[Q][SOLVED] /system size - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My xoom is rooted and I use cm10.1 nightlies.
Recently it has come to my attention that my gapps don't install correctly.
After some digging, I found out my /system is not big enoug:
df -h /dev/block/mmcblk1p8
/dev/block/mmcblk1p8 252.0M 230.1M 21.9M 91% /system
As you can see the /system partition is 91% full when I erase everything and apply the cm10.1 ROM WITHOUT gapps.
the gapps package (gapps-jb-20121212-signed.zip) file alone is 90MB... Extracted it is 126MB big
So I would say the /system partition has to be resized. Am I correct?
and if so, how in Murphy's name do I do this?
Thanks in advance,

never yay mindeth...
Apparently I was using the wrong gapps file...
after installing the EOS XOOM ONLY gapps file, I still have plenty of free space:
df -h
/dev/block/mmcblk1p8 252.0M 198.4M 53.6M 79% /system


[DEV][DATA2SD] More space (and more I/O) for your Desire (Updated/EXT4/Flashable ZIP)

HI all.
I know it has been already done but I didn't find any detailed tutorial for the hTc Desire so I wrote one for you
Howto for a HTC desire with clockworkmod recovery:
I did this with a stock HTC sense 2.2 froyo rooted rom with init.d support and my own kernel, forked from richardtrip sense kernel v5e. I don't know for other ROMs or Kernels. Your ROM must support init.d boot scripts.
What you need is:
* Fast µSD card (Class 4 or 6 recommended. Lots of issues reported with class 10 on the Desire)
* busybox (http://www.busybox.net/downloads/binaries/) on c:\
* Kernel with EXT4 support. The kernel in original ROM does not provide ext4 support!!
* Rom with init.d script support (StarBurst (Froyo) or Supernova (Gingerbread) have a native DATA2SD support)
* If you already have app2sd+ or a similar script, don't do the following hack (or at your own risks) !!
* If you still want to try it, backup your A2SD scripts and roll-back to a pre-A2SD state. Don't ask me why it's not working, I never used APPs2SD so I can't help.
* To help you with ADB, you can use the GUI
If you feel a bit lazy or you're scared to make any mistake and want to skip all the manual installation, then go straight to the bottom of this post and download the flashable script made by droidzone. Many thanks to him!! You can also flash Supernova (Stock HTC gingerbread release) and you'll be good to go within no time.
If you already have this running but you flashed another rom, have a look here. droidzone posted another script to just update the rom you just flashed to get DATA2SD work properly
[size=+1]1/Get yourself prepared[/size]
A/ backup everything (nandroid).
B/ Make sure everything is backed-up
C/ Copy the content of you SD to your computer and keep it handy for a roll-back.
D/ make a copy !!!! (I think know that you've been warned )
[size=+1]2/ Make 2 primary Mb aligned partitions on your SD[/size]
Primary partition 1 will be your usual storage, must be FAT32.
To optimize it, I really recommend to have a look here
Primary partition 2 will be your new storage (/data).
You can use gparted or fdisk (I do prefer fdisk and wrote a guide here ) to partition your SD; but it's up to you and Gparted is working great too.
Use the MB align option of gparted to align your partitions. This helps big time to get a better R/W speed.
With the latest busybox, you can do that on your phone in recovery mode.
You will need also e2fs progs. They're all attached at the bottom of this howto.
[size=+1]3/ Boot your phone in recovery and get it prepared[/size]
Connect to your phone with "adb shell"
You should get a ~# prompt now.
mount /system
mount /data
mount /sdcard
if mount /sdcard fails, try mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /sdcard
You should get this as a result of a "mount" command:
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock4 on /cache type yaffs2 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /sdcard type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,s
/dev/block/mtdblock3 on /system type yaffs2 (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mtdblock5 on /data type yaffs2 (rw,relatime)
Replace you old busybox exec with the new one. It's located in /system/xbin/
adb push c:\busybox-armv6l /system/xbin/busybox
Add the script to init.d folder:
adb push c:\01data.txt /system/etc/init.d/01data
Add the fstab to /system/etc/
adb push c:\fstab.txt /system/etc/fstab
Extract e2fsprogs-arm.zip to c:\
Push all e2fs progs you've extracted from the zip to /system/bin/ the same way:
adb push c:\e2fsprogs\system\bin\e2fsck /system/bin/
adb push c:\e2fsprogs\system\bin\mke2fs /system/bin/
(etc.... for all apps)
Push all e2fs libs you've extracted from the zip to /system/lib/ the same way:
adb push c:\e2fsprogs\system\lib\libext2_blkid.so /system/lib/
adb push c:\e2fsprogs\system\lib\libext2_com_err.so /system/lib/
(etc... for all libs)
adb shell
cd /system/bin
chmod 755 e2fsck
chown 0.2000 e2fsck
(Do the same for all pushed apps.)
cd /system/lib
chmod 644 libext2*
chmod 755 /system/xbin/busybox
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/busybox
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/01data
chown 0.0 /system/etc/init.d/01data
Finally type this:
:> /system/etc/mtab
[size=+1]4/ Instant of creation[/size]
cd /
For a non-journaled version:
/system/bin/mke2fs -T ext4 -b 4096 -E stride=64,stripe-width=64 -O ^has_journal,extent,^huge_file -m 0 -L userdata /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
For a journaled version (safety/AOSP ROMs):
/system/bin/mke2fs -T ext4 -b 4096 -E stride=64,stripe-width=64 -O extent,^huge_file -m 0 -L userdata /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
stride and stripe-width are RAID options but they are used here to align the filesystem to the max erase block size of an SD card. In conjunction with EXT4 extents feature (not present in ext3), it gives a bit of extra performance thanks to block allocation. It's used and recommended for SSDs, so it should help our poor little cheap (SSDs) SD cards
I use 64 because 64x4 (4kb block size)=256Kb. 256Kb is the max erase block size per the SD standards.
Your card may have a smaller erase block size but 256K is at least compatible with every card.
If you want to change the block allocation size, change the "64" parameter.
Just change it to - say - 32 (32x4=128kb) etc ...
Tune this to your actual erase block size if you know it.
If you want journaling (better data integrity) at the cost of performance and probably sd card wear, use the journaled option when you format the ext4 partition. Journal will also use some space on your EXT partition.
Read this article or my tutorial for more details on aligning partition and file system on linux.
I'd like to mention at this stage that fortunately, HTC has implemented a nice and clean unmount of /data at shutdown. Unless you remove your phone battery while it is running or android completely crashes and the cache hasn't been flushed to the sd card, you shouldn't suffer from data loss. In that case though, I've implemented a forced check of the data partition to try to recover any errors on the ext4 partition before booting the phone. You can expect to have a fair amount of safety without journal as long as you turn off your phone with standard HTC menu on sense ROMs
Anyway, if you want to try DATA2SD on a AOSP ROM, you *must* use a journal!
[size=+1]5/ verbatim[/size]
type this:
mkdir /sd
/system/xbin/busybox mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd
cd /data
cp -a * /sd
cd /
All you data should copied now.
check with a "ls -l /sd" that you have a least the directory structure.
"df" should report the space used on the new filesystem and should be close to your /data.
/system/xbin/busybox umount /sd
[size=+1]6/ Reboot[/size]
Move all you apps (if you have used the Froyo AP2SD) back to the phone, which is now the SD.
Reboot to get a clean and stable phone
Make sure that you don't install any app in the future to the SD. Some apps are installed automatically to SD, move them back to the phone if it is so.
[size=+1]7/ Comments[/size]
IMHO, a readahead of 128kb could be a bit excessive and can penalise read speed when reading small amounts of data. I've reduced it on my phone to 64kb and noticed a slight improvement when for instance the phone reads data to show apps, icons and size when you open the application list in the settings/applications/manage applications menu. Some kernels have a default value of 4K. This is really bad for performance and it must be changed to get good read performance.
To change it, type this while android is running:
echo 64 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/read_ahead_kb
This setting will be lost on reboot. Just add this line to the script if you want to keep it on reboot.
ownhere did a fantastic job at hacking the libsqlite.so library. I patched the original sense lib and I strongly recommend to replace it with the one attached below.
To do so, just boot into recovery mode, mount /system and backup your /system/lib/libsqlite.so file to your sdcard. Then push the patched lib to /system/lib/ and do a chmod 644 on the pushed file.
Reboot and VOILA!
Updates of the flashable ZIP are available here
If you're coming from previous version (2 FAT32 partitions, ext2 file and loop mount) and want to move to this new one, have a look at this post. You don't have to do everything from start and loose your data. You should get there all the needed info to backup your data and restore it to the new EXT4 partition.
ownhere posted a very interesting option to play with in this post. Apparently nodelalloc mount option is giving better score than delalloc on flash memories. I recently tested it and I had better Quadrant and TAP scores so check-it out!
If you want to impress your friends with Quadrant score, just add "noauto_da_alloc" in the mount option of the script or do this manually with adb shell : busybox mount -o remount,noauto_da_alloc /data
The effect is pretty similar on the final score than nodelalloc (at least on my phone/sdcard )
To get back to normal: busybox mount -o remount,auto_da_alloc /data
(Got this setting from here).
It is simply making the system (thus Quadrant) working in cache (RAM) instead of the SD card.
I'm not sure that this settings improves that much real life usage, but at least you'll get what you're looking for: A super (fake) Quadrand I/O score
I may add this setting in future release of DATA2SD. I'm testing it ATM on my phone.
Many thanks to ownhere and melethron for all their thinkings at bringing issues, help and updates to get to this new version.
Many thanks to too droidzone for his great work on a flashable ZIP and integrating DATA2SD in his ROM to make your life easier you flash maniacs
I hope that I didn't forget something. It's working for me so it should work for you.
Read the thread before asking a question !
This sounds really great ... 2 things :
1. your links are broken
2. Can't we generate the file for /data on the first fat32 partition ... would be a lot easier to format the sdcard with only one partition ...
thank you very much for this great information ...
fogbav said:
This sounds really great ... 2 things :
1. your links are broken
2. Can't we generate the file for /data on the first fat32 partition ... would be a lot easier to format the sdcard with only one partition ...
thank you very much for this great information ...
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No because you won't be able to use your SD as an external drive when connected to USB.
Just checked the links and they're OK
i vouch for sibere's script... i'm one of first "live testers" for his script and it works great and very, very stable
and from what have been tested by several testers , it can work in these roms :
without a2sd+ :
- rooted stock
- leedroid no-a2sd
with a2sd+ :
- auraxtsense
- defrost
- leedroid
- alex-v
Sibere, allow me to add notes from AndroHero on using the script with a2sd+ rom :
- remove the data2sd (or in auraxt, stuff2sd) from system/etc/init.d in the rom zipfile, or if you have install the rom, just remove from system/etc/init.d
- do the sibere script
I have follow this easyest tutorial and i'm ok.
All credits to AndroHero for tutorial and to sibere for the hack! I'm only copy and paste from the previous thread!
This tutorial is for all app2sd sense rom so you can follow this tutorial not onfly for lee droid.
As attachment the file that tutorial need.
I have made a 2gb partition for data and is an awesome to see 1.80gb internal memory at first boot!!!!
Now let's start with tutorial!
------TUTORIAL BEGIN-------
2)Android SDK
3)15minutes of time
1) download leedroid 2.2f (apps2sd version)
2) unzip the .zip file, open the folder, open the system folder, and then inside that open the folder called etc, you will see a folder called init.d, open that and delete the file called 40a2sd, now just navigate back to the root of the rom and re-zip it.
3) now you need to partition your sd card, use gparted to make 2 fat partitions, a large primary partition and a secondary one about 1gb in size.
4) once you have done that copy the leedroid.zip to the sd card, boot into recovery, do all your wipes and flash the rom, one fashed boot it up and set it up as normal.
5) once set up, hold the power button and choose the option to reboot into recovery.
6) once in recovery connect your phone to your pc, open a command prompt and navigate to the tools folder inside the android SDK.
7) now in the command prompt type the following one at a time:
adb shell
mount /system
mount /data
mount /sdcard
8) now leave the command prompt open and download the file at the bottom of the screen, (i have had to zip it, just open the .zip and the 01data file is inside) and copy it to the root of the c:\ drive on your pc.
9) in the command prompt type (one at a time and always wait for the # to appear again before entering a new command)
adb push c:\01data /system/etc/init.d
adb shell
chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/01data
cd /
mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd-ext
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sd-ext/ext2 bs=1048576
/system/xbin/busybox mke2fs -F -L userdata /sd-ext/ext2
mkdir /sd
/system/xbin/busybox mount -o loop /sd-ext/ext2 /sd
cd /data
cp -a * /sd
cd /
/system/xbin/busybox umount /sd
adb reboot
10) your phone will now reboot with a much bigger /data/ partition.
------TUTORIAL END-------
I suggest to activate the boost!
type in adb shell window with android running:
busybox mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /mnt/asec/ext/ext2 /data
sibere said:
No because you won't be able to use your SD as an external drive when connected to USB.
Just checked the links and they're OK
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Sounds real logical ...8) ... Ups ... shortcut in brain ...8)
bluelavender said:
i vouch for sibere's script... i'm one of first "live testers" for his script and it works great and very, very stable
and from what have been tested by several testers , it can work in these roms :
without a2sd+ :
- rooted stock
- leedroid no-a2sd
with a2sd+ :
- auraxtsense
- defrost
- leedroid
- alex-v
Sibere, allow me to add notes from AndroHero on using the script with a2sd+ rom :
- remove the data2sd (or in auraxt, stuff2sd) from system/etc/init.d in the rom zipfile, or if you have install the rom, just remove from system/etc/init.d
- do the sibere script
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Year sure, you're free to add notes mate
will this increase the battery usage?
kakit526 said:
will this increase the battery usage?
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No effect at all on the battery usage. the usage is around the same .
only one question:
is it better than using a2sd+?
what is the difference?
i had a lot of memory issues with a2sd+ (internal memory decrease very quickly compared to a2sd storage until i get the 'low memory' error message), does this solve my problem?
Does this really increase IO speed? Can anyone who managed to set this up please post ur Quadrant benchmark.
alessandro_xda said:
only one question:
is it better than using a2sd+?
what is the difference?
i had a lot of memory issues with a2sd+ (internal memory decrease very quickly compared to a2sd storage until i get the 'low memory' error message), does this solve my problem?
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Yes, it will solve the problem
The reason why internal memory still decreases with a2sd+ is because not every part of the apps are moved to sd-card . Some of the data parts are still in the internal memory.
This script moves entire data folder to sd card, so nothing in internal memory get decreased
It can be any size you want. So far, the maximum tested size is 2 gb i think was tested by mattiadj & androhero.
I tried once, i got 1956 score (CPU at 998Mhz)
Does this preserve the data on the card? Or do you have to copy everything back on?
Of course I'll have backups, but just asking
coutts99 said:
Does this preserve the data on the card? Or do you have to copy everything back on?
Of course I'll have backups, but just asking
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it will survive the boot... of course, if you wipe factory data, everything will be gone...but it is safe and survive normal reboot or recovery reboot
This is what is on clean flash of leedroid and after this hack!
I have made a 2gb partition....
Image talks alone....one word: THANKS!
Great job!
Now I expect seeing this bundled into all ROMs around here...
Any improvements are welcome but beside the space can you feel the I/O at some points or is it just a number?
Dude you are legen........ wait for it........... DeRY =D
hope to find a little time to test this awesome tutorial =]
what would happen if the SD card failed? does this render the phone unuseable until a new rom is flashed?

[SCRIPT] Enabling Darktremor a2sd on Samsung s5830 Galaxy ACE

In this guide I will show you how to enable Darktremor's a2sd (i.e. extending your internal memory using SD card, so you can install more applications easily).
This method has been tested on a rooted Galaxy ACE running Android 2.2.1. It might work on other devices, but I don't guarantee.
This guide assumes that your phone is rooted, and you have a basic knowledge in adb shell.
Please note that this script sleeps for 8 seconds at boot time to make sure that the SD card is loaded before mounting (thanks devetle and KoGi77GR).
REMEMBER: The steps below will not extend your phone's internal memory, you still have to install a2sd (link provided below) to complete the job.
1- Backup all data, both on your phone and your SD card.
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2- Partition your SD card as following: 1st partition FAT32, 2nd partition ext2. I'm not sure about the optimal partition size of ext2, but you can start with 1-2 GB. Make sure that you use ext2 only, as ext3 and ext4 are not supported by the kernel (by default. See Bonus section below). Here's a good guide to help you out.
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3- Insert your SD card and make sure that your phone recognizes it correctly.
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4- Connect your phone in Mass Storage mode, then extract the attached script file to your SD card root directory.
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5- Disconnect mass storage and login to ADB shell as root:
adb shell
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6- Type in the following commands (try copy-paste each line then hit enter):
cp /sdcard/a2sd_enabler.sh /data/local/tmp/
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/a2sd_enabler.sh
If you got any error messages (starting with "ERROR") please post them here. Otherwise, continue to step 7.
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7- To double check everything, reboot your phone and login again as root through adb, then run the following command, and find a line similar to the highlighted line in the output below:
/dev: 142220K total, 12K used, 142208K available (block size 4096)
/mnt/asec: 142220K total, 0K used, 142220K available (block size 4096)
/cache: 25656K total, 12K used, 25644K available (block size 4096)
/data: 185240K total, 36768K used, 148472K available (block size 4096)
/system: 213376K total, 211520K used, 1856K available (block size 4096)
[B][COLOR="Red"]/system/sd: 1032088K total, 38512K used, 993576K available (block size 4096)[/COLOR][/B]
/mnt/sdcard: 6783016K total, 190356K used, 6592660K available (block size 4096)
/mnt/secure/asec: 6783016K total, 190356K used, 6592660K available (block size 4096)
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8- Now you're good to go. Follow the directions as described in Darktremor's thread here:
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Bonus for the experts
Now you can mount ext3 and ext4 partitions too using kernel mods. You can find them here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12845360&postcount=17
I managed to setup a2sd on ext3 successfully, and planning to test ext4.
Thanks peeter123
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the link to script is broken. please upload it again! thanx!
harrythescorpion said:
the link to script is broken. please upload it again! thanx!
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You seem to have trouble downloading files from the forum. Here you go:
Hi majedev,
thank you. I rooted the phone and followed the way in this thread.
I can mount ext2 (2nd partition of sdcard), but my S5830 seems not running install-recovery.sh at start up. I don't know why... Please helppppppppp
Here's what "cat /system/etc/install-recovery.sh" shows:
/system/bin/mount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
I'm wondering is that any issue that can prevent the install-recovery.sh from running at start up...
devetle said:
Hi majedev,
thank you. I rooted the phone and followed the way in this thread.
I can mount ext2 (2nd partition of sdcard), but my S5830 seems not running install-recovery.sh at start up. I don't know why... Please helppppppppp
Here's what "cat /system/etc/install-recovery.sh" shows:
/system/bin/mount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
I'm wondering is that any issue that can prevent the install-recovery.sh from running at start up...
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It might be permissions issue? Try "chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh"
If that didn't help, please run this command as root to copy "init.rc" to your sd card, then post the file here:
cp /init.rc /sdcard/
majedev said:
It might be permissions issue? Try "chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh"
If that didn't help, please run this command as root to copy "init.rc" to your sd card, then post the file here:
cp /init.rc /sdcard/
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I checked the permission, it is 755 rwxr-xr-x.
the init.rc is attached herewith.
devetle said:
I checked the permission, it is 755 rwxr-xr-x.
the init.rc is attached herewith.
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Hmm, your init.rc seems fine, it executes install-recovery.sh at boot:
service flash_recovery /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
Could you please type "mount" after mounting your ext2 partition and post the output?
By the way I noticed some differences on your init.rc wlan configuration, what's your firmware?
mount says: /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd ext2 rw,relatime,errors=continue 0 0
I saw another thread. It adds "sleep 10" before mounting ext2 so that the sdcard is "ready". And someone said that is not necessary.
I'm really confused.
BTW, my firmware is:
Android version
Baseband version
Kernel version
[email protected] #1
Wed Mar 16 19:45:24 KST 2011
Build number
devetle said:
mount says: /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd ext2 rw,relatime,errors=continue 0 0
I saw another thread. It adds "sleep 10" before mounting ext2 so that the sdcard is "ready". And someone said that is not necessary.
I'm really confused.
BTW, my firmware is:
Android version
Baseband version
Kernel version
[email protected] #1
Wed Mar 16 19:45:24 KST 2011
Build number
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Okay, let's check if install-recovery is actually run at boot. Execute the attached script which will add some checks on boot time, and reboot your phone. Then check if the following files exist and post their contents:
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App. Yvyg hggvhbhggbgggggvb vgghbhvggvbvv556r5rrdvvby6t
devetle said:
From the test script, the install-recovery.sh is running!
However, in the install-recovery.sh, the mount says: mount: No such file or directory.
It really looks like I need to add a sleep 10 here...I'll try.
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Oh, it seems that I have the same thing "mount: No such file or directory" but it works just fine.
I'll consider adding sleep to my script. Thank you for your feedback
Thank you for your help!
Hi majedev,
i have tried running your script and it just runs fine. but still i am not able to see system/sd after rebooting the phone. i have installed darktremors a2sd(by booting into recovey and running update.zip) and the installation went just fine. but still my phone internal memory is showing the same. so what should i try now? i have tried installing recovery.sh that u posted. still doesnt works. i have tried rooting and unrooting the phone and then again tried all the steps but no go.
so please guide me what should i do next? may be flash the firmware? factory reset?
harrythescorpion said:
Hi majedev,
i have tried running your script and it just runs fine. but still i am not able to see system/sd after rebooting the phone. i have installed darktremors a2sd(by booting into recovey and running update.zip) and the installation went just fine. but still my phone internal memory is showing the same. so what should i try now? i have tried installing recovery.sh that u posted. still doesnt works. i have tried rooting and unrooting the phone and then again tried all the steps but no go.
so please guide me what should i do next? may be flash the firmware? factory reset?
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If you were following the discussion then you most probably have the same problem as devetle did. I've updated the script so it sleeps for 5 seconds after mounting. You may want to redo the guide once again and download the updated script file.
I hope that helps.
I've made the kernel modules for ext3 and ext4. Kernel:
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd2.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext3.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext4.ko
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
Haven't tested it yet, but the modules insmod just fine. And a2sd says ext3 and ext4 are supported.
Maybe someone with knowledge and guts can test it by converting the partition to ext4, so install-recovery.sh becomes:
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd2.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext3.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext4.ko
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
Pls don't test it if you have the dalvik cache on your sd. You can end up with an bootloop if it doesn't work.
Hi majedev,
now that worked! now if i run the df command i can see the system/sd that shows me a capacity of approx 964.1123mega bytes, which is the ext2 partition that i created. now the issue is that i cannot see my phone's internal memory increased.
its still the same.
when i run the diskcheck command in a2sd (a2sd discheck) , it says me that:: displaying disc space statistics on sd card :
-h: no such file or directory
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: 144220k total, 12k used.
and in another of your posts, u have said that if the phone ,memory doesn't increases, try command: a2sd install, which i have also tried and gives me the following output: mv: cant rename ' data/app-private/*' no such file or directory and then it says, time, date, test, expr echo: applet not found etc..
i tried to move the delvik cache to sd card by using the command : a2sd cachesd, and it was successful, the free space increased by like 10mb's. then i ran a2sd check and it also verified the same that the cache is running from sd card. i also trying moving it back to phone, it also worked fine as well.
so where is the glitch? the card is mounted. i am able to see system/sd, i am able to move cache to sd, but still internal memory is showing as 91 mb free??
and moreover my apps and market etc have disappeared? (i have backed then up using titanium bacup, i think ill be able to recover them from there) so what should i do next?
PS: BTW i am using latest beta 4 version of a2sd
harrythescorpion said:
Hi majedev,
now that worked! now if i run the df command i can see the system/sd that shows me a capacity of approx 964.1123mega bytes, which is the ext2 partition that i created. now the issue is that i cannot see my phone's internal memory increased.
its still the same.
when i run the diskcheck command in a2sd (a2sd discheck) , it says me that:: displaying disc space statistics on sd card :
-h: no such file or directory
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2: 144220k total, 12k used.
and in another of your posts, u have said that if the phone ,memory doesn't increases, try command: a2sd install, which i have also tried and gives me the following output: mv: cant rename ' data/app-private/*' no such file or directory and then it says, time, date, test, expr echo: applet not found etc..
i tried to move the delvik cache to sd card by using the command : a2sd cachesd, and it was successful, the free space increased by like 10mb's. then i ran a2sd check and it also verified the same that the cache is running from sd card. i also trying moving it back to phone, it also worked fine as well.
so where is the glitch? the card is mounted. i am able to see system/sd, i am able to move cache to sd, but still internal memory is showing as 91 mb free??
and moreover my apps and market etc have disappeared? (i have backed then up using titanium bacup, i think ill be able to recover them from there) so what should i do next?
PS: BTW i am using latest beta 4 version of a2sd
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Do you have BusyBox installed?
peeter123 said:
I've made the kernel modules for ext3 and ext4. Kernel:
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd2.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext3.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext4.ko
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
Haven't tested it yet, but the modules insmod just fine. And a2sd says ext3 and ext4 are supported.
Maybe someone with knowledge and guts can test it by converting the partition to ext4, so install-recovery.sh becomes:
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/jbd2.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext3.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ext4.ko
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/dtapp
/system/bin/sh /system/etc/init.d/99complete
Pls don't test it if you have the dalvik cache on your sd. You can end up with an bootloop.
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Dude these are hot stuff, I'll give it a shot after finishing my homeworks :'(
But don't you think ext3/4 journaling is too much I/O for sd cards?

Converting to ext4

Does anyone have a link to a guide/tutorial about converting ext3 partitions to ext4? Now that we have a CWM image that supports ext4 and several ext4 kernels, it would be really nice if someone could also explain how to convert Android partitions (specifically the ones on the G2X) from ext3 to ext4. Thanks in advance!
baldwinguy77 said:
Does anyone have a link to a guide/tutorial about converting ext3 partitions to ext4? Now that we have a CWM image that supports ext4 and several ext4 kernels, it would be really nice if someone could also explain how to convert Android partitions (specifically the ones on the G2X) from ext3 to ext4. Thanks in advance!
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When you use a kernel or ROM that uses ext 4 it will automatically convert it. If you nandroid back to a ROM that uses ext 3 it will convert it back.
CrazyCharlie said:
When you use a kernel or ROM that uses ext 4 it will automatically convert it. If you nandroid back to a ROM that uses ext 3 it will convert it back.
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Hmmm okay thank you! I'm just curious though...isn't there some kind of script or executable that can be used through the terminal to manually convert them? I believe I heard that one version is included in CyanogenMod and that there's also a version on desktop versions of Linux.
baldwinguy77 said:
Hmmm okay thank you! I'm just curious though...isn't there some kind of script or executable that can be used through the terminal to manually convert them? I believe I heard that one version is included in CyanogenMod and that there's also a version on desktop versions of Linux.
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That would be a bit outside my technical know how. Maybe somebody better versed in Linux could chime in here. Anybody?
I didn't find a guide, but I tried this and it seems to be working.
flash ext4 recovery using nvflash: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086687
in recovery flash normal cm7 nightly, gapps, and an ext4 kernel from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1073626
run the following commands from adb shell:
umount /cache
umount /data
umount /system
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
then reboot and it should work... at least it seems to be working for me
sainth said:
I didn't find a guide, but I tried this and it seems to be working.
flash ext4 recovery using nvflash: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086687
in recovery flash normal cm7 nightly, gapps, and an ext4 kernel from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1073626
run the following commands from adb shell:
umount /cache
umount /data
umount /system
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
/sbin/tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
/sbin/e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
then reboot and it should work... at least it seems to be working for me
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Awesome! Thank you very much!
To go with this post, does anyone know the commands for converting partitions back to EXT3? Thanks!
well if u just re flash the nightly ur using it will be ext3. cm isnt ext4 setup yet so pretty much all the roms rite now are ext3 so if u just flash the nightly or rom over what u have u will be fine it will install kernel too all u have to do is wipe cache then dalvik n flash rite on top n ur golden
now if u want the trinity kernel or faux kernel there ext 4 when u flash those kernels it converts everything to ext4 so dnt flash those if u wanna stay ext3 ext4 is faster tho y ext3?
sarni84 said:
now if u want the trinity kernel or faux kernel there ext 4 when u flash those kernels it converts everything to ext4 so dnt flash those if u wanna stay ext3 ext4 is faster tho y ext3?
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Oh okay thanks a lot for your response! And to answer your question, in order to have EXT4, you have to use a custom kernel (clearly -- CM doesn't support it yet). Anyway, the CM kernel is updated with every nightly whereas the custom kernels aren't necessarily updated each time. So if you want to have the most recent fixes, etc. the CM kernel is the way to go (in my opinion).
Thanks that cleared my confusion....
do roms, such as CM7 come with there own kernals? (im a noob)
lbpiscool said:
Thanks that cleared my confusion....
do roms, such as CM7 come with there own kernals? (im a noob)
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Read the post above yours......... most rims do have their own kernel......
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk

[twrp][read me]

I just need to get the word out, now that I have seen this go from a couple user issue to maybe, getting out of control.....The new TWRP has a issue with formatting data, I have experienced this first hand. It ended for me in a softbrick, and a few users on the forums...I would never want this to happen to anyone.. Im sure TWRP feels the same.... Just be aware of the issue.. I have posted on there fourm page about the issue...Thx as always lj
sbdags said:
You'll have to format the data partition manually with the following in the terminal emulator under advanced in twrp.
mke2fs -T ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
Note you will lose everything on internal so move backups and your ROM zips to flash onto your micro SD.
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mke2fs -T ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8

[Nook HD/HD+] REPIT: enlarge /system and /data partitions without wiping your data

you can now use REPIT to increase the size of the /system partition on the Nook HD/HD+ to 1 GiB to support the newest roms with gapps. while you do this, you can optionally also add 0.5 GiB of free space to /data. the extra space is repurposed from partitions that go unused in custom roms.
see the details here:
full doc for REPIT is here, please read it:
additionally, this note can be interesting for users and rom developers alike:
this is for Nook HD+ only, but HD owners can request a port of REPIT by following the instruction in the doc page.
UPDATE: a port request was submitted by BultoPaco and now REPIT supports the Nook HD too.
Lanchon said:
you can now use REPIT to increase the size of the /system partition on the Nook HD+ to 1 GiB to support the newest roms with gapps. while you do this, you can optionally also add 0.5 GiB of free space to /data. the extra space is repurposed from partitions that go unused in custom roms.
see the details here:
full doc for REPIT is here, please read it:
additionally, this note can be interesting for users and rom developers alike:
this is for Nook HD+ only, but HD owners can request a port of REPIT by following the instruction in the doc page.
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This is great. Would also be helpful if you included information on how to go to stock partition layout, but big thanks indeed.
ajislav said:
This is great. Would also be helpful if you included information on how to go to stock partition layout, but big thanks indeed.
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added to the github note.
Following the guide \https://github.com/Lanchon/REPIT/issues/59 to increase /data,
"you can also add approximately 0.5 GiB to /data"
Does it make difference if the Ovation is 16gb or 32gb model
king200 said:
Following the guide \https://github.com/Lanchon/REPIT/issues/59 to increase /data,
"you can also add approximately 0.5 GiB to /data"
Does it make difference if the Ovation is 16gb or 32gb model
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this was made and tested with the 16GB version. in all other devices REPIT has been smart enough to adapt to these differences automatically. it should work with the 32GB version. but if there's anything strange or too different, REPIT will bail instead of messing up your device.
Ext4 only?
Mine returns an error not able to read superblock on data even if I am only trying to expand system. my data and cache are f2fs. Is that the problem? I'll cut/paste the log here when I'm back on my ovation.
This with the 3.0.2 twrp currently in experimental folder
Update: OK, went back and reread the general instructions. Looks like doesn't work for f2fs. I did convert cache to ext4 and set data=same, but still returned error.
Using Android 7 and latest TWRP on Nook HD+. Downloaded repit file zip, renamed as per instructions & downloaded delete stock rom zip. Flashed delete stock rom in twrp w/o problems. Flashed renamed repit file and Got error 1 after flashing. Told to reboot and flash from tmp folder and also got error 1. The error related to unable to reload partition table and unable to mount all partitions. Info from file manager shows using 5.11 GB out of 27.01 GB of internal storage
Any ideas???.
I just did this today.
I tried to flash lanchon-repit-XXXXXXXX-factory=same-system=1G-cache=112M+wipe-data=same-ovation.zip using twrp, but it gave me errors. I tried to follow the instructions to flash the file from the /tmp folder that it has copied, but it still gave me errors about /emmc partition not able to be umounted. I tried this a few times according to instructions posted on github but still no-go.
This is how I got around the issue:
I went into TWRP's Advanced menu and open up Terminal. Then I did
umount -a
There will be some errors that some partition cannot be umounted (eg. /tmp). I ignored that.
Now, I flashed the REPIT script again from /tmp folder. This will now run the script, but at the end, it will fail with the error about not being able to write /etc/fstab file. I ignored that (Android's file is /fstab.ovation).
Then I went ahead and flashed a cm13 build as usual. After rebooting into cm13, I opened up terminal and then did a df. I could see that /system partition had then expanded to 1034136 1-K blocks, which was roughly 1GB. Hoping that the partition will stay, I then flashed a gapps package, and it went through. On rebooting, I found that about 73% of the /system partition was used (it was around 55% without gapps). So, everything seems to look good.
Hope that helps.
tsoheq said:
I just did this today.
I tried to flash lanchon-repit-XXXXXXXX-factory=same-system=1G-cache=112M+wipe-data=same-ovation.zip using twrp, but it gave me errors. I tried to follow the instructions to flash the file from the /tmp folder that it has copied, but it still gave me errors about /emmc partition not able to be umounted. I tried this a few times according to instructions posted on github but still no-go.
This is how I got around the issue:
I went into TWRP's Advanced menu and open up Terminal. Then I did
umount -a
There will be some errors that some partition cannot be umounted (eg. /tmp). I ignored that.
Now, I flashed the REPIT script again from /tmp folder. This will now run the script, but at the end, it will fail with the error about not being able to write /etc/fstab file. I ignored that (Android's file is /fstab.ovation).
Then I went ahead and flashed a cm13 build as usual. After rebooting into cm13, I opened up terminal and then did a df. I could see that /system partition had then expanded to 1034136 1-K blocks, which was roughly 1GB. Hoping that the partition will stay, I then flashed a gapps package, and it went through. On rebooting, I found that about 73% of the /system partition was used (it was around 55% without gapps). So, everything seems to look good.
Hope that helps.
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I tried following this unsuccessfully - any chance of an idiot's walkthrough?
I got as far as running the report file from tmp with no errors but when trying to flash Pico gapps I'm told it runs out of space. so close and yet I'm too thick to know what I'm doing wrong
gascomm said:
I tried following this unsuccessfully - any chance of an idiot's walkthrough?
I got as far as running the report file from tmp with no errors but when trying to flash Pico gapps I'm told it runs out of space. so close and yet I'm too thick to know what I'm doing wrong
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What was the partition size when you do a "df" in a terminal? If it did expand, then the df command should show you the expanded /system partition size.
prsa01 said:
Mine returns an error not able to read superblock on data even if I am only trying to expand system. my data and cache are f2fs. Is that the problem? I'll cut/paste the log here when I'm back on my ovation.
This with the 3.0.2 twrp currently in experimental folder
Update: OK, went back and reread the general instructions. Looks like doesn't work for f2fs. I did convert cache to ext4 and set data=same, but still returned error.
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f2fs partitions cannot be resized without wiping on planet earth. if there exists an f2fs resize tool, only aliens have it.
you can can wipe data (not recommended) or you can flash the standard repit to simply grow /system with /cache if you want. /data will not be enlarged of course.
f2fs on /cache is stupid, don't ever do it!!! only /data should be f2fs.
acr123 said:
Using Android 7 and latest TWRP on Nook HD+. Downloaded repit file zip, renamed as per instructions & downloaded delete stock rom zip. Flashed delete stock rom in twrp w/o problems. Flashed renamed repit file and Got error 1 after flashing. Told to reboot and flash from tmp folder and also got error 1. The error related to unable to reload partition table and unable to mount all partitions. Info from file manager shows using 5.11 GB out of 27.01 GB of internal storage
Any ideas???.
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this has been explained to death now, read the REPIT docs for the solution. create a github issue WITH THE REQUIRED INFO (as detailed in the docs) if you need official support.
tsoheq said:
I just did this today.
I tried to flash lanchon-repit-XXXXXXXX-factory=same-system=1G-cache=112M+wipe-data=same-ovation.zip using twrp, but it gave me errors. I tried to follow the instructions to flash the file from the /tmp folder that it has copied, but it still gave me errors about /emmc partition not able to be umounted. I tried this a few times according to instructions posted on github but still no-go.
This is how I got around the issue:
I went into TWRP's Advanced menu and open up Terminal. Then I did
umount -a
There will be some errors that some partition cannot be umounted (eg. /tmp). I ignored that.
Now, I flashed the REPIT script again from /tmp folder. This will now run the script, but at the end, it will fail with the error about not being able to write /etc/fstab file. I ignored that (Android's file is /fstab.ovation).
Then I went ahead and flashed a cm13 build as usual. After rebooting into cm13, I opened up terminal and then did a df. I could see that /system partition had then expanded to 1034136 1-K blocks, which was roughly 1GB. Hoping that the partition will stay, I then flashed a gapps package, and it went through. On rebooting, I found that about 73% of the /system partition was used (it was around 55% without gapps). So, everything seems to look good.
Hope that helps.
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you didn't need to reflash system of course, REPIT keeps the data as explained in the docs. glad it worked.
btw, it is enough to follow the docs about unmounting partitions using the TWRP UI.
gascomm said:
I tried following this unsuccessfully - any chance of an idiot's walkthrough?
I got as far as running the report file from tmp with no errors but when trying to flash Pico gapps I'm told it runs out of space. so close and yet I'm too thick to know what I'm doing wrong
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read the docs, everything is there. you can't be helped if you don't provide the REPIT log. (that is also stated in the docs, btw.)
Can confirm this works on 32gb ovation. Just finished after a bit of fighting. As always, YMMV but this was the process I followed:
Ran the delete file. Success.
Ran the resize file, errors.
Ran the resize file from tmp, errors.
Ran "umount -a" from terminal then reran resize from tmp, errors.
I found both my data and cache partitions were f2fs. Formatted both back to ext4 since f2fs cannot be resized. This was easy for me as I had all the important stuff backed up but be sure to back your data up before doing this, it will wipe the partition.
After the wipe I loaded one file on to the data drive, the renamed resize file.
Tried running the resize file. Unmount errors and the run from tmp message.
Went into terminal, ran "umount -a" 3 times. The first I got several errors, the second and third only one.
Went into tmp and ran the file. After realizing the process was working and was going to take a while, I plugged up the charger (wall, not pc) and let it set overnight.
Came back this morning to one error, the fstab error. No unmount errors though.
Remounted the drives in twrp and ran "df" in terminal. 1gb system.
Rebooted and ran through the setup
Reloaded my roms/gapps folder manually via USB
Rebooted to TWRP and ran opengapps pico. Completed succesfully.
Rebooted and had play store in apps. Logged into gapps.
Thank you Lanchon, this helps bring life back to an old love.
asksmity said:
Can confirm this works on 32gb ovation. Just finished after a bit of fighting. As always, YMMV but this was the process I followed:
Ran the delete file. Success.
Ran the resize file, errors.
Ran the resize file from tmp, errors.
Ran "umount -a" from terminal then reran resize from tmp, errors.
I found both my data and cache partitions were f2fs. Formatted both back to ext4 since f2fs cannot be resized. This was easy for me as I had all the important stuff backed up but be sure to back your data up before doing this, it will wipe the partition.
After the wipe I loaded one file on to the data drive, the renamed resize file.
Tried running the resize file. Unmount errors and the run from tmp message.
Went into terminal, ran "umount -a" 3 times. The first I got several errors, the second and third only one.
Went into tmp and ran the file. After realizing the process was working and was going to take a while, I plugged up the charger (wall, not pc) and let it set overnight.
Came back this morning to one error, the fstab error. No unmount errors though.
Remounted the drives in twrp and ran "df" in terminal. 1gb system.
Rebooted and ran through the setup
Reloaded my roms/gapps folder manually via USB
Rebooted to TWRP and ran opengapps pico. Completed succesfully.
Rebooted and had play store in apps. Logged into gapps.
Thank you Lanchon, this helps bring life back to an old love.
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you are welcome!
lol! why not read the docs???
if you wanted to change the file system in /data to ext4 all you needed was to change:
which is the same as:
given that ext4 is the default fs for /data and /cache.
using -data=max+wipe would have been so much faster than moving a huge empty partition around!!! it would have finished the operation in around a minute. not to mention adding less wear and tear to the emmc of your aging device.
the file system in /cache was never a problem, you did not need to change it back to ext4. you were using -cache=32M+wipe which means that REPIT would resize/move the partition without keeping its contents (wiping) and without regard for the previous file system type and state (ie, whether it had errors, etc).
if you wanted to enlarge /data AND ALSO KEEP /DATA AS F2FS, all you needed was to change:
f2fs cannot be resized, but it can be moved/resized while wiping. (ie, the partition can be recreated from scratch with the new size, if data retention is not required.) this is all explained in the docs, seriously lol...
using an f2fs /cache partition is dumb and completely useless. all who have f2fs /cache are adviced to change /cache back to ext4 and leave it that way.
regarding the umount stuff, maybe your TWRP has an issue, but i'm willing to bet that if you followed instructions to the letter, you wouldn't have needed all that. the guy that requested the ovation port of repit (look for the github issue (closed now)) and first ran the test version did not have any of this issues. the TWRP he used is documented in the port request.
anyway, thank you very much for documenting what worked for you!
Lanchon said:
you are welcome!
lol! why not read the docs???
if you wanted to change the file system in /data to ext4 all you needed was to change:
which is the same as:
given that ext4 is the default fs for /data and /cache.
using -data=max+wipe would have been so much faster than moving a huge empty partition around!!! it would have finished the operation in around a minute. not to mention adding less wear and tear you the emmc of your aging device.
the file system in /cache was never a problem, you did not need to change it back to ext4. you were using -cache=32M+wipe which means that REPIT would resize/move the partition without keeping its contents (wiping) and without regard for the previous file system type and state (ie, whether it had errors, etc).
if you wanted to enlarge /data AND ALSO KEEP /DATA AS F2FS, all you needed was to change:
f2fs cannot be resized, but it can be moved/resized while wiping. (ie, the partition can be recreated from scratch with the new size, if data retention is not required.) this is all explained in the docs, seriously lol...
using an f2fs /cache partition is dumb and completely useless. all who have f2fs /cache are adviced to change /cache back to ext4 and leave it that way.
regarding the umount stuff, maybe your TWRP has an issue, but i'm willing to bet that if you followed instructions to the letter, you wouldn't have needed all that. the guy that requested the ovation port of repit (look for the github issue (closed now)) and first ran the test version did not have any of this issues. the TWRP he used is documented in the port request.
anyway, thank you very much for documenting what worked for you!
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Very good info above!
I could have done that as well, and probably should have. But there was conformation in the thread that the options I renamed to worked. So for me being a "part timer" I wanted to make sure that I was not the reason for the issue (ie: fat fingering an extra letter in one of the options or misplacing an option). I have a bad habit of screwing things up.
As a recommendation, it might be a good idea to include some of these sample options in you main thread and explain what they do. I know I know, docs docs docs but it helps us roughians and would probably keep the issue posts down.
Thanks again for the tool and the feedback!
I read all the docs and used Lanchon's tip above to wipe /data and retain f2fs file structure. Got an error running it from my SD card but, when I ran it from the internal tmp folder (as instructed), it worked perfectly. Thank you @Lanchon! I'm going to request a Hummingbird version so I can have both of my Nooks optimized?
Sent from my Nook HD using Tapatalk
Is this supposed to provide more space for Gapps? I ran this and it worked with no errors, but I can't install any different sized gapps than nano.
EDIT: nano is still too big too.
Jazviper said:
Is this supposed to provide more space for Gapps? I ran this and it worked with no errors, but I can't install any different sized gapps than nano.
EDIT: nano is still too big too.
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tl;dr: you can fix this by pressing the resize partition button on twrp.

