I've searched and shuffled through the entire forum and made inquiries to ROM authors without much light being shed on this issue. I doubt I am the only one who has been looking for a way of doing this so I decided to do a small HOW-TO. Here I will explain step by step as to how you can implement a script to be part of your ROM that will auto mount an ext2 partition on boot up if such partition is present. I have included all the tools I've used in order to pull this off, and as the title suggests this has only been done on Amon Ra's latest 1.6.2 ROM. In order to follow these instructions you are expected to allready have set up an adb enviroment on your linux box and for the signing process to work you must have sun-java present, the gnu java wont work. And of course a microSD card with an ext2 partition
1. Download to your home directory
chmod a+x
2. Now execute the script which will create a directory to work in and download a tool and script package and unpack it.
When the script is done you need to move the mkbootimg preferebly to your tools directory of your SDK.
mv toolstomove/mkbootimg <path/to/sdk/tools/mkbootimg>
3. Unpack the RA1.6.2 ROM into a directory in your home dir. In this HOW-TO we will use directory name "ra1.6.2" as an example through out the entire process.
4. Copy the boot.img from ra1.6.2 to the ROM-cooker dir
cp $HOME/ra1.6.2/boot.img $HOME/ROM-cooker/boot.img
cd $HOME/ROM-cooker
5. Use to extract the ramdisk from the boot image. I've modified the script a little so it automates the entire process and decompresses the ramdisk to a directory
./unpack boot.img
6. Now you can either replace the init.rc file here with the one I've included in this package or you can add these lines by yourself. In wich case do the following
cd boot.img-ramdisk
pico init.rc
Press CTRL+w and then CTRL+t and input 27. hit enter. This will take you to line 27 of init.rc so you can add a line right before the init process remounts the rootfs in read-only mode. Add following line:
mkdir /sdext2 0771 system system
Now scroll down to the end of the init.rc file and add the following:
service mountsdext2 /system/bin/mountsd
user root
group root
7. You have now edited (or replaced) your init.rc file and prepared it to execute a script on boot that will detect an ext2 partition and boot it if there is one to be found. Now you have to make the mountsd script a part of the ROM. Do the following:
cd $HOME/ROM-cooker
mv toolstomove/mountsd $HOME/ra1.6.2/system/bin/mountsd
rm -rf toolstomove
8. Now that the init.rc file is sorted out and mountsd has been placed in /system/bin of the ROM so it is time to re-pack the boot.img:
cd $HOME/ROM-cooker
./repack boot.img-kernel boot.img-ramdisk boot.img
rm $HOME/ra1.6.2/boot.img
mv boot.img $HOME/ra1.6.2/boot.img
9. Your ROM now has a new boot image with an updated init.rc and the /system/bin dir has the script needed to auto-mount the microsd ext2. Now you must re-zip the ROM and sign it. Do the following:
cd $HOME/ra1.6.2
zip -r *
mv $HOME/ROM-cooker/
cd $HOME/ROM-cooker
10. The ROM is now signed and you now have a file called Connect the phone to your computer and execute thus:
11. Now you are ready to flash the modified ROM which will auto-mount an ext2 partition on your microSD. There is no need to wipe before flashing. If you have no prior experience with ROM flashing or whatever just backup your current install. If you're using OpenHOME or anything similar, nothing will be changed or damaged but if you're using MontAlbert's themes with the ROM you will have to flash them again after flashing this modified ROM.
adb reboot recovery
12. Flash from choose zip and of course choose Reboot. After the system boots up again you can now check whats what with either one of the commands:
[email protected]:~$ adb shell mount | grep sdext2
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /sdext2 type ext2 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue)
[email protected]:~/boot$ adb shell busybox df -h | grep sdext2
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 893.7M 13.0K 846.0M 0% /sdext2
13. Voila! Your RA 1.6.2 ROM now detects and mounts your microSD ext2 partition on boot. Woohoo?
I hope the HOW-TO was easy reading and that you have succeeded in hacking up your ROM. I know that certain ROMs have this as a built-in function but Amon Ra's does not. But since alot of people including myself use his ROM because of the high speed and stability I thought I should contribute to his project and add a cool (and missed?) function to it.
Mind you that you can use the ROM-cooker set to further adjust and hack up the ROM as you see fit. Happy learning!
Very nice!
Now the question many people will ask : why would you automount ext2 if you don't use apps2sd ?
I personally have ubuntu on my ext2 And besides this approach can be used for a number of things, people who have had the need, or wanted to experiment with init.rc doing things on boot, the mountsd script can easily be altered to do what ever needed.
For me its been a learning curve finding these things out, so by sharing it I may spare some people breaking their backs over this whole init.rc thing. people may want to modify init.rc for whatever reason, so I'm sure people wont have a problem finding a way of putting this to use, and its a subject that isnt all that covered on the forum .. and hey .. at least they get a rom kitchen out of the whole shabang
Very interesting! Thank you.
I used your unpack-program to unpack a recovery-image. It seems to work fine. What I am trying to do is change the state the recovery-image returns the phone to. Would it be possible to just replace your mountsd-script with, for example, a script that installs apps? Or is there a better way to do what Im trying to achieve?
edit: I noticed that on the emulator it is sufficient to just place an apk-file in "data/app" to get it installed. Could it be possible that this is all I need a script to do? :O or could I hurt my poor phone by doing so you think?
sandis84 said:
edit: I noticed that on the emulator it is sufficient to just place an apk-file in "data/app" to get it installed. Could it be possible that this is all I need a script to do? :O or could I hurt my poor phone by doing so you think?
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That's indeed all you need to do.
So I tried to create a signed, but it failed. It didnt create a "update-script"-file, so my device refused to install it. I wrote my own "update-script"-file, but then it complained "no digest" for the file. How do I solve this?
post the contents of your script people might see whats up
so is this all on linux?
also where are the script files for your tutorial
thanks for the time to put together
sitimber said:
so is this all on linux?
also where are the script files for your tutorial
thanks for the time to put together
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Says where its at in the first line : )
But now that I checked, I have to apologize, I see I have a missed payment with my hosting, I'll fix that within the day. Also sorry I havent been answering the few questions here I've been afk cause of surgery.
sitimber said:
post the contents of your script people might see whats up
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well, I looked in another "update-script" file and found this:
assert compatible_with("0.2") == "true"
assert getprop("ro.product.device") == "dream" || getprop("") == "dream"
show_progress 0.5 0
write_radio_image PACKAGE:radio.img
show_progress 0.5 10
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So I figured that nothing was essential other then the line "write_radio_image PACKAGE:radio.img". Also ofcourse I made sure it contained the name of my image-file instead of "radio.img". This gave me the "no digest" message, so now I feel unsure on how to create a working
SOLVED! How silly of me. When you sign the update, a hash of each file is put in Since I added the update-script after signing the file, ofcourse the digest(hash) was missing. Now everything works alot better and I can proceed... until I get stuck again
Just to get a better understanding, what exactly does each line do here? Or where can I read about this?
service mountsdext2 /system/bin/mountsd
user root
group root
Ok, so I have experimentet, but I still dont manage to solve those last steps. I tried to edit init.rc and just add "mkdir /testdir 0000 system system" where the other directories were created. I then repacked it, zipped it, signed it, put it on my sdcard, started up a custom recovery, installed the update and rebooted. Everything seems to work fine. But when I start adb and check around, I dont see the "testdir"-directory. Also when I check in init.rc my line is gone. Do you guys have an idea of where I went wrong?
sitimber said:
so is this all on linux?
also where are the script files for your tutorial
thanks for the time to put together
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it doesnot necesarily have to be linux can also do it in windows using cygwin and dsxda's android rom kitchen
Below you will find the neccesary steps needed to get Google Play to run on BlueStacks Beta
1. Install Root Explore (can be downloaded for free using bluestacks and typing in the app name)
2. Download the Vending.apk and Google Framework from this post.
3. Copy them to /data/bst
4. Give them these Permissions
(rwxr-xr-x) or through adb:
adb shell chmod 755 /data/bst/vending.apk
adb shell chmod 755 /data/bst/googleservicesframework.apk
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"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
5. Reboot Bluestacks
6. Download ADW Launcher if you haven't (this is not a requirement but it helps as if you already have Google Play in your PC you just find it through /data/windowsdata)
7. Find Google Play and sign in with your email and password.
Step by Step Guide on how to get into root.fs and mount the system.img
Click Here
The programs that are listed in the tutorial can also be found on my site here:
Along with those programs you will find all the tools,apks, installers you will need to get the market on Bluestacks Beta along with the tools to modify its files.
Lost, Confused, Cant get the Market to run with the instructions above?
Alternative Way-UPDATED 4/2/2012 :
I have uploaded a modified root.fs to my site for you to download
I added the the market per the instructions in the tutorial on the blog.
Download the root.fs and overwrite the current root.fs on your computer.
Make sure to stop all instances of BlueStacks before overwriting the file. Also Please Please make a backup of your original root.fs before overwriting the file with the modified one.
Once you have copied over the new root.fs start Bluestacks and wait for it to load up.
Congrats you have the newest Market running on BlueStacks.
You might need to install ADW Launcher inorder to see the Play Store/Market. It doesnt show up in the bluestacks launcher
Files can be downloaded from here:
Was going to post my own guide but someone beat me to it.
Here a guide on some of the Registry Tweaks
---Rooting BlueStacks Beta---
DOWNLOAD LIST (assuming you already have BlueStacks installed):
1. initrd-betahack.img ***INCLUDED***
2. ramdisk.img ***INCLUDED***
3. system.img-----------------NOT INCLUDED!!!
4. su.x86 ***INCLUDED***
5. BlueRegistryMOD ***INCLUDED***
Download from Here: BlueStacks Beta/
These are the custom files needed for root and r/w
FILE: initrd-betahack.img
-From Beta (modified)
-Place it in \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\
FILE: ramdisk.img
-From alpha
-Place it in \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\
FILE: system.img
-Extracted from xRepinsSporsx Root.fs (for Google Play)
-Extracted from latest BlueStacks Root.fs
-Place it in \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\
FILE: su.x86
-From Androidx86 build (extracted from rooted alpha)
-This is the x86 superuser binary that auto-grants superuser-rights
***This file will be pushed to android using adb later on***
These files are the stock Beta files and remain in place
FILE: kernel.elf, Data.fs, Prebundled.fs, SDCard.fs
-From Beta
-Placed in \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\
Changes that need to be made to the registry are contained in BlueRegistryMOD.reg
FILE: BlueRegistryMOD.reg
Where the registry key says ENTER-YOUR-GUID-HERE you need to enter the number (with dashes) found here:
Example of a GUID:
Example of a modified “BootParameters” with correct GUID and changes made to mount /system:
"BootParameters"="root=/dev/sda1 SRC=/android DATA=/dev/sdc1 SDCARD=/dev/sdd1 GUID=8dfcb602-4b7d-11e1-9dc9-f3dea6cb4293 armApps=true GlMode=1 OEM=BlueStacks "
***ENTER-YOUR-GUID-HERE must be changed in 2(two) places in BlueRegistryMOD.reg***
***Make sure to exit BlueStacks before proceeding***
1. Paying attention to the guidelines above, place the following files in their correct location – this includes initrd-betahack.img, ramdisk.img, and system.img.
2. After finding your GUID and making the appropriate changes to BlueRegistryMOD.reg in 2(two) places, run the registry file.
3. Start/restart BlueStacks – go to the Start menu>type Start Bluestacks
4. Start adb on your computer
a. Connect to bluestacks - #adb connect
b. Ensure you have root access - #adb root
i. You should get message: “adbd is already running as root”
c. Mount system as read/write - #adb remount
d. Remove ‘dummy’ superuser - #adb shell rm /system/xbin/su
e. Push x86 superuser to BlueStacks - #adb push su.x86 /system/xbin/su
i. su.x86 must be in the same Windows directory you are running in the console
f. Correct the permissions for superuser - #adb shell chmod 6711 /system/xbin/su
g. Remount system read only - #adb shell mount -o ro,remount t-ext4 /dev/sdb1 /system
h. Exit adb by closing the console window
5. Restart BlueStacks – go to the Start menu>type Start BlueStacks
6. At this point you should have root and read/write access.
a. Verify root using a tool like Root Check. I suggest Root Check Pro because it will point you to what the problem is if you do NOT have root.
b. Verify read/write access using a tool like Root Explorer.
7. Enjoy.
***This is a sure-fire way to get root and read/write access. However, I find that there are still issues with GAPPS (gmail, calendar specifically)
Download from here: BlueStacks Beta/
Extended system.img system.img/
Thank you!
works perfect! Great!
Can not mount r/w system, any idea, is it possible ???
I used the alternative method - with the "root.fs"
that was perfect!
I would like to get the bluestacks-alpha-fullscreen again - without the suggested apps bar etc.
Any idea?
Thanks again,
Stapelmeister said:
I used the alternative method - with the "root.fs"
that was perfect!
I would like to get the bluestacks-alpha-fullscreen again - without the suggested apps bar etc.
Any idea?
Thanks again,
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We cant get the whole bar to go away yet. im still experimenting with that. I can make it black but not 100% gone.
milniko said:
Can not mount r/w system, any idea, is it possible ???
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It is not possible yet. Still working on it
imisa2 said:
Get Maximum out of your BlueStacks Beta, Some useful Registry Hacks, tips and tricks Here:
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Well frick lol Was just posting my tutorial/guide on how to do those things. you beat me to it.
MOD-Please combine last 3 Posts.
I went through the Mod-V3.exe that chevy uploaded for the alpha build that enables r/w access to sytem.
The main changes I saw involved system.img, init-hack.img, ramdisk.img, and registry hacks.
-The registry hacks are fairly self-explanatory, except that now there is a need for a /sde1 to allow for the PrebundledApps.fs
-We already have a good system.img with Superuser to use in place of Root.fs in the /Bluestacks/Android/ folder.
-I tore into the alpha initrd.img and compared it to the alpha initrd-hack.img. The only difference inside both initrd.img and initrd-hack.img was a bash script named init. After a comparison of the scripts I found the point where the initrd-hack init script sets up the /system for r/w access. I then compared the alpha init script and init-hack script with the beta init. The only difference between the alpha init script and the beta init script is that the beta script has two extra 'insmod' entries for HD that the alphs does not. So, I made the same changes to the beta init script that are in the alpha init-hack script to enable /system with r/w. ****I'm not sure how to repackage initrd.img with my modified init script so that we can replace the original***
-The only thing I am unsure of is ramdisk.img. My question to chevy is "Did you make any modifications to ramdisk.img contained in the that was uploaded for the alpha build?"
Sent from my BlueStacks using XDA
(Edited for spelling)
What is wrong ???
Unpack original initrd.img:
mv initrd.img initrd.gz
gunzip initrd.gz
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
cpio -id < ../initrd
Archiving without any change:
find . -depth -print | cpio -o >../initrd
cd ../
gzip initrd.gz
mv initrd.gz initrd.img
The new cpio file initrd.img does not work, even no change ???
Exactly. I need a way to repackage initrd.img with the new init script but I don't know how.
Sent from my Droid using XDA
Can you send me the new init script. ill try and repackage it
i have ubuntu in vmware and it very simple:
rename to gz
extract the file inside
copy and past this file in vmware ubuntu from windows
when i have this file on ubuntu i extract this file in a folder
edit the file of my interest in this folder
and for repack i use this when i'm inside the folder:
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.gz
in the final i rename initrd.gz in initrd.img
the same thisnks for the ramdisk.img
Blue Stack Help
Hello all, How are you
Thanks for help to root, but i've question
Once I Install Blue Stack, I Get automatically downloading some applications like pulse, Talk... etc . I can not cancel those applications.
Please how to cancel all this applications to download and install automatically.
How can I Manage Start up Items, and What Thnkgs that I Can Remove after Rooting Blue Stack. Thank you
imisa2 said:
Try this:
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Would you mind quoting the post you are responding to next time? It helps keep the thread organized. Additionally, please stop "spamming" the link to your website and simply link to the post in which you originally shared it.
My apologies if I sound like a **** for bringing it up. I assure you it isn't my intention.
We all appreciate your having put together a site with tutorials on it! Very helpful for those looking to play with BlueStacks.
Modified init for initrd.img
This is the edited init file found in initrd.img in Bluestacks Beta. Rename the stock beta initrd.img to initrd.bak. The init file is easily read in Notepad++.
The changes that were made reflect the same changes made in the alpha init that allows for r/w access. Specifically, the changes made are in the part where Androidx86 detection takes place. The script mounts /dev/sdb1 to /mnt and then moves /mnt to /android/system.
This init assumes that the following changes have been made to the Bluestacks Beta filesystem:
-The moddified init file has been repacked into initrd-hack.img. Place it in the \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\ folder.
-try the ramdisk.img from alpha as /sda1. Place it in the \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\ folder.
-xRepinsSporx system.img file with superuser is to be used as /sdb1. Place it in the \%programdata%\BlueStacks\Android\ folder.
-the beta Data.fs is to be used as /sdc1
-the beta SDCard.fs is to be used at /sdd1
Changes that need to be made to the registry are:
"BootParameters"="root=/dev/sda1 SRC=/android DATA=/dev/sdc1 SDCARD=/dev/sdd1 GUID= OEM=BlueStacks"
*** Also, “DisableRobustness” in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Guests\Android] may need to be changed from “0” to “1” ***
and for repack i use this when i'm inside the folder:
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.gz
in the final i rename initrd.gz in initrd.img
[/QUOTE said:
Still does'n work for me, please share initrd.img if it works for you
Thank you
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i can repack, but the method of tenet24 not work.
the file is this:
i used the system.img inside the original Root.fs->system.sfs and the ramdisk.img of modv3
if i put this 3 files in other folder and correct the regedit to this other folder, the bluestacks hangs on a black screen, after this with hd-adb.exe i can connect to the virtual android and i can remount in rw the /system folder, but the gui of bluestacks not work. i think the ramdisk.img is not good, we can repack also this.
Can you post any debug or logs from when the GUI wont load? Check the Bluestacks folder for their log, and try to use adb to get the last ten lines or so of debug.
Sent from my Droid using XDA
I was wondering if I could get some help and feedback on a script I conceived to help 4.2 multi-user tree structure to work with pre 4.2 backups (Device, ROMs, Recoveries, Nandroids, Titaniums). Can one of you guru's (_that, becomingx, etc.) chime in and let me know if this seems logical and a good solution, what syntax errors I have, and partially test the theory and code as I am still on 4.1 and locked.
Assuming you have no stock /*/0 directories this script finds all instances of /*/0 (created from the 4.2 multi-user tree structure). /* is "the parent directory" and /*/0 is the "nested directory". First it backs up the parent directory then copies the nested directory (overwrites) into their parent directory. It also combines the backup and the parent directory in the parent directory at the end. This script assumes the user to be single-nested and after running it allows pre-4.2 backups to find their data and targets for restoration. Maybe its OK to combine before the restoration, or after, or not at all? Please give me your feedback on this and don't beat me up too hard as this is my first script with a variable and an array.
nests=( grep ! /*/0 )
for NEST in "${nests[@]}"
mkdir /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -r /$NEST /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -rf /$NEST/0 /$NEST
#[Restore Pre-4.2 backups]
cp /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak/*.* /$NEST
#[Backup in 4.2]
rm -rf /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
[Edit] Yup, this script needs some serious help. The first line doesn't even work. But when you type it as a command from the prompt it does what I'm looking to capture. How can I put this output in an array?
grep ! /*/0
Why after running the code above does my prompt which was "[email protected]: #" now show "1|[email protected]: #"? When I was trying to debug the script I even got a 2 and 3|[email protected]: #" Are these some kind of grep shells?
I've now read your post twice, and I still have no idea what you want to do - neither from the script itself nor from the textual description. The confusion starts with the fact that I have no "0" directories on my MicroSD card.
The first step in software development is always to clearly define the problem that should be solved by the software. As long as I don't understand what you want to do, I can't help you with the script - except maybe a hint: "grep" searches for text inside files, "find" searches for files or directories.
Why after running the code above does my prompt which was "[email protected]: #" now show "1|[email protected]: #"? When I was trying to debug the script I even got a 2 and 3|[email protected]: #" Are these some kind of grep shells?
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The number is the last exit code from the previous command. It indicates that something went wrong.
_that said:
I've now read your post twice, and I still have no idea what you want to do - neither from the script itself nor from the textual description. The confusion starts with the fact that I have no "0" directories on my MicroSD card.
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No, but you do have some in `/storage/emulated' and `/mnt/shell/emulated' , which I *think* might be what elfaure is referring to (confirm?).
The first step in software development is always to clearly define the problem that should be solved by the software. As long as I don't understand what you want to do, I can't help you with the script - except maybe a hint: "grep" searches for text inside files, "find" searches for files or directories.
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True words indeed. Although, just telling someone what you want to do and having them show you how to do it, or having them do it for you, is never as much fun as trying to do it for yourself first.
elfaure said:
I was wondering if I could get some help and feedback on a script I conceived to help 4.2 multi-user tree structure to work with pre 4.2 backups (Device, ROMs, Recoveries, Nandroids, Titaniums). Can one of you guru's (_that, becomingx, etc.) chime in and let me know if this seems logical and a good solution, what syntax errors I have, and partially test the theory and code as I am still on 4.1 and locked.
Assuming you have no stock /*/0 directories this script finds all instances of /*/0 (created from the 4.2 multi-user tree structure). /* is "the parent directory" and /*/0 is the "nested directory". First it backs up the parent directory then copies the nested directory (overwrites) into their parent directory. It also combines the backup and the parent directory in the parent directory at the end. This script assumes the user to be single-nested and after running it allows pre-4.2 backups to find their data and targets for restoration. Maybe its OK to combine before the restoration, or after, or not at all? Please give me your feedback on this and don't beat me up too hard as this is my first script with a variable and an array.
nests=( grep ! /*/0 )
for NEST in "${nests[@]}"
mkdir /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -r /$NEST /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -rf /$NEST/0 /$NEST
#[Restore Pre-4.2 backups]
cp /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak/*.* /$NEST
#[Backup in 4.2]
rm -rf /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
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This is indeed a bit confusing. First I need to know what you're expecting `(grep ! /*/0)' to evaluate to before I can comment on the rest of the code.
[Edit] Yup, this script needs some serious help. The first line doesn't even work. But when you type it as a command from the prompt it does what I'm looking to capture.
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To capture the output of a command into a variable, you need a dollar sign in front of the opening parenthesis, i.e.:
nests=$(grep ! /*/0)
But, as _that mentioned, the `grep' call probably isn't the right one to use here. `find' can surely do what you want, but requires busybox to be installed and usually needs to have a bunch of options supplied to it to make sure it's giving you exactly what you want and expect. A simple `ls' command might be all that's needed.
How can I put this output in an array?
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I, and most other people based on the code I've seen, don't use arrays much in shell scripts. Usually a value separated list is used instead, where the separator value is a space, tab, or newline. Take the example:
for OBJ in $ROOT_LISTING; do
When the variable $ROOT_LISTING gets expanded at execution time it winds up looking like:
for OBJ in Removable acct cache [snipped for brevity]; do
and so the `for' loop will iterate through each value after the `in' keyword that is seperated from the next one by a space, tab, or newline. (If we have files, directories, etc. with spaces (possible), tabs (unlikely), or newlines (also unlikely) in the name, we have to be trickier, but I won't get into that here. )
Hopefully this helps. If there's anything else technical that I can yammer on about for the betterment of your understanding, just holler. :good:
Hi Guys-
Thanks for the reply. What service! I simply call for the two guys I need most and like rubbing a magic lamp my genies appear.
When _that reads it twice and still has no clue what you are trying to do you know you need some serious schooling. That's why I'm here - to listen twice as often as I speak and learn something useful.
So here's what I am trying to do. JB 4.2 implemented a radical depart from previous Android versions to the directory tree structure for multi-users as you know, similar to the way Windows uses user profiles to separate users desktops, accessible installed apps, etc. This new structure created /0 subdirectories for certain directories like /sdcard and /sdcard/0 (/data/media and /data/media/0, /clockworkmod and /clockworkmod/0) and others. Playing with grep I discovered I could find all instances of any directory containing a /0 subdirectory (pair). "Find" seems a better approach than "grep" and works exactly the same with no fancy options required.
find */0
For these directory pairs I'll call them from the above output, the data that was in /directory in 4.1 is now located and pointed to in /directory/0 in 4.2. I figured if I could find all these pairs, and copy /directory/0 into /directory (after backing up /directory to SD) then 4.1 backups looking for data in /directory could now find their data and targets. Then I could copy the SD backup of /directory into /directory (now overwritten by /directory/0) to merge everything into a single folder. But after thinking about this again, this is incorrect. What I meant to do at this step is copy all /0 subdirectories of a given /directory/0 into that folder [ /directory/0/0 into /directory/0 and directory/0/0/0 into /directory/0 and /directory/0/0/0/0... into /directory/0 ] to combine all these sub-nested directories into a single /0 directory. Deep subnesting causes by crack flashing custom ROMs over and over on JB 4.2. This is the concept and I'm trying to implement a script to do it.
So I will attempt to replace grep with find and the array with a variable value space separated list and see what I come up with. Becomingx, you are right about wanting to use my brain a bit to figure it out on my own, even if it sends me down a one-way road to a dead end. If I learned something in the process then its all good and I can always ask for directions at the locked gate if I arrive there, but even with 4 flat tires and a broken axle I'm still moving (forward hopefully) as long as there's still road to travel on.
So you want to write a script to downgrade from 4.2 to 4.1?
Test new avitar
How do you delete a post? Under Edit/Delete I only find Edit??
_that said:
So you want to write a script to downgrade from 4.2 to 4.1?
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No, I want to write a script that lets you restore a pre 4.2 backup (Nandroid, Titanium, Recovery, ROM) on 4.2 without having to move/copy files.
elfaure said:
No, I want to write a script that lets you restore a pre 4.2 backup (Nandroid, Titanium, Recovery, ROM) on 4.2 without having to move/copy files.
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Are you sure that this is not already handled by TWRP, or by TB?
Recovery and ROM themselves are not affected by the /0 move in /data anyway.
Thanks becomingx, getting somewhere now but I still have problems.
When I type this at the terminal I get what i am looking for as output
cd /
find */0
Output: (These are test directories I created)
But when I run this script, the above output is repeated 3 times? Why is that?? One for each file system /(rootfs), /data, and /sdcard? How can I rewrite the script to produce the same output as from the terminal?
cd /
NEST=$(find */0)
for OBJ in $NEST; do
echo "$NEST"
_that said:
Are you sure that this is not already handled by TWRP, or by TB?
Recovery and ROM themselves are not affected by the /0 move in /data anyway.
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Long story short, yes if you had all the latest and greatest installed before you upgraded to 4.2 then its a transparant issue. But if you're already "nested" because you used an older custom recovery and factory reset a few times to crack flash some some 4.2 ROMs or need to recover to a previous Android version then there is a use for this script. If I can learn how to script variables and help some nested folks out at the same time then _that's what I call a win-win. I'm not on 4.2 nor do I plan on going there anytime soon so this won't help me out less what I learn by doing it, although it is interesting and challenging to try to implement an automated solution for. Plus I'm like you guys, I just really enjoy rooted Android and helping people with it when I can (within my very limited but expanding skill set).
By the way, what is the name and /data path to that special file?
Quoted from -
"With Android 4.2, Google introduced multiple users as a new feature. In order to accommodate multiple users, Google is now giving each user a their own folder for storage. If you upgraded to 4.2 from 4.1, then the 4.2 ROM will look for a certain file in /data to determine whether it needs to migrate all of your files to the new multi-user data structure. By default, 4.2 migrates all of /data/media to /data/media/0.
A problem arose though with custom recoveries. A custom recovery retains the /data/media folder during a factory reset. When you factory reset and then boot a 4.2 ROM again, the 4.2 ROM will migrate everything in /data/media again. It will migrate your files every time you factory reset. This multiple migration is what resulted in some people having their files moved to /sdcard/0 or even /sdcard/0/0 etc.
In TWRP we have corrected this problem by ensuring that we do not delete the special file during a factory reset. However, if ended up having your files upgraded you will need to move or merge them back into /sdcard. Also, if you have moved your TWRP folder from /data/media/0 to /data/media so that you could restore backups while using prior TWRP versions, you may now need to move the TWRP folder back into /data/media/0.
As a special note, if you restore a backup to a prior version of Android, you may have to move your files out of /data/media/0 and into /data/media to be able to see them again."
elfaure said:
TBut when I run this script, the above output is repeated 3 times? Why is that?? One for each file system /(rootfs), /data, and /sdcard? How can I write the script to produce the same output as from the terminal?
cd /
NEST=$(find */0)
for OBJ in $NEST; do
echo "$NEST"
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Read your script - for each item in $NEST you output all of $NEST instead of the single item $OBJ.
_that said:
Read your script - for each item in $NEST you output all of $NEST instead of the single item $OBJ.
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Ah ha. Lost sight of the fact that a multi-object variable really behaves like an array and you can call its objects as independent variables (syntax wise; I thought that was what I was doing with echo $NEST). Variables in a variable. That's why I started with an array. Thanks.
cd /
NEST=$(find */0)
for OBJ in $NEST; do
echo "$OBJ"
New Questions:
How can I strip off all the "/0's" from each object variable and store it in a new mutil-variable until there are no more "/0's to strip off and consolidate duplicates? The desired result here would be VAR=$(data, sdcard).
If two or more object variables have the same root directory name, how can I select only the object variable with the most /0's between two variables (sdcard/0 and sdcard/0/0; I would want only the latter) then store those object variable in a new variable including all other object variables? The desired result here would be VAR1=$(data/0, sdcard/0/0)
nests=( grep ! /*/0 )
for NEST in "${nests[@]}"
mkdir /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -r /$NEST /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
cp -rf /$NEST/0 /$NEST
#[Restore Pre-4.2 backups]
cp /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak/*.* /$NEST
#[Backup in 4.2]
rm -rf /Removable/MicroSD/$NEST_bak
becomingx said:
To capture the output of a command into a variable, you need a dollar sign in front of the opening parenthesis, i.e.:
nests=$(grep ! /*/0)
I, and most other people based on the code I've seen, don't use arrays much in shell scripts. Usually a value separated list is used instead...[snipped]
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"nests" in my original code here refers to an array not a variable. Assuming that, is the syntax correct (for reference)? I like the multi-item(object) variable value separated list you showed me and _that corrected my use of and will use that instead for this script.
elfaure said:
For these directory pairs I'll call them from the above output, the data that was in /directory in 4.1 is now located and pointed to in /directory/0 in 4.2. I figured if I could find all these pairs, and copy /directory/0 into /directory (after backing up /directory to SD) then 4.1 backups looking for data in /directory could now find their data and targets. Then I could copy the SD backup of /directory into /directory (now overwritten by /directory/0) to merge everything into a single folder. But after thinking about this again, this is incorrect. What I meant to do at this step is copy all /0 subdirectories of a given /directory/0 into that folder [ /directory/0/0 into /directory/0 and directory/0/0/0 into /directory/0 and /directory/0/0/0/0... into /directory/0 ] to combine all these sub-nested directories into a single /0 directory. Deep subnesting causes by crack flashing custom ROMs over and over on JB 4.2. This is the concept and I'm trying to implement a script to do it.
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Wow! This is very messy, no wonder you're trying to automate the cleanup.
So I will attempt to replace grep with find and the array with a variable value space separated list and see what I come up with. Becomingx, you are right about wanting to use my brain a bit to figure it out on my own, even if it sends me down a one-way road to a dead end. If I learned something in the process then its all good and I can always ask for directions at the locked gate if I arrive there, but even with 4 flat tires and a broken axle I'm still moving (forward hopefully) as long as there's still road to travel on.
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Love the analogy here :laugh:
elfaure said:
By the way, what is the name and /data path to that special file?
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Looks to be `/data/.layout_version' [ref].
elfaure said:
cd /
NEST=$(find */0)
for OBJ in $NEST; do
echo "$OBJ"
New Questions:
How can I strip off all the "/0's" from each object variable and store it in a new mutil-variable until there are no more "/0's to strip off and consolidate duplicates? The desired result here would be VAR=$(data, sdcard).
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If we're going full steam ahead with the requirement of Busybox being installed, then this is pretty easy:
VAR="$(find */0 | sed -e 's!/0!!g' | sort -u)"
Sed is our Stream EDitor. The option `-e' tells sed that what follows is a sed script.
The script itself (s!/0!!g) breaks down like this:
* `s' means we are doing a substitution.
* The exclamation point (!) is just a delimeter; any character can be used. Typically a forward slash (/) is used, but since directory paths have forward slashes in them, we go with something else to make it easier to read. Otherwise we'd have to escape the forward slashes and it would look like this: s/\/0//g
* `/0' is what we are looking to match.
* Another exclamation point (!) indicates we are done with our "search" pattern and next begins our "replace" pattern.
* Since we are just looking to just get rid of all occurences of `/0', our replacement pattern is literally nothing.
* Another exclamation point (!) to indicate the end of the replacement pattern.
* Finally, `g' (for global) tells sed to keep applying the substitution until it no longer matches. This means a path like `/dir/0/0/0' gets each `/0' stripped away one at a time until there are none left.
The last command sorts our listing so that the `-u' (for unique) option can be applied to it, which removes duplicate lines.
If two or more object variables have the same root directory name, how can I select only the object variable with the most /0's between two variables (sdcard/0 and sdcard/0/0; I would want only the latter) then store those object variable in a new variable including all other object variables? The desired result here would be VAR1=$(data/0, sdcard/0/0)
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The easiest way to do this is just check for the presence of a `0' dir at each level. If one exists then there's another level of nesting below us and we ignore the current level:
for i in $(find */0); do
if [ ! -d $i/0 ]; then
VAR1="$VAR1 $i"
Wow! Thanks!! But now I'm suffering from cognitive dissonance (dis-sed-ance). I knew it would require either find, grep, awk, or sed but using those commands without having any grip on regex is nearly impossible. Can you point me to a good resource for learning Android regex or is any GNU/Linux resource valid? Is this a good one?
elfaure said:
I'm not on 4.2 nor do I plan on going there anytime soon so this won't help me out less what I learn by doing it
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So does that mean you don't have any "0" directories in your /sdcard right now, and you are doing all this just for fun?
At least, after reading your additional material, I am now beginning to understand the problem.
However I don't understand how you get any useful output from "find */0" - I get either "No such file or directory", or a listing of thousands of files, depending on where I start this.
elfaure said:
Can you point me to a good resource for learning Android regex or is any GNU/Linux resource valid?
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The nice thing with regular expressions is that the basics are the same everywhere.
But I don't know if you even need such powerful tools... Correct me if I am wrong, but your script should convert this structure:
So you'd basically need to run this inside /data/media/0:
1. If there is no subdirectory named "0", there is nothing to do, and we can exit
2. If there is a subdirectory named "0", move everything from inside one level out
2a. how do you want to handle conflicts, if the file or directory you want to move outside already exists in the parent directory?
3. go to step 1
[Reply to _that's last post. Getting lazy, I'm at lunch...]
Here is my output from
find */0
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # find */0
[email protected]:/ # exit
[email protected]:/ $ find */0
find: data/0: Permission denied
1|[email protected]:/ $
I'm not sure about the structure I am looking for until I get some output from this code run on a 4.2 device with nested /0's so I can see all of them and their variations. I also want to see what happens to subsequent user directories nested starting with /data/media/10 (second user) and /data/media/11 (third user) and how they nest in comparison.
The only /0 directories that I have on my device were created by me to test this script. I am still on 4.1 and this is a 4.2 only issue so as you state its "just for fun" or rather "for the fun of learning" but at least its not a "hello world" script that does nothing useful. I'm hoping to automate someone's cleanup after installing 4.2 with this, maybe my own at some point, if required.
Here's some more info about the issue:
ps-I just discovered the equivalent to the stock browser "about:debug" for Chrome is "about:flags" which brings up an extensive list of experimental settings. I enabled all that were GPU and speed related and its a marked improvement (it feels 25-75% faster). With a 100MB Chrome cache I can have about 20 tabs open at the same time now and its still fast and snappy.
Not sure if this will work or not, but if you want to try to retain single user mode in 4.2 you can try this:
If anyone has a copy of the .layout_version file, please post it or a link to it so I can check it out.
becomingx said:
Wow! This is very messy, no wonder you're trying to automate the cleanup.
Love the analogy here :laugh:
Looks to be `/data/.layout_version' [ref].
If we're going full steam ahead with the requirement of Busybox being installed, then this is pretty easy:
VAR="$(find */0 | sed -e 's!/0!!g' | sort -u)"
Sed is our Stream EDitor. The option `-e' tells sed that what follows is a sed script.
The script itself (s!/0!!g) breaks down like this:
* `s' means we are doing a substitution.
* The exclamation point (!) is just a delimeter; any character can be used. Typically a forward slash (/) is used, but since directory paths have forward slashes in them, we go with something else to make it easier to read. Otherwise we'd have to escape the forward slashes and it would look like this: s/\/0//g
* `/0' is what we are looking to match.
* Another exclamation point (!) indicates we are done with our "search" pattern and next begins our "replace" pattern.
* Since we are just looking to just get rid of all occurences of `/0', our replacement pattern is literally nothing.
* Another exclamation point (!) to indicate the end of the replacement pattern.
* Finally, `g' (for global) tells sed to keep applying the substitution until it no longer matches. This means a path like `/dir/0/0/0' gets each `/0' stripped away one at a time until there are none left.
The last command sorts our listing so that the `-u' (for unique) option can be applied to it, which removes duplicate lines.
The easiest way to do this is just check for the presence of a `0' dir at each level. If one exists then there's another level of nesting below us and we ignore the current level:
for i in $(find */0); do
if [ ! -d $i/0 ]; then
VAR1="$VAR1 $i"
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Thanks again for your help and explanations. I find it amazing what a few (not so) simple lines of code can do with a complex task. Learning regex will take me until next year so for now I will go blindly forward with my plan. The next step would be to use BOTH of these variables in some call statement like [ ] to automate the process of backing up and moving data around. And combining it all into a script here it is below. Is the syntax in the main block I added correct?
VAR="$(find */0 | sed -e 's!/0!!g' | sort -u)"
for i in $(find */0); do
if [ ! -d $i/0 ]; then
VAR1="$VAR1 $i"
for OBJ in $VAR and OBJ1 in $VAR1; do
#Backup $OBJ to SD
mkdir /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
cp -r /$OBJ /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
#Over write $OBJ with $OBJ1
cp -rf /$OBJ1 /$OBJ
#Merge backup and $OBJ
cp /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK/*.* /$OBJ
#Remove $OBJ backup
rm -rf /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
elfaure said:
Wow! Thanks!! But now I'm suffering from cognitive dissonance (dis-sed-ance). I knew it would require either find, grep, awk, or sed but using those commands without having any grip on regex is nearly impossible. Can you point me to a good resource for learning Android regex or is any GNU/Linux resource valid? Is this a good one?
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lolz. Any resource on regexes should be applicable, just know that there are some small differences between the three main dialects (basic, extended, and perl). If you've got money to spend, Mastering Regular Expressions is considered *the* book to own on the subject. Also good is this pocket reference for sed and awk, which is a bit cheaper. I've used my copy so much the spine has completely gone out and it's just a collection of loose pages inside the cover now!
---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------
_that said:
So does that mean you don't have any "0" directories in your /sdcard right now, and you are doing all this just for fun?
At least, after reading your additional material, I am now beginning to understand the problem.
However I don't understand how you get any useful output from "find */0" - I get either "No such file or directory", or a listing of thousands of files, depending on where I start this.
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This is what I was hinting at back in post #3.
Using `find' like this, the `*/0' will get expanded by the shell if there happens to exist at least one `SOMEDIR/0', which will result in `find' printing out every file/directory/etc. that exists under any and every `SOMEDIR/0'. Otherwise, if none exist, it will get passed to the `find' command as literally `*/0', which is where the "No such file or directory" comes from.
The proper way to do this is using a `find' option like `-name', to limit scope of what gets returned. Again, though, one still has to be careful because we could still get search matches that we don't want. Something like this might be a good starting point:
find -name '0' -type d
@elfaure: Try populating your self-created `0' directories with some files and directories, the output of `find */0' should become a bit surprising.
But I don't know if you even need such powerful tools... Correct me if I am wrong, but your script should convert this structure:
So you'd basically need to run this inside /data/media/0:
1. If there is no subdirectory named "0", there is nothing to do, and we can exit
2. If there is a subdirectory named "0", move everything from inside one level out
2a. how do you want to handle conflicts, if the file or directory you want to move outside already exists in the parent directory?
3. go to step 1
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Seems simple enough, but need a little time to think about it...
---------- Post added at 11:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------
elfaure said:
If anyone has a copy of the .layout_version file, please post it or a link to it so I can check it out.
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Mine just contains the number "2", nothing else, not even a newline.
---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ----------
elfaure said:
Thanks again for your help and explanations. I find it amazing what a few (not so) simple lines of code can do with a complex task. Learning regex will take me until next year so for now I will go blindly forward with my plan. The next step would be to use BOTH of these variables in some call statement like [ ] to automate the process of backing up and moving data around. And combining it all into a script here it is below. Is the syntax in the main block I added correct?
VAR="$(find */0 | sed -e 's!/0!!g' | sort -u)"
for i in $(find */0); do
if [ ! -d $i/0 ]; then
VAR1="$VAR1 $i"
for OBJ in $VAR and OBJ1 in $VAR1; do
#Backup $OBJ to SD
mkdir /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
cp -r /$OBJ /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
#Over write $OBJ with $OBJ1
cp -rf /$OBJ1 /$OBJ
#Merge backup and $OBJ
cp /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK/*.* /$OBJ
#Remove $OBJ backup
rm -rf /Removable/MicroSD/$OBJ_BAK
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Negatory, good buddy. Everthing after the `in' keyword till the semicolon gets treated as part of the (one and only) list. This would be a good place for two parallel arrays, but I suspect that might be overkill. Need a little time to think...
P.S. Never go blindly forward when working as user `root'. Much too dangerous.
(Check out for information on what python is.)
Yes you read that correctly, static python for Android! It took a while to figure out how to get this compiled, but I finally did it. I present you with an installer and a little bit of testing. The second post contains information on compilation and the sources. Btw, any cool python scripts are welcomed!
Recovery flash installers are attached that will install python 2.7.9 and/or 3.4.2 to /system/pythonX.X.X. You can install both if you want. Installation size is about 41MB, 43MB, and 49MB respectively for python 2.7.8, python 2.7.9, and python 3.4.2.
After installation, the python director(ies) in /system will contain the static python binary, some scripts, and a bunch of modules and documents. Separate scripted executables will be installed to /system/bin/python or /system/bin/python3 depending on which one is installed. These basically just set the PYTHONHOME environment variable and execute the python binary.
When you boot up to Android after installation, you should be able to just open up a terminal and fire off some python commands.
Test using python 2.7.9:
python -c 'print "Hello World!"'
Test using python 3.4.2:
python3 -c 'print("Hello World!")'
You can also write scripts shelled with python:
print "Hello World!"
Make sure to set them as executable with "chmod +x".
Adjust your screen brightness via /sys (root required, tested on Galaxy Nexus):
python -c 'f=open("/sys/devices/omapdss/display0/backlight/s6e8aa0/brightness","w"); f.write("40"); f.close()'
A cool script I made to tweak file system I/O like rq_affinity, rotational, etc for I/O blocks:
import os,re,sys
# find all directories containing rq_affinity
for roots, dirs, files in os.walk('/sys'):
for file in files:'\S+/rq_affinity',os.path.join(roots,file))
if match:
# write specific values to files in each directory found before
for dir in list:
for name in 'rq_affinity', 'rotational', 'read_ahead_kb', 'nr_requests', 'iostats', 'nomerges', 'add_random':
if name is 'rq_affinity': f.write('1')
elif name is 'read_ahead_kb': f.write('512')
elif name is 'nr_requests': f.write('512')
else: f.write('0')
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write('Problem writing to ' + dir+name + '\n')
Or execute "python" or "python3" without any parameters to open up the interpreter and go from there. When you start for example "python" (python 2.7.8), you should see something like:
Python 2.7.8 (default, Dec 2 2014, 05:15:18)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
***I haven't fully tested this yet, so let me know how it goes. I know basic commands work, but there are still some complexities in the compilation that may need to be figured out.***
(update) -- Install Extra Packages/Modules via "easy_install" -- (root required)
1) In a shell, remount /system read-writable with:
mount -o remount,rw /system
2) Change directory to /system/pythonX.X.X, i.e.,
cd /system/pythonX.X.X
3) Execute easy_install followed by a package name, i.e.,
./easy_install [i]package_name[/i]
4) Let it download and install! Then test it out.
5) Remount /system read-only with:
mount -o remount,ro /system
Also, to remove a package, execute:
./easy_install -m [i]package_name[/i]
rm -r ../lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/[i]package_name[/i]*.egg
*** Flashing the resolv.conf patch may be required to make an internet connection to download modules.
Also, a few things need to be done to get easy_install working:
1) For python 2.7.8 or 2.7.9 you need to link python2.7 to python like this:
ln -s /system/python2.7.9/bin/python2.7 /system/python2.7.9/bin/python
I'll make sure this is automatically done in future installs.
2) SSL certificates need to be added to "/etc/pki/tls/certs/" to use SSL with easy_install.
mkdir -p /etc/pki/tls/certs
curl -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
The python installations have the following modules compiled in with external dependencies such as libraries not included at this point:
--------------PYTHON 2.7.8-2.7.9----------------------
_hashlib _multiprocessing _ssl
_testcapi bz2 crypt
--------------PYTHON 3.4.2-----------------------------
_crypt _dbm _decimal
_hashlib _multiprocessing _ssl
I will look into this more.
As @bubbleguuum points out, name resolution with python 3.4.2's urllib wasn't working. I found a workaround by adding the line
options single-request-reopen
to /system/etc/resolv.conf. This still needs some testing but seemed to work for me. I've included a recovery flash zip to patch /system/etc/resolv.conf if the line is not there since this is a root operation.
* 2014-12-02 * Compiled in more modules for each installation. This makes the installation a bit bigger, but it's worth it. You get a more complete python! To get stuff like help functions and math and readline modules, you need the larger installations linked below under "DOWNLOADS".
* 2014-12-03 * Thanks @cybojenix for pointing out some incapatibility issues with the original edify installer I was using. I have now updated the installers to use SuperSU's great non-edify sh-script installer.
* 2014-12-05 * Some updates to the installers to include more modules, plus size reduction for python 3.4.2. Modules added to python 2.7.8 : _bsddb _ctypes, _ctypes_test, _hotshot, _json, _lsprof, _sqlite3, future_builtins, and ossaudiodev, easy_install, pip(broken for now). Modules added to python 3.4.2: _bz2, _ctypes, _ctypes_test, _gdbm, _json, _lsprof, _opcode, _sqlite3, _testbuffer, _testimportmultiple, ossaudiodev, xxlimited
* 2014-12-05 * Some big updates to the installer to include almost the rest of the modules that wouldn't compile. Also easy_install is working on my end with these new experimental builds. With a little effort, should be able to get pip working as well. I had to use some hacky flags to get it to compile, ignore unresolved-symbols and such, so it definitely needs some testing. Another thing I did was tweak the install script to write over previous installations from these installations. I recommend downloading the experimental builds if you read this. The worst thing that might happen is one of the new modules I've included won't work completely.
* 2014-12-14 * Added python 2.7.9. Trimmed the installation sizes down to the much more reasonable 41MB, 43MB, and 49MB respectively for python 2.7.8, python 2.7.9, and python 3.4.2.
* 2014-12-24 * Attached a recovery to patch resolv.conf to try and fix a urllib name resolution error.
* 2014-12-26 * A couple updates: Tweaked python installations so that modules looks for "/system/bin/sh" instead of "/bin/sh" when needed. Also a few "#!" corrections for scripts in the python bin directory. This shouldn't break anything from what I've tested, only make Android python more capable, but I'll keep the old installations attached for now just in case since the modifications involved using "sed". The second update is nice. I've added a little section on installing extra modules with easy_install(included and working with all installations).
The environment I compiled in was a debian "wheezy" image mounted as a loop device on Android. The reason I compile this way is so I have full access to the arm environment tools, gcc compiler, etc. without having to go through the trouble of using a cross-compiler (which doesn't work in this case from my testing with uClibc, or eglibc. Code sourcery's might work but I didn't feel like booting an x86 linux installation to try). You can recreate the same environment pretty easily by using either Complete Linux Installer or Linux Deploy apps. I use both.
To get a static python compiled, I first downloaded the following packages with APT:
[i]apt-get build-dep python python3[/i]
build-essential gcc make # building tools
binutils-gold # awesome gold linker
zlib1g-dev # zlib
libreadline-dev, libncurses5-dev # readline, curses
libbz2-dev # bz2
libsqlite3-dev # sqlite3
python-bsddb3, python3-bsddb3
libgdbm-dev # gdb
libssl-dev # ssl
python-tk, python3-tk # tkinter
libdb-dev # db
python-gdbm python-bsddb3
libffi-dev # _ctypes
tcl8.6-dev # tkinter
libx11-dev # tkinter
libmpdec-dev # decimal
Then I manually installed binutils-gold by unpacking the rpm for armv7h (this isn't available with APT yet). You can get it here though. (Update: this should be available in the debian repositories now.)
For static compilation, you need to make some changes to Modules/Setup from the python source directory. Specifically, you need to add
to the top of the file. Then you need to uncomment any commented modules you would like compiled in. When you compile and see a list of failed modules, search for each of these in Modules/Setup and uncomment them. For example, change
#math mathmodule.c _math.c
math mathmodule.c _math.c
. Then recompile. There may be some shared dependencies and packages as well you need to figure out to get them to compile. Take a look at the attached "Setup" files for more detail.
The actually compile steps look like this:
./configure --build=arm --prefix="$PWD"/out LDFLAGS="-static -static-libgcc -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all -Wl,--export-dynamic" CPPFLAGS=-static CXXFLAGS=-static CFLAGS="-Os -static" LDFLAGS=-static
(2) Modify the Modules/Setup file.
make clean; make install
After compiling, there are some things you can do to make your installation in "./out" smaller. Strip the large binaries in "out/bin", i.e.
strip -s ./out/bin/python2.7
Also remove the python archive library, *.o's, etc. with:
make clean
This might seem kind of weird, but it works and cleans out unnecessary files from your installation.
**Make sure to backup your Modules/Setup file if you run "make distclean". I lost my 3.4.2 Modules/Setup file after doing this. :silly: Now I gotta recreate it, dammit.
**I should also mention that compile time is very fast given the amount of data generated. It takes about 10 minutes to get python and all it's modules compiled on my Galaxy Nexus.**
: Updated some configure parameters. Removed unnecessary, extra "./configure". Also added some updates to the included "Setup" files.
: Hacky update to "./conifgure" to ignore unresolved symbols, export dynamic. This allows certain modules to be compiled which have shared dependencies.
: Update to trimming down the installation size after "make". Use another "make clean".
Downloads - Extract in the source directory
Setup (python 2.7.8)
Setup (python 3.4.2)
Setup (Experimental) (python 2.7.8)
Setup (Experimental) (python 3.4.2)
Something that would be interesting to look in to would be to have pip/easy_install running, so you can install extra non c packages onto the sdcard/data/wherever.
Would you also consider opening up the sources please? There is a project I'm interested in doing involving python on Android, however a lack of time meant I couldn't finish building it.
Give me a shout if you need anything. I hope to see even more come out of this thread
I've just looked at the updater-script. The mount command won't work on the majority of devices. Can you turn the update-binary in to a shell script please? See the SuperSU updater for reference
cybojenix said:
Something that would be interesting to look in to would be to have pip/easy_install running, so you can install extra non c packages onto the sdcard/data/wherever.
Would you also consider opening up the sources please? There is a project I'm interested in doing involving python on Android, however a lack of time meant I couldn't finish building it.
Give me a shout if you need anything. I hope to see even more come out of this thread
I've just looked at the updater-script. The mount command won't work on the majority of devices. Can you turn the update-binary in to a shell script please? See the SuperSU updater for reference
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Thanks for your reply! I've changed the installer to use SuperSU's no-edify sh-scripted updater. I tested on my device, but let me know if there are any issues though. I kept it pretty basic.
I added some stuff on the source modifications and compilation to the 2nd post. The only file I've actually modified so far in the source is the generated Modules/Setup file, and I've included the one I used for python 2.7.8. Unfortunately, I over-cleaned the python 3.4.2 directory, which deleted my modified Modules/Setup there, so I'll have to add it later when I re-edit it.
That's a great idea on pip/easy_install. I did download the pip_installer and tried out installing on the static python I made. Got some errors though pointing to a few modules I haven't gotten compiled into the static python installation (listed in the OP near the bottom, specifically _ctypes). I'll see what I can do about that. The line for compiling the module might just need to be added to Modules/Setup. Hopefully that's the case.
Thank you very much for these binaries.
There is however a problem: name resolution (DNS) doesn't seem to work at all (with both python 2 and 3 downloads).
All attempts to use urllib.request.urlopen('') fail with "<urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>" (running python as root but it doesn't matter, and a rooted Nexus 4 running 4.4.4 stock ROM):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 153, in urlopen
return, data, timeout)
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 455, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 473, in _open
'_open', req)
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 433, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 1202, in http_open
return self.do_open(http.client.HTTPConnection, req)
File "/system/python3.4.2/lib/python3.4/urllib/", line 1176, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
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it works if replacing by its ip address.
To reproduce above stack trace with python 3:
import urllib.request
while this work:
nslookup and general name resolution work anywhere else:
[email protected]:/ # nslookup
Address 1:
Address 1: 2a00:1450:4007:80c::1014
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:
Address 5:
Address 6:
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This issue has probably something to do with how python was compiled to do name resolution. I remember vaguely a similar issue
on Ubuntu 12.04, with a ffmpeg compile that would always fail to resolve hostnames in URLs. No sure what the exact fix was but it had something to do with the libc and its name resolution mechanism. Or maybe something ipv6 related ?
@bubbleguuum : Thanks for checking out that important issue.
I did a little research and it seems there is some issue with DNS name resolution related to ipv6. I recompiled with "--disable-ipv6" and that seemed to fix the issue. I also found that adding the line
options single-request-reopen
to /etc/resolv.conf did the trick as well. Apparently this tells the resolver to use a new socket for ipv6 resolution instead of same one as ipv4. It thereby reduces wait-time as well. Maybe check on your end and see if that works. Otherwise I'll upload ipv4-only installations since this issue at least needs to be side-stepped.
EDIT: Hmm, looks like re-compiling with "--disable-ipv6" didn't fix the problem. Will have to look more into this issue and hold off on uploading ipv4-only python3 since it didn't fix it. In the meantime, I've attached a recovery to the OP to add the above mentioned line to /system/etc/resolv.conf if needed, which seems to fix the issue for me.
7175 said:
@bubbleguuum : Thanks for checking out that important issue.
I did a little research and it seems there is some issue with DNS name resolution related to ipv6. I recompiled with "--disable-ipv6" and that seemed to fix the issue. I also found that adding the line
options single-request-reopen
to /etc/resolv.conf did the trick as well. Apparently this tells the resolver to use a new socket for ipv6 resolution instead of same one as ipv4. It thereby reduces wait-time as well. Maybe check on your end and see if that works. Otherwise I'll upload ipv4-only installations since this issue at least needs to be side-stepped.
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Thank you for looking into this so fast.
My intended usage is for running the python binary from a regular non-root app (which works great!), so editing resolv.conf is not an option.
I've been researching that DNS resolving issue and could not find a clear explanation on why it fails on Android and not on other systems, and why exactly the added line in resolv.conf fixes (or rather workaround) it.
All seems to point to socket.getaddrinfo() failing for an unknown reason.
Is Python compiled with HAVE_GETADDRINFO defined ? If that's the case it uses the libc definition of getaddrinfo, otherwise
it uses an emulation function found in getaddrinfo.c.
My guess is that it is the latter, and what is causing this issue on Android.
It's probable this issue has already been solved on Android since other Python binaries exists, but Googling around do not give
much answer.
I get this error when trying to install anything with easy_install (using /system/python3.4.2/bin/easy_install-3.4 because /system/python3.4.2/easy_install doesn't seem to exist like in the OP):
# ./easy_install-3.4 feedparser
Searching for feedparser
Download error on [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'feedparser' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Download error on [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages may not be found!
No local packages or download links found for feedparser
error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('feedparser')
i got curl and the certs installed in /etc/pki/tls/certs/ as per instrucions in the OP, any help?
Thoughts on PIL?
Hmm... new problems here. Android Lollipop have no /system/etc/resolv.conf by-default and urllib patch is no more works.
How it can be fixed?
Where I can find source code and related documents for project
Pratik Raj said:
Where I can find source code and related documents for project
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I would like to know the same, as well as what license it is under... Also, I don't care about the network, but does it work on Oreo? Also, do you think I could customise the installer to install to a non-system location (/tmp) so that my flashable zip can use python?
hackintosh5 said:
I would like to know the same, as well as what license it is under... Also, I don't care about the network, but does it work on Oreo? Also, do you think I could customise the installer to install to a non-system location (/tmp) so that my flashable zip can use python?
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Idk about OP, but I can surely post my source for python 2.7 on arm/arm64. I compiled it like a year ago, but it wasn't too bad, just required a bunch of patches and code for dlopen
I just want to say thank you so much.
# FYT-Firmware-Workbench
Scripts intended to mount the FYT UIS7862 firmware, make modifications and reassemble it back
They can retrieve the firmware from specified location and after modification, they can put the packed and signed firmware into another specified location
1-) config.ini = A file to setup parameters, paths for the original firmware and patched firmware, temp directory to work with firmware files and mount point to edit the firmware
2-) = Retrieves the ZIP file from the location specified in config.ini
3-) = Retrieves the same files that '' but from the patched location specified in the config.ini (normally a firmware that you've already patched before)
4-) = (autorun after import*) Unpack the imported firmware and create the mount moints (as specified in the config.ini file) to work with the firmware
5-) = Allows change Locale, Language, Country and allows enabling ADB and OTG (if hardware supports it)
6-) inject_mods = Copies all contents of "_mods" folder into system partition, like gps.conf or even bootanimation, up to you to creat the same folder structure with your own files to inject
7-) = Unmount the modified firmware from the mount points, delete the mount points, assembly the new ZIP file, sign it and move it to the patched directory as specified in config.ini = This script will unmount the firmware and delete it, it will also delete temporary files. as its name says, it cleans the local workbench !
N'joy it !
2.0 Introduces a different ZIP signature method
1.0 Initial release
Did you already try to flash it? I seed that you sign with the test keys but does that now work on the 7862?
On the previous architectures the recovery did not allow self signed zips.
Yes it works well, of course I flashed a modified 6315_1 befor make this post. You can trust the scripts, take a look at the who allow you to modify some settings, Locale,Region, Coutry, and more to come !
I tried your tools. Nice work.
I first did the "" and then the "". I did use this on a RPi4 running Debian Linux. All my Linux machines are currently RPi boxes and I use my headless server RPi4 for most stuff I do myself on images. (Next to that I have a Chromebook running Linux as well, but that one doesn't allow me to mount images in the linux sandbox.)
In the I get errors after brotli on the resizing of all the images:
Processing 'system' image ...
BROTLI -- Handling
Converting file into system.img file
When tring the "Converting .." is where it goes wrong without error message. The sdat2img is using "#!/usr/bin/env python" which, on an python3 only system gives "/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory"
When I change the call to "python3 <etcetera>" it works. It might be better to use something like
if [ `which python` ]; then
elif [ `which python3`]; then
python3 ./tools/
printf "\n\nNo python found!!\n\n"
exit 1
Otherwise your created dat file is 0 bytes (simply an echo of 0 bytes to a new file), then giving corrupt empty images of 128 MB when trying to resize them.
And about the resizing/shrinking of the images: Why do you do that?
Simply leave the img as is and mount it read-write, not read-only.
Please use
mount -t ext4 -o loop,rw $unzippedPath$i.img $MOUNTPOINT/$i
and then simply copy (as root) your stuff in or make the modifications directly (as root). After unmounting you can immediately repack and brotli-compress it again. No extra intermediate steps necessary.
And some other remarks (actually a bit of nit-picking, please don't feel offended. I think you did a great job):
You use and pack a 64bit jdk with it, which is of course very convenient in most cases but doesn't work on my ARM raspberry pi.
I would put something in the shell script like
echo "Singning '${FIRMWAREZIPFILENAME}' file..."
if [ -n `which java` ]; then
# Not found. Use packed version and hope it is a 64bit system
tools/jdk64/bin/java -jar tools/SignApkv2.jar <etcetera>
# Use system version
java -jar <etcetera>
You also use
echo " "
echo "READY !!!."
echo " "
Why not use
printf "\n\nREADY !!!\n\n"
Don't feel offended at all fellow, that's normal you're improving the scripts so suit your needs, that's normal, and your code (above) seems much more adapted than mine, I packed a 64bit java 8 cause java 11 does not sign the ZIP, (or at least I didn't reach the sign correctly)
Y have a giltab at home with that projects (FYT, TS10 etc....) y you want to participate and pull-request your changes, os help me improving that scripts, you're welcome and I'll send you the link via PM
mariodantas said:
I packed a 64bit java 8 cause java 11 does not sign the ZIP, (or at least I didn't reach the sign correctly)
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Yes, you are right. the signapkv2 is already very old. I forgot that. I just tested and java V11 comes without the sun packages.
Will add and arm64 java 8 and detect the proc architecture by scripts to select the right java
@surfer63 I forgot to tell you that I released FYT Firmware Workbench 2.0 which includes another 6315_1 signature method (no more signapkV2), (as required with lsec6315update after Jul/2/22) thos signs well the new 6315_1 files, so we can still modify their contents and repack again and flash without the message: "Please use legal system"
I finally got my images to mount. (had to sudo)
I used the modifications @surfer63 suggested. (python3 was the trick here)
edit: are the mountpoints supposed to be RO? I'm getting "no space.." error running the tweaker.
j-5 said:
I finally got my images to mount. (had to sudo)
I used the modifications @surfer63 suggested. (python3 was the trick here)
edit: are the mountpoints supposed to be RO? I'm getting "no space.." error running the tweaker.
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No, they shoud have 128Mb + each uhntil repack
NOTE: before running FYT Firmware Workbench do a "sudo su" (you must run as ROOT) that's why it didn't work flawlessly, I'll modify the scripts to ask for sudo su if needed !
@mariodantas : Your FYT workbench was still in the Android head units section. I had it moved to the FYT forum.
mariodantas said:
No, they shoud have 128Mb + each uhntil repack
NOTE: before running FYT Firmware Workbench do a "sudo su" (you must run as ROOT) that's why it didn't work flawlessly, I'll modify the scripts to ask for sudo su if needed !
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OK, got it.
I had commented out the "expand' part, my bad .
Is there a github repo for the latest scripts? I'd love to try this out.
No Github, I'll release some fixes soon !
mariodantas said:
I'll release some fixes soon !
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this is very good, thanks for your hard work!
I am also having trouble parsing the file (I only chose to edit it in config). After changing to python3, file began to be mounted and repack. But I get an error on the device in the middle of installation related to "dynamic_partitions_op_list" even though I didn't change anything
Where are the 2.0 tools?
Andy826 said:
Where are the 2.0 tools?
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In the OP
surfer63 said:
And about the resizing/shrinking of the images: Why do you do that?
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@surfer63 I do that to allow me to add content inside, if not, the free size is 0Kb after mount
@mariodantas The CC3 Firmware Tools don't seem to work with the January firmware. The error when using them on the January firmware is:
ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block
e2fsck: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...
e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open _tmp/_firmware/elable.img
Any chance of this being fixed please?
ahmed123 said:
Any chance of this being fixed please?
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Not compatible with CC3 anymore