Is it possible to have the stock toggles in a custom tw rom with the black status bar? I have put the systemui.apk for the stock rom into a cleanrom, and it gives the ugly grey status bar with the weird location indicator with its gross antenas. I LOVE the look of the twiz stock rom toggles, the way it moves when you pull it down. Can i have that with the black status bar
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Hi xda members,
i know it is possible to change the color of you're notification bar. Does anybody know how to make it tranceparant?
There is another thread regarding black status bar in the General section. I think it dropped a couple of pages though.
carstenheuer has more info regarding this, afaik he did a .zip file for flashing.
Did a search here and google did not find anything im running clean 6.2 is there any transparent status bar mods?
bL33d said:
Did a search here and google did not find anything im running clean 6.2 is there any transparent status bar mods?
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There is a thread, a pined thread no less, dedicated to TouchWiz Themeing called [All Carriers]Touch Wiz Themeing Questions. Your question was answered several time in said thread. Here is the one of those answers.
Note that you want to change the color to 00000000.
Since I'm not allowed to post in Development thread, I have to ask my question here. Hope somebody will reply.
So this is my problem: I installed Slimshady's KitKatUI V2.0 ROM ([ROM][STABLE][JB][CM10.1.6]KitKatUI V2.0 [12/02/2014]). It's smooth ROM. After activating Navigator Bar, I lost my transparent status bar. Any idea how to bring back my transparent status bar?
Edit: Issue has been resolved. See post #2.
Finally found the culprit
Gideon.Salim said:
Since I'm not allowed to post in Development thread, I have to ask my question here. Hope somebody will reply.
So this is my problem: I installed Slimshady's KitKatUI V2.0 ROM ([ROM][STABLE][JB][CM10.1.6]KitKatUI V2.0 [12/02/2014]). It's smooth ROM. After activating Navigator Bar, I lost my transparent status bar. Any idea how to bring back my transparent status bar?
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After couple of investigation, I found that activating Gravity Box module from xposed framework will set the status bar transparency value into 0
I set it into 100, and my status bar now become transparent. Hope this help everyone who stuck into similar problem.
I rooted my nexus 5, downloaded root browser and added a line to "Build.prop" that hides the navigation bar.
Now i have downloaded several apps that give me a "custom" navigation bar wich i could customize on 4.4 but on all the apps the buttons on the navigation bar do not seem to work.
Any fixes?
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Maybe a Lollipop Material Design Statusbar?
Well, it doesn't have to be material, but can anyone make a Lollipop status bar? transparent with Lollipop icons for the status bar, let me attach the picture of lollipop's status bar to make sure. If it's to hard to make the notification bar, it's fine, at least we can get a lollipop status bar look.
And I think a lot of people would like the lollipop status bar, so anyone who can make it and is willing to make it, go ahead, I support you all developers.
Thank youuu
Hi there,
The best place for this specifically request is in the dedicated thread for Super Status Bar themes from here:
[THEMES][STATUSBAR] Super Status Bar themes, 50+ themes and growing!
Good luck