i have xperia miro i have updated it to the latest firmware 11.0.a.5.5 but now i cant root my phone so i have to daown grade to old firmware and root then reupgrade to latest firmware with root plz help me i m in trouble
I'm total noob here and I need help. I'm very confused.
I want to root my Xperia Miro. It has android 4.0.4, 11.0.A.5.5 firmware. I can't find custom ROM and I don't know how to flash this phone so i can root it.
here's how to root miro , hope it works
and here's how to Flash on CM10
hope i helped
The Xperia J got the update to the JB but I still unable to update my device. is there someone that can help me?
Xperia J:
4.0.4 ICS,
Karnel 3.0.8
Build: 11.0.A.7.5
Wrong section
I am using sony ericsson lww 19i.I need to update my phone from 2.3.4 to 4.0.4..i just unlock bootloader and root my device..and I dont know how to instal cwm on my device..give me solution...thank [email protected]}--
I've been trying to install the eXperia ROM, but it needs firmware version 11.3.A.2.23 and my phone is on 11.3.A.2.33. How can i revet to the previous version?
Thanks in advance!
Sony Xperia E C1505, TWRP Recovery
With almost any ROM, when it says you need xx.xxx.xx.x firmware, it means you need that version or newer.
You should be good to flash that ROM.
Hey, I use Xperia z3 d6653, 23.4.A.1.232 firmware.. I could not find a way to root it. Flashing 4.4.4 firmware was not successfull, king root doesnt work.
Please give me a way