Mahmood-ICS Karbonn A9 ICS RomDownload Link :
The Karbonn Company is not releasing ICS sad news but don't worry.
This is Gingerbread Rom which is equivalent to ICS which performs superb HD video recording, high fidelity sound system,superb audio output. Use LG Camera for HD video shoot. Rest explore yourself.
Bash shell
Adb remount
Battery Notifier
build.prop Ultra Tweaks Download Link :
Free LG Camera
File Manager
Lock screen
MX Player
Screeble beta
Spare Parts and many mo
Download Link :
Installation: Copy zip file into memory card and insert the memory card in the phone and boot the phone into
recovery mode by holding VOl up + power button (first you will see green screen then after some time red
screen.When you see the red screen leave the vol up and power buttons. Then 1.Wipe the data factory rest
2.format partition cache install zip from memory sdcard 4.choose zip from sdcard. It will take about
2-3 minutes to install. After installation go back and reboot the device and its done..
Which launcher is der in d rom???
Upload d launcher apk
thanx for the new rom will try ASAP
luminousin said:
Mahmood-ICS Karbonn A9 ICS RomDownload Link :
The Karbonn Company is not releasing ICS sad news but don't worry.
This is Gingerbread Rom which is equivalent to ICS which performs superb HD video recording, high fidelity sound system,superb audio output. Use LG Camera for HD video shoot. Rest explore yourself.
Bash shell
Adb remount
Battery Notifier
build.prop Ultra Tweaks Download Link :
Free LG Camera
File Manager
Lock screen
MX Player
Screeble beta
Spare Parts and many mo
Download Link :
Installation: Copy zip file into memory card and insert the memory card in the phone and boot the phone into
recovery mode by holding VOl up + power button (first you will see green screen then after some time red
screen.When you see the red screen leave the vol up and power buttons. Then 1.Wipe the data factory rest
2.format partition cache install zip from memory sdcard 4.choose zip from sdcard. It will take about
2-3 minutes to install. After installation go back and reboot the device and its done..
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Linking it to my A9 thread with your name
kewlest22 said:
thanx for the new rom will try ASAP
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CrashOverride1995 said:
Which launcher is der in d rom???
Upload d launcher apk
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prasad12ka4 said:
Linking it to my A9 thread with your name
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Any reviews people ??
luminousin said:
Mahmood-ICS Karbonn A9 ICS RomDownload Link :
The Karbonn Company is not releasing ICS sad news but don't worry.
This is Gingerbread Rom which is equivalent to ICS which performs superb HD video recording, high fidelity sound system,superb audio output. Use LG Camera for HD video shoot. Rest explore yourself.
Bash shell
Adb remount
Battery Notifier
build.prop Ultra Tweaks Download Link :
Free LG Camera
File Manager
Lock screen
MX Player
Screeble beta
Spare Parts and many mo
Download Link :
Installation: Copy zip file into memory card and insert the memory card in the phone and boot the phone into
recovery mode by holding VOl up + power button (first you will see green screen then after some time red
screen.When you see the red screen leave the vol up and power buttons. Then 1.Wipe the data factory rest
2.format partition cache install zip from memory sdcard 4.choose zip from sdcard. It will take about
2-3 minutes to install. After installation go back and reboot the device and its done..
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A complete one day of use. Not facing any problem :good: . Battery life is also good...........lets see how it goes further.............. great efforts buddy
All good..!! tried and tested.. Felt smoother and faster than any other ROM for A9 till now.. Works perfectly.
1 doubt @luminousin , The front cam is still inverted .. Any Solution for this ??
can i flash this on my CM Flare which is of the platform as karbonn a9+ ???
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
Every time i change tge font my mem card videos n images get corrupted
The mem card is of nokia 8gb
I got it with nokia 5800
The videos which i got through blutooh r also no working
Please help
Sent from my Fanta9stic using xda app-developers app
ROM ICS Final For A9 => Made in Vietnam
Link pls
Sent from my Karbonn A5 using xda premium
Karbonn a9 new rom aerodroid with full of tweaks and mods.....
link please
aravindanxda said:
Link pls
Sent from my Karbonn A5 using xda premium
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Danh Nguyen Kyo said:
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The phone shown in forum pictures is d karbonn a7
Sent from my A110 using xda premium
CrashOverride1995 said:
The phone shown in forum pictures is d karbonn a7
Sent from my A110 using xda premium
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not A7 => Full A9 => Try now
Sent from my IM-A780L using Tapatalk 2
Please upload All of your karbonn A9 Roms..
it will rock..
thanks in advance
by the way i m using your Karbonn A9 Rom-MahmoodA9v3-Final since its realese i realy thanks full to u for bringing it...:good::good:
Hi, This is latest Karbonn A9 ultra custom robust Rom. This is ultra tweaked and robust performance rom. You will fall in love with it, highly customized,enhanced super performance rom and its ultra tweaked for best
speed and performance includes software and hadware acceleration to maximum. Fast internet for sure,
robust internet tweaked,speed up to 5x faster.Super audio and video quality. Use Chainfire3D.apk for
maximum video quality. You can download Chairfire3D from google play...Enjoy the Ultra New Rom..Keep similing
Features of NeutrinoRom^K9:
Fully Rooted
Bloatwares removed.
Bash shell
Adb remount
Android All in One Optimizer Pro
Battery Notifier
Black List Pro
build.prop Ultra Tweaks
File Manager
Lock screen
MX Player Pro
QQ player
Screeble beta
Startup manager Pro
Tube mate pro(Youtube downloader)
Touchpal dialer& contacts pro
Holo Launcher
Spare Parts and many more..
Installation : Download zip file. Boot into CWM recovery --> Wipe data/Factory rest --> Install zip from SdCard --> select zip from SdCard --> Reboot and enjoy..
Give your feed back....Enjoy and keep smiling...
Download Link : MOD EDIT...Warez
screen shot pls
please reply to my answer
aravindanxda said:
screen shot pls
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is it required to wipe dalvik cache?
what are result dose any bug found?
can i test it?i meane any one tried this rom before?
Yes i tried
do factory reset and wipe cache....
Just like Stock rom only with some apps...
Any way thanks for the Rom
Sent from my A9 using xda premium
aravindanxda said:
Yes i tried
do factory reset and wipe cache....
Just like Stock rom only with some apps...
Any way thanks for the Rom
Sent from my A9 using xda premium
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great ROM
Yes wipe dalvik cache. No bug found, you can test it for sure.
Yes wipe dalvik cache. No bug found, you can test it for sure. Use this rom for couple of days and you can see the difference for sure like good internet connectivity, beats audio,imaging etc.
Remove unwanted apps and decrease the size.... of the Rom
Sent from my A9 using xda premium
All apps are useful... anyway I will upload ultra slim version soon...keep smiling
luminousin said:
All apps are useful... anyway I will upload ultra slim version soon...keep smiling
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dear thanks for this rom...can you upload the screen shoot for this rom..
Containing full version apps is Warez and not allowed...Closing this in the meantime..
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
I have good news for the Owners of Qmobile Noir A10
I updated my Noir A10 to JMP KILLER ROM. Its working incredible fast, buttery smooth & stable without any lags or issue.
Here is the detail of JMP KILLER ROM. Thanks to jigar:thumbup:
How to Root Qmobile Noir A10:
Noir A10 & Micromax A110 both are same mobile. Here is the tutorial to root Noir A10.
Click below:
How to flash ClockWorkMod(CWM) on Noir A10:
Click Below:
How To Flash JMP Xtreme Rom on Noir A10:
( You Can Take CMW Backup for Revert back to your old system )
1) Download JMP™ KILLER File
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Wipe Data/Factory Reset And Wipe Partition
5) From Advance Menu Do Delvik Catch Clear
6) Go in Mount And Storage select FORMAT SYSTEM
7) Select Intall From SD and Select File And Click YES
8) Reboot Your System
9) Done
Optional Feature Installation:
-> Just Download *.apk File to your SD card and install it.
How To Flash Patch:
1) Download Patch*.zip File
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Wipe Partition
5) From Advance Menu Do Delvik Catch Clear
6) Select Intall From SD and Select File And Click YES
7) Reboot Your System
8) Done
Note: after updating Qmobile Noir A10 to JMP KILLER ROM, you may get Network signal issue. To solve this minor problem, do following steps to resolve this issue:
1-> Using root browser go to system/etc/firmware of your root drive and copy the modem.IMG file on ur sdcard. Do it while u r on stock ROM of qmobile.
2-> Then when u will install JMP Xtreme ROM replace the modem.IMG which u copied to sdcard in same location using root browser.
3-> Also set permissions for modem.IMG to rw- r-- r--. Then reboot to recovery and factory reset ur device. This method will work with all ROMs for micromax.
Modem.img (stock rom) link:
P.S. Click the THANKS BUTTON to applaud the one hour or more it took me to put this thread up, and the regular time it takes me to update this thread for you guys!
wow thats really looking amazing. i've updated restoring my backup data then will copy modem.img to get signal. after that i'll be able to report you..... Any how thanks a lot & regards.
---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
my dear my network signal has gone pls help me to bring them back ....... waiting for quick reply I've Qmobile A10 Noir
Re: QMOBILE Noir A10: All Things Root Thread
azhar63 said:
wow thats really looking amazing. i've updated restoring my backup data then will copy modem.img to get signal. after that i'll be able to report you..... Any how thanks a lot & regards.
---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------
my dear my network signal has gone pls help me to bring them back ....... waiting for quick reply I've Qmobile A10 Noir
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Before flashing the new rom, you must copy modem.img from system/etc/firmware to ur sdcard.
After flash, replace modem.img which u copied before on sdcard.
Please hit the THANKS BUTTON, if i help u.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
Awesome work
Hey Awesome work!! Everything is working fine ..smoothly .. I didn't have to copy Modem. Anyway .. Nothing from internal memory is showing in gallery
Re: QMOBILE Noir A10: All Things Root Thread said:
Hey Awesome work!! Everything is working fine ..smoothly .. I didn't have to copy Modem. Anyway .. Nothing from internal memory is showing in gallery
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It will show u after reboot.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
Is the accelerometer working in this version? I have to install this rom in my friend's A10
fahad123 said:
Is the accelerometer working in this version? I have to install this rom in my friend's A10
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Yes. Its working flawlessly.
Thanks for your reply.. any bugs? Kindly list them down if there is any .. thanks in advance
fahad123 said:
Thanks for your reply.. any bugs? Kindly list them down if there is any .. thanks in advance
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no bugs :good:
There is a signal dropping bug in it. I tried replacing Modem.img but didn't make any difference. Sometimes it drops signalss otherwise the room is fast and efficient
harrisnehal said:
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
I have good news for the Owners of Qmobile Noir A10
I updated my Noir A10 to JMP XTREME ROM. Its working incredible fast, buttery smooth & stable without any lags or issue.
Here is the detail of JMP XTREME ROM. Thanks to jigar:thumbup:
JMP™ Xtream Edition is ICS 4.0.4 Android Version with Extra Features.
This ROM is made for Stability and Smoothness of Micromax A110.
May You can Get Extra Feature of Jelly Bean but I have not applied in this ROM because they are Not 100% bug free at this moment.But I have Added May Be Enough Modification To this ROM which will experience you Better.
Feature :
JMP™ Xtream Edition ROM Includes
Extra Lite, Extra Fast, Extra Smooth
-> Faster And Smoother
-> Pre-Rooted
-> Baseband version V5.P2
-> Improved Battery Life
-> Dodexed and zipaligned
-> Beats™ Audio Default Enabled
-> Sony™ Bravia Engine for better image display
-> Performance Tweaks
-> Boltware/Junk apps removed
-> New Bootanimation
-> WiFi Issue Fixed ( Need Feedback )
-> Sound Enhanced (Call & Little Music)
-> Ad Free Mobile By Default ( No Need Extra Application )
-> All in one Backup App (Sms,Contact,Application,Call Log,Bookmark,Calendar)
-> GPS Issue Fixed
-> Now Samsung™ Galaxy S3 Launcher As Default
-> New Boot Logo & Boot Animation
-> New Inbuilt Gemini Memory Cleaner Widget
-> Google Talk Added
-> Google Voice Working Perfect Now
-> New Notification Theme
-> New Windows Animation
-> Application Can Move To External SD Card Now.
-> Camera Result Improvement
-> Butter Project Included
Note :
I tried to make Stock ROM more efficient and smooth,There have old Gallery and Camera Because I wanted to make this ROM Stable. there have bug in Jelly Bean Gallery and Camera with Google Now.
When you charge Mobile so keep Charging 15-20 min after 100% because it make electrons liquidity which help in Battery Life.
And More Feature As i can add.
Download Link :
JMP™ Xtream Edition ROM Link ( First Time Ever Only 153 MB | Also Use VA Patch Must Below )
Kindly Note This ROM Won't Partition Your System And Ext. & Int. SD are Swapped Now.
ROM did Not Include Google Map,Youtube And Gmail Which you Can Download From Market.
Shutdown Animation Removed and All other Junk Items.
Please Use VA Patch.
Please Understand The Developer Before Write any Comment.
JMP Xtream VA Patch ( Just Flash It - Wipe Partition/Delvik Clear Require ~ 170 KB )
- Video Record Issue Fixed
- Audio Sound Effect Present Reverb Fixed
Optional Beta Patch
-> Fix Wallpaper Select Crash
Wallpaper Patch ( Just Flash It - Wipe Partition/Delvik Clear Require ~ 3.9 MB )
-> New Boot Animation Flashable Patch For JMP™ Xtream & v2.0
-> Stock Launcher Flashable Patch For JMP™ Xtream & v2.0 ( Make Default Launcher )
-> 360 Launcher Flashable Patch For JMP™ Xtream & v2.0 ( Make Default Launcher )
-> Next Launcher v1.0 With Beta Widget(Extract & Install)
How to Root Qmobile Noir A10:
Noir A10 & Micromax A110 both are same mobile. Here is the tutorial to root Noir A10.
Click below:
How to flash ClockWorkMod(CWM) on Noir A10:
Click Below:
How To Flash JMP Xtreme Rom on Noir A10:
( You Can Take CMW Backup for Revert back to your old system )
1) Download JMP™ Xtream File
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Wipe Data/Factory Reset And Wipe Partition
5) From Advance Menu Do Delvik Catch Clear
6) Go in Mount And Storage select FORMAT SYSTEM
7) Select Intall From SD and Select File And Click YES
8) Reboot Your System
9) Done
Optional Feature Installation:
-> Just Download *.apk File to your SD card and install it.
How To Flash Patch:
1) Download Patch*.zip File
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Wipe Partition
5) From Advance Menu Do Delvik Catch Clear
6) Select Intall From SD and Select File And Click YES
7) Reboot Your System
8) Done
Note: after updating Qmobile Noir A10 to JMP XTREME ROM, you may get Network signal issue. To solve this minor problem, do following steps to resolve this issue:
1-> Using root browser go to system/etc/firmware of your root drive and copy the modem.IMG file on ur sdcard. Do it while u r on stock ROM of qmobile.
2-> Then when u will install JMP Xtreme ROM replace the modem.IMG which u copied to sdcard in same location using root browser.
3-> Also set permissions for modem.IMG to rw- r-- r--. Then reboot to recovery and factory reset ur device. This method will work with all ROMs for micromax.
P.S. Click the THANKS BUTTON to applaud the one hour or more it took me to put this thread up, and the regular time it takes me to update this thread for you guys!
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Please edit this thread and link it directly to Jigar bro's Thread...Because duplicate posts will be banned....
Sent from my Micromax A110 Canvas 2 using xda premium
Dark4Droid said:
Please edit this thread and link it directly to Jigar bro's Thread...Because duplicate posts will be banned....
Sent from my Micromax A110 Canvas 2 using xda premium
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Okay. I edited the post.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
how to root A11
Any body knows how to root Qmobile A11????
harrisnehal said:
Before flashing the new rom, you must copy modem.img from system/etc/firmware to ur sdcard.
After flash, replace modem.img which u copied before on sdcard.
Please hit the THANKS BUTTON, if i help u.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
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can u fix auto rotate in jmp jb v7??
A10da said:
can u fix auto rotate in jmp jb v7??
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I tried several ways to resolve this issue. But i cant.
we have to get kernel from qmobile. Thats the only solution.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
harrisnehal said:
I tried several ways to resolve this issue. But i cant.
we have to get kernel from qmobile. Thats the only solution.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
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releasing jellybean rom with auto-rotate fixed. give me 1-2 hrs to upload. i have tested the rom in all ways. it
harrisnehal said:
I tried several ways to resolve this issue. But i cant.
we have to get kernel from qmobile. Thats the only solution.
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
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Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
azhar63 said:
Any body knows how to root Qmobile A11????
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aaaa i think you should try the same mathod for a10 using Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v15.7z yes but on ur own risk as for my info its a universal mathod for all 4.0 devices and a11 also have same spec as i know and i think cwm also gonna work coz of same hardware but i wana say again its all about risk if u gonna done it u gonna be the hero for all other a11 hero and yeah seriously if ur condition em not gonna be test it as its my brack ur device but em 100 sure about rooot as my info its gonna be done but
This means now we can flash any ROM of Micromax A110 on our Qmobile noir A10????
malick186 said:
This means now we can flash any ROM of Micromax A110 on our Qmobile noir A10????
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You may flash JMP V10 JELLY BEAN ROM & ICS KILLER ROM. Both are working flawlessly without any issues of sensors, network signal etc...
I used both rom, but the best one is JMP KILLER ICS ROM as far as battery backup &free ram is concerned.
Here is the link of both custom roms:
Hit thanks if i help you....
Sent from my Samsung GT-S9081 using xda premium
Hi Friends,
There are couple of thread and post from different Developers about rooting karbonn A9 but as still many of the beginners are facing problem in rooting this lovely device. So no more of this faces when coming to rooting steps faces.
Here i have made a complete guide to root, install CWM(ClockWorkMod Recovery) and how to go about installation of custom ROMS made by many developers at XDA.
I have documented each step in a pdf file (embedded in zip attachment) which contains step by step procedure along with screenshots of each step
Just download all the attachments from below link [you need to sign in /sign up(for free) in 4share account to download] than extract "Root tools by" and "CWM for" to a folder in your computer. Open the "Karbon A9 rooting guide.pdf" file inside the extracted zip.
CWM FOR mod (Do not extract this- simply copy this to your sd card)
Karbon A9 rooting Guide.pdf (inside zip folder)
Follow the procedure and Njoy..
Once you have rooted your phone, you can install CWM. Steps are given for it in same file. Later from CWM recovery screen you can install any mod from various developers at XDA.
For example purpose i have given a very small mod refferred as ""
Feature of are given below:-
1. Modded settings.apk (colorful icons), mms.apk (landscape mode typing)
2. center clock and better icon in status bar
3. changed usb mode image
Edit:- added battery widget with %, changed lockscreen- giving almost transparent look yet serving all the purpose.
To install:-
1. copy this zip folder " and" to your sd card (do not extract this"
2. In Recovery screen of CWM click on wipe cache first than select install from sd card. Navigate to folder where you have copied the zip file select it.
3. Click yes to install than reboot once and again boot to recovery screen
4. Same way as above now select lockscreen patch for installation
5. Njoy the new looks of your cellphone
Similarly you can download and install mods from other excellent developers like Kinghacker, Fonehacker, zeeyan, etc.
Please Note:- This method is tested by me as such but if you happen to brick your device by any chance don't hold me responsible. Follow the steps at your own risk.
Special thanks and credits to :-
1. Fonehacker for his excellent rooting kit
2. Kinghacker for his lovely thread on A9 and mms.apk which allows to type in landscape mode
3. Zeeyan for his MysticModv2
4. Any other contributor who has helped knowingly or unknowingly
Gr8 rooring guide for newbies.:good: btw what is in the
Thanks. just contains flashable apps like (modded settings.apk that gives colorful icons, modded mms.apk (this will be updated soon with new version of mms.apk that will hv much bttr default emoticons. m wrkng on it , also it contains walkman apk with equalizer (DSP manager) & contains modded systemUI & framewrkapk.
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
I m wrkng on custom ROM for A9 will upload it wn i fiinish it. trying to port ICS if possibl all efforts on it hope so some mthod wrks out
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
Plz plz try to upload as early as possible tto change to ics. As llike s dous ics. Plz upload official ics just like there in sony xperia tipo. Plz help mr
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
Dont be in so much hurry. ICS is not as bttr as GB still we will giv 1 try to run ICS on our cell
the prob is we are not having karnel & baseband files. we need to find compatible ICS that can work on our baseband otherwise ICS gts installd bt SIM dsnt gts dtctd, ntwrk signal cms to b 0. so just searchng a compatible baseband. oncr we gt that we cn go fr ICS.
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
Way does this baseband refers to.
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
Baseband refers to modem/radio relatd software. This helps mobile in recognizing IMEI number, connecting to basestation for mobile communications, GPS, wifi, etc all. depends on it.
otherwise software porting & installation in mobile would also wld hv been lik PC simply installting of OS
Sent from the lovely A9..
But gb is not supporting some files tat ics support nd morever its features look awesome dude.
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
ya with bttr hardware software cn b built bttr. bt wit hardware u hv on A9 ICS wont b a gud call..
as i hv seen ppl using A15 & spice mi 425 which hs similar hardware as A9 r regrttng to hv ICS & r planning to downgrade to GB. as with 512MB ram ICS mks user go bonkers at timss u cn chk review of ppl using mi 425 with ICS on net. GB vs ICS myt lose out on features a bit bt it is nt dat bad.
as far few software nt running on GB u say its nt a big deal to gt d same software fr GB also & also mny software cn b made to support by editing build.prop of A9 its nvr dat u hv bad OS if u use GB. so chil. we r still trying to port ICS here. so dat we cn try once & will do sm tweak to suit A9.
only thng is hopng to gt kernel & baseband source if nt frm official release, our trial & error mthod will tk tim to figure out which kernel cld wrk will tk time. so hv patience..
Sent from the lovely A9..
Hey can you change the lockscreen in your mod? its very ugly...take a look
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
ya i saw that. Anyways i am releasing a new & bttr mod will update this thread with the link to new mod. I'll change lockscreen in that dont worry
will upload it in this week. In between, just to not to kp u waiting, tomorrow i will release a patch for this lock screen. u cn install that & Njoy current mod till i release my next mod
possible feature list of new Mod includes:-
1. Battery widget with %
2. Modded mms.apk, talk, talk2 & framework apk that will give watsapp kind of smiley in sms
3. lovely & fast boot animations
4. 80% transparency in status bar
5. Modified & bttr lockscreen
6. Lg camera apk for HD quality video recording
7. & some small & useful pre-installed apk & some mor modifications.
will make the zip file as small as possible so that it is easy to download & flash..
Sent from the lovely A9..
Lock screen patch fix
karan128 said:
Hey can you change the lockscreen in your mod? its very ugly...take a look
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
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Hi karan,
As per your request i have updated the lock screen to a better one Please check it by installing the patch fix (simple select wipe cache before installation and than install this patchfix, which is attached in 1st post file name is "Lockscreen_patchfix_jhalife"
Also added battery widget with percent Njoy
Let me know if you have any more suggestions.
Can we use baseband and kernel versions of karbonn a7 to karbonn a9. If we can use plz say me how to do that
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
No you can't use. As Hardware, & hence the driver are different. you neex to check below things between different devices before porting:-
1. Processor & GPU chipset
2. Ram
3. display size & drivers
4. Baseband and appropriate kernel- also chk Dual sim / single sim (could be gsm+gsm or cdma + gsm) supported basebands
The maximum of above things match the best it is & minimum effort u hv to spend to modify before porting.
At present i dont see A7 having equal potential to serve A9. the minimum effort required to port will be if u use spice mi425 which has same hardware except display driver & bootloader.
hence we need to modify display drivers to suit A9 & need to gt baseband files of A9 that support our A9 with ICS. with original kernel or baseband it cld hv been easier.
Othr option is A15. which also hs similar hardware excpt display hs biggr display & yt its official package is nt found. may be working on A15 cld b gud optn hv to wait to gt it source files.
Sent from the lovely A9..
Can we use roms of karbonn a9+ like ics
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
fayazbasha29 said:
Can we use roms of karbonn a9+ like ics
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
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Sent from my A9 using Tapatalk 2
Is there new custom rom plz. Like ics. Plz try to make new rom. And ics plz
Sent from my LeanA9v3 using xda app-developers app
unable get recovery img
jhalife said:
ya with bttr hardware software cn b built bttr. bt wit hardware u hv on A9 ICS wont b a gud call..
as i hv seen ppl using A15 & spice mi 425 which hs similar hardware as A9 r regrttng to hv ICS & r planning to downgrade to GB. as with 512MB ram ICS mks user go bonkers at timss u cn chk review of ppl using mi 425 with ICS on net. GB vs ICS myt lose out on features a bit bt it is nt dat bad.
as far few software nt running on GB u say its nt a big deal to gt d same software fr GB also & also mny software cn b made to support by editing build.prop of A9 its nvr dat u hv bad OS if u use GB. so chil. we r still trying to port ICS here. so dat we cn try once & will do sm tweak to suit A9.
only thng is hopng to gt kernel & baseband source if nt frm official release, our trial & error mthod will tk tim to figure out which kernel cld wrk will tk time. so hv patience..
Sent from the lovely A9..
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im unable to get the recvry mod to install rom and not also gettng stock recovery strucked at red screen
fayazbasha29 said:
im unable to get the recvry mod to install rom and not also gettng stock recovery strucked at red screen
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follow complete rooting steps again from start. you should get system recovery screen than.
XperiaMagnus JB 4.2.2 based on Xperia C
Stock Xperia C Launcher
Capacitive Lights Working
Gestures in Camera & Gallery App
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How To Flash :
( You must take CMW Backup for Revert back to your old system )
1) Download
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Wipe Data/Factory Reset And Wipe Partition
5) From Advance Menu Do Dalvik Catch Clear
6) Go in Mount And Storage select FORMAT SYSTEM
7) Select Install From SDCard, Then Select File And Click YES
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How To Flash Fixes :
1) Download zip
2) Put into External/Internal SD Card
3) Go To CMW Recovery
4) Select Install From SDCard, Then Select File And Click YES
5)Reboot system & select no(selecting yes will disable capacitive keys lights)
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Note: 3G works on Sim 1 only.
Sony for Xperia C
Micromax for canvas magnus - This Porting Guide.
Note :
I Will Not Be Responsible For Any Bricked Devices or Any Problem So Flash At Your Own Risk.
"This ROM uses stock kernel"
Press Thanks button if you like my work.
Download V2(ROM): Click Here to Download
Status Bar Mod(to remove G/3G icon & for vertical Battery Icon)[see screenshot]:Download
Disable On-Screen Buttons:Download
Enable On-Screen Buttons:Download
Old Rom Downloads:
Download V1(ROM): Click Here to Download
Patches(For V1):
Camera Fix:Download
Memory Swap(SD Card as internal & Internal SD as External):Download
DPI & Onscreen Buttons Fix:Download
Widgets Patch:Widgets - 13.69 MB
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Widgets Patch
Download Widgets Patch
Widgets - 13.69 MB
Xperia Magnus Screenshot
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
venreddy said:
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Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
What About Battery Life On This Rom?
alesterrods said:
What About Battery Life On This Rom?
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manishswami said:
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better than original rom or same ?
alesterrods said:
better than original rom or same ?
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its OK better than Original
manishswami said:
its OK better than Original
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Do the onscreen buttons show up?
Aadeep said:
Download V1(ROM): Click Here to Download
Patches(For V1):
Camera Fix:Download
Memory Swap(SD Card as internal & Internal SD as External):Download
DPI & Onscreen Buttons Fix:Download
Widgets Patch:Widgets - 13.69 MB
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Hey good job amazing Rom but I have one problem my three touch capacitive button always lighten up even I flash our button patch zip but doesn't work what should I do
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
TECHVS said:
Hey good job amazing Rom but I have one problem my three touch capacitive button always lighten up even I flash our button patch zip but doesn't work what should I do
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Use gravitybox module of xposed framework to dusable the lights of capacitive buttons
About It
Nice ROM overall
got 56.1Fps on nenamark 2
alesterrods said:
Nice ROM overall
got 56.1Fps on nenamark 2
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Hey in your xperia rom the three touch capactive button always lighten up how should it will stop
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
TECHVS said:
Hey in your xperia rom the three touch capactive button always lighten up how should it will stop
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Firstly it aint my rom
Now to your issue remember to format /system while installing the rom and later applying all the patches.
That should do it
alesterrods said:
Firstly it aint my rom
Now to your issue remember to format /system while installing the rom and later applying all the patches.
That should do it
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But how much patches are there and I always format system before flashing rom
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
TECHVS said:
But how much patches are there and I always format system before flashing rom
Sent from my Micromax A117 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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if i am not wrong the dpi fix patch is the one that is important for those buttons.
After the first boot just reboot into recovery and flash it
you shouldnt get any problems
Contact Name not displaying
Hi Team,
The Xperia Magnus ROM is looking terrific and I am so impressed that I am not willing to get back to my Stock ROM. After installing this ROM in Magnus A117, there are no bugs and everything is working absolutely fine in my phone EXCEPT for the fact that the contact name is not displaying in the screen during an incoming call; only the number is showing. But the name is shown in the call Log. Anybody facing this issue????
Kindly help to fix this issue. I am not willing to lose this Xperia OS from my phone :good::good::good:
aviihmch87 said:
Hi Team,
The Xperia Magnus ROM is looking terrific and I am so impressed that I am not willing to get back to my Stock ROM. After installing this ROM in Magnus A117, there are no bugs and everything is working absolutely fine in my phone EXCEPT for the fact that the contact name is not displaying in the screen during an incoming call; only the number is showing. But the name is shown in the call Log. Anybody facing this issue????
Kindly help to fix this issue. I am not willing to lose this Xperia OS from my phone :good::good::good:
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Use gravity box to fix this issue
in gravity box go to general fixes & check fix caller id for phone
[ROM] UltraNOTE Custom Rom For Zen ultrafone 701HD - Note 3 UI
My Work In Thiz :-
Note 3 logo
FILE Explorer : Error
and sum minor changes
Download :-
Flashing Instructions as usual :
1) Download zip file ( UltraNOTE )
2) Put into external/internal sd card
3) Go to CWM recovery
4) Wipe data/factory reset
5) From advance menu do dalvik cache clear
6) Go in mount and storage select format system
7) Select install from sd card and select file and select yes
8) Reboot your device
Patch for MSG error :-
(No need to clear data/system/cache. Directly flash the patch.)
This rom is ported from Samflare V5.1 by manunair :
So for info and refrence about this rom plz see its post and THANK him
Also THANKS me for this PORTING.
rishiud said:
[ROM] UltraNOTE Custom Rom For Zen ultrafone 701HD - Note 3 UI
My Work In Thiz :-
Note 3 logo
FILE Explorer : Error
and sum minor changes
Download :-
Flashing Instructions as usual :
1) Download zip file ( UltraNOTE )
2) Put into external/internal sd card
3) Go to CWM recovery
4) Wipe data/factory reset
5) From advance menu do dalvik cache clear
6) Go in mount and storage select format system
7) Select install from sd card and select file and select yes
8) Reboot your device
Patch for MSG error :-
(No need to clear data/system/cache. Directly flash the patch.)
This rom is ported from Samflare V5.1 by manunair :
So for info and refrence about this rom plz see its post and THANK him
Also THANKS me for this PORTING.
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Great work bro...had been waiting to try Sam V5 on our Zen 701HD...I tried it previously but everytime got problem in Storage as it showed 0 space...Downloading now & will soon try it...once again thanks...
Message FC
Messaging (SMS) has FCs. Kindly confirm whether you face this problem
Otherwise AWESOME. Thanks for your efforts
tamilmad said:
Messaging (SMS) has FCs. Kindly confirm whether you face this problem
Otherwise AWESOME. Thanks for your efforts
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use its patch as it shown it will be ok...v
Hi. The ROM is good. But the camera is showing options till 6 mp only and not 8 mp. Did I miss some patch or something ?
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
vishwasnp said:
Hi. The ROM is good. But the camera is showing options till 6 mp only and not 8 mp. Did I miss some patch or something ?
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
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no its that only
Just found out. If you go to options in camera app and change the preview size to standard (4:3). You get options till 8 mp in camera
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
camera app
vishwasnp said:
Just found out. If you go to options in camera app and change the preview size to standard (4:3). You get options till 8 mp in camera
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
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i didnt noticed that.. :silly: thanx... :good:
Hey . my FM radio app is not working also. Anyone facing same problems ?
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
Fm error
vishwasnp said:
Hey . my FM radio app is not working also. Anyone facing same problems ?
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
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not tested yet..
Dude . is there a way to get hold if stock radio app from zen ? It could work
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
radio app
vishwasnp said:
Dude . is there a way to get hold if stock radio app from zen ? It could work
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
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im working on thiz issues
vishwasnp said:
Hey . my FM radio app is not working also. Anyone facing same problems ?
Sent from my ultrafone 701HD using xda app-developers app
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here is the test fm fix for dis rom..flash thru cwm.and let me know if it works or not.:angel:
Hi All,
Nice to see that a lot of work going on ultrafone 701 HD, i would really like to flash this ROM.
rooting is done, checking for CWM recovery.
can u please let me know any Major bugs in this ROM? which will affect daily usage like social networking and browsing and camera and FM etc?
Dj_Ignatius said:
here is the test fm fix for dis rom..flash thru cwm.and let me know if it works or not.:angel:
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Same Here, FM not working
I tried above zip file, but CWM not recognizing the ZIP file for flashing
rishiud said:
im working on thiz issues
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Did you find fix for this issue, i checked in Engineer mode and found FM receiver in disabled mode. could you please try to get some solution for this. Other than this Rom is awesome.
sorry guyz
i sold my utralfone so i will not be able to continue thiz theard
and also my routine is got really harder
rishiud said:
sorry guyz
i sold my utralfone so i will not be able to continue thiz theard
and also my routine is got really harder
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for how much did you sell ?