taking others work without askance or credit - which is what this is. It's actually OK and encouraged to use others work in this community, that way we all get better tweaks and a better knowledge and a better user experience. BUT this is only OK if done following forum rules - which stem from mutual respect and community enrichment.
I am convinced the response will be "BUT BUT I DIDN'T COPY, I MADE THESE MYSELF", to which my response would be "yeah right".
Have a beautiful night/day ladies and gents. I have said my piece...
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The response you are "convinced" will be, is not the response I am giving you. The people whose ideas I were using and made better were back from the 0.x series (which is long ago). Also as for the code not even being mine? THE MAJORITY OF IT IS MINE. I used the screen state idea and built off of it to make a full out, cpu/batter tweak utility replacement. My next step is to make a menu for the users to change those values themselves. The users whose ideas I have used AND IMPROVED ON, have been credited as we talked about, I just had to backtrack who I really got the ideas from and not others who used their ideas as well as myself. Everything else I have done, and came up with myself. Believe it or not. Use linux for a few years on a sucky laptop and I bet you'll be wanted to tweak it, too. Which is how I learned so much about linux's files, which I quickly found android to be almost like a "portable linux" operating system One of the reasons I got the phone. Have a beautiful day ladies and gents
- Kifno
XGodOfModzX said:
After reading this, i agree with u. Kifno should credit more people for most of the things on here. All he did was compile it all together. Am i saying that right?
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Read my post, i used IDEAS and made them better. The one thing I did use and compile into the tweak was the network build.prop tweaks. Which some of the strings do nothing. Be on the look out for v2.0.1 also the credits that are there now are for v2.0.1 which will be released tonight. Minor changes made but they're for the better.

[Guide/Tweak/Mod/Script] [Feb.24] How to Tweak and Optimize Android Performance

Please see post #2 for instructions and change log.
To begin you must unlock, install TWRP, and acquire system files and mods.
Use the Asus unlocking tool from the downloads section on the Asus TF700 support website. Simply install the .apk, run the app, and follow the prompts.
Installing TWRP:
TWRP can be found here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1797692
Instructions for installing TWRP can be found here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1938129&highlight=root+custom+recovery
NOTE - To boot into TWRP press and hold the power and volume down button until white text appears in the top left corner of your screen. Release both buttons and press volume up.
System Files:
System files and mods can be obtained from the following links. Please thank/donate to the devs for all of their hard work.
CROMi-X [ROM] - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2425383
Hundsbuah’s Kernel - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2143093&page=80
Data2SD [Mod] - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1962507
ROM2SD [Mod] - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2501129
CrossBreeder [Mod] - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113150
Data2SD works around poor I/O performance by giving us the ability to utilize a fast microSD card as our primary mode of storage. ROM2SD follows a similar premise as Data2SD; however, it also gives us the ability to dual boot any android ROM compatible with our tablet. The application of these mods results in apps opening faster, faster boot times, faster read/write speeds, and faster downloading/less lag while downloading. Step #1 and Step #2 only need to be followed the first time you apply these mods.
Step #1 - Create GParted Live USB Stick:
In order to run your tablet from a microSD card you will need to reformat it using Gparted (a linux based partition editor) installed on a live USB stick. A live USB stick has the image (.iso file) of a program burnt onto it so that it can be run at boot on a PC.
Find Gparted here - http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php
Download the live CD/USB image. The easiest tool for burning the image is the LinuxLive USB Creator.
LinuxLive USB Creator can be found here - http://www.linuxliveusb.com/
Download the program and install it. Simply follow the instructions within the program using the Gparted image.
Step#2 - Reformat microSD Card:
This involves booting into Gparted, clearing your microSD of existing partitions, and creating new partitions to store androids /system (ROM, kernel), /data (apps and data), and /media partitions (user data and media files - "sdcard0"), which were previously stored internally.
Boot Into Gparted:
Insert your live USB and microSD card into your PC. To boot into Gparted power on your PC and select one of the "FX" buttons to bring up the boot selection menu (I need to select F9). The live USB will be labelled something like "USB Diskette", or "USB Hard Disk". Select your live USB and follow the prompts to boot into Gparted.
Create Partition for External Storage:
Once Gparted has loaded delete any existing partitions on your microSD card. Next create a primary partition using the Fat32 file system at the very beginning of your card with at least 4Gb of storage (I am using 8Gb). This is recognized and functions as external storage so that we have a place to store flashable (installable) .zips and TWRP backups. It does not contain any data relevant to the functioning of our tablet.
NOTE - Partitions should be aligned to mb and ideally be divisible by 4.
Create Partition for System Storage:
After creating a partition for external storage we need to create partitions for androids /system, /data, and /media partitions. If you plan on using Data2SD you only need to make a second partition. If you plan on using ROM2SD then you need to make 2 additional partitions.
Data2SD - Create a second primary partition using the ext4 file system with the remaining space on your microSD. This partition will contain your /system, /data, and /media partitions. After you have created this partition you will need to flag it to run at boot. Right click the ext4 partition and select “Manage Flags”. Check the box beside “Boot”. You are done reformatting, simply exit Gparted.
ROM2SD - The second partition you need to make will contain your /data and /media partitions. The third partition will contain your /system partition. It only needs enough space to store your ROM and kernel so we will create it first at the very end of the microSD card. Create a primary partition using the ext4 file system with 1Gb of space. After you have created this partition you will need to flag it to run at boot. Right click the ext4 partition and select “Manage Flags". Check the box beside “Boot”. Now create another primary partition using the ext4 file system with the remaining space on your card. You are done reformatting, simply exit Gparted.
Step #3 - Install System Via TWRP:
I do not recommend setting up Data2SD or ROM2SD using old data. Please do a fresh install to avoid issues. I am able to wipe my tablet completely, install my system, set up my apps/data, and apply all of the tweaks in this guide in less than half an hour.
Getting Started:
If using Data2SD please download the "mount-data2sd.zip" file attached to this post (credit @Mistar Muffin). If using ROM2SD please download the "mount-rom2sd.zip" file attached to this post (credit @_that). Move this file, your ROM, your kernel, and any applicable mods to the Fat32 partition on your microSD card. Power down your tablet and boot into TWRP (see basics section for details).
Install Using Data2SD:
Boot into TWRP and wipe everything other than external storage (cache, dalvik cache, data, system, internal storage). To begin setting up Data2SD select CROMi-X for installation. Next choose "mount-data2sd.zip". This resets device nodes so that TWRP will install .zips to our microSD card rather than internal storage. Begin installation once the rest of your .zips are selected (ex - themes, mods, etc). During CROMi-X installation you will be presented with a kernel selection page. In the first section select your desired kernel. In the second section choose the Data2SD compatible option. When installation has finished reboot your tablet and set it up as usual.
Install Using ROM2SD:
Before proceeding check out _that`s ROM2SD thread so you understand how ROM2SD works - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2501129. CROMi-X or miniCROMi-X users can utilize the following instructions to install ROM2SD, see the following post if you are dual-booting other ROMs - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=47333729&postcount=31.
Boot into TWRP and wipe everything other than external storage (cache, dalvik cache, data, system, internal storage). We begin by setting up our tablet to run from internal storage. Select CROMi-X or miniCROMi-X for installation. Hundsbuah's kernel and _that's kernel are available through CROMi-X and are ROM2SD compatible. Next choose any other .zips you need to flash (ex - themes, mods, etc). During CROMi-X installation you will be presented with a kernel selection page. In the first section select a ROM2SD compatible kernel, in the second section choose the 4th option. This installs CROMi-X to your internal storage and allows you to boot to an additional system on a microSD card. Once installation has finished reboot your tablet.
When you reboot you will be presented with the android set up wizard. Go through this as usual and set up you tablet. Once you have finished reboot your tablet back to recovery. Next we will set up our microSD. Select CROMi-X or the ROM2SD compatible version of miniCROMi-X for installation. Next choose "mount-rom2sd.zip". This file updates TWRPs device nodes so that .zips are installed to the correct partitions on your microSD card. Select the rest of the .zips you need to flash and begin installation. Once you reach the kernel selection page in the CROMi-X installer select your desired kernel and the third option in the second section. Once installation has finished reboot your tablet. After rebooting you should be presented with the android set up wizard again.
NOTE - To boot using internal storage remove your microSD card from your tablet and power on. To boot to using your microSD simply put it back in and turn on your tablet.
Creating/Restoring Nandroid Backups:
To create or restore a TWRP Nandroid backup you must first install mount-data2sd.zip or mount-rom2sd.zip. This resets device nodes so that TWRP will correctly backup/restore partitions on your microSD card. The "Backup" section allows you to create Nandroid backups. The "Restore" tool in TWRP allows you to restore Nandroid backups.
Wiping Partitions and Factory Reset:
Boot into TWRP and install mount-data2sd.zip or mount-rom2sd.zip. This resets device nodes so that TWRP will correctly wipe partitions stored on your microSD card. The "Wipe" section can be used to do a factory reset or selectively wipe your dalvik cache, cache, /system partition, /data partition, or internal storage.
NOTE - Partitions are mounted differently after implementing Data2SD/ROM2SD. The Fat32 partition on your microsd is recognized as "MicroSD". The media partition is still mounted as "sdcard0". It can be found in the /system/storage/ directory, along with your tablets internal storage, which is mounted as "sdcardi". If using ROM2SD you internal /data partition can be accessed via the/datai directory.
With Hundsbuah's kernel you can set freq caps for the CPU and GPU within each of Asus' power modes (power saving, balanced, performance). The parameters we need to edit can be found in the following files:
cpu1.sh (power saving)
cpu2.sh (balanced)
cpu3.sh (performance)
Which are located in the following directory:
To apply the following tweaks a text editor is used to edit lines contained in the aforementioned files. I utilize the editor built into AntTek Explorer Ex.
GPU Frequency Cap:
The following lines set GPU voltage:
logi "echo GPU voltage > core_cap_level"
echo GPU voltage > /sys/kernel/tegra_cap/core_cap_level
To modify the GPU freq cap simply fill the red portion of the above lines with your desired GPU voltage. The GPU voltage determines the GPU freq cap. Here is how Hundsbuah's stock voltage table works, if you modify the voltage table these values will be different:
700 mhz - 1425 mV
650 mhz - 1387 mV
600 mhz - 1350 mV
520 mhz - 1300 mV
484 mhz - 1250 mV
446 mhz - 1200 mV
408 mhz - 1150 mV
361 mhz - 1100 mV
247 mhz - 1000 mV
200 mhz - 950 mV
GPU FPS Limit:
To unlock the GPU FPS limit and change it to 90 add the portion in red to the following lines:
logi "setprop persist.tegra.NV_FPSLIMIT 1"
setprop persist.tegra.NV_FPSLIMIT 1
logi "setprop persist.sys.NV_FPSLIMIT 90"
setprop persist.sys.NV_FPSLIMIT 90
CPU Frequency Caps:
To change the frequnecy caps for each CPU core fill the red portion of the following lines with the desired frequency:
logi "echo Core 1 freq cap > pwr_cap_limit_1"
echo Core 1 freq cap > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/pwr_cap_limit_1
logi "echo Core 2 freq cap > pwr_cap_limit_2"
echo Core 2 freq cap > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/pwr_cap_limit_2
logi "echo Core 3 freq cap > pwr_cap_limit_3"
echo Core 3 freq cap > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/pwr_cap_limit_3
logi "echo Core 4 freq cap > pwr_cap_limit_4"
echo Core 4 freq cap > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/pwr_cap_limit_4
Asus Power Saving Modes:
The following profiles are optimal for specific tasks/uses. They were designed to obtain a lag-free experience based on certain levels of CPU load.
Power Saving - Used for tasks with a moderate to high load for extended periods of time (productivity, browsing heavy websites, streaming video online, heavy multitasking)
- GPU Voltage/Freq = 1425/700
- Core 1/2/3/4 = 1750000
- Quadrant Score - 7400-7500 (Screenshot - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqdcrwc7t...core - Power Saving Mode (max 1.75Ghz).jpg?m=)
Balanced - Used for tasks with low to moderate load (general use, light browsing, email, media consumption, etc.)
- GPU Voltage/Freq = 1425/700
- Core 1/2/3/4 = 1600000
- Quadrant Score - 6900-7000 (Screenshot - https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlfhnv1jq...ant Score - Balanced Mode (max 1.6Ghz).jpg?m=)
Performance - Used for short intense workloads
- GPU Voltage/Freq = 1425/700
- Core 1/2/3/4 = 1900000
- Quadrant Score - 8000-8100 (Screenshot - https://www.dropbox.com/s/iv5wawq49...ant Score - Performance Mode (max 1.9Ghz).jpg)
The CPU governor controls how the CPU scales through frequency steps in response to changes in CPU load. CPU load reflects the difference between our processors current power (increased by freq and voltage - decreased by leakage) and the power needed to effectively process work queued up by the process scheduler. The magnitude and variability of CPU load are important indicators of processor performance. As load increases instances of lag also tend to increase. If we were to graph instances of lag/stuttering and CPU load over time you would see that stuttering happens most when load is high. An unstable, or highly variable CPU load indicates that CPU scaling is not responsive to the demands of the process scheduler; its almost as if scaling is a half-step too late. In this condition scaling is generally erratic, which decreases time spent idling, system stability, and responsiveness. Ideally we want CPU load to be as low and stable as possible as this indicates scaling is working efficiently. The amount of power a CPU can output does not matter; if it is not effectively scaled based on changes in load then lag/unresponsiveness is bound to occur. The following governor tweaks improve the efficiency of CPU scaling. To evaluate their effectiveness Android Tuner was utilized to monitor CPU load, CPU scaling in real-time, total time spent at each frequency step, and core temperature during benchmark tests and actual use. Detailed explanations can be found beneath each tweak.
NOTE - You will need to write an init.d script to apply the following tweaks. See my guide to writing init.d scripts for details - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2198510.
NOTE - CROMi-X Users - The following tweaks, aside from max_boost, are applied by default in CROMi-X.
timer_rate - 20000
Sets the rate at which the governor samples cpu load. Lower values result in scaling that is too jumpy. Higher values result in scaling that is not responsive enough.
min_sample_time - 40000
Sets the minimum amount of time spent at a freq step before scaling down. The interactive governor samples CPU load every 2 ms. If the CPU is underpowered core freq is ramped up. Once load decreases the CPU is scaled back down. By default the CPU must spend at least 3 ms at a freq before it can scale down, which does not make sense if the governor is set on a 2 ms timer. A 4 ms minimum downscaling delay makes sense - the timer samples load twice before scaling down. Load tends to fluctuate drastically with touch devices; thus we do not want the CPU to scale down if it is going to have to ramp up again. Having a 2 ms timer allows the CPU to be scaled up quickly, while a 4 ms down scale delay prevents the CPU from downscaling early.
midrange_freq = 760000 - set as close to middle of freq table as possible
Needs to be recalibrated to reflect modified freq caps. If core freq caps are increased midrange freq should be adjusted so that the governor knows how to control the CPU properly.
max_normal_freq = 1300000
Instructs the CPU to jump to this freq when midrange_go_maxspeed_load is reached. For some reason this tweak has had a greater impact on performance than any of my governor tweaks. Before applying this tweak 475 mhz and max frequency are used most while under low/moderate load. After applying this tweak 475 mhz and 1.3 Ghz are utilized more often, as are a wider range of freq steps. Despite spending far less time at max frequency benchmark scores and performance have increased.
max_boost = 1900000 - set to highest freq available
Max boost is a mechanism for clearing a mounting queue as quickly as possible to prevent lag. It will do its job most effectively if we give it as much juice as possible. Controlled by go_maxspeed_load.
NOTE - CROMi-X Users - To apply the above tweak delete or edit the line changing max_boost under "#CPU and VM Tweaks" in sdbags 50CleanTWEAKS init.d script.
midrange_go_maxspeed_load = 65
go_maxspeed_load = 85
Optimal for keeping CPU load low and stable. Through my testing I have found that it is more efficient to adjust freq a little earlier by setting load thresholds lower (65/85) than it is to make adjustments when load has already gotten relatively high. Improves responsiveness without hurting battery life because the CPU spends more time idling.
To implement the above tweaks add the following lines to your init.d script:
echo "20000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
echo "40000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
echo "760000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/midrange_freq
echo "1300000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/max_normal_freq
echo "1900000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/max_boost
echo "65" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/midrange_go_maxspeed_load
echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_maxspeed_load
NOTE - Detailed descriptions of each governor can be found at the following link - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817.
The hotplug config in Hunds Kernel allows you to control how CPU cores are brought online as threads are processed. A thread is the smallest sequence of instructions that can be managed independently by a process scheduler. Threads are contained within a process. A process is the execution of instructions contained within a program. On a single processor system multi-threading (multitasking) is generally implemented by transmitting/sending signals over a common path; the processor switches between different threads. This switching generally happens frequently enough that the user perceives the threads or tasks as running at the same time. If the CPU is overloaded and a thread is queued up by the process scheduler then lag/stuttering is likely because thread switching does not occur quickly enough to be hidden from the user. On a multi-core system threads can be truly concurrent, with every processor or core executing a separate thread simultaneously, which decreases the potential for lag/stuttering. If core 1 is busy processing a thread and another thread is queued up by the process scheduler we want an additional core to become active so that core 1 does not have to switch between threads. However, we also do not want to bring cores online needlessly. If a core is able to process multiple threads fast enough such that switching is unnoticeable then it would be inefficient to bring another core online.
NOTE - CROMi-X Users - The following tweak is applied by default in CROMi-X.
To change the hotplug config add the following line to your init.d script:
echo "2 4 6" > /sys/kernel/rt_config/rt_config
Instructs the kernel to bring core 2, 3, or 4 online when more than X threads are active. Core 2 is brought online when 3-4 threads are active, core 3 is brought online when 5-6 threads are active, and core 4 is brought online when 7+ threads are active. Through my testing I have found that a single core running at 475 Mhz has enough power to effectively process a constant low load. If hotplugging values are set lower then the kernel tends to unnecessarily bring additional cores online while in a low load state. If the kernel is told to activate cores later then we begin to notice lag/stuttering due to thread switching.
The following tweaks directly impact how the kernel controls our tablets hardware.
CPU Frequency Table:
The CPU frequency table sets the frequencies that are available to the CPU. The following tweak modifies the minimum freq step that is available to the CPU, to apply it add the following line to your init.d script:
echo "475000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
Through my testing I have found that if an app is open and generating a very low load we cannot utilize frequencies below 475 mhz. If allowed to drop below 475 mhz core freq bounces between 204 mhz and 475 mhz while in an active low load state; which indicates that freq steps below 475 mhz are incapable of handling the load induced by the activation of a foreground app. Preventing the CPU from dropping below 475 mhz increases responsiveness and stabilizes CPU load as the CPU cannot drop to ineffective frequencies. This does not impact battery life because of the design of the Tegra 3 processor. The Tegra 3 has 5 cores; 4 primary fast-process cores and 1 slow-process battery saving core. If our tablet is asleep or idling/inactive (no foreground app) then processing is handled by the low-powered battery saving core. If any foreground app is open our kernel activates a combination the 4 primary cores. Scaling_min_freq has no impact on the battery saving core. Therefore, increasing scaling_min_freq ensures we utilize effective frequencies while in an active state without preventing the CPU from dropping to lower frequencies while inactive.
CPU Voltage Table:
The CPU voltage table sets the voltages that are supplied to frequencies in the frequency table. Processing power is increased by frequency and voltage; while it is decreased by leakage, which is increased by heat. As voltage increases so does heat. Therefore, voltage has a positive and negative impact on processing power. The optimal voltage table balances the costs of reducing voltage with the benefits of reducing heat. When undervolting we want to drop voltages as low as possible without decreasing the load that a frequency step can handle. If voltages are dropped too low the need to jump to higher frequencies negates the benefit of running lower voltages. At this point, stability is also compromised. In order to change your CPU voltage table add the following line to your init.d script:
echo "1337 1300 1275 1250 1225 1200 1175 1150 1125 1100 1075 1050 1025 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 687 675" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
The voltage table above has been rescaled and undervolted such that heat production is decreased while performance and stability are maintained. Battery consumption correspondingly decreases as less voltage is drawn by each freq step. Lower voltages are used across the entire table yet the undervolting is not very severe, if voltages are dropped any lower the load that each freq step can handle begins to decrease and introduce instability. The lowest and highest freq, where CPU utilization is highest, are undervolted the most. The voltages supplied by the table are optimal for the load each freq step needs to process, which is indicated by improved CPU scaling. CPU load is lower and more stable, low to mid range freq are used more, and upper range freq are used less. The CPU responds to changes in load more appropriately; while in a low load state we are much more likely to jump to a midrange feq than an upper range freq.
GPU Voltage Table:
The GPU voltage table sets the voltages that are supplied to freq in the freq table. Hundsbuah's voltage table is nearly optimal. The voltage supplied to 700 mhz (1425 mV) cannot be dropped without negatively impacting performance. That being said, the voltages supplied to lower freq can be dropped and rescaled such that performance is maintained. The following voltage table reduces heat production and battery consumption without impacting performance and stability. To edit your GPU voltage table add the following line to your init.d script:
echo "1425 1375 1325 1275 1225 1175 1125 1075 1025 975 925" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_voltage_control
I/O (input/output) refers to the communication between an information processing system and external sources (users, network cards, monitors etc). I/O operations involve an input device, a processing unit, and an output device. Whether or not a device is classified as input or output depends on one's perspective because many devices can serve as an input or produce output. Within computer architecture the CPU is the processing unit and main memory (RAM) is the output device. Any operation involving the transfer of data to/from this combination (ex - from an SSD) is considered I/O. I/O operations utilize both slow-access bulk storage (ROM) and fast-accesss memory (RAM), which prevents the CPU from processing flows of information at the same rate in both directions. The bottleneck introduced by R/W operations on slow-access storage often underlies laggy/unresponsive performance. I/O scheduling is utilized to avoid lag/stuttering that results from disparate rates of information processing.
I/O schedulers control the flow of information between input devices, processing units, and output devices. Schedulers utilize algorithms to maximize the efficiency of I/O operations. Thus, I/O performance is significantly impacted by the scheduler that we use. To evaluate each scheduler's performance both Quadrant and Android Tuner were used; Quadrant for global I/O performance, Anroid Tuner for specific R/W speeds. I ran all schedulers through 6 trials in Quadrant and 6 trials in Android Tuner to control for variability in test scores and the effects of confounding variables. Following trials I calculated the mean R/W speed of each scheduler for all tested file sizes. Mean memory, I/O and total Quadrant scores were also calculated. Schedulers were then ranked from 1-6 within the previous measures. Finally, schedulers were ranked globally based on the mean of all within measure ranks. Results are as follows:
4)cfq, noop
While the aforementioned ranks accurately reflect global I/O performance schedulers excel in a different areas. I suggest checking out my data at the following link and selecting the scheduler that is optimal for your system - https://www.dropbox.com/s/iie89tn33qe07j8/Lucius.Zen - IO Scheduler Data.xlsx?m=.
NOTE - CROMi-X Users - The following tweak is applied by default in CROMi-X.
To change your scheduler to "sio" add the following line to your init.d script:
echo "sio" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo "sio" > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/scheduler
NOTE - Detailed descriptions of each scheduler can be found at the following link - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1369817.
NOTE - Additional I/O tweaks can be found in the "I/O Scheduler Tweaks" section in post #3.
Structural/Clerical Section
Please advance through post #1 in the order I have laid out. I include prompts to links or other sections when necessary. I suggest reading the entire guide before applying any tweaks. See the "Appendix" section (post #3) for additional tweaks, mods, and useful resources.
Kernel Compatibility:
I am running Hundbuah's latest kernel. However, these tweaks should work well with other kernels (ex - _that's kernel).
Android Version/ROM:
This guide is based on the latest version of the android 4.2 ROM CROMi-Xenogenesis by sdbags. The modifications made in newer versions of android should have little impact on the effectiveness of these tweaks.
Init.d Scripts:
CROMi-X and other users can utilize the appropriate scripts attached to post #1 to apply tweaks implemented via init.d. To activate the script simply save it and remove the .txt appendage at the end of the file. See "Step #5: Enable Your Script" in my guide to writing init.d scripts for application instructions - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2198510.
It is not possible to brick your device by applying the tweaks/mods in this guide. I have done terrible things to my tablet and she still works like a charm. However, I suggest taking a Nandroid backup of your /system, /data, and boot partitions before proceeding (see "Data2SD/ROM2SD" section in post #1).
I am not a developer. I am simply an android enthusiast. I can guarantee that if you thoroughly follow the instructions in this guide you will not run into any issues. That being said I will not hold your hand. I have spent an immense amount of time ensuring this guide is incredibly thorough and easy to follow. I welcome all feedback relating to how this guide can be improved and promise I will do all I can to help anyone with issues. However, I have already spent far too many hours preparing this guide. I only ask that you do your best to avoid being a dumbass.
Happy Tweaking!
The following list outlines how I set up my system on a microSD formatted for ROM2SD (related section - "Data2SD/ROM2SD" - post #1). This roadmap is meant to simplify the overall application of this guide. Detailed instructions can be found in post #1 & #3. System files and installable mods can be obtained through links in the "Basics" section in post #1.
1) Wipe old data for fresh install (see "Data2SD/ROM2SD" - post #1).
- Boot into TWRP
- Install mount-rom2sd.zip (attached to post #1)
- Wipe cache, dalvik, system, data, and internal storage
- Format /data
- Power off
2) Install system and mods (see "Data2SD/ROM2SD" - post #1).
- Boot into TWRP
- Install CROMi-X to microSD
- Install mount-rom2sd.zip
- Install CrossBreeder mod (see "CrossBreeder Mod/AdAway App" - post #3)
- Install Disable_Journal.zip (attached to post #1 - see "Disable Ext4 Journalling" - post #3)
- Reboot System
3) Disable unnecessary apps (see "Disable Apps" - post #3).
4) Modify CPU/GPU profiles (see "CPU/GPU Freq Caps" - post #1).
5) Apply init.d script (attached to post #1 - see my guide to init.d scripting for application instructions - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2198510).
6) Disable CrossBreeder's governor & I/O tweaks (See Step #2 in "CrossBreeder Mod/AdAway App" - post #3)
7) Disable boot animation (see "Disable Boot Animation" - post #3).
8) Remap dock keyboard (see "Remap Dock Keyboard" - post #3).
9) Enable AdAway app & reboot when prompted (see "CrossBreeder Mod/AdAway App" - post #3).
- Added "Step #2 - Disable CrossBreeder's Governor & I/O Tweaks" in the "CrossBreeder Mod/AdAway App" section in post #3 - important for CrossBreeder mod users only
- Updated Quadrant scores in the "CPU/GPU Profiles" section in "CPU/GPU Freq Caps" in post #1
- Updated "Implementation Guide" in post #3
- Added note to "Remap Dock Keyboard Section" in post #3 - found APP_SWITCH function that invokes recent apps menu
- Added "Implementation Guide" section to post #2
- Renamed "Instructions" section in post #2 to "Introduction"
- Edited and cleaned up "Disable Ext4 Journalling" section in post #3
- Updated Power Saving mode Quadrant score in the "CPU/GPU Profiles" section in post #1
- Added new flashable .zip (Disable_Journal.zip) for disabling journalling - old one wasn't configured for our device - thanks LetMeKnow!
- Updated Quadrant scores in the "CPU/GPU Profiles Section" in post #1 and added screenshots
- Added "I/O Scheduler Tweaks" section to post #3
- Updated scripts to include aforementioned changes
- Added note to "Scheduler" section in post #1
- Added "Disable Logging/Logcat" section to post #3
- Updated scripts to include aforementioned change
- Reorganized post #3
- Added "Disable EXT4 Journaling" section to post #3
- Added "Set GPU FPS Limit" section to "CPU/GPU Freq Caps" in post #1 - thanks LetMeKnow!
- Added "Search Applications Provider" to "Disabled Apps" section in post #3
Updates Related to CROMi-X:
- Updated script for CROMi-X 5.3a compatibility
- Updated "Cromi-X Installer Options" section in post #3
- Added note to "TCP/IP Protocols and Congestion Algorithms" section in post #3
- Added note to "Scheduler" section in post #1
- Caught up on editing, reformatting, and reorganizing - fewer errors, clearer instructions, increased consistency across post #1-3 - not a single sub section made it out unscathed :)
- Modified intro to post #1
- Changed "Introduction" section in post #2 to "Instructions"
- Added "Init.d Scripts" section to "Instructions" section
- Added Google Search, Search, and User Dictionary to "Disabled Apps" section
- Added link to my TCP congestion algorithm data in "Optimal TCP Congestion Algorithm" section
Updates Related to CROMi-X:
- Updated script for CROMi-X users, please use new script for compatibility reasons - script was altered and renamed as entries in sdbags 50CleanTWEAKS script need to be removed or overwritten for compatibility reasons - see notes below
- Added note to "max_boost" in the "Interactive Governor Tweaks" section
- Added note to "Optimal TCP Congestion Algorithm" in the "TCP/IP Protocols and Congestion Algorithms" section
- Added note at the top of the "Interactive Governor Tweaks" section
- Added note at the top of the "Hotplug Config" section
- Updated CPU voltage table - midrange voltages rescaled and undervolted more - results in less heat, less battery consumption, greater usage of mid range freq, lower and more stable cpu load, feels more responsive, benchmark scores maintained, no decrease in stability thus far - attachments also updated
- Apologies for the many updates, voltage table tweaking can be finicky, tends to be a work in progress, should be the last for a while
- Changed top voltage (1.9 Ghz) in CPU voltage table from 1350 mV to 1337 mV as it is running much more stable - attachments also updated
- Moved "Introduction" to post #2 - ran out of room in post #1
- Added "GPU Voltage Table" section to the "Kernel Tweaks" section in post #1
- Uploaded a copy of the scripts I use - download and remove the .txt appendage to use - see my guide to writing init.d for application instructions
- Added "CPU Voltage Table" section to the "Kernel Tweaks" section in post #1
- Added "Disable Boot Animation" section to post #3
- Updated links to descriptions of governors/schedulers as they were out of date
- Added "Noozxoide Settings" section to post #3
- Added "Optimal TCP Congestion Algorithm" section to "TCP/IP Protocols and Congestion Algorithms" in post #3
- Added note to "Remap Dock Keyboard" section
- Cleaned up "Data2SD/ROM2SD" section
- Added "Remap Dock Keyboard" section to post #3 - thanks berndblb!
- Added "TCP/IP Protocols and Congestion Algorithms" to Appendix
- Went through and edited entire guide several times over to make everything as clear and easy to read as possible
- Added "I/O Tweaks" section
- Updated "Introduction" section (disclaimer)
- General cleaning, editing, clarification
- Cleaned and updated "Data2SD/ROM2SD" section - thanks _that and Thibor!
- Updated "Caution" section
- Tested CROMi-X 5.2.3, updated guide to reflect new changes - thanks sdbags!
- Changed "Introduction" section significantly
- General editing, cleaning, and reorganizing - simpler, more concise, easier to understand :)
- Added max_normal_freq tweak to "Interactive Governor Tweaks" section
- Added scaling_min_freq tweak to "Frequency Table Tweaks" in the "Kernel Tweaks" section
- Moved "CrossBreeder Mod/Ad Blocking" section to post #3
- Fixed typo in "Set CPU Freq Caps" in the "CPU/GPU Freq Caps" section - first line editing core 2/3/4 were improperly labelled as core 1 - copy/paste error, sorry guys
- More editing - Arghhhhhh!!!
- Added "CROMi-X Installer Options" and "Disabled Apps" sections to post #3
- Updated "Special Thanks" section in post #3
- Updated "CPU/GPU Freq Caps" section - dual/quad core modes are no longer needed to increase utilization of the entire freq table - better performance without hurting efficiency or battery life
- Added quadrant scores to "CPU/GPU Profiles" section
- Reorganized "Interactive Governot Tweaks" section - ready to add the most powerful governor tweak thus far
- Added "Disclaimer" section in "Intro"
- Updated Post #2 and #3
- More editing
- General cleaning, reorganizing, editing
- Ready for more tweaks
- And the updating begins...
- Updated "Introduction", "Basics", "Data2SD/ROM2SD", and "CrossBreeder/Ad Blocking" sections
- Updated "CPU/GPU Profiles" and "Stock (Interactive) Governor Tweaks" section
- Added "Hotplug Config" Section
This guide would not have been possible without the support of the xda community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community at large for all of your support. I would also like to formally thank the following individuals:
@Dees_Troy for bringing TWRP to our device.
@scrosler for the original CleanROM.
@clemsyn for his awesome kernel development.
@sdbags for CROMi-X and his incredible support.
@Hundsbuah for Hundsbuah's Kernel and explaining the inner-workings of kernel tweaking.
@_that for ROM2SD, kernel development, and his incessant need to challenge everything that I do. Thank you for helping keep my brashness in check, tolerating my lack of knowledge, and explaining rather than simply lecturing.
@Mistar Muffin for Data2SD
@idcrisis and @fivefour for their CrossBreeder Mod and sticking it to the man.
@buhohitr for the essential. support he provided during my initial foray into the "Android Development" section
@LetMeKnow for GPU fps unlocking, Disable_Journal.zip, sharing his results, and general support.
In order to evaluate a tweak I conduct experiments using a pretest-posttest design, which involves comparing mean pretest/posttest scores within and between a test group and a control group. Both groups are subjected to testing before the application of the experimental manipulation to establish an estimate of baseline performance in the measure of interest. Following pretests the experimental manipulation is applied to the test group while the control group is left constant. Posttest measures of both groups are then made. The mean score of both groups in pretests and posttests are calculated. To evaluate the overall effect of the experimental manipulation mean posttest scores are compared between the test and control group. If mean scores in the test group are greater than the control group then it is likely that the experimental manipulation was effective. Statistical hypothesis tests are needed to validate the comparison by ensuring within group variability does not exceed between group variability. If within group variability is higher than between group variability we cannot be sure that our mean scores are actually different. The pretest posttest design gives us the ability to evaluate changes within both groups as well. This is done by comparing mean pretest to protest scores within each group. If the control group made statistically significant improvements between the pretest and posttest this decreases our confidence in the validity of our between group comparison; unless the change within the control group can be accounted for. To create a test and control group ROM2SD was used to install two seperate systems on the same microSD card (32GB Sandisk UHS-1). One install was utilized as the control group, the other was utilized as the test group. Both setups were exactly the same in all respects to ensure accurate comparisons of mean test scores. The tweak being applied represents the experimental manipulation. Each tweak was tested in a separate experiment on a clean system. In between blocks Sd Maid was used to clear caches and junk files and dalvik/cache were cleared via TWRP. Various benchmarking and system monitoring tools were used to measure performance. While benchmarking and system monitoring tools are great they are not perfect. Thus, the effect of each tweak was subjectively tested in real world use for 3 days at minimum. Generally speaking I do not put much faith in others' subjective opinions; however, I make sure I know exactly what to look for with respect to a tweaks impact on performance. This is the point where I ask you to momentarily suspend disbelief, take my word for it, and try these tweaks for yourself. If you think I am nuts after all the more power to you.
Additional Resources
I select the following options during the CROMi-X installation process:
DPI - 200
Launcher - Apex Launcher
Sound Manager - X-Loud Audio Mod (Noozxoide)
Tweaks - Browser2RAM, Zip Align .apks
Apps - AdAway App
Hard Core Tweaks - Force GPU Rendering
DPI Settings:
DPI, or dots per inch, determines how images are rendered across the pixels on your display. Setting DPI to a lower value results in content looking smaller. Changing DPI settings will not impact performance. 240 DPI is standard for most tablets because it makes things easiest to see/use for the widest number of people. 200 is better if you use your tablet as a laptop replacement because more content can be displayed at any given time.
I suggest using Apex Launcher. It has great features that extend functionality if desired. The UI is also incredibly customizable and can be stripped down to the bare essentials. Disabling features and cleaning up the UI is more important to me than adding features. Apex also won an award for top 5 apps in 2012 from xda. Make sure you select "Lock launcher in memory" in Apex's "Advanced Settings".
The optimal noozxoide settings depend on the speakers you are using. I am utilizing the following settings for our tablets built-in speaker.
Noozxoide Xlimiter Processor:
- Compress and reduce overload for smooth audio - Enabled
- Select Effect Strength - Hard
Noozxoide Balanced X-EQ Processor, Noozxoide Maxxbass Processor:
- Deliver balanced natural soundstage and premium bass - Enabled
- Digital Presets - Cinema
- Noozxoide VE-Engine - Stongest
Noozxoide Logic Surround ES Processor:
- Create VSUR on practical monitors and widen the soundstage - Enabled
- Create Room Size - Live
The CrossBreeder Mod utilizes 5 techniques to reduce lag. See the CrossBreeder mod link in post #1 for further details. From my experience it noticeably improves web page loading speed and the responsiveness of apps relying on mobile networks. It also completely removes ads instead of covering them with the "Web Page Not Availabe" dialogue. In order to enable ad removal you will need the CrossBreeder mod and AdAway app (obtained via the CROMi-X installer or the following link - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2190753).
Step #1 - Enable CrossBreeder:
If you did not install CrossBreeder during your system installation download the CrossBreeder mod and move it to your external storage. Boot into TWRP and install CrossBreeder (if you are flashing to a microSD make sure device nodes are set correctly). Wipe cache/dalvik and reboot.
Step #2 - Disable CrossBreeder's Governor & I/O Tweaks:
The CrossBreeder mod implements governor and I/O tweaks that may interfere with the application of the tweaks in this guide. To disable CrossBreeder's governor and I/O tweaks open a root explorer and navigate to the following file:
Next remount the /system partition as rewritable (see "Step #5 - Enable Your Script" in my guide to writing init.d scripts for details - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2198510). Once your /system partition is mounted as rewritable locate the following files:
And change their name to:
Step #3 - Enable AdAway App:
Once you have rebooted open the AdAway app. Select "Download Files and Apply Ad Blocking". Reboot your system when prompted. All ads should now be completely removed.
To remap the dock keyboard we need to edit the following file using a text editor:
I suggest backing up this file to an additional location before you begin editing. To remap a particular key simply delete the function to the right of the key's number and replace it with the desired function. Once you are done editing save the file and reboot your tablet.
NOTE - Invoking the APP_SWITCH function opens the recent apps menu.
NOTE - The files below asusdec.kl contain the keyboard mappings for various external keyboards (ex - generic PC keyboards). I suggest checking out these files as they contain numerous functions that can be remapped to our keyboard dock (ex - escape).
NOTE - For a list of useful keyboard shortcuts see the following thread - http://www.transformerforums.com/fo...list-shortcut-keys-keyboard-dock.htmlhortcuts
Disabling the following apps will not impact basic functionality, cause instability, or boot looping. However, I primarily use my tablet as a laptop replacement; therefore, I offload many functions that I find better suited to my phone (ex - location based anything, lockscreen, daydream, etc).
Asus Battery
Asus Sync
Basic Sleep Mode Apps
Bluetooth Share
Google Backup Transport
Google Partner Setup
Google Search
Google Text-to-speech Engine
Live Wallpaper Picker
Market Feedback Agent
Mobile Data
Mobile Network Configuration
Network Location
Photo Screensavers
Search Applications Provider
Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard
Sound Recorder
User Dictionary
Wi-fi Direct Share
Disabling the boot animation significantly reduces heat production and battery consumption brought about by the boot sequence. Core temperature ranges between 44-46 degrees celsius following a cold boot with the boot animation enabled. Core temperature ranges between 38-40 degrees celsius following a cold boot with the boot animation disabled. To disable the boot animation add the following line to the bottom of your build.prop file (found in the /system directory) using a text editor:
The ext4 file system utilizes journalling as a safeguard against data loss. A journalling file system keeps track of write operations in a journal before committing them to storage. In the event of a shutdown brought about by a system error it is possible for write operations to be interrupted, which may introduce inconsistencies in the file system. Instead of doing an entire file system check the journal is examined for write operations that were potentially interrupted. Thus, journalling allows ext4 file systems to quickly recover from crashes as entire file system checks can be avoided. However, write operations cannot be executed until the journal is updated and actively maintaining a journal requires memory and processing resources. Therefore, disabling journalling is advantageous from a performance perspective. I have found that disabling journalling reliably produces an increase in performance. To test I ran through 5 trials in Quadrant with journalling disabled and 5 trials with journalling enabled. On average disabling journalling increased total score by 88.2 points. The minimum and maximum total scores out of 5 trials were also much higher with journalling disabled. These results suggest that disabling journalling is a reliable way to improve performance. Follow the steps below to disable journalling:
Step #1:
Download Disable_Journal.zip (credit - @LetMeKnow) from post #1 and move it to your microSD card.
Step #2:
Boot into TWRP and install Disable_Journal.zip (if you are flashing to a microSD make sure device nodes are set correctly). Wipe cache/dalvik and reboot.
Logcat, the android logging system, provides a mechanism for collecting and viewing system debug output. Various logs from applications, portions of the system, and kernel are recorded in logcat so that users can debug system failures/crashes brought about by errors in processes. Thus, logcat can be an incredibly useful tool for developers, testers, and advanced users. However, maintaining logcat involves recording thousands of lines of data as processes are executed, which requires system resources. Despite logcat's usefulness as a debugging tool it negatively impacts performance. To test I ran through 5 trials in Quadrant with logcat disabled and 5 trials with logcat enabled. On average disabling logcat increased total score by 20.2 points. The minimum and maximum total scores out of 5 trials were also higher with logcat disabled. Therefore, disabling logcat is advantageous for users who do not require advanced debugging capabilities. To disable logcat add the following line to you init.d script:
rm dev/log/main
The following tweaks improve I/O performance by modifying parameters that control the behaviour of the I/O scheduler. Detailed explanations can be found beneath each tweak.
iostats - 0
Disables I/O stats, which reduces overhead.
rotational - 0
Optimizes I/O scheduler behaviour for non-rotating storage. Scheduler no longer uses logic meant to reduce seek times.
rq_affinity - 1
Forces the kernel to process I/O requests on the CPU core that issued the request. Improves the effectiveness of CPU data caching.
nr_requests - 1024
Increases the size of the I/O request queue so that more requests can be sorted before execution.
read_ahead_kb - 6144
Increases the size of the read-ahead cache, which improves the reading of sequential data.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the above tweaks I compared mean R/W speeds of various file sizes following the application of each tweak. The above parameters represent independent variables (experimental conditions) and R/W speed, measured via Android Tuner, represents the dependent variable. I subjected each experimental condition to 5 trials to control for variability in test scores. In the first set of trials no tweaks were applied in order to establish a baseline measure of R/W speed (baseline condition). After establishing baseline performance each tweak was applied and tested in a sequential manner (experimental conditions C0-C4). Following trials the mean R/W speed of each file size was calculated for each experimental condition. In order to compare the impact of each tweak the total mean R/W speed of each experimental condition was also calculated. Global R/W speed increased sequentially following the application of each experimental manipulation. These results suggest that all of the aforementioned tweaks have a positive and measurable impact on I/O performance. You can find an excel chart detailing my results at the following link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ezkbenk1ruql9rt/Lucius.Zen - Scheduler Tweaks Data.xlsx?m=.
To apply the above tweaks add the following lines to your init.d script:
MMC=`ls -d /sys/block/mmc*`;
for i in $MMC;
echo "0" > $i/queue/iostats;
echo 0 > $i/queue/rotational;
echo "1" > $i/queue/rq_affinity;
echo 1024 > $i/queue/nr_requests;
echo "6144" > $i/queue/read_ahead_kb;
echo "6144" > sys/devices/virtual/bdi/179:0/read_ahead_kb
TCP/IP is a core set of communication protocols used to transfer data over the Internet and similar networks. IP packets are the vehicle devices use to transfer data between an application program and a web host. They are comprised of a header, which contains the source/destinatin address (among other things), and a payload, which contains the actual data. TCP, part of the transport internet layer, provides intermediate communication between an application and a host. When sending large chunks of data a program can issue a single request to TCP instead of breaking down data into a series of IP packets and requests.
Due to network congestion and other factors IP packets are often lost. TCP maintains the ordered delivery of packets by detecting packet loss, requesting retransmission, reordering data, and minimizing network congestion. When a host receives a stream of packets it reassembles the data into the sequence that was originally sent. Once the receiver confrims the soundness of the data it sends a packet acknowledging its retrieval. To avoid overloading the connection between a program and a host this aknowledgement must occur before more packets can be sent/recieved.
For each connection TCP maintains a congestion window. The TCP congestion window is maintained by the sender and is used to prevent network congestion/overload due to packet loss. When packet aknowledments are received the size of the TCP congestion window increases exponentially until a timeout occurs or the receiver reaches its bandwidth limit. Thus, as more packets are acknowledged the maximum segment size (specifies the largest amount of data in a single TCP segment) of the congestion window becomes larger; every round-trip time the maximum segment size effectively doubles. A mechanism called "slowstart" controls the maximum segment size of the TCP congestion window. To prevent network overload TCP congestion avoidance algorithms modify TCP window size, "slow-start", and the slow-start threshold. Thus, TCP congestion avoidance algorithms have a significant impact on the speed of packet delivery between an application program and a web host.
Optimal TCP Congestion Algorithm:
NOTE - CROMi-X Users - The following tweak is applied by default in CROMi-X.
My research and testing suggests that "lp" is the optimal TCP congestion algorithm. Although "westwood" produces marginally higher download/upload speeds (see the following post - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48088128&postcount=1884) "lp" results in a stronger connection between an application and a host; which is indicated by fewer timeouts, lost connections, and more responsive web browsing. This leads to the best overall user experience. To change your TCP congestion algorithm to "lp" add the following line to your init.d script:
/system/xbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=lp
I salute you just for write this up. Thanks!!!! :good::good:
Thank you very much for this very detailed guide :good:
Thanks so much for this write up :good: just one question with regards to vsync, there seenms to be a lot of people that have experienced battery drain and/or screen tearing (especially during gaming) when disabling vsync, have you noticed this with the tf700?
yew123 said:
Thanks so much for this write up :good: just one question with regards to vsync, there seenms to be a lot of people that have experienced battery drain and/or screen tearing (especially during gaming) when disabling vsync, have you noticed this with the tf700?
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I cannot report on the effects of disabling vsync on gaming because I do not play on games on my tablet. I havent experienced excessive battery drain or screen tearing during any benchmarks or stress tests that ive used. I dont experience any while watching a 1080p youtube video in a floating browser while reading multiple articles on the web with lots of pinching and zooming. If i were going to ever experience screen tearing, I imagine that would do it lol.
lucius.zen said:
I cannot report on the effects of disabling vsync on gaming because I do not play on games on my tablet. I havent experienced excessive battery drain or screen tearing during any benchmarks or stress tests that ive used. I dont experience any while watching a 1080p youtube video in a floating browser while reading multiple articles on the web with lots of pinching and zooming. If i were going to ever experience screen tearing, I imagine that would do it lol.
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Thanks, will give it a try.
I'm pmr there is an option for compressed ram, what choice do you use?
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
yew123 said:
Thanks, will give it a try.
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I don't think you can disabled vsync on tf700. Even if you disable vsync in PMR it does nothing.
Great guide. Is there any way of making a flash able zip so we don't have to re do it all when we upgrade rom?
Sent from my Xperia S using XDA Premium HD app
ishamm said:
Great guide. Is there any way of making a flash able zip so we don't have to re do it all when we upgrade rom?
Sent from my Xperia S using XDA Premium HD app
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+1 and an uninstall zip
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
Where exactly in the internal storage do the zip files for apps go if you have data2sd enabled?
---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
And has anyone else had an issue where the network tweaks cause your Wifi to be disabled? I had to stop using them because of this.
gvsukids said:
I'm pmr there is an option for compressed ram, what choice do you use?
Sent from my MB865 using xda app-developers app
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Only tweaks that are included are mentioned. Dont implement zram compression. Its an old optimization meant for lower end devices. It will reduce performance rather than improve it.
buhohitr said:
+1 and an uninstall zip
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda premium
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I include instructions on creating rescue packages in my guide, i will upload my .zip for PMR today.
primaleph said:
Where exactly in the internal storage do the zip files for apps go if you have data2sd enabled?
---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
And has anyone else had an issue where the network tweaks cause your Wifi to be disabled? I had to stop using them because of this.
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I include instructions on how each partition and storage point is mounted in data2sd, see the "Note" at the end of Step #3.
buhohitr said:
I don't think you can disabled vsync on tf700. Even if you disable vsync in PMR it does nothing.
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It doesnt have any impact on benchmark scores but I noticed flash elements in web pages were rendering faster with it enabled, especially when maximizing fullscreen flash videos. It used to take 3 sec for the GPU to render a streaming flash video when switched to fullscreen, now it takes around .8s.
I used to hate using flash. Which sucks, bc i use flash a lot, so I have spent a lot of time trying to optimize web browsing and flash. It still isnt perfect, but at least performance and stability are comparable to a laptop now. It just works better. At least it does exactly what you expect, no more errors, or unresponsiveness. The experience of consuming media over the web is much better overall after implmenting all my tweaks.
I have answered 4 questions already that I really did not need to answer. The answers were already included somewhere in my guide. I dont mind answering questions, however, i wrote the guide with so much detail for a reason lol. The answers are there, please make sure you are thorough when reading my guide, I was quite throrough when I wrote it .
primaleph said:
Where exactly in the internal storage do the zip files for apps go if you have data2sd enabled?
---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
And has anyone else had an issue where the network tweaks cause your Wifi to be disabled? I had to stop using them because of this.
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I havent had any network connection issues any my internet is terrible. I get a max download speed of 1.2 mb and only 50% signal strength in my bedroom. I have actually noticed wifi performance is better. Webpages open instantaneously, like apps do. Loading a new page in xda.com takes less than one sec, it basically happens instantly. Right now my signal is full strength, webpages are loading really fast, and streaming stuff is a pleasure. When I get my new phone I will definitely do up a video review on wifi performance and web browsing so you can see how fast web pages load.
ishamm said:
Great guide. Is there any way of making a flash able zip so we don't have to re do it all when we upgrade rom?
Sent from my Xperia S using XDA Premium HD app
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I have had some issues creating a flashable .zip for PMR tweaks, the method I thought I could use doesn't work the way I anticipated. If I can figure this out I will post it, however, in the mean time it is really easy to apply the tweaks yourself. Now that I know which tweaks to apply it takes less than 5 min. Once youve done it twice you should have it memorized no problem

[TWEAK] Android test tune (for FlashBeatsReloaded Kernel)

I represent a test set of scripts for the automating kernel configuration.
Written and tested on version 3.4.33 [Kernel]FlashBeatsReloaded v3.4.33 OC 1,56Ghz AROMA.
"Having played enough" programs Trickster MOD, Faux123 Kernel Enhancement and similar, I has decided that it is necessary to simplify the process of installing the best, in my opinion, parameters for the kernel when the smartphone turns on. I love experimenting and having fun testing a majority of ROM and kernels. To reduce the "manual work" after reinstalling the ROM/kernels, I did this file.
The installation via TWRP, the presence of pre-installed support INIT.D necessary.
I express my sincere gratitude to users 4PDA.RU and XDA forums for a huge amount of background information and examples of various settings.
I thank all those whose work and experience has helped me to write the script.
Special thanks to the user Thestealth2, which is developing the project [Kernel] FlashBeatsReloaded.
Functions, performed by the script:
Performing FSTRIM for partitions /system, /data and /cache. Analogue "LagFix (fstrim)", but without the "unnecessary" actions and attitudes.
Disabling some "kernel sleepers"
Running the generator of entropy. Analogue - "Seeder"
If the kernel presence ZRAM support, activates the swap file on 200 MB.
Various tweaks related to EXT4 file system and database files format SQLite.
Setting the minimum and maximum CPU frequency
Installing the CPU governor to Ondemand and tuning the power save mode
Installing the I/O Scheduler to ROW and its setting
Installing the GPU governor to Ondemand and configure it
Setting the read ahead buffers to 2MB for internal and external memory
Other tweaks
PS: Criticism, suggestions, etc. welcome.
PPS: I'm not trying to impose someone my opinion, just show one way of the setting options.
Sounds good, will give it a try later on.
Thanks for your work!

[FAQ] Franco Kernel & FKU APK Learner's Lounge

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The purpose of this thread is to have a place where people can discuss Franco's kernel and the application Franco Kernel Updater and ask questions here. I will provide some FAQs and their answers here also. This thread is more aimed at those who may inexperienced at making software modifications to their devices and I will warn you once you have unlocked your boot loader your warranty may be void and ultimately you as the end user are responsible for your device. This way the development threads can be kept clean, easy to follow and not miss important information which can easily get lost in the jungle of posts. I will allow off topic in this thread for general kernel / app / settings related chitter chatter too.
I personally want to thank everyone involved, each who I have mentioned and others who I might of missed (sorry if I have!) for each person has played their role and contributed information and advice to other members of XDA, perhaps unregistered lurkers too! This is a summery of the best information I could find and been putting together over a number of weeks and I am sharing my knowledge as others shared with me back when I was new and inexperienced, enjoy my thread!
Moderator Disclaimer
This thread isn't aimed to be an advertisement but a place to learn.
Information about the kernel
People generally change kernels for battery savings and to add features the stock one doesn't offer. Franco's kernel has several advantages over the stock one in terms of battery saving saving features, one of my favourite being the removal of MPdecision which in lay-mans terms changes the min and maximum speed the CPU can run at based upon live battery temperature checks. Franco's hot plug driver always keeps 2 cores online and always them to scale from 300mhz to 2.3ghz and based upon load conditions will online cores 3 and 4 if required. When you touch the screen the screen the CPU speed is boosted to approximately 1.5ghz for just over a quarter of a second and when load is reduced the CPU speed is able to lower quickly back to lower speeds thanks to his tuned interactive governor. Franco has created a governor for the GPU named interactive which works very much like how the CPU equivilant does. Franco has added some newer drivers for WiFi which also helps reduce idle battery drain while your on a busy WiFi network. Franco has also added an interface where you can boost microphone, speaker and headphone gain levels for audio enthusiasts as well as an interface to allow screen calibration and load pre set profiles to improve your experience with how your display looks! There's clock speed control, voltage control, governor control, hot plug control. You get the idea its full of cool features which can be controlled with the paid Franco.Kernel Application (see later in the thread for most infos)!
Our Developer
Franco is a no nonsense kind of guy, not a fan of buzz words and often tells it as it is kind of guy. He works exclusively on the nexus line. Generally the phones see more attention than tablets and owns and supports all the nexus phones and tabs from Galaxy Nexus right through to the latest Nexus 5. Special thanks to @JNewms for being Franco's tester while he was awaiting shipment of his Nexus 5 so we didn't miss our favourite kernel in that time!
So to actually run Franco's kernel you need to install it, there's a few ways;
1 use the FKU application to auto flash or download a zip (see below)
2 flash zip manually in recovery, navigating to the file and installing it
3 flashify application on play store by @cgollner using the application to navigate to the file and reboot into it. This is very handy for .img files
4 fastboot flash boot (filename here).img (requires working adb and fastboot aswell as drivers from Google SDK manager
Guide to fast boot
Franco Kernel Updater (FKU) application help
So you may want to know where you can access Franco's application, it can be bought through google play store. The app will allow you to download and flash a kernel to your device, it will allow to make a whole range changes to the kernel settings but bear in mind it already comes with settings for the best balance between performance and battery life automatically pre-set.
2 Android Pit bear in mind this version might not be as up to date as the Google Play Store Version.
3 But i don't want to pay for an app! Don't sweat it there is a free version on google play store. This free version will only download and flash kernels, you cannot configure the kernel settings in this one but you can use scripts / init.d if you are comfortable working at that level. Please bear in mind this isn't compatible with with all Franco's supported devices yet like the One Plus One.
4 You can find the IMGs and Zips to download and flash the kernel from Franco's server
Beta Version APK
There is a beta tester programme which Google introduced some time around when Jelly Bean was launched. Franco allows users to test the new features which don't always work as its for testing purposes and to gain feed back before the regular app is released to the main public. The beta application updates are managed through Google play store so when a new beta version is pushed you download it through the play store as a normal app update. Beta testing can only take place for downloads from Google Play Store not any other download site.
Sounds good how do i join?
There's three things you need to do before you can get on the beta programme
1 Purchase the paid application as its this one which gets updated
2 You need to be prepared to join Google+ and become part of Franco.Kernel community
3 Click here and choose to become a tester then follow the link to update via play store.
Please note this system is designed by Google not Franco. Some people feel this forces people into using a social media which they might not want to use but unforntunatly its the only way to join the beta programme. The good thing is your Google account used to sign in on your device will have G+ account asosiated with it already and G+ ships with most roms these days.
Applicationz Management
There's been a fair amount of discussion about the per app mode service being killed by swiping away the fku app from recent apps (multi task key), this is due to a bug Google introduced in 4.4.1 but wasn't really made apparent till 4.4.2 arrived.
It is best practice to not swipe away apps from your recent as in doing so you will kill any back ground service an app is running. Android manages RAM different than windows, you don't need loads of free ram for a smooth operating system. If you want to exit an app its best to press the home key or if you really to actually fully close it use back key. Exiting an app using back key shouldn't kill its back ground service.
Whatz is the Per App Modez?
You can set the behaviour you might like for certain apps to either limit max - min CPU speeds, gov controls. Anything you want to be different than the normal CPU set up that you use. Hence, per app mode. Good for gaming or light apps, or if you under clock normally it could give you full speed with the camera for instance, be creative!
(Nexus 5 Only)
@Tzfardaya has kindly taken the time to make a dedicated thread about per app modes, sharing kernel settings and per app modes by downloading and importing other peoples settings for other guys try on their own devices.
Can I Greenify FKU appz?
You can but this will prevent the per app mode service from running in the back ground. That service doesn't hurt your battery or ram even if you don't use it. If your per app mode settings aren't getting applied and you use Greenify double check you haven't disabled it 'by accident'.
What doez this button do?
If you long press any item it will explain its purpose then you can choose to set it on boot if you so desire
How do I set on boot in the app?
Press the phone icon to the right of an item so that two arrows appear. This means it is set on boot. Press it again to un-set on boot to return to default settings after a reboot. Check out the image above.
If you have anything set on set on boot and your using SuperSu with notifications you should actually see one / two Franco kernel updater has been granted super user permissions toast notifications appear. If super user notifications are disabled I find easily within a minute they are set just double check back very shortly after if your not sure.
I'm new here whatz the best settingz for battery and performancez?
The default values will always have the best balance between performance and battery life. How ever feel free to play with various settings to your own preferences.
Device Specific FAQs
I'll post some repetitive questions and answers here, click link for your specific device. A huge thanks to @ApriliaM3 for the extra posts to help get this much more organised!
One Plus One
Nexus 5
Nexus 7 2013
Nexus 4
Nexus 10
Nexus 7 2012
Galaxy Nexus
Change Log for this thread
Cyanogen Romz
Devices which don't use CAF display drivers like Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7 2012 and the One Plus One are void from the below statement.
franciscofranco said:
Currently does not work with recent CyanogenMod nightlies or any rom has uses CM sources as a base because they made underlying changes that are now incompatible with Kernels that don't follow their path.
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Cyanogen often use different drivers than stock / aosp and ROMs based off cyanogen pull their commits from their github and sources so they don't have to work on these things them selves so those rom devs can work on their features. Cyanogen have a tendency of doing things in their own way. To my knowledge CM roms only work with their shipped kernels.
Franco Kernel work on X Y Z romz?
Franco kernel is designed to run on stock / aosp roms only. Or in the case of the One Plus One where its intended for only Cyanogen Mod 11s. This does not include any unofficial stock type roms like the Android L preview available for certain nexus devices. So to reiterate that again, this kernel is only for the stock rom your device shipped with or upgraded via OTA and compatibility with other roms is purely coincidental. There are some unofficial ports that will add compatibility to certain roms or add extra features. These unofficial ports don't offer any official Franco support and for trouble shooting use the thread the developer set up.
2 Corz always onlinez Y? Quad core specific devices only
It is normal for 2 cores to always be online, its like that by Franco's design. It is meant to save battery in the long run as turning cores off and on again all the time is taxing on the battery according to Franco. It also helps keeps things running smoother. Cores 3 + 4 will activate when system load requirements are met.
Thermal Throttle
Thermal throttle is a system put in place to basicly stop your phones internal chips from cooking them selves! When a temperature reading reaches a condition the CPU limits its performance until the temperature reaches safe levels again. You might notice lags in games while this is happening as thermal throttle only really tends to take place during prolonged CPU intensive operations like gaming or during a reboot. You can see if thermal throttle is taking place if your CPU speeds are limited, check back after a few minutes with your screen being off and things should return to normal. You can increase the temperature at which thermal throttle takes place but personally I don't advice this in case you increase the level too much much and you can cause perminant damage or burn your CPU and require potential expensive repairs. Ambient air temperature can influence the chances of being throttled.
Ma batteryz life suckz!
More often than not bad battery life is from a poor managed application running riot. These applications run in the back ground and stop your phone from resting in low power mode (deep sleep). You can use Better Battery Stats (BBS) to track down the process taking place. Please search to find your answer don't post in the kernel thread asking about wake locks use Google or BBS thread and ask.
Colour Profilez
On any device (to my knowledge) changing any colour multiplyer or gamma level doesn't effect the battery at all.
Fast Chargerz
On nexus 5 and nexus 7 2013 USB fast charge mode won't show AC charging in battery stats, it will only ever report USB. The current way its implemented is that during the USB connection data exchange can take place too, meaning you will be charging at the faster speed and also manage your files on another machine. Rest assured it is working and for proof you can check proc/kmsg.
Antutu Rebootz My Phone Halp!
Antutu has a bug where it crashes around 21% of completing its benchmark. Its not just Franco kernel this effects check out the play store reviews.
I got random rebootz!
If you have an unexpected reboot often it means something wrong has happened and this triggered the reboot for some reason or an other. If you wanted to be helpful then use a file manager and navigate to /proc and find last k-msg and upload it to http://pastie.org. This is a report containing information about what your system was doing before the system shut down. Battery pulls cant generate this report. It is best to post these messages with proc/last k-msg attached to the main kernel thread as Franco needs to see them, he said he probably wont monitor this thread so could easily get missed.
Mirrorz plz
Franco's server is here you can download imgs and zips. Obviously mirrors of the paid application are not allowed and against XDA rules and disrespectful to any dev. It costs less than most pints of beer in the UK. Don't be so stingy!
Return to stock romz
Franco's kernel changes these system files below, so to change them back you can remove the .bak extension, or fastboot system.IMG and boot.IMG from a Google factory image which is probably easier and faster.
franciscofranco said:
1 - Rename /system/lib/hw/power.msm8974.so.bak to /system/lib/hw/power.msm8974.so
2 - Rename /system/bin/thermal-engine-hh-bak to /system/bin/thermal-engine-hh
3 - Reboot to the boot loader and flash stock Kernel by downloading the Nexus images and then fastboot flash boot boot.img
4 - If you're using those Moto X dalvik patches you gotta reflash stock system.img, just use the images you just downloaded from 2) and do fastboot flash system system.img
5 - ???
6 - Profit.
Nexus images, google it and its the first hit.
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What about OTAz?
Your device will only download an OTA update on a stock rom (not custom roms) and it won't install with a different kernel installed. You will loose root permissions after any successful installation but you can gain it again by flashing the latest SuperSu in custom recovery (see next section below). To get any OTA to install successfully you need 100% stock files which the OTA plans to update, with the matching kernel, boot loader and radio. The updater script checks all these files and will abort if it detects (through md5 checks) if any one part doesn't match what it expects. Generally speaking its easier to fastboot system.img and boot.img to return all the files to original state. Flashing system.img and boot.img will not wipe your personal data / apps / stuff. It just replaces all the files to factory originals. Recovery is optional, if you flash an OTA with stock recovery you keep stock recovery installed. If you flash an OTA with a custom recovery it keep that installed. If you feel adventurous you can ADB side load it using either stock recovery or custom.
Whenz da ETAz?
Please don't ask, its ready when its ready. Some people find it rude asking so just don't go there.
Y I loose rootz?
For various reasons not all known to me but superuser permissions can be changed (especially through OTA) as permissions for certain files can sometimes get reset. I recommend using the latest SuperSu by @Chainfire. If you loose root flash the latest Supersu in custom recovery to regain / gain super user permissions.
CPU Tuningz
Info for governorz and their tunablez
For people interested about various interactive tunables here's some 'light reading' though its not my own wording but there's good information for an understanding.
The interactive governor tunablez
In order of appearance in FKU app, these are just the basic ones with hopefully easy to understand explanation of each function
above_hispeed_delay = when your CPU is at hispeed_freq, wait for this long before boosting speed further in response to continued high load. Measured in milliseconds.
boost_pulse_duration = boost CPU speed to input_boost_freq for this amount of time. Measured in milliseconds.
go_hispeed_load = Go to hi_speed_freq when CPU load at or above this value. Measured by system load percentage.
hispeed_freq = Boost CPU to this speed when go_hispeed_load value has been met. Measured in MHz.
input_boost_freq = Boost CPU speed to this frequency on touch screen events. Measured in MHz.
min_sample_time = The minimum amount of time to spend at a frequency before it can ramp down. Measured in milliseconds.
timer_rate = The sample rate of the timer used to increase frequency. Measured in milliseconds.
Hot plug controlz
This is a system in place which controls how many CPU cores are operating at a single time. The range of the control is from 0 - 100.
0 = Perminent quad core only mode
100 = Permanent duel core only mode
1 - 99 = system load in % required to online more cores.
The value defined is at which level of system load to activate all cpu cores. The closer to 0 this number is then its easier for all cores to be be active. The closer to 100 makes it harder for all cores to be active
Quad core devices have obviously 4 cores and the relationship to each other is
CPU 0 - always on
CPU 1 - always on
CPU 2 - tied to cpu 0. Activated when cpu 0 reaches the required load.
CPU 3 - tied to cpu 1. Activated when cpu 1 reaches the required load.
franciscofranco said:
Ok so ahead of launching another r33 test image I'll let you sneak peak the new tunables for the Hotplug driver. There are no changes to the driver algorithm itself, I'm just exposing all these interesting tunables for users that want maximum control and I mean extremely maximum control on how my driver behaves. Feel free to ask away if any explanation is not as good as it could and I'll happy to explain! Here's my documentation:
The load_threshold = first_level, just changed the name of the text to be less ambiguous.
* system load threshold to decide when online or offline cores
* from 0 to 100
unsigned int load_threshold;
* counter to filter online/offline calls. The load needs to be above
* load_threshold X high_load_counter times for the cores to go online
* otherwise they stay offline
unsigned int high_load_counter;
* max number of samples counters allowed to be counted. The higher the
* value the longer it will take the driver to offline cores after a period
* of high and continuous load
unsigned int max_load_counter;
* if the current CPU freq is above this limit don't offline the cores
* for a couple of extra samples
unsigned int cpufreq_unplug_limit;
* minimum time in seconds that a core stays online to avoid too many
* online/offline calls
unsigned int min_time_cpu_online;
* sample timer in seconds. The default value of 1 equals to 10 samples
* every second. The higher the value the less samples per second it runs
unsigned int timer;
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Top Tips
Run speaker clean every so often. It really works wonders.
One Plus One
Compatible Romz
Stock Cyanogmod 11S
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
4.4 <r7
Get your downloadz here
Franco has made a version of his kernel made for non cm11s roms. This should run on both aosp and regular cm11. I believe this is a temporary place holder until cm11 and cm11s make some kernel related merges. You can find the post with download link here
Here is fork for Franco Kernel for Mahdi Rom
Cyanomod 11 boot loopz
This kernel is only designed to run on the stock ROM the device ships with, same as any other device. Its highly unlikely Franco will make forks designed for specific roms how ever if you search you might find a modified Franco kernel for your favourite 3rd party rom in the Android Development section. Send me a link to the thread and I'll add a link in this thread.
Can I double tap to awake ma phonz?
This feature is built into the cyangenmod 11s rom and isn't dependant on kernel and functions just fine using Franco Kernel.
Wifi won't turnz on!
There seems to be an issue with the built in theme manager which can cause the WiFi settings to not be able to turn on or off. A simple reboot should fix this
When will colour controlz arrive?
Update 4/8/14 RGB sliders have been added. No Gamma control as of yet
There is some screens which have yellow areas or yellow tint to them. This might be because the glue hasn't completely cured under your screen which could cause the yellowish appearance. The screen was calibrated by Supercurio (to the best of my knowledge). The back end of being able to control the RGB filters is in place and Franco has requested to Supercurio to allow a user interface to control the RGB filter.
Nexus 5
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Beanstalk
3 Purity
4 Cataclysm
5 Mahdi
6 Slimkat
7 T-Rex
8 Omnirom
10 Rastakat
11 Carbon Rom
12 Paranoid Android
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
4.4 < r58
Grab your downloads
Alternative Ports
@big_bum has made a port using influences from all over place, features include Franco + commits from Chaos(neobuddy89), Code blue (engstk) and Uber (Cl3Kener), + -Ofast + Linaro GCC 4.9.1 + BFQ + ZEN + F2F2 + KSM, always on latest 3.4.y and it works on CM too, if you flash the dedicated zip.
Double Tap / Sweep 2 Wakez
linaro build by @LaboDJ
and another by @PhantomGamers
Screen Back light flickers at low brightness
To disable the feature for super low back light feature which some users report flickering back light;
Open up a terminal emulator and type in su to gain root.
Then type in echo 0 > /sys/module/lm3630_bl/parameters/backlight_dimmer
Musicz clipping / glitching / pausing
Believe it or not this is quite a common issue over the history of android, especially quad core devices.
Disabling adblock software seems to of solved this issue for some and helped for others. The issue was a server containing the adblock hosts makes your network busy and causes errors with music.
If you are still facing issues with music not playing back smoothly bump the min CPU speed from 300mhz to 345mhz and that should do the trick. It will cost a little in battery life but your mp3 should work properly.
Flac support got broke in 4.4 and cause the CPU to ramp up high and get hot. Hopefully a fix will come within 4.4.3
When will colour controlz arrive?
THEY HAVE ARRIVED on 14/1/14!!
Download the file you want to your phone (see below) , use a file editor to remove the .txt extension and place the file in Internal storage\franco.kernel_updater\color_profiles\ . Then using the Franco app you can load any profile you have in that location. Turn the screen off and on to successfully load it. You can set on boot without any worry of any damage.
Primary host download (thanks @vomer)
Secondary host download
Here's a video thanks to @vomer on how to load profiles.
@yorici has started off his own thread dedicated to screen calibration, discussion and FAQ, its well worth a look if your interested in an accurate colour reproduction on your display.
Wherez da changlogzz?
You can veiw Franco's github and here
This is an easy summery
franciscofranco said:
* instead of running Qualcomms MPDecision to control the CPUs/touch boost I'm running my custom hot plug driver and the touch boost is 100% Kernel based instead of Google's solution that goes from the Kernel to user space, then to a file, then back to user space then back to the Kernel
* I'm using interactive governor heavily tuned, stock uses On demand who wastes too much time in higher frequencies
* Using my GPU governor which is more conservative than stock, and stock makes the GPU sleep at a higher frequency than it should (sleep as in a state between active and slumber, active being when the device is using the GPU, and slumber as in having the GPU device in deep sleep)
* Also has a ton less debugging than stock, which reduces overhead
* Has Wi-Fi patches from Google to reduce, immensely, the WLAN wake locks and general Wi-Fi drainage
That's mostly it in terms of battery improvements, probably something else that I missed, but everything is on my github.
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It will work on stock rom but you need busybox installed to system/xbin I suggest using one of the many apps on the play store
vomer said:
so I was thinking that you do not need to put all those quotes in here. How about just this:
Path to CPU:
Path to GPU:
Path to Governer:
This is all that is needed. You can like to my init.d post for a ready-made solution too. I doubt many people will want to mess with this manually.
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Nexus 5 Specific Voltage Tables PVS 0-6
Someone requested the stock voltage tables, here they are for PVS binning 0-6 (covers all devices) thanks @SetiroN. Of course if you wanted to return to stock voltage unset on boot and reboot is easier. I found this info on the Nexus 5 CPU binning thread
Personal Settings Collections
The Gingerbread Man
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
The Gingerbread Man Kernel and Device Settings Post
In this post I'll keep my settings for various settings for others to see and use for reference if they fancy trying some battery saving tweaks. Anything not mentioned or has --- means I have left as default value. Thanks @JNewms, @Nbsss, @vomer and anyone else who i haven't remembered for their testing so far in the main thread.
I will keep this post updated if anyone wants to book mark it for future reference
My devices
Phone; black nexus 5 16gb
Case; official black bumper
Screen protector; cruzerlite tru glass
Tablet; nexus 7 2013 black 16gb
Case; official Asus black flip case
Screen protector, some generic cheap one. Hoping for a @cruzerlite truglass
Nexus 5 Kernel Settings
Max 2265 (600) MHz
Min 300 (000) MHz
Hot Plug
Load threshold 80
450 (000000) MHz
Up threshold 50
Down threshold 25
Governor Control
Boost Duration 0
Go Highspeed Load 90
Highspeed Freq 1190 (400) MHz
Input Boost Freq 300 (000) MHz
Voltage Tables
Reference is the key word for undervolt especially as not all SoC are built to the same quality so any settings may not work for you and cause a reboot. Do not set on boot until you are certain with over 24 hours time without reboot set on boot. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Voltage tables should be evaluated by the defaults and gradually reducing 25mv each time and isolating each CPU freq (set min and max to the same value). If you don't understand don't do it. Again warning given! Voltage can be reverted back to stock if you unset on boot and reboot, how ever if stuck in boot loop due to your own stupidity then fastboot flash boot boot.img stock kernel.
Per App Modes
Download all my pams, Franco's pam's & all custom paths
Very Low Power
I use this for;
Google Play Books, Omega 500, Hold'em ( low res poker), TriOmonies
Max CPU 729 (600) MHz
Input Boost 300 (000) MHz
GPU 200 (000000) MHz
Hot Plug Load Threshold 100
Go Hi Speed Freq 422 (400) MHz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 25
GPU Up Threshold 50
Low Power
I use this for very light apps, not CPU intensive tasks like;
Drastic (Nintendo DS emu), Dune 2, Google Maps, Klondike (solitaire), Shít Head
Max CPU 1267 (200) MHz
Input Boost 300 (000)Mhz
GPU 320 (000000) MHz
Hot Plug Load Threshold 100
Go Hi Speed Freq 960 (000) MHz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 25
GPU Up Threshold 50
I use this for games to keep CPU temps down to avoid thermal throttle;
DoomGles, Dungeon Quest, Mighty Dungeons, Monopoly, Nitro Nation, Riptide 2 GP, Sky Force 2014, Worms 2 Armageddon, Worms 3
Max CPU 1267 (200) MHz
Input Boost 300 (000) MHz
GPU 450 (000000) MHZ
Hot Plug Load Threshold 80
Go Hi Speed Freq 960 (000) Mhz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 15
GPU Up Threshold 25
Misc settings
Vibration amp 80
Headphone boost volume 2
Headset gain boost -1
Speaker gain 5
Google settings
Run time compiler ART
Google now on
Google location reporting and location history on
Location setting high accuracy
Screen Calibration
I use Yorici Calibrated Punch
These are profiles made by me
TGM_WP31(V1) (white point at 31)
TGM_WP32 (V1) (white point 32)
Nexus 7 2013 Kernel Settings
Max 1512 (000) MHz
Min 384 (000) MHz
Hot Plug
Load threshold 70
400 (000000) MHz
Up threshold 50
Down threshold 25
Governor Control
Boost Duration 0
Go Highspeed Load 90
Highspeed Freq 1026 (000) MHz
Input Boost Freq 384 (000) MHz
Voltage Tables
See nexus 5 warning above
Per App Modes
Download all my nexus 7 pams and all custom paths
Very Low Power
I use this for;
Google Play Books, Hold'em (poker), Omega 500, TriOmonies
Max CPU 702 (000) MHz
Input Boost 384 (000) Mhz
Boost Duration 0
GPU 128 (000000) MHz
Hot Plug Load Threshold 100
Go Hi Speed Freq 422 (400) Mhz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 25
GPU Up Threshold 50
Low Power
I use this for;
Drastic (Nintendo DS emu), Dune 2, Google Maps, Klondike (solitaire), Shít Head
Max CPU 1026 (000) MHz
Input Boost 384 (000)MHz
Boost Duration 0
GPU 200 (000000) MHz
Hot Plug Load Threshold 70
Go Hi Speed Freq 918 (000) MHz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 25
GPU Up Threshold 50
I use this for games to keep CPU temps down to avoid thermal throttle;
DoomGles, Dungeon Quest, Monopoly, Nitro Nation, Riptide 2 GP, Sky Force 2014, Worms 2 Armageddon, Worms 3
Max CPU 1242 (000) MHz
Input Boost 384 (000) MHz
Boost Duration 0
GPU 400 (000000) MHz
Hot Plug Load Threshold 70
Go Hi Speed Freq 702 (000) MHz
Go Hi Speed Load 90
GPU Down Threshold 15
GPU Up Threshold 25
Misc settings
Headphone boost volume 2
Headset gain boost -1
Speaker gain 3
Google settings
Run time compiler ART
Google now on
Google location reporting and location history on
Location setting high accuracy
Favourite Android Game
Its got to be DoomGLES which is the classic doom game we all loved from the 1990s but with improved graphics due to 3D hardware acceleration and using open gles. There is dynamic lighting and cool effects for water and blood, it really refreshes the game and makes it very fun. If you have the .wad files you can play all the full games, doom 1, doom 2, plutonia, TNT and allows you to load custom .iwad please don't ask me for the files for the games I cannot share them . There is a free version, I recommend you have a go and if you like it £1.73 really is bargain for the paid version!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Nexus 7 2013
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Rastakat
3 Paranoid Android
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
Many old versions were made legacy android builds. Grab your downloads
Android ver F.K Build.
4.3 < r4
4.4 < r17
Alternative Ports
CAF compatible version maintained by @RobbieL811
Sabermod franco.Kernel*(caf & aosp ) by @zaclimon
When will Debz be added?
UPDATE @osm0sis got deb to work on 10/4/14. There's an os-fixed version to try below!
osm0sis said:
Done. New r13: flo-fixed and deb-test up.
Native USB-OTG working (ie. no app required), and hopefully fixed the governor issues with deb to make it fully functional (disabled mpdecision service and added interactive permissions tweaks to match the flo ramdisk).
@pietropizzi @poondog @franciscofranco
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pietropizzi said:
Thanks osm0sis, it booted up fine with the fixed deb! Interactive was default and the FREQ-Range is fully used. I'll play some more with it but it looks good till now ! ��
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 7 mit Tapatalk
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osm0sis said:
@franciscofranco Achievement Unlocked: Deb Support!
Someone go quote me in the N5 thread so he sees. :laugh:
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Colour Controlz
RGB sliders have been added in to the FKU beta app so finally we have a little control over our screens colour calibration. Personally I found my display just a touch too warm and now now longer is an issue now I have tuned it.
When you make a profile and save it, upload the file somewhere and leave a link and I'll download the file, then I'll upload to the collection and I'll keep them organised and rename to my OCD standard (I really don't like it when listed items have some starting with capitals and others not and spaces between words).
To load profiles you just need to download them and place the file in SD/Franco kernel updater/colour profiles, then go to the app and look for the desired file. If / when nexus display control app gets updated the same applies but put the files SD/nexus display control/colour profiles.
Nexus 7 2013 Screen Profiles
Snapdragon 600 or S4 Pro?
We have officially a s4 pro chip but better in a few aspects making it close to the snap dragon 600. The differences are explained very well below
zaclimon said:
Anandtech did open the device and saw that the cpu (APQ8064–1AA) is different from the one on the Original S4 pro. (APQ8064) The main difference is that there's Krait 300 cpu cores instead of Krait 200 like with the S4 Pro inside the Nexus 4, which makes it looks like more of a Snapdragon 600 than an actual S4 pro. The naming however I think is more because of the defafult clock speed (1.5 vs 1.7 in base SD600)
Here's the link if you need it:
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Personal Settings Collections
The Gingerbread Man
Nexus 4
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Cataclysm
3 omniROM
4 Purity
5 Carbon
6 Slimkat
7 Paranoid Android
8 OverStock
9 Dirty Unicorn
10 Rastakat
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
Many old versions were made legacy android builds. Grab your downloads
Android ver. F.K Build.
4.2 > r165
4.3 > r193
4.4 > r203
Nexus 10
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Slimkat
3 Rastakat
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
Many old versions were made legacy android builds. Grab your downloads
Android ver. F.K Build.
4.3 r13
4.4 r14
Nexus 7 2012
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Slimkat
3 Rastakat
4 Shiney
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
Many old versions were made legacy android builds. Grab your downloads
Android. FKU Build no.
4.2 > r65
4.3 r75
4.4 > r76
Sysfs Commands (advanced level)
osm0sis said:
Since there's finally a bit of interest in init.d scripts in here, here is a file I've been maintaining as a reference for myself for some time now, containing all the sysfs commands franco doesn't have in the 2nd posts of the GN and N7 threads. They are all set to the defaults as of r36x.
All of this is set in f.Ku, but hey, it never hurts to learn how it all works behind the scenes.
This is not a shell script, and cannot be run as one as-is; it's just a bunch of commands. UV should never be set with init.d in case they are unstable.
# CPU Clock
echo 1228800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
echo 384000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
echo 537600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/screen_off_max_freq
# UV
echo "1450 1425 1400 1375 1350 1250 1225 1200 1050 900 850 800" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/mpu_voltages
echo "1375 1291 1140 950" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/iva_voltages
echo "1150 1050 950" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/core_voltages
# SR
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_mpu/autocomp
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_iva/autocomp
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_core/autocomp # CORE no longer SR calibrated on FK
# Governor
echo "interactive" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo 15000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost
echo 80000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration
echo 95 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
echo 729600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
echo 45000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
echo 85 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads
echo 15000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
echo 80000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack
# I/O Scheduler
echo 1024 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/read_ahead_kb
echo "deadline" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 500 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_expire
echo 5000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/write_expire
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/writes_starved
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/front_merges
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_batch
echo "row" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 100 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/hp_read_quantum
echo 100 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_read_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/lp_read_quantum
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/hp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/lp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_write_quantum
echo 10 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_idle
echo 20 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_idle_freq
echo "cfq" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 8 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/quantum
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_sync
echo 250 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_async
echo 16384 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_max
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_penalty
echo 93 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_sync
echo 39 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_async
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_async_rq
echo 7 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_idle
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/group_idle
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/low_latency
echo "bfq" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/quantum
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_sync
echo 250 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_async
echo 16384 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_max
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_penalty
echo 7 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_idle
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/max_budget
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/max_budget_async_rq
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/timeout_sync
echo 39 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/timeout_async
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/low_latency
echo 20 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_coeff
echo 256 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_max_time
echo 7000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_max_softrt_rate
echo 304 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_rt_max_time
echo 2000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_min_idle_time
echo 500 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_min_inter_arr_async
echo "" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/weights
echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/s6e8aa0/acl_set
# TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm
echo "westwood" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control;
# N7-specific
echo 500 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpu_lp_max # LP core no longer used on FK
echo "1125 1100 1075 1050 1025 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
echo 2 > /sys/class/misc/tegra_hotplug_control/cores_on_touch
echo 60 > /sys/class/misc/tegra_hotplug_control/first_level
echo 50 > /sys/class/misc/tegra_hotplug_control/second_level # No longer used in newer driver in FK
echo 25 > /sys/class/misc/tegra_hotplug_control/third_level # No longer used in newer driver in FK
echo 0 > /sys/devices/tegradc.0/smartdimmer/enable
Here's a link to my post of the possible GPU OC frequencies on the N7.
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Possible GPU OC Frequencies
osm0sis said:
Here are the possible GPU values I found in the source.
Looking at it again you could probably grab any of the different clock values in the file from the 4 CORE sections starting at line 238, they're all CORE frequencies, just for different parts of the core like vde (video decoding engine), mpe (media processing engine), etc., and generally capping at the stock 416. I imagine they all just ramp within their brackets to whatever the closest one (without going over) is to what we set:
You'd end up with the following options:
228000, 234000, 247000, 267000, 275000, 285000,
304000, 332000, 352000, 361000, 380000,
400000, 408000, [i]416000[/i], 437000, [i]446000[/i], [i]484000[/i],
[I]600000[/i], [i]625000[/i]
Edit: Metallice has supplied some more insight on the coded values. So we can mostly disregard the above.
So from https://github.com/franciscofranco/...mr1/arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra3_clocks.c#L3201 we get:
So in summary? The ones you should use based on the legitimate timings from the code are:
208, 260, 300, 312, [B]416, 520, 666, 750[/B]
But devs have also added some other intermediate steps in at the following mathematically appropriate spots which are good options and also make sense with other parts of the code (as seen in the first half of my post):
[B]446, 484, 600, 625, 700[/B]
P.S. Don't try to underclock. Instant freeze.
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Galaxy Nexus
Compatible Kitkat Romz
No order of favouritism here I will list in order posts reporting Franco kernel working with various roms.
1 Stock
2 Paranoid Android
3 Paranoid Saberdroid
4 Slimkat
5 Omni
6 Carbon
8 Shiney
9 official cyanogenmod
10 unofficial cyanogenmod
Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz?
Many old versions were made legacy android builds. Grab your downloads
Android ver. F.K Build.
4.2 > r384
4.3 r395 JB
4.4 r395 KK
Whoz da Osmodz¿
@osm0sis has played a significant part in the development of the Franco kernel mostly on galaxy nexus and nexus 7 2012. He is a highly respected member and has fingers in several projects around xda including working directly on Franco's kernels for Gnex and N7. He takes Franco's kernel and with some help of the other Franco Dev Team help further optimise settings to ensure you guys always get the best setting for performance and battery. These include modifications to interactive governor and the Franco Dev Team spent along time optimising all the IO schedulers for best performance. These changes all got put through to the main Franco kernel. Since Franco doesn't have much time for Galaxy Nexus with all these newer devices Osm0sis is pretty much the main maintainer for it these days.
Sysfs Commands (advanced level)
osm0sis said:
Since there's finally a bit of interest in init.d scripts in here, here is a file I've been maintaining as a reference for myself for some time now, containing all the sysfs commands franco doesn't have in the 2nd posts of the GN and N7 threads. They are all set to the defaults as of r36x.
All of this is set in f.Ku, but hey, it never hurts to learn how it all works behind the scenes.
This is not a shell script, and cannot be run as one as-is; it's just a bunch of commands. UV should never be set with init.d in case they are unstable.
# CPU Clock
echo 1228800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
echo 384000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
echo 537600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/screen_off_max_freq
# UV
echo "1450 1425 1400 1375 1350 1250 1225 1200 1050 900 850 800" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/mpu_voltages
echo "1375 1291 1140 950" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/iva_voltages
echo "1150 1050 950" > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/core_voltages
# SR
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_mpu/autocomp
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_iva/autocomp
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/smartreflex/sr_core/autocomp # CORE no longer SR calibrated on FK
# Governor
echo "interactive" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
echo 15000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/above_hispeed_delay
echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boost
echo 80000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse_duration
echo 95 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/go_hispeed_load
echo 729600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/hispeed_freq
echo 45000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/min_sample_time
echo 85 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/target_loads
echo 15000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_rate
echo 80000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/timer_slack
# I/O Scheduler
echo 1024 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/read_ahead_kb
echo "deadline" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 500 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_expire
echo 5000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/write_expire
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/writes_starved
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/front_merges
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_batch
echo "row" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 100 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/hp_read_quantum
echo 100 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_read_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/lp_read_quantum
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/hp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/lp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_swrite_quantum
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/rp_write_quantum
echo 10 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_idle
echo 20 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/read_idle_freq
echo "cfq" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 8 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/quantum
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_sync
echo 250 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_async
echo 16384 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_max
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_penalty
echo 93 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_sync
echo 39 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_async
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_async_rq
echo 7 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_idle
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/group_idle
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/low_latency
echo "bfq" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/quantum
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_sync
echo 250 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/fifo_expire_async
echo 16384 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_max
echo 2 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/back_seek_penalty
echo 7 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/slice_idle
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/max_budget
echo 4 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/max_budget_async_rq
echo 125 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/timeout_sync
echo 39 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/timeout_async
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/low_latency
echo 20 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_coeff
echo 256 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_max_time
echo 7000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_max_softrt_rate
echo 304 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_rt_max_time
echo 2000 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_min_idle_time
echo 500 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/raising_min_inter_arr_async
echo "" > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/iosched/weights
echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/s6e8aa0/acl_set
# TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm
echo "westwood" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_congestion_control;
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Personal Settings Collections
Change logs;
-on going- trying to list compatible roms over all devices
18/11/13 Initial post
18/11/13 fIx many spelling and grammor errors
18/11/13 added screen shots
18/11/13 added FAQ
18/11/13 added voltage tables
18/11/13 added some info about the kernel, features and a small peice about Franco
20/11/13 added device specific placeholders for questions about device specifics
20/11/13 added a poll but cocked it up
20/11/13 added y i lost rootz question
20/11/13 added some colours to text and played with text sizes, leet me know if this works for you visualy?
20/11/13 added 2 cores always online y question
21/11/13 update what about OTA explanation
21/11/13 updated why I loose root explanation and changed its location in the post
21/11/13 added screen shot for why I lost root
21/11/13 added a piece about Osm0sis and Osmod in Galaxy Nexus
21/11/13 updated a few sentences for grammar / spelling errors
21/11/13 added double tap / sweep to wake question
29/11/13 added a basic summarised kernel change log
30/11/13 edited colour control information about nexus 5
1/12/13 feeling quite proud of my thread
4/12/13 added question why colours have reverted back to stock removing the blue tint
5/12/13 edited OTAZ a little more
5/12/13 added instructions for 4 methods to install the kernel
5/12/13 added links to SDK manager and Google factory image page
5/12/13 added Return to stock rom
6/12/13 further editing of OTA and edited return to stock rom
19/12/13 added links for unofficial n5 builds with tap 2 wake
19/12/13 added a link to a lengthy discussion about tunables on galaxy nexus
21/12/13 posted link to very comprehensive guide by @droidphile about governor and tunables, many thanks much better than I could have done and over 1,500 thanks for 1 post is insane!
25/12/13 updated set on boot
27/12/13 another spell check session
15/1/14 updated colour controls nexus 5
16/1/14 removed old stuff for old colour tuning and added link to my drop box containing colour profiles
18/1/14 remove the bit about antutu
18/1/14 edited color control explanation a little
19/1/14 mini faq colour control added with perms from yorici
22/1/14 edited wording for my instructions on colour profile loading
22/1/14 added Q about deb support
7/2/14 updated set on boot section
11/2/14 lots of small improvements and updating 1st post sections
15/2/14 updated double tap etc etc wake section
18/2/14 edited cyanogen ROM
18/2/14 added fast charge
18/2/14 added moar pretty screen shots
23/2/14 major restructure of OP with a post per device. Massive thanks to @ApriliaM3
23/2/14 added a few new pictures
25/2/14 edit and update nexus 5 info, colours, music
25/2/14 added Greenify info to universal
25/2/14 added Wah 100z of Kernal which one for old Androidz for all device showing kernel to use for all supported android versions!
26/2/14 lots of info added for GN and N7-1 thanks Osm0is for the pointers there buddy
26/2/14 added Colour Profilez Q to universal section
3/3/14 added link to guide to fastboot
3/3/14 thread moved from nexus 5 q&a to android general section
9/3/14 edited the info about interactive gov
10/3/14 removes text heavy quotes to remove 6 billion characters from nexus 5 and replaced with links to specific posts
10/3/14 organise post 2 a bit, added a couple of new [email protected]'s
10/3/14 moved items about application settings to post 1
12/3/14 alot of tidy up links, resizing stuff and maintance
13/3/14 tidy up moar links! Added a few more pictures, updated per app mode images and replaced nexus 5 image.
23/7/14 added one plus one. Moved setting post. Edited CPU setting and Pam's. Lots of other stuff I probably forgot.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
The Gingerbread Man said:
If there is anything anyone feels I have missed please post and I'll add it to the OP
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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good thread! my suggestions on how to improve that FKU:
1) it doesn't tell you the version number, it gets cutoff at the side there?
2) eliminate that right part of the app, its weird how it has 2 'planes' kinda annoying to have to swipe one of them away
3) make it more user friendly with checkboxes instead of values u have to enter, newbies won't know what is high/low range
4) also make a set on boot option radio button on each page of settings, no one knows the LONG press lol
5) have cpu/battery temp readings on the 1st page of app, not in system monitor, i hardly use that app
I'm using franco's r13 with Cataclysm rom and my phone rebooted while I was using whatsapp earlier today. I'm using Dalvik (never switched to ART) and have done no UV/OC/UC. Here's my last_kmsg.
Hope it has some useful info in it
cobyman7035 said:
good thread! my suggestions on how to improve that FKU:
1) it doesn't tell you the version number, it gets cutoff at the side there?
2) eliminate that right part of the app, its weird how it has 2 'planes' kinda annoying to have to swipe one of them away
3) make it more user friendly with checkboxes instead of values u have to enter, newbies won't know what is high/low range
4) also make a set on boot option radio button on each page of settings, no one knows the LONG press lol
5) have cpu/battery temp readings on the 1st page of app, not in system monitor, i hardly use that app
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1 & 2 that's by design which Franco is following googles design principles. Check out just about any Google app you find they have multi panels and swipy bits
3 I think is planned I want it to
4 I don't understand set on boot radio. What do you mean there bud? With the long press set on boot is constistant around the app. Once you found it you will know. I think there's a mini tutorial which mentions that if you wipe your app data and reboot you should see
5 Franco felt the status page was redundant and removed it
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
bleuxeon said:
ChangelogZ ?!
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Done :silly:
liperus said:
I'm using franco's r13 with Cataclysm rom and my phone rebooted while I was using whatsapp earlier today. I'm using Dalvik (never switched to ART) and have done no UV/OC/UC. Here's my last_kmsg.
Hope it has some useful info in it
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welcome and congratulations on your first post and submitting a bug report in hte correct way, your off to a flying start here! These posts where you are reporting a reboot are best in hte main franco thread. Franco said he probably wont monitor here so it could get missed by him.
The Gingerbread Man said:
welcome and congratulations on your first post and submitting a bug report in hte correct way, your off to a flying start here! These posts where you are reporting a reboot are best in hte main franco thread. Franco said he probably wont monitor here so it could get missed by him.
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Haha thanks I've been following the other thread (yes, all 300+ pages of it ), but I can't post there ( dev thread and it's my first post ), so I posted it here. Maybe someone can "forward" it to franco's thread?
liperus said:
Haha thanks I've been following the other thread (yes, all 300+ pages of it ), but I can't post there ( dev thread and it's my first post ), so I posted it here. Maybe someone can "forward" it to franco's thread?
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il quote your post and copy paste to the main one. You need 10 posts i think to post in dev threads
The Gingerbread Man said:
il quote your post and copy paste to the main one. You need 10 posts i think to post in dev threads
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Thank you. Yes, exacly, I need 10 posts...
And thanks for this thread, I hope it'll ease things in the main one. It's definitely annoying seeing the same questions again and again and again every 5 posts.
liperus said:
Thank you. Yes, exacly, I need 10 posts...
And thanks for this thread, I hope it'll ease things in the main one. It's definitely annoying seeing the same questions again and again and again every 5 posts.
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No worries youl be up to 10 posts before you know it! The idea of this thread was to stop those questions or refer them here. It gets like this in every device tbh and it annoys me and like you I tend to read most posts in threads I subscribe to
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

[TOOL][ETC] Nice Value Checker

Well, this is just a simple script to view Nice Value/Niceness of processes and PIDs. I made this because i can't seem to find a simple and direct way to view niceness, so I'm sharing it with you.
Okay, What is Nice?
nice is a program found on Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux. It directly maps to a kernel call of the same name. nice is used to invoke a utility or shell script with a particular priority, thus giving the process more or less CPU time than other processes. A niceness of −20 is the highest priority and 19 is the lowest priority. The default niceness for processes is inherited from its parent process and is usually 0.
Uses and effect
nice becomes useful when several processes are demanding more resources than the CPU can provide. In this state, a higher-priority process will get a larger chunk of the CPU time than a lower-priority process. Only the superuser (root) may set the niceness to a smaller (higher priority) value. On Linux it is possible to change /etc/security/limits.conf to allow other users or groups to set low nice values.
How to Install:
Download the pdf file linked below
This needs busybox so you gotta have one - tip: use @YashdSaraf's
Move it in '/system/bin' or '/system/xbin'
Rename to niceness (or anything you want)
Set permissions to 755
How to Use:
Open Terminal Emulator or adb shell
niceness (name of the running process/pid)
same can be achieved with below command in terminal emulator -
busybox ps -o pid,nice,comm
JumboMan said:
same can be achieved with below command in terminal emulator -
busybox ps -o pid,nice,comm
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i know, but I'm lazy to type all that stuff so I made it :silly:
Thanx, ll use it

