Dear Friends,
Here, u can find the list of apps which can be deleted from system/app of ThiaiZ ROM v1.5.3 ( other roms aswell ). After that process, the phone is still usable as normal,has more ram, better battery life and more faster... No critical side effect regarding to my use... You can try to choose the system apps which are not usable for u and delete them with root explorer... Use at your own risk !!!
The below list is done regarding to my phone use behaviour, so if u find any side effects please let me know to update the list...
Hope all these help...
*** Do a CWM BACKUP First!!!
*** Some apks may give temporary infinite FC just after deleted by root explorer and u cant go back to system since they are already running in the memory; Do this : Just lock the phone and then press power button again but dont unlock ; while u r at lock screen hold the power button untill power menu comes and choose close phone to close and restart manually...
*** Deleting some apps which are used as services give u more free ram and free system space...
*** U may get some temporary FC if u enter the settings menu of the deleted app and this is normal...
The /system/app List :
KEEP : System app and shouldnt be deleted.
DELETABLE: app can be deleted regarding to ur phone use behaviour - Some side effects may occur - decide urself whether to delete or not...
SYSTEM APPS of ThiaiZ ROM v1.5.3 :
- 3DGames.apk - DELETABLE ( app to buy and download some 3d games )
- AccountAndSyncSettings.apk - KEEP ( for synch of gmail , face book etc. )
- ApplicationManager.apk - DELETABLE ( Task manager )
- ApplicationsProvider.apk - KEEP ( system )
- ArcCamera.apk - KEEP ( Camera )
- Bluetooth.apk - KEEP ( bluetooth )
- Browser.apk - DELETABLE ( Installed Dolphin and Opera )
- Calculator.apk - KEEP ( calculator )
- Calendar.apk - KEEP ( calendar )
- CalendarProvider.apk - KEEP (related to calendar )
- CalendarWidget.apk - DELETABLE ( related to calendar )
- CertInstaller.apk - KEEP ( system )
- Clock.apk - KEEP ( clock & alarms )
- - DELETABLE ( Es File Explorer - U may delete if updated by Market or no use - Installed Root explorer )
- Contacts.apk - KEEP ( contacts )
- ContactsProvider.apk - KEEP ( related to contacts )
- CosmoUsbControl.apk - KEEP ( usb related )
- DefaultContainerService.apk - KEEP ( system )
- Development.apk - DELETABLE ( test tool for developers )
- DM_rsinput.apk - DELETABLE ( dummy system app - no side effect for me to delete )
- DM_rssrn.apk - DELETABLE ( dummy system app - no side effect for me to delete )
- DM_rsuinput.apk - DELETABLE ( dummy system app - no side effect for me to delete )
- DownloadProvider.apk - KEEP ( system )
- DrmProvider.apk - DELETABLE ( DRM app - no side effect for me to delete )
- DrmService.apk - DELETABLE ( DRM app - no side effect for me to delete )
- EmsysUsbModeService.apk -KEEP ( usb related )
- Facebook.apk - DELETABLE ( Facebook app - U may delete if updated by Market or no use )
- FactoryTest.apk - KEEP ( system )
- FlexProvider.apk - DELETABLE ( system - related to language - Some languages like turkish is gone after deleted - other than no side effect for me to delete )
- Fonts.apk - DELETABLE ( system - related to fonts - u will get FC when entering display settings or blank titles if u set font other than default font but u may get around 10 mb of ram if u delete - no other side effect for me to delete )
- Gallery3D.apk - KEEP ( photo/video gallery app )
- Gmail.apk - DELETABLE ( Gmail app - U may delete if updated by Market or no use )
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk - KEEP ( related to calendar and sync )
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk - KEEP ( related to contacts and sync )
- GoogleFeedback.apk - DELETABLE ( gapps related - no side effect for me to delete )
- GooglePartnerSetup.apk - DELETABLE ( gapps related - no side effect for me to delete )
- GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk - KEEP ( related to search button )
- GoogleServicesFramework.apk - KEEP ( gapps related )
- GpsTS.apk - DELETABLE ( related to GPS - no side effect for me to delete )
- HiddenMenu.apk - KEEP ( system )
- HiddenMenu_AutoDetectingTest.apk - DELETABLE ( related to no side effect for me to delete )
- HiddenMenu_ChargingTest.apk - DELETABLE ( related to hiddenmenu - no side effect for me to delete )
- HiddenMenu_SDCardTest.apk - DELETABLE ( related to hiddenmenu - no side effect for me to delete )
- HiddenSIMUnlockManu.apk - DELETABLE ( related to hiddenmenu - no side effect for me to delete )
- HIME.apk - KEEP ( LG Keyboard )
- HRZ.apk - KEEP ( 3d Converter )
- HTC_IME_hi22.apk - DELETABLE ( HTC Keyboard - no side effect for me to delete )
- HTMLViewer.apk - KEEP ( system )
- ImageEditor.apk - KEEP ( system )
- install_flash_player.apk - DELETABLE ( Flash Installer - U may delete if updated by Market )
- JSFontService.apk - DELETABLE ( related to fonts - if u have deleted fonts then u can delete this )
- LatinIME.apk - DELETABLE ( related to keyboard - no side effect for me to delete )
- Launcher2.apk - KEEP ( default launcher - deletable after installing another launcher !!! )
- LGDebug.apk - DELETABLE ( system - no side effect for me to delete)
- LGEmail.apk - DELETABLE ( pop3- exchange email - delete if u dont use pop3 to get rid of its service to gain more free ram )
- LGMITS.apk - DELETABLE ( related to OTa update I guess - no side effect for me to delete )
- LGOnScreenPhone.apk - DELETABLE ( related to on screen commands - no side effect for me to delete )
- LGSetupWizard.apk - DELETABLE ( LG SETUP - no use - no side effect for me to delete )
- LGWorldClockWidget.apk - DELETABLE ( widget - no side effect for me to delete )
- LiveWallpapers.apk - DELETABLE ( Default LWP - no side effect for me to delete )
- LiveWallpapersPicker.apk - KEEP ( LWP Service )
- LocMgrPD.apk - DELETABLE ( related to gmaps i guess - no side effect for me to delete )
- LocMgrPD.apk - DELETABLE ( related to gmaps i guess - no side effect for me to delete )
- MarketUpdater.apk - KEEP ( Market Updater )
- MediaProvider.apk - KEEP ( system )
- MediaUploader.apk - KEEP ( system )
- Mms.apk - KEEP ( messaging app )
- Music.apk - DELETABLE ( music app - insist to keep in memory even killed by task manager - i use winamp which is not system resident to gain more free ram - no side effect for me to delete )
- NetworkLocation.apk - KEEP ( system )
- OmaDmclient.apk - DELETABLE ( related to OTA - no use since we dont do OTa for custom roms - no side effect for me to delete )
- PackageInstaller.apk - KEEP ( system )
- PCSync.apk - KEEP ( usb pcsync related )
- Phone.apk - KEEP ( Phone app )
- PicoTts.apk - DELETABLE ( Related to text to speech - no side effect for me to delete )
- PowerControl.apk - DELETEABLE ( power wifi etc switch widgets - no side effect for me to delete )
- PowerOff.apk - KEEP ( system !!! )
- Protips.apk - DELETABLE ( widget - no use - no side effect for me to delete)
- Rebooter.apk - DELETABLE ( reboot app - no side effect for me to delete)
- RichNote.apk - DELETABLE ( notes app - no side effect for me to delete )
- S3DApps.apk - DELETABLE ( LG 3D app launcher menu - no side effect for me to delete )
- S3DGallery.apk - DELETABLE ( LG 3D photo/video menu - no side effect for me to delete )
- S3DGameAsphalt.apk - DELETABLE ( Game loft pre-installed 3D Game - no side effect for me to delete )
- S3DGuide.apk - DELETABLE ( LG 3D Guide - no side effect for me to delete )
- S3DSpace.apk - KEEP ( LG 3D Menu- u may get FC when long press to 3D button if deleted )
- Screencapture.apk - DELETABLE ( screen capture app - no side effect for me to delete )
- Settings.apk - KEEP ( system settings )
- SettingsProvider.apk - KEEP ( related to system settings )
- SetupWizard.apk - DELETABLE ( setup wizard - no use - no side effect for me to delete )
- signedClockWeatherWidget.apk - DELETABLE ( LG 2x weather widget - no side effect for me to delete )
- SmartShare.apk - DELETABLE ( DLNA related - u may delete if no use of DLNA - no side effect for me to delete )
- SNS.apk - DELETABLE ( Builtin facebook Twitter and myspace sync service - u may delete if u use other facebook twitter apps installed - no side effect for me to delete )
- SpareParts.apk - DELETABLE ( system tweak app - no side effect for me to delete )
- Stk.apk - DELETABLE ( related to SIM services - no side effect for me to delete )
- Street.apk - DELETABLE ( related to gmaps - no side effect for me to delete )
- superuser.apk - KEEP ( related to ROOT !!! )
- Talk.apk - DELETABLE ( Google Talk app - no side effect for me to delete )
- TelephonyProvider.apk - KEEP ( system )
- Term.apk - DELETABLE ( terminal app - no side effect for me to delete )
- TtsService.apk - DELETABLE ( Text to Speech Service - no side effect for me to delete )
- Twitter.apk - DELETABLE ( twitter app - no side effect for me to delete )
- UserDictionaryProvider.apk - KEEP ( related to keyboard - u may delete if u dont use this - no side effect for me to delete)
- Vending.apk - KEEP ( market app )
- VideoPlayer.apk - KEEP ( default video player )
- VisualizationWallpapers.apk - DELETABLE ( default wallpapers - no side effect to delete )
- VpnServices.apk - DELETABLE ( VPN Service - u may delete if u dont use this - no side effect for me to delete)
- WapService.apk - DELETABLE ( WAP Service - u may delete if u dont use this - no side effect for me to delete)
- WeatherWidget.apk - DELETABLE ( Default Lg Weather Widget - no side effect for me to delete )
- YouTube.apk - DELETABLE ( Youtube app - U may delete if updated by Market or no use )
SYSTEM APPS of ThiaiZ ROM v1.5.3 :
- DRMprovider.apk
- DRMservice.apk
- Flexprovider.apk
- Fonts.apk
- GooglePartnerSetup.apk
- JsFontservice.apk
- LgEmail.apk
- LGMits.apk
- LGonscreenphone.apk
- music.apk
- OMAdmclient.apk
- Smartshare.apk
- SNS.apk
- Ttsservice.apk
- VPNservice.apk
- WAPservice.apk
- weatherwidget.apk
- signedclockweatherwidget.apk
*** Also install and use a startup manager to disable some apps which has hidden run after boot feature to recover RAM... Just block them to run after boot since we cant see them running with standart task manager...
***** Use at your own risk !!!
Hope all these help,
Kind Regards,
Dear Friends,
Here is the list of apps which i have removed already from /system/app in my phone:
- 3DGames.apk
- ApplicationManager.apk
- Browser.apk ( installed Dolphin and Opera )
- CalendarWidget.apk
- ( installed update )
- Development.apk
- DM_rsinput.apk
- DM_rssrn.apk
- DM_rsuinput.apk
- DrmProvider.apk
- DrmService.apk
- Facebook.apk
- FlexProvider.apk
- Fonts.apk
- Gmail.apk ( installed update )
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk ( dont use mail contacts sync )
- GoogleFeedback.apk
- GooglePartnerSetup.apk
- GpsTS.apk
- HiddenMenu_AutoDetectingTest.apk
- HiddenMenu_ChargingTest.apk
- HiddenMenu_SDCardTest.apk
- HiddenSIMUnlockManu.apk
- HTC_IME_hi22.apk
- install_flash_player.apk ( installed update )
- JSFontService.apk
- LatinIME.apk
- Launcher2.apk ( installed go launcher )
- LGDebug.apk
- LGEmail.apk
- LGMITS.apk
- LGOnScreenPhone.apk
- LGSetupWizard.apk
- LGWorldClockWidget.apk
- LiveWallpapers.apk
- LocMgrPD.apk
- LocMgrPD.apk
- MarketUpdater.apk ( i do manually update )
- Music.apk ( installed winamp )
- OmaDmclient.apk
- PCSync.apk ( dont use pc sync )
- PicoTts.apk
- PowerControl.apk
- Protips.apk
- Rebooter.apk
- RichNote.apk
- S3DApps.apk
- S3DGallery.apk
- S3DGuide.apk
- SetupWizard.apk
- signedClockWeatherWidget.apk
- SmartShare.apk
- SNS.apk
- SpareParts.apk
- Stk.apk
- Street.apk
- superuser.apk ( installed update )
- Talk.apk
- Term.apk
- TtsService.apk
- Twitter.apk
- UserDictionaryProvider.apk ( dont use dictionary )
- VisualizationWallpapers.apk
- VpnServices.apk
- WapService.apk
- WeatherWidget.apk
- YouTube.apk ( installed update )
Now i have much more ram and phone is snappier also better battery life because no crap services is running in the background... U may get some temporary FC if u enter the settings menu of the deleted app and this is normal...
Hope this helps..
Kind Regards,
how much free ram do you have now?
nic85 said:
how much free ram do you have now?
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Dear nic85,
After a fresh flash of ThiaiZ v1.5.3 and removing the apps mentioned above gives me around 300 mb free RAM after boot and phone is really more faster since many services is not running now like fonts,OTA etc... Of course Free RAM is getting lower after installing some of my apps like beautiful widgets,twitcaster,friendcaster etc but RAM is much more than before...
Kind Regards,
Well done Protochip.
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
Dear nic85,
After a fresh flash of ThiaiZ v1.5.3 and removing the apps mentioned above gives me around 300 mb free RAM after boot and phone is really more faster since many services is not running now like fonts,OTA etc... Of course Free RAM is getting lower after installing some of my apps like beautiful widgets,twitcaster,friendcaster etc but RAM is much more than before...
Kind Regards,
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300 Mb Free !!! Wow! That's a massive amount of RAM I'll try this. Thanks. This is a must have step.
I still have around 200 mb left..
Using thiaiz rom, V6 supercharger with the 7th setting and nothing really special installed on the phone..
Any advice?
Nucleardwarf said:
I still have around 200 mb left..
Using thiaiz rom, V6 supercharger with the 7th setting and nothing really special installed on the phone..
Any advice?
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Dear nucleardwarf,
Not with the scripts... After fresh flash of rom and removing all these gives u around 300 mb... With scripts and amany installed apps, i get around 270 mb after close all... whats app, my data manager, messaging is running in the background and some system services... I use go launcher and use its feature to close all running...
P.s. Have u removed all the apps from /system/app/ regarding to my list in the second post?
Kind regards.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
Yes, after flashing the 1.5.3 update i dod what you say but nothing has changed..
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
Nucleardwarf said:
Yes, after flashing the 1.5.3 update i dod what you say but nothing has changed..
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
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Dear nucleardwarf,
It is so weird... Since most of the removed apks are system services which are eating many RAM so absolutely u r supposed to have much more free RAM... i have all three scripts running and mostly i get around 270 mb free ram after close all command... Just stop scripts running and do unsupercharge then check the available memory... i also use startup manager to disable some app running after boot... Many apps is running hidden after boot those we cant see them with standart task manager...
Edit: i have removed scripts and unsupercharge; now i get around 260 mb free ram... Scripts helps some i guess but worse battery life so i dont use scripts...
Kind regards,
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
Great job you did here, but is there some improvement in real-life performance or just in numbers?(not trying to be rude here)
stefankorun said:
Great job you did here, but is there some improvement in real-life performance or just in numbers?(not trying to be rude here)
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Dear stefankorun,
Thanks for the question...
According to my tests phone is more snappier and has more RAM so real life performance is better... Well this may change user to user and depends on what installed on the phone... For example, a heavy live wallpaper like videolivewallpaper may produce lag even all the apps removed which were mentioned... So real life performance is really depends on the way u use phone...
For the battery life, it should technically last longer since many services can be disabled with this guide which are running in the background and killing battery life... I couldnt test battery life full way because i am a heavy user and have a spare battery but i feel it is a little bit more now...
Kind regards,
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
How may I delete those apk ? In some kind of safe mode ? Is the same delete the apks than freezing with Titanium Backup ?? Thanks.
I'm running king 3D rom now with scripts enabled and have after close all command around 240 mb ram free!
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
Thanks protochip for your list. I tried deleting apk using root explorer but after deleting them and rebooting the aplications updated itself ! so now I have frozen them with titanium backup but I don't know how to remove them completely. Apart from that "omadmclient" gave me an FC of death. I tought I have to restore the whole rom again but after rebooting didn't FC anymore so I guess is ok now.
Well, thanks again. Free ram now : 281 Mb after loading two thianiz scripts Using Thianiz 1.5.3 now.
Dear Friends,
Great to hear that u have much more free ram now... As i mentioned in the 1st post, Some apps may give temporary FCs loop just after deleted; so pls reboot the phone to make the system stable again...
Kind regards
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
I have frozen all the apps and deleted Fonts.apk and OmaDClient.apk and I think there is a little improvement. But I get a FC if I try to set time&date to automatic so if anyone finds out what is the apk that causes that please post here...
I notice that if I froze fonts I am not able to enter to Settings/Display (FC) but at least don't loop. So watch out with freezing or deleting fonts.apk
Dear Friends,
As i mentioned before, we lose some functionality which doesnt effect phone usage so much but we get more ram,performance and battery... So some side effects should be welcome since we only have 512 mb of ram and only 441 mb is usable for us...
Gonna try to find which apk causes this...
Just unfreze fonts.apk , set your displays settings and refreeze it... No need to keep fonts since it really eats mem for nothing...
Kind regards.
I have been playing around with what you can get rid of and im pretty sure one of the services or apks control the recent-menu screen. After removing one of the apks i could not even use the home button to return to my launcher. I am just having trouble finding which apk it is I keep deleting adn was wondering if anyone knew? Cheers.
Hi I have not been able to update my phone sony ericsson xperia neo or my tablet asus transformer tf101g from the play store. Everything worked for 8 months now since 2 days ago I cannot download or update from google play store. I can login and see all the apps I have downloaded in the past, 'my apps'.
My google account works fine can log in and out.
I unrooted my tablet flashed stock WW stock back, did a factory wipe/reset, updated play store successfully and then tried to reinstall my apps. I get
Downloading ... and then nothing happens. I have full internet access and I have tried at work and at home but nothing downloads. There are no proxy servers or firewalls at work. Everything was working on both networks until 2 days ago.
I have emailed googe but am not getting any more replies from them.
I tried making a new account but that also will not download.
What else can I try?
Any help (please) would be appreciated.
Try clearing the play store data, cache everything and reboot .( under settings > apps)
If that doesn't work, try manually pushing the latest play store apk into system /app with permissions. (needs root)
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Lifehacker7 said:
Try clearing the play store data, cache everything and reboot .( under settings > apps)
If that doesn't work, try manually pushing the latest play store apk into system /app with permissions. (needs root)
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I have already what you suggest but it did not help. I even did factory and cache wipe, reflashed the sock rom. Also did not work. I made a new account at google, did a wipe, restarted from scratch. No luck. Even my other android devices, 2 of them, will not download. Everything worked 2 days ago. I have 3 android devices that will not download. I am using the correct account and password. I can see 'My Apps' with all the apps i have downloaded but do not have since i did the wipes.
rob54321 said:
I have already what you suggest but it did not help. I even did factory and cache wipe, reflashed the sock rom. Also did not work. I made a new account at google, did a wipe, restarted from scratch. No luck. Even my other android devices, 2 of them, will not download. Everything worked 2 days ago. I have 3 android devices that will not download. I am using the correct account and password. I can see 'My Apps' with all the apps i have downloaded but do not have since i did the wipes.
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Oh! All the three don't download?
That must be some other issue then!
Network / wifi may be?
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Sorry i mean stock rom. I have also used all my devices on 2 different independent networks each with full internet access. But i cannot download or update. I get the "Downloading..." and no data is downloaded. On all 3 devices.
There's a flash able Google play app and installer in xda don't know where you could give it a try.
Press the "thanks", button if I helped you.
Sent from my badass pimped up MiniPro using XDA
Yep after 3 days it just started working again. Now I can download on all my devices, suddenly.
On the tablet google tells me I have no apps installed. I have 205 apps installed from the play store.
I will have to download them all again otherwise I wont get updates.
I did nothing to the other devices. They also stopped downloading. Now they all download again after having done nothing.
It must be a stuff up at google.
I bet apple does not give this lousy service that google gives.
Time to change to Apple.
When flashing rom jb 4.2.2 onto my Infuse I coud not find out the app icon video player in the app panel. How can I retrieve it. Would somedody help me with this. Thanks a lot
terrynguyen said:
When flashing rom jb 4.2.2 onto my Infuse I coud not find out the app icon video player in the app panel. How can I retrieve it. Would somedody help me with this. Thanks a lot
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If you flash a different ROM, the older system apps will be gone and new system apps will be installed (If the ROM isn't based on stock ROM)
If you need them, you need to push the apk of that app with permissions to system/app.
And they might not work sometimes. Some of em might need the specific stuff that comes in stock to work properly.
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hi all
guys there is one problem i m facing from several times that whenever i flash new ro could not sync with google account and there is no google ply app in it.. please any one help me..
thans in advance..
virpalsinh said:
hi all
guys there is one problem i m facing from several times that whenever i flash new ro could not sync with google account and there is no google ply app in it.. please any one help me..
thans in advance..
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Usually the CM, PA, AOSP or such ROMs don't include gapps ( including the Playstore).
You should download the right one according to the android version and flash the zip.
You can download them from or goomanager app.
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Please check whether the ROM developer has provided separately the gapps (google apps) along with the ROM.
Usually the the Google apps are provided as and you should install them same as you've installed the ROM. (Install zip form sd card through recovery mode).
Through this you can have your Google apps back.
Although my Sprint SGS3 has 8gb free storage on the phone and 48gb free on the card (still trying to find some way to either switch that or enable an app to sd) i am getting 'not enough storage' error when I try to install some apps: droid tv primetime, busybox installer,etc. However, other programs install without problem: GEICO.
Really appreciate any ideas. Rooted using MOAR rom.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Try re downloading the app or clear data for play store. And see if there is any .Odex file associated with the app in data /app ( if you patched them). Delete the odex and you should be able to install them.
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I've re downloaded; cleared data from playstore; found no .od-- file (patched nothing), and still can't install droid tv. Still have 8gb free space, & it says don't have enough to install. :banghead:
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
yssgrrl said:
I've re downloaded; cleared data from playstore; found no .od-- file (patched nothing), and still can't install droid tv. Still have 8gb free space, & it says don't have enough to install. :banghead:
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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Are you installing it via Playstore? Tried installing the apk?
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Not trying to install Droid tv from playstore, I have the apk on card & in download file. Won't install from either location. Neither will updates install now. All get same error message: not enough space.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
yssgrrl said:
Not trying to install Droid tv from playstore, I have the apk on card & in download file. Won't install from either location. Neither will updates install now. All get same error message: not enough space.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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In my experience sometimes .Trash folder gets screwy, I have deleted it and all is better